View Full Version : The continent of Urnush part 1 [Group 2] [IC]

2008-09-06, 06:57 AM
2 weeks ago up untill now

Washing up on the beach coughing and spluttering all of you dragged yourselves off the floatsam and each other and collapsed on the beach. Drifting in and out of consciousness.

Woken up the next day by the quiet lapping of the waves you all struggle up the beach to the grass covered dunes behind the beach. You see small crabs waddling around sideways on the beach. There are small rockpools with limpits and starfish and other small wierd fish that live in the rock pools. There are some that defy all knowledge. There is a small one with bright orange fins but no lateral fins the body is bright blue with tentacles coming out sideways.

About 100 metres behind the sand the grass starts properly. Duney wavey grass waves free in the wind. After about a week of exploring the island properly you find but one patch of trees atop a hill. The only hill actually on the island standing in the middle.

From the centre of the hill you can tell that the island is roughly the same all the way around. Small crystal clear pools of water are dotted all around the beach. There is one river more of a babbling brook running from the centre of the copse of trees down the eastern side of the island and into the sea. The trees albeit few are very tall and very old. They are roughly 120 feet high each and around 7 feet through the centre. There are around 30 trees with inumerable small bushes around the base. These give berries that keep you sustained yet, when you go back the next day there are double the amount of berries picked grown back on the bush.

Water from the river is crystal clear deliciously cool and fine to drink as well. The only question remains now how will you get off this awful island and continue on with your mission?

2008-09-06, 07:25 AM
OoC: Do we see other islands close?

It would be good to first try to climb those high trees with my grappling hook and rope trying to get a better view of his surroundings.

After removing his armor and putting down his gear in the camp Morbius turns to the othersand ask: Do any of you know to use a rope and happens to a good climber? I happen to have some rope and a grappling hook and I think we should try to climb those trees to know if we can see something from there. Also would like if you came with us Gurt. During the battle on the ship I saw as the wounds of those close to you would close faster. That is a nice trick

2008-09-06, 10:58 AM
Well I cant say that ill be needing your grappling hooks but ill be sure to have a look round for you .

With that ill quickly and hopefully easily climb the tree and have a look round

activate innate spider climb ability and go have a look see , ill also activate my senses dragon aura to get a better looksee

2008-09-06, 10:42 PM
Tost sits quietly on the beach looking out on the ocean, idly munching on a couple of berries. After some thought, his hand stops mid way to his mouth, a mischievous grin starting to spread turns around and looks like he is about to say something. Stopping himself and then chuckling. Quietly talking to himself he says "No... I woudln't be lucky enough to be stuck on a deserted island with some cute mermaids...." Pops another berry into his mouth and looks around to watch Melosofalia climb up a tree.

2008-09-07, 07:05 AM

From the beach there is no other island or land visible but you know you crashed on the side closest to where the enemies side of the continent was.

Gurt climbing up the tree seems to notice something odd. About halfway up the tree it feels different to regular bark somehow more grainy. When he reaches the top he can feel a definate wierd sensation. However looking out for land it appears there would be a small attol to your north east and the continent you had struck out for south west of you.

2008-09-08, 09:23 AM
Gurt will have a bit of a better look at the strange bark , see if he can figure anything about it that might help us out .
If nothing apparent becomes useful Gurt will go down and report what ive seen .

2008-09-08, 02:06 PM

As far as Gurt can tell it is just different. More spongey than it should be just wierd. Beyond that he has no idea whats wrong if anything at all with it or why it is different but it is.

2008-09-08, 10:29 PM
Melosofalia spends the first few days staying very near the berry bushes; he sporadically offers up tidbits and factoids about where he thinks you all must be, and little tidbits of the history of the possible region.

(ooc +4 to knowledge geography and history checks, trained)

Finally, after days of this, he plays his hand, calling up to Gurt in the tree, "Do you see any islands nearby? Try the south!"

2008-09-09, 09:06 PM
Morbius listens to what Gurt said and replies:
Well, there is going back now, they must presume that we are dead like the others… We should try to reach the mainland and try to find those ships’ base, maybe we can try to steal one of them during the night. I know it is a long call but it would be worse to remain here and I think that trying to look on the other islands might be dangerous.

I don’t have proper tools but I think we could improvise a raft, I mean we have wood and I have some rope, we could try to salvage some of the ship’s sail or even use our own clothes if needed, I don’t know... so what do you think?

2008-09-10, 08:55 PM
"What are you crazy?!" Replied Tost.

"There is at least 14 ships worth of men back there. Plus Gods know how much of an army too. We wouldn't get too very far, at least not with out some more help. Thinks for a second.
Well... if we survived I'm sure there has to be more of us some where. Maybe if we can find some of them we could arrange something.

Looks over the group. And besides, does anyone have a way to cut these trees down?"

((ooc: about how big is this island btw?))

2008-09-10, 09:25 PM
Melosofia listens intently to Tost and Morbius, and ignores Tost's question as he states, flatly, "You're both right. We do need to make sure we're not leaving anyone behind here, Tost, but so too do we need to find out who is behind that fleet. It is the reason we are here, even if it does seem dangerous. We don't need to 'stop' them, at the present- we need to locate and observe them."

He looks around, and then continues, "I propose we do one last sweep of the island, as a group, and then begin attempting to build a means of sea-travel while also deciding on a course."

2008-09-10, 10:29 PM
Morbius scraches his chin and says:
"Look, we have been exploring this island for a week, Gurt even climbed that tree to look for something that we might have missed and found nothing. We know the mainland is close, even if we can't find the fleet that attacked us we might find some other mean of transportation. Also Tost, I am not crazy, at no moment I said we should confront them, but if the opportunity presents itself, stealing one of their boats avoiding combat (that was the whole idea of stealing it during the night) is one possible course of action, on the other hand, I don't think any of you has any experience as a sailor do you? Of course, if someone has a better idea just say so."

2008-09-11, 09:25 PM
Melosofalia shrugs, noncommittaly.

"If you are suggesting we write our other companions off as dead, I would be willing to go along with that. It does follow a logical examination."

"I still maintain my support for finding those who attacked us. Our main choices are west, east, or south- south, to the area we were meant to explore in the first place. The small islands to the west and east of us are, most likely, as uninhabited as this one, or else we'd probably have seen smoke from here. We mammals certainly do love our fire!"

He chuckles oddly, and waits for argument.

2008-09-14, 04:10 PM
Hearing no argument, Melosofalia finishes by saying,

"Morbius, perhaps you and I should head to the coast, to the south, and see if there appear to be sufficient materials to build some sort of raft."

2008-09-14, 10:19 PM
ooc: Sorry I was waiting for an answer to my question on the ooc thread, for some reason Thoranius never answer my questions on the ooC thread ¬¬

IC: Morbius slaps his own forehead "Oh..., of course, the remais of our ship, it will be much easier with those, let's go. No matter where we go next, I think everyone agrees that we need to leave this blasted island" and so if no one objects Morbius goes with Melosofalia to look for the remais of the ship.