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View Full Version : Buffs, no bookkeeping. (3.5)

2008-09-03, 08:11 PM
Yes, I know, I'm lazy. Anyway, in a game I'm in, I'm going to take leadership (not banned, surprisingly). What I want to do is create a character that buffs me (and, of course, the rest of the party) - and, as the title says, requires little bookkeeping. I could just make a cleric, of course, but then I have to keep track of spells expended, spells I have memorized, blah, blah, blah. The point isn't to be optimal here - in fact, I don't want to advertise how broken Leadership is, so underpowered is actually a great idea - I just want a good class for buffing others, that doesn't require a lot of work to keep track of. I would appreciate any suggestions.

Info: 3.5, most books allowed, extreme cheese forbidden (not an issue here.). I shall be playing an invocation user.

Thanks in advance!

2008-09-03, 08:13 PM
Favored Soul?

Dragon Shaman? Bard? Incarnate?

2008-09-03, 08:13 PM
Marshal (Miniatures handbook), Dragon Shaman (PHB II), Bard, a dozen different Bard prestige classes. Take your pick.

2008-09-03, 08:17 PM
Marshal? So you hire a guy to boss you around? :smallbiggrin:

That would be an interesting relationship to roleplay.

2008-09-03, 08:23 PM
I'd go with bard or a sorc with only buff spells.

2008-09-03, 08:53 PM
Marshal? So you hire a guy to boss you around? :smallbiggrin:

That would be an interesting relationship to roleplay.

Maybe fluffwise he has the leadership potential and you're his cohort.

Alternatively, choose a marshal of the opposite gender and RP your character as submissive...

2008-09-03, 08:58 PM
Pick up a Bard, and then go read Dragon Magic. Use the Draconic Auras from there. Combine them with the Bardic Music.

No book-keeping necessary, just flat bonuses. Have your bard take Words of Creation to double the bonuses his Bardic Music grants.

If you need him to buff, he does have some spells to do so for specific situations. Generally though, use him to heal as necessary.

You could also take the relevant feats and make him a Bard10/Warweaver5/Combat Medic5 for awesomeness.

The ability to cast a buff once and have it affect the entire party, auras, and bardic music.

Say hello to the buff machine!

2008-09-03, 09:00 PM
Maybe fluffwise he has the leadership potential and you're his cohort.

Alternatively, choose a marshal of the opposite gender and RP your character as submissive...
I want a cohort that takes the leadership feat for me so I don't have to. XD

But honestly hiring a tactician isn't really that far out there.

2008-09-03, 09:03 PM
Hey, thanks all.

Sorcs, Bards, and Favored seem like too much work...I know, invocations have spoiled me. Rei Jin's idea seems quite neat though - and as he's buffing the party, no one will complain...

The Marshal idea is quite funny - Playing a submissive to my cohort. Heh.

The DS could be quite cool - especially if I play a DFA. Hmm.

Lots of great options, here.

2008-09-03, 09:07 PM
Dragon shaman also has good HP (d10?) if I remember correctly, so he could double as a meatshield.

2008-09-03, 09:08 PM
Maybe fluffwise he has the leadership potential and you're his cohort.

Alternatively, choose a marshal of the opposite gender and RP your character as submissive...

I haven't spoken to my cohort for five months - I don't like to interrupt her.

2008-09-03, 09:08 PM
Alternatively, choose a marshal of the opposite gender and RP your character as submissive...

Or to be REALLY Alternative, choose of the same gender... :smallwink:

I think Bard/Dirge Singer is your best bet. +1-3 to Attack and Damage Rolls is pretty universal and good, but a simultaneous -1-3 to enemy attack and damage rolls is even better. It's like buffing AC, but different.

2008-09-03, 09:10 PM
Favored Souls too much work?

you just need a list and a table


1st: bla bla bla
2nd: bla bla bla
3rd: bla bla bla
4th: bla bla bla
5th: bla bla bla
6th: bla bla bla


^ that's it

2008-09-03, 09:12 PM
Favored Souls too much work?

you just need a list and a table



^ that's it

Ah but then I have to keep track of that. Every time I count a spell, I have to count it, subtract it. Plus, it means I have to actually think about when the best time to use this limited resource would be.

I told you I was lazy. :smallredface:

2008-09-03, 09:17 PM
for some reason that enrages me as a guy who plays a summoner with a big stack of favorite summons' stats and thus takes several characters' actions every turn.

part of me is saying "fine whatever" while another is like "I DONT SEE ANY LIST OF SPELL-LIKE ABILITIES PER DAY WITH THIS EXTRA SHEET AARRGGGHHH :smallfurious:"

im gonna go lie down see ya guys latah

2008-09-03, 09:26 PM
for some reason that enrages me as a guy who plays a summoner with a big stack of favorite summons' stats and thus takes several characters' actions every turn.

part of me is saying "fine whatever" while another is like "I DONT SEE ANY LIST OF SPELL-LIKE ABILITIES PER DAY WITH THIS EXTRA SHEET AARRGGGHHH :smallfurious:"

im gonna go lie down see ya guys latah

Heh, sorry. Let me clarify.

I'm not always this lazy. I have played a Malconvoker, and liked it. A lot.

Thing is, I don't want to do that this game. I'm putting little to no effort into optimization, just messin' around, having fun. Hence, I don't feel like keeping track of spells and such.

And if you ask why I'm doing a whole other character if I want to keep it simple and fun, I honestly don't know. Perhaps I'm schizo.

2008-09-03, 09:30 PM
A Hellreaver (Fiendish Codex 2 I think) can heal anyone within a certain radius as a Swift action every turn. The progression is 10/20/30 points per round, depending on the level. In addition to being one of the best tanks around, they make a great buff-bot. Enter via Crusader with some White Raven action (especially White Raven Tactics) to further help you out, and you're set. If you're worried about keeping track of the maneuvers, just print out the power cards from the WotC website. It makes playing or controlling any ToB class quite easy.

2008-09-03, 09:38 PM
You might want to check out this: http://forums.gleemax.com/wotc_archive/index.php/t-298304.html%3Cbr%20/t-977299.html