View Full Version : Ragged Fangs of Thar

2008-09-02, 08:02 PM
10 Ches, The Year of Deep Water Drifting (1480 DR)

In the lowlands of the Abhir Vale, on the outskirts of Thar near the foot of the Dragonspine Mountains, the snow has begun to melt in the goblin village of Ruuk. The Year of the Ageless one brought many changes to Thar (1479 DR), both to the Ragged Fang goblins of Ruuk, and to the region at large. Orc King Mhurren of the Bloody Skulls failed march on the City of Hulburg has crippled the Bloody Skulls and weakened their allies in the Burning Dagger, Skullsmasher, and Red Claw tribes.

Within the Abhir Vale the waning of summer was punctuated by the return of Pallack the Halfblood, who had six years prior been driven from the warrens of the Ragged Fangs by Chief Urkahd. Urkahd’s Cryicite cleric and advisor Murn revealed a prophecy that Pallack would one day slay Urkahd and usurp his throne, and so Urkahd cast the young goblin from their warrens before he could become a threat. Upon his return Pallack threw open the door to Chief Urkahd’s throne room and declared “I have seen a portent in the stars over Toril, your rule ends today” Pallack clenched his fist and spoke a few words in the alien sounding farspeach, and Chief Urkahd was immolated in a burst of radiance.

In the months that followed, as the Goblinoids of the Ragged Fang tribe huddled in their warrens against the bitter cold of winter in the Moonsea North, Pallack worked to cement his rule selecting his personal guard and a council of advisors he believed loyal, mostly people with a known dislike for Urkahd, and ambitious aims. As the snow begins to melt in the vale outside, Pallack has gathered these advisors in a sweat lodge on the outskirts of Ruuk. As he ladles more water over the hot stones he begins to speak

“Too long this tribe has gotten by on too little, we’re going to change all that. Our enemies our numerous, our resources are few. Currently we’re bound under pain of subjugation to pay tribute to the Bloody Skulls, the Red Claws, the Skullsmashers, the Broken Horns, and the River Syndicate. Moving directly against any of them is beyond our reach, for the moment, so we bide our time, and gain power. Our immediate concerns must be meeting our obligations for tribute to buy time.”

“We’ll need 1000 gold crowns by Greengrass (Tarsakh 30, that’s 50 days away, for those of you unfamiliar with the FR Calendar) if we’re to buy our survival. Of course if all we do is meet our obligations we’re no better off than we started, so we must also gather power: Steel to outfit our warriors, Slaves, Timber, and Stone to erect fortifications, powerful magics, and allies against our foes.”

“For worked teel we’ll have to deal with the scaled bastards of Stonekeep, one way or another, that or find another source willing to part with some. Beyond that we could prey upon any of the other nearby smallhold tribes. They’re mostly more numerous and powerful than the Ragged Fangs, but not so much that I think they’d risk moving against us. The Bile Spiders, Sunken Gulls, and the Longspears are all within a short march. There’s also the nomad of The Ride, I think we could raid individual camps successfully, but if they rode out against us in force, it unlikely we would survive.”

“So, you're my war council, what advice have you got?”

2008-09-04, 09:37 PM

Henge, in his usual hobgoblin shape, moves around the lodge, examining the other advisors. He thinks for a moment, his gaze now in the newly crowned King Pallack. Sitting down, he speaks carefully, choosing his words with caution.

"You know my opinion, m'lord. For too long we stood at the bottom of the food-chain on these valleys. But that time has passed. Now, we enter a new era, and we shall thrive. Let us infiltrate and attack the other weak tribes, before they attack us. Let us do with them what many have done with us already, let us eat their resources, and increase our own."

Henge stops for a moment, a new thought forming in his head. It was risky, and it had far too many chances to fail, but it was worth suggesting. Even after all those years living with the Ragged Fangs, Henge didn't get used to the violence and brutality of the goblinoid people. His ways were still far more subtle and delicate.

"What if... What if we infiltrate the other tribes' leaders ? You know of my abilities, I could easily pass as their leaders. And then, we could bend them to our will without too much trouble."

2008-09-04, 09:52 PM
Nreguz Nighthacker

Nreguz sat hunched in the corner of the room, leaning heavily on his bow. His one arm lay twined around the longbow, almost lovingly, the other dangled down, rubbing his many scars. His sharp teeth jutted up from his lower lip, his fangs piercing his upper lip with bright lines of blood trickling down. As usual, he sat in the darkest area of the room as he could, his piercing crimson eyes stared out at the rest of the group sizing them up. He spoke at last to the King.

"I believe we should move against the Kobolds my lord. Usually I have nothing against such creatures on principle, their mining and metalwork are skilled labors, and often well worth the prices they offer, however this particular group has strained my nerves. For too long have we been a slave as much to their outrageous prices as to those who demand tribute for us, its time we teach the so-called dragonbloods the folly of abusing the Ragged Fangs. With the steel, weapons and armor they can provide, moving against neighboring tribes will be far easier, and the power we hold will be that much more tangible.

2008-09-04, 10:40 PM

Maur sat cross-legged on the floor of the sweat hut, his hood thrown back for comfort in the heat, as he listened to his king and fellow council members. With his finger, he slowly drew complicated runic patterns in the dust of the huts floor as he considered Pallack's words.

"My King, it may be possible to use the enemies of our tribe against each other. We could attack outlying nomad camps, and make it appear as if one of the other tribes was responsible. The nomads would retaliate and bring the fight to those who they believe attacked them. Perhaps we could then raid one of the smaller outlying tribes as well, and make it appear that the nomads were on the warpath. Our foes would fight each other, and we could use the time while they are fighting to take other actions, perhaps against the kobolds. We could strengthen our position while our enemies war among themselves."

2008-09-05, 01:03 AM

Nodding at the wizards words, Gretuk speaks up.

"It's a good idea, but remember that it will most likey be us who ends up paying both sides to go on the warpath... Every time they lose a sword on the battlefield, it will be us buying them a new one." He studies the rune Maul is drawing, trying to recognise it. "Allying or subjugating the kobolds would give us much needed resources, but again, we need to be careful, or our enemies will just tax us more."

Grekuts first thoughts will usually be "how will this effect the tributes."

2008-09-05, 02:40 AM

"Well, whatever we do, it's 'bout damn time. Damn lizards and the rest of 'em've kept us under their dirty feet too long. Maybe we oughta show 'em what the Fangs are made of, go after some o' the weak 'uns, like that one said," he points to Henge with a clawed finger. Bagrat continues gruffly, "Maybe once we show 'em a little somethin' they'll go karach-gai. That'd get us the materiel and labor we're needin'. But that's just my thinkin'. Ya'll come up with the plan, and Hruggek as my forebear I'll go with it."

2008-09-05, 11:31 AM

Having let the others speak, Gruthar had been letting his Hobgoblin body rest in a sitting position. He paid attention to the others and nodding a few times here and there, especially when Gretuk spoke up about paying the blades lost in a battle. "My liege, I agree with Gretuk. We do not wish to drive tribes we owe things to into battles we will have to pay for. While it is true that it will weaken the tribes, it will also weaken possible future allies.. though I would rather see them as possible servant tribes. In that sense, I think Henge's plan is good: infiltration. I even agree more with Bagrat. You said it well, it is about damn time. Anyway, I do think Muar's plan has merit, but why not try to set up nearby tribes, to whom we do not owe anything, against the kobolds? We could either try to ally ourselves with the tribes against the kobolds, or offer the kobolds aid in return for steel. We could even offer aid in return for steel, and then ally with some of the tribes and enslave the kobolds still. And infiltration to gain the trust of the kobolds and the tribes would definitely be a good part of the plan."

2008-09-05, 12:55 PM
"The point is moot, the nomads may one day prove a powerful weapon, but for the moment those we would turn them against, those we owe tribute to, lie to the east, while the nomads to the west. If we were to incite a nomad warband, they would surely sweep accross us and the other small tribes of the west, before reaching those we would direct them against in the east, plundering everything of value in their march."

King Pallack idly spins his rod in the palm of his right hand while he thinks, the 12 inch piece of ash carved with runes and topped with the skull of a large rat blurs as he nimbly spins it faster and faster, until he suddenly stops it in his clenched fist.

"If we move against the Kobolds it will be up to you," Pallack points about the room. "We haven't the time for grandious plans of setting our enemies against one another, yes it would weaken them, but we have more immediate obligations, unless you've a way to simultaneously capture plunder while setting our foes upon one another. Nor do we have the manpower for a traditional seige against Stonekeep. Their keep lies a tenday's march away(The term tenday replaces the term week in the forgotten realms calendar, a tenday is, guess what, ten days long, each of the 12 months on the calendar is three tendays long). Even if we could seige the keep and cut off its outside access, which is itself highly unlikely, a tenday there, and a tenday back would leave only thirty days with which to seige the keep, I suspect they've supplies for three times that long within their halls and the tunnels beneath them."

"But..." The king looks about the room before continuing "We're gobins, we don't seige and we don't march agianst enemies in open field, we ambush, we harry, we raid. Things you're likely better at than most of our warriors. So is it settled then, do we move against the Kobolds? I would still hear other plans, the Keep will keep, if we've other easier prey."

2008-09-05, 02:05 PM

As the conversation among the war council continued, Maur listened to the alternatives and options being discussed. He was a planner by nature, but the arts of war and diplomacy were not his strong points, so he paid particular attention to Gertuk and Gruthar’s points.

Maur leaned forward, stroking his long thin beard as he considered the situation

"Placing the kobolds in a position where they would need our help seems like a promising plan, as it might allow us to gain weapons and slaves as well as weaken those who might oppose us in the future. However, I have some concerns about moving too directly against them. During my time as a slave to the mage Kelt, I learned that the leader of the kobolds is a magus and artificer." Memories of the long years of imprisonment flickered like flames across Maur's face. "And this magus is no kobold, but a dragonborn, though I do not know how mighty in the craft he was. Without a doubt he will have armed some of those he rules with spell-sharpened steel. We may wish to wait until the tribe is mightier before we confront him"

Maur hesitates for a moment before continuing.

"There might be another path we could pursue. I have heard of a tomb deep within the Caves of Cathar, which lie near to us. Long ago a king amongst the ogres died and was buried there, along with his treasure. If that treasure was still there, and if we could find it, it would prove useful to us, I have no doubt. But I do not know if the tomb still holds this wealth, or what perils might be dwelling in the Caves. And if we were to find the tomb only to have it be empty, then the time spent in the search would be wasted, though no more so then raiding the dust-bins of the smallhold tribes for scraps. I feel it would be worth the risk to at least send some of us to investigate."

2008-09-05, 02:39 PM

"Hmph. So the damn lizards are followin' an even bigger damn lizard. Shoulda known." He grumbles momentarily.

"But I think our mage here is right - no sense in fightin' 'em if it'd waste time and it not be a sure thing anyway. I think we might oughta keep 'em around, much as I hate to say it, just to make sure we can get some o' their steel real easy, for the time bein' at least." Pondering for a moment and scratching his shaggy mane, he looks back at Maur. "I'm interested in this cave, though. How far you think it is? I figured the weaker tribes would be our best bet, for fightin' or infiltratin', but this sounds sorta promisin'."

2008-09-05, 02:56 PM

"I'm interested in this cave, though. How far you think it is? I figured the weaker tribes would be our best bet, for fightin' or infiltratin', but this sounds sorta promisin'."


"About three days from here Bagrat, plus maybe another day to scout the caves for the tomb's exact location."

Maur resumes tracing runes in the dust of the floor.

2008-09-05, 08:26 PM
Nreguz Nighthacker

His brow furrowed as he considered the possibilities. The others plans were sensible, but he still believed in his own.

"That sounds like a good idea, but how much treasure would we find? I think our best bet is finding a way to teach those kobold a lesson. If we can establish ourselves as a power over them, not only would we receive valuable arms and armor, as well as raw materials to outfit our troops and increase our power, it would send a palpable message to others who seek to extort us. Dragonborn or no, those Kobold must see the folly of crossing us, and in so doing teach others the same.

2008-09-05, 09:54 PM

Henge ponders the others' words for a moment, before speaking up again.

"That's an interesting piece of information you got there, Maur. However, I think we should have a backup plan; if the treasure is just rumour or if we come back empty handed, we would have wasted the tribe's time and resources for nothing. I believe we should head for these Caves and explore them, but also begin other missions to further our goals."

2008-09-05, 10:14 PM

"There's always the manticores. Some tribes have been successful in persuading them to ally with them. And there are rumours of a material used by the Warlock Knights, something they call "The Iron." They use it on their weapons and armour and make them stronger. It might be wise to find out more about that."

2008-09-06, 12:50 PM

Gruthar looks over the others, nodding occasionally. He leans forward, resting his hands on the table and looks at the others as he speaks up. "Well, if we want to hurt the kobolds, why not ambush and raid kobold caravans to get supplies. Then we frame another tribe for it and infiltrate it to weaken it, so that we can get away with weakening the kobolds and taking over another tribe? Besides that, I think the Caves are indeed interesting, but perhaps it is better if we search it during a time we are waiting for another plan to come together. Also, Grekut, tell us more of the manticores and this Iron." Having said the last, he sinks down to sit again, looking at Grekut to give him a listening ear.

2008-09-06, 09:21 PM

"I'd still like to investigate this tomb, and it'd take less than a tenday anyway, but I guess it could wait if the rest of ya don't wanna do it. The soldier here's got a good idea, though," he points to Gruthar, "Plunderin' the lizards' tradin' caravans instead of tryin' ta take their whole keep might be more profitable and easier to get done." Thinking a moment, Bagrat continues, "Blamin' it on other is probably ain't a half bad idea either. Find a tribe a little bigger and stronger than us so that we kill two elves with one boulder if they come ta blows and take the leavin's for ourself. And I've been 'round the caravans a bit myself, so I might be able to think of some cunnin' plans if try to work out that kinda plan."

He looks back to the cleric, adding, "I don't particularly know how I feel about the manticores, but I'm mighty interested in this Iron you're talkin' 'bout. My axe," he pats the large weapon strapped to his back, "is a good 'un, but I might not be above checkin' something else out just in case."

2008-09-06, 10:11 PM

"I agree that we should have a back-up plan if our first choice fails. I like the idea of weakening the kobolds with caravan raids, and if we can make it look like those raids are the work of another tribe, all the better.

But I still think it wise to investigate the tomb. I feel that we might be able to gain the most with the least amount of risk and time by scouting it out. However, if the treasure is still there, a few days of delay to raid kobold caravans will not make much of a difference."

Maur turned to Grekut.

"I am familiar with these Warlock Knights. They aided Chief Mhurren when he attacked the City of Hulburg. I know that they have a talent for training monsters to fight on the field of battle, though I knew nothing of their skill in forging weapons and armor. Perhaps if one of our schemes is fruitful, we might have the resources to negotiate with them for trained beasts, or some of this Iron you mentioned."

2008-09-07, 01:23 AM
"So the Vaasans offered aid to the Bloody Skulls? Hmmmm, well the fool ended up dead, so how great could their aid be? Still it bears investigating."

King Pallack considers the options and the council of his assembled advisors, idly tossing the dipper from the sweat lodge's water bucket tossing it in the air and flipping end over end, before catching it and tossing it again. After several such tosses he says: "Alright, here's the plan. The six of you will investigate this cave, locate this tomb, and see what riches it holds. Meanwhile I will dispatch half the warriors we can outfit to harry trade to and from Stonekeep. Of course we will have to see what the Vaasan's have to offer us, I'll send an emisary. Grekut, you were an emissary for our last idiot King Urkhad, but you'll be otherwise occupied. I think Mek, that young hobgoblin is ready to stretch his legs a bit, I'll send him. Unless you have any other suggestions?" He looks to Grekut to see if he has anything to add.

2008-09-08, 07:03 PM

Grekut ponders Pallack's words for quite a while. "Yes, Mek should do, it's time the boy got some more experience. It might be wise to save our others for when things turn sour."

2008-09-09, 09:41 AM

"As you wish my King" Maur said as he bowed deeply to Pallack. He stood up, preparing to leave the sweat lodge with the others, once they had concluded their business with the King.

2008-09-09, 01:53 PM
"We're done here." Says King Pallack. "Prepare to leave in the morning. If you need anything more from me you know where to find me."

2008-09-09, 01:59 PM

Bowing to the King, Henge confidently speaks up:

"As you wish, my lord. We will not fail you. We will return with good news, and then we will proceed to conquer every little tribe in these valleys and destroy each of our enemies."

2008-09-09, 03:49 PM

The strong body of Gruthar rises from his seated position and bows in a strict manner before King Pallack. As Gruthar looks up again, he speaks up. "Your will shall be done, my liege." With that said, Gruthar makes his way out of the sweat lodge where he waits momentarily outside for the others.

2008-09-11, 01:41 AM

Bagrat stands, shaking his shaggy hair from his face and sniffing a bit, and gives the king a brief salute. "Sounds good to me, my Lord. You can count on us to scout out the place, see what we can get a hold of. Now we just gotta hope we can find somethin' more than dust and old bones once we get there." He turns and steps outside with the rest.

2008-09-11, 08:37 AM

"Very well, Pallack. I will go and see that Mek is prepared."

2008-09-12, 10:18 PM
Nreguz Nighthacker

Nreguz nodded his scarred leathery head, and then stood up. He spoke as he slid out the door. As you will my King