View Full Version : Zombie Holocaust Survival

2008-09-10, 12:52 PM
So, here's the scenario. Because of reasons unknown, the dead have started rising and walk the earth as zombies. These zombies are your typical, old-school kind of zombies (moves slowly due to rigor mortis, eats human flesh, has nearly no brain activity, and can only be killed with severe head trauma). It's a few hours since the beginning of the zombie holocaust, and every form of media has dedicated it's resources to warning, alarming and informing the people of the zombie infestation, making it virtually impossible for you to not know what's coming. The armies of your respective countries try to fight off the zombie hordes, but they are fighting a losing battle because they cannot take drastic action (i.e. weapons of mass destruction), as most of the zombies are clustered among large cities, towns, settlements, etc. Now, the question is, what is your long term plan for survival and what are the steps that you are going to ensure in order to reach the said goal of survival? Please, keep the scenarios realistic. No "I'm going to get a ton of guns, hole up in some military bunker, and blast them all to kingdom come!". Have fun!

2008-09-10, 12:55 PM
Grab my horses, friends, my friends guns, load up as much food and supplys, grab a few cars and go to my grandperents as hes got alot of guns and in a very low population area, from there go to the mountains and make a fort up there ... hopefully zombies cant track :P theres some more to it but ya, it has been quiet well planned out ....

2008-09-10, 12:56 PM
I'l use my ZASP(Zombie Apocalypse Surival Plan) as soon as possible and contact the forums to see if we can make a united front.

2008-09-10, 01:01 PM
Get all my loved ones in reach and go to the mall.

2008-09-10, 01:08 PM
Please, keep the scenarios realistic.

Yeah, let's discuss realistic Zombie Apocalypses! :smalltongue:

I guess I'd take a large, blunt object wherever I go, gather a bunch of friends and family and start trying to fight back.

And then, of course, blame it on the government.

Renegade Paladin
2008-09-10, 01:13 PM

2008-09-10, 01:15 PM
I'm tempted to print that out and stick it on the front door of my school tomorrow.

2008-09-10, 01:27 PM
Initiate Plan Z:alpha

(alpha is traditional groaning shambers, beta is communicating shamblers, gamma is solitary sprinters, delta is pack-hunting sprinters...).

And you thought that the crazy prepared (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CrazyPrepared) and the RL Zombie Squad (http://zombiehunters.org/who.php) were kidding. :smallamused:

2008-09-10, 01:42 PM
I'm ready. I have a copy of the Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks. All I have to do is destroy the staircase, 'cuz I live on the third floor of my building. No zombies are getting up here. :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-10, 01:43 PM
If you have a basement then you’re set.

This is what I would stock in mine (if I had one)

A few choice guns and plenty of ammo (shotguns to wonders to zombie heads)
Rations for 4 people to last 6 months
First aid equipment
Short wave or Ham radio for communications with the outside world
Am/FM radio for listening to events outside
Non-electrical heat source (in case the power goes out)
Portable stove for the rations
Spare batteries for the electronics
Lamps (once again incase the power goes out)
Sleeping accommodations
Billiards table for entertainment (if we’re going to be stuck down there a while)
Deck of cards for entertainment (billiards will get old)
Maybe a board game or two

That should just about do it. With a set up like this you could hold out with 3 other people for 6 months (or more if you’re really thrifty with your rations). Then you just sit tight and wait for the cavalry to show up (AKA the military). Oh yeah and be sure to board up any windows tightly and reinforce the doors.

If you don’t have a basement, then an attic or anywhere that’s not easily accessible (like the roof of a building) will suffice. Zombies aren’t that smart, and won’t think to check up there. As long as you’re quite you should be fine.

(Remember zombies respond to sound, movement and light. So running around waving a flashlight and yelling for your friends is sure to attract them. But if you hold up and stay really quite you should be ok. )

2008-09-10, 02:51 PM
As much as i hate to say it, but the roof of my highschool is probably one of the most secure locations that i know how to get to. The only way to reach the roof is too climb the side of the stage in the auditorium and then make your way to the roof. (The janitors only lock the 1st floor doors at our school, only thing above that is storage so they don't bother with much else)

Not only do you have a great view/decent shelter... but you would be within a couple of blocks of anything that you might need, including a pharmacy for any drugs you might require during your multiple month wait.

There are ladders or anything from the roof to ground level on the outside, and it is nothing but cement going up, which would make trying to climb on the outside impossible, and there is only one door that leads up to the roof from the inside. Not only is this a natural choke point, but it would require the zombie horde to first figure out where the keys are located, how to use the keys to open the doors on the first level, and find their way up the many different stairways and random rooms to the roof.

Did i mention it is MORE than big enough for you and any survivors you can find?

(I found all of this out during a Drumline "practice" when we all decided to go exploring.) :smallamused:

2008-09-10, 03:18 PM
Take weapons.

Get to local Costco.

Close doors.

Clear out.

Then, behind sturdy concrete walls, with tons of food, and either wait for the whole thing to blow over, or create an independent fiefdom.

black dragoon
2008-09-10, 03:23 PM
Fortify as many buildings on my campus as I can before the hordes from albany attack or get home to the north fast and secure my old High school in an open field with lots of room and few doors...:smallsmile:

2008-09-10, 03:49 PM
Other zombie survival tips brought to you by TheThan

Glasses: if you wear glasses ALWAYS carry an extra pair. Preferably in a hard case, if you ever loose/break your glasses, you’re as good as gone. An extra pair will help keep you alive.

Guns: guns make a lot of noise, and at night, they generate a lot of light too. Since zombies are attracted to noise and light, I suggest you do not use your guns unless absolutely necessary. Remember the more noise you make, the more zombies you will have to deal with.

Passwords: now since strangers may contract the zombie virus (or whatever is causing it), or they may have been driven crazy, it’s good to restrict access to your fortress. I suggest you invent a password system, one that changes regularly so someone who is listening in won’t be able to easily guess it.

Melee weapons: smashing a zombie’s head in with an axe sounds like a good idea. However if you can reach a zombie, its friends can probably reach you. Since zombies rely on hoard tactics to kill, you’re going to be out numbered. Remember you fatigue, zombies don’t. Your best bet is to not attract them in the first place.

Pets: dogs particularly are double-edged swords. They can give you an advanced alert to a zombie attack. However they can easily attract them in the first place, seeing as they move around a lot and make noise (barking). Then there is the added danger of your dog being zombiefied. This is a huge problem because zombie dogs are strictly faster and more fearsome than zombie humans. They are best avoided at all costs.

Never split up: splitting up is bad. If you don’t get zombiefied, then your friends will. You’re likely not notice, thinking everything is ok, bad move. Always assume people you haven’t been around are infected.

Daytime is safe: this is a myth, there is nothing that prevents zombies from wandering out in the daytime. Stay indoors where its safe, unless Absolutely necessary.

Have an escape plan: incase your zombie proofed hold up is ever overrun by zombies, you need a way to get out. The idea is to survive, not go down fighting. Preferably you need a way to escape that zombies can’t use to get in. a way up and a ladder works.

2008-09-10, 05:02 PM
I'm all about the moving convoy like in Resident Evil: Apocalypse or the second half of the original Dawn of the Dead. Strength in numbers, keeping on the move stuff. And no nonsense about bite victims. Sorry, pal, but in this post-apocalyptic world of ours there's just no point in waiting for you to change. To all you people plannin on holing up in basements or on roofs. The point is to SURVIVE the apocalypse. Everybody knows the zombies always find ways to you, and even if they didn't you'll run out of fresh water before you can say "Brraaaaiinnsss..."

2008-09-10, 05:12 PM
Let's not be stupid people. A mall is the worst place to go, especially if the doors are made of glass. How many people actually survive in Zombie films that take place in a mall?

Get thick clothing to cover your skin. Use a crowbar as a weapon. It is light yet effective. Other good options include baseball bats, or shotguns that have run out of ammo. For travel, use horses, bikes or motorcycles and get out of the cities. Cars will just clog highways and streets.

2008-09-10, 05:16 PM
Two words: Private island.

Two more words: Ravenous sharks.

2008-09-10, 05:24 PM
do not take a sword. take a polearm. a shovel works in a pinch
learn to make arrows, and use a bow.
get one of those water purifiers.
DO NOT place landmines, those are designed to blow off the legs and family jewls so the maimed soldier can go home to Ma and Pa civilian and get them to protest the war.
get a full body suit that can stop a knife, and wear it at all times.
If it's a zombie virus, and the virus doesn't take effect immediately, shoot bitten people in the back of the head. it's instantaneous and painless.
if it's a curse and zombies can blindly melee with any object at hand, get some medieval armour and wear that instead of the body suit.

2008-09-10, 05:47 PM
do not take a sword. take a polearm. a shovel works in a pinch.

I say, don't get any medieval-style weapons at all. Almost none of them these days are battle-ready; most likely, that pretty katana of yours is entirely ornamental. Get a machete from an army surplus store, along with a crowbar. Shovel's not a bad idea, though.

Moff Chumley
2008-09-10, 06:20 PM
Sniper Rifles. Yay for living near a base! Tall towers, numerous suply buildings, a generator, and a well in the middle of a large field. Yay for living near a near abandoned church compound! Trucks in which to run over zombies with! Yay for money! :smallsmile:

2008-09-10, 08:23 PM
A caravan isn’t always good idea.

Zombies are attracted to movement, noise and light. And since cars produce noise, move and produce light (at night), you’re going to be attracting a lot of zombies. Now you may wonder how they can stop say a big pickup truck?
Aside from getting to you before you get to the vehicle. There are two ways. The first is to throw enough bodies in the way that the truck can’t get over them, and then they tip it over and you’re dead. The other way is to simply follow you and wait until you run out of gas, crash while trying to escape or stop for fuel. Then they can get you while you’re not moving.

Now, that being said, escaping is eventually going to be necessary since there is a good chance you won’t be rescued. So if you have to get a vehicle I suggest a very large truck or SUV, something with room and storage space for your gear. Also it’s something that can be used as a battering ram or to run over zombies in a pinch. But you shouldn’t rely on it. You should be fairly ok once you’re out of any largely populated areas. In the USA at least, there is a lot of open country, so you’ll be able to roam at will. Just be very, very careful when you stop and assume everyone you meet is crazy/infectious.
Eventually you will need safety. If you have survived this long, you’re probably going to know about any safe places (those occupied by the military), so you will probably end up going there.

There are two major things to consider when approaching a military stronghold. The first is that it may have been over run. I suggest trying to communicate with the people on base. Zombies aren’t smart and can’t operate machinery so they shouldn’t be able to answer. The other possibility is the chance that you will be mistaken for zombies. Make sure that this doesn’t happen by communicating with the soldiers inside.

Now as for the idea of holding up in Cosco/Wal-Mart/mall/grocery store, sure there are a lot of supplies handy, however there are too many easy ways in for the zombies, and no other ways out for you. So I would suggest raiding them for supplies, but do not set up camp. They will quite easily find you and kill/zombify you.

2008-09-10, 08:56 PM
Holing up in general is a bad idea. The military might eventually decide that your lives aren't worth it and nuke the city, consuming you along with the zombies in a firey holocaust.

Mando Knight
2008-09-10, 08:58 PM
DO NOT place landmines, those are designed to blow off the legs and family jewls so the maimed soldier can go home to Ma and Pa civilian and get them to protest the war

I respectfully disagree. If you use a landmine, it will disable the triggering zombie (it may be able to use its arms to get around, sure, but now it's a sitting duck), and it will distract other zombies.

That said, a large machete and a few firearms will be necessary for dishing out head trauma, and getting a heavy land vehicle (Humvee, tank, etc.) or air vehicle (military helicopter especially) helps, because then you're in a moving suit of armor and military vehicles will be able to take out zombies from a safe distance.

We evac to islands, since zombies aren't smart enough to swim or fly. (and most animals will flee the zombie apocalypse if they aren't the type that would be able to take 'em down, so we won't have to worry about zombie birds. Besides, if we pick far enough islands, they won't be able to get us before their wings rot enough to mess up their flight.) Quarantine affected cities. Establish military bases near the affected cities, surrounded by high-voltage electric fences (sufficient voltage to fry the zombies' heads...), and begin air-raiding zombie-infested cities. Napalm or level all evacuated and quarantined cities. Napalm and bomb again until all sources of zombie-ism are destroyed. This is the apocalypse, and we shouldn't give the zombies any quarter.

2008-09-10, 08:59 PM
Any caravan worth it's salt is going to be sticking to the remotest highways and byways, where there would logically be a lesser population of zombies, and from there stage raids into 'occupied towns' (or malls in the case of Dawn of the Dead.) As for zombies being attracted to noise and light. I'm talking about a convoy, not a tailgate party. A fortified line of vehicles as small as 5 vehicles and as large as 30 headed by something more akin to a bulldozer or snow plow than a pickup truck and armed to the gills. Driving shifts persist through the night. It's not completely fail-safe but I think it provides a savvy group of people the best option for continued survival and livelihood. I think that's better than sitting in one place and watching death get closer.

2008-09-10, 10:32 PM
No one seems to ever think about this, but get on a boat with my loved ones and such. Like a yacht, lots of food stockpiled and all that. wait it out making some trips to islands to pick up tropical food and such for sustenance. Why does noone ever think of water?

2008-09-10, 11:03 PM
my plans calls for grabbing 2 sets of keys, one for the 4x4 chey truck the other for the gun cabnet, after i load up the guns and other weapons at my house, plan is to drive like a mad man to the nearest store, grab as many canned goods and bottled water as possible, alongside with gas, and get up to the hills, there i would either stay and wait till it ends or if zombies came i would take to the lake up there with a dirtbike and rations in the boat and look for a place to escape, i would also grab a welding jacket for protection

2008-09-10, 11:23 PM
My plan is to get my assorted friends and family rounded up then go to the local sportsman warehouse. Pull down metal grating to cover the front glass doors. Food, tents guns and a second story easily blocked off. the only other way in is the back and that is easily fortified. Is it wrong that after reading Zombie Survival Guide, 2 years ago I'm still analyzing buildings for zombie proofness?

Phae Nymna
2008-09-10, 11:41 PM
My answers to these things include way too much suicide...

but... ehh...

If I were to try to survive, I'd go to Iceland. Food, water, shelter, isolation, the entire kit.

That, or put a copy of Isolde's Liebestod on the phonograph and pop a cyanide capsule.

2008-09-10, 11:57 PM
I respectfully disagree. If you use a landmine, it will disable the triggering zombie (it may be able to use its arms to get around, sure, but now it's a sitting duck), and it will distract other zombies.

That said, a large machete and a few firearms will be necessary for dishing out head trauma, and getting a heavy land vehicle (Humvee, tank, etc.) or air vehicle (military helicopter especially) helps, because then you're in a moving suit of armor and military vehicles will be able to take out zombies from a safe distance.

We evac to islands, since zombies aren't smart enough to swim or fly. (and most animals will flee the zombie apocalypse if they aren't the type that would be able to take 'em down, so we won't have to worry about zombie birds. Besides, if we pick far enough islands, they won't be able to get us before their wings rot enough to mess up their flight.) Quarantine affected cities. Establish military bases near the affected cities, surrounded by high-voltage electric fences (sufficient voltage to fry the zombies' heads...), and begin air-raiding zombie-infested cities. Napalm or level all evacuated and quarantined cities. Napalm and bomb again until all sources of zombie-ism are destroyed. This is the apocalypse, and we shouldn't give the zombies any quarter.

Sorry but I have to disagree with you. Most animals would avoid zombies because most animals including sharks leave things with disease alone. And DON"T use landmines because the zombie will just become even more dangerous. Instead of it standing 2ft above the top of a field, you can't even see them crawling around if they don't have legs. Plus, if you are zombie hunting you are most likely keeping your head up because you don't want to be surprised. You walk around popping off zombies in a city, turn a corner, don't see anything and then CHOMP you get bitten by a crawler.

Islands aren't a bad choice but if you're evacuating everybody to them it will be practically impossible to keep all of the uninfected people from getting through quarantine. Sooner or later someone in the security would slip and then the transport is completely compromised without anyone knowing.

For me personally though, My brother, his girlfriend, my best friend, his brother and his sister-in-law would grab anything that we would need, get anyone who would come with us, leave campus to get the girlfriend's family and we would go to my family's house. Once we got there my parents would have already stocked up on things that we need. My sister and her boyfriend (and his family probably) would be over by then too. At that point we would probably hole up for a few days. Chances are though that we wouldn't even see a zombie for at least 2-4 weeks because we live in an already isolated place anyway (central Missouri). Once everything calmed down a bit we would probably check out the nearest town which only has the population of about 600 and check the news. Everyone in my family are very exceptional shots with just about any gun so we'd be able to terminate the zombies we see if there aren't too many. There is also the fact that we don't spook too easily.
Any further action would depend on the circumstances.

Just remember to stay away from Hospitals, Churches, Police Stations, Schools, or any public facilities because these are the first places people flock to in any crisis and they will just be a shining beacon to any zombies out there.

As for weapons of choice though I'd have to say a machete, a shotgun, and a 30.06 with a scope. To bad you can't get a punt gun though.:smalltongue:

Is there really a 2nd Zombie Survival Guide?

2008-09-11, 12:01 AM
Is there really a 2nd Zombie Survival Guide?

sorry i read wrong

2008-09-11, 02:22 AM
ied's, everywhere, pray to god you never enter my city without my knowledge. :smallamused:

in all seriousness, I'm familiar enough with improvised weapons that i would take to clearing out slow zombies. there's enough stuff in my house to get to a gardening supply store, from there it's child's play.
i choose bikes for transport, they're fast enough outpace zombies, take no resources beyond what i need, and can go most places i can.

2008-09-11, 02:24 AM
Reverting to medieval armor sounds like a good idea.

2008-09-11, 02:29 AM
I'll be with Thubby I have martial arts, and weapons training (albiet with swords, and axes) And my family has a emergency supply build up in the shed in case of any disaters, I SPECFICLY made them pack a chainsaw for the inevitable zombie apocalypse.

2008-09-11, 06:22 AM
I say, don't get any medieval-style weapons at all. Almost none of them these days are battle-ready; most likely, that pretty katana of yours is entirely ornamental. Get a machete from an army surplus store, along with a crowbar. Shovel's not a bad idea, though.

Its completely differnt if you get the accual real thing, my great grandfather had a sword from ww1, that thing is definately real, get something like that and ya definately use it, cut through bone easy enough, and the reason i didnt say anything about water is where i live i have to go through about 6ish citys all in a small area of each other, Vancouver being one of them, to get to the closest port with any kind of boats on the ocean, and lake ... not gona really help you ... so for me ill be going inland where theres far fewer people,

2008-09-11, 06:35 AM
Now I'm a student of Max Brooks, and I'm sure lots of you are too so when I give my plan, I expect you to be shocked and appalled. But it works.

I live In England, so no guns (or very few). My first stop would be to the Garden centre. There I would pick up a few choice weapons and the important bits. Lots of length of heavy duty chain and lots of heavy duty padlocks.
Here is the shocker that people won't be prepared for.
I'm going to the hospital.
Now I work at the local hospital over the summers when I'm not at uni, I know the basement (which stretches over the whole place) like the back of my hand. I'm presuming that the busiest and most dangerous places will be A+E and the main entrances. I come in by a side entrance to the basement using my staff card to swipe me in. Chain and padlock that door closed. I then make my way to the Facilities department in the basement padlocking every door on the way. When I get to Facilities they have blue prints for the hospital and codes for the keypad doors, I take them and mark where in the basement is secure. The hospital is sorted into fire proof segments meaning the doors and walls are thicker. I secure as many of these segments in the basement as possible while making my way over to the kitchens. I secure the kitchens and then just sit it out for a few days. After that I can start thinking about expanding the safe areas and mayybe having other survivors join me. If zombies ever did get through the doors there are other doors to hold then off and lots of escape routes.

What do you think?

2008-09-11, 07:16 AM
Two more words: Ravenous sharks.

Any chance they come with lasers on their heads? :smallwink:

I suppose if higher ground is for the better, I could hide the family on UCF campus. The older buildings are pretty solidly built and readily defendable. If I can gather a group of people with some guns we can even have some sniping positions placed in addition to blocking the doors.

Then see about contacting Cape Canaveral Airforce Station for some info.

black dragoon
2008-09-11, 08:10 AM
I imagine many people were appalled with my school suggestion so don't feel bad. I picked my school out the fact that I live in New York State lots of rugged terrain between me and NYC if I make my way back to the center of the state I can at least wait there for the military as they push back the horde that will become that city. Meanwhile I will have easy access to water, food shelter and supplies while being able to prevent any attacks and round up survivors with ease. Did I mention it sits in the middle of a giant field? If I'm stuck at my college I simply turn any residence halls into veritable fortresses by taking advantage of the four entrances Two of which I will immediately get blocked off and sealed. The terraced sections on the second story will become gardens using raised beds and seeds taken from the greenhouses and with any luck we can save a few sheep horses and some chickens for meat and transport.

2008-09-11, 08:27 AM
Why don't you all try to make it to where I live? I live in Missouri and as you all know Missouri is always the last center of resistance:smallbiggrin:. No place has more guns, harsher terrain, and even harsher weather. My family even has a gun rack hanging on the wall in our living room. The only problem would be the fact that you would have to take time to shoot or trap your food when you run out of canned goods. There is a Military base nearby so if we need to run there is always that. There is a vet within 7 miles of our house so we can run there for for medical supplies. Besides, in the winter we can go zombie smashing when they get frozen solid in an inch of solid ice.

black dragoon
2008-09-11, 08:33 AM
Veterinarians may be able to help keep your animals going but I'll keep with the hospital that a twenty minute drive away with hills and forests between me and it. Sides ever lived through a real New york winter. We average well below freezing and tend to have a ton snow. I can just as easily go zombie hunting then as during the summer.

2008-09-11, 09:01 AM
It's not snow I'm talking about. It's the ice storms that I'm talking about. These last two years we have gotten over a half inch of SOLID ice. At my family's house you could literally see trees exploding from being frozen solid (let me tell you, that is frikkin awesome to see). And the vet thing would be to get bandages and other basic supplies if we need it like tranquilizers and painkillers.

black dragoon
2008-09-11, 09:07 AM
I'll stick with Snow. I've had to deal with Ice storms up here and they can extremely dangerous to be out in. I've seen to many trees and power lines break under the weight and I know how handle snow. I was raised here and learned to work with the land. For me a New York winter zombies or no is survivable and has few unknowns a winter I've never lived through is something I don't trust. BTW exploding trees are cool but VERY dangerous. I've heard of plenty of people getting killed by limbs and trees coming down after an Ice Storm.

2008-09-11, 09:26 AM
BTW exploding trees are cool but VERY dangerous.

Not as deadly as exploding maple trees, which take hundreds of lives in Vermont each year, as reported by NPR.


Anyway, here's the plan. Get down into the Florida Keys. Blow up the bridges connecting the islands to the mainland. Throw Jimmy Buffett to the zombies. Profit.

black dragoon
2008-09-11, 09:30 AM
Yeah, scary thought. The keys would be a very good refuge except for it having to deal a swarm of zombified old people....and Orlando....

2008-09-11, 09:32 AM
At least it isn't Hollywood.
It would suck to have to shoot Clint Eastwood.

black dragoon
2008-09-11, 09:36 AM
honestly I could take some joy out of zombie hunting in Hollywood. Maybe find the guys who made the first and second DND movies and put them to their end.

Mando Knight
2008-09-11, 10:25 AM
Why don't you all try to make it to where I live? I live in Missouri and as you all know Missouri is always the last center of resistance:smallbiggrin:.

Aye, and the Missouri University of Science & Technology (MS&T) trains its engineers in Zombie Apocalypse survival. We're prepared. (http://drmcninja.com/page.php?pageNum=46&issue=8)

2008-09-11, 10:53 AM
Tactics for zombie survival would have to depend on the type of zombies, the method of conversion, where it was, all sorts of things...

But in basic terms, my idea would probably come down to finding a lot of food, and a lot of big heavy stuff to hit zombies with. If I was doing really well on supplies, I'd look at making myself some sort of projectile weapon as well. If you could get a decently-sized group of survivors together, I think a supermarket could be a good place to go - plenty of food and materials, so long as you can board up and defend the entrances.

Of course, if they're fast zombies (a la 28 Days Later...), I might as well just commit suicide and be done with it, because I wouldn't stand a chance! When I was watching the sequel, I ended up just thinking "nope, couldn't run that fast...I'd be dead...nope, I'd be worn out by now, death...oops, no way could I manage that..." Or at least, I was thinking that whenver I wasn't thinking "Honestly, how stupid are these characters?"

2008-09-11, 11:20 AM
honestly I could take some joy out of zombie hunting in Hollywood. Maybe find the guys who made the first and second DND movies and put them to their end.

...Celebrity Squares from the Dawn of the Dead remake, anyone? :smallbiggrin:

black dragoon
2008-09-11, 11:24 AM
Dibs on X's :smallbiggrin:
yeah Rage virus I'm just gonna pull the trigger and hope it either kills me or it.

2008-09-11, 11:48 AM
No place has more guns, harsher terrain, and even harsher weather.


You've never been to Texas, have you?

It's ok, it's not your fault. You didn't know.

(I will say that only the northern panhandle of Texas ever gets the solid layer of ice thing, but in everything else, we've pretty much got you beat. Also, we can have NASA release the aliens to defend us)

black dragoon
2008-09-11, 11:51 AM
Please tell me you mean preds....:smalleek:
I can at least reason with a pred...maybe....
I still New York thank you. It's a cold bitter state but I like it that way.

2008-09-11, 12:25 PM
So the zombies are dumb and slow right?

Instead of running from them, why not just attack them? They are dumb so they won't be carrying any weapons. Thus, a group armed with sticks, golf clubs, hockey sticks, brooms, baseball bats, etc should be able to take out a group of zombies. If there is too many run for it. Use divide and conquer strategies until the zombies are defeated.

2008-09-11, 12:35 PM
Unfortunately, skil doesn't beat numbers here. Zombies have the upper hand - they dont get tired - we do, they don't get scared we do, they don't die from one bite or scratch - we do.

Crispy Dave
2008-09-11, 12:39 PM
1.go to my mums house
2.Kill my step dad
3. go get my girlfriend
4. go to the bar and have a pint until it all blows over

cookie for the quote

2008-09-11, 12:44 PM
1.go to my mums house
2.Kill my step dad
3. go get my girlfriend
4. go to the bar and have a pint until it all blows over

cookie for the quote

I'd call it more of a paraphrase.

And you've got red on you.

Crispy Dave
2008-09-11, 12:45 PM
you get two cookies for that one now

2008-09-11, 02:03 PM

You've never been to Texas, have you?

It's ok, it's not your fault. You didn't know.

(I will say that only the northern panhandle of Texas ever gets the solid layer of ice thing, but in everything else, we've pretty much got you beat. Also, we can have NASA release the aliens to defend us)

Oooooo. How about a Missouri-Texas Alliance against all things undead? You have access to the ocean and we have quite a bit of timber. We could build our own zombie hunting armada! I can just see it. Dozens of ships firing at the coastline full of the zombie scourge.

Ahhhhh I love the smell of charbroiled undead in the morning...
it smells like...

2008-09-11, 02:34 PM
I'd go to work, enter through the back door and wait for one month. During that month I'd lift wieghts to build strength for the journey while taking apart the security system and automatic garage door opener. It'd then go downtown and pick a tall building and detonate all the stairs on the first floors as well as all but one of the elevators. That elevator would be lowered to the bottom floor and I'd remove the doors for that floor. Then I'd bypass the brakes and add a second winch attached to a 2500 pound weight. The winch would be wired into the garage door opener so when I hit the button it would freewheel dropping 2500 pounds onto the elevator counterweight throwing the car upwards. But with 30 ft of slack cable, I can only go up 2 floors but I'll get there now! Then I'd raid Sporting Good, Military Surplus and Hardware Stores, getting much of things I'll need to booby trap and secure my building before going looking for a major food source. I'd also go to a pet store to get Dog obedience collars for unrulely survivors I rescue.

black dragoon
2008-09-11, 02:50 PM
Have fun!:smallbiggrin:
I'll stick to fortifying since I've got the entire cities of Albany and NYC to deal with if the feds screw up like they did WWZ. I Can easily see my little town being a safezone though. We have a ridiculous level of one story buildings with few exits and sit in the middle of nowhere. The nearest city is an hour by car. I have ample time to set up defenses.

2008-09-11, 04:24 PM
I'd go to work, enter through the back door and wait for one month. During that month I'd lift wieghts to build strength for the journey while taking apart the security system and automatic garage door opener. It'd then go downtown and pick a tall building and detonate all the stairs on the first floors as well as all but one of the elevators. That elevator would be lowered to the bottom floor and I'd remove the doors for that floor. Then I'd bypass the brakes and add a second winch attached to a 2500 pound weight. The winch would be wired into the garage door opener so when I hit the button it would freewheel dropping 2500 pounds onto the elevator counterweight throwing the car upwards. But with 30 ft of slack cable, I can only go up 2 floors but I'll get there now! Then I'd raid Sporting Good, Military Surplus and Hardware Stores, getting much of things I'll need to booby trap and secure my building before going looking for a major food source. I'd also go to a pet store to get Dog obedience collars for unrulely survivors I rescue.

Uhhhh... wow. You've really thought this through haven't you? The only problem I see is that the highrise would have at least a couple zombies past the first three floors. You'd have to sweep the entire building to make sure you got them all. Other than that, it's a really good plan. Unfortunately for me though the tallest building near me is only four stories tall on campus.
Good idea, but I'll just stick to my plan.

P.S. Good idea about the shock collars.

2008-09-11, 04:29 PM
Move to Vatican City.

Where could possible be safer from a Zombie invasion? :smalltongue:

@V: How are Zombies significantly different from Vampires?

2008-09-11, 04:40 PM
Almost anywhere. We're talking zombies, not demons or vampires.

2008-09-11, 04:42 PM
Uhhhh... wow. You've really thought this through haven't you? The only problem I see is that the highrise would have at least a couple zombies past the first three floors. You'd have to sweep the entire building to make sure you got them all. Other than that, it's a really good plan. Unfortunately for me though the tallest building near me is only four stories tall on campus.
Good idea, but I'll just stick to my plan.

P.S. Good idea about the shock collars.

Yes, I often talk about stuff like this with my dad while we're working. His zombie survival srategy is a highly detailed two or three year plan builing defenses around the city we live in.
And yes there would be zombies in the building but realativly small numbers and less dangerous when compared to more open areas. After that it's a matter of intelligence gathering.

The collars would be on there lowest setting so as not to injure or anything, just a non-verbal way of saying "No".

2008-09-11, 06:24 PM
Perhaps i would set up in a nearby mall.

See, the mall has area'sof field on some sides. Zombies coming that way can be sniped on approach and on the other sides car barriers will slow them down give us something to do with the cars we cleared out of the parking lot (so we could see incoming zombies and shoot them).

Now if im just trying to survive i would drive up to the mountains and take over a fire-watch tower. Even if a zombie made it all the way their we could retreat to the top of the tower.

2008-09-11, 06:31 PM
My answers to these things include way too much suicide...

but... ehh...

If I were to try to survive, I'd go to Iceland. Food, water, shelter, isolation, the entire kit.

That, or put a copy of Isolde's Liebestod on the phonograph and pop a cyanide capsule.

Very pretty. :smallsmile:

2008-09-11, 06:44 PM
@V: How are Zombies significantly different from Vampires?

Zombies, unlike a vampire or demon, are not hurt by "Anything the Pope Touched".

2008-09-11, 07:06 PM
Furthermore, holy ground seems more likely to attract them for purposes of having a slaughter in a church than to repel them because they can't go in.

2008-09-11, 08:08 PM
Zombies, unlike a vampire or demon, are not hurt by "Anything the Pope Touched".

Depends on the zombies.

And you left "Ghost Wizards" off the monster hurt by Pope bit.

2008-09-11, 08:12 PM
Depends on the zombies.

And you left "Ghost Wizards" off the monster hurt by Pope bit.

Well, that's a given.
And it's better not to draw their attention. That Knife Eye Attack is killer, man.

2008-09-11, 10:32 PM
1. Find the nearest priest.
2. Hand him a shotgun.
3. Quietly ask him: "Father, please go insane"
4. Kick zombie ass.
5. ???

2008-09-11, 11:15 PM
Well, that's a given.
And it's better not to draw their attention. That Knife Eye Attack is killer, man.

Still, the Pope's backwash alone gave bullets the power to take it down.

I'd figure him punching the ghost would easily finish it off.

Jade Falcon
2008-09-12, 02:17 AM
I would go to the next base of the armed forces and get some firepower and help to defend myself. Guess my fencing rapier wouldn´t be very useful against zombies. Then it depends: Is there a chance to control the situation or is it a matter of pure survival? Either way, serious firepower is your best friend :smallsmile:

2008-09-12, 02:46 AM
I would go to the next base of the armed forces and get some firepower and help to defend myself. Guess my fencing rapier wouldn´t be very useful against zombies. Then it depends: Is there a chance to control the situation or is it a matter of pure survival? Either way, serious firepower is your best friend :smallsmile:

heavily populated bases that are likely to attract panicked mobs in search of refuge, however, are not.

2008-09-12, 04:51 AM
Quite honestly, I would probably be zombie chow within the first day or two since there is really nowhere around where I live that would be a good place to head for safety. It may sound cynical and pessimistic, but sadly it's true.

2008-09-12, 05:28 AM
I've always wondered if either A) No one's thought of this, or B) There's a serious flaw that I'm not seeing.

I'd gather up a few of my friends and their families, being sure to grab my best friend's mother, since she has and tends to a nice sized garden. Split into groups, assuming we've heard early on and it hasn't reached where I live yet.

Group A) Home Depot, get a LARGE amount of chain link fencing and other necessities.

Group B) Local Garden store: MANY seed packets, MANY bags of fertilizer, other necessities.

Group C) Once the area is decided upon, start prepping for the HUGE fence that will encompass the ENTIRE area. (Maybe the size of 5-10 large houses?) Also begin to set up for a Watchtower in the center.

Group D) Collect as much NON-PERISHABLE food as possible, and some things for short term while adjusting. (Meats for the next few days, etc.) Also grab as MANY medical supplies as in that location. Bandages, iron pills, cold medicine, EVERYTHING.

So, at this point, the groups should be returning, and EVERYONE would work on getting that darn fence up. Heck, once that first fence was up, if we had enough I'd be tempted to get up a second, and maybe even a third in past that. Forget about entrances, this is a full fence, once you're in, you're in.

Now that THAT's done, start setting up for the garden. Being able to produce our own food will be important until we're rescued.

And, of course, weapons. Bows and arrows are a given (not sure how much damage they'd do, but they're more or less silent.) as well as guns and other improvised weapons.

Because in the end? If there's no chance to wipe out the zombies, and it's literally every man for himself, I'd probably take myself out before the zombies could.

Or go to Japan, if it hasn't reached there. Or Hawaii. Large islands ftw. But the major idea is a HUGE TALL fence. No one else seems to have mentioned that. Barricades and what not, but no fences. What am I overlooking?

2008-09-12, 06:31 AM
I would get a few of my friends and get some simple weapons; being in the UK and not the countryside, guns are hard to come by, but there's quite a few decent weapons available. Then take a car and get to the waterfront where there's a supermarket. Steal a simple boat and load it full of food, drink, and other supplies. Use said boat to sail out to a nearby island in the Bristol Channel, which has accommodation, a generator, and a handful of people who work there, unlikely to be infected. Do as many runs as necessary to get food, getting other people we know to come along. Among my close friends, several of us can fight well, most of us can drive, and a few of us can sail. Island has a lighthouse and only one jetty.


2008-09-12, 08:06 AM
thing with a chainlink fence im figuring is that it can be pushed down if enouigh weight is pushed into it, because any streets unless you break the concret you cant put posts there, but if you had time you could dig down like 4 feet and cement the posts in and that would hold it, and if the zombies learn/know how to climb ... well they can easily climb it, myself if i get lots of money im going to make a compound with a concrete barrier around 6 - 10 feet tall and around 4 feet thick at least, with a small lake for water and area for a garden, a house with a basement and like 2 or 3 storys, and possibly watch towers in 4 corners, the gate will be the only way in and it will be a double gate reinforced with another solid metal wall that can rise from the ground just incase ... but thats if i get alot of money ....

2008-09-12, 10:20 AM
I've always wondered if either A) No one's thought of this, or B) There's a serious flaw that I'm not seeing.

I'd gather up a few of my friends and their families, being sure to grab my best friend's mother, since she has and tends to a nice sized garden. Split into groups, assuming we've heard early on and it hasn't reached where I live yet.

Group A) Home Depot, get a LARGE amount of chain link fencing and other necessities.

Group B) Local Garden store: MANY seed packets, MANY bags of fertilizer, other necessities.

Group C) Once the area is decided upon, start prepping for the HUGE fence that will encompass the ENTIRE area. (Maybe the size of 5-10 large houses?) Also begin to set up for a Watchtower in the center.

Group D) Collect as much NON-PERISHABLE food as possible, and some things for short term while adjusting. (Meats for the next few days, etc.) Also grab as MANY medical supplies as in that location. Bandages, iron pills, cold medicine, EVERYTHING.

So, at this point, the groups should be returning, and EVERYONE would work on getting that darn fence up. Heck, once that first fence was up, if we had enough I'd be tempted to get up a second, and maybe even a third in past that. Forget about entrances, this is a full fence, once you're in, you're in.

Now that THAT's done, start setting up for the garden. Being able to produce our own food will be important until we're rescued.

And, of course, weapons. Bows and arrows are a given (not sure how much damage they'd do, but they're more or less silent.) as well as guns and other improvised weapons.

Because in the end? If there's no chance to wipe out the zombies, and it's literally every man for himself, I'd probably take myself out before the zombies could.

Or go to Japan, if it hasn't reached there. Or Hawaii. Large islands ftw. But the major idea is a HUGE TALL fence. No one else seems to have mentioned that. Barricades and what not, but no fences. What am I overlooking?

Remember Xykon making a RAMP out of dead bodies?

Also, Japan is a no-no.

High population density, few guns, and all it takes is one jerk hiding the infection and WHAM. Whole country covered in the undead.

2008-09-12, 10:42 AM
Remember Xykon making a RAMP out of dead bodies?

Also, Japan is a no-no.

High population density, few guns, and all it takes is one jerk hiding the infection and WHAM. Whole country covered in the undead.

What about Greenland?

2008-09-12, 10:43 AM
I'd be absolutely fine in a zombie apocolypse, as tests have proven that I don't actually have a brain. :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-12, 11:03 AM
What about Greenland?

Fine if not too many people get the same idea as you.


2008-09-12, 11:51 AM
Well im not exacly sure whats on greenland but im sure you can find some building material and build a wall ... and hope for the best ... then if all else fails ... toss rocks atum ...

black dragoon
2008-09-12, 12:09 PM
Or use the land to your advantage. I'd play on the use of hills and valleys and a nearby steep cliff that is incredible difficult to climb. Set up base there and fence in the side opposite the fifty foot high cliffface and steadily improve upon a garden housing and what not.

2008-09-12, 02:38 PM
my plan, as is currently saved on my hard drive:

1: drive to gander mountain at the first hint of trouble. Grab the folowing supplies:
-.22 semi-automatic rifle, 500 .22 rounds
-.223 semi-automatic rifle, 500 rounds
-9mm pistol, 250 rounds
-two scopes that can be mounted on the rifles.
- a cartload of water purification tablets.
- a cartload of bottled water
-a cartloads of freeze dried foods
Other stuff:
-Hunting camo
-hunting knife
-lots of rope.

Return home, store everything in my attic.

2: Head to a local Home Depot or Sears.

Grab any and all food bearing plant seeds they have in stock, lots of bagged dirt, lots of fertilizer. I'd also grab some trays to grow everything.

3: head to a local sheet metal warehouse, buy as much 3/8" steel I can.

4: once I have everything, I'd start fortifying. My house is built on a raised foundation, so all I'd really have to do is destroy the front porch and the back deck and no zombie would be able to reach me. For added security, I'd cover all the first floor windows with the 3/8" steel, and tear out the single staircase leading up the the second floor. Then, I'd simply fend off any looters or zombies until the first winter came.

Once the zombies are frozen, I'd chop down all the trees around the house, and build a log wall around my yard. From there, I could live for quite a while.

2008-09-12, 03:25 PM
I have two rough plans, depending on how many zombies are in the immediate area, and how difficult it is to travel by road with zombies around.
Plan 1 is to get a motorbike, bike or horse, a few days rations, and make my way to the coast. I'm in SE England, so from there I hitch a boat ride / steal a boat over to the isle of Wight. If the military is already there, they can check we're keeping the zombies out as best they can. Once there, I join the zombie defense militia to keep the island safe from infection as long as needed.
Plan, if there are zombies swarming everywhere, making any sort of travel impossible, then I would go to my local church. True, everyone else has shouted down going to churches before, but this one is a brand new building, and I have a key. If I needed to, the third floor is a perfect bunker, with only one staircase too. If a bunch of other people have the same idea, then we could defend the whole building easily, since there's so few doors, and have the kitchen and toilets. If we could round up supplies and makeshift weapons, I can see us holding out there for a long time.

2008-09-12, 05:55 PM
Easy. Grenade launcher with a giant bayonet on the front. Or even better, tie knives to a bunch of hand grenades. Essentially the same thing. Then head to Cuba.

2008-09-12, 06:08 PM
Quote spoilered for freshness

I've always wondered if either A) No one's thought of this, or B) There's a serious flaw that I'm not seeing.

I'd gather up a few of my friends and their families, being sure to grab my best friend's mother, since she has and tends to a nice sized garden. Split into groups, assuming we've heard early on and it hasn't reached where I live yet.

Group A) Home Depot, get a LARGE amount of chain link fencing and other necessities.

Group B) Local Garden store: MANY seed packets, MANY bags of fertilizer, other necessities.

Group C) Once the area is decided upon, start prepping for the HUGE fence that will encompass the ENTIRE area. (Maybe the size of 5-10 large houses?) Also begin to set up for a Watchtower in the center.

Group D) Collect as much NON-PERISHABLE food as possible, and some things for short term while adjusting. (Meats for the next few days, etc.) Also grab as MANY medical supplies as in that location. Bandages, iron pills, cold medicine, EVERYTHING.

So, at this point, the groups should be returning, and EVERYONE would work on getting that darn fence up. Heck, once that first fence was up, if we had enough I'd be tempted to get up a second, and maybe even a third in past that. Forget about entrances, this is a full fence, once you're in, you're in.

Now that THAT's done, start setting up for the garden. Being able to produce our own food will be important until we're rescued.

And, of course, weapons. Bows and arrows are a given (not sure how much damage they'd do, but they're more or less silent.) as well as guns and other improvised weapons.

Because in the end? If there's no chance to wipe out the zombies, and it's literally every man for himself, I'd probably take myself out before the zombies could.

Or go to Japan, if it hasn't reached there. Or Hawaii. Large islands ftw. But the major idea is a HUGE TALL fence. No one else seems to have mentioned that. Barricades and what not, but no fences. What am I overlooking?

It's because chain link fences are very easy to climb in comparison to most other types. But if you want to go the fence route then you want to disconnect power form one of the houses and wire the cable into your outermost fence.

2008-09-12, 08:06 PM
Quote spoilered for freshness

It's because chain link fences are very easy to climb in comparison to most other types. But if you want to go the fence route then you want to disconnect power form one of the houses and wire the cable into your outermost fence.

Yes, I know fences are easy to climb, but that's against the slow moving more or less dumb zombies.

So I guess my question is, are they even smart enough to climb a fence? o_O

2008-09-12, 08:09 PM
If they're 28 days later zombies, yes they are. If they're actually undead shamblers, no they won't climb it, they'll try to take it down piece by piece, which is why you need it electrified.

black dragoon
2008-09-12, 08:11 PM
Or a regular patrol. If they are runners then traps and lots of them. Pits with spikes and big heavy swinging thingies being the best option.

2008-09-12, 11:46 PM
Pits can be filled in easily, big heavy swinging things need to be attached to a crane arm to prevent taking your own stuff down. Oft times your better off using a couple of dud buildings that you can clean out easily and have traps or blockades that aren't easy to get through or require abstract thinking or memory to solve.

2008-09-13, 11:43 AM
Well im not exacly sure whats on greenland but im sure you can find some building material and build a wall ... and hope for the best ... then if all else fails ... toss rocks atum ...

Towards the middle its lots and lots of ice. (I think)

Actually that wouldn't be such a bad idea it takes a lot of strength to break ice. It would probably be nigh impossible for any number of zombies to break through an ice wall 2ft thick.

Okay guys new plan, we all go to Greenland and build an ice castle.

black dragoon
2008-09-13, 12:52 PM
I never figured on permanent traps. just annoying little distractions against fast zeds. Crawlers I can toy with and use all sorts of nasty little things. A good old fashion rolling log trap would really be a great trap against zombies at the entrance or even just dumping a few gallons of lye on ghouls.

2008-09-13, 02:59 PM
everyone, why are you saying guns? there probably arent any more functional bullet factories. a wooden pole with a hatchet blade glued to the end, on the other hand, will allow you to kill zombies from a longer way off then they can reach. if we're assuming violent head trauma is the one weakness of a zombie, than bows make a good ranged weapon, since arrows can be made from scratch fairly easily once you know how. in all honesty, we would most likely see the return of Hoplite Phalanxes, with some slight modifications (the armour would be lighter, as it only has to stop teeth.). imagine, some 50 men in light armour marching down a street in rows, steamrollering zombies.

black dragoon
2008-09-13, 03:01 PM
If you can organize the men and supply lines needed go for it. Me I'll run and hide for the time being and hold out till the horde moves on to the next bunch of meat bags.

2008-09-13, 03:07 PM
If you want a good trap try this on for size:

What you need:
3 people (minimum)
1+ ton of ash
an excavator machine
roughly 1500+ gallons of water of any quality (preferably non-potable, it's a waste other wise)
1000+ square feet of pool liner/concrete

What to do:
1.) Use the excavator to dig an eight foot deep trench around the building you occupy (works best in rural areas).
2.)Make lye, keep doing it untill the trap is complete.
3.)Line the trench with the pool liner/concrete so the lye won't contaminate ground water.
4.)Fill the trench with lye and water up to 6 feet.
5.)Have a party (little to no alcohol or you might fall into the trench)
6.)Once a month skim the fat off the lye pool and add more as needed.

black dragoon
2008-09-13, 03:23 PM
And thus you are saved the hassle of stray zombies wondering by the house and those pesky kids...

2008-09-13, 03:53 PM
If it's a Zombie Holocaust?

I'd just keep on living my daily life, because the ZOMBIES WOULD ALL BE DEAD in a ZOMBIE. HOLOCAUST.

A holocaust. Of zombies.

Probably have a party.

If zombies attacked though?

I'd take control over them, and probably live at a Fred Meyer's in Oregon with my boyfriend, because by then, his ex that he's in love with would've died, and also, he's good with a gun, and Fred Meyer's has everything.

2008-09-13, 03:56 PM
If it's a Zombie Holocaust?

I'd just keep on living my daily life, because the ZOMBIES WOULD ALL BE DEAD in a ZOMBIE. HOLOCAUST.

A holocaust. Of zombies.

Probably have a party.

If zombies attacked though?

I'd take control over them, and probably live at a Fred Meyer's in Oregon with my boyfriend, because by then, his ex that he's in love with would've died, and also, he's good with a gun, and Fred Meyer's has everything.

Right, I thought the proper terminology was Zombie Armageddon?

black dragoon
2008-09-13, 04:01 PM
I've always called it Death by Zeds myself.

2008-09-13, 04:02 PM
Eh, inclined to call it Dies Irae just for the latin.
I do so love latin, and Day of Wrath seems appropriate.

2008-09-13, 04:05 PM
Right, I thought the proper terminology was Zombie Armageddon?

Technically, Armageddon is the stage of the last conflict between Da Lawd and Satan.

So a Zombie Armageddon would either be a mountain of zombies, or the place where the zombies would all perish.


2008-09-13, 04:07 PM
Right, I thought the proper terminology was Zombie Armageddon?
I believe it's "Apocolypse". The two terms are related, but not interchangeable.

2008-09-13, 04:09 PM
I believe it's "Apocolypse". The two terms are related, but not interchangeable.

Right. I thought Armageddon was the pre-conflict?
And Apocalypse was the War to End All?

Maybe I confused Ragnarok with something...

2008-09-13, 04:13 PM
I always use Zombocolypse.
Robocolypse is used for a matching, robot based scenario.

2008-09-13, 04:13 PM
Right. I thought Armageddon was the pre-conflict?
And Apocalypse was the War to End All?

Maybe I confused Ragnarok with something...
As Pocketa said, Armageddon is the final battle between good and evil that will herald the Apocalypse. The Apocalypse itself is simply Judgement Day.

2008-09-13, 04:16 PM
As Pocketa said, Armageddon is the final battle between good and evil that will herald the Apocalypse. The Apocalypse itself is simply Judgement Day.

...Where on earth am I getting my definitions from, I wonder?

I think I'll stick to calling it "The Day the Earth Stood Still".

black dragoon
2008-09-13, 04:18 PM
That's for Invasion Day.
Well we could just call it. Max Brooks was right...Crap.

2008-09-13, 04:35 PM
As Pocketa said, Armageddon is the final battle between good and evil that will herald the Apocalypse. The Apocalypse itself is simply Judgement Day.
In Beween the Lines!
Which is why when you put nouns in front of Apocalypse like Zombie, Robot, Alien. You get "The End of Days (the most common/alternate usage of Apocalypse) herald by [noun]."

Remember the term Zombie Apocalypse came from the genre of movie like 28 Days Later, Dawn of the Dead, Attack of the living dead and so on.
At least I'm pretty sure I'm right.

2008-09-13, 04:37 PM
I'd probably go on with stuff as usual and be sad and wondering why there are less playgrounders posting suddenly.

Why the zombies don't attack me?

Because my brains are yucky. I mean, I have a chronic migraine and other stuff, zombies don't want to eat my brains.

2008-09-13, 04:39 PM
I'd probably go on with stuff as usual and be sad and wondering why there are less playgrounders posting suddenly.

Why the zombies don't attack me?

Because my brains are yucky. I mean, I have a chronic migraine and other stuff, zombies don't want to eat my brains.

Perhaps you don't understand Zombie thought processes.

IF Yes:
Brains! *eat*
IF No:
*incomprehensible moaning and grunting* *gnaws on*

2008-09-13, 07:00 PM

Build a city that is about 12 feet in the air on Titanium and concrete pillars, higher if the zombies are jumpers. Have there be no way down without ladders stored in the city and then kept under lock and key. A pipe runs from the nearest lake/river underground, up through a pillar, and then into the city's "well" there is purification available in the city. We have greenhouses too for growing food, and keep things like chickens and fish in pools for meat. You now have a perfect Zombie proof haven as long as the cause isn't spread through the air. :smallsmile:

2008-09-13, 09:03 PM
If they're 28 days later zombies, yes they are. If they're actually undead shamblers, no they won't climb it, they'll try to take it down piece by piece, which is why you need it electrified.

the problem with electrifying the fence is that it still wont stop zed, as it won't destroy the brain, so they'll just pile up until the fence is brought down by their contained weight. Sure, it'll work against the occasional zombie, but against a horde or swarm, you might as well not have it.

Also, to flees to Greenland, you wouldn't need to bother with fortifications, the temp is usually below 32F, so any zombies would freeze in short order.

2008-09-14, 01:27 AM
I'd shamble around with the zombies! Get some face paint, learn to like the taste of human brains, I'd be unmistakable for a zombie in no time!

Then I'll find a nice zombie wife, settle down with some zombie kids in a graveyard, mall, or hospital, and wait for the time to come when one of you sick bastards kills me thinking I'm a zombie! I mean, all me and my people'd want to do is shamble and moan, moan and shamble. Sometimes we'd go down to slightly faster shuffle classes down at the rec center, but most of the time we'd just shamble and try to consume the flesh of the living.

So, uh... If you see a zombie that's slightly more erect... Maybe me...

Although, if an opposing faction of zombies were to arise...

Zombie war! Headcrabs vs. Voodoo vs. Disease vs. Different Disease!

Just let them fight it out, then try to domesticate the stragglers.

2008-09-14, 05:37 AM
The armies of your respective countries try to fight off the zombie hordes, but they are fighting a losing battle because they cannot take drastic action (i.e. weapons of mass destruction), as most of the zombies are clustered among large cities, towns, settlements, etc.
You don't need nukes to kill zombies.
Given how fast bodies decay and the fact that a lot of people are incinerated you'll have twenty people for each zombie and with a decent police (let alone army) response the zombies won't pose a serious threat.

2008-09-14, 06:53 AM
Grab the phone, call Captain, realise it's engaged because another friend called him first, jog the 1.5 km to his house, after grabbing all other nearby friends, run in, try not to get hit when the Captain flies out with a katana, convince him I'm not a zombie, and ask what to do. He'll know. We told me the other day we'd settle at the Kingston Beach golf club, because there's a water source, and we'd start a farm. But I'm sure he's thought of something better by now.

Of course, while running to Captains, I'm calling all my other friends to tell them to go to Captains.

2008-09-14, 09:40 AM
You don't need nukes to kill zombies.
Given how fast bodies decay and the fact that a lot of people are incinerated you'll have twenty people for each zombie and with a decent police (let alone army) response the zombies won't pose a serious threat.

Sorry, but that's slightly incorrect. An infected person reanimates within an hour after death, way to fast for any sort of burial procedure. Also, since zombies are moving around, they decay slower than a body just laying around. It typically takes a zombie around five to ten years to decay to the point of uselessness.

Also, the biggest problem with zombies isn't the zombies themselves, but the panic they cause. During a class three outbreak, the highways would be jammed with people trying to flee, the police department would be overrun quickly by people looking for safety, and besides, the odds of any non-geek person knowing how to stop a zombie is about a million to one. It's good odds that any government forces would not know how to respond, and the situation would rapidly spin out of control. So, basically, sitting around waiting for the Government to save you is the quickest way to become zombie chow.

2008-09-15, 04:40 PM
If I'm at school, barricade the science block, where I'll have access to a brilliant strategic position for defence, as well as lots of fun chemicals. If i have time, a little Benzine, sulfuric and nitric acid could make TNT, but I doubt it would be useful. The science rooms also have acces to tapped and distilled water, as well as natural gas if we have to be there a long time.

If I'm not at school, I text my friends and family and give them half an hour to get to my postition, from which a car or other convenient vehicle can be stolen, and we make our slow way to the bay of islands, where there is a small population, and lots of isolated islands which are less likel;y to be infected. Maybe stop off at a hunting and fishing shop on the way there. Fun.:smallbiggrin:

2008-09-15, 08:10 PM
Since zombies move around it could also mean that they decay at a faster rate depending at where they are and what weather there is.

very Rainy= waterlogged (slower) zombies
very Sunny= weaker zombies (extremely dry)
Mix= even weaker because of sudden changes in environment leading to tissue stress (even dead tissue will break down faster)

2008-09-15, 08:13 PM
Assuming that the zombies aren't formed by a virus and really fast.

And either way one good winter will kill most of them.