View Full Version : Question about links...

2006-05-10, 08:39 PM
If you want to link to a photobucket page/something else, how do you make the link look like "Please click here"? I usually just copy/paste the page, but thats long and people like it more when you say "Look for the map here." Rather then "Look for the map on the link below" and then a huge link.

So, how do you make a link to look like soemthing else?

Edit: @V@ Thank you!!

2006-05-10, 08:45 PM
Linking - One of the most commonly used codes. These codes override color formatting.

Basic link:

Thus, http://www.wizards.com

Never put spaces after the first tag or before the closing tag.

Link with text:

This is only an example (http://www.example.com)
Thus, Wizards of the Coast (http://www.wizards.com)