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View Full Version : 4E Campaign Setting (as of yet un-named)

2008-09-04, 03:55 PM
Table of Contents:
1. Races
2. Religions
3. Geography
4. Culture
5. History
6. Politics

This topic is now for brainstorming.
The more updated version will be here. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5173671#post5173671)
Please do not post in that thread, keep all posts in this thread. I came up with a "canon" thread for my own personal organization.

2008-09-04, 04:21 PM



Real World Culture Analogue: Pan-Asian, but Japanese especially.

The Dragonborn live a spartan existence the Southern Peninsula, Markesh. The Dragonborn are a race of warriors, and they live in small feudal states ruled by warlords. Any Dragonborn can aspire to be a warlord, once reaching adult age--which amongst the Dragonborn is twelve. Dragonborn decide on their leaders in part by a trial by combat, but the combat is overseen by a panel of judges who may decide that the challenger is ineligble for dishonorable conduct, lack of skill, or other reasons.

In addition, each warlord, no matter how powerful must submit to the Elders of the Isle Dread.

Warlords commonly "rent" their warriors out as mercenaries, although most dragonborn have been known to eschew "dishonorable" clients.

Pc Dragonborn tend to be Fighters, but other classes are common as well.
Mechanics: As PHB.


Real-World Cultural Analogue: Franks, Goths,Gauls, Celts, Mongols, and some minor generic Native American analogues.

Dwarves are a primitive race of barbarians. This is not because they have never been civilized, or because they have been waylaid into barbarism. Nay, the savagery of the dwarves is intentional, as they have seen the heights of civilization and the destruction wrought by its fall. Never again. The dwarves will never make the mistake of being "civilized" ever again. The tales and legends of the dwarves tell of the devastation wreaked by great dragons--attracted by the possibility of plundering the dwarves treasures.

The dwarves live to the Northe-East of the Old World, above the Mountains. They are a tribal people, with variations from tribe to tribe. All the tribes are matriarchal, and worship the land. Many are nomadic hunter-gatherers, many more are nomadic pastorialists, but a few are tied to the lands by crops and domesticated animals. The primary military mount of the dwarves is the Great Mountain Goat (use statistics for the Dire Boar).

Chief valued virtues: Generosity, loyalty, honesty. Dwarves abhor greed, blaming that sin for the destruction of their civilization. Dwarves as a people use few writings, and as a mostly illiterate people value the spoken word highly. Those who cross the dwarves are seen as enemies to all dwarf kind, and their life is forfeit.

Mechanics: As PHB dwarves.


Real-World cultural Analogues: British! Very British in lots of ways.

The Eladrin are an off-shoot of the Elves. Many eons ago Elf scholars created an area (part of modern-day Dha'Khraal) which they made into a city-sized university. They created a rift into the FeyWild deep within the university in order to more thouroughly study the esoteric study of magics. Eventually, this lead to the locals of the area changing, becoming the Eladrin. This part of the former Elven Empire became more sufficient, and conqured the ruling house in a coup. This is why the Elves are lead by the Eladrin. The Eladrin are the royalty and nobility of the Elf Empire.

Mechanics: As PHB Eladrin.


Real-World Analogue: Scottish, in most ways.
Elves are the common ancestor of the Drow and the Eladrin, both sister races. They get along well with Drow, and somewhat well with Eladrin. This tension is mostly due to a perception of class difference between the two. The Elves are the commoner and gentry class.

Mechanics: As PHB Elves, except Elves have the "natural" type and not the "fey" type.


Have basically been replaced with kobolds. Kind of. Whatever.
I don't like Halflings.


Real-World Cultural Analogue: For OW Half-Elves, either Human (Generic Mid-East) or Elven (Scottish). For NW Half-Elves: 18th and 19th century Americans.

Rare on the Old World, Half-Elves are the majority population in the New World Republic.

Mechanics: As PHB Half-Elves


Real-World Cultural Analogue: Generic Middle-Eastern, using the term "Middle-Eastern" rather liberally.

Well, they're humans. They come in all shapes and sizes. They tend to be more individualistic and versatile to other races, much to their benefit and other's chagrin. This will be covered more in detail under the "Nations" section.
Mechanics: As PHB.


Real World Analogue: None, but they're a lot like the X-Men I guess.

There are no Humans that are 23 years old, nor any Tieflings that are any other age (yet, they age as normal, or at least have up to this point, as far as everyone knows). Twenty-three years ago, the moon and the stars turned blood red. Every human child born under the red sky was born...different, changed somehow. These children have been called many things, "hell-spawn," "demon brats" and other things much less savory, but they call themselves "Tieflings."

Most humans, when they see a Tiefling, see a freak, a mutant, something that should be human. Humans generally view tieflings with pity at best and rage at worst. Some have even suggested they be purged. Some Tieflings have suggested the same methods be tried on their persecutors..

PC Roles:
-Warlock is the most common class, with Wizard as a close second. Many find the seclusion inherent in wizardy to be soothing.
-Rangers, again with the seclusion!
-Clerics or Paladins--some Tieflings feel the Call either genuinely, or make themselves hear it--to prove that despite their appearances they can be good.

Mechanics: As PHB Tieflings.



Real World Analogue: Spartan/Roman
The Bugbears serve as the infantry caste of Dha'Khraal.
They are trained from youth to serve the Goblin Nation as warriors.
They are a middle caste within Dha'Khraal.

-Usually Fighter or Rogue, and probably multi-classes into the other
-Ranger (uncommon)
-Paladin (rare, usually of the Ancestors))
-Swordmage (rare)

Bugbears speak Goblin.

Mechanics: As MM.


Real World Analogue: Probably Celtish/Irish. Not 100% sure.
The Drow once lived as standard elves, many ages ago. They lived on the (Drow Island..needs a name). One fateful day, the Island ceased to exist. Or rather, it was though to by the rest of the world. That was not what happened, as the world would find out hundreds of years later. The entire island was warped into the Shadowfell, for a few hundred years, and then came back as inexplicably as it had left. Time in the Shadowfell travels at a different pace, while only a few hundred years passed during the Island's absence in the Material Plane, this was several hundred thousand years for the once-Elves of (Island).

During this time the once-Elves changed in many ways. They became the Drow, their society became clannish and matrilineal. The renounced the scientific pragmatism of their forebears and turned to a religion centering on the worship of the moon and the stars.

Many paranoid drow believe the Island was sent to the Shadowfell as some sort of Eladrin wizardly experiment. This is a fringe opinion, although there is some small evidence to support it.

-Wizard/Clerics have more prestige generally, but other than that, no class is really predominant.

As standard drow, except they have the "shadow" type, not the "fey" type.
Drow are usually Unaligned or Good, instead of Chaotic Evil.


Real World Analogue: Sparta/Rome
Goblins serve as stealth and reconnaissance military units, and as espionage and intelligence for Dha'Khraal. They are also a high caste, and out-rank Bugbears. Goblins serve as the eyes and ears of Dha'Khraal.

Common Roles:
-Rogues (vast majority)
-Wizards (rarely)

PC Hooks:
-An Goblin PC has been disgraced, and exiled.
-An Goblin PC has been disgraced, and wishes to clear his name.
-An Goblin PC has been sent out on a mission at the request of the Dha'Khraal government (rare).
-A Seer has had a vision, and the Goblin PC is sent out. (very rare).

Mechanics: As MM.


Real World Analogue: Sparta/Rome
Hobgoblins are the leaders, the mages, and the priesthood of Dha'Khraal. They are the highest caste, the most honored. They are also richest, and the cruelest. Hobgoblin mages use obscene experiments on their own men to create more elite troops, they also use these same methods on animals to create unique war-animals or beasts of burden. The priesthood is mostly run by the government, which uses the ancestor worship to it's own gains. This is not without conflict however, as their are some genuine faithful within the priesthood who seek a sincere reverence for the souls of the Departed.

-Primary Leaders or Controllers
-Mostly Arcane or Divine, but Martial is not uncommon
-Clerics, Wizards (common)
-Warlords, Artificers (less common)

PC Hooks:
-An Hobgoblin PC has been disgraced, and exiled..
-An Hobgoblin PC has been disgraced, and wishes to clear his name.
-An Hobgoblin PC has been sent out on a mission at the request of the Dha'Khraal government (rare).
-A Seer has had a vision, and the Hobgoblin PC is sent out. (very rare).

Mechanics: As MM.


Real World Analogue: The heloi of ancient Sparta
Orcs are at the bottom of Dha'Khraal's caste system, the kobolds are not even in the caste system. They serve as farmers and workers, and as the average "grunt" in the Goblin Armies when the population of bugbears runs low, or in emergencies.

They are pariahs in the truest sense of the word, despite being the most numerous caste. Orcs speak Giant--illegally. Officially, Goblin is the only acceptable language for any Dha'Khraal, but most Orc families have maintained their cultural language.

Orcs are the back of Dha'Khraal. Not only because they do most of the physical labor, but because they are the ones who most commonly are whipped, lashed, beaten and blamed.

Common Roles:
-Due to being so low, and untrained, Orcs with PC classes are themselves uncommon enough that no PC class is typical. Any orc that is a warrior, of ANY kind is already exceptional.

PC Hooks:
-An Orc PC has been and exiled..
-An Orc PC has been disgraced, and wishes to clear his name.
-An Orc PC has been sent out on a mission at the request of the Dha'Khraal government (very rare).
-A Seer has had a vision, and the Orc PC is sent out. (very very rare)


Real World Analogue: possibly some Meso-American influences, and maybe some ancient egyptian as well.
The Wardens (or "warforged" as they are known in other settings) are a race of androgynous magitechnical clockwork beings. They hail from the prison island continent of Kayr-Meyk. Kayr-Mayk was once a prison ship which traveled the multi-verse, but it crash-landed on the island continent, then known as Heloth, fifty years ago. The clockwork men have let out little information about themselves, but most assume that they are here to stay, at least until Kayr-Meyk is repaired.

Most also blame the Wardens for the appearance of the nightmare-like creatures of the Far Realm which have appeared coinciding with their arrival. None of these abominations was known prior to the Warden's appearance.

Wardens have their own language, called Mechanix, which has no first or second person forms. As a result, some Wardens only use the third person even when speaking other languages, although most learn the local rules. Wardens also refer to each other only by rank and serial number, although they tend to have some sort of name when dealing with non-Wardens.

Wardens sometimes become "twisted" or "bent" under unusual circumstances which damage their magitechnical clockwork "brain". Exposure to dark magics, severe trauma, magical illnesses, or even sufficient passage of time (measured in millenia) can cause this damage. Bent Wardens are usually put down by their former comrades as they tend to be violently sociopathic at worst, or catotonically depressed at best.

-Fighter (vast majority)
-Paladins (usually of the Purpose)
-Almost never Warlocks.

PC Hooks:
-A Warden PC has been sent out on some sort of assignment.
-A Warden PC is on leave, and decides to see the world.
-A Warden PC tires of his duties and leaves.
-A Warden PC becomes "bent" and manages to escape!
-A Warden PC is nearly "bent" and escapes...in the hope of repairing himself.

Flavor: As warforged, Monster Manual:



Real World Analogue: Soviet Russia
Necropolitans are the undead intellectual citizenry of (X). They were instrumental in the revolution against the Flesh-Eaters. They are not generally amongst the important classes, but they do tend to be somewhat wealthy and educated. They also had a desire to become more than mortals--shedding their immortal souls and the chance of an after-life, for immortality in the mortal realm. Necropolitans come from human stock, the Ritual of Crucimigration has not yet been adapted to the other races.


NECROPOLITAN provided by

(Not there yet, but it will be someday.)

Average Height: 5' 6" – 6' 2"
Average Weight: 120 – 200 lb.

Ability Scores: +2 to any one ability score of your choice
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Darkvision

Languages: Common, One other
Skill Bonuses: +2 Arcana, +2 Religion
Unnatural Origin: For effects that take origin into account, Necropolitans are treated as having the "Shadow" origin.
Undeath: Necropolitans have the "Undead" keyword. Necropolitans do not need to eat or sleep, but they must still rest to recover powers and healing surges. Necropolitan have Resist 5 against necrotic and poison damage.
Unnatural Resilience: A Necropolitan's healing surge value is equal to 1/4 its hit points + its charisma modifier (minimum 1).
Shrouded Mind: A Necropolitan has a +1 bonus to its Will defense.
Celestial Aversion: Necropolitan have Vulnerability 5 to Radiant damage.
Mastery Beyond Death: A Necropolitan has a +1 bonus to damage rolls with the At Will powers of its class. This improves to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level.

2008-09-04, 05:17 PM



Kobolds occupy a strange place within the Dha'Khraal hierchy. They were long ago subjected by the Goblins and made into slaves. Eventually the Goblins began using collars as a symbol of this subjugation. At some point along the way, some noblewoman or other decided the kobolds were small, weak and pathetic--or in other terms "cute." Kobolds have sense served as..pets for the hobgoblin nobility.

Kobolds speak Goblin in public, and Draconic amongst themselves--although this is illegal. Some kobolds deliberately play up their supposed animal stupidity in order to make the ruse more convincing, and use their unique position as the frequent confidant of the nobility to their advantage in some way. Most kobolds don't need the ruse however..

PC Kobolds are usually the rare kobold who escaped. Others tag along because there is a goblinoid in the party, who owns them. Kobold PCs are rare enough themselves that they do not tend to any class in particular, although Wizards, Clerics and Paladins are especially rare as most Kobolds are illiterate, and gave up on the divine long ago.

Mechanics: As MM.



Half-Dwarves are an unusual bunch indeed. Their personality, religious beliefs, and even their name often depends on if they are raised amongst humans or dwarves.

From http://www.dlnexus.com/downloads/20555.pdf

Average Height: 5'–5’6”
Average Weight: 140‐210 lb.
Ability Scores: +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Low-light
Languages: Common, Dwarven
Bonus Skill: You gain training in one additional skill from
your class skill list.
Cast-Iron Stomach: +5 racial bonus to saving throws against
Dual Heritage: You can take feats that have either dwarf or
human as a prerequisite (as well as those specifically for
half-dwarves), as long as you meet any other requirements.
Dwarven Resilience: You can use your second wind as a
minor action instead of a standard action.
Stand Your Ground: When an effect forces you to move—
through a pull, a push, or a slide—you can move 1 square
less than the effect specifies. This means an effect that
normally pulls, pushes, or slides a target 1 square does not
force you to move unless you want to.
In addition, when an attack would knock you prone, you can
immediately make a saving throw to avoid falling prone.


Illumians are great once-human scholars. Their ancestors unlocked a secret ritual which enabled them to bind magic into their very souls. The ritual was discovered by a wizard from Aakarshan, and most Illumians are Aakarshani.

+2 Int, +2 Cha
+2 History, +2 Streetwise
Illummian Learning: At first level, and Illumian may take either the Linguist feat, or any multi-class feat as a bonus feat. The Illumian need not meet the pre-requisites for the feat.

Illumian Flexibility:
An Illumian may take a number of multi-class feats equal to their Intelligence modifier, or one, whichever is greater. One of these feats serves their "secondary class," and all others serve as "tertiary classes." The secondary class follows the standard multi-class rules; the Illumian may take Power Swap feats, class feats for that class, and a Paragon Path associated with that class. The tertiary feats grant only the abilities of that specific feat: they do not allow the Illumian to take feats which have class pre-requisites for this class, nor any power swap feats or Paragon paths for his tertiary class(es). The secondary class MUST be declared at the time the Illumian takes another multi-class feat, and can not be changed, altered, or re-trained in any way--even Rule 0. Should you attempt to do so, your pencil lead will break, your inkpen will run dry, or the website running your character sheet will have a server issue activating a time-warp which launches Canadian missiles at Soviet Russia, turning the Cold War into WW3.

For instance, an Illumian fighter with Int 13 and Dex 13 takes the Initiate of the Faith feat as his first level bonus feat. He can use the full benefits of this feat as usual. At third level, he takes the Sneak of Shadows feat--this grants him Sneak Attack once per encounter, and training in the Thievery skill. He can not take any feat which has a pre-requisite of "rogue," nor can he take any power swap feats for rogue, nor can he take a rogue paragon path.


Hell-Bred are the escaped repentant souls of the blackest villains. Each Hellbred was formerly a blight on the world in his/her own way, and repented at the last instant, just as the life faded from his eyes. Despite their repentance their souls were condemned to the Burning Pits in the Afterlife.
Somehow these souls have escaped the Eternal Prisons. Ordinarily this type of stiuation would result in an attempt by the Devils to recapture them, but the forces of Good have decided to give these individuals a second chance at redemption, to make good of their last minute regret. T

Nearly all Hellbred follow the Paladin path.
A few are Warlocks, generally of the Infernal variety, not because of any Pact, but rather because of residual effects from their prison sentences.
Most Hellbred travel with obscured faces, so that they will not be hunted.

Mechanics (brought to you by flyingpoo22):

+2 Con, +2 Cha
+2 Endurance, +2 Intimidate

At first level, a hellbred chooses whether the Scourging manifests itself in his mind or his body.

A hellbred with body as his infernal aspect gains the following power:

Fiendish Durability - Daily
Immediate Interrupt
Effect: Negate a status effect that would have affected you.

A hellbred with mind as his infernal aspect gains the following power:

Fiendish Senses - Daily
Minor Action
Close Burst 5
Target: Each creature within burst.
Effect: Become aware of the position of every creature within the burst, even if that creature is invisible or otherwise hidden, for 1 round. You may send a telepathic message to any creature you have detected.

2008-09-04, 05:18 PM

"Dwarven Shamanism"

Dwarves, always sons of the Earth have renounced their plunder of her riches and instead have turned to worshiping the earth in a more naturalistic, direct way. The dwarves have pantheistic faith in which they worship Armagh, the Earth Mother. She is seen as a patron of agricultural, animals, and fertility. They are also seen as a superstitious people, although they would say that they revere the signs and omens she gives them. Her clergy are lead by the Circle of High Priestesses, all elderly females.

"The Faithful of the Seven Gods"

Worshipped throughout the Human Lands.
"Major deities"
Avandra(G) As PHB, plus patron of Thar, one of the Emirates, and unofficial patron of the New Republic.
Erathis (U) As PHB, plus patron of Dakash, one of the Emirates
Ioun (U) As PHB, plus patron Aarkashanof one of the Emirates
Kord (U) As PHB, plus patron of Darbydn of one of the Emirates
Pelor (G) As PHB, plus patron of Telvrash, one of the Emirates.

"Minor deities"

Melora (U), as PHB.
Raven Queen (U) as PHB, plus "unofficial" patron of the Ashen Republic.

These deities are Minor in the sense that they are not the patron of any states.
Also includes evil deities, which are "mostly" not worshiped, although sacrifices are offered to appease them.

Goblin Ancestor Worship
-Remember the face of your fathers
-Respect the virtue of your ancestors, and your elders. Follow their example.
-Respect authority
-Respect the harmony of your kin group

The Goblin Temple is organized along lines of military rank. The laity are addressed as "private" and it is lead by a "General." The clergy are mostly clerics, mostly with the warlord multi-class feat.

Dragonborn Ancestor Worship

-Follow the good example set forth by your forbears
-Do not be proud, for even your greatest ancestors have been foolish at some point.
-Learn from the mistakes of the past
-Remember the past, remember who you are.

The Church of Moradin

Moradin was once worshipped by the Dwarves as the king of their pantheon. After the fall of their Empire, his name was abandoned and forgotten. In the past two hundred years, artifacts associated with him have been dug up, and analyzed. A foundling church began, based on the tenants found in those documents. The Church of Moradin worships only Moradin, it is a monotheistic faith, although as a general rule it does not threaten non-believers with conversion by the sword...or the hammer.

The clergy of the Church of Moradin speak an old dialect of Dwarven in their sermons. It is close enough to modern Dwarf that communication is possible, if sometimes a bit awkward.
The clergy are clerics or artificers (usually clerics with the multi-class feat for the artificer, or vice versa). The priesthood is organized in tiers: Apprentice, Journeyman, Craftsman, Master Craftsman, Grandmaster, Foreman (the head of the church).

Other than this difference, and the fact that it is the state church of Kelmtor, instead of the church of the dwarves, it is very similar to the followings of Moradin in the PHB. They follow the same doctrines.

Most refer to the Church of Moradin as the "Faithful of the Forge-father" or some similar epithet. Moradin's name is holy, and it is usually reserved for special occasions. The dwarves on the other hand, call Moradin "The Forgotten God," or "The Discarded One," as they have fled from his worship. The Church of Moradin is mostly human members, although there are a few half-dwarves amongst them.

The Cult of the Crimson Mausoleum

The Cult of the Crimson Mausoleam (yes, the name is inspired by the X-Files episode "Church of the Red Museum" but only that far) is a secret, shadow cult of Tieflings which preaches that the Tieflings are the "Chosen Ones" of some dark deity. The teachings of this cult are very similar to those of Vecna, in addition to the deeply held convictions of the Tiefling superiority.

They take their name from a horrible priophecy, in which a priest spoke of a mausoleam, stained with gore, in which the remains of their enemies would be stored.


The drow revere nature in the abstract, in a very similar way that the dwarves do. However, the drow revere the stars and the moon with a larger emphasis than do the dwarves.

The Eladrin and the Elves are, by and large, skeptical atheists, or agnostic deists as best. They are a people oriented more torwards the scientific application of arcane lore than any sort of spirituality.

Half-Elves of the Old World tend to share their parent's views.
The worship of Avandra is rather common amongst the New World elves, who see her as being a patron of their many freedoms.

2008-09-09, 06:55 PM

The Knights of the Mace

Heeding The Call, one and for all
never surrender, with honor we fall
Brothers unite, we stand up and fight
fulfilling our fate, we are
Heeding The Call---modified lyrics of Hammerfall's Heeding the Call

The Knights of the Mace are an international, interfaith fraternal paladin organization. The Knights accept only to paladins of LG, G, or good-tending Unaligned Paladins, or retired paladins who primarily operate as officials.

The Knights adhere to a code of honor, called simply "the Code." Knights of the Mace are expected to follow these rules, in addition to the rules of their faith. The Knights of the Mace base their doctrines on the teachings of St.Cuthbert, a folk hero. The legends say that St.Cuthbert was a great warrior, who fought for the cause of justice and the common man. It is said that one day, when he is needed, he will return. Potential Knights of the Mace must swear an oath when joining, to follow St.Cuthbert if he returns.

The Knights help organize paladins into a mostly-united force, and they also train junior paladins in the ways of the sword and in ethics. Their membership is based on a test of judgment, and a test of martial talent. Failing the test of judgment fails the apprentice for life, but the martial test can be re-attempted.

The Knights are fobidden to take part in sectarian or political conflicts.
In addition to uniting paladins of different faiths, the Knights are also able to investiture potential Paladins without a strong religious faith with the powers of a paladin (organization section of PHB, Paladin entry). This is done after they become members. The Knights also scout out potential paladins amongst the youth: children who stand up to bullies, teach their peers right from wrong, or similar actions may find themselves interviewed by a "talent scout" of the Knights of the Mace. However, men and women of any age may hear the Call, and there have been old men who joined Knights as well.

The Knights are mostly and Old World power, although they do send men to the New World from time to time. The Knight's bastion of power is within the Human Lands, and within the Confederacy in particular. They are not loved by the Dha'Khraal or the Ashen Republics, and generally stay out of their way when possible. Sometimes this is not possible of course.

The Circle of Medicine Women

The Circle of Medicine Women area group of dwarven priestesses who ally themselves together. The women of The Circle are highly respected, and seen as being the one hope of re-uniting the dwarves. They hold the high feast days and ensure peace during these times. The Circle has nine layers, known as "spheres." Members of the Ninth Sphere are the most junior members, and members of the First Sphere are the most senior.

The Arcane Conference of Eldritch Lore

The The Arcane Conference of Eldritch Lore is a scholarly organization. It is based in the Empire, but has members throughout the world's universities and mage schools.
Aarkashaan, while not hosting the home base, is the premier member of the Conference. Dha'Khraal is also a premier member, although their representatives are not well-liked because of his "secretive nature" (although the Premier would likely have thembeheaded if he knew of the things they weretelling). The Ashen Republic is well known for their necromancy, and like the Dha'Khraal, their representives hide too much for the Conference, and not enough for their government. The Dha'Khraal, and the Ashen Republics are well known for their preference for the seedier side of magic.

These organizations are available for player characters. Generally, a PC's importance within these organization depends on their level.

2008-09-09, 07:47 PM
Looks good can't wait to see more will critique when I have the time to read.

2008-09-09, 09:22 PM
Question 1: Why this world? Does this world have an interesting hook?

Question 2: What feel are you trying to pull off with this world -- gritty doom, action-hero pulp, Machiavellian intrigue, marty-stu heroics?

Question 3: Any particular visual images that you would use to define or describe this world?

Question 4: What are the defining moments of the history of this world? Are there any? If not, why not?

These questions are just aimed at getting a feel for your world. Merely looking at a raft of details about new races and the like doesn't generate a decent big-picture feel.

2008-09-09, 09:46 PM
Looks good can't wait to see more will critique when I have the time to read.


Question 1: Why this world? Does this world have an interesting hook?

Question 2: What feel are you trying to pull off with this world -- gritty doom, action-hero pulp, Machiavellian intrigue, marty-stu heroics?

Question 3: Any particular visual images that you would use to define or describe this world?

Question 4: What are the defining moments of the history of this world? Are there any? If not, why not?

These questions are just aimed at getting a feel for your world. Merely looking at a raft of details about new races and the like doesn't generate a decent big-picture feel.

Q1: Several actually. I just haven't gotten there yet.
Q2: I want the world to be flexible. I would probably have pulp, gritty feeling overall. The ideas I have will allow for espionage and spy action, as well as lots of general wilderness exploring.
Q3: So far, the appearance of the Wardens and the Aberrations, the development of the Tieflings (which I haven't covered yet), (which I have now covered, briefly) and of course, the destruction of dwarven civilization. Oh, and discovery of the second continent, which also hasn't been covered.

I'm mostly posting here for my own reference, as I can post from any computer this way. I also like the way the forum allows me to organize.

2008-09-10, 01:33 AM
I like what you've done with Dwarves. A friend of mine has always wanted to play as a Dwarven Druid so I might snag your ideas.

2008-09-10, 02:08 PM
I like what you've done with Dwarves. A friend of mine has always wanted to play as a Dwarven Druid so I might snag your ideas.

The Druidic part is really mostly the priesthood though. The Barbarian part is more primary. But yeah, the Dwarves are still earthy, it's just a more basic concept of earthy.

Zeta Kai
2008-09-10, 02:35 PM
My only question is this: Do you need a map?

2008-09-10, 03:16 PM
Saved for later.

2008-09-10, 05:16 PM
Just a linky, since Necropolitans, Illumians, and the Hellbred all have to be homebrewed now.

2008-09-15, 05:57 PM
Oops. Didn't post the link.
Oh well.

Hellbred and Necropolitans have been re-done mechanics-wise. I fleshed out flavor for Eladrin, Elves, Half-Orcs (somewhat), Half-Elves (Somewhat), the Dragonborn, Hellbred, and some other stuff.

This is an ongoing project. :smalltongue:

give your feedback, your ideas, and ur lulz.

2008-09-16, 02:01 PM
From what I've read it certainly looks interesting. Here's a show of support (^_^)b

2008-09-16, 03:16 PM
Human Nations:

The Confederation of Sarlymet Emirates:


70% human
20% Tiefling
10% Other
Patron: Avandra
Chief Virtue: Freedom of thought/speech

Thar is well known for being a free port, and being a free nation. Its citizens value their freedom--which they do not see as compromised by the hereditary rule of the Emirs. This value of freedom is so much a part of the national character that the current "Bastard" Emir, Denisc, Second of that Name, of House Sarngyn has voiced his support for the development of a democracy within his state.

Denisc is known as the "Bastard Emir" by many, for some it is a derision, for others it is an affection, not only because of his low birth (he was his father's only son, but he was illegitimate, the ruling nobility decided to put an illegitimate son on the throne rather than a woman), but because of his haughty manner when dealing with other heads of state.


95% human
5% other
Patron: Erathis
Chief Virtue: Justice/Honesty

The military of Dakash is second only to that of Darbydn within the Sarlymet Confederacy. It is a proud, and old institution. Generally, the first son of the Emir is made his heir, and his second son serves as his general.

Dakash is currently ruled by Emir Kaedar, Thirty-Eighth of That Name, of the House Jilesh. His eldest son, Jabril, is not his heir because the Dakash refuse to follow a Tiefling. Instead, his second eldest son, Barakat is his heir.


65% human
10% Illumian
5% elves
5% goblin
20% other
Patron: Ioun
Prime virtue: Knowledge/Wisdom
Aakarshan is a strange place. It is the most metropolitan nation within the Confederacy, and the youngest. However, it has the most libraries, universities, and other places of learning.

Helthoi is ruled by Emir Lokesh, Fourth of that Name, of the House Zahin.


75% human
15% goblin
10% dragonborn
4% other
1% Tiefling
Patron: Kord
Chief Virtue: Stoicism/Endurance

Darbydyn is not a harsh land, but there are those who would call it's people harsh. They are a stoic, somewhat stern people and their values reflect that. They are known for not wasting words when action will do. They value strength of character.

Darybydyn is also the premier military state within the Confederacy. Before the Treaty of Friendship was signed, it was a long time rival of Dakash.

Darybydyn is ruled by Emir Osric, Twelfth of That Name, of the House Devesh.


80% human
10% Elves
5% Goblinoid
4% other
1% Tiefling
Patron: Pelor
Chief national virtue: Kindness/Compassion
Telvrash, is the breadbasket of the Sarlymet Confederacy. Situated in the delta of the river basin, it is blessed with the most fertile lands in the currently known world. It is also a land of piety and charity. The Telvrashi are well known for valuing kindness and compassion, and the High Temple of Pelor makes this obvious. It is not decorated with ornate tapestries or the like. It serves mostly as a humble place to worship, to give thanks, and to receive charity. The priests of Pelor are well known for their healing abilities, and a large section of the Temple is used as a hospital.

The Telvrashi sell most of their goods--the rest of the world is not as fertile, and they do need to make way economically after all--but the markup is not extreme, and they have been known to donate in times of crisis.

Telvrash is currently ruled by Emir Kavi, Fourth of that name, of House Shyam.
His eldest son, Usmaan, was born a Tiefling. This has not proven problematic, and his status as heir has remained. There are some among the Telvrashi who whisper their disapproval, but by and large the circumstances of the Mirza's birth are a non-issue.
(Mirza="son of the Emir")

Kelmtor, known simply as the Holy Land to the faithful, is ruled by the Foreman of the Church of Moradin.
Kelmtor is a land of wonder and awe even to those outside the fold. It is a land of trade and the most skilled artisans reside in Kelmtor. The dwarves are wary of Kelmtor, wary of the way they may repeat their ancestors mistakes. Other nations are also wary of Kelmtor, they worry about a holy war. To date these concerns have been unfounded, since the displacement of the monarchy in a bloodless coup fifty years ago, no military activity has been undertaken.

Kelmtor is a sworn enemy of both the Undead and Goblin Nations, and their client states. It has an uneasy peace with the Dragonborn of Marshek, tensions arising in part because of the reluctance of the Dragonborn to share their secrets of the dwarvenforges. Kelmtor is a strong ally of Ashok, and have treaties in some form or other with all the members of the Confederation. Kelmtor is coolly hostile to the Eladrin.

The Sultanate of Ashok is allied with Kelmtor.

The Sultanate of Eknath is allied with the Ashen Republic.

The sultanate of Tamarek is allied with Dha'Khraal.

The Sultanate of Mehrdad is allied with the Ashen Republic.

The Sultanate of Deimmaar is allied with Dha'khraal.

2008-09-16, 03:17 PM
The Glorious Goblinoid Nation of Dha'Khraal:
Not so long ago, by the way mountains measure time, the goblins lived as savages not much different from the way dwarves now live. The hobgoblins were united by a warlord, into an iron fist of an empire. Five hundred years ago the goblins were subjugated--or annexed. The same fate awaited the bugbears fifty years later. The orcs a hundred years after that. The last to kneel to the Iron First were the Kobolds. This empire grew in strength for three hundred years, and then it declined. It withered, it all but died.

Fifty years ago that decline stopped and rapidly reversed. The Goblins have regained their empire, and then some. Part of the reason for this ascension back into the world was brought about by a new religion, the veneration of their ancestors, the soldiers of the First Empire.
The Goblins are a military minded people, and their society is organized along such lines. All the Bugbears serve in the infantry.

The goblins are lead by Premier Maurius.

The Dragonborn live on the Southern Peninsula of Markesh. They live in small warbands, of about 60-80 individuals, although the largest may number in the hundreds. The dragonborn determine leadership by martial prowess. Any adult dragonborn (that is, any of at least age 12) may challenge for the right to rule. Each competitor is limited to one challenge per year. The leadership is decided by non-lethal martial combat, and is observed by a panel of five judges. Generally the winner assumes the mantle of leadership, but that have been some in which the loser was given leadership by proving their mettle and honor in the face of an opponent. Likewise, those who cheat have found themselves divested of their title.

All warlords, no matter how strong must submit to the will of the Arbitors. The Arbitors are a panel of seven judges. The Judgements of the Arbitors are effectively supreme law on Markesh. A Dragonborn who disobeys them forfeits his honor, his possessions, and his life. There has been more than one foolhardy, power-hungry warlord who thought himself above the will of the Arbitors. Typically, his own guards serve to remind him that he is mistaken...

The Dragonborn have no concept of gender, and nothing analgous to kin-ties. Warbands unite into larger groups during the mating season. Eggs are laid back at the warcamp, generally in a rocky cave. The sharp, jagged rocks serve a twin purpose. The rocks guard the eggs, and when the eggs hatch the hatchlings must climb past them to their warband. The rocks thus cull the weak. The Dragonborn guard the eggs with their lives, but do not aid the hatchlings. Upon their death, the "failed" hatchlings are given a warrior's funeral--after all, they fought valiantly to live. There is no dishonor in failure, only in cowardice.

The "warrior burial" of the Dragonborn involves ritual cannibalism as a sign of respect, and as a way to keep the memory of their fallen warriors.

Keyr-Meyk, also known as the "Island Fortress" or the "Iron Prison" is a strange place to non-Wardens. It is equal parts monastery, prison, and military base. Keyr-Meyk was once a starship of massive size, which crash-landed on an unihabited continent. Or at least, that was the popular opinion, the strange altars and other accroutments of civilization found in the catacombs beneath the fortress seem to indicate otherwise.

Keyr-Meyk is the home of the Wardens. The Wardens are ruled by a Grand Warden with the help of an administrative body. Within Keyr-Meyk, the Wardens guard their charges, train in combat, and meditate. The closest the Wardens come to a religion is fulfillment of their Purpose, which..no one but them seems to know.

The Wardens are an isolationist bunch. They have no treaties with other nations, and most of them stay within Keyr-Meyk. The ones who do venture out are usually "bent" Wardens, sent to capture "bent" Wardens, sent on a mission against the Aberrations, or are sent on some other kind of mission.

Ashen Republics

70% Living humans
20% Necropolitan
10% Other
In the center of a small rural town, one of the townspeople is found to be infected. He is a ghoul, a vampire, or some other kind of flesh-eating undead. An angry mob is assembled, torches and pitchforks gathered. The infected is chased out of town, as are his family and his friends, if they are loyal to him. This happened enough that these individuals decided to form their own lands, to the northwest, deep in the mountains, and the ruins of dwarven glory. The dead need no warmth.

And yet, their families and loved ones follow in droves. They settle, despite the harsh climate, despite the hard ground which makes crops wither. Because they have bonds to these undead. Bonds of kinship or friendship. The undead are immortal, and they watch as their loved ones age, have families and die. And the cycle continues. The stronger undead--vampires especially--formed the nobility of these kingdoms, which began forming about a thousand years ago. Eventually other undead flock to the area, to seek peace from their persecution. Liches gather. Mummies in ruined tombs decide to guard something worthwhile--the innocents who live in the kingdoms. Zombies follow, like geese migrating.
The dead forge bonds to these families deeper than any mortal understanding.

A vampire seeing his great-great-great-great niece sees in her his sister's eyes, her hair, her laughter. He loves her, and all she has come from, all that she was. Truly harming her would be a foolish decision.

Advances in necromantic lore and science are made. The Ritual of Crucimigration is designed and completed. Necropolitans spring up, mostly from within the citizenry of the dead kingdoms, but others are attracted as well. The Ritual promises relief from death, disease, the ravages of old age.

The Necropolitans become educated, they become radial, they resent the power of the Flesh-eaters. Seventy-fiveyears ago they rebelled, they declared a "republic for the common man," a land in which there are not owners and workers, but only workers and everything is owned communually. They Purge the flesh-eaters, at least the ones that don't have political connections or access to bribes or are simply too dangerous. The Flesh-Eaters that are left go underground, they operate the Syndicate, an organized crime ring. The freedom established by the early republic decays into despotism.

Currently Premier Vladimir Ivanovich Baroslav rules the nation.

The Sundered Tribes of the Dwarven Nation
Long ago, in centuries past even the memory of history, the dwarves lived as a united people under a great Emperor. The Empire spanned the northern reaches of the continent. The dwarves were renowned miners, forgers and artisans. The ruins of their civilization are still in service in parts of the USRU and parts of the northern human nations. These structures still have the most advanced amenities--indoor plumbing, centralized heating and cooling, and even refridgeration units. To date, the mysteries of these apparati have not been unveiled, leaving many worried should the magics of the forgemasters one day run out. The dwarves also left a wealth of armor and weapons designs and sciences, but they shared this information only with the dragonborn.

Then came the Fall. A dragon, a plague, demons, a worker's rebellion, divine judgement, the disasters of nature, some sort of arcane accident...all of these and more have been blamed for the Fall in the legends of the Dwarves and other races. To this day, it is uncertain what caused the Fall.

The legends say the dwarves after the Fall took a solemn Oath never to repeat the mistakes of the past.Never again. Never again will the Dwarves be a united people. Never again will the dwarves toil at the mines and at the forge. Never again will they damage their Earth Mother in the name of gold, in the name of greed.

Today the dwarves live in tribal states organized by clans. They are semi-nomadic hunter-gatherers and pastorialists. Wars between tribes are rare, but minor border skirmishes and raids are common. Most of these raids are non-lethal, or not exceptionally lethal. Only a few tribes make active war on their opponents, and these tribes are shunned.

Dwarves are a matrilineal, matriarchal people. Patriarchy failed them in the past, and they value their women highly. Dwarven women rarely adventure, many assume this is because they stay at home cooking and cleaning in the home. This is decidedly not the case. Dwarven women run the home. They are the leaders, the deciders, the organizers. They stay at home because they have important things to do! Wise women lead the tribes, and priestesses lead the church. The men mostly do the hunting, and occasionally the raiding. The war mount of choice is the "thunderhoof," a fierce, semi-feral mountain goat which can achieve the size of a small warhorse. Dogs are used as beasts of burden, never a thunderhoof.

The Dwarves worship the Earth as a mother goddess, a life-giver and instructor. They heed the lessons of nature, and believe in mystical signs. The bristleboar is a sacred animal, as it is their primary food-source. As a rite of passage, a dwarf male must kill one of these rhinocerous-sized boar with only a hunting knife. The bear is also sacred to them, as grizzlies are good mothers.

The Imperial Union of Ailbraeth

The Empire consists of the Eladrin, the Drow, and the Elves. The Eladrin are the high nobility and the royalty, the Elves are the minor nobility, gentry, and commoners, and the Drow are gentry and commoners.

The current ruler is Lady Regent, Lily Chamberlain. She serves in the stead of her nephew (she was the king's brother), Prince Rupert, who is thirty and will have the crown in five years. Lady Chamberlain has ruled for the past twenty years since her brother died. She is the first female ruler the Empire has ever had. Some disparage her as the "Witch Queen" since she is a very powerful sorceress in addition to being the acting ruler. However, all of the Ailbraeth high nobility are powerful sorcerors and this is hardly unusual. She usually responds to this insult by correcting the person's ill use of magical semantics as she is a sorceress, not a witch, and also by reminding them that she is a regent, not a queen. She then cheerfully has them thrown in a dungeon for a few months.

2008-09-16, 03:55 PM
Reserved for future postings.

2008-09-16, 03:58 PM
Hmm...I like this. Just reading through, it seems that the drow-island/Eladrin-wizard-did-it and the Warforged-prison/abberation hooks are ripe for an awesome campaign. I noticed that in the Warforged/Warden discription, you never mentioned who the "prisoners" were that were kept on the prison. Was that done on purpose, or will you discuss this later?

2008-09-16, 04:11 PM
Hmm...I like this. Just reading through, it seems that the drow-island/Eladrin-wizard-did-it and the Warforged-prison/abberation hooks are ripe for an awesome campaign. I noticed that in the Warforged/Warden discription, you never mentioned who the "prisoners" were that were kept on the prison. Was that done on purpose, or will you discuss this later?

It's done on purpose. It will be heavily implied it was the Aberrations, but it will never be 100% confirmed. It's just everyone assumes that it was.
Kind of like how there are theories, some very good about how the Day of Mourning was caused in Eberron, but nothing stated directly.
Most people will assume that's what it is the Wardens are guarding, and how the Aberrations came to be. And the Wardens do hunt down and kill Aberrations on sight. At least, Wardens that aren't bent, and most PC Wardens are proibably bent.

This world isn't just for me, it is for my friends who want to use it, or anyone who is interested in this kind of campaign.

The Eladrin are blamed for disappearance of Drow Island only by some weird people. The kind of people who in our world blame the Mafia and/or the CIA for the Kennedy assassination or think the moon landing was faked.

EDIT: Thanks Meek! I hope that Ebrron game speeds up. :/

2008-09-16, 07:16 PM
I like the Necropolitan nation. It needs some sort of small detail though to add a bit of character... Maybe the national symbol could be a daisy?
...You know, as in "pushing daisies" = dead... maybe the flag could be a white daisy on a black field?

Is the Goblinoid nation supposed to be based on Israel?

2008-09-17, 12:54 AM
The Eladrin are blamed for disappearance of Drow Island only by some weird people. The kind of people who in our world blame the Mafia and/or the CIA for the Kennedy assassination or think the moon landing was faked.

So only the Lone Gunman of your world believe this?

2008-09-17, 07:20 AM
I like the Necropolitan nation. It needs some sort of small detail though to add a bit of character... Maybe the national symbol could be a daisy?
...You know, as in "pushing daisies" = dead... maybe the flag could be a white daisy on a black field?

Is the Goblinoid nation supposed to be based on Israel?

1.) Actually I was planning on going for a vulture, or perhaps a raven. The Undead are based on the USSR.

2.) No, way off actually. :smallwink: More like...fascist Spain and Italy, and maybe a little bit of Nazi Germany. Nothing like Israel at all.

2008-09-19, 11:32 PM
So only the Lone Gunman of your world believe this?

Yeah, basically.

Also, no, no Fascist Germany undertones for the Goblins probably.
That's too much like real world evil probably.

I'll try to get a map up should we ever have one.
I'm open to suggestions for country names.

2008-09-24, 03:43 PM
At some point I will edit this, and re-name the Federation of Grand Duchies to something else. The highest officials of these nation will be Emirs.
Probably something along the lines of United _______ Emirates or something.

The humans will be vaguely Arabic/near-eastern/middle eastern/Indian. Kind of a conglomeration.
All the country names I've been coming up with have been in that general direction, and I've decided to go with it instead of fighting it.

Plus, it will make a nice change from the default humans in fantasy being generic European. They'll still be generic, but a different kind of generic.

2008-09-29, 03:42 PM
Added in some stuff about the human nations, and fluff for Keyr-Meyk.
I have come up with a name for each member of the Confederation!

I've added even MORE human fluff.

2008-10-02, 03:54 PM
Well, I will be running an IRL group in this world next week.
I'll let you guys know how it goes.

We have;
-A "bent" warforged warlock with the star pact. The player decided the star he has a pact with is...the sun. Oh, and the radiation of the yellow sun is what made him "bent," as well. His character is "bent" in that he is very happy, and cheerful. His name is Sunny.
-A crotchety Tiefling wizard.
-A Hellbred Paladin of the Knights of the Mace, but of no deity in particular.
-A kobold rogue...who is also a kobold nationalist.
-A dwarf cleric NPC. Nobody wanted to play an awesome dwarf? :smallmad:

2008-10-11, 03:31 PM
Just making a list, as it makes it more clear for me what I have said and still need to say.

1. I like the fact that you have so much information.
2. I like the Dwarven Shamanism. It reminds me of the goddess Dannari, from Deities and Demigods, also a dwarven fertility and agriculture goddess.
3. I too dislike Halflings and they have a very minor part in my own homebrew world (a semi-pre-medieval society with semi-modern racism, integration and immigration, economical problems, religious distrust and political rights movements and activist groups).
4. I like the fact that you included illumians and necropolitans, two very liked 3.5 races. I do think that "Illumian Flexibility" is a bad power/ability as it breaks part of the system and might be overpowered. I think it also doesn't so much fit the illumians.
5. I like the half-orcs
6. I had to laugh when I read the name of the warforged warlock character.

Overal I like it. I don't see anything yet that would make me want to buy this setting above another one, as all still seems rather generic, although unique, but for a homebrew setting, made for personal use, this isn't much of a problem as you only need a nice fun place for your players to be in. This really looks great and I am not just saying that because you are my DM in a play-by-post game.

2008-10-11, 03:40 PM
Your dwarves ARE excellent. I've always enjoyed the more tribal take on them.

Zeta Kai
2008-10-11, 04:55 PM
Your dwarves ARE excellent. I've always enjoyed the more tribal take on them.

Agreed. I also like that your quoted Hammerfall for your Knights of the Mace. I thought I was the only one who owned that album.

I ask once more: do you need a map?

2008-10-12, 02:02 AM
Tell you what, I'll send you a PM with details later.

2008-10-12, 03:30 PM
I moved the Orcs and Bugbears both down on the caste ladder. It didn't make sense in retrospect to have two infantry classes. The Orcs are now the farmer/labor/slave class. Similar to the heloi of ancient Sparta.

My Goblins are becoming increasingly Greco-Roman.

2008-10-17, 03:53 PM
Added some notes to each major race as to real-world analogues/examples.
Making the Warforged vaguely Meso-American was an idea I had today, but I don't know how I'm going to implement it.

2008-10-17, 04:10 PM
The more I think about it, the less Half-Orcs make sense in this world.
Half-Dwarves on the other hand...might work.
From http://www.dlnexus.com/downloads/20555.pdf

Average Height: 5'–5’6”
Average Weight: 140‐210 lb.
Ability Scores: +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Low‐light
Languages: Common, Dwarven
Bonus Skill: You gain training in one additional skill from
your class skill list.
Cast‐Iron Stomach: +5 racial bonus to saving throws against
Dual Heritage: You can take feats that have either dwarf or
human as a prerequisite (as well as those specifically for
half‐dwarves), as long as you meet any other requirements.
Dwarven Resilience: You can use your second wind as a
minor action instead of a standard action.
Stand Your Ground: When an effect forces you to move—
through a pull, a push, or a slide—you can move 1 square
less than the effect specifies. This means an effect that
normally pulls, pushes, or slides a target 1 square does not
force you to move unless you want to.
In addition, when an attack would knock you prone, you can
immediately make a saving throw to avoid falling prone.

2008-10-23, 04:14 PM
Upon further reflection, half-Dwarves are in, half-orcs are out.
I miiight add in some sort of giant based race, but not likely.

I updated some stuff on the Human Nations, and come up with a better name for the Undead Republic, and the Eladrin Empire.

2008-11-26, 04:50 PM
So, the Old World is more or less finished.
I need to figure out what to do with the New World part now.

So far I know I want a nation based no 19th century/early 20th century America, but don't know what to call it. It will mostly be half-elves and half-dwarfs and humans.