View Full Version : Sticky music and book threads

Ego Slayer
2006-05-28, 10:37 AM
I think it'd be a good idea to make stickied music and book discussion threads in the FB. Once again there's another new thread on music.. must be about the 4th on in the past few months. Same goes for books.

2006-05-28, 10:39 AM
I think people should look before they post. There are two threads talking about birds running, too...doesn't mean it should be stickied.

Ego Slayer
2006-05-28, 10:43 AM
Yeah, but everyone reads books and listens to music. Not everyone cares about birds.

2006-05-28, 10:45 AM
Not so...I know quite a few people who hate reading books. Just look for the thread, it's not that hard.

Ego Slayer
2006-05-28, 10:50 AM
I think the previous music thread dropped a few pages. I know a number of other forums that sticky these kind of topics and it works well.

2006-05-28, 06:26 PM
If you are reading the forums, chances are you don't have an issue with reading books either. And this is a board atached to a roleplaying game webcomic, the people attracted to DnD are unsualy bookinsh to begin with.

Ego Slayer
2006-05-28, 07:39 PM
Gah! See... now there's ANOTHER book thread.. ::)

2006-05-29, 04:06 AM
The two book threads I've posted in recently, "favorites" and "currently reading," seem distinct enough that they warrant separate threads, or at least it's not crazy to think about splitting things up that way.

More generally, if you get new people to come to the board, there's bound to be some recycling of topics. Thread necromancy is kind of looked at askance here. What are recent arrivals supposed to do, just not post on anything that might have been discussed 3/6/12/36 months ago?

Ego Slayer
2006-05-29, 09:06 AM
The way I see it is, if we've got a million threads on the same topic we may as well give it it's own forum.
I've been posted here for over a year and there's been the same kind of threads over and over again. ::)

2006-05-29, 09:34 AM
Actually I think it's one of the limitation of the medium "forum". Somehow it's halfway between a chat (transient) and webpage (permanent), and some discussions will obviously be repeated because they got lost over time. Maybe we should all use the fforum search engine and hyperlinks in posts more vigorously, to link our recent discussions to the past?

Ego Slayer
2006-05-29, 09:36 AM
New users don't DO the search thingy though.. Maybe if they saw sticky music and book threads they won't make a new one.

2006-05-29, 09:52 AM
The two book threads I've posted in recently, "favorites" and "currently reading," seem distinct enough that they warrant separate threads, or at least it's not crazy to think about splitting things up that way.
Good point. And we can only sticky so many threads.

The way I see it is, if we've got a million threads on the same topic we may as well give it it's own forum.
I've been posted here for over a year and there's been the same kind of threads over and over again. ::)
And I'd like to point out that if we keep making new forums for things, eventually there won't be much of anything left in the originals.
We could split Friendly Banter into probably twenty other boards, and each one who probably have almost a page worth of threads in it. But the thing is, every time we have a new board, it makes it that much harder for someone to be part of the board community as a whole. Because they have go to maybe three different forums just to keep up on all of the discussions about popular culture.

Also, when new boards with similar subjects exist, there are bound to be overlapping threads in the different forums. That same similarity can also create confusion about where to put threads you create. Should a thread about which X-Man's power you want go in the Books, TV, and Movies forum, or the Fnatasy in Real Life forum?

Plus, there really aren't that many threads in FB about any one thing. I do see a whopping eight about Books, TV, & Movies on the first two pages, but that's out of 60 threads total. It isn't that large of a proportion. And not enough to fill a forum.

2006-05-29, 10:33 AM
Oh dang.. I forgot my brother was logged in before posting. Anyway, this IS actually Ego Slayer. ::)

Sorry, I was being sarcastic about the forums thing.

It just seems like they're very often discussed topics so why do we have to have more threads then there are really needed.

2006-05-29, 11:44 AM
New users don't DO the search thingy though.. Maybe if they saw sticky music and book threads they won't make a new one.

Hm, this seems to be user-specific, because there are forums, where the others strongly encourage (mild formulation...) you to do a search before asking or starting topics. But then again, if I would post in the forum of my favourite webcomic about books and such, then because I want to share my musings with my fellow OotS fans. I don't want to know anything specific, thus I don't do a search.
Hm, now I'm confused... :)

2006-05-29, 11:49 AM
Sorry, I was being sarcastic about the forums thing.
Oh, no, really?! :o

No, I saw the smiley, but plenty of people have been calling for new forums for subsets of existing forums, and I wanted to get that off my chest. Thanks for providing the oportunity. :P

2006-05-29, 08:32 PM
More generally, if you get new people to come to the board, there's bound to be some recycling of topics. Thread necromancy is kind of looked at askance here. What are recent arrivals supposed to do, just not post on anything that might have been discussed 3/6/12/36 months ago?

I must say I agree with this. I've only been a member here for about a week, and I'm almost afriad to start any new threads between the rules that say you're not supposed to bring up and previously locked topics again, and worrying about brining up something that's been discussed to death. I realize there is a search option, but that still takes a lot of time and searching to make sure you're not just 'threadomancing' (or however its spelled).

Besides, having serval threads realating to the same idea, such as books, dosen't mean they're all talking about the same aspect of the main topic. I saw a thread yesterday asking about what makes up a good book, so I started a new thread asking what people's favorite books were, and if they had any good suggestions when it came to fantasy novels. So I admit that I am partly to blame for several threads pertaining to books. I simply thought that it would be best to start a new topic since my question didn't stick to the main point of the original thread.

2006-05-29, 10:31 PM
More generally, if you get new people to come to the board, there's bound to be some recycling of topics. Thread necromancy is kind of looked at askance here. What are recent arrivals supposed to do, just not post on anything that might have been discussed 3/6/12/36 months ago?

Well, technically, it is has not been posted on for over a month and a half and has fallen to page three, starting a whole new topic is what they are supposed to do.

From the official rules thread (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=news;action=display;num=1133174775) (emphasis mine):

Thread Necromancy
Bringing a thread back from “the dead.” If a thread has fallen to page three and hasn’t been posted in for a month and a half, don’t post in it. Start a new topic if you want to discuss the subject.

Ego Slayer
2006-05-30, 09:08 PM
Yeah.. I kinda forgot about that rule. I used my awesome Thread Necromancy skillz to take the FB's "Not Pr0n" thread back from page 30. ::) ;D

2006-05-31, 01:19 AM
I actually like the fact that the books/music threads die off after a while. Otherwise, it becomes some gargantuan monster of a thread with 38 pages which don't get read (or at least, I don't read them) Don't know bout the rest of you, but I get a little daunted--or maybe lazy, not sure which--when I see a thread that large. I usually end up not responding, because I don't want to simply repeat something someone else has already posted, or because there are so many posts that no one seems to reply to what others have said but just throw their preferences out there--that's less interesting to me than the discussion of various books that sometimes results in these shorter, recurring threads.

Ego Slayer
2006-05-31, 10:06 AM
True. I've just stopped posting in the music thread even though I've always got my iPod on. I don't feel like posting the same things over and over. ::)

2006-06-05, 04:20 AM
Well, technically, it is has not been posted on for over a month and a half and has fallen to page three, starting a whole new topc is what they are supposed to do.

From the official rules thread (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=news;action=display;num=1133174775) (emphasis mine):

Right, and then when people do that, complaints from forum veterans appear lamenting the recycling of topics. I would suggest that if this is really that big of a problem, then maybe these ennui-oppressed forumites should stick to greener pastures for a bit, and keep to the more high-traffic areas of the board.

2006-06-23, 06:50 PM
Just one thing: What does "stickied" mean?

2006-06-23, 07:21 PM
It means it will permanently stay at the top of all posts on a board until it is 'unstickied'.

Looking on this board, Board Issues, you see four threads with blue footprints.

The NEW Rules of Posting (Please read.)
Registration Problems
Guide to Making Avatars with Adobe Illustrator
Guide to Message Board Codes

The moderators considered them important and have 'stuck' them to the top of the board. They will never drop off the first page and will always be listed first until a moderator no longer considers them important.