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2008-09-08, 01:10 PM
My Group is currently running a 3.5 D&D horror Campaign. The setting is a small town that has been invaded by vampires in a homebrew world the DM created. It's a very low level campaign and all the charters are teenagers from the town. The party's plan so far has been to go vampire hunting during the day and than hide in a dirt basement with the charter's mothers and a few of the town folks protected with mirrors and garlic.

Last game the vampires finally managed to break our defenses and attack in force. Well the battle goes on for awhile the one of the vampires uses it's gaze on me and makes me start attacking his own mother (My charter a level 2 Paladin and the mother was a level 1 cleric. my charter swings and misses the mother hits bringing me down to one HP. Next round. I attack again once again missing badly. The Mother swings critical. I ask the DM to confirm it. He does it hits, he rolls damage for 16. My charter ended up being killed by his own mother!

Tempest Fennac
2008-09-08, 01:19 PM
That's unlucky.:smallfrown: What happened after that?

2008-09-08, 01:38 PM
We laughed for about 10 minutes, than the party finished the fight and I rolled a new charter.

Tempest Fennac
2008-09-08, 01:39 PM
Okay. What's your new character's class? Was there any way to stop the Vampire from controlling you?

2008-09-08, 01:49 PM
No, well I had a will save but I rolled really low. The new character is a barbarian.

Tempest Fennac
2008-09-08, 01:51 PM
Thanks for telling me. Have the vampires been defeated yet?

2008-09-08, 01:52 PM
Taim, you might as well tell the whole story. Tempest isn't going to give up until then. :smallwink:

And we all like good stories.

2008-09-08, 02:01 PM
Wait, an NPC was attacking her own son who was hostile only because of a domination effect, and she wasn't going for nonlethal damage??? :smallconfused::smallconfused: What kind of crazy psycho mother is this?:smalleek:

2008-09-08, 02:12 PM
Minor nitpick, but the word you're looking for is "character", not "charter".

The New Bruceski
2008-09-08, 02:18 PM
I consider this one funny.

We had to head into a fort held by Orcs, to reclaim a sword that could be used to counter a scepter that was busy raising undead. The DM's intended plot progression was for us to try to negotiate, probably fail, get chased off and need to find another way. To this end the Orcs were listed (to him, not to us) as not pursuing anyone who flees (they have had many people try for the sword, and chased them off, see it as beneath them to chase down cowards).

Then the plot came into contact with the players. We try to negotiate, it's not working (the bargening chip we had was not nearly as valuable as we thought, and they knew how important the sword was) and our Wizard ends negotiations with a fireball. Then the leader blows a horn and orcs start coming out to fight us off.

We didn't run. We stayed and fought. At first we thought we had one way the orcs could approach, the main gate, but they started clambering over the walls. After that our flaw was in trying to clear enough to run next turn, rather than taking the hits and running right away. After using all our resources, we had killed 37 minions and 5 normal guys, and the flow wasn't stopping. Time to flee! The Wizard managed to get away with three hit points left, and I ran too, right next to him. As a distraction I lit and dropped two Red Salamanders (effectively grenades we had just gotten from am alchemist, hadn't tried) before running. Unfortunately if not thrown they don't blow until the end of one's NEXT turn.

When running from Orcs, don't give them grenades. Two very accurate throws later (1d4-1 scatter, he rolled 1 on both) left me and the wizard dead, with the warlock and cleric running like hell.

2008-09-08, 02:48 PM
Thanks for telling me. Have the vampires been defeated yet?

Nope not yet. Out of game talks with the DM have lead the party to believe that there is about 300 hundred vampires infesting the town. We've managed to kill about 50-60 of them so far.

2008-09-08, 02:54 PM
Wait, an NPC was attacking her own son who was hostile only because of a domination effect, and she wasn't going for nonlethal damage??? :smallconfused::smallconfused: What kind of crazy psycho mother is this?:smalleek:

I think it was more for the whole "horror" effect that the DM wants to use in his game. He wasn't trying to kill my character, in fact I think he thought I would kill my character's mother, but it just turned out that way.

And yes the mother was a crazy psyco.

2008-09-08, 02:58 PM
Nope not yet. Out of game talks with the DM have lead the party to believe that there is about 300 hundred vampires infesting the town. We've managed to kill about 50-60 of them so far.

Sounds kind of like Salem's Lot meets D&D. Very cool.

2008-09-08, 03:07 PM
Out of game talks with the DM have lead the party to believe that there is about 300 hundred vampires infesting the town.

300 hundred? Man, your DM is pretty vicious, siccing thirty thousand vampires on you like that. :smalltongue:

Tempest Fennac
2008-09-09, 01:28 AM
If he wanted that to happen, it would have made more sense for her to use non-lethal damage (it would have made more sense from a fluff perspective as well). How dud she get to that age without gaining any levels, beyond level 1 though? (I tend to assume that people who aren't adventurers should gain Exps. for doing other things.)

2008-09-09, 10:01 AM
300 hundred? Man, your DM is pretty vicious, siccing thirty thousand vampires on you like that. :smalltongue:

Thirty thousand vampires, and his charter has no AC? Maybe if they had charACters with some AC, and 300 vampires, they'd stand a chance.

2008-09-09, 10:58 AM
I'd rather fight 300,000 vampires than 300. Never engage a force comprising of exactly 300 warriors.

2008-09-09, 11:00 AM
I'd rather fight 300,000 vampires than 300. Never engage a force comprising of exactly 300 warriors.

You win, but they always look cooler than you.

Also, 300,000 enemies can be beaten by seven guys easy.

2008-09-09, 11:18 AM
You win, but they always look cooler than you.

Also, 300,000 enemies can be beaten by seven guys easy.

Especially if you can find seven old guys.

Mad Wizard
2008-09-09, 08:04 PM
Obligatory TVTropes: Conservation Of Ninjitsu (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ConservationOfNinjutsu?from=Main.ConservationOfNin jitsu)

2008-09-09, 09:01 PM
No, well I had a will save but I rolled really low. The new character is a barbarian.

Wait, you mean that your last character died because of a failed will-save, and your new character is going to be a barbarian :smalleek:

does anyone notice something odd about this picture? :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-09, 09:07 PM
Wait, you mean that your last character died because of a failed will-save, and your new character is going to be a barbarian :smalleek:

does anyone notice something odd about this picture? :smallbiggrin:

Nah, just circumvent gaze attacks and the such by making him blind. Or... not. Hehe... you have a good point, though.