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View Full Version : Alvin Silvermaul - Gish (3.5e)

2008-09-01, 11:17 AM
so my flying-firebreathing-Kobold died and i made a new character rather than take the reincarnation (who wants to play a mini-dragon anyway?)

For your entertainment i present:

Alvin Silvermaul
Duskblade 5 / Wizard 1 / Abjurant Champion 5 / Spellblade spellsword1
Silverbrow Human
Str: 12 +4 (16)
Dex: 14
Con: 14
Int: 19 +4 (23)
Wis: 10
Cha: 8

un-Buffed AC: 23
self-Buffed AC: 32 (1 swift action to cast shield, duration 22 minutes)

BAB: +11
Wizard spells as 7th level wizard (caster level 11)
Duskblade spells as 5th level duskblade (caster level 5)
Armour: dragonscale Husk (AC+7, resistance 5 vs electricity, acid, fire and cold)
EWP: Maul (+3 adamantine maul (+17/+12/+7 1d10+6))
Reserve feats: clap of thunder, fiery burst, sunlight eyes
best spells: blur, mirror image, greater mighty wallop, burning blade, shield(+9AC)

fully buffed Maul deals (3d8+1d6+6)

so, one question regarding shield: as shield is a force effect does its bonus add to touch AC?

2008-09-01, 05:05 PM
so, one question regarding shield: as shield is a force effect does its bonus add to touch AC?

Sadly, no.

By the way, where is Spellblade from?

Edit: Also look up the spells: Thunderlance(Spell compedium) and Greater luminous armor(Book of exalted deeds).

2008-09-01, 05:12 PM
sorry posted from memory while at work.

not spellblade, spellsword (http://www.iourn.com/dnd/classes/prestigeclasses/spellsword.htm)

2008-09-01, 05:14 PM
so, one question regarding shield: as shield is a force effect does its bonus add to touch AC?

No Shield as a Force Effect, but still a Shield bonus so only normal AC; however, Force Effects allows work against incoprporeal touches.

So no on Touch AC, but yes on Incorporeal touch AC (basically, to a ghost you are MC Hammer, can't touch this!).

Just thought I'd clarify.

2008-09-01, 05:24 PM
Seems like a decent build. The only problem I see in it is that you're gonna miss out on full attack channeling. Try to talk your DM into trading it for two feats. It's kinda uncomfortable not being able to full attack and arcane channel at the same time at high levels. And if you don't like thunderlance consider taking Arcane strike(feat, Complete arcane) if there's a druid or some other melee machine in the party.

2008-09-01, 06:08 PM
not a huge problem, swift spell + full attack works OK for me and duskblade grants quick cast (cast 1 spell that would normally have a standard action casting time as a swift action 1/day) (and doesn't limit specifically to duskblade list) also all my abjuration spells with a casting time of a standard action are also reduced to a swift action to cast.

I'm trying to avoid casting to many direct damage spells as we have 2 other arcane casters and i'd rather let them do that while i buff melee and tank a bit (large group).