View Full Version : The unexpected defense of an Empire, Group A

2008-09-02, 12:44 PM
This is thread 1 for the Finding Players: Half-n-half thread.

http://img167.imageshack.us/img167/1134/campmap2tr6.th.png (http://img167.imageshack.us/my.php?image=campmap2tr6.png)

Here is a 12 mile radius snapshot of the surroundings of the town of Wallingford.

First: a brief history of the Mercent Empire, and, because it is necessary, a history of the Arbeit Republic. 1630 years ago, a group of humans and dwarves far to the North wrote up a profitable mutual trade and protection pact. It was so profitable, in fact, that it quickly led to the rise of a nation, the Arbeit kingdom. After a brief civil war over the fact that humans won't accept a dwarven leader, and vise-versa, the kingdom became a republic. So great was its wealth, that this republic decided that all humans and all dwarves should share in its prosperity.

This was obviously a problem to any other dwarven or human kingdom out there, and many city-states fell to the republic, but a minor state, led by the relatively wealthy Rolf Mercent I, had an idea. Hiring local orc and goblin mercenaries, his army was able to rout the republic 1366 years ago, and establish his family as an imperial line, with nominal vassal states comprised of nonhumans. This loose confederation has been a thorn in the republic's side for a very long time.

Partly in response to this, the republic has long expelled any non-humans and non-dwarves from its borders. Both states have long expanded their borders to encompass their other neighbors, in an arms race to outdo the other in troop numbers, equipment, and magical strength.

But this particular story does not describe the clash of armies, or the deaths of rulers, but rather, an unusual group of outcasts living near the borders of these powers....

2008-09-02, 12:46 PM
This story begins at a small tavern, the Roper's Tentacle. It is a Korday, in the middle of summer, a short time before the harvest begins. Aside from Cas, Sarah, Zhahn, and Feanor, the place is almost deserted. The Roper's Tentacle doesn't get much business on a good night, and Korday is not normally a good night. It's one of the few reasons the owner even lets this group hold their weekly meeting here, as there aren't many other customers otherwise.

2008-09-02, 01:21 PM
ooc - F.L, If you actually want me to do some more rp-ing and gathering of info solo, then just ignore this post I guess.

The door to the tavern opens, and Anya the half-nymph flutters in before touching down on the ground. Her face grim, she simply says, "There's a situation...it's not good news."

2008-09-02, 01:51 PM
Sarah (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=76458)

Sarah steps out of the corner where she was using the darkness to hide her movements. Her ever worn cloak shrouds her limbs and all that can be seen is her paper white face which is itself half shrouded by her dark hair. She slides her hand out from her cloak and brushes her hair behind an ear. Her hand is slender and small but each has the remnants of small scars left from the profound abuse they go through daily. She gives the nymph a stern glare.

Out with it Anya you know I do not appreciate a round about explanation

Her voice has the taint of a weary soul tired of life but unwilling to give up on it all together.

2008-09-02, 02:51 PM

Wasting little tine, Anya gives group the low-down of what has happened. "A group of river bandits that has been attacking barges downstream on the Green river has stepped over the line. In the past, it's been only thefts, so it's only been a local guard problem, but today, there's been a kidnapping as well. You all know Nando Defthands, the half-water elemental halfling herbalist? We've all bought a few remedies from him every now and then. He was on that barge, buying supplies from a nearby town, when he was taken by the bandits. Mr. Dixon, who is Nando's employer, informed me of this."

Laying her palms on the table, she continues, "One of our own has been abducted...we've gotta look out for our own because no one else will."

2008-09-02, 03:40 PM

Sarah takes a few silent steps towards the half nymph. She speaks in a much lower tone and an evil look enters her eyes.

Do no repeat such nonsense I know better then anyone here that need. If you feel the need to continue such drivel I will be forced to remind you who you are talking to.

Her hands flashes out of her cloak and a dagger slams between the nymphs hands. Sarah locks eyes with the nymph and half her face ripples into a dark form with evil eyes. Then she turns on her heal and her hair covers her face and the next glimpse of it is once more pale and humanoid. She coughs under her breath.

If you all need nothing we should leave now.

She walks to the darkness by the door waiting for the others and her dagger slides out of the table and her hand disappears under her cloak.

2008-09-04, 03:28 AM

"Nothing whatsoever," Feanor replies in an inappropriately lighthearted tone, flashing an ironically smug grin at Sarah. He slips the mechanism he had been fidgeting with into his pocket, double-checks his spell component pouch, slides his bow onto his back and joins the others by the door.

He turns to Anya, "You can fill us in on the way. We need to know when, where, who, and, if you have any idea, why."

Duke of URL
2008-09-04, 06:34 AM

His tentacles had been toying with the mug in front of him, but he let it go immediately on hearing Anya's news. One look at Zhahn makes it quite clear that he has one seriously muddled ancestry; those who know him, of course, know that the predominant strains are dwarvish, ogre, and, of course, some mindflayer, hence the tentacles.

With such an odd heritage, he generally finds he has to work to keep his more evil tendencies in check, but once a legitimate enemy is made, he has no problem unleashing his brand of hell upon them.

"Bandits are bad enough," he spits at the thought of the rampant lawlessness, "but kidnapping offends my very soul. I will feast on the brains of those responsible," he adds, standing and making ready to follow the others. As usual, he carries no weapon and wears no armor, but he needs neither.

2008-09-04, 08:06 AM
Seeing you all getting up, Grahm the bartender steps out from behind the bar and walks towards you. Puffing out his chest, and looking as menacing as possible, he demandingly asks "Hey, you're not thinking on skipping out on your tab, right? Nah, I know you'd never stiff me. But seriously, what's gotten into all of you?" as he reverts to his unassuming self.

2008-09-04, 10:46 AM

Feanor turns to the barman. His voice remains lighthearted, but those who know him well see it's an effort to keep it so. "If we don't come back from this, will you come to rescue or avenge us?" He pauses, but not long enough for Grahm to formulate a reply. "That's why we have to rescue Nando. But you have a point about the tab," he tosses a large coin and continues, "put the change in our account as a credit, and we'll come back with Nando to drink it as a victory party."

Duke of URL
2008-09-04, 10:56 AM

"Skip out on our tab, and miss future opportunities in the most popular hangout in the region?" He laughs. "Ah, but I see Faenor has already paid. Keep the beer ready for our return."

2008-09-04, 01:30 PM

Do not even pretend Grahm we pay our tab better then your finer looking patrons. We protect this bar as well as our own so come off it and don't question me.

She gives the bartender a glare before stepping out the door expecting the others to follow.

2008-09-04, 01:32 PM

Anya briefly considers dazing Sarah with her glance, but resists the temptation as she tells herself that isn't a good thing to do. "Come, we should talk to the barge captain. Maybe he knows where the bandits came from and we can start hunting. Fluffy, it's time to go!" With that, a Tiny bunny with pure white fur hops quickly from somewhere hidden in the room towards Anya. Anya catches Fluffy in her arms, and turns around to fly off to the barges.

2008-09-04, 04:08 PM
Grahm wishes you well as you leave, pocketing the money.

The docks are located 500' north of the Roper's Tentacle.
http://img247.imageshack.us/img247/9019/cityscapeld8.th.png (http://img247.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cityscapeld8.png)

It is a brief walk to get there, and there are 3 barges currently docked, the Corianna having arrived today.

Duke of URL
2008-09-05, 12:17 PM

"Where is Dixon?" he asks Anya. "We need to know anything he can tell us."

2008-09-06, 04:32 AM

Sighing, Anya responds to the part-mindflayer, "Last I saw him, he was at the Balor's Bet tavern, giving himself liquid comfort. We should hurry if we want anything useful out of him today."

2008-09-08, 02:23 AM

He will know little except that his employs was kidnapped. If we wish to get any info on this we need to talk with the captain of the barge.

She scans the barges on the riverside and points to the Corianna.

That would be the barge Nando was on. Let us go look at it and talk with the captain. Worst case we learn little, but we may learn all we need to know about the pirates including the location.

She begins to walk towards the barge her cloak flowing in the wind as she does so.

Duke of URL
2008-09-10, 08:14 PM

"Lead on, then. Let's start at the scene of the outrage."

2008-09-12, 01:27 PM

Sighing, Anya says, "Fine, we'll go speak with the barge captain first. But it doesn't hur tto cover all bases. Let's go."

Clutching Fluffy to her chest, she flies low along the street.

2008-09-15, 04:29 PM
So you set out northward, past the street vendors, past the houses, and into the docks. The faint smell of dead fish greets you, and the smell of drying mud. Passing other boats and barges, you arrive at last before the Cor nna.

The barge captain gives you a sour look, and says "I've just lost a lot of coin today. Are you lot the only legbreakers my creditors could find on such short notice?"

2008-09-15, 08:04 PM
"Hardly that," Feanor replies with a chuckle, gesturing at his own thin frame, ill-suited to leg-breaking. "We're looking for Nando Defthands. We hear you were the last honest man to see him before he was kidnapped. If we find your money along with him, we will return it to you. What can you tell us?"

2008-09-23, 03:33 PM
"Ley's Mill sits just beyond a winding stretch of river. That winding stretch is where we were attacked. It's heavily wooded there, and there are a few creeks which feed into the river. I think that the bandits came from a northern creek, since I've heard the guard has searched the southern forks in the past."

2008-09-24, 01:48 AM

Anya gives the captain a look of thanks. "You've been very helpful. We'll try our best to reocvery as much of your gold as we can in addition to our friend. Is there anything else you know that might helpme in the search or in preparing forpossible hostilities?"

2008-09-24, 06:07 AM
"Yeah, they have some decent archers, and they threatened to burn my barge, and seemed confident that they could do it. Maybe they have a mage of some sort."

2008-09-24, 09:10 PM
How many of them are there? Did they use weapons besides bows? Did they carry a lot of gear? Did they have wagons or animals to carry things?

Even small details could make a big difference in hunting them down.

2008-09-25, 05:48 AM
"Half a dozen in their own small barge, the arrows came from the trees to the north, and they were outfitted in hides and blades. Their equipment didn't look new, but it looked like they knew how to use and take care of it."