View Full Version : Dawn of Defiance

Tar Palantir
2008-09-06, 08:10 AM

Episode I


It is a dark time in the galaxy.The evil Galactic Empire has spread
from the Deep Core to the Outer Rim, and everywhere
the Empire’s tyranny can be felt.
Fleeing from the oppression of the Emperor’s minions, agents of
Senator Bail Organa have run to a remote space station above
Brentaal. Known to be a vocal opponent of the Empire,
Organa may be the last hope of freedom in the galaxy.
In the hopes of stopping these dissidents before they can
reach the Senator, the Empire has alerted its forces on
Sel Zonn Station, where the struggle for liberty rages on,
and the first sparks of rebellion have begun to burn. . . .

Eloun Tadro

You disembark from the Iron Star, a low class freighter from Coruscant. After several months of hiding, you finally managed to book passage of that Jedi death trap now known as Imperial City. You blend in with the crowd as they exit the freighter, and find yourself on Sel Zonn Station, something of a shipping hub above the world of Brentaal. Most of the crowd seems to be filtering throughout the station, although a few head towards a long hallway that can only be a commercial strip.

Valzoa Slyns

After yet another long and brooding space flight, you exit the Iron Star, a cheap passenger ship lately from Coruscant. Your journey has confirmed the terrible truth that robbed you of your Master: the Jedi Order is no more. You barely feel the press of the crowd around you, although as it starts to thin, you see the road leads to the Promenade, a small district with shops, cantinas, casinos, and more. A grunt from behind you alerts you to get moving.

Asim Kader

You are currently a bouncer at the Gundark's Cantina, a popular cantina situated on the Promenade, a corridor of shops and entertainments and the hub of the ship. You've worked there for a few weeks, and the Human bartender, "Gundark" Saff, has taken a liking to you, despite his slight anti-alien bias. It's dull work, but the pay is decent enough, and you get a good discount from the only cantina on Sel Zonn Station where they don't make a habit of watering down your drinks. It's getting near the end of your shift, and you stand in front of the bar, making sure no one causes trouble.

Bru Veen

You arrived on Sel Zonn Station a few weeks ago, and have found employment with a Twi'lek named San, an unsavory fellow who runs a droid shop named Mechanical Allies, situated on the Promenade, the center of life for non-Imperials on Sel Zonn. It keeps you out of the Imperials' way, but you have your work cut out for you, as many of the droids aren't worth their rusting durasteel. The shop only stays open due to frequent bribes to the Imperials stationed here. You've just got off work after a long day, with San's assurances that your wages will be deposited in your account shortly. You almost believe him this time. He's getting better at this.

2008-09-06, 10:07 AM
Eloun Tadro

As he makes his way off the Iron Star he starts to move with the crowd to the local cantina. His current objective is to find some information on the newest area he has arrived upon. Making his way up the Promenade he makes to the cantina. There standing in front of the door is the bodyguard. He makes his way towards the entrance with hopes of not being stopped.

2008-09-06, 11:10 AM

Moving quickly, Valzoa heads towards the Promenade, in hopes of loosing any one who is following him.

2008-09-07, 05:41 PM

Asim maintains his position just inside the door, and watches the people in and outside the establishment. ...and next I'll look for Riban's Worth trilogy. Shelis said those were good... Who's this? Hmm, looks a little eager, but not really dangerous. Just the usual, I guess. I wonder what time it is? Asim checks his timepiece, then stares back out at the cantina, making sure his blaster is visible.

2008-09-07, 09:21 PM

With a cautious sigh of relief, Eloun walks past and towards the bar. He sits in an empty seat and orders a drink. Excuse me sir... I have some questions to ask if you dont mind.

2008-09-08, 10:04 PM
Bru Veen

Throwing her bag over her shoulder, Bru Veen locks down all of the equipment in the shop and heads for the nearest cantina. Sidling up to the bar, she takes a seat and pulls her datapad from its slot in her bag and starts pouring over the technical schematics of one of her several personal projects. When the barkeep arrives, she looks up and absentmindedly orders a house ale without looking up from her pad.

Tar Palantir
2008-09-09, 04:36 PM
Eloun Tadro

The barkeeper grunts, then says, "Then ask 'em. Save that talk for the Senate."

Bru Veen

Your drink is served quickly, and although the barkeep is rather cool, nothing is said about your presence. Aliens are tolerated here, but not liked, it seems.

2008-09-09, 04:53 PM

I can easily tell that the promenade is filled with Empire lackeys, however I wish to know if there some other place here where one can peacefully stay and not get too interrupted by the Empire. Any other problems the area has I can deal with. Also I was wondering why this area seems to have a strange air about.

Tar Palantir
2008-09-09, 08:08 PM
Eloun Tadro

The man sighs, as if talking to a child. "Your best bet's to keep your mouth shut. I don't know why you're running and I don't care. I won't go turnin' you in. Just keep your head down, and you'll be fine. There aren't too many decent troops here anyway, just some low-end recruits."

Asim and Valzoa

The Promenade is filled with the bustle of revelry and commerce.
Spilling out of the gambling halls are the sounds of victory and the
moans of defeat, while the music of local bands issues from the
cantinas. Only a handful of citizens mill about in the main areas of
the Promenade, a few gazing out the massive windows at the planet
Brentaal hovering below. Businesspeople hawk their wares to the
passersby, and a few Imperial stormtroopers make their way down
the main avenue of the Promenade on their usual patrol at a
leisurely pace.

However, two men don't seem to be a part of the rest of the crowd. They loiter at the edges of the avenue, scanning the crowd. They wear identical traveling clothes, and both seem to be concealing holdout blasters. Valzoa's paranoia and keen Jedi senses also reveal that they seem to be whispering to themselves, obviously using hidden comlinks. They are clearly looking for someone, and it doesn't take long to discover who.

A woman with short black hair and the greasy uniform of a mechanic comes stumbling onto the Promenade, clutching her midsection as though injured. She struggles to make her way across the floor in Asim's direction, though clearly she is having difficulty walking. the two suspicious men begin moving in her direction. “Please, help me,” she calls out to you. “There are credits in it for you, just help me!”

Mere seconds later, two stormtroopers burst into the area from the south end of the Promenade. They raise their blasters, aiming them at the woman, and shout through their helmet speakers, “Step away from that woman. She is under arrest in the name of the Emperor!” The civilians quickly scatter, save the stormtroopers and the two apparent Imperial agents.

2008-09-09, 08:09 PM
Asim (Fixed)

Asim steps into a wide stance, but keeps only one hand on his blaster, which stays at his side. "How are your credits going to save me from the empire, lady?"
Tempting, but there's no way I'm going in against imperials without a hell of a good reason.

Tar Palantir
2008-09-09, 08:36 PM

The woman babbles on, clutching her side, delirious from blood loss, "I have connections. Wealth, protection, whatever you need, but you must help me! Sen...someone's depending on me." She attempts to cover up her slip with a cough, but does so poorly.

2008-09-09, 08:42 PM

Staying semi-hidden, Valzoa takes in the situation. That woman needs help, but there is little I can do without revealing myself to the Empire. Valzoa thinks to himself as he looks around the area for any civilians still watching.

2008-09-10, 08:24 AM
Bru Veen

Hearing the sudden change in tone of the hubub near the entrance to the cantina and the lack of motion out the door as the crowd stops to observe some calamity, Bru Veen looks up from her schematics and cranes her neck.

Sliding her datapad back into her bag and dropping a few credits on the bar top, she makes her way through to the doorway, checking as to what the disturbance could be.

Perception to see if I pick up on what's going on out here
Perception: [roll0]

If Bru Veen sees what's going on, she will draw her carbine and start edging in towards the Mechanic.

2008-09-10, 02:43 PM

Sounds good enough. Now all I have to figure out is how to get past those stormtroopers... Asim nods, and waits for the troopers to make the next move. He is ready to take the nearest cover available.

For when it's needed, [roll0]
I''m guessing the cover will either be a yet-to-be-overturned table or the doorway itself.

2008-09-10, 07:01 PM

Hearing some ruckus from the outside, Eloun put some credits and heads out the door. Thanks for the tip.

He starts squeezing through the crowd to try and find the ruckus, but it takes a bit of effort and takes some time to get there.

Tar Palantir
2008-09-10, 07:08 PM
Bru Veen

You see everything that Valzoa did, and catch most of the injured woman's conversation with the Zabrak bouncer.

The stormtroopers take Asim's subtle movements in, and decide to end all ambiguity with a cluster of blaster shots, leaving carbon scoring on the durasteel walls of the Promenade. None of the shots finds its mark, however, and all are free to act.


OOC: Everyone can act, so I need Initiatives from everyone who hasn't rolled them. Current map is spoilered below; if you can't tell who's who then ask in the OOC. Eloun's green saber, Val's blue.


2008-09-10, 07:17 PM
Iniative: [roll0]

2008-09-10, 09:18 PM
((Are there any civilians around?))

Tar Palantir
2008-09-11, 05:00 AM
((The civilians have long since fled. No one but you and them.))

2008-09-11, 02:49 PM

Asim pulls off a shot at the nearest stormtrooper, then crosses the room to the stormtrooper.

If I'm lucky [roll1]
The square I'm looking for is one down and to the left from the top stormtrooper, so I threaten him. I'm shooting the closer one, though.

2008-09-14, 09:11 PM
Bru Veen

Watching with curiousity, Bru Veen lets out a sharp breath resulting in whisps of smoke leaving her resporator. She steps forward and takes aim at the nearest Stormtrooper.

"Why can't I keep myself out of trouble..."

Bru Veen moves forward two squares and fires

Attack: (+3 Attack Bonus, +1 Point Blank Shot, +1 Skirmisher)

Damage: [roll1] (3d8 Damage +1 Point Blank Shot)

2008-09-15, 12:48 PM

Reaching out with the force, Valzoa calmly moves towards the two hooded figures. His dark robes blending into the shadows, Valzoa makes two subtle movements.

Use Force (Force Slam):[roll0] The two informants should be within range.

2008-09-15, 02:39 PM

Eloun moves forward 10' and then to the left another 10'. He pulls back his fist and punches the storm trooper in the gut, as to make him elevate. His punch seems a little stronger than a normal human can punch.

Unarmed Strike: [roll0]
Use The Force- Battle Strike: [roll1]
Battle Strike Damage: [roll2]

Tar Palantir
2008-09-15, 03:02 PM
The two alien marksmen make short work of the green stormtroopers. The informants are likewise overwhelmed, barely fumbling out their blasters before being sent sprawling. Edoun draws back his fist, only to find everyone already disabled. Asim only knocked his target out cold, but the rest are clearly dead.

The injured woman collapses to the ground, cushioning her fall poorly. She says, "Quickly...we must leave...before more Imperials arrive... I have a hideout nearby." She wheezes out a brief set of instructions which both Asim and Veen can easily follow, before slipping out of consciousness.

2008-09-15, 03:12 PM

Asim glances around at his newfound allies, then leans over to pick the woman up. "I suppose that means we had better get moving, then." With that, he heads off in the direction of the hideout.

2008-09-15, 05:28 PM

Grabbing one of the blaster pistols from the bodies of the informants, Valzoa follows the others.

2008-09-15, 08:57 PM
Bru Veen

Keeping her carbine at the ready, Bru Veen moves to assist in carrying the injured tech. Helping where she can, she nods to her two newfound companions, "I'm Bru Veen, pleasure assulting Imperial forces with you."

2008-09-16, 04:21 PM

Eloun quickly follows in pursuit. It seems your going to need my help.Eloun keeps his eyes peeled for any other enemies.

Tar Palantir
2008-09-18, 05:18 PM
Following the woman's directions, the group travels through a series of run-down corridors, mostly silent. You encounter no one along the way. Eventually, you arrive at a small, one room apartment. It looks as though it has been abandoned for some time, and only recently put to use.

Several minutes after your arrival, the woman stirs. She comes to, blinking in the glare of the harsh lighting strips in the room. She shakes her head to clear it, then says, "Thank you for rescuing me. My name is Maya, Alderaanian Security. I came to Sel Zonn Station to retrieve valuable cargo for Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan, but just a few hours after arriving, I was attacked by Imperial Security. They don't know of my mission, but they have little trust for Senator Organa or his associates."

"Please, I need your help. In Deep Storage Bay V14 is a droid named Switch, who knows the location of the cargo. I was supposed to meet with him, recover the cargo, and deliver it to Alderaan. In this state, though, I'd be lucky to get down the corridor without collapsing, let alone get past Imperial security. Senator Organa will compensate you well if you help, and you could help save the lives of many innocent beings. Please, help me."

2008-09-18, 05:45 PM

I understand. I believe in a situation like this we are required to help. So far what I can understand is that your part of a resistance group led by Senator Organa. You were supposed to go to meet a droid name Sitch and use information he gives you to retrieve some sort of cargo. It situations like this you probably don't know what the cargo is. He turns to the other people who helped with the situation. Among one of them he sees a familar face. Valzoa! Is that you? I haven't seen you in a while. I'm glad to see your okay. It's me Eloun.

2008-09-18, 08:29 PM

Ignoring Valzoa and Eloun, Asim looks skeptically at Maya. "I've got nothing against helping a woman in trouble with the imperials, especially when credits are involved; I can probably still get around here fine. But touch anything imperial security wants to keep you away from and you're in deep Bantha doo. You said this resistance group has credits? How many? This isn't exactly a street job, or something."

Tar Palantir
2008-09-18, 09:18 PM
Maya responds to Asim's comment in a cold, but resigned voice, "Senator Organa is extremely wealthy and influential. He speaks openly against the Emperor, yet still lives, which is more than can be said for most. Any aid you render will be well rewarded."

2008-09-18, 10:44 PM
Bru Veen

Letting out a noise that was meant as a whistle, but is so distorted by her breath mask that it comes out as a groan, Bru Veen shakes her head and sits against the wall. "This is definately some situation... But honestly, Senator Organa has done much to stand up against the Emporer and his xenophobic Moffs. I don't doubt the value of having him in our debt. You can count me in."

2008-09-19, 12:43 PM

"So another lives... interesting." Valzoa says simply to Eloun before turning back to Maya. "Madam, If you truly work for Senator Organa, I will gladly aid you."

Tar Palantir
2008-09-19, 02:41 PM
Maya smiles slightly at the group's responses, but you can see that she is in pain. She pulls out from her stained clothes a datapad, handing it to Veen. She says, "This datapad has directions to Deep Storage Bay V14. Be careful of Switch. He's like a durasteel Hutt, greedy to the core. If you can recover the cargo, I can arrange a path off this station without any Imperial entanglements. I need to rest....This place is safe, should you need a place to stay, but don't delay more than you must. The fate of the galaxy may depend on it...." She drifts off into unconsciousness.

2008-09-19, 02:42 PM

That's all you have to say after what happened. Come on, at least smile to see that a friend is alive.

2008-09-20, 04:43 AM
Bru Veen

Standing up and stretching her back, Bru Veen looks directly to Eloun,"Not to break up the family reunion here, but we have a task to accomplish- maybe we should get going?"

2008-09-20, 05:52 AM

Alright, fine. Let's get moving them. He ahoots one last look at Valzoa and sees nothing but lack of emotion.

2008-09-23, 05:32 PM

The sight of an old friend still living after what had happened did stir something deep within Valzoa, but he quickly put it back into place. Now was not the time to rejoice or to become reacquainted. Now was a time for action.

2008-09-25, 04:32 PM
Bru Veen

Double checking all of her equipment and ensuring that their charge is comfortable Bru Veen heads off following the directions given to the group.

Tar Palantir
2008-09-25, 07:38 PM
Moving swiftly, you make your way deeper into the station, following the directions provided by Maya. After a short time, you find that you have entered a very neglected part of the station. Many of the lights have burned out, and blaster marks and carbon scoring mar the walls, ceiling, and floor. The area reeks of ozone and electrical fires, and pools of coolant litter the hallways at regular intervals. After winding your way through a near-labyrinth of decrepit corridors, you come upon bay V14, which is guarded by a pair of Gamorreans wielding vibro-axes.

2008-09-26, 10:06 PM
Bru Veen

With one hand reflexively going to her carbine, Bru Veen approaches the Gammoreans. "We're been sent to meet Switch."

2008-09-27, 12:26 PM

Do you always blurt out everything you're doing.Eloun starts to approach the Gamoreans ready to pull our his lightsaber in an instant.

Tar Palantir
2008-09-27, 12:57 PM
The first Gamorrean grunts to his companion in Gamorrean, gesturing with his fat arms. The second, clearly a little more intelligent, gestures at Veen and Eloun with his vibro-axe, then holds up his other hand, rubbing his fingers together in the universally accepted symbol of a bribe.

2008-09-27, 04:57 PM
Bru Veen

Eyeballing the Gamorrean, Bru Veen puts a hand on her hip and looks to Eloun. Speaking quietly she doesn't take her eyes off of the fat bodyguards, "I'm impetuous, do you have any better ideas Mr. Jedi?"

2008-09-27, 07:03 PM

Silently, Valzoa moves forward and hands each guard a 100 credit chip.

2008-09-27, 08:17 PM
Bru Veen

Furrowing her brow, Bru Veen whispers to Eloun again, "I think messing with their mind would have been more fun..."

2008-09-27, 09:04 PM

Turning, Valzoa attempts to crack a smile but it turns out all wrong. Out of practice you figure. "We need to get this cargo and get off this station ASAP."

Tar Palantir
2008-09-28, 09:29 AM
The guards rub their hands together in glee as they take the credits. Grunting to each other, apparently celebrating their good fortune, they let you enter the bay.

The deep storage bay is as run-down as the hallways leading up to it, with entire metal plates missing from the floor and a huge, open exhaust shaft near the back of the room. Large crates litter the area, creating the appearance of a haphazard mess, and the air has a distinct smell of sweat and fumes that makes the entire area unpleasant. Flickering lights provide modest illumination, and a burst pipe along the ceiling leaks blue fluid down one wall.

Near the center of the room is an item that seems very out of place—a large, finely crafted desk made of Japor ivory wood, which means that the desk is both priceless and rare. Sitting peacefully behind the desk is a protocol droid with shiny, ebony coverings that seem to soak up light and offer only the slightest reflection. The droid’s eyes flicker slightly, as though imitating a person blinking rapidly.

The droid gestures in a welcoming manner, speaking in a Coruscanti-Imperial accent, "Welcome to my humble domain. My name is Switch, and my companion here is R5-B8." At this he motions to a blue and red astromech droid beside him, which beeps and whistles in greeting. Switch continues, "Please, sit. Would you like something to drink? Perhaps some Alderaanian wine, or a Corellian ale? Seyaal, drinks." A blue skinned Twi'lek male emerges from the shadows behind Switch, bowing his head, and heading to another compartment of the bay. After a few minutes, the Twi'lek returns with a cart containing a wide variety of expensive drinks, displaying a refined taste not often seen in a droid. The Twi'lek serves drinks silently, providing whatever you ask of him, before returning to his master's side.

Switch now sits forward, all business. He says, "My services are available to any who can afford them. I know many things. What is it you wish?"

2008-09-28, 05:58 PM
Bru Veen

Realizing that her outburst at the door might have been a little too forward, Bru Veen looks over to one of the Jedi, waiting for the so-called negotiators to step up. Lets see what these two can do... if all else fails, we can disassemble the droids and I can just take the information from the droids head after the fact

2008-09-28, 08:24 PM

We are sent here in place of Maya. We are here to retrieve information on an item we were sent to pick up. If you would please give us some assistance and just waver any fee that would be wonderful.

Untrained Persuasion check:[roll0]

Tar Palantir
2008-09-28, 08:30 PM
Switch shakes his head and waves his finger, tutting the young Jedi. "Now now, if I waived my fee, how would I make a living? I have employees to consider, you know.And this is a sensitive piece of cargo. I'm not sure I want to turn it over to you." You could swear that there was a faint gleam in the droid's eyes, but when you look again, it's gone.

2008-09-28, 08:34 PM

I don't mean to be unreasonable on this one. I'm merely in a standing where I can neither pay and I need the information. I'm in a situation to help a women who can't help herself. All I need is just a little information and I would be on my way.

2008-09-29, 04:08 PM
Bru Veen

Starting to fidget at the conversation in meer moments, Bru Veen simply loses what little bit of restraint she has in a deep exhalation.

Stepping forward with purpose to Switch's desk, she leans down pressing her stained mechanics hands on its well polished surface and looks the droid right in it's occular sensors. With a good deal of malice in her voice, she reverts to her native tongue as she addresses the droid, "We don't have time to negotiate. You obviously have something that we need, and we unfortunately had to bribe your rediculous excuse for a security detail outside, and are already risking our necks. Name your price, if it's acceptable, we can pay it. If not, maybe we can have an exchange of services. Either way- we've been warned you are about as honorable as a Hutt at a Swoop Track, so allow me to be crystal clear, slipping her hyperspanner from her pack and slamming it down on the desk, "If you try to cheat us or overvalue your "delicate" cargo- I will disassemble you and your little chrome domed friend here. Affermative?"

Tar Palantir
2008-09-29, 07:11 PM
The droid straightens in a fair interpretation of indignation. As he does so, you see several thugs reveal themselves from the concealing shadows in which they had been hiding. Switch says, rather coldly, "Your threats are hardly necessary. If you insist, here is the deal. For the eminently reasonable sum of one thousand credits, I will reveal to you the location of the cargo. If you know the nature of the cargo, then you know I am being most generous, and if not, I will tell you - for fifty credits. And I'll even go one further. You seem to be a well-traveled lot. As an information broker, I am always looking for more sources of potential product. I will reduce the cost of the location by two hundred credits for each of you that agrees to provide me with information in the future. I believe that is more than reasonable." His guards, hefting blaster pistols and vibro-weapons, seem to agree.

2008-09-29, 10:55 PM

Walking forward, Valzoa silently places 1000 credits on the table. "Here is your money, now tell us, if you would kindly do so, where is the cargo and what does it contain?" Valzoa says in a mono-tone voice.

Tar Palantir
2008-09-30, 05:10 AM
Switch checks over the credits, then says, "The cargo is yours, but if you want to know what it is, it will be fifty credits. I have to make a living, you know. I'm sure you understand. The cargo is located on Blue Deck, in Docking Bay 1174-B. Any more information will require more payment."

2008-09-30, 05:24 PM

Eloun takes his drink and finishes it in one gulp. I believe that is all we need. Thank you very much.Eloun starts to make his way out.

2008-10-02, 12:55 PM
Bru Veen

Looking at the droid for a moment less than would be considered a threat, Bru Veen follows Eloun out of the cargo hold. I have a bad feeling about this. Getting lost in thought for a moment, she looks to the Jedi next to her and examines him- wanting to catch a glimpse of his lightsaber.

Maybe this is the chance I've been looking for. Here is a living repository of all of the knowledge I am seeking.

Tar Palantir
2008-10-02, 02:52 PM
As you head for the door, Blaster fire sounds from outside in the hall, and suddenly the blast doors leading into the storage bay slide open to reveal a number of armed thugs outside. In the midst of the rabble is a large Chevin, his trunk hanging low to the ground and his mouth twisted in a snarl. “So you thought you could hide your deal with the offworlders from me, droid? I’m tired of not getting my cut! Turn him into a scrap heap, boys!” His thugs, burly Humans armed with blaster pistols and vibro-axes, move to obey.

Give me Initiatives in the OOC thread. Map will be up in a few minutesnow. The hostile thugs are Gamorreans, and their Chevin leader is in the middle of them. Switch's thugs are Rodians. PCs are same as last match. Behind the desk are Switch and his astromech droid, and behind him is the Twi'lek. I apologize for the size issues, but I haven't figured out how to fix that with Maptool yet. Hopefully it'll get better soon.


2008-10-10, 05:43 PM

As the swarm of humans commanded by an obviously incompetent leader bars his paths, Eloun takes no time to hesitate to continue forward. He quickly takes a step forward and with a quick flick of the wrist his lightsaber in hand comes down upon the human infront of me. Didn't your mother teach you not to play with guns. In the end you might just get hurt.


2008-10-12, 03:38 PM
Bru Veen

At the appearance of the armed soldiers, Bru Veen snatches her carbine out of its holster and takes a step back and fires at the nearest goon.

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

2008-10-12, 03:50 PM

Pulling out his confiscated hold-out blaster, Valzoa fires off a shot at the thug directly in front of him.

Attack Roll:[roll0]

Tar Palantir
2008-10-23, 04:06 PM
Eloun's swing goes wide as the panicked Human takes a step back in fear. The Kel Dor fares better, blasting a second thug off of his feet, a smoking hole in his chest. Valzoa's shot is poorly aimed, and misses by a fair margin.

Now the Chevin and his thugs have roused themselves from their initial shock, and take up combat positions. Blaster shots from several thugs and their leader fail to hit their marks. One thug closes with Veen, determined to avenge his comrade, but his hefty vibro-ax fails to find purchase. The thug Eloun attacked fairs better, cutting beneath the Jedi's guard for a devastating slice to the stomach. Eloun recovers enough, however, to cut down a thug that attempted to sneak past the Jedi's silver blade.

Eloun takes 16 damage from a vibro-ax wound. Veen drops her target, and Eloun catches one on an AoO for a positive kill. It's now Asim's turn. Here's the updated map: