View Full Version : Soul Eater

2008-09-09, 12:25 AM
This is an anime that I have really enjoyed so far. The setting is fairly unique, and the anime style is interesting.

Now, the premise of the anime lies within a realm that has been done time and time again(shinigami, souls, demon gods, etc...). Despite this, it seems to be fairly original with many of its concepts, or at the very least, it's implementation of those concepts.

However, I've never really cared if an idea was original, as long as it's done well, and this is an anime that I feel has been done well. I will admit, that I was skeptical in the beginning of this anime, but my doubts were quickly put to rest: this is one of the few animes I've seen where each episode seems to be better than the last every time(with at most 2 episodes out of the current 23 that diverge from this).

I digress, there are some main characters and side characters that I am not fond of, and there are even few that I feel are little more than stereotypical anime characters copied and pasted in from other anime. Still, Soul Eater manages(or at least adaquetely tries) to develope characters in ways that keep them interesting.

But, I could talk for too long about this anime(and I probably have). It's an interesting setting, a good implementation of ideas, and fairly interesting characters, with a good mix of action and comedy. So without further withholding: I present the first episode:


For those who have seen it, feel free to discuss it, but please don't forget the spoiler tags.

Episode 23 was freaking awesome. Next episode it looks like we get to see the original Demon God fight the Shinigami, and it looks BAD ASS. I'm so excited!

2008-09-09, 12:51 AM
A couple of things. It's made by studio BONES, so of course it's pretty decent, if nothing else in animation quality.

That being said, I've been following the manga of the series for awhile. I agree that some of the characters (a la Black Star) feels like he was torn right out of Naruto. Yet I seem to think he fits in perfectly as a side character. Other characters are plays on standard tropes in shounen. Take for instance the main lead being (arguably) Maka. It's rare for most shounen to have a girl be the lead, much less, a nerdy bookish all smarts girl. Major plus there. The standard "I'm better then you rival" character that is Death the Kidd is played on by the fact that he's got a crippling disability in the realm of Monk from Monk, in fact, I think those two would get along nicely.... oh gods I can see the fanfiction.

While it follows a lot of the similar things found in most shounen, it's twisted enough that it feels different and good.

Anyway, I happen to like it quite a lot. It is currently filling the slot for top shounen shows for me.


2008-09-09, 02:04 AM

Lolz, I don't know why he is one of my favorite characters, but his arrogance is inspiring.

2008-09-09, 02:22 AM
God, Black Star irritates me beyond belief. Why Tsubaki isn't more Maka-like toward him, I have no idea.

On the other hand, the animation is superb, Death the Kidd + Patty & Liz are awesome, and I sympathise with Maka. So its all good, even if I had to force myself not to skip the Black Star focus episode.

2008-09-09, 04:00 AM
I've never been much of a fan of this sort of anime, but now I'm intrigued.

2008-09-09, 04:18 AM
Seen the earlier episodes, but sort of dropped it.

Might catch up when I can though.