View Full Version : New reality show?

2008-09-08, 04:39 PM
Reality TV and Stan Lee have joined forces to make

it was possibly the most painful and yet greatest shows out there. Anyone been watching?

2008-09-08, 04:57 PM
They are trying another season of this?

Mr. Scaly
2008-09-08, 05:26 PM
I would rather gouge out my ear drums with a fork and fill the wound with salt than get into another sucky reality show...

2008-09-08, 06:13 PM
Please, dear god, no.

Reality TV is oversaturated enough, there's already WAY too many variations on the same thing. Damn you American Idol!

2008-09-08, 06:26 PM
Oh god no. Not another reality show!

2008-09-09, 01:36 AM
Uh... I don't watch reality shows, but I caught the first season of Who Wants to be a Superhero on Scifi a year ago or so, and I cried at the end. The best part about it was that the final three were all so... inspiring. Fat Momma entered the contest because she wanted to prove to her kids that people like her could be heroes too. Feedback's father committed suicide, leaving him without a father figure, which he found in comic books... I feel kind of stupid feeling inspired, because I'm almost sure 99% of the drama was manufactured for TV, but it was actually really entertaining. Everything I've heard about other reality stories is about turning people against each other, debasing them and humiliating them... Who Wants to be a Superhero is about Exalting them.

I heard the second season was really bad though.

2008-09-09, 03:29 AM
Uh... I don't watch reality shows, but I caught the first season of Who Wants to be a Superhero on Scifi a year ago or so, and I cried at the end. The best part about it was that the final three were all so... inspiring. Fat Momma entered the contest because she wanted to prove to her kids that people like her could be heroes too. Feedback's father committed suicide, leaving him without a father figure, which he found in comic books... I feel kind of stupid feeling inspired, because I'm almost sure 99% of the drama was manufactured for TV, but it was actually really entertaining. Everything I've heard about other reality stories is about turning people against each other, debasing them and humiliating them... Who Wants to be a Superhero is about Exalting them.

I heard the second season was really bad though.

i thought it was more about letting people debase themselves on television by running around with a waffle iron in spandex. :smallconfused:

2008-09-09, 03:49 AM

"we join the housemates iside the colider at this time, now the public have voted for a 100% boost in power from the colider and as i flick this switch.... oooo it seems it does create a black hole and it only effects the immediate area and has sucked in enough dense matter to collapse, crisis averted!"

2008-09-09, 08:59 PM
I would agree that reality TV in general sucks. Thats why I usually don't watch it. I made an exception with this show (cause it was just too painfully funny) and top chef. Season 1 & 3 basically.

anyways... Yeah this season is weird -_-''

The last 3 contestants got an action figure of them self! :smallbiggrin: Playing with an action figure... That's You!!!

About the inspiration thing. I dunno if its something to be embarrassed about.... they had to fight off attack dogs earlier... and the girl decided to be bait. The dude ended up with two huge dogs on him...somehow dug deep inside himself and pulled up and almost pulled the dogs off the ground (like.. tiptoes.) I was like... O_O . Definitely inspiring to me. Raw determination.

2008-09-09, 10:46 PM
"reality" TV sucks because even the PBS stuff isn't real. Heck when I heard of survivor I thought "Cool they're going to stick people on a island for a few weeks to see who can last the longest before giving up and winning a million dollars, ties decided by challenges." But noooo it had be some paranoia backstabbing exercise where the only fun option is to kidnap the host.

2008-09-10, 02:59 PM
No! If it does well enough it will probably end up over here! Keep it away! :smalleek:

Evil DM Mark3
2008-09-10, 04:35 PM
There are good reality shows out there.

Master Chef is quite good.
The Apprentice has things to recommend it.
The Restaurant and Hell's Kitchen both have admirable elements.

The connection (besides the fact that 3 out of 4 are about food...)?

They have reality in them.

There is no reality in Big Brother, Survivor or (from what I have seen) Who wants to be a Super Hero.

2008-09-10, 05:15 PM
American Idol is also close to being real. Granted, they pick some singers to advance simply due to interesting backgrounds (especially in the beginning) and the judges probably tailor their criticism so that certain singers advance. However, I don't believe the voting is rigged and obviously the performances are real.

The reason why I believe the voting isn't rigged is because Fox would lose everything if it were to leak out. I believe they try to advance their favorites by scheduling certain people at the beginning of the show (so more people forget about their performance and thus are less likely to vote for them) and by having the judges say good things about those who the producers like. I still believe that the voting itself is legitmate as if they got caught messing around with that, the show would be finished.

2008-09-10, 06:20 PM
Fox doesn't actually tally the votes themselves, a third party does, so they can't manipulate the results.