View Full Version : Songs of Lothlorien IC

2008-09-09, 05:50 PM

There is trouble brewing in the small country of Bastonia. For several months now there have been strange occurrences in the area near the town of Marksville: people and livestock disappear never to be found again, strange noises are heard at night and there is a large increase of thefts, though often of objects with little monetary value. When questions are asked regarding the origin of these occurences, all fingers point towards the Mausoleum of Epsiloch located a mere 8 miles from the town.

King Simonius II, growing tired of the constant complaints of his peasants, decided he wanted this situation fixed. So he ordered Lord Jacques D'Arbond, secretary of state and his most trusted advisor, to fix the problem.
After investigating the various reports from locals, Lord Jacques decided he needed to send people in for first-hand reports and maybe even to get the problem fixed.

Because it would be a waste to send the king's well-trained soldiers to a possible death, Lord Jacques sends out a call for all foo.. errr "heroes" willing to join this noble quest. In reward there will be the sum of 200 gold coins for each hero to make it back alive after having fixed the problem as well as an additional 50 gc to each hero given beforehand and ofcourse being allowed to keep whatever riches are found there.

A few days later, 5 heroes have dedicated themselves to saving the kingdom from this threat, their names are: Smelkie Greenhopper, Tathar Elendil, Tori Soulforge, Stockard and Amd Minyatur. After receiving their instructions from Lord Jacques, they leave the royal city on horseback, an escort of 20 of the King's best soldiers led by Lieutenant Uphill leading them. Officially they are there to protect our brave fellowship, but really they are mostly there to make sure the heroes don't leave with their easy-earned 50 gcs.

Two weeks later the group arrives in Marksville. Food and lodging in the local tavern is arranged and directions to the Mausoleum are asked. After a good meal everyone goes to bed early, to be fully prepared for the day ahead!

Then the sun rises, dawn arrives, our heroes awake and the adventure begins...

2008-09-09, 06:32 PM
17th of Xana in the year 1219, Early-morning, sky is greyish and there is a slight drizzle outside, temperature is coldish

To All

You all awake in the large sleeping room that you have shared with the 25 of you. After getting ready for the day you gather downstairs in the common room where large bowls of porridge with a few extra ingredients have already been placed on the tables.
When breakfast is done, the lieutenant gathers everyone around him and says: "Ok lads, time to gear up for the last few miles of this trip, to your horses!", while the soldiers leave, he motions for the five of you to stay with him for a moment. "Hold on for a moment fellas. This is your last brush with civilisation until all this is finished prolly, If there is anything you want, or need, to do in this town, I suggest you do it now. Myself and the men will be waiting outside on the street. Do hurry up though, I'm not waiting longer than thirty minutes!"
With that, he turns around and leaves, leaving the five of you standing there...

[OOC: Now its up to you guys, you can choose to do nothing and simply get your horse ready like the soldiers, or you can do something else, choice is up to you, but if you go do something else first, please do keep it brief, I wanna get to the real thing asap, not make the same mistake I did last time.
PS: Ian/Shads, please keep in mind what I tried to explain to you last time, you can't do/decide things other people do, only what you do. So if you go to a blacksmith to buy a weapon or tools, you can't decide the tools cost 10 gp, that's my job ;)
Good luck everyone, lets see if this one lasts longer than the previous one (it should) :)

2008-09-10, 01:23 AM

Stockard thanks the lieutenant and with a certain reassurance in his voice, responds "I believe I have everything I need here, as I do prefer to travel lightly. As long as none of you need any help, I will be waiting with the others in the road."

Well this is rather exciting. Miles from home, about to go on a bit of an adventure. I do wonder what other kind of people are traveling with us. I will have to observe them as we finish our journey.

2008-09-10, 11:01 AM
Amd Minyatur

"I do believe i have wasted enough time in this excuse of a settlement so i will be ready and waiting for the others . The sooner we are leaving the sooner we finish and start spending out pay"

With that said , Amd goes to the stable to get his horse ready . While walking out he calls to the others

"Is anyone else comming or are we stuck here for all eternity ? Don't make me wait for you "

2008-09-10, 11:15 AM
Smelkie Greenhopper

Standing up, Smelkie heads straight outside to saddle up... and to check if there isnt a soldier that left his gear unattended for. He says nothing.

2008-09-11, 05:40 AM
Tathar Elendil

Tathar rises to his feet and Saluting the lieutenant climbs his horse.

"Let's go, hanging around here isn't going to help us solve anything". Tathar says as he motions to the others.

2008-09-11, 12:00 PM
Tori Soulforge

Tori stands off to the side and watches the soldiers pack the horses, might as well go and get a spot of breakfast before we head out. With that in mind Tori heads back into the inn for a quick bit of food.

2008-09-11, 01:02 PM
Smelkie Greenhopper

Smelkie notices the whole group is outside, when suddenly the dwarf heads back inside.

Hmpf, coward?

2008-09-11, 03:03 PM
Tori Soulforge

You go back inside to get a quick bite for the ride. Unfortunately the innkeeper only has some leftover pieces of bread and some cheese lying around. Since you are who you are, you buy the food for 3 copperpieces and go back out to join the others.


Everyone saddles up, mount their horses and check their gear. Then the lieutenant gives the signal to start moving. As you ride through town a lot of the local folk stand outside and watch. Some of them cheer, but most remain silent, giving the ride a somewhat eerie feeling.

As you ride, the soldiers form a tight circle around you, always riding in pairs. Some of the soldiers talk to each other, but most are silent and focussed. After a dozen minutes or so, the houses disappear and are replaced with farmland. It being fall now, means it is harvest season and so it happens you quickly find yourself surrounded by long rows of cornstems, almost-ripe corncobs hanging everywhere.

After roughly thirty more minutes, the farmground changes into a light forest and signs of human life are quickly becoming very sparse. As the group ventures into the forest, it's density increases and soon the path you have been walking on is little more than an old game trail. The lieutenant, walking alone up front, seems to be sure he's going in the right direction though and does not hestitate at all.

Ten more minutes pass and the horses seem to have more and more trouble getting through the bushes and roots that cover the game trail. Then the lieutenant motions for the group to stop and dismount. "Tie your horses to the nearest tree, we will leave them here and continue on foot." Leading by example he ties his own horse to the nearest strong branch and walks away.

Everyone quickly follows his orders and soon the whole group is marching behind him, little Apricot dancing with joy at finally being able to touch ground again. A few hundred yards further, the trees suddenly give way and reveal a spectacular sight as the whole group suddenly find themselves face to face with a huge building. The front side you are looking at is at least two hundred feet wide and thirty feet high, the walls appear to be made of some white-coloured material. On top of the walls stands a large dome, made from the same material, rising an extra fifteen feet in the air at the tip.
The building is covered in vegetation, indicating it has stood there for a very long time. The only exception is a small area in the front, where the vegetation appears to have been cut away, revealing a large opening leading into the building. A portcullis is blocking the opening, but not all the way, for there is a large rock in the opening, stopping the portcullis from going fully down and leaving about thirty inches of crawlspace to get in.

Without needing another signal, the soldiers in front of you suddenly make way and the lieutenant walks towards you. Standing in front of you, he looks at each of you for a moment before speaking sternly: "Ok gentlemen, this is as far as we will take you. From here on out, you will be on your own. We know the problem originates from inside that building, finding it and dealing with it will be your job. We will take the horses back with us and wait for your return in Marksville. We will wait one week. If none of you have returned by then, we will assume you have died or are otherwise beyond rescue." he pauses for a moment, his face softening a bit, "Good luck heroes and may The Six be with you."

With that, the soldiers turn around and go back the way you all came. Soon after the five of you are standing there alone, the rough-looking dwarf Tori Soulforge, the relaxed and interested human Stockard, the slightly sad half-elf druid Tathar Elendil, the haughty elf Amd Minyatur and last but not least the small halfling with the big mouth, Smelkie Greenleaf.
Only the trees and this large strange building surround you now.

[OOC: Ian already asked about this, but I wanted to clarify to you all as well: none of you knew each other before signing on for this mission. You can assume you've all gotten to know each other a little during the two weeks of travel though, so there is no need to describe yourself again.
Ball is in your court guys ;)

2008-09-11, 03:39 PM

"Well here we are my friends. One week to earn our keep and get back, I guess there is nothing to do now but get down to business. It obviously would be in everyone better intrest for all of us to work together, so please share any ideas you have, or criticisms that may arise. Personally, I suggest we do a quick lap around the building, checking for other entrances, places to hide in the surrounding woods, and exits of course. From the looks of it, I am guessing this will be the only entrance, so I would volunteer myself to peek in real quick for a glance under the portcullis. Depending on whats in there, I would wager we could just step in and begin exploring. Let me know what you all think"

Stockard talks almost as if he is experienced with this sort of thing, and tries his best to remain calm, though inside he has doubts and is mildly nervous. What could it be that awaits us in there? And why is it that the soldiers wont go? Whatever it is, I hope my new friends will remain true and vigilant while we explore this strange place.

2008-09-11, 04:58 PM
Smelkie Greenhopper

Hearing Stockard speak, Smelkie steps forward and volunteers to explore the outside wall of the mausoleum. "Ill go and do thorough investigation of the buildings surroundings". And without really waiting for a reply Smelkie starts to move.

Starting to make a lap the left way around, Smelkie turns his head and says:" You go and take a peek of whats inside Stockard, but dont wander off to far inside, i dont wanna miss all the fun. Dont forget we got a week and I plan to be back in time, so dont waste any time... Lets get busy".
Turning his head again Smelkie starts scanning for entrances, places to hide and other peculiar stuff. I really hope these guys dont get me killed... This place looks creepy enough, seems like no soul has dared to enter here for a long time with all that vegitation. What being would live in here??

2008-09-11, 09:16 PM
Tathar Elendil

"Wait for us Smelkie! Apricot and I will come with you, I think it's best to stick together somewhat, and besides, Apricot could do with a bit of a walk, she's getting a bit pudgy in the middle." Tathar jokes as he prods his little Badger playfully.

"You can probably just go in for a quick look by yourself Stockard, I'm sure you can take care of yourself and we are just outside anyway if something comes up."

Tathar frowns as he turns back away from Stockard. Hopefully there's something in there that gives him a bit of a fright, arrogant Humans.

2008-09-11, 09:40 PM
Tori Soulforge

As the company of soldiers walks down the trail Tori begins to focus on his job. He knows that it will be a tough fight but he is glad to add many more notches to his axe. Its a custom his father did and his father before him and so on and so forth. for ever head that has been hewed from a set of soldiers a fresh notch is added. this though brings a smile of the normally ugly Tori

2008-09-12, 07:44 AM
After some discussion it is decided that Tathar and Smelkie will explore the immediate surroundings of the building, while Stockard will take a quick peek inside and the remaining two members will stand watch at the entrance.

Tathar and Smelkie

The three of you start walking around the building. The building appears to be as long as it is wide, all sides are made of the same material and appear equally covered in vegetation (mostly various vines creeping up on it). The surrounding area appears normal at first, until you reach the back side and Tathar spots some old tracks on the ground, following them you find the remains of an old campfire spot about 50 feet into the forest. Further investigation also reveals the tracks were made by medium-sized humanoids. Other then that, everything is clear and you return to the front side of the building again.


Crouching low, Stockard slides himself underneath the portcullis, standing up again behind it. He is now standing in a short hallway, roughly 10 feet long, 5 feet wide and 10 feet high, behind which appears to be a massive room. Unfortunately the only light comes from outside and it only reaches into the hallway, what lies beyond remains in the dark.

[Amd and Tori

As both of you stand around keeping watch, nothing happens.

2008-09-12, 11:05 AM

Peering into the darkness, Stockard decides to wait a few moments to see if letting his eyes adjust to the darkness will enable him to gather a little more information. He motions back to his companions that he is ok, hoping they will give him a minute or so before taking any action. When he feels comfortable with the darkness, Stockard moves as quietly as he can to the opening at the end of the hallway [roll movie silently check]. Stockard stops and uses his senses to the best of his ability to judge his surroundings [roll spot and listen checks]. Unless I can tell that there is for sure no one in this room, I should go back and let the others know what I've found. No need to get into any trouble by myself when I've got four others to help me with that.

2008-09-12, 01:00 PM
Tori Soulforge

Tori waits calmly for the more spry members of the group to head forward. No sense rushing here, level headed people will live till the end! Looking down to his calloused hands a bit of a reminder of breaking rocks in the mines, from many years on the road his hands are hideously scared and missing his right thumb. A smirk appears across his normal stormy face, it was a fight to remember...

4 years ago and many leagues away Tori was doing mercenary work for a merchant whose goods were 'relieved' from his possession. A rival merchant belonging to the town just up the cost had sent his thugs to acquire the goods. Tori's then employer calmly said that the goods were of little concern to him but as an act of vengeance the head of his competitor would be considered the returning of the stolen property.

Tori set off at a fast pace with good timing he would arrive at the town about midaft the next day. An uneventful but scenic trip came to a halt when a sign announce that the town was just up a head. Tori peals off the main road way and trots into the bush. no need for camp a simple meal of water, bread, cheese and a piece of salted Conney would suffice.

As the sun sets the killer makes his move to the compound, a single guard is stands at the front door. judging his posture he appears unfocused and sleepy, too asleep to realize that Tori's axe has been sent flying from the nearby brush. A clean throw splitting the mans sternum in half and instantly filling his lungs with his warm precious life force.

slipping into the compound Tori found no obstacles preventing his objective from being completed. Making his way up the warehouse ladder and onto the roof he sees his goal is in the adjacent building.

A very tall and slender man opens the door and walks in with a tray of tea and bread for the master. As the butler sets the tray down Tori springs into action leaping from roof top to study. As he lands Tori feels a warm sensation between his ribs, a dagger but how? He looks up to see the butler hold two more in his hands. Great now another obstacle, that how ever does not stop Tori. Ripping the dagger out of his armor he is please to see that it did not penetrate to deeply.

Before the merchant has time to truly react Tori slams his body into the servant knocking him over and with the same motion jamming the dagger into the mans hand and through the wooden desk. Dont ye be thinkin ye can be leavin, ive come for ye head.

With the target secured Tori and the man begin the dance of death, the perfect blur of steel and grace. Each attack was met with the perfect counter and the dance continued for a few minutes longer, both of its participants began to tire. Without notice the merchant pulled the dagger out of his hand and charged, Tori's backhanded swing brought his axe around with such speed and force that the merchant had not time react... A small mistake would cost Tori one extremity the servant struck out wildly at the dwarf wholes only defense was to stop the dagger bare hand. The dagger severed the thumb while the extention of his arm sang out and burried its self into the mans stomach....

Tori looked up to see his companions moving forward. kneeling down he took a small hand full of sand and spat into it, rubbing his hands together he hefted his axe and moved forward. Moving into the darkness Tori's eyes quickly adjust to the dark while the musty air fills his nostrils. looking around Tori checks that all members are present and ready

2008-09-12, 03:23 PM
As Tathar and Smelkie turn around the last corner, they are just in time to notice the dwarf walking into the building, while Amd is still standing around looking bored.


After giving his eyes a few moments to adjust, Stockard slowly creeps into the room. Unfortunately it really is too dark for his human eyes to see anything beyond the fact there are large shapes against the walls to either side of him. Not a moment after registering that fact, Stockard hears loud footsteps behind him. When he turns to look he sees Tori right behind him and moving past him.

Tori Soulforge

Tori walks quickly through the hallway and passes Stockard who stands a few feet outside the opening. When he looks around him he sees a huge square room, a quick deduction of his dwarven mind tells him the room must pretty much be almost the whole building, a quick look upwards confirms this for him as the dome can be seen covering almost the whole room as well. The air is musty, but not so bad it would be a hindrance to anyone. There is some minor dust, but overall it is surprisingly clean.

A quick look around him tells him there are large statues of humanoid figures standing against the walls on his left and right. Above the statue appear to be equally large tapestries, but for obvious reasons Tori can't see what's on them yet.
In the middle of the room is a hole with large stairs going downwards, artistically carved balconies surround three quarters of the hole. In fact the whole room has an air of old grandeur about it, even by dwarf standards.

Lastly, Tori spots 3 skeletons lying on the ground right near the stairs.

2008-09-12, 03:35 PM
Smelkie Greenhopper

Moving towards the corner of the masoleum, the Half-elf and his badger join up. Mhmm... guess 6 eyes see more than two, that is if that beast has some senses. Turning around the corner Smelkie says: "Nothing special on this side either" When suddenly Tathar notices a track that leads to an old campsite. Smelkie tries looking for something of interest. Valuables, clues to who camped here or the ones responsible for the site. After some time searching has passed Smelkie speaks.

"Let's head back and complete our round. What do you think Tathar, seems like were not alone here. I dont think any creature inside the masoleum would camp outside. At least, if i lived there i wouldnt camp outside. Shall we ask the others to investigate the trail at the backside before venturing in? Maybe the culprits arent inside the building, if not we can always decide to go in." And perhaps theres some easy money to take when we find the campers...

Getting back at the frontside, Tori just walks inside, leaving Amd as the only person outside. Since Stockard isnt outside, he must have entered the masoleum already. Back at the entrance Smelkie asks Amd if he has heard anything inside sofar.

"Since nothing special has happened lets go inside and inquire the others about our next move." However Smelkie doesnt go in without having a good look at the portcullis. I dont want that thing to drop and lock us up.

2008-09-12, 04:32 PM

As Tori strides past him, Stockard follows behind him, hoping to uncover the mystery of this strange place.

"OK, I guess we are marching on in. I can't see a thing in here. We could really use some light, do you have anything we could use? Otherwise I should say let us go back and get the others before we continue exploring."

2008-09-12, 07:15 PM
Tori Soulforge

Tori remarks the craftsmanship of the mausoleum, the antechamber is large but yet small with focuses of the statues and tapestries. The central focus of the room is the the stair case which is exactly located precisely in the center of the room. Tori turns to Stockard and says please stay here by the door i will call out every 15 paces to ensure we do not get separated. I need to find a brazier or a torch so that you guys can see some what comfortably. .

Tori moves to the left hand of the room and begins to search for something to light a blaze. He vision is in the dark is good but not enough to make out any writing or the faces of the tapestries.

2008-09-12, 09:19 PM

Amd merely shakes his head when u ask him. You take a closer look at the portcullis and the rock blocking it, but everything seems fine. The rock has obviously been in this position for a while and not moved at all, so unless some creature with colossal strength decides to drop by, it should be pretty safe.

As you walk in, you see Stockard standing 10 feet into the room and you can vaguely see the shape of Tori beyond him. Unfortunately the gods, in their endless wisdom, had decided to grant halflings the same vision as humans when they created both and you are quick to discover your vision is as limited as Stockard's.

Amd Minyatur

After Smelkie walks off, Amd leans toward the half-elf, "Forgive me this impertinent suggestion, but might I be so bold as to say now would be a good time to cast a Light spell if you have one memorised." With that, Amd goes back to being bored.

Stockard and Tori

Tori searches the left side and does find a few torchholders at strategic places on the wall. Unfortunately they all appear to be empty. It is quite clear there hasn't been any light burning here for a very long time.

Stockard can hear Tori call out from time to time, though it is almost impossible to follow him with his eyes.

2008-09-13, 08:03 AM
Tathar Elendil

Moving around the outside of the building Tathar is amazed at the sheer size of the building, never before has he seen such vast amount of stone for one building.

Amazing, to think of the hours that must have gone into this construction. That dome on the top, In all my travels have never come across anything so strange so.... out of place.

"Not much here is there Smelkie, the growth has long since covered up any markings that may have been here." Says Tathar dryly.
"That campfire we found, must have been many ages old, Apricot has a keen nose and would have picked up on even the slightest scent of another creature around. I assume it was another group of adventurers like ourselves, afterall, the camp was not left in a hurry but a neat and tidy area."

Perhaps they left it neat intending to return to it? But if they planned to return, why haven't they?
Apricot shivers as if reading Tathar's thoughts.

Back at the entrance Smelkie and Amd have just finished a brief chat when Smelkie suggests to go inside.

"I agree Smelkie, No point waiting around out here, seems pretty quiet, only a few birds around. Let's head in." Concurs Tathar, and with that follows the Smelkie to join Tori and Stockard.

Perhaps I can be of some help here my fellow heroes, allow me to shed some light on what is here"

[Roll Cast Spell "Light"]

2008-09-13, 12:44 PM
Tori Soulforge

Muttering to him self Tori stomps back to the entrance where stockard waits.Lets go find out what the other members of our party are doing, hopefully their search has produced some information or a torch.

2008-09-13, 05:02 PM

"I agree Tori. We really aren't doing any good in here without a source of light. I will come with you and I'd hope someone here will be able to produce a form of light. "

2008-09-13, 09:00 PM

As Tori, Smelkie and Stockard are on their way out, they run into Tathar who is walking in with a glowing ball of light on his hand. It's providing the same light as a torch and Stockard is blinded by it for a moment. Amd is following slightly after Tathar, a slight smirk on his face.

The five of you enter the large room again, while the light obviously doesn't cover the whole room, it does reveal a lot more detail. The statues on either side are roughly nine to ten feet tall and represent humans. Given the expensive armour and majestic stature the statues possess, you suspect these men were once nobles, maybe even kings. A quick count reveals there are twenty statues in total, ten on each side.
The tapestries hanging above the statues are old, but otherwise completely intact and undamaged. They seem to depict the actions of the people whose statue is standing there, but to really investigate them you'd have to get close to them.
The railing around the stairs is made of marble and ivory and looks strong.

Otherwise the room is empty besides the three skeletal remains lying near the stairs.

[OOC: Ok guys, from here on try to be very clear and what you do. Until mike is back Amd will only follow for now unless there's a threat.
I'd also strongly recommend you guys give a moments thought to the order you are walking in, cause that is usually pretty important in any sort of dungeons ;)
PS: Shads, adjust ur damn post already, if you say ur gonna do something, do it]

2008-09-14, 02:41 AM
Smelkie Greenhopper

Standing there in the centre room it gives a somewhat creepy, though exciting feeling. Why would this place be so deserted? These statues must be carved for very important people, although the townsfolk have seem to forgotten their importance? Seeing the skeletons near the staircase Smelkie stops for a second. "Hey guys, i dont like the sight of those bones there. While Tathar and myself did a check of the surroundings, we noticed a campsite and the back of the building. I wonder if these remainings belong to those campers. What could have caused them to die up here... I'll go up front and check the room for traps, i sure dont wanna die up here before even knowing whats down that staircase." Smelkie walks directly to the staircase watching his every step. He checks the staircase and its surroundings, but not going down yet. Being done with the stairs, Smelkie checks the entire room. Who knows whats to be found behind or near those statues...

2008-09-14, 04:32 AM

Finally being able to see the room, Stockard wonders who the statues were made to look like. He follows Smelkie to the stairs, trying to be as observant and careful as possible while doing so.

"If all of you are ready, I say we head on down there. Obviously you can see better down here Tori, mind leading the way?"

2008-09-14, 05:06 AM
Tathar Elendil

Tathar guides the group around the room, pleased that he has been able to help the others so early on. While not the strongest of the bunch in terms of brute force Tathar is equipped with quick reactions and is able to keep calm in the most stressful of situations.

"Perhaps we should examine the tapestry a little closer before we go down the stairs. It may aid us in knowing what's to come. Having said that, the camp we found was fairly old, and I'd like to think whatever caused these bones to be here is long gone by now." Tathar suggests.

"Could I also suggest that Tori leads as Stockard said followed by myself and Amd. It would be good to have someone strong covering our backs just in case." Let's not poke around for too long though, going too slow never helps."

2008-09-14, 05:58 AM
Smelkie Greenhopper

"Agreed, if its to dark ill take my lantern" So time to see whats down there.
Smelkie follows the rest down

2008-09-14, 10:09 AM
Tori Soulforge

"Alright I will take up the lead with Tathar between my eyes and his light we should be able to see everything" Tori heads to the front of the group and proceeds down the stair cause into the unknown

2008-09-14, 12:01 PM

You don't find anything in the remaining parts of the room besides dust, spiders and some rat droppings (the latter two both regular-sized...). Except for the three skeletal remains the area around the stairs is also clear. The railing has amazing decorations of various mythologial creatures engraved in it and at the two ends of the railing, on each side of the actual stairs, stands a statue of a dragon's head, with the mouths closed.

Some quick investigation of the remains reveals old tattered clothes, some rusty weapons and three silver coins in the mouth of one of the skeletons. The skeletons are clearly medium-sized humanoids, though you lack the anatomical knowledge to figure out which race specifically. All three skeletons have suffered physical damage in the past, though all bodies seem to be intact.


When Smelkie is done investigating, the five of you gather in front of the stairs. With Tathar and Tori leading the way next to each other, Stockard and Smelkie standing in the rear and Amd in the middle, the team starts heading down the stairs...

The stairs seem to lead straight down for about fifty steps, roughly fifty feet, then make a sharp turn to the left. As you lower yourselves down the stairs, the air starts to become a bit more damp, more like the typical earthy smell of underground tunnels, but with a little hint of decay in there.

Suddenly, around the thirtieth step, Apricot turns around and starts growling very menacingly upwards, where Smelkie and Stockard are standing. At the same time you all see Amd making a few hand gestures and mumbling a few strange words, quickly followed by loud cursing.

2008-09-14, 01:16 PM
Smelkie Greenhopper

Stopped by Apricots growling first thing Smelkie does is turn around to check whats behind him. "Whats the matter Amd, i cant make anything about what you just said. Are we under attack...?" Looking for a place to hide in case needed Smelkie awaits Amd's reaction, since apparantly he knows more.
Hope he didnt merely step on poor Apricots tail.

2008-09-14, 04:59 PM
Tori Soulforge

instantly hearing the noise Tori sticks his hand out to hold Tathar from going any further. "You keep your eyes forward and ill turn mine back."Tori turns back to see why the party is making a racket.

2008-09-14, 07:24 PM

Stockard gets a very uneasy feeling, though he is yet to understand exactly what is happening. "What is it that Apricot is upset about? Is it something we cannot see?"

Stockard stands his ground, fully aware and prepared for whatever may be causing trouble.

2008-09-14, 10:08 PM
Tathar Elendil

Keeping his eyes locked forward Tathar questions Smelkie "You are sure there was nothing in that room aren't you Smelkie? No doorways or such that we may have missed? If there was not then there is a couple of possible reasons for Apricots reactions. She has a keen sense of smell, either there is a hidden passageway somewhere along the stairs or you disturbed the skeletons, please tell me you didn't touch them."

Tathar looks quizzically at Amd He's hardly spoken all trip, mostly it's mumbo-jumbo when he does. We'll have to keep a close watch on that one.

"Apricot, come here, calm down." Tathar whispers to Apricot while rubbing her back. "Something's really got her spooked, we best not stay on the stairs too long." Tathar says, noting the way Apricot is still shaking and growling deeply.

2008-09-15, 10:50 AM

As you stand arguing about what is going on, the silence around you is suddenly broken for a moment by the screeching sound of a blade being dragged across the floor. Within seconds it stops, to be replaced by soft shuffling footsteps coming from above. Apricot's growling changes to a soft whimper and she moves behind Tathar's legs.

Then two small red lights appear at the top of the stairs and as Tathar lifts his hand, you all see a skeleton standing there. The red lights come from his empty eye sockets and if you look straight into them you can feel the inhuman hatred pulsing in there. A few scraps of clothing hang on the skeleton and it carries a rusty short sword and small shield in his hands.

A split second later the skeleton is joined by two more of its kind, both carrying similar weaponry.


[Ok guys, first combat. First let me clarify the map. The five of you (5 coloured squares, you should know which one you are) are halfway down the stairs, the skeletons are in the large room at the edge of the stairs. Each square is 5 by 5 ft, so knowing your speed you know how far you can get.
Now about combat, I want everyone to make their Initiative roll and then tell me in their post what their character intends to do (don't actually do anything yet, so shads no rolling attacks and damage and what not yet), once everyone has posted, I can see which order everything happens in and your posts can be edited as such.
Most importantly, since 3 of you are basically new to this, talk to me if you have any questions about what you can and can't do!
Good luck ;)

Skeleton 2 and Skeleton 3 - 19
Smelkie - 16
Tori - 15
Amd - 14
Tathar - 11
Skeleton 1 - 11
Stockard - 7

2008-09-15, 12:48 PM
Smelkie Greenhopper

Turning around Smelkie spots 3 pairs of glooming red eyes at the top of the stairs. Looking at those pile of bones suddenly looking very lively runs the shivers through Smelkies bones. Instantly he reaches for his crossbow and aims for the middle skeleton. "Tori get over here, you can finally make some use of that axe of yours. I hope you've sharpened it well." Smelkie speaks as he puts his finger to the trigger.
I wonder if either Tathar or Stockard will fight up front, im curious what theyre made of, also lets see Amd's spellknowledge. He will probably be standing behind us, let's just hope we dont awaken something down the stairs.

Smelkie intends to fire a bolt at the middle skeleton if no one crosses his path. He will stay put and see if the bolt actually hurts the skeleton, when suddenly mister red-eye charges at him! Smelkie sees the skeletons sword being swung directly at him and with a swift turn of his tiny shoulders he manages to dodge that strike. "Ha!, youre slow!" Full of confidence he takes one step back toward Tather giving himself and the others some room to take a better aim at the evil one.

Stepping back Smelkie gets the feeling that somehow his remark has aggitated the skeletons and that his eyes suddenly started glowing more dark red... And another strike is dodged! "See, told you so!" Smelkie says very sarcastically. I wonder if skeletons can hear me though, he thinks. Who cares anyway, lets get rid of him now. Theres more fun waiting right next to me, where Stockard it brought down.

Smelkie raises his crossbow and fires at point blank range at the skeleton that just missed him twice and he hits it, but barely!
Hit roll on skeleton 2 (1d20+6=16) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1733638/)
Damage roll on skel #2 (1d8+1=5) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1733643/)

After he released his bolt Smelkie quickly looks at his right, where he sees Stockard put down to his knees. That red-eyed bastard hit him hard. "Hang in there Stockard! Tori will come to your rescue".

initiative check (1d20 4=16) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1731922/)

2008-09-15, 01:06 PM
Tori Soulforge

Chanting in dwarven to the deity Kord Tori shoves past Amd and stands between the human and halfling. Judging by the aim of the crossbow the middle looks to be the target. Tori says to his two companions "okay we take down the middle on first then split up and clean up the other two." squaring his frame with shield infront and axe twirling at his side Tori is ready to battle.

Initiate role: 1d20 +3 → [12,3] = (15)

Tori moves to attack the skeleton positioned at H-7. Jumping over the prone Stockard Tori brings his axe down breaking the old wood shield of the skeleton. the force was strong enough to pass through the skeleton and sever its forearm just above the elbow. The skeletons looks directly into Tori's eyes as if it was almost asking for him to join the members of the after world. Tori does not hesitate bring the axe around for a second swing tearing through the rib cage and spinal column. crumbling at his feet tori watches the red coals of his foes eyes extinguish, not waiting for the eyes to fully faded he crushes the skull with his foot and moves on to the next.

Hit: 1d20+7 → [17,7] = (24)
Damage: 1d10+4 → [3,4] = (7)


2008-09-15, 02:23 PM

Seeing the skeletons, Stockard does not look back at his companions before taking action. He means to charge up to whichever skeleton is closest to him, on the far right. He also to declare his dodge on the same one.

"Tori, I know you might be slow, but someone should come help me dispose of this trash!"

[1d20+2 → [5,2] = (7)
http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1732074/ ]

2008-09-15, 03:05 PM
Amd Minyatur

"Time to show our mettle "

With that said Amd starts chanting and gesturing the acid splash spell aimed at the skelleton next to Smelkie. Once the spell is cast , the skeleton's bones start crumbling under the influence of the acid.

init roll :1d20+2=14 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1732086/)
hit roll : 1d20+2=18 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1733649/)
damage roll : 1d3=3 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1733653/)

2008-09-15, 04:07 PM
Tathar Elendil

"Smelkie!!!!" Tathar Cries out.
"Those skeletons are the ones from upstairs, someone disturbed them." Tathar says drawing his scimitar and preparing to fight.
Tathar hesitates in his attack as Stockard is beaten to the ground.
"Oh no! I forgot my berries! I can't heal Stockard"

Tathar moves forward to strike the middle skeleton with Apricot by his side.
As he slashes his scimitar towards the skeleton he notices Tori slice through the skeleton on his right. This momentary lapse causes his attack to hit the shield of the skeleton. Blast! A failed attack! Tathar curses under his breath

[Initiative Roll - 1d20+2 → [8,3] = (11)
Hit Roll 1d20 2=9 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1733423/)]

2008-09-16, 02:03 PM

For one seemingly endless moment there is silence, then all hell breaks lose. The two skeletons on the right are first to act and simultaneously they charge forward in silence: the left one targeting Smelkie, the right one straight at Stockard.
The one facing Smelkie swings his shortsword but misses completely, the sword never coming even close to the agile halfling. Stockard is not as fortunate though, for it seems all the skill the other skeleton misses, his opponent seems to have taken. Hatred shining from his red eyes, the skeleton covers the last few feet between him and Stockard with one might jump, bringing his short sword down as he strikes and burying it deep in Stockards lower abdomen. The shock of the impact makes Stockard collapse on the floor.

Smelkie, his crossbow in his hands, takes a quick step back. His opponent spot this moment of weakness and tries to sneak in a quick blow at Smelkie's head. Once again though, the halfing is much faster and the blow misses.
Now out of range of the skeleton's weapon, Smelkie fires his crossbow and hits the skeleton. Unfortunately the bolt passes through the third and fourth left rib without doing much damage.

Tori, enraged with his companion being hit right in front of his eyes, lifts his mighty axe and charges forward. Moments later the bonebag is dead, chopped to little bits.

The next to react is Amd, the elf keeps his head cool and after some quick complex hand gestures and a few strange words, a large splash of green acid is sent towards Smelkie's attacker. The acid quickly eats away at the already old and brittle bones and within seconds the skeleton collapses as well, the red lights slowly fading from the skull.

The last standing member of the party, Tathar, rushes towards the prone, but still conscious, Stockard, drags him five feet back behind Tori and kneels down besides him to check his wounds [OOC: Heal skill stabilise check - Succesful]. Quickly he takes a piece of cloth and binds the wound to prevent further bloodloss.

Finally, the last skeleton decides to move and charges at the imposing figure of Tori Soulforge. Steel meets steel, again and again, but in the end not a single scratch marks Tori's body.

Stockard can still act in this round if he wishes so, he is limited to one action only though, so either a move action or a standard action.
Tathar, please forgive me for deciding your action, but this one single round of combat was taking long enough, plus I think at that moment it was the only thing Tathar could do.
Current positions:
Skeleton 1: H-7
Tori: H-8
Stockard: H-9
Tathar: H-10
Amd: G-9
Smelkie: F-9
New round new chances guys :P
PS: Feel free to Edit your posts to give a more fancy description of the action you took last round ;)]

2008-09-16, 02:34 PM

With an obvious look of searing pain, Stockard stays where he is, trying to appear as defended as possible, surrounded by his companions. Why have I left the monastery. What a fool I was to think I could go adventuring. I feel I am not ready to be thrown in with these monsters. These others are much more fit to be here than I, as they are strong, and smart. I am just a simple monk. How am I ever going to heal from this? Stockard manages to say a few words between his deep breaths, "Thank you Tathar."

Now sitting against the railing, Stockard just hopes the fighting will end soon, his new-found sense of cowardice fighting to win him over from the pain he continues to feel.

2008-09-16, 03:42 PM
Smelkie Greenhopper

A few seconds after speaking, Smelkie sees Tori rushing towards Stockards and striking the foe that got Stockard down hard, shredding it to bits and pieces. I wonder if I can be of any use down here, my bolts dont seem to hurt those skeletons. If theres more to come down than i can better just stick close to the group and collect whatever i can find. Best way to get paid... Luckily we got decent strikingpower with us, else we would be dead in no time.

Looking back to Ribcase in front of him Smelkie hears chanting coming from behind. And quicker than he can say, In the name of Yondalla someone help Stockard, Ribcase is no more... It became more of a dustcase with green residu.

Apparantly Tathat saw his chance clear and dragged Stockard safely behind Tori, what drew the attention of the last bonepile standing. I could shoot at it, but it wont do much. Id better wait and let Tori handle it, I can always step in later to shoot. I can best aim my shot at the red spot probably.. So Smelkie awaits patiently (if possible in combat anyway) if Tori kills the last foe, befor taking any action of himself.

2008-09-17, 03:55 AM
Tathar Elendil

Kneeling down beside Stockard Tathar continues to work.
"A fine blow you took here eh Human" Tathar says, the slightest bit of glee in his voice. "But not to worry, You're in a stable condition and we'll have you back to full health in no time."

Continually keeping one eye on Stockard and the other on the remain skeleton Tathar sees the final skeleton slash at Tori. The dwarf though, a more than ample opponent blocks the attack with ease.

"It'll be over soon" Tathar whispers reassuringly to Apricot who begins to settle down and stops growling.

2008-09-17, 01:12 PM
Tori Soulforge

Moving to engage the last skeleton, Tori misscalculates his swing and misses.

1d20+5 → [4,5] = (9)

2008-09-17, 04:24 PM
Amd Minyatur

Amd focuses his attention on the remaining skeleton . wanting a quick conclusion to the battle , Amd starts chanting and gesturing the magic missle spell. the missle hits the skelleton and hurts him badly . amd shouts :

" Someone slash him down fast ! Use your swords ! "

damage roll:1d4+1=4 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1735149/)

[ooc : from what i know , magic missle always hits and you don't have to roll for it . here is the roll for spell resistance if i need it : 1d20+1=20 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1735180/)... ok , definately not needed anymore :)]

2008-09-18, 01:43 PM
Smelkie Greenhopper

In an eyewink tori heaves his axe, but completely misses... So Smelkie readies his bow, when he hears Amd chanting again, seeing his handmovements going through his line of fire. Amd shoots a magic missle to the skeleton hitting, but not killing it.

Guess they need my help anyway. So he pulls the trigger

Hit check (1d20+6=19) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1736261/)
Hit roll (1d8+1=8) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1736263/)

[OOC if i cant hit it straight away, ill do a step forward back to F8. Thats not needed though imo]

2008-09-18, 08:02 PM
Tori Soulforge

enraged at being struck and missing Tori lashes out wildly scattering the bones of the remaining skeleton down the stairs.

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1736674/ 1d20+5 → [20,5] = (25)
http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1736681/ 1d20+5 → [18,5] = (23)
http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1736684/ 1d10+4 → [8,4] = (12)


ugly Over Powered warriors FTW

2008-09-18, 08:15 PM

While Stockard sits on the ground trying to deal with being hit, battle continues around him.

In quick succession, Tori, Smelkie and Amd all take aim at their undead foe. Unfortunately for the party Tori misses with his swings, though Smelkie and Amd don't, respectively hitting it with a bolt in the skull and a magic missile in the chest, making the skeleton stagger backward for a moment.

The skeleton quickly recovers though and the vile creature takes advantage of Tori's poorly aimed swings by ducking under them and swinging his sword into Tori's lower leftside.
Bleeding profusely from his cut, Tori gathers all his might in his next attack, hitting the skeleton with such might it's bones scatter all over the place.

Adrenaline coursing through all of your veins, you stand there, surrounded by bones, bloodstains covering the steps of the stairs...

Quick summary of the battle: Tori and Stockard both got 1 hit on them, coincidentally both for 8 damage. Please note this one your character sheet guys (under current hitpoints). Amd used Acid Splash and Magic Missile. Smelkie shot 2 bolts.
As for XP: I'm not giving XP for every single encounter, rather I will let it add up and at certain points I will give players the XP they have earned up to that point.
As for looting, you guys already looted these skeletons remember? :P

2008-09-18, 11:30 PM
Amd Minyatur

"Ok , let's get the wounded patched up ! A quick advice for you BRAVE adventurers do anything else . DO NOT , UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE , rush in like this in the future . Those skeletons where part of a magic trap we sprung when we stepped on that particular stair ...we should see if there are any other traps around . Halfling , how good are you at spotting traps ? "

2008-09-19, 05:20 AM

"I do agree that I am of no use to you all in this condition. I also am not skilled in the arts of healing. If any of you are better at this than I, I would forever be in your debt."

"In the matter of Amd's concern, I do not know what exactly can be done. I have the feeling those skeletons would have attacked us in any case. Considering that they are undead, it would make me feel a lot better to break the bones and skatter them, in case these undead have a tendancy of coming back to......nonlife."

2008-09-19, 11:14 AM
Amd Minyatur

" The skelletons are dead now . all the life that they once had is gone forever . But i asure you , they where the direct result of our carelesness . We sprung a magic trap . i felt it . so did the badger. Now i ask you again halfling , how good are you at spotting and disabling traps . it's quite important . maybe next time we'll get a poison dart in the back . anyone want to risk that ? ... "

2008-09-19, 11:59 AM
Tori Soulforge

"I agree Amd being more careful while we progress forward. Patching up the monk should be our top priority I can handle my self for a bit. Tathar can you mend the both of us?"

2008-09-19, 06:19 PM
Tathar Elendil

"You both look fairly stable Tori, It shouldn't be much hassle at all to heal you. But first I must get some berries for my spells. I noticed a few berry bushes just near that camp we saw when exploring earlier, Is someone able to come with me and forage from them?" Tathar looks at Smelkie for assistance. Without those berries I'm afraid the healing will take much longer; 1-2 days without berries compared to an hour or so with them. Also, they will be quite valuable next time we get in a fight."

"Amd, perhaps the halfling isn't the best choice for spotting traps, You said yourself that you felt the trap, perhaps you should be more clear in your warnings next time? I'm no good at trap spotting though so count me out." Tathar says snapping at Amd.

What a great bunch of Heroes they turned out to be. You've got a human who gets taken down in 1 hit and an elf who doesn't warn people of traps. Let's hope the other two are ok

2008-09-20, 07:14 AM
Amd Minyatur

"Oh , now that would really be smart . After we get attacked by undead , leaving an exausted mage and 2 wounded alone while you go looking for berries . be my guest . just remind yourself, when you get any more of theese bright ideeas . bang your head against the closest wall really hard . they are both stable . let's just have a rest and then continue . and , for what the trap is concerned, i had no way of knowing it was there until it was sprung . you should know better . you aren't completely obtuse . after all you are part elven . i didn't even think this possible but the dwarf is wiser than you ."

Amd pauses for a moment to think and to cool down .

Calm yourself down , this isn't helping anyone . it's nobody's fault that this happened . after all , they are all inexperienced . we should try to work together

"I'm sory . I am a little jumpy and angry . Forgive me if my words offended you . let's just rest here a bit then cary on "

2008-09-20, 07:30 AM
Smelkie Greenhopper

"If i can help in any way healing you guys, I will." Smelkie walks over to Tori and Stockard and check if he can assist. Inspecting Tori's injuries the seldomly speaking Amd adresses him, several times.

"Yes my trapfinding skills are quite good, maybe its best for me to take the lead next time. I have inspected the entire mainhall, not thinking any traps would be placed on the stairwell... I dont care for resting, ill go up, get berries and come back asap, killing everything that dares coming in my way. I dont want to stop now, I want to go down now.. We got a week and we need to go back by foot. We'd better be in good health, before going down, so im going up". This time checking the stair for traps

Turning around and moving up he winks Tathar to follow.
The gods should have given Elves the virtue of patience....

2008-09-21, 04:09 AM
Tathar Elendil

"We won't be gone long at all Amd. We need these berries for a quick heal. But yes I see your point how we will be weakly defended until we return. Smelkie, perhaps you should go along and get these berries." Tathar turns to Smelkie and starts to describe the berries.

"Please make sure you get the right ones Smelkie, It is imperative for the spell. If you are not back in 4 hours we shall continue without you.
good luck Smelkie, and a safe return."

2008-09-21, 04:42 AM
Smelkie Greenhopper

"I wont be long, you guys ready up some spells and rest. Where exactly did you spot those berries Tathar?"

2008-09-21, 06:32 AM
Amd Minyatur

"Near the abandoned camp outside . Now go quickly!"

Amd waches Smelkie head out to find the berries needed for the spell .

2008-09-21, 07:49 PM

Smelkie goes outside and quickly returns with a handful of berries. Nothing else happens in the meantime, the place is quiet.

2008-09-21, 07:59 PM
Tathar Elendil

Seeing Smelkie return from foraging, Tathar quickly gathers up the berries and casts Goodberry on them.

"Stockard needs more healing, I'll give him the majority of the berries." Tathar says giving 4 berries to Stockard and 1 to Tori.

"This should help you out a little."

[OOC - Spell Roll] 2d4=5 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1739710/)

2008-09-21, 09:10 PM

Stockard and Tori both eat the berries given to them. Within seconds both look much better, Stockard's wound has even closed up mostly, and they look well-rested.
Everyone now standing the party continues on downwards. After taking the corner to the left the stairs continue down, gradually growing even wider until they are wide enough for all five of you to walk next to each other, should you wish to do so.

After going down another 40 steps like that, the stairs end at a large gate. At the center of the arch, looming over you heads, four words from an unknown language are engraved in the stone.
Immediately behind the gate, is a T-section hallway, if you glimpse around the corners, both corridors look identical.

2008-09-22, 05:47 AM
Smelkie Greenhopper

Finally down, and no traps spotted, the little halfer finds himself getting more and more excited as the smell of old and undiscovered reaches his nostrils. Looking up he spots a text which he tries to decipher.

Hmm i think there's a center room down here, surrounded by a hallway. Entrance must be around here somewhere. I'd better keep watching for traps, if Amd was correct. Perhaps i'll find a hidden door somewhere in the proces..

"Shall we make a right turn and see if the wall we see is a center room? I'll take the lead checking for traps and hidden doors. Perhaps you can detect if there's any more magic down here Amd"

2008-09-22, 05:57 AM

"Thank you Tathar, you've come to my aid once more. Before we barge in, I think we should discuss walking order again. I feel we were unlucky to have been snuck up on last time, and Tori should still be in the front. Once he engages the enemy I can try to go in and help bring them down. As far as picking a direction. I have absolutely no idea. It might help if we could read these words. My good Wizard, can you make any sense of this?"

2008-09-22, 08:12 AM
Tori Soulforge

Following behind the Halfling, Tori trusts his companions sense enough not to walk them into danger.

2008-09-22, 08:54 AM
Tathar Elendil

Siding behind Tori Tathar motions for Amd to walk along side him leaving Stockard at the rear.

"We need someone strong at the back, and this way I can keep an eye on Stockard, make sure he is healing ok." Also, lets just follow the path Smelkie suggest, I think it best to stick together, at least or now until these two are back to full health."

"Were you able to decipher those symbols at all Smelkie? It just looks like a bunch of jibberish to me." Tathar trails off as his attention is diverted to Apricot.

I'm glad to have Apricot along, such loyalty is hard to find these days, I hardly think this group will remain loyal the whole time. I guess we are all in it for the money though not each other...

2008-09-22, 09:05 AM

You study the words for a few minutes, trying to figure out patterns and such that might give away their lost meaning. You think they might say something along the lines of "Here lie the 'eldest'", but you're not sure, in particular about the last word.


Having decided to go right, Smelkie leads the way searching for traps wherever he goes. Unfortunately after walking twenty feet, Tathar's Light spell suddenly ends and everything goes dark...

2008-09-22, 09:48 AM
Smelkie Greenhopper

"Well Tathar the sign said something like: 'Here lies the 'eldest'. I thought those skeletons were very old already, but aparantly theres something older down here. I wonder if he had anything to do with missing livestock, but who knows. Might be someone offering...."

As the party makes a turn right, the lightspell suddenly stops.

"Shhh, Hold still and dont move while i try to make some light here", Smelkie whispers. "Dont make any sound, so we can hear something approaching."

He reaches for his backpack and gets out his lantern, oil, flint and steel. He tries pouring the oil in the lantern and lighting it up.

Dexterity check (1d20+4=5) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1740275/)

2008-09-22, 10:24 AM

Standing in pitch-black darkness, Smelkie starts fumbling in his backpack, trying to get out his lantern, oil and flint and steel. After some strange postures, he finally manages to get it all out. Quickly he tries to pour the oil into the lantern, his flint and steel clamped down under his arms, only to notice a wetness touching his feet a few moments later. Cursing he adjusts his aim, getting the remainder into the lantern, then tries to put the flask away, but as he does, the steel drops down on the floor, causing a minute spark...


You stand stumbling in the dark for a moment, when Smelkie calls out saying he will create light this time. You hear him fumbling around, followed by some cursing a few moments later and the smell of oil fills the corridor.
Then there is a soft whooshing sound and the room is filled with light. Unfortunately the light doesn't come from any lantern or torch, instead Smelkie's feet and front legs seem to be burning.

1 Fire damage to Smelkie. Damage will continue until fire is put out or Smelkie dies, whichever comes first :P]

2008-09-22, 11:48 AM
"Amd Minyatur

Shouting to Smelkie a little amused

"Stop , drop and roll"

Amd throws his wool shirt around Smelkie's feet and extinguishes the fire .
A little ironic :

"You owe me shirt"

2008-09-22, 03:01 PM

"Wow, that was quite the event. I am sorry that had to happen to you Smelkie, seems my luck has become yours. Hopefully this luck leaves our party as soon as possible, or else I should think we will be unable to survive day one. "

"I would also like to discuss the words Smelkie deciphered from the gate. It may seem straight forward to you all, but I would think it has cause for discussion. "Here lie the 'eldest," to my first thought would mean a place for the eldest to lie, most likely of some royal tomb. However, with eldest being a word we aren't positive about, what else could it mean? Possibilities may be just someone who is old living here, maybe the undead, maybe even someone eternal, I don't know. What do you guys think? Will we be accompanied by many more skeletons down here? Also if we all think it may mean more skeletons, we should discuss what the most effective way to kill them might be. "

Stockard also takes extra note to remember the right turn they made, in case they need to get back up in a hurry.

2008-09-22, 11:31 PM
Tathar Elendil

"I think I'll take care of the light from now on if you don't mind Smelkie." Tathar says chuckling to himself.

"I'd agree Stockard that the words would mean a tomb, let's just not touch anything this time.
Also, from what I saw from Tori, the best way to defeat those skeletons was to just cut of their heads. I guess the magic worked as well but it definitely tired Amd out.
Come on everyone, let's keep going anyway."

2008-09-23, 11:54 AM
Amd Myniatur

"Ok , what ever the eldest is reffering to , we where payed to do this job and we will do it . Let's press on .Let's get into formation . Smelike and Tori first then me and Tathar then Stockard . Agreed ?"

2008-09-23, 02:58 PM
Smelkie Greenhopper

"AAAAARGHH, SOMEONE HELP!" Smelkie jumps up and down trying to extinguish the fire. Luckily Amd is quick to wrap his shirt around Smelkies feet. And after everything is calmed down, with a little smile on his face he says "My feet were killing me.. they still hurt though. I did manage to lit my lantern however, so mission succesfull I'd say"

After listening to what Stockard has to say Smelkie realises that the only effective way to kill those undead was by slashing them to bits. Using a piercing weapon on bones isn't the way to slay the undead.

"It seems i can't be of any real help may we encounter more undead creatures, since i only posses piercing weapons. I dont know if any of you can lend me another type of weapon?"

After things are talked over Smelkie follows Amds proposal and takes the lead further down the hallway, holding his lantern up and checking for traps and hidden doors as well.

2008-09-24, 03:19 PM
Tori Soulforge

Turning at the abrupt commotion Tori sees hes compatriots shouting at the halfing who has managed to singe his feet quite badly. All in all we have light and hopefully the ruckus does not attract more of those skeletons or what ever brought the from the grave.

2008-09-24, 04:51 PM

After all the commotion has died down, the group continues on their epic quest. Upon taking the corner to the left you see a rotting old wooden door ahead of you. Looking closer you notice what's left of the door is barely hanging from its hinges. After searching for any traps, Smelkie notices the door has been opened recently, he doesn't find any traps though.

Now assured it is safe, Smelkie carefully pushes the door open outwards, just enough for him to squeeze through first. Holding his lantern up, he sees he is in a medium-sized room that appears to be completely empty except for 3 sepulchres on each side, with a large coffin inside each of them. Above the entrances to these sepulchres is a small golden plate on the wall, with something inscribed in it. Your first guess would be the name of the person buried there.

The coffins are made of granite stone and appear to all be intact upon first glance. There are no doors in this room.


2008-09-24, 06:29 PM
Tori Soulforge

upon entering into the room 6 coffins carry out their eternal slumber. Nothing moves, all that is heard is the breathing that is friends make. with his voice barely audible he whispers to the party. "we need to check out each tomb carefully, look closely and dont set off any traps. somebody opened that door and it would be detrimental to think they have left". Tori waits for smelkie to check for traps.

2008-09-24, 11:21 PM
Amd Minyatur

"Agreed ... Let's inspect the coffins"

2008-09-25, 03:56 AM
Tathar Elendil

"Come back here Apricot!" Tathar shouts noticing Apricot make a dash for the corner of the room.
"It's probably just a stinking rat. Leave the poor thing be."

Tathar runs off to the corner after Apricot.

2008-09-25, 04:14 PM
Smelkie Greenhopper

Leading the group safely down the hallway the party stumbles upon a door. After a decent inspection, Smelkie decides to open it up and take a step inside.
The room radiates dead with those six coffins carefully placed for someone's final resting place... well final is still to be determined on according to Smelkie.

Before he could do a decent search for trap in the room and asking if Amd could detect if there's any magic present, Tathar's pet runs for a corner.

Last time he was scared, he also made a warning... I wonder if we're in trouble again.

"Stay close Tathar, I didn't check for traps there yet. Be alert all, last time Apricot was in the picture he also warned up for danger."
Smelkie follows after Tathar to see whats up with his pet.

2008-09-25, 04:54 PM

"You're right Smelkie. I'd advise we stick together right now. Having that animal around may prove to be more useful than I thought"

Though Stockard was feeling a little better than he did after the last encounter with the skeletons, he was still quite nervous about doing battle with anything soon. I really hope there are no undead in this room. I know I am not at full health, and I am not really sure how to engage in combat without getting hurt much. Hopefully I can go in after Tori and they will be focused on him.

2008-09-25, 04:55 PM

Smelkie stands in the room when suddenly apricot dashes between his legs and runs to the far right corner, disappearing behind the coffin. Tathar, worried for the safety of his friend, rushes after her with Smelkie on his tails. Fortunately neither of them seem to set off any traps and they make it safely there.

Standing close to the coffin now, Smelkie notices a sculpture of an old man is engraved on the lid of the coffin, a large sword (also engraved, not an actual sword) rests in his hands. Suddenly tathar sees something and gestures for Smelkie to move his light higher. Both men peering intently into the sepulcher suddenly notice part of the wall at the deep end of the sepulcher seems to be missing, creating a hole. It would appear Apricot went through it. Unfortunately because the coffin blocks most of the entrance, only something as small as Apricot or Smelkie could squeeze through.

2008-09-26, 01:05 AM
Smelkie Greenhopper

As both notice Apricot disappeared, Smelkie calls the whole gang together to see if they can move the coffin. But as it is not very likely he'll wait for the others to make a light of their own, before squeezing through the gap following Apricot into the unknown.

2008-09-26, 07:53 AM
Tathar Elendil

"Drat! Apricot! Get back here at once!" Tathar calls into the hole but all to no avail, Apricot does not return.

"Quickly, Go in after her, we will continue to explore around this room and try and find another way in, there has to be some sort of switch. If you get into trouble get back here as fast as you can. wishing him a safe return.
Oh, before you go Smelkie can you light my lamp? I have forgotton to bring my flint along with me. Either that or someone stole it."
Tathar gets out his lamp and attempts to pour oil in it.

Tathar gets looking for magical enscriptions on the tombstones while waiting for the others to get ready to attempt to move the tombstones.

2008-09-26, 10:19 AM
Amd Minyatur

Amd calls to the others
"Let's try to moove the coffin . Smelkie ,don't leave yet because we need all the help we can get ..."

2008-09-27, 02:20 PM

"I do not think it would be a good idea to move a coffin. Call me superstitious, but the last time we disturbed the undead, they did not take very kindly to us, me specifically. I think we should send in Smelkie with a lantern to look around. "

2008-09-27, 03:51 PM

"And let him face whatever is in there alone . I disagree ..."

2008-09-27, 05:55 PM
Tori Soulforge

"I agree we need to help our allies"

2008-09-28, 01:42 AM
Tathar Elendil

"How exactly do you propose we do that Tori? Care to expand slightly on your answer? There has to be another way in besides that hole, Smelkie needs to go in quickly or he risks losing sight of Apricot. Whatever she's found I don't think Smelkie will be able to find it on his own."

2008-09-28, 05:03 AM
Smelkie Greenhopper

"Come Tathar, i'll light your lantern. Just hold it still, I don't want to burn my feet again."

As the group is discusses wheter to move the coffn or not, Smelkie pust his head down and squeezes through the gap in search of Apricot.
Carefully inspecting the gap he holds up his lantern calling for Apricot with his voice lowered.

2008-09-28, 05:26 AM

"I am just trying to find a way to explore without disturbing the coffin. If there is no other way then we will do what we must, but I just don't think moving this would be the best idea"

2008-09-28, 05:59 AM
Amd minyatur

Amd sits doing nothing ...

"Hmm ..."

2008-09-28, 01:29 PM
Tori Soulforge

grumbling Tori spits into his hands and begins to pull the casket. he notes that is fellow companions are also getting ready to help him

2008-09-28, 04:09 PM
All except Smelkie

After some discussion you all decide to try and pull the coffin out of the sepulcher so you can access the hole behind it. It takes you all a few minutes, but in the end the damn thing is dragged out and the hole is free.

Tathar enters the hole first, holding his lantern high, Tori follows after, then comes Amd and Stockard closes the line again...


Smelkie crawls over the coffin and into the hole. The hole is actually a very short tunnel, maybe ten feet in length. Smelkie notices how after two feet of solid earth, the walls of the tunnel turn into natural rock. The tunnel comes out in a larger cave, with easily a fifteen feet diameter, the cave goes on both to left and right, though the left side seems to have a slight curve upwards in it.

You spot Apricot sitting a few yards away chewing on what appear to be the remains of a small rodent, probably a rat. After confirming Apricot is ok and there being no enemies near, you investigate your direct surroundings a bit better and you discover tracks on the cave floor. They are old and barely discernible, you actually only discovered them because you were bored and tried to figure out what Apricot was eating based on the prints it left, but you think they are humanoid and they seem to be going both ways.


At this point the others come stumbling down the tunnel and the five of you are together again. Apricot rushes to Tathar and drops the remains of the rodent at his feet.

To move the coffin, a strength check was needed, that happened as such: Tori took the main role, being the strongest. Because of this he can take 20 (for rules on taking 20, see players handbook), giving him a score of 24. Tathar, Amd and Stockard all assisted Tori, this allows them to give Tori a +2 on his strength check IF they roll a strength check of 10+ of their own.
All three made this strength check (Tathar had 18, Amd had 15 and Stockard had 13) so they added an additional +6 to the roll, making for a final strength check of 30, which happened to be exactly enough to make the DC for moving the coffin.
Just so you all understand ;)

2008-09-29, 03:16 AM
Tathar Elendil

Struggling along with Tori and the others Tathar is pleased when the coffin is finally moved.

"Apricot! I'm so glad you're alright." Tathar says falling to his knees to hug his badger.
"Oh and you too Smelkie, What have you discovered?"

2008-09-29, 11:16 AM
Amd Minyatur

After getting out of the tunel , he finds himself in the cave ...

"Alright everyone we should press on , i feel we are gettig close to something . We should be on our toes . Who knows what made the tracks on the ground . Probably orcs or something ..."

Amd starts boiling inside , thinking of what the orc did to his beautifull elven home . He tryes to contain himself .

"Are we ready , ladies ? "

2008-09-29, 05:59 PM

"I agree, we should explore the tunnel. I don't know why there would be such a cave branching off these tombs, but it seems we were not meant to enter it. Maybe we can find out about our enemies in here. I say we walk as a group, down the cave until we find something important. Keep your eyes peeled. "

The cave may prove to be less hospitable than the tomb was, but I do feel like we may find something important here, something we were not meant to find. It is hard to believe that we have ventured this far without finding anything substantial about why exactly we are here. What could it be that has been causing the disturbances around town?

2008-09-30, 01:25 PM
Tori Soulforge

"we should proceed with the utmost caution, disrupting crypts may lead in angering spirits who do not want their eternal slumber to come to an end."

Tori begins to move the whole

2008-10-01, 02:15 PM
Smelkie Greenhopper

"Well we could go further into the cave, trying to find out what made those tracks. Its clear that something has been here before. But then we dont know what else is in the Masoleum, just keep that in mind as we move on from here."

Smelkie checks for how much time he has oil left. "Tathar, save that oil from your lamp. We will light it once mine is almost empty. Shall i take the lead again. I dont think we will encounter any traps, but its better to be safe than sorry. Let us get going."

Smelkie starts walking towards the left side of the cave.

2008-10-01, 10:51 PM
Tathar Elendil

"A good idea that is Smelkie." Tathar says blowing the flame from his lantern.
"Show me these tracks that you discovered with my knowledge of nature I should be able to determine which creature they came from."

[OOC - Knowledge: Nature Check?? To determine what kind of animal it is.]

As Smelkie moves towards the left hand side of the cave Tathar calls out "I'll be there in a second, don't go far." and proceeds to investigate the tracks.

2008-10-07, 04:31 PM

Tathar quickly figures out the tracks weren't made by animals and relays this information to the group as he rejoins them. With Smelkie in the lead, the group progresses upwards through the tunnel and after walking about ten minutes, you can feel and smell a change in the air, followed shortly after by hearing normal wildlife sounds (birds chirping, insects buzzing, etc). Following one more curve you see daylight ahead and as you go outside, you see the tunnel comes out at a very small hill.

Since you guys can't see the mausoleum anywhere, you logically deduce there must be some distance between this tunnel opening and the mausoleum. Since there is nothing else of interest outside, except for Tathar maybe, the decision to go back into the tunnel and follow it the other way is quickly made.

So again with Smelkie in the lead the group proceeds through the tunnel, this time going downwards. When they approach the spot where they entered the tunnel in the first place, they hear a female voice calling out if anyone is there...


Layla happened to be traveling through Marksville earlier today and heard from the townspeople about the problems and the brave group of heroes who are gonna take care of the problem. Wishing to help out, she travels in the direction of the mausoleum, catching up with the soldiers about halfway on the journey. After some discussion the lieutenant decides to send two soldiers along with her to get her there fast and safely.
Once at the mausoleum, she follows the clear trail the group has left behind, until she creeps through the hole into the tunnel. Having no idea which way they went at that point, she decides to call out, hoping the right people will hear it...

2008-10-07, 04:39 PM
Crawling into the dark tunnel, Layla casts Light on her drawn Longsword. Keeping the longsword onfront of her to light the way, and to ward off possible attackers.

"OI! anyone here?"

Listening to the echo's Layla waits for anwser. Hmmm, what did i get myself into... Helping out a bunch of idioots, that you dont know still live.. Doesnt even seem they left behing marks to show them the way back out! Way to go girl..

Crawling forward slowly layla moves her sword in a half cirlce in front of her, examaning the tunnel she appears to be in, hoping someone will have heard her cry. oh dear, what if who heard my silly ass yelling isnt one of the good guys...

2008-10-07, 04:55 PM
Tori Soulforge

faintly hearing a voice echo softly down the tunnel, Tori halts and hopes to here it again. Not wanting to fall into a trap Tori crouches and firmly grips his axe hoping that the rest of the party will also be cautious. I don't know who or what made that call but it did not sound too deep or too far. A female perhaps or a trap, id rather meet up with the first of the two any day.

Tori continues to move slowly back down.

2008-10-07, 04:57 PM

Someone is coming, though we have encountered no enemies capable of speaking yet. I find it hard to believe that if we were infiltrating their property, that they would call out to see if anyone is around...

Stockard sees a light begin to come towards their group, which only reaffirms his thoughts that this being is not looking to harm them.

"Who goes there? It may not be wise to call out looking for others in a place where certain enemies lurk. However, we must see who your enemies are, and who your friends are. Myself and my 4 companions have been sent here to discover and quell the queerness of this place. Is your purpose similar?"

2008-10-07, 05:08 PM
Tathar Elendil

Walking back to the entrance to the tunnel the parties silence is broken by what appears to be a female voice coming down to them.

I wonder who that could be and what they are doing here. Tathar thinks to himself.

"Remember those tracks we saw earlier everybody. They were definitely not animal tracks, we need to be careful around here. I'm still trying to properly identify them"

[ooc: Survival check on the tracks - they seem to be going both directions I recall - I'm assuming they are still here else hold off on this till we see it obv.]

Tathar continues along the tunnels with Apricot at his feet constantly sniffing the ground.

2008-10-07, 05:09 PM

A tall slender young women comes walking up to the voices, holding a a shining longsword. She's dressed in simple brown cloathing, with a sturdy cloack. You can see the glittering of metal under her top coat. Her hair appears light, its long and curling, her face is round, with a open look to it. It seems like she's had a hard time of it lately with some leave in her hair and a streek of dirt on her cheek. Those with good eyes in the dark can tell that her hair is blond, and her eyes are a deep grey blue. She carries a almost emptie backpack on her back, with a blanked tied over the top.

"Hi? Are you all here to help with the problems around this mosoleum? I'm Layla, i've been asked to help you out."

Holding her longsword to the side she holds out her other hand to the nearest person that seems inclined to shake it.

"So... found anything yet? What exectly is this place?"

2008-10-07, 06:02 PM

Feeling a bit nervous about getting into close range, especially without Tori at his side, Stockard decides to have a word with this stranger before stepping up to her.

[Roll sense motive check]

Sensing that Layla is truly there for the party's help, Stockard nods to his companions, as if to let them know he believes her. He eventually walks up to Layla, extending his hand to shake hers. "It is nice to see another here. I will tell you personally that we will take all the help we can get. As far as this place, it appears so far to be a tomb..." Stockard then explains what has happened so far since they entered the building. He does, however, forget to tell her about how he wanted to leave the place after the encounter with the skeletons.

"Oh, and m'Lady, I am Stockard. I shall let my companions introduce themselves, should they feel so inclined. "

2008-10-08, 04:40 AM

Layla nods as she listends to Stockard telling his story of what has happend sofar. Hmmmm, looks like this lill group is a mess sofar. Individual they sound usefull, but as a group...

Layla walks with Stockard to the rest of the group, and once again introduces herself, while taking a good look at her future party members. "Hi people, i'm Layla, as maybe you heard. I was send here to lend a hand. So... What is everyone's strong point? Might be good to know before we run into someone or something that doesnt like us..."

Taking a good look at the men standing around her Layla takes a mental deep breath. Oh dear, they didnt pick this group on looks did they? I do hope the light inhere is just unflattering...

2008-10-08, 08:13 AM
Tathar Elendil

Tathar notices Stockard's nod and concludes that this newcomer must be here to help.
"Greetings fellow traveller. My name is Tathar Elendil and this is my badger Apricot. It is a pleasure to meet you." Tathar says kneeling in front of Layla as is the custom in his town of birth.

"As far as strengths go, being a Half-Elf I am naturally fairly intelligent. And though still starting out at the moment I have been healing these two over here and it's coming along quite nicely." pointing at Stockard and Tori.

This new lass looks fairly confident, perhaps she'll be a great asset to our team, as much as a woman can (and a human one at that).

2008-10-08, 08:33 AM
Tori Soulforge

Tori stroll up beside the new comer and extends a hand upward. Upon doing so Tori notices the sword and mail armor. tis a pleasure ta meet ye young las, i be tori. have ye come to lend some assistance to thee party. Tori laughs and crinkles his face, not only has she seen a few fights but she is very lovely. you see dwarf women arent the greatest, and all look pretty much the same. no variety like the other races. touching his axe its fair to assume what his role in the group is

2008-10-08, 08:45 AM

Giving Tathar a simple curtisy (you can tell she's had a bit of practice) and shaking Tori's hand, Layla greets them both. "Nice to meet you to. I do hope i can be of assistance."

Noticing Tori looking at her, Layla subcontiously runs a hand over her hair, picking out some of the leaves and noticing the braid she'd put in that morning has come loose. Blushing she goes on: "Oh.. Errhmm, it seems i lost the string that tied down my hair somewhere in the bushes around this place.."
Ogh, ofcoaurs the first time i meet these ppl i'm covered i dirt n stuff...
Rummaging trough her pack she diggs up a new bit of string, and with obvious ease she rebraids her hair in quick decisive movements.

"Did i meet y'll now?" Looking around she notices a last party member in the dark. "Hello sir, i didnt catch your name?"

2008-10-08, 01:37 PM
Amd Minyatur

"That may be because i didn't say it yet. My name is Amd Minyatur "

Amd inspects the newcommer with one look , then turns away , and drifts off , still troubled by the memmories that came up a while ago .

"Now before we get to what is our favourite colour , can we moove on . We do have a timeframe to find out what is happening over here ... In case you forgot ..."

2008-10-08, 01:39 PM
Amd Minyatur

[ooc sorry ,double post]

2008-10-08, 01:46 PM

"A time frame? Sigh, ofcaurs they forgot to mention that bit to me... Still, i feel things move faster if you know eachother. That saves time from miscommunications and all. Plus less risk of someome getting hurt ofcaurs."

Layla scrugs Friendly chap...
Looking around, she seems to make a disision "Well, we can talk and further introduce oneanother while walking on i guess. As long as everyone keeps their eyes open, and ears sharp. Was there a order to who walked where? Becaus i suggest our best scout walks up front, with the dwarf here second. I will make up rearguard. If there's a fight in the front, make sure there's room for me to get there, i dont to well from longdistance fighting."

2008-10-08, 01:53 PM
Smelkie Greenhopper

Walking back downwards into the cave Smelkie notices the whole group heard a voice. As they enter the cave again the group starts walking towards a human female who just entered the way the group came in as well.

Some conversation starts, while Smelkie stands in the background thinking things over. Sigh, the more people, the lesser the share of any treasure we might find. Burial chambers usually store valuables.... I should continue taking the lead, could come in handy...

2008-10-08, 02:54 PM

When the whole party is done getting acquainted, you resume your course, Layla now taking up the rear. Continuing further into the natural cave, you notice the cave gets wetter, you hear soft dripping of water every now and then and the walls get that smooth water-erosion look. Shortly after, small patches of a strange dark grey moss start appearing on the walls and even some on the floor and ceiling. Going on the moss increases in volume as it soon covers most of the walls, although the ceiling and floor stay mostly unaffected.

A few minutes later you come upon a small stream crossing your path, no more than two feet across. Smelkie moves to jump over it, but halts very suddenly at the very last moment... something is not quite right. There is a large patch of the moss on the floor right across the stream.
Carefully Smelkie wades through the water and inspects the moss, discovering it is only a cover for the eight feet deep pit below it. The pit is filled with several large and sharp-looking wooden stakes.

Everyone now aware of the danger, the group carefully moves past the pit and continues on. On and on the tunnel dwindles, when suddenly Smelkie turns around a corner and spots a most unsual sight a little ahead. No more than twenty feet ahead in the tunnel, a single goblin lies sleeping on the floor, using a large patch of the moss as a pillow. He or she snores slightly, barely audible to Smelkie now.

If any of you wish to do any checks at some point during the above description (like at the stream of water, or the moss or whatever), just say so and put it in your post, I will then roll the check and edit the result into this post.

2008-10-08, 03:17 PM
Smelkie Greenhopper

Moving on, after having done the formalities and some grumbling, the group finds a waterstream where they halt for a second. As they decide to move on, Smelkie notices a true deathtrap across. Clearly this is a sign of life down in this cave.

"Ok gang, this trap proves that there is someone down here, that doesn't want any uninvited guests (pointing at the trap). We should be on guard, let's move on and keep our eyes and ears open" He looks at the elves in the party.

Making their way further in the cave Smelkie suddenly stops in his tracks and turns around, gesturing to hold and keep still putting his finger to his lips.
In a whispering tone he start talking.

"Shhh, around the corner i spotted a gobling sleeping about 7 meters from us, if you keep quiet you can hear it snoring. Amd, Tathar keep an ear out if he stops suddenly. This may indicate he is woken up. Let me go up ahead to sneak up upon him and kill him. Once the coast is clear ill come back to get you guys."

2008-10-08, 03:28 PM

Layla almost runs into the person in front of her as Smelkie comes back in a hurry.
After listening to what Smelkie has to say, she softly wispers back :
"Do be carefull that this isnt another trap though. Approach with cautoin, we dont want you to get stuck in a attack all by yourself. Me and Tori will wait at the corner to come help you if nessesary."

Moving to the front, just behind the turn Layla takes a second to find a calm in herself as Smelkie moves off. Shannanna bless me, as i will attempt to protect the weak and help the good.

2008-10-08, 03:42 PM
Tori Soulforge

Turning to Layla Tori asks in barely a whisper. sooo their wee lassy tell me abit about ye self..

2008-10-09, 12:39 AM

Before having left the initial conversation, Stockard lets Layla know that he prefers to focus on hand to hand combat, though so far, he has not had a chance to test himself against a worthy foe. He also states that he would prefer to walk third or fourth in the line, as he has no way of dealing ranged damage.

"Smelkie, let me know how you feel about this, as I trust you can be stealthy, and I can too. I could sneak up with you and we could be sure to kill him instantly, though I realize that with two of us, his chance of waking up is greater. However, if he wakes up before you get there or if you somehow fail to kill him in one attack, you might be in trouble."

I don't know how everyone will feel about this, but I want to help in some way other than being another person to take a blow from our enemies. I would hate for something bad to happen to Smelkie while I think I can help him.

2008-10-09, 04:44 AM
my post dissapeared :@


Frowning rather oddly at Tori's question about her past while all hell is about to break lose... Layla decides to ignore him for now, and focus on the problem ahead.

Responding to Stockard in a low wisper she adds: "Well, if you are sure you are good enough in sneaking softly? I for one didnt even know Smelkie was here untill he warned us of the trap at the stream, so i know he is good at sneaking softly and unseen. And besides that, he is so small and light waight, he might not trip any traps overthere that are based on pressure. I believe he has best chance of pulling this off. Maybe you can just sneak along till about half way? That way, low risk of tripping traps or waking the gnome, but you will be closeby incase anything happends."

While wispering, Layla peeks around the corner between sentences to check the sleeping goblin. As long as i dun have to do the sneaking... I could wake the dead...

2008-10-09, 04:54 AM
Amd Minyatur

Whispering to Smelkie

" Be shure to kill it , because if you don't you might end up on the wrong end of a goblin's sword . Now make haste"

2008-10-09, 08:27 AM
Tathar Elendil

Seeing Smelkie stop suddenly at the edge of the water Tathar is surprised when he doesn't jump over it but decides to wade through it instead.
He is about to yell out when Smelkie points at the moss on the other side which covers a pit of spikes.

As they round the corner Tathar is informed of a goblin that is sleeping nearby and says in a hushed voice "That reminds me everyone, I did notice goblin tracks earlier, they were at least a month or so old and then we met this, this Layla person Scoffing Tathar continues and it must have slipped my mind. I also noticed a few other tracks, however I was unable to Identify them. They were of a creature much bigger than a goblin though."

"Now that you know about these tracks" Tathar says, continuing his hushed voice. "Think it best if Stockard or someone go with you smelkie, who knows what you might encounter closeby that sleeping goblin. Apricot and I will gladly go with you if that's what the group decides as best."

2008-10-09, 04:18 PM
Smelkie Greenhopper

Hearing the others about his plan, still whispering he proposes the following.
"Listen, i'm very well trained in moving silently and since the ground is full of moss its very unlikely that goblin will hear me. The only thing that im worried about are possible friend that are around. Hence i prefer to go alone, sneak up right next to him and give him a fatal shot with my bow from close-by. In the process of sneaking upon him i can check for traps and other possible goblins around. You guys just keep your eyen and ears open."

Finishing his sentence, Smelkie readies his bow and arrow and starts moving slowly towards the site where the goblin is sleeping watching his every step.

2008-10-10, 01:00 AM

Hearing Smelkies preply before he walks off, Layla nods once and pushes her cloak back from her shoulders, as to have all the space needed for fight or flight. Steady.... steady... Man i so hope this isnt the trap i think it is...
Then she stands ready, sword in hand, but keeping it behind the wall to keep its glow from spreading, praying to her goddes.

As she watches Smelkie walk off, and takes another good look at the soundly sleeping goblin Layla suddenly blink and stands up straight. Wispering urgently she says: " Smelkie! Smelkie come back! Guys, wait, what if this sleepign goblin is innocent? It's not doing anything dangerous now... Its just sleeping. What if its just trapped here somehow? Maybe we should capture it insted of kill it! Smelkie!

Quickly Layla mentaly goes trough the spells she knows, trying to think of a way to get Smelkie to come back if he doesnt hear her. Not able to think up anything usefull she looks around for a small peddle. If she sees one, she will pick it up, and aim it at smelkie's back if she's not stopped by the rest. Gods, i do hope this last idea i had is right... Or the rest will kick me out of the party before i'm actially in it... Why cant things ever be easy?

2008-10-10, 11:29 AM
Tathar Elendil

"Layla! What are you doing?!" Tathar hisses at Layla.
"What if the goblin isn't innocent? then we let it live and soon we have a whole pack of them on us. You should know as well the rest of us that goblins never travel alone, there is always 2 or 3 at least."

With that Tathar takes another quick glance around the room and seeing no movement he kneels down and strokes Apricot's fur.

2008-10-10, 11:40 AM

"What if it is though... I do not want to kill a innocent.. This goblin sofar is completly harmless, if we catch it without killing, we might just be able to question it.... Oh i dont know... But i just cannot stand the thought of killing a innocent for no better reason then that it MIGHT not be... that is just wrong, and would in fact make us the evil ones...

All of this is still said in a wisper, but Layla looks and sounds confused. She seems honestly concerned with killing a innocent.

2008-10-10, 01:27 PM
Smelkie Greenhopper

There seems so hassle going on at the party, but Smelkie just ignores it. Keeping focussed on his surroundings. As long as they dont make too much noise and wake the goblin up.

Thinking that he searches for places to hide

2008-10-10, 02:44 PM
Amd Minyatur

In a ferm but whispered tone

"ENOUGH !!!!You silly girl ! you could get us all killed . WHERE DID YOU GROW UP ? IN AN IVORY TOWER ?!? Goblins are never INNOCENT ! If you try to tell me otherwise , i invite you to come see what the goblins and orcs have done to my family ! THEY SLAUGHTERED THEM ALL ! Every man , woman and CHILD ! BAH ! Silly humans , so young , yet so arrogant . They presume to know it all ! It"s the order of the world , good versus evil . They are evil , brought on this world only for destruction and chaos . If you think they are innocent , try telling that to my father , my mother and my brother who where killed and eaten by those savage beasts ! Now Smelkie , go kill it or I will ! ..."

2008-10-10, 05:32 PM

Stockard, too, does his very best to keep his voice down, "I cant help but agree with Amd. What type of creature would find rest out in the open of a mysterious mausoleum such as this. I know it is an assumption, but I just wouldn't think that someone could find rest like that if they were in the home of their enemy."

I do hope that assumption is correct. Killing when it isn't necessary is not something that would sit well with me, but I fear if we don't dispose of our foes now, it may end up worse for us in the end.

2008-10-11, 04:15 AM

Layla shrugs helplessly "Guys, dont get mad... I know very well goblins are usially not the most friendly creatures... But i do feel it is mostly. Amd, it is awfull that your femelie was killed, it really is. But just like not all humand and elves are good, not all goblins are nesseseraly evil. Though, i do admit most probebly are. "

Who does he think i am? Some little child? him beeing older doesnt make him right damnit! I have seen more then my fair share of horrors... Every healer has.

Taking a deep breath, and standing up a little straighter again Layla goes in still, in a wisper;"As Smelkie seems to go on there is not much i can do about this without endangering more then just myself. But do know, i swore to protect the weak, the innocent, women and children, and i will! From anyone or anything! Beeing in mortal danger will not change that!"

Layla looks now rather flushed and insulted, but she is keeping her ground, and even trough her speech, she keeps checking on Smelkie and the gnome.

"Oh, and Amd? In the monstary where i was trained, one of the best healers we had was a Orc, and she worked herself into exhaustion to save children from plague just like we all did. She died trying to get 2 elven children from a burning house. The children lived, she did not."

2008-10-12, 07:30 AM
Tori Soulforge

After staying quite for a few minutes Tori decides to speak up. Torture, we need information on why a goblin is down here. He will not talk and most like run the other way or to our waiting blades. Id be willing to do it, with the help of one other. If you are weak at heart I will suggest that you try to cover your ears his screams will reach the heavens. back in me ole home in thee mountains we tortured all the time, its a part of life.

2008-10-12, 04:23 PM

Ignoring all the hassle behind, Smelkie tries to sneak towards the goblin, when suddenly he misplaces his foot and puts it down on some very small pieces of stone on the ground, grinding them across the cave floor. The sound, while probably not being all the loud really, sounds to Smelkie like an explosion went off.

Then the goblin makes some grunting noises and opens it's eyes. First it blinks, looking confused for a moment, then the eyes focus on you, then on the bow in your hands. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH", it screams, then cowers against the wall, holding its hands over its face to protect itself while mumbling in a language you can't understand, terror radiating from it's eyes.

Everybody else

While you all stand around the corner, arguing about what to do with the goblin, the argument is suddenly broken off by a loud scream of terror, followed by unintelligible mumbling.

Smelkie, if you wish to attack the Goblin anyways, make the attack roll in your post, as well as the damage roll, I will then tell you if it was succesful in my post (lets face it, its 99% likely to be succesful, but lets be thorough here please).
Tori/Shads: Since torture is apparently a common practice and pasttime amongst your dwarf clan and something that you are quite experienced with, please change your allignment on your sheet to either Lawful Neutral, True Neutral or Chaotic Neutral.

2008-10-12, 04:29 PM

On hearing the terrified scream, Layla doesnt hesitate for a moment. In a flash she is around the corner shielding them from the vieuw of the sleeping goblin. Argument forgotten she runs as hard as she can, trying to reach the goblin before Smelkie takes the chance to kill it anyway. If she reaches the goblin in time, she will stand in front of it, and shield it with her body, sword at ready, and keeping a close eye on both Tori and Amd.
If she's not in time, she will kneel down at the goblins side to see if she still has a chance at saving the small creatures life.

2008-10-12, 04:39 PM
Tathar Elendil

Listening to the disputes taking place the whispering is suddenly broken by a loud wail coming from the direction of the Goblin and Smelkie.

"The goblin!" Tathar shouts. "It must have woken up."

Tathar spins around to look for Smelkie when he sees Layla rush off in that direction.
"Layla! Where are you going?! Stop!" Tathar yells.

What on earth is that human doing now? She has seemed to be nothing but trouble since coming here. First she doesn't want to kill the goblin and now she's running to it presumably to attack it. Make up your mind lass.

Turning to Apricot Tathar says "Come Apricot, we may be needed shortly" and hurries after Layla.

2008-10-12, 11:21 PM
"Amd Minyatur"

Seing the events unfold before him , amd pauses and thninks to himself Of course it went wrong . This is one giant mess from the day it started .... After seing the human rush in twards the goblin Amd shrugs hoplessly and sighs . I should probably avoid trying to kill her ,the others will probably not aproove . But i swear , that girl gets my blood boiling. We're in for a loooooong journey ...

2008-10-13, 03:54 AM
Smelkie Greenhopper

The moment the goblin awakes Smelkie is so pissed at himself, for not paying attention enough to the path but more to possible traps around him, he is able to turn the bow around and just shoot himself. That would be a silly thing to do though and the goblin is more of a threat now, along with possible others that very well may have heard his scree in these caves.

Looking at the goblin as it squeezes its body hard to the wall trying to protect himself Smelkie aims his bow and prepares to shoot. He tries to sense to what motives the goblin is down here, but the look in its eyes doesnt seem much promising... for the goblin that is.

Hearing Tathar yell, Smelkie looks over his shoulder seeing Layla rushing his way.
Great.... so much for sneaking and making our way through these caves silently. I bet the whole goblingang knows we're down here now. I would have had more chance being in these caves alone or with one more, rather than a group of 6. Turning his head again glaring at the goblin Smelkie raises his bow and puts the arrow close to his eyes, so that the arrow and the goblins head form a straight line.

[OOC: If Smelkie feels the goblin is evil, he will shoot. If Layla is in time to protect the goblin i will hold my fire;
after those rolls my thoughts are more like Smelkie has been scared by Layla actions that the bolt is way off target and barely hits, well something ]

Hit roll (1d20+6=18) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1767420/)
Damage roll (1d8+1=2) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1767422/)

2008-10-13, 06:17 AM

Well this is all very interesting. At this point, I have no idea how the group feels about this goblin. How was it that we seem so indecisive and unprepared?

Knowing Smelkie might be in trouble, and being unaware of the Layla's exact intentions, Stockard follows her toward the goblin with plans of attack. the fact that he deals melee damage means that he must wait for her action before his can happen.

2008-10-13, 08:08 AM
Tori Soulforge

Gently rubbing his beard, Tori wearly looks at his companion Amd. Its okay my friend, shall we go see whats playing out? Tori notice the situation has intensified drastically, the small halfing has his bow out and is prepping to take aim and the new comer is running towards the goblin in a non aggressive stance. "is she really planning on stopping that bolt"? Tori moves over to smelkie with his shield and axe firmly gripped in case of more goblins appearing out of hidden side tunnels.

2008-10-13, 02:07 PM

Confusion is all around as things suddenly happen very fast. Smelkie, having his bow aimed at the whimpering goblin, gets distracted by Layla rushing in and lets his finger slip for one moment, releasing the string of his bow and shooting the arrow at the goblin. Fortunately for the goblin, the distraction also caused his aim to be off slightly and the arrow flies into it's right shoulder. It screams in pain and lies writhing in agony on the ground, clutching it's wounded soldier.

Layla is first to the goblin, rushing to it's side, soon followed by Stockard and then the others. With a lot of noise the whole group is standing around the wounded goblin, but there is no sign of traps or enemies anywhere.

The only thing Smelkie gets from the goblin is fear.

2008-10-13, 02:25 PM

Layla bends over the wounded goblin, and talking quite nonsense to it, she takes a quick look at its wound. As she needs to hands for that, she lays down the sword by her side for now.
"He needs care, keep a lookout for other goblins while i tend his wounds please."

As she noticed the light coming from the one lantarn she adds "Can i have the lantarn please? I need to heat my dagger."

Quickly she tears appart the goblins shirt to have full acces to the wound, and to use it as bandages. That done, as she prepares so break the arrow so she can remove it from the goblins shoulder she looks up. "Stockard, can you please hold the poor thing while i remove the arrow? I dont want to hurt it more then absoluutly nessisary."
Layla tries to explain in movements and words to the goblin what she is about to do, trying to calm it down as she goes.

When and if Stockard holds the goblin, she will remove the arrow, and burn out the wound with her heated dagger. That done she binds the wound for now.

If someone tries to stop her, she pick her sword back up, and make ready to defend the poor goblin.

healing +5

2008-10-14, 04:04 AM
Tathar Elendil

Unable to see the goblin because of Layla's positioning Tathar sees Smelkie fire an arrow. When he reaches the goblin Tathar notices that either Smelkie missed or was only trying to injure the creature.

"Did you mean to hit it in the shoulder Smelkie?" Tathar questions.

"Tori, Help me keep an eye out for anything else coming our way. That goblin is making a terrible noise. We may have company sooner than expected now." Tathar says to Tori pointing at the way in which he should keep watch. "Apricot and I will cover this side."

That foolish human. Tathar mutters, frowning at Layla. She's been nothing but trouble since arriving. Even before arriving she was shouting out in the tunnels. Does she just expect them to be empty? I wouldn't mind one bit if Smelkie put a bolt into her shoulder.
I still wonder about that goblin, is it really evil? What are it's real motives for being down here?

[ooc - Sense Motive check - goblin]

2008-10-14, 07:29 AM
Tori Soulforge

Complete shocked by the turn of events Tori is momentarily left speechless. Shaking the transpired events from his head he acknowledges Tathar with a wink and moves over to cover the other side of the groups parameter. Upon reaching this lookout area Tori lets a small whistle or a sign who knows. The events weigh heavily on his shoulders. At home in the mountain a goblin would be killed on sight or taken for questioning, but we are not at home and some may find that course of action offensive. I hope that nobody in the party gets hurt, we must stay together as one!

2008-10-14, 10:44 AM
Amd Minyatur

Boiling on the inside to Layla:

"Shut that goblin up or i will ... BOTH OF YOU !!!"

2008-10-15, 03:28 AM
Smelkie Greenhopper

"Great, just great!" Smelkie says, getting more and more nervous by the minute. A small drop of sweat is already showing on his forehead caused by the whole situation.
"What happened to the deal, where i would sneak and kill the goblin? So no Tathar, I did not mean to shoot it in the shoulder, I sneaked all the way to KILL it." He pauses for a second..
"We could just as well send a horde of elephants through these caves to show our presence. If we plan on continuing this way im out of here, I do want to complete our quest, but I don't want to be killed in the proces. Shut that goblins mouth and find out what it's intentions are down here. Especially if there are any others around that can possibly help him. Tori, Tathar let us know as quickly as possible if we need to get rid of unwanted guests and someone, Lalya, stay with the goblin to make sure it wont backstab us."

Smelkie readies another bolt and makes his way closer to the goblin, aiming his crossbow at him to make sure the goblin shuts up.

2008-10-15, 06:29 AM

As Smelkie aims the crossbow back on the goblin, Layla turns so that she is in the way of a clear shot. She still talks softly to the goblin, of nothing inparticulair. While talking she indicates to it, she would like it to be quite, by cupping her ear with one hand, then covering it and holding one finger over her mouth.

Common guys, its not making much noise now, and it doesnt seem to be any threat. Not as much as we are in any case.

we need to know if it shuts up and if my healing works before i can think up what els to say or do eli.

2008-10-15, 04:51 PM

Without even thinking, Stockard obliges to Layla's request, kneeling down beside the goblin and holding it. He has always been best at taking orders, after so many years as a young monk in the monastery.

Stockard has decided to try only as hard as he needs to hold the thing, so if the goblin is not trying to fight either he or Layla, he will not have to do much at all. He is, however, prepared to fully grapple with it so Layla can do what she needs.

I am nervous about this goblin yet. I almost regret following Layla's order so quickly, but I hope she knows what she is doing enough to give an order like that. The only reason I don't regret this is if I wasn't down here with the goblin, I would be standing with the others, awaiting whatever comes to find out what is making this racket.

2008-10-16, 04:28 PM

The goblin goes mostly quiet after Layla finishes tending to it's wounds [OOC: Heal check of 21]. Layla also notices the goblin is a 'he' while treating him. When Stockard moves to hold it, it flinches at first, but does not resist except to look really frightened at Stockard.

Things are finally quiet again, Tori and Tathar standing watch while the others are just watching Layla and Stockard deal with the goblin. When suddenly and simultaneously Apricot starts growling softly in the direction further down the cave and the goblin starts shaking even more and lets out a soft squeaking sound, only to faint in Stockards arms a few moments later...

Tathar discovers no evil or malevolent intentions from the goblin, it really is just scared and nothing more.

2008-10-16, 04:34 PM

As the goblin faints, Layla takes off her cloak, and, taking it over from stockard, lays down the goblin on top of part of it, folding the rest over its little body.
Then she gets up, sword in hand, and faces the direction the badger is growling in.

Without turning back to face Stockard she says "Stockard, i suggest you stay close to this little creature whatever happends, so you can calm it down or defend it, wichever is nessesary. I will try and keep danger at bay."

Adressing the rest "The goblin seemed scared of what is coming... Non the less, i suggest we dont just charge in, but wait and see if whatever is coming is actially a threat. If we stay put, we atleast know that there are no traps around, and we know the way back should we need to run."

2008-10-16, 04:53 PM

With the burden of holding the goblin gone, Stockard perks his head in the exact same direction as Apricot is growling. He holds an open hand back at the rest of the party and squints down the tunnel, as if trying to concentrate. After a few moments he turns back to everyone and speaks.

"I can hear someone or something speaking down this tunnel and to the left. I am not sure of the exact distance, but I do know that it is not common. If Smelkie's vision is better than mine in the dark, I wouldn't have a problem with him peering around the corner to see what he can see. Otherwise we could wait a bit and see if it is coming this way. If not I feel we may have to go encounter it. "

Stockard stays with the goblin for the time being, as Layla has asked, though he does not really understand his purpose. She has already healed the creature, I don't now what more she wants out of it. I was unsure what to do with it, since I still don't know for sure if it might wake up and attack.

2008-10-16, 05:47 PM
Tathar Elendil

Tathar continues to keep watch glancing occaisionally towards Layla and the goblin to see how to process is coming along.
Suddenly he hears Apricot growling and begin to walk away, eyes fixed firmly on the darkness.
"Apricot stop!" Tathar commands, putting his hand on Apricots head. "I think we should just wait here for the moment girl. Might be best this time" Tathar says reassuringly to Apricot, stroking her fur while she still growls deeply.

"Everyone, I think we might have another battle on our hands, let's get ready to fight."

Seems that goblin was just a pawn in someone's master plan, I wonder who is his commander, and what he was even doing here. If only one of us could understand what he was saying.

2008-10-16, 11:26 PM
Amd Minyatur

Amd does nothing of consequence . He thinks about the new adition to the group and how she managed to complicate things

2008-10-17, 01:46 PM
Tori Soulforge

Not quite to sure how to deal with the events unfolding in front of him, Tori wishes he brought his pipe along with him.

2008-10-18, 07:26 AM
Smelkie Greenhopper

The moment Apricot started growling, Smelkie knows things are not good, he turns his bow around into the darkness where danger is lurking. "Apricot warned us several times before of danger ahead and I don't believe this time it is gonna be any different. Stockard, Tori can best take a peek around the corner, since he has the best vision of us all in the darkness, but Tori please be carefull."

Damn that Layla, if she just had remained calm we wouldn't be in this mess. I hope this is all over soon, so we can go our seperate ways...

Waiting anxiously on what is about to come, the already nervous Smelkie starts having an even more accelerated heartrhytym. His eyes grow bigger as they are fully concentrated on the direction of danger.

2008-10-18, 09:26 AM
Tori Soulforge

With a large sigh Tori realizes the merit behind his little companions request, gripping this axe firmly and holding his shield firmly to protect his side. Only a slight nod and a wink show that Tori will undertake the task at hand. Tathar please be ready to heal me I might need some medical attention depending on what I discover or it discovers me. quietly moving Tori makes his way to the corner focusing his eyes with hopes of identifying the racket and warning the party.

As he moves forward few sounds reach his ears; his breathing, the soft clunk of his boots and the flowing sound of mail armor moving with his body. Upon reaching the corner Tori.....

2008-10-18, 02:42 PM

Tori moves slowly forwards and after a few moments, even before he reaches the corner, he too can hear the noise of 2 creatures talking to each other, their voices sound slightly high-pitched and throaty to him and an old memory of one of the stories his grandpa used to tell him when he was little flashes through his mind, but it is gone again before he can grasp it.

Suddenly the voices stop, as does the sound of their footsteps. Then one of them makes a loud snarling sound, almost like an animal, and Tori hears footsteps again, only this time they are loud and fast and he can already see light shining around the corner...

All except Tori

As Tori walks away, most of you have no problem hearing him and when a sudden loud snarl comes from around the corner, it is not hard to figure out what happened.

You all have ONE round before the creatures are around the corner and you see them. Tori can rush back to the group, or the group can rush to Tori. The goblin is still unconscious as far as Stockard and Layla can tell.
Tori: you are basically 15 ft away from the corner and 50 ft from the group. Keep in mind Tori can only move 40 ft in one round max!
Lastly, all of you please remember this is a natural cave, meaning ground is rocky, slightly uneven, might have small puddles of water, etc.
Good luck.

2008-10-19, 03:35 AM
Amd Minyatur

"Tori ! come twards us and we will come twards you . Let's regroup"

Amd starts heading for Tori , trying to join him half way

2008-10-19, 06:47 AM
Tathar Elendil

The noise Tori makes going toward the darkness makes Tathar wince.

Silly great fool, how is he suppose to hear anything above his great clattering about, he's making enough noise to wake the dead. (if they weren't already awake from the fuss Layla caused.)
Tathar is about to say something more to Layla about the goblin when he hears a loud snarl coming from beyond Tori.
"Hold on Tori." Tathar yells dashing off towards him. "We'll be right there."

"Leave that rotten creature and follow me Stockard. It's time to make yourself useful." Tathar says, half scoffing at the fact that Layla so easily persuaded Stockard to hold the goblin in the first place.

As Tathar rushes to Tori's aid, he notices Apricot in front of him.
Either she really hates what is down there or she quite fancys Tori. Tathar says to himself, chuckling slightly at the thought of a badger and a dwarf being companions.

2008-10-19, 07:37 AM
Tori Soulforge

Without thinking twice, Tori turns and makes his best effort to get to the group. Little legs pumping hard he is able to cover a considerable distance between the corner + whatever and the rest of the party. What in the nine hells have we gotten into

2008-10-19, 12:52 PM

Uppon hearing the snarl from around the corner, Layla swirls back towards Stockard and the goblin
"On second thought, common stockard! We better reach Tori before whatever just made that noise reaches us."

Before turning around and running towards Tori Laylamurmers some words, and suddenly a large amout of water appears out of nowhere just over the goblin. The water crashes down on the small uncontious creature and soaks it to the skin.

As Layla runs for Tori, cloak lying forgotten on the ground besides the wet goblin those near enough can hear her mumble to herself "I do hope that that was enough to wake it, so it can get itself to savety should we not make it.."

Doesnt that damned dwarf have brains? He's making enough noise to wake the dead, and he behaves like a barbarian!
Layla does not look verry happy as she runs, still holding her sword.

Layla casts Create Water over the goblin, standard action. And Ian, layla hasnt screamt :P

2008-10-19, 01:44 PM

"I am coming. I am not going to sit with this goblin all day long, as I think it will be fine now."

With the call for battle upon him, Stockard gets up and runs with the others to meet up with Tori. Finally a chance to prove myself. I know I am not at full health, so I must be careful. I might wait one moment before entering combat to see if the attackers can focus on someone else.

Stockard places himself a few feet back from the others, and off to the side a little. He hopes this will be his best chance to not attract attention immedietly.

2008-10-20, 05:00 PM
Smelkie Greenhopper

Seeing the others move towards Tori and Tori rushing back, Smelkie doesnt hold back and heads towards the foes as well, but not staying in the middle of the path. He takes a route more to the edge of the cave, looking for a place out of the light so he can hide and possibly flank whatever comes from the darkness.

2008-10-21, 04:54 PM

As Tori rushes back to his group, everyone else hurries towards him. Only the unconscious goblin remains behind. Within second you meet and Tori turns around again, ready to face whatever is following him...

Two large creatures come hurrying around the corner, but stop dead when they see you. Standing around 7 feet tall they appear to be a cross between a human and a hyena. They have gray skin and patches of matted fur cover their bodies. Their legs are hyena-like, but their arms look more human, with hands instead of claws on the end, including the opposable thumbs needed to handle the battleaxes they carry.
Their heads look more like a hyena again, but the snout isn't as pronounced and their eyes gleam an intelligence generally not found in actual hyenas. Besides those battleaxes the one standing on the left carries a small lantern in his off-hand, while the other has a large shield.

Upon noticing you all, they sniff the air for a moment, then the one on the right says something to the other in an awful-sounding language none of you understand. The other one seems nod, then both raise their head and make a loud barking noise.
Then they charge...


1. INITIATIVE please :) Plus the action you want to take, as before try to discuss on irc as much as possible to speed things up.
2. For those who want to try, you can all do an Intelligence check to see if you know anything about these creatures, roll it in your post and I will tell you in PM what you know about them.
3. As before, the square with the colour of your speech = you. 1 and 2 are the enemy creatures.
4. Obviously the floor of the cave is not checkered black and white tiles, I did that only to make clear where the squares are and such for strategic purposes. Remember one square = 5 by 5 feet.
5. Good luck, I will tell right now these things are tougher than those skeletons, so be warned! :)

2008-10-22, 04:59 AM

Seeing the horrible creatures charging her, Layla looses all thoughts of how they might be innocent Surely these being come from hell...
Getting ready to fight, Layla takes 3 steps to her right and front, trying to get into a possible flanking position. I hope our little halfler notices that I am leavind enough room for him to sneak by behind my back, or shoot at them between me or stockard.

Crouching just a little, Layla lowers herself in the so familiar fighting stance. She hold her longsword in both hands, and after kissing the cold iron blade, she moves the sword into a vertical position, just offcenter of her body.

When the creatures reach the party, Layla will ofcaurs try to dodge or deflect the first blow. After that she simply goes into fighting move, using the sword for what it made for. Cutting her opponents flesh.
She will keep in mind that in a ideal world the six partymembers should have no problem flanking them weird creatures, and as such Layla will keep her and her opponent close to the rest. Slowly however she will try and move herself around the creature, hopefully forcing it to move with her, exposing its back to the more agile and less sturdy members of the party.

Initiative: 13+5=18 initiative (1d20=13) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1779910/)
Int: int (1d20=20) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1779912/)
Layla moves to the black square to her right and front, l2.

2008-10-22, 06:55 AM
Tathar Elendil

Tathar moves forward making sure to stand a little behind the others incase his minor healing skills are needed.

"Let's hit these things where it hurts Apricot" Tathar says to his companion.

Tathar will still attack given a clear opportunity.

1d20 3=10 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1779960/) Initiation
1d20 6=24 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1779957/) Nature: Knowledge
1d20 2=10 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1779962/) Hit Roll (looks to low so I won't bother with a damage one. If I do just tell me in pm.)

2008-10-22, 11:04 AM

This is it, its happening again. I have to stay string this time. We have gained a member since last time, so it should be a whole new experience. Let us hope so at least.

Stockard tries his best to move a few steps behind and to the left of Layla [l3], with hopes that he will not be seen. If this works he plans to run around one of these monsters and begin attacking it from the back, so as not to be attacked by it. When one of these things makes its way up to the party, Stockard will be sure to attempt to avoid attacks [dodge declared] from whatever opponent is closest to him. He takes a moment to finish preparing himself mentally, and decides that he is ready to do battle again.

Initiative roll = 15(I forgot to add in ability modifier, so it only says 13) stockard initiative (1d20=13) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1780103/)
int check (1d20 1=16) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1780150/)

2008-10-22, 04:37 PM
Smelkie Greenhopper

The moment the group rushes forward Smelkie notices a faint light coming from around the corner. Smelkie goes into stealth mode and sneaks forward raising the tip of his crossbow. Once the two figures turn around the corner Smelkie is relieved to see that they are not undead. Holding his sigh of relieve, since he is in stealthmode, Smelkie moves further forward. Waiting for the two uglyfaces to make their move Smelkie will decide to attack if he is positive that he hasnt been spotted and that he flanked them. If he is spotted though he will fire his arrow at the hyena with the lantern.

Initiative (1d20+4=23) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1780656/)
Int check (1d20+3=14) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1780659/)

2008-10-22, 11:22 PM
Amd Minyatur

Amd casts mage's armour on himself after getting the piece of cured leather from his spellpouch

[OOC : init roll 1d20+2=16 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1781343/)]

2008-10-23, 03:05 PM
Tori Soulforge

With a small sigh he focuses on the task ahead of him. Crouching low Tori waits for the attack to begin. Nothing moves fast, life turns surreal, the soft sound of breathing and hearts beating are the only thing that breaks the uncomfortable silence.Could this have all be avoided if we just killed the goblin, its a real shame if somebody dies all because of a goblin.

[OCC] 1d20+3 → [16,3] = (19)

2008-10-27, 04:19 PM

The two monsters run towards the group, lifting their battle axes high above their heads while a merrow-piercing shrieking laughter escapes their throats. Their yellow eyes gleam with bloodlust and large drops of saliva mark their path towards you.

Layla and Stockard both take a few steps to the right and slightly forward, trying to create a sort of circle formation to properly surround the monsters. In the meantime Tathar and Tori both stand still, preparing yourselves for the impact of the charge, as the monsters come running towards you. Amd stands behind you casting a spell and as you finish others might see a slight shimmer in the air directly in front of your chest.
Lastly little Smelkie dives into the shadows as much as you can, using your size and considerable skill you press yourself into the wall while slowly moving forward, trying to gain a flanking position on the monsters. Already you are paralel to them and sofar you have had no indication they may have noticed you...

Updated Situation start of round 2:

Initiative Order:
Smelkie - 23
Tori - 19
Layla - 18
Amd - 16
Stockard - 15
Gnoll 2
Tathar - 10
Gnoll 1
As always, be detailed, discuss on irc and try to follow initiative order as much as possible.]

2008-10-27, 04:38 PM
Tathar Elendil

Seeing Tori and the Gnolls charging for each other Tathar doesn't want to miss out.

"Let's go Apricot, Get them!"

Tathar moves down following Tori. He draws his scimitar and leaping into the air slashes at the Gnoll's throat.

[OOC - What happened to my knowledge check?
Attack + Damage Rolls 1d20+2=6, 1d6+2=8 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1789600/)]

2008-10-28, 05:15 AM
Smelkie Greenhopper

As the Gnolls rush forward, Smelkie holds his breath for a moment just as the pass him. Their movement doesnt go silent, but the idea of an axe cleaving him isnt quite appealing either. Although he has an open shot at the Gnolls, Smelkie doesnt shoot yet. That would only make him visible and probably make him the easy target to kill first, with that set he sneaks forward avoiding any pools of water. Looking forward to see where he is heading, but constantly turning his head to see if he has been spotted. Perhaps his movement isnt quite as fast as he or the party hopes for, but it is better not to be seen at this point.

[OOC: I'll move straight down to e1 then head to e4, im unsure if i need to jump over that pool or not and if it costs a move. Else i will hold on e1 and move again next turn.]

2008-10-28, 02:29 PM

Layla moves forwards towards the screaming creatures that come running towards them. She still holds her blade at ready, pointing straight up, just a little to the side of her body.Get ready my girl..
When reaching the gnoll on the right she moves to its side, leaving the rest of the party a direct line to it. Now dont get in Smelkie's way, and dont look at him...
Standing ready, Layla uses the momentum of her movement to swing her sword at the gnoll.

Move to i1, and attack number 2
attack+dmg (1d20+3=16, 1d8+2=5) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1788859/)

2008-10-28, 03:26 PM
Tori Soulforge

Seeing the two gnolls round the corner with axes held high, Tori gets a wicked gleam in his eyes. With out hesitation Tori takes off toward the gnoll that is charging down the left side. Shield upfront, barrel chested covered in mail coming second followed by the notched battle axe. Moments before impact Tori dives for its knees.

[ooc: i charge
1d20+5 → [17,5] = (22)
attacking Gnoll 1]

2008-10-29, 07:02 AM

Stockard is invigorated by the combat, and decides that he feels good enough to begin the offensive with him fellow combatants. Keeping an eye out, he moves down to the gnoll on his right with Layla, and makes sure to watch out for any of its swings. He gathers himself up and attempts to throw a mighty punch that would stun the beats.

[OOC move to J4
declare dodge on gnoll 2
use stunning fist on gnoll 2 (if I can use stunning fist on a charge, I'll do that.)
(1d20 2=22) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1789665/)
stockard's second attack roll (1d20 4=15) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1789965/) <--charge modifier added
1d6 2=5, 1d6 2=6 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1789667/)]

2008-10-29, 12:55 PM
Amd Minyatur

Amd mooves a little forward and to his left to get a clear line of sight to the first gnoll and starts casting ray of frost . After a few hand gestures and arcane words a ray of freezing air and ice projects from Amd's fingertips twards the first gnoll .

[ooc : moove to L4 attacking gnoll1
ranged touch attack hit roll :1d20+2=14 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1789980/)
damage roll if needed :1d3=2 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1789990/) ]

2008-11-02, 06:23 AM

As sudden as it all begun, the end is even faster. While Smelkie strategically moves himself behind the enemy, the remaining five of you strike almost simultaneously and equally deadly.

First Tori strikes, he charges the gnoll on the left head on as it charges him. At the last moment, Tori dives low, aiming for the beast's knee. He doesn't score a direct hit, but still gives it a deep gash in its thigh. The gnoll howls in pain and frantically tries to kick Tori away, to no avail.

Next is Layla, who makes a circling movement to strike the other gnoll from the side. The gnoll, having to watch several opponents at once, isn't able to fully block Layla's blow and gets a long cut along his chest in reward.

Then Amd makes his move, having already started casting his spell while the others moved, he now finishes it with one last loud word and freezing air and ice particles stream from his hands towards the gnoll facing Tori, who gets hit full on by it. The beast again screams, this time out of frustration as much as pain.

Stockard now makes his move, and he finally gets the chance to release all the pent up fear and rage that has been building up inside of him. He charges straight at the gnoll on the right, dodging its swing as he closes the gap, he feints a blow to the head, the gnoll trying to block with its shield, leaving its chest exposed for a moment. Faster than a snake Stockard's right foot strikes forward, aiming for the central nerve point in the chest that will allow him to stun the monster. Unfortunately for the monster, Stockard strikes with even more force than he intended to, hitting it so hard in the chest it's ribcage shatters. Bone fragments pierce through it's heart and the monster dies instantly.

Lastly comes Tathar, who moves towards the only gnoll left, jumping in the air as he strikes. Unfortunately his aim is off and the blow doesn't even come close.

The lone gnoll, seeing itself outnumbered five to one, takes a feint swing at Tori, who lifts his shield preparing to block, then it suddenly turns around and sprints away at top speed, disappearing around the corner before any of you can even act...

If you guys decide to chase the gnoll, the same initiative order still counts.

2008-11-03, 12:51 PM

Oh gosh, what a rush. I go from being manhandled to taking control of the combat situation. That gnoll who ran is not likely to be as quiet as our little goblin is right now. It didn't look like any of us got hurt there, but I'm guessing we could use some kind of a rest soon.

"Lets go get him. Tathar, bring that lantern if you still have it, that gnoll ran off with his. I think it might be best to try shooting at it first if any of you can, but after that I'm going to chase it down....we can't have it yelling and bleeding all over down here. Whose coming with me?"

Stockard begins to run after the gnoll, assuming at least someone with a source of light is following him. He is careful turning the corner because he knows his darkvision is not that good. He checks to see if he can see any sign of the running gnoll's lantern anywhere.

2008-11-03, 08:44 PM
Tori Soulforge

With his eyes red from the heat of a skirmish, Tori makes a dash after the wounded gnoll

[OCC: Int role 1d20+3 → [16,3] = (19)]

2008-11-04, 12:25 AM
Amd Minyatur

Amd follows Tori closely as they go after the fleeing gnoll readying his quarterstaff.

DAMN! I exhausted all my offensive spells . we should rest soon because i need to replentish my spells and the others need to regain their strenghts . In the meantime i will use my quarterstaff ...

2008-11-05, 01:35 AM
Tathar Elendil

Jumping through the air Tathar takes a swing at the remaing Gnoll.
Missing his mark and seeing his target flee Tathar falls to the ground exhausted.

"Can't we rest just a little while here, It should be ok, and after all we can follow that gnoll later, Tori cut his thigh pretty well, he is bleeding all over the place."

Sighing, Tathar slowly gets to his feet and stumbles after Tori and the others.

These guys never slow down, such a lust for blood

2008-11-05, 04:35 PM

"Nice move stockard! Great aim!"
Taking a quick look around to check on the uncontious goblin, and seeing the rest move off from the corner of her eyes, Layla takes a deep breath. Common guys, think for a minute, we have no idea what we're running into!

Layla quickly cleans her blade on a piece of rag she pulls out of a pocked, and then follows after the rest. She stays just behind Tathar, steadying him if he stumbles and keeping back guard. She talks to him quietly while walking "Are you hurt anywhere? If so, i can heal you. I wish we could rest too, but this is not a save place. I think we better wait untill we are at a spot we can defend easily."

2008-11-05, 04:37 PM
Smelkie Greenhopper

Taking his position the battle starts... It all happens in an eye-wink, furious blows are given paired with associated cries and slashingsounds. One of the two gnolls i brought down before it was able to strike himself.
That must have scared the other one, since its making a dash back around the corner.

As it moves past Smelkie, he doenst hesitate and comes out of his hiding and goes after the gnoll. We can't have it warn any more. They must have heard us down here, since we havent been exactly moving around silent. But it be better if we kill him and prepare for others coming looking for them, rather then have a raging party of gnolls engaging us... Rushing around the corner Smelkie will take aim and shoot if the gnoll is still in his range, else he will follow it as far down as possible, noting that the others are also following the creature.

Hit roll on gnoll (1d20 5=23) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1799633/)
Damage roll on gnoll (1d8 1=9) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1799634/)

2008-11-06, 06:54 AM
Tathar Elendil

"I'm fine." Tathar snaps back at Layla. "Nothing has come anywhere near to hurting me. That Gnoll was lucky I got distracted at the last moment and missed, I would have sliced his head clean off."

Damn that girl, why does she insist on talking to me.

2008-11-14, 12:26 AM
Amd Minyatur

Amd is exhausted but he is dying to see what will happen next

2008-11-21, 06:41 PM
Smelkie Greenhopper

I wonder what we should do... follow this Gnoll or check on the goblin if he knows more about these caves.

2008-11-23, 01:27 AM
Tathar Elendil

Tathar finally succumbs to the lack of food in the cave and collapses on the floor where 3 toed toads lick his eyeballs.

2008-11-24, 01:14 PM
Amd Minyatur

Amd gets the bong out of his back and starts smokin' some hash

2008-11-29, 08:23 AM
Smelkie Greenhopper

After shooting his bolt, Smelkie realises that violence isnt the way. So he undresses and starts running through the cave naked.

Advancing towards Layla he starts groaning.