View Full Version : Epic Journey of Epic Proportions

Midnight Son
2008-09-02, 02:20 AM
...or, how I rode across the country and back.

So, My journey is about to begin. I will be riding out to visit my family in Oregon first, but then, I shall start my cross country ride. I plan to go visit places I've never been, and see things I've never seen. This thread will be used to keep you all up to date. I will be setting up a blog for it as well. It hasn't been finalized, but here will be the site. (http://midnight-son.blogspot.com/)

Feel free to post any comments here or there. I hope it will be as epic a journey in life as it is now in my mind.

2008-09-02, 02:28 AM
Best wishes for an epic (and safe) trip.

2008-09-02, 02:41 AM
I love when people do stuff like this, and I've been planning to do something like it next summer when I go on my own excellent adventure to Europe. I'll definitely be checking in to see what all cool stuff you do (since I've traveled America quite a bit myself being the son of an military family that LOVES to vacation in diverse, usually-historical places).

If you get to North Carolina and don't have anything to do, just ask - I've been all over and can come up with some great ideas for little excursions (and tell you where to get some good ol' Lexington-style NC barbeque).

Have fun out there on the open road!

2008-09-02, 03:14 AM
sounds groovey, good luck in the journey!

2008-09-02, 04:12 AM

Safe riding Midnight Son. We like you alive and unspoiled. :smallamused:

(*settles in for new "Zen & the Art of Motorcycle Maintainence"...only with less philosophical waffle and more fun anecdotage*)

2008-09-02, 04:30 AM
Aww, I count as family? Bahahaha, I kid, but I look forward to seeing you anyway.

Also, kick ass man. No more wicked accidents though, y'hear? Eat regularly.

An Enemy Spy
2008-09-02, 06:07 PM
If you go by Seattle, go to a Seahawks Game. They kick ass at home

Zeb The Troll
2008-09-03, 02:50 AM
I'm jealous. I wish I had the time and funding to do something like this. Some day I will. In the meantime I'll be happy doing it vicariously through this thread and your blog.

Safe travels, fellow Hog Goblin. As they say, keep the metal side up and the rubber side down.


Midnight Son
2008-09-03, 08:28 AM
Well, I am off(in about an hour). First stop, Baker City, OR. Not much to see there, but its half way between me and my parents' place. I'll be taking pics and posting as I go, though I may not have internet everywhere.

Thanks for the well wishes, Zeb. Looking forward to visiting the cave again, probably late this month, or early next.

2008-09-03, 09:29 AM
Good luck.

But a cross country trip? You must be rich to afford those gas prices.

Also, please let us know of any good eating places you drop by. Food is the best part of any trip!

2008-09-03, 10:23 AM
I wish you well in your journey.
Some time, you should go a step up in epicness: the world.
You will be a different man afterwards. An improved man.

Bor the Barbarian Monk
2008-09-03, 12:09 PM
Be safe on your journey. If you find yourself in Phoenix for whatever reason, give me the headsup and we can go for coffee (that you'll but me). :smallwink:

Oh...To make the offer a little sweeter, and since you're goal is to see things you've never seen before, we have ROCKS! Lots and lots of ROCKS! (That should fascinate you to no end!) :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-03, 12:12 PM
How does one usually find interbuttz on a road trip?

2008-09-03, 12:44 PM
Im asuming you are going to be drivin on a motorbike for the trip? Good luck man :P

2008-09-03, 12:45 PM
Good luck midnight son!
Have fun, ride safe and eat cookies regularly.:smalltongue:

And don't forget clean underwear!:smalltongue:

How does one usually find interbuttz on a road trip?

I know certain Mcdonalds that have free wifi. Sadly I do not have a laptop.

2008-09-03, 01:17 PM
Good luck. I will be keeping an eye on this epic odyssey, and hopefully learn something about American geography, which extends about as far as "New York is East, California West, Canada to the North and Mexico to the South".

Must... know... more...

2008-09-03, 01:47 PM
Good luck, be safe and have much fun Midnight Son!

It would indeed be very cool to do something like this. Might take me a while to do on a bicycle though.

2008-09-03, 02:56 PM
I don't know...cycling across America brings an entirely new dimension of torturous satisfaction. The Race Across America athletes complete the entire tour in around ten-ish days. Damn.

I've always wanted to take a long road trip, but my Senior year, coming-of-age trip found me hiking for three weeks in New Mexico. Which was awesome. But motorbiking across the country--well, man, that's damn honorable. Alton Brown did something like that for one of his shows, I believe. And anything associated with him is, intrinsically, awesome.

2008-09-03, 04:53 PM
Why not some music (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=87-0SeofdaU)?

Midnight Son
2008-09-04, 12:24 AM
Day one is up (http://midnight-son.blogspot.com/) Tell me what you think. Its my first ever blog, so constructive criticisms and comments are quite welcome.

In addition, just for you playgrounders; How can you tell that you are a low level character?

the only encounters your DM gives you are a strong headwind and many small flying insects. Oh, and my mount gave me a case of the ass-cramps.* Good thing I was able to purchase a +1 helmet of Insect Slaying. Not one got through my AC and I think they must only have a 1AC, cause I killed every single one of them.

*Not that I'm complaining. If that's the worst I have to deal with on this little adventure of mine, I'll count myself very lucky, indeed.

2008-09-04, 01:23 AM
As a curiosity, do you have an itinerary (I know I spelled that wrong) for the rest of your tour?

2008-09-04, 01:41 AM
Hey, Boise isn't a haven of villainy! ... Yeah, nevermind :P

2008-09-04, 03:50 AM
How does one usually find interbuttz on a road trip?

Follow the trucks :smallwink:

2008-09-04, 04:10 AM
Wow, good luck, Midnight Son!

Strangely, I recently re-connected with an old college buddy via Facebook, only to find that he was about to leave home (Colorado Springs) to ride down to somewhere in Mexico on a bicycle.

I envy his/your freedom. I have far too many bills/committments to be able to make an Epic Journey such as this. :smallfrown:

2008-09-04, 02:48 PM
Day one is up (http://midnight-son.blogspot.com/) Tell me what you think. Its my first ever blog, so constructive criticisms and comments are quite welcome.

In addition, just for you playgrounders; How can you tell that you are a low level character?

the only encounters your DM gives you are a strong headwind and many small flying insects. Oh, and my mount gave me a case of the ass-cramps.* Good thing I was able to purchase a +1 helmet of Insect Slaying. Not one got through my AC and I think they must only have a 1AC, cause I killed every single one of them.

*Not that I'm complaining. If that's the worst I have to deal with on this little adventure of mine, I'll count myself very lucky, indeed.

Hehehe. How much xp do they give?
'Splat!' +1
'Splat splat splat' +5, bonus for group attack

Fantastic intro to Idaho and small winged insects. I'm looking forward to seeing what happened today. First full day away from home! I hope it goes/went great. :smallsmile:

2008-09-04, 03:26 PM
You're being attacked by insect-themed monsters, MS? And you're riding a motorcycle?

Are you sure you're not a Kamen Rider?

2008-09-04, 03:26 PM
I'd like to do something like this sometime, but sailing in a boat. Maybe down the east coast, or the Mississippi river. Anyways good on ya man, it looks awesome.

EDIT: Better yet, down the Mississippi, through the Gulf of Mexico, around Florida, and up the east coast! Yeah, that'd be awesome...

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2008-09-04, 04:08 PM
You're not going to Toronto are you...


Midnight Son
2008-09-05, 03:48 AM
You're not going to Toronto are you...


I am planning a visit to the area. I'll see if I can finagle some time for a get together of area playgrounders.

Day 2 is up. (http://midnight-son.blogspot.com/) As you will see, the DM grew a sense of humour. I think I shall not jinx myself further and just say that I made it safely to today's destination, rubber side down the whole way.

2008-09-05, 03:52 AM
Yay! Rushes off to check on Day 2.

Midnight Son
2008-09-06, 01:24 AM
And now, day 3. (http://midnight-son.blogspot.com/)

Not much to add here. The actual cycling portion is on hiatus till I finish visiting with family. I will post pics of them in the blog so you all can be bored to tears.

Midnight Son
2008-09-07, 12:01 AM
No Blog today. Spent the day visiting with my brother and his wife and my nieces(such little darlings). I think I will not have a report till at least Monday. Am planning an ATV sand dune excursion.

Midnight Son
2008-09-10, 12:06 AM
So I had a bit of fun today at the dunes, though not as much as I want. I can tell you that sand is pretty heavy when it fills ones sandals.

Anyway, I added some more pics, including the promised pics of the family. I'll be here till Friday morning when I hop on the bike again and head east.

Midnight Son
2008-09-12, 12:06 AM
No comments here? I'm feeling a bit let down.

Anyway, today, day 9 (http://midnight-son.blogspot.com/2008/09/09-11-08-day-9.html), was an awesome exciting day. I hope you all enjoy it.

Tomorrow I start my journey east again. Looking forward to seeing some of you. I'll be making stops in Cheyenne WY, Lincoln NE, Nauvoo IL, Toronto ON, Chicago IL, Sharon PA, New York City, Baltimore MD, Johnson City TN, Tuscaloosa AL, New Orleans LA, Weimar TX, Ft Stockton TX, Carlsbad NM, Lordsburg NM, Phoenix AZ, Flagstaff AZ, and Kenab UT.

Any of you living in those cities wish to know the dates and times, just PM me. I don't have anything set in stone beyond Toronto yet, but I'll let you know when I do.

2008-09-12, 12:15 AM
The dunes look like they were fun, too bad about the flat though. And the not letting you drive.

So did you ever catch any of those dastardly ATVs?

Midnight Son
2008-09-12, 12:29 AM
Nope. they all got away...:smalltongue:

The flat was on the way back, anyway. We'd used up our hour.

2008-09-12, 12:36 AM
I'm rooting for you for doing my part on an epic journey, midnight son!

the only encounters your DM gives you are a strong headwind and many small flying insects. Oh, and my mount gave me a case of the ass-cramps.* Good thing I was able to purchase a +1 helmet of Insect Slaying. Not one got through my AC and I think they must only have a 1AC, cause I killed every single one of them.

This. I like.

2008-09-12, 12:42 AM
That's pretty epic man. I plan on doing the same thing one day except I'm going to do it on my bicycle. And I've been to that dune place!! It's hecka fun!

2008-09-12, 12:52 AM
The dunes look good, but I'm hoping to hear more from when you're back on the road.

Renegade Paladin
2008-09-12, 02:00 AM
If I were you I'd stop editing the thread title; the board software eventually stops you from doing that, and then you'll be stuck with an out-of-date title if it's dated at all.

Midnight Son
2008-09-12, 09:28 AM
The dunes look good, but I'm hoping to hear more from when you're back on the road.Starting East this morning. I'm taking a different route back into Utah, so I'm hoping to get you all some interesting pics.

If I were you I'd stop editing the thread title; the board software eventually stops you from doing that, and then you'll be stuck with an out-of-date title if it's dated at all.Stupid board software...

You're probably right. How long does the software let you change it?

2008-09-12, 10:53 AM
Maybe you should just reset the title to 'Epic Journey of Epic Proportions' and when we see a new post from you we'll know you've updated the blog for another day?

2008-09-12, 11:12 AM
You're probably right. How long does the software let you change it?

I believe it is 30 days IIRC. Most threads never last that long so it hardly ever comes up. After that, you can request a name change from one of the mods. The one time I needed a title changed after 30 days there wasn't any problem with it and it was changed rather quickly. I doubt they'd want to do it several times just for you though.

Renegade Paladin
2008-09-12, 11:35 AM
One month. It came up when I tried to update the title on one of my story threads.

Midnight Son
2008-09-13, 10:22 PM
Days 10 and 11. (http://midnight-son.blogspot.com/2008/09/09-12-08-days-10-11.html)

Sorry I missed a day. Stupid hotel and its stupid non-wireless internet connection...

On day ten, I had the following to add here:

A bug got through my defenses today! I had stopped in a medium sized village in order to feed my mount, when I felt a tickling sensation around my boot-top, under my trousers. I pulled up the leg to see, and there was a June bug type bug, apparently wishing to hitch a ride in my boot. He was a cute l'il guy and I would have kept him, but had nothing in which to do so. Probably for the best; He was more likely a she, and was about to lay her eggs under my skin so her offspring could slowly devour me alive.

2008-09-14, 12:20 AM
Well I posted a comment. Let's just say I'm not very good at being "anonymous."

Midnight Son
2008-09-14, 01:50 AM
Well I posted a comment. Let's just say I'm not very good at being "anonymous."
I plan to be in Fort Wayne on the evening of the 17th. Is that anywhere close?

2008-09-14, 02:01 AM
Hmm... I think my mom is going to be in Fort Wayne on the 17th visiting family, I had been considering going with her but she was going to stay longer than I'd like and I need to be spending that time looking for a job. We'll see how this pans out.

2008-09-14, 02:17 AM
Fort Wayne.. mm.. a little bit farther away than I can really justify going without having some stronger reason, unfortunately. If I knew your itinerary a little bit farther ahead I'd look into trying to send a box of cookies or something to be held at a post office for ya.

2008-09-14, 02:35 AM
Hmm. Hey midi ol bud, when are you going to be in NYC? cause while you might be finished by then if its after then tenth of oct we could hang.

Midnight Son
2008-09-14, 07:51 AM
Hmm. Hey midi ol bud, when are you going to be in NYC? cause while you might be finished by then if its after then tenth of Oct we could hang.You keep missing me by this much...[] :smallsigh:

By the tenth, I should be in Baltimore with Zeb/Alarra or possibly Johnson City. Plans are not set for that far out yet. That said, I am planning on three days in NYC. Are there any playgrounders there that may be willing to host me/want to go to a show?

2008-09-14, 01:26 PM
So that's a no on me being in Fort Wayne on the 17th. Apparantly she's not going until the 19th and I doubt you'll want to be there for 3 days. I'm still contemplating o whether or not I want to go anyway...

2008-09-14, 01:31 PM
What route are you taking? Which states so some of us can kidnap you along the way? :smallwink:

Midnight Son
2008-09-14, 09:33 PM
Day 12 (http://midnight-son.blogspot.com/2008/09/09-14-08-day-12.html)

What route are you taking? Which states so some of us can kidnap you along the way? :smallwink:The set dates and cities are as follows:

Today - Laramie, Wyoming
9/14 - Lincoln, Nebraska
9/15 - Burlington, Iowa
9/16 - Ft. Wayne, Indiana
I will be in the Toronto Area for a while after that, but available to be kidnapped by whomever chooses on Monday, 9/22.

I currently have no set date for leaving Toronto, but after that the cities are as follows:

Chicago, Illinois(couple days)
Sharon, Pennsylvania
New York City(3 days)
Baltimore, Maryland(Few days)
Johnson City, Tennessee(few days)
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
New Orleans, Louisiana(couple days)
Weimar, Texas
Ft. Stockton, TX
Carlsbad, New Mexico(couple Days)
Lordsburg, New Mexico
Phoenix, Arizona(maybe two days)
Flagstaff, Arizona(Weather permitting. If not, Las Vegas)
Kanab, Utah(2 Days)
Salt Lake City, Utah(home)

2008-09-14, 09:41 PM
You keep missing me by this much...[] :smallsigh:

By the tenth, I should be in Baltimore with Zeb/Alarra or possibly Johnson City. Plans are not set for that far out yet. That said, I am planning on three days in NYC. Are there any playgrounders there that may be willing to host me/want to go to a show?

Tarnation! Well, I'm afraid you will just have to visit Aus then.
(cause I'd really hate to have to kill ya)

2008-09-14, 09:44 PM
If you went just a bit further south from JC, TN, you'd be like right next door to me. Dang. As it is, you'll wind up all of 2 hours north one day and a few hours west the next.

Midnight Son
2008-09-16, 12:06 AM
Day 13 (http://midnight-son.blogspot.com/2008/09/09-15-08-day-13.html)

To continue a trend here; you know when its raining fairly hard and you can hear the patter of the drops on your roof? Well, I was crossing the Platte River today and I heard that exact sound on my helmet. Thing is, there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Damn bugs!:smallfurious::smalltongue:

It actually was so bad, it was amusing. I had to stop every 30 miles after that for 150 miles to wipe my face shield clean. My poor mount is more bug than bike now.

2008-09-16, 12:14 AM
Day 13 (http://midnight-son.blogspot.com/2008/09/09-15-08-day-13.html)

To continue a trend here; you know when its raining fairly hard and you can hear the patter of the drops on your roof? Well, I was crossing the Platte River today and I heard that exact sound on my helmet. Thing is, there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Damn bugs!:smallfurious::smalltongue:

It actually was so bad, it was amusing. I had to stop every 30 miles after that for 150 miles to wipe my face shield clean. My poor mount is more bug than bike now.



Did you get a picture of the arch?

2008-09-16, 12:29 AM
Indeed, we want to see the arch. Go back and take a picture of it! :smalltongue:

Midnight Son
2008-09-16, 12:47 AM
I did not get a pic of it. I rode under it at 75mph, but here's one I found lying around the internet somewhere.


Midnight Son
2008-09-17, 10:44 PM
No internet yesterday, so i'm posting two today.

Day 14 (http://midnight-son.blogspot.com/2008/09/091608-day-14.html) - This day showcases some religious items. If that offends you, you may want to skip it.

Day 15 (http://midnight-son.blogspot.com/2008/09/91708-day15.html)

Bor the Barbarian Monk
2008-09-18, 06:58 AM
I must confess, following this epic journey makes me a touch envious. There was a time, many years ago, when I could hope into my car and go where I wanted, when I wanted. And I did. When the woman I was falling in love with moved from NY to AZ, I looked around, decided there was very little too keep me in NY, and chased her to Phoenix.

My journey took three days, and it was filled with a great deal of reflection, as well as music and singing. In fact, the trip had a theme song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIGTrVQLyR4). Of course, I was racing to be with my lady of the time. She'd already been in Phoenix for a month, and I was missing her a whole lot...ly. Yes, a whole lotly. (May not be an acutal word, but it fits.) Thus, over 2600 miles took only three days of driving, and I wish I'd stopped to take some pictures.

It's those pictures MS is taking that bring back one of the most gorgeous images of my trip, which happened to be accompanied with the perfect music for the moment.

My thick NY blood was not prepared for the thinner air of Flagstaff, Arizona. At least, that's the excuse I'm using for having gone into full geek mode at the time and listening to the soundtrack from Superman...the 1978 version, not any of the immitators. :smallwink:

Flagstaff was...boring. I stopped for a quick snack before taking in that last two hours of driving, and there seemed to be nothing spectacular about the place. It was cold, slight flurries drifting down, and surrounded in cloud cover. I didn't actually know this at the time, however; I simply wondered why sunny Arizona wasn't all that sunny.

So I started to drive south, groovin' to John Williams and his super-music, my heart thumping away with excitement that I would...well, be able to pull a rather humorous gag I'd come up with before leaving NY. The track "Leaving Home" began to play, and it starts off...mysteriously. In the movie, Clark awakens and it "called" by the mysterious green crystal. Martha Kent eventually wakes, joins Clark in a wheat field, and he informs her he's leaving. The music then swells dramatically to show the fields of what's supposed to be Kansas.

It would seem that the Fates were tipping their collective hats to me, because I broke through the cloud cover at the moment the music swelled. On the horizon, the sun was setting, scattering the heavens with a myriad of colors. It pieced together so well that I started to tear up. Hours are spent in a movie editing room, trying to achieve the perfect blend of scene and music, and there it was, happening by accident.

*sigh* Sometimes, I really miss those days.

2008-09-18, 11:02 AM
You've got some nice pictures there - I love the sunsets.

2008-09-23, 12:39 PM
Where's the update?!?! I need my updates!!! NEEEEED!!!



2008-09-23, 12:58 PM
I guess MS is having too much fun to post updates at the moment.

Midnight Son
2008-09-23, 02:47 PM
Sorry guys. I've been really busy having fun and all. I shall attempt to get the pics organized and a new post up soon. Tomorrow morning would be my best guess.

In the meantime, a tidbit to tide you over. Did you know that bees like root beer? I was at the Toronto Zoo and we stopped for some lunch. There was a bee buzzing around and it landed on the rim of my cup and started drinking up all the root beer droplets. It was really cool to see. Cute l'il bugger, happily slurping away. I was almost sad to get up and throw the cup away.

Midnight Son
2008-09-29, 07:59 PM
Day 16 (http://midnight-son.blogspot.com/2008/09/091818-day16.html) - Sorry this is so late. I'll be posting with a bit more frequncy now that the first week of Ontario tourism is over. I have a lot of pics of Niagara and Toronto area stuff to put up. So much, that I spent several hours today compiling the photos. I'll get them onto Photobucket as soon as I can and then add more to the blog.

Cristo Meyers
2008-09-29, 08:00 PM
In the meantime, a tidbit to tide you over. Did you know that bees like root beer?

Yes...yes I did...

They also tend to take it amiss if you try to accidentally drink them...

Zeb The Troll
2008-09-30, 12:07 AM
MS - I've been meaning to ask you something. Any chance you'll be interested in attending the Maryland Rennaissance Festival on Oct 12 with us? I can procure tickets. Costumery is encouraged but not required, and I might even be able to find someone who can loan you some costumery to wear if you want. In?

2008-09-30, 12:23 AM

You should have a chautauqua on your ride.

2008-09-30, 04:14 AM
Those pictures are so blue. Lovely.

Midnight Son
2008-09-30, 10:05 AM
MS - I've been meaning to ask you something. Any chance you'll be interested in attending the Maryland Rennaissance Festival on Oct 12 with us? I can procure tickets. Costumery is encouraged but not required, and I might even be able to find someone who can loan you some costumery to wear if you want. In?

Sounds like fun. I'm leaving here on Monday, 10/6. The plan was to go see Shadow, which I still plan to do, then over to NYC, but no one has responded from there and I don't really want to spend my time there on my own, so I think I shall start in your direction on the 9th of Oct. If anyone wants me to come to NYC, I can do that after Baltimore(weather permiting).

2008-09-30, 06:01 PM
Hey MS. I was wondering when you were planning on starteing on your way back and what your planned route might be. If you're going to be coming through Indy again, maybe you could stop and we could have lunch? There's not much goin' on here that I know of and there wouldn't be anywhere to stay overnight (unless one of the other Indy residents decides to put you up), but a short stop would be cool. I know a great (and cheap!) Cajun/Creole place to eat that has a few locations around (only 2 I can get to easily though).

Midnight Son
2008-10-08, 09:30 PM
New post is up. (http://midnight-son.blogspot.com/2008/10/100808-dayummmthat-one.html)

Not much to say about today, but I do have a pic from my ongoing fight against the bugs. This was taken in September at Long Point on Lake Ontario. I do not believe I have ever had that many flies on me at one time(and that was just my leg).http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a122/Dwarf71/Bike%20Trip08/09-27-08LongPointFlies.jpg

2008-10-09, 11:57 PM
In honour of the trip you´re making MS!
Look towards the right other right, the left, towards my avatar.

The cookiemonster is young and sleepy, allow him his mistakes.:smallredface:

2008-10-10, 12:14 AM
In honour of the trip you´re making MS!
Look towards the right, towards my avatar.

On my screen the avatar is on the left. Very cute, mind.

MS: Liked the Niagra Falls pic. Would have loved to have seen it in the rain.

2008-10-10, 12:19 AM
Mine too. Are your screens backwards over in Europe? I don't think I would be terribly surprised if they were.

My brother went to Niagara Falls once, he said he was unimpressed. I think he's just a jerk and was trying to be cool. Though he did say that the big field of flowers that was near the falls was really pretty (Exact location may be wrong, it's been 5 years and I wasn't really paying attention at the time).

Midnight Son
2008-10-12, 01:46 PM
new Post (http://midnight-son.blogspot.com/2008/10/10-11-08-more-than-month.html)

As I said, I cannot believe I've been doing this for more than a month. I'm hoping to get back before Halloween, though, so I better start heading west soon. Staying here till next Sunday, though. I'll be visiting my nation's capital this week(As if I'd pass that up on a cross country road trip).

Dish, it really is better in overcast or rainy weather for viewing, though less pleasant for walking around.:smalltongue:

Midnight Son
2008-10-15, 10:41 PM
New Post Eh (http://midnight-son.blogspot.com/2008/10/10-14-08-for-patriots.html)

Visited Washington DC and got a bit of a sunburn on the top of my head. I guess that's what I get for shaving it again. I also took some more pics today, though it'll be only a few in the blog. I'll add that post to this one when I get it done.

Aaand today's post. (http://midnight-son.blogspot.com/2008/10/101508-its-official.html)

2008-10-15, 11:37 PM
If you like monuments so much, you should stop in and spend some time here in Indy sometime. We got second most monuments in the country (next to DC of course). Not much else to do though...

Midnight Son
2008-10-18, 07:15 AM
New Post, no pics (http://midnight-son.blogspot.com/2008/10/101708-tennessee.html)

I love coming to Tennessee. I learn new and fun games every time I come here. Played Munchkin for the first time and Hippie had a cool pirate game that I think I shall have to find.

2008-10-18, 07:41 AM
Good reading, chief.

Educational too. I've had a pipe dream of flying over to America to do this one day.

Well a British cross-country trip would'nt even last two days,

Zeb The Troll
2008-10-18, 05:44 PM
New Post, no pics (http://midnight-son.blogspot.com/2008/10/101708-tennessee.html)

I love coming to Tennessee. I learn new and fun games every time I come here. Played Munchkin for the first time and Hippie had a cool pirate game that I think I shall have to find.I want to hear about the Pirate game. We saw it when we were there this summer but never had time to try it.

Tell! TELL!

Midnight Son
2008-10-18, 06:01 PM
Didn't get to play it long, cause all the players but myself were called away for various reasons. (Yay! I win by default!) It was quite fun, though. I was the Dread Pirate for all of one turn before Hippie stole it back from me.:smallmad::smallcool:

Midnight Son
2008-10-22, 01:06 AM
Three new posts for you all. (didn't have my nets or was just too damn tired.)

New Orleans (http://midnight-son.blogspot.com/2008/10/101908-new-orleans.html)

Texas pt 1 (http://midnight-son.blogspot.com/2008/10/102008-texas.html)

Texas Pt II (http://midnight-son.blogspot.com/2008/10/102108-texas-part-ii.html)

I was pulling off the highway today to feed my never-satiated mount, when I felt a hard smack on my leg. Looking down, there was a cricket, sitting on my pants-leg, looking back at me like, "What!?" So I gave him a ride to the gas station.

2008-10-22, 04:44 AM
Wow. I know it's obvious, but just seeing the pictures of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast really hammers it home just how far you've been. May the roads continue to be good for you.

2008-10-22, 06:01 AM
MS, if you're visiting Phoenix as you say you are, you have to visit Bor, you have to.

Midnight Son
2008-10-23, 10:05 PM
And now, for another hefty serving of epic! (http://midnight-son.blogspot.com/2008/10/holy-carp-that-was-fun-i-was-absolutely.html)

No bug stories today, but I will say that I'm glad I had my fleece gear. that was one cold mountain ride. I'd do it again in a heartbeat, too. It only lacked someone special to share it with.

2008-10-26, 11:01 AM
How was visiting Bor?

Bor the Barbarian Monk
2008-10-26, 12:34 PM
Since he's delayed in replying, *I* will. :smallbiggrin:

It was awesome! Not only did he buy me a lunch worthy of the clogged arteries, but he also got me...SOCKS! (Woohoo!) MS was also a lot taller than I thought he would be. I think he's 6' 12" tall! :smallconfused:

We covered a lot of conversational ground, and I became easily lost while chatting due to a combination of painkillers and pain, but it was loads of fun.

I'm glad I braved the great outdoors to see him, even if I learned that I am under the threat of being dragged to the next Playground meet-up. :smallwink:

Midnight Son
2008-10-26, 09:26 PM
New update 1, Arizona (http://midnight-son.blogspot.com/2008/10/102406-into-phoenix.html)

Holy Effin Hell! (http://midnight-son.blogspot.com/2008/10/102608-short-trip-long-day.html)

Okay, first off, I can confirm that there is indeed a barbarian monk in the Phoenix area. What do you think, Hog Goblins material?

Second, This is what happens when a gas tanker decides to drop a load prematurely.http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a122/Dwarf71/Bike%20Trip08/10-26-08ArizonaJam01.jpg Took me two hours to go three miles.

2008-10-28, 06:33 PM
Took me two hours to go three miles.

*blink* *blink*

Midnight Son
2008-10-29, 10:48 PM
Final two updates:

Grand Canyon (http://midnight-son.blogspot.com/2008/10/102708-grand-canyon.html)

Zion's National Park and Final Day (http://midnight-son.blogspot.com/2008/10/102808-zions-national-parklast-day.html)

Okay, so I've had this discussion with some of the Easterners and Flatlanders from time to time, and I'm not sure you all got what I meant by riding up a 9,000 foot mountain, so I shall illustrate.:smallamused:

This is a hill...
and this is a mountain.

2008-10-29, 11:21 PM
*Trumpets blare and confetti explodes as you open the door.*

:smallbiggrin:Welcome Home! :smallbiggrin:

I'm glad you made it back safe and sound! Congratulations on completing the trip. Now you can take a night to relax in your own bed before you start planning the next one! :smallwink:

2008-11-01, 08:30 AM
I missed the ending of your trip.

It was definitely epic, and I'm already looking forward to the next one.

2008-11-01, 09:02 AM
Heheh, MS, what would you call The Netherlands then?:smalltongue:

Midnight Son
2008-11-01, 01:30 PM
Heheh, MS, what would you call The Netherlands then?:smalltongue:I believe flat or sunk would adequately describe The Netherlands.:smallcool: