View Full Version : Get Me My Tankard!

2008-09-01, 05:24 PM
Your journey has been a hard one. The badlands of this land are unforgiving, to say the least, and it was not without some trepidation that you set out on your quest. However, the reward is great and the thrill of adventure something you have not tasted in a long while. At the town of Shadow's Edge, a group of merchants, led by a young elven soldier named T'hair offered you a place in their convoy, up to the mouth of Sorrow's Wood.

"We pass right by one of the main paths into Sorrow's Wood. We will take you their, in return for the protection your presence will no doubt afford us. However I must say I think you foolhardy. Raven's Keep is only the tip of a black, black iceberg and I would be remiss if I did not tell you that very few men who enter that forest come out alive and those that do are rarely the men they once were"

Sorrow's Wood is a vast network of thorny, twisted trees corrupted by the dark magics of the last great wars. You travel alongside it for sometime, before crossing a bridge that leads to a fork in the road; one path plunges down into the forest, the other bears East - "To the twin cities, where our animal pelts and ivory goods fetch a fine price".

However, as you near the forest's mouth a group of bandits emerge from the gloom. Two large trolls, wearing cumbersome looking plate armour, stand in your way. Behind them are three brutish looking orcs armed with swords and bows. Each bandit has a white star painted on their forehead -

"The White Tribe!" T'hair gasps "These are part of a cabal of bandits who make their home deep within the forest and prey on travelling merchants and foolhardy adventurers"

Mais, the goodly if somewhat dim cleric who accompanies you on your quest steps down from the carriage but before he can speak is cut off by the lead orc.

"You will abandon your cart and go back the way we came, or we will butcher you and feed your flesh to the trolls."

Combat hasn't neccesarily started yet, but here is a map of the situation. The Cart (C) contains two merchants and a maidservant. T'Hair is the S and his brother K'Tau, an archer, is the A. The two trolls are Ts and the Xs are the orcs. Mais stands at M20. You can start the encounter anywhere within two squares of the cart.


2008-09-01, 06:56 PM
Clearly, I should have read all my PM's before replying to the first one... :smallamused:
Here are "a bunch" of initiative rolls:
Initiative: [roll0]
Initiative: [roll1]
Initiative: [roll2]
Initiative: [roll3]
Initiative: [roll4]
Initiative: [roll5]
Initiative: [roll6]
Initiative: [roll7]
Initiative: [roll8]
Initiative: [roll9]
Initiative: [roll10]
Initiative: [roll11]
Initiative: [roll12]
Initiative: [roll13]
Initiative: [roll14]
Hopefully that's enough... :smallbiggrin:

Valarion (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=17142)

With bravado, Valarion threw his head back and laughed. "You? Feed US, to trolls? That'll be the day..." he said, suddenly springing into action, charging the nearest troll while casually flinging two shuriken as he did so.

I don't know what my initiative is yet, but I bet it's above at least one of the trolls. I'm using "Shots on the Run" as I move toward it, then spending an Action Point to use "Walking Wounded" on it when I get there. At the very least, it will be knocked down, and maybe bloodied.
First "Shot on the Run":
To Hit #1: [roll15] (Assumes I have CA via beating his initiative)
Damage #1: [roll16]
To Hit #2: [roll17] (Assumes I have CA via beating his initiative)
Damage #1: [roll18]
Walking Wounded with the +3 Dagger:
To Hit: [roll19] (Still assuming CA)
Damage: [roll20] (The +3 from the dagger is applied for each W, right?)
If Walking Wounded hits, the Troll is knocked prone, and grants me CA next round. Speaking of which, of any of the above hit, sneak attack damage is:
Sneak Attack: [roll21]
And if any of the above miss, I'll use Elven Precision to correct that little problem...

2008-09-01, 08:43 PM
*sings* Rolling Initiative, do doo, Rolling Initiative


Recks (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=72546)

Seeing his comrade leap straight into the fray, Recks can't help but laugh. "Right behind you, little buddy."

Attacking the Troll that Val didn't attack
Minor: Wrath of the Gods
-Damage bonus equal to my charisma modifier until the end of the encounter. If I somehow have higher initiative than Daryk, add +5 to all his attacks. (edit, not necessary)
Move: Moving to either O18 or P18.
Standard: Piercing Smite (encounter)
-attack [roll8] vs Reflex
-Damage [roll9]
On hit, both trolls are marked until the end of my next turn.
(HP:80 AC:25 F:23 R:18 W:23)

2008-09-01, 09:25 PM
Valarion (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=17142)

And before I forget, I designate that troll as my Quarry for the duration of the encounter or until it's finally defeated.
Hunter's Quarry damage: [roll0]

And since I have a bad feeling about that 19, here's a roll for Elven Accuracy/Precision if it's necessary:
To Hit (with +2 more this time): [roll1]

2008-09-02, 06:05 AM
Troll 1 (Left) 20 (V's opponent)
Troll 2 (Right) 15 (R's opponent)
Orc 1 (Left) 6
Orc 2 (Centre) 8
Orc 3 (Right) 16

T'hair 13
K'tau 25
Mais 17

Valarion's attacks strike true on the Troll on the left, knocking it down and bloodying it.

K'Tau stalks into the grass and looses and arrow at the rightmost orc, glancing against the orc's snarling face.

Reck's Piercing Smite finds a gap in the other Troll's defences and causes the beast to growl in pain as Reck's holy wrath rends the creature's scaly flesh.

V's Troll rises and swings at Valarion, catching him with his wicked claws (12HP damage)

Mais uses Break The Spirirt on V's Troll, bathing it in scorching light and searing the creature's flesh.

T'hair moves round to V's troll's left side and strikes it with his sword, missing the creature by a ahir's breadth.

The three orcs look on with grins on their faces, seemingly either too arrogant or too lazy to get drawn into combat.

2008-09-02, 06:00 PM
Valarion (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=17142)

Seeing his target stand unsteadily, Valarion dodged around the troll, looking for an opening, then struck again with his dagger.

Darn it, I thought standing up would grant me combat advantage. Reading the rules closely, however, reveals otherwise. If I'd been smart, I would have used Setup Strike instead of Walking Wounded last round. To try to correct this error, I'm using Tumble to gain Combat Advantage via flanking, and Setup Strike to gain CA next turn:
To Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Sneak Attack Damage: [roll2]
Hunter's Quarry Damage: [roll3]
And one more hit point of damage I forgot to add from last round (+1 STR bonus to Sneak Attack from Brutal Scoundrel tactics).
BTW, did I need Elven Accuracy/Precision last round?
Edit: Because, you know, I may need it this round...:smalleek:
And that should be 1d20+16, not 15... miskeyed there...

2008-09-02, 10:17 PM
Recks (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=72546)

Hacking away at the troll, Recks suddenly glows with a bright white light.

The mark from Piercing Smite is the same as Divine Challenge, right? If so, any troll that attacks someone other than me takes 8 radiant damage.

Minor- Divine Challenge on V's Troll
Standard- Divine Reverence
-attack troll 1 (V's) [roll0] vs will
-attack troll 2 (R's) [roll1] vs will
-damage [roll2]
-Effect: On hit the target is dazed until the end of my next turn.
(HP:80 AC:25 F:23 R:18 W:23)

2008-09-03, 07:02 AM
((Elven Accuracy was indeed needed))

Valarion's attack is wide of the mark and the troll laughs brutishly in his face, muttering somethign under his breath.

K'Tau's arrow strike true this time, felling the rightmost orc. Even K'Tau seems surprised by this.

Reck's holy might strips flesh from V's troll, but his mate appears unharmed.

V's Troll turns to Recks and swings for him, missing by a fair margin in his rage.

Mais' lance of faith catches V's troll right in the chest, causing the creature to cry in agony.

T'hair hacks away at V's troll but fails to injure it.

The two remaining orcs begin to look slightly worried and move two squares backwards (i.e. north).

You notice the Troll's wounds begin to close almost as soon as they are opened. T'hair cries out "These trolls heal themseleves with the wicked magic that courses trhough their veins! Acid and fire will harm them the most!"

2008-09-03, 10:23 AM
Recks (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=72546)

"How was I supposed to know that?" He slashes at the troll. "Have you got any fire, little buddy?"

@Daryk, taking my turn, out of turn, so don't read until after you make yours.

Jumping in with my action before I go to bed. I've been playing through the Sam & Max episodes lately, so the "little buddy" comment is a reference to that.

Standard- Holy Smite (attacking V's troll if it's still standing after his attack, otherwise hit mine and subtract 2 from the attack roll and 1 from the damage roll)
-attack [roll0] vs AC(it's dazed, so we have combat advantage)
-damage [roll1] (+1 Holy strike, +5 from Wrath of the Gods)

(HP:80 AC:25 F:23 R:18 W:23)

BTW, shouldn't trolls be taking up 4 squares?

2008-09-03, 06:19 PM
Valarion (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=17142)

Val lunged again at his troll, still looking for an opening. After he had stabbed, he answered Recks, "Fire? Let's worry about putting them down first, eh?"

Continuing to shift as necessary to maintain CA, Val uses Torturous Strike to stab at his foe.
To Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Sneak Attack Damage: [roll2]
Hunter's Quarry Damage: [roll3]