View Full Version : Insomniacs report in!

2008-09-01, 02:31 AM
Since there are a few posters on here besides me, I am betting some don't simply live in a different timezone.

So, who else likes spending their time here while the Sandman skips over their home once again?

2008-09-01, 02:32 AM
Red 5 standing by. Sorry, couldn't resist with the title.

2008-09-01, 02:44 AM
Hmmm yeah. But now my parents have times that I need to go to put my pc out and go to bed.

Helloooo being awake in bed for a looong, loong time.(Because I can easily be bored) Despite that I already take pills.

2008-09-01, 02:48 AM
You called?

Yeah, insomnia is an annoying problem.

2008-09-01, 02:54 AM
Current time: 2:58am CDT.

The Vorpal Tribble
2008-09-01, 02:54 AM
Ugh... it's strange timing that you made this thread. I fall asleep incredibly easily but tonight is the third night of horrible nightmares having awaken me.

What was it tonight? An incredibly realistic dream where I was brainwashed and sent to kill the girl I love, but at the last moment stabbed myself instead to save her.


2008-09-01, 02:56 AM
Well I used to have sleeping problems, but I think I grew out of it when I got older. In my timezone it's 10.00 AM right now so I would not count this as night anyway.

2008-09-01, 02:57 AM
4 am on the spot here. gonna take another crack at the old mattress.

2008-09-01, 03:25 AM
I used to go to bed at a reasonable hour (well, reasonable for a college student), but not that I'm out of college and have yet to procure a job I don't really have any reason to go to sleep at a decent time. Tonight's the third night in a row that I've still been up (and on GitP!) at almost 5:00am.

Also, this is exactly how I felt when I came how for Christmas Break as a college student:

http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/christmas_back_home.png (http://xkcd.com/361/)
Alt-Text: Family going to bed at 10 PM is so much worse than jet lag.

2008-09-01, 03:40 AM
That sounds a lot like a Romeo and Juliet-esque dream there, Vorpal.

@^ Oh and hilarious comic.

2008-09-01, 04:41 AM
Chronic insomniac reporting in.

My ambitions of sleep haven't been help of late by my lizard going on heat and rampaging around my bed at 3 in the morning...

I get creative at night. It's when I do all my writing and most of my drawing.

Dave Rapp
2008-09-01, 04:49 AM
HA HA HA! You people call yourself insomniacs? You don't know the meaning of insomnia! Pills and dreams and mattresses? HA! A real insomniac neither complains about it nor tries to stop it. They build their life around it instead, adopting it into themselves as a key aspect of their life!

That's enough of that. Yeah, I can't sleep either. :smallsigh:

2008-09-01, 04:51 AM
HA HA HA! You people call yourself insomniacs? You don't know the meaning of insomnia! Pills and dreams and mattresses? HA! A real insomniac neither complains about it nor tries to stop it. They build their life around it instead, adopting it into themselves as a key aspect of their life!

That's enough of that. Yeah, I can't sleep either. :smallsigh:
Hey, that they don't allow me to go to a night-school and make me take pills is not my fault!

Also, my brains, artistic sense and inspirational sense work best at night.

2008-09-01, 04:54 AM
Lizards come on heat?

2008-09-01, 05:08 AM
HA HA HA! You people call yourself insomniacs? You don't know the meaning of insomnia! Pills and dreams and mattresses? HA! A real insomniac neither complains about it nor tries to stop it. They build their life around it instead, adopting it into themselves as a key aspect of their life!

That's enough of that. Yeah, I can't sleep either. :smallsigh:

We pay the private school a crapload of money each year, and I still have to wake up at about 6:30 to go there, and finish homework at about 5. Well, that's if I did all of it. But no, they won't start classes at about 2pm, which would be preferable.

And so here I am.

Dumbledore lives
2008-09-01, 05:17 AM
I wouldn't classify myself as an Insomniac but some people might. I normally have to get off the computer around 11, but then I read in bed until at least midnight, sometimes around 1. I get more then enough sleep, and normally I don't go to sleep when I'm tired, just when I'm bored of my book. My parents won't exactly let me stay up very late though, so it's not really a problem. It's not late here at all. Just past 10.

2008-09-01, 09:06 AM
Lizards come on heat?

if allowed contact with the natural world and made aware of seasons they do. every spring. most animals do, that's why spring is often referred to as mating season.
of course a lot of reptile kept in captivity are artificially heated all year round and never let outside... this can really mess them up and they can stay on heat most of the year. it's believed to shorten their lives though and is just unnatural, so i don't do it.
And i would hate to have to deal with a horny Avie for more than just 3-4 months a year...

it's ten past midnight here and i've just been writing possible amendments to a constitution and leveling my BE hunter... but now i have to at least go and pretend to sleep as tomorrow i need to go talk to some cops about the laws pertaining to the practice of archery in this state and then go to the library and try and document the wearing of a dagger or knife on the belt of a lady existing between 1360 and 1410 in Germany... yay...

2008-09-01, 09:24 AM
In it's natural habitat, the rare male Felixaar commonly begins it's days at approximately 6PM - back to back Family Guy on CW - and finishes them at around 7 or 8 AM the next morning.

2008-09-01, 09:46 AM
I don't really have insomnia, I just forget to sleep sometimes.

Also, I hear light excerise before you attempt sleep helps.

2008-09-01, 09:47 PM
I have a love/hate relationship with sleep.

In one hand it's terribly unproductive. You can't get anything done at all no matter how much you try to type in your sleep.

In the other hand, I LOVE sleeping. It feels so good I never want to get up in the morning. Sleep is the best invention since happiness.

2008-09-01, 09:56 PM
Hmmm yeah. But now my parents have times that I need to go to put my pc out and go to bed.

Helloooo being awake in bed for a looong, loong time.(Because I can easily be bored) Despite that I already take pills.

Same here. Except for the bit about the pills.

I'm usually up until midnight at least, and when I go to bed earlier, like 10, I wake up pretty early, usually around 4 or 5AM.

2008-09-01, 10:11 PM
I have forced insomnia. My girlfriend works at Wendy's nearby, and we've been in the habit of talking before we go to sleep for years.

Plus side: We have a great relationship

Minus side: I can't sleep until I've talked to her. And she works nights. Hello, 3 am, how are you doing during these fine wee hours?

2008-09-01, 10:18 PM
i stay up late and don't accomplish anything worthwhile because i enjoy that exhausted feeling. also, writing.

Inhuman Bot
2008-09-01, 10:51 PM
Ugh, I have this problem. It is going to suck once school starts >.>

2008-09-01, 11:53 PM
ello all. I, like many people, don't sleep at night. I sleep during the day which, for the record, is a superior time to sleep because then you don't have things like the sun bugging you constantly with their existence.

Fortunately for me, I get to work night shift. While not exactly fun, this does conform to my generally skewed sleep pattern. Which I have actually managed to adjust to the point where I can now wake up around 5 or 6. Also I'm very tired right now, because I've only got around 6 hours of sleep for the past week or so, but I'll be damned if I go to sleep any time during the next 10 hours.