View Full Version : The end of the world, d20 Modern/Future

2008-09-10, 07:53 PM
Much like the assassination of JFK, or news that the airplanes had hit the Trade Center, everyone instantly ingrained into their memory where they were when they saw the infamous newscast. It was only a week old, but already it could be felt that this was an important day in history.

Your memory of the event goes something like this:

A local newswoman was standing in front of a dense coniferous in Southern Canada around twilight. She was talking about how a search party of 10 has not been seen for 2 days, who were looking for a pair of boys who apparently went into it to investigate some loud noise they heard at their cabin late at night. They were reported missing after 10 hours by their father, who was asleep when they left.

The first time you saw the footage was after it had already been broadcasted around, and was preceded by a warning about disturbing images.

She was standing on the edge of the forest, darkness was just starting to set in. The camera man had the forest in question in a close background. As she was talking about who was missing, seemingly not noticed by the camera man, a flash like the eyes of a cat at night can be seen behind her in the trees for a moment, then is gone. A short moment later, the poor woman is interrupted mid-sentance...

The police conducted further investigations and could not determ-

Almost silently, a long needle flew into her neck from the side, piercing all the way through and sticking in. She gasped once, her eyes unfocused, and she fell. The camera man's yell can be heard, a few more flying needle noises and a few animalistic snarls before the camera cuts out. The last image on the screen is a scaly, Chitinous cloven claw of some kind.

You've seen this footage multiple times. Various news agencies have rolled clips of it, other shows are analyzing the footage. The internet had put up various "New" sightings of whatever did this, most of them cheap hoaxes. But not all.

Two days after the event, the first confirmed sighting appeared in the small town of Wintersbury just outside the forest. Large insects the size of draft horses sprung out of the forest, and attacked a gathering of police cars parked there to search for the lost people. There was low quality footage from a policeman's chase camera to confirm it. Contact with Wintersbury was lost shortly after. The Canadian military forces were deployed, and met heavy resistance. The American helicopter pilots from a military base in Minnesota gave a rough count of over 200 of the bugs, various sizes. The president gave a speech talking about how scientists have confirmed the creatures to be of off-planet descent, and since they appear to be mindless and hostile a state of emergency was declared. The latest news story you've heard is that parts of Toronto, Canada were being attacked, and the joint Canadian-American military was fighting back.

All this news was just stuff you'd seen on the tv and heard on the radio. Until now. None of this has effected you directly, but about an hour ago at 1:13 PM, a "red alert" went out to the city of Pittsburgh and the surrounding areas. Air-raid sirens went off, and police in the street were directing people where to go... including you.

You currently find yourself in the company of about 100 other people, in a dimly lit room in some kind of underground bunker. You were filed in here from the street with all these people, half of the group took a left tunnel, yours went right. As you got closer to the entrance of the bunker, less policemen, and more Soldiers can be seen organizing the crowds of people. A soldier without a helmet, and carrying only a pistol in holster stands in front of your crowd of people. He has a number of unrecognizable distinctions or awards on his uniform. He speaks in a gravely voice to the group of you. His voice echos loudly in the cavernous bunker.

Ok, as I'm sure you have heard, we are in a state of emergency, this is why you have been called here, All civilian life has been ordered to evacuate, but we expect the attack sooner than we can get everyone out of the city, so these old bunkers will have to do!

A massive verbal uprising from the civilians leads to a lesser solder to the side of the man to sound a loud airhorn, and it dies down.

Before we send you to your bunks, do any of you have any skills that may be needed in the event of an attack? Doctors will be needed... Please step forward if you think you have something to contribute for your city, and country!

The other citizens look around confused. One construction worker steps up, still in a hardhat and everything. Ya need help building anything? I can stack sandbags.

2008-09-11, 12:37 PM
Martin, a gangly young man in his late twenties dressed in a lab coat and wearing a stephiscope around his neck steps foreword and raises his hand. "Uh, I'm a doctor."

Forgotten T.S.
2008-09-11, 12:38 PM
Ken stood in the center of the masses, just tapping on his PDA... watching those videos. Watching them over and over again... it was... crazy. 'Did the President just use the word, "Off-World"? Jesus...' He shooks his head as he looked up, listening to the officer making a call for anyone skilled to do something and offer help.

The first thought that popped into his head caused him to smile slightly, and he looked down to hide the amusement in such a gloomed situation. After controlling himself quickly, he tucked his PDA into his breast pocket of the trendy blazer he wore, and slowly pushed his way through the crowd.

As he got up close, he adjusted his already loose tie and lifted his hand, "I can help... I can help with any building, any chemical work you might need. I'm also not a bad shot... if I had my guns. That would sure be d*** nice right about now, if this is really happening."

2008-09-11, 12:46 PM
Great! Don't be shy, now! You! You say your a good shot, eh? We need brave ones like you as well. We've been given orders to form a militia to protect the civilian workers. Never thought I'd see the day...

A boy who already has a Military haircut and camo pants steps forward at this new information.

Sign me up for that then. I'll take care'a my country.

2008-09-11, 12:49 PM
Greg Andrews

A young man of mixed-descent is staring at his cell phone, trying to see if he can talk to the outside world. He walks towards the soldiers with his left hand raised at the forearm and begins to speak. "I'm not a doctor just yet, but I'm certified for first aid and can perform some basic procedures."

2008-09-11, 01:38 PM
A semi-scruffy looking man wearing an EMT vest and carrying a duffel bag sifts his way through the crowd. He makes no attempt to push people out of his way but instead twists his body in a conscious attempt to not bother people as much as possible.

He gets within a foot or two from the important looking man, and with an almost unsure voice "My names Tim sir. I'm an EMT, I have received some medical training. I can keep a man alive till he gets a doctor but then it's up to the doctor to keep him alive after that. I am also capable of driving like a mad man and piloting almost every helicopter I can get my hands I. I hope I can be of some use. "

After saying this Tim has a look of partial regret, takes a second to compose himself and heads over to the group of volunteers.

2008-09-11, 01:51 PM
That's great son, we really have a wealth of talent here, eh?! He yells the last part.

You can see numerous soldiers leading the volunteers to the other side of the room where they are assembling. The volunteering is dying off. About half of the people ended up coming forward.

2008-09-11, 02:47 PM
Kendrick Percival

I'm standing in the crowd of people with my best friend Lee. Hes a private in the army who has just come back from basic training. I'm talking with him about how we need to go back out there to find the others. "We should go back out there, see if we can at least find the other"

Kendrick is a skinny white kid in his early 20's. He's wearing blue jeans and a shirt proudly declaring about his 12th level paladin.

2008-09-11, 02:52 PM
Lee barely hears Kendrick. He has been looking around attentively at the other soldiers.

Yea. Come on.

Lee walks with intent to the officer.

Private Lee Conley, sir. I'm on leave, but I will lend my services to this militia until I can rejoin them.

2008-09-11, 03:52 PM
Martin looks around. Where the heck is Troy? He was next to him when they were on the way to the shelter. "Uh, Sir? My co-worker Troy was with me on the way here, but I don't see him, I think we got separated, and I'm concerned about him."

2008-09-11, 04:44 PM
Kendrick Percival

I follow Lee around volunteering that I'm good with computers...if that helps any.

2008-09-11, 06:32 PM
Martin pictured the portable case for mixing pharmaceuticals on one of the shelves of the clinic and kicked himself for not bringing it. that could have come in handy.

2008-09-11, 07:48 PM
((Camo pants, eh? Would those be BDUs or ABUs?))

A rough looking man, in his early twenties steps forth. He looks like he'd been through hell with all of evacuations. He walked forward, the crowd seemed to give way as he was still carrying a large axe in one hand.

Yo! I'm a firefighter and I ain't bad with the meds, plus I'm pretty D**n good with this thing. he holds the axe over his head triumphantly.


2008-09-11, 08:08 PM
Kendrick looks at everyone who is eager to arm themselves to the teeth. " Hey! Do you mind telling us why were forming a militia in the first place, I mean what are those things?

2008-09-11, 09:01 PM
Martin's to find Troy is drowned out by various other people, the Sargent looks at him for a moment, but is distracted by some other request, which he yells at the man quickly about.

With the last few recruits, many women, children and out of shape and/or pasty men are left, many in business suits.

The man organizing all this gives a wave to a few of the Military men standing at ease, and they escort these others through a large, rusty, sealing doorway opposite the side you came in. Now, You are all standing in front of a similar but slightly less rusty doorway, there are about 25 volunteers.

Kendrick's remark is followed quickly by a few other similar outbursts, the air horn is sounded again.

Listen. From everything them scientists can find... these are Aliens. I know that sounds stupid, but just accept it, alright! It also looks like these aren't the kind of little green men that come in peace, either! These are something far worse. But you don't need to worry about that, the impromptu militias are not intended to see real combat!

He pauses and looks sternly at the crowd, then continues.

Now, first thing, is we need a group to support the National Guard in building defenses and repairs before the attack, and another group to accompany our limited manpower here to get some supplies!

At "Limited Manpower", you start to realize you've only seen a few real soldiers. Many of the ones on the street were National Guardsmen. The ones down here look like career soldiers, but you've only seen about 6 of those since you came down.

((Knowledge Current Events or Tactics checks can be made. Everything I've posted about things going on publicly are assuming taking a ten or so on untrained Knowledges.))

The Sargent nods at one of the soldiers, and he walks to about the middle of the line.
You on the left, your with the Guard. Ones on the right, your coming with us.

You are all on the right. As the group splits into two of about 12, the military men go to one of the corners with some supplies and start loading up, grabbing their M16s and other gear.

2008-09-11, 09:07 PM

"We're being invaded by giant bugs, right? Does this mean we're going to be stuck with a Starship Troopers wannabe who mercy-kills everyone or that we're going to be stuck with some traitor who becomes Queen bitch of the universe?"

Forgotten T.S.
2008-09-11, 09:34 PM
Ken snorts a laugh at Greg, and looks down again as he composes himself. Looking up he looks to the guy and can't help but look away as he almost cracks again, 'Glad to see someone with some personality... he can flip the bill.'

Looking at some of the others, he can only shrug his field bag as he holds the strap. He still had all of his regular day-to-day gear that he took the office... but he wanted to get to his apartment. Get his guns... then he might be able to live through this.

He could see it now... walking down the street, blowing insects out of the sky. Wearing gleaming plate armor... his tabard shifting in the-... 'What the ****? This isn't NERO... shesh. This is real Ken, get a grip. There are outterspace insects coming to kill you and your entire race, this isn't some fantasy LARP.'

He almost cracked again with a laugh as his thoughts wandered while waiting for them all to head off.

2008-09-11, 09:45 PM
A couple other guys laugh at the comment, but the humor is lost on the Sarge, who seems busy talking to the other group anyway.

Other people in your group include a few casually dressed people, one with the ubiquitous white headphones hanging down his front to his pocket. The wanna be GI is looking interestedly at the Guns the men have, and Lee is as well.

Forgotten T.S.
2008-09-11, 09:55 PM
Ken sighs and looks to the Sarge, "I have guns and ammo at my place here in town... if me and one other could get back to the Campus, it wouldn't be any hassle taking my bike across town where I live and gathering stuff up."

2008-09-11, 10:03 PM
On Ken's Comment Martin speaks up, raising his hand to get Sarge's attention. "I have more medical supplies, that is for making medicines, if anyone is injured and needs meds like pain killers I can make them with the kit, but it's back at the clinic a few blocks from here."

2008-09-11, 11:55 PM
The Sarge listens to both requests.

Hmm. That's using your noggin. Good thinking men.

He walks over and talks to a soldier standing near your group who has a small distinction on his uniform. It looks like he is going to lead yours. They talk quietly for a few seconds, and lots of nodding is going on.

Alright... Soldier. We aren't going to make the supply run for at least an hour. Sanchez will send one of his men to help you guys find your way back and such. Make sure you make it fast.

Get over here Private. Go with these men, keep an eye out...

Right. I'm Private Thompson. Uh, you guys, follow me.

Thompson gestures to the six of you. If Kendrick looks for Lee, he can see that he managed to get across the room with the other soldiers. He's looks back for a moment, and makes a "Go on" hand gesture. Pauses, then yells very loudly, cupping his hands to his mouth: "I'll meet you later!"

2008-09-12, 01:58 AM
((Did I get a gun?))

Martin looks at the others who had weapons, and asks "I'm not very good with guns, but I'd feel better if I had one, sir."

Forgotten T.S.
2008-09-12, 10:15 AM
Ken nods again at the Sarge and then looks back around, "Alright, I got room for one more on my bike. If someone wants to come across town with me... best to speak up. I know a few places to pick up stuff other then my house, and we can stop by your place also and get anything useful you might have."

2008-09-12, 12:46 PM
Thompson gathers you up to follow him. He leads you out of the big door closer to you, creaking open, and it reveals a ladder leading up to a trap door on the other side. He has you climb it after him.

I'll take care of arming you guys up top. We're low enough on soldiers even with the recruiting drive the last couple weeks... getting guns all around the areas outside of hot zones has been a problem too. We barely have enough for us. Luckily we got a bunch of 5.56 rounds while we were gathering up any known weapons caches. I guess we missed the one we're going to later, at a police department, because the people who were there didn't know where they kept the key! Pretty lame if you ask me. Heard they got AKs and everything in there from some crack lab they busted up awhile back, too.

The ladder door leads up into a very dark room. Thompson retrieves a flashlight from his pockets.

Damn, where is that ****... Stay here.

He makes his way to the Light switch, walking a pretty good distance away from you before he makes it to it. He fumbles with it for a moment, then you hear the sound of powerful lights turning on above you, and it reveals a half-dome enclosed hanger you are in. The only vehicles left are a Humvee, mounted with a machine gun, and a military truck with an empty bed.

Thompson pulls another switch and the large doors begin to open slowly. It's apparent this will take a little while to open all the way. He makes his way back to the group.
So boys, guess which one we get to drive?

2008-09-12, 01:01 PM
Tim has a small smile on his face as he asks
"The military truck with the empty bed?"

He then gets a more serious look on his face as he offers
"Unless someone else would like, I am more than willing to drive."

2008-09-12, 01:09 PM

Thompson appears to be having fun with this.

Come on, it'll be a tight squeeze, but if we get the bike, then we can convoy it. You think you can handle this thing? I'll get on the MG... since I'm guessing none of you have ever used one, right?

2008-09-12, 01:15 PM
Once again Tim gets that smile
"Who needs a gun? If they can kill you it makes the drive more exciting. Why do we need to be able to kill them back?"

He walks over to the hummve and pats it once, opens the door and starts it up.
He sits there locating all the switches, nobs, gauges, and such while he waits for the others to get in.

2008-09-12, 01:48 PM
Martin shakes his head and sighs."Can we be serious, please? This is life and death." Martin then gets in the humvee.

2008-09-12, 01:52 PM
See, I got a simple philosophy. If someone's tryin' to kill you... well, you just try to kill them right back!

He smiles again.

Alright, lets load up.

He gets in the back, and crouches under the gunner hatch.

2008-09-12, 01:57 PM
Once again that ever so familiar smile returns to Tim's face.
"Just trying to lighten the mood here. If you want to accept the situation for what it is you are more than welcome to. But I've always believed that if your heading into something that normal people stray away from it's better to go in with a smile on your face."

Tim finds the radio and starts scanning the channels for any sort of transmission. He is scanning to get some sort of grasp on the current situation. Any attempt to figure out the current situation in his opinion is better than nothing at all.

2008-09-12, 02:09 PM
Thompson watches Tim disapprovingly, and when Tim picks up a channel where the man is yelling something needing air support, and a few short screams are heard in the background.

Hey! Turn that crap off!

2008-09-12, 02:19 PM
Tim's smile instantly disappears


"Well so much for that smile eh?"

2008-09-12, 03:08 PM
Kendrick slowly walks around the vehicle looking at it and how everyone is so eager to climb inside and get going. "Hey guys, now I'm no expert, but isn't the best thing to do in this situation is to fortify our position, and wait for reinforcements? I mean we have no Idea what we're fighting, we don't even know what they can do. Can bullets even hurt them? remember we're not even fighting humans, and that changes everything!

2008-09-12, 03:17 PM
Tim turns to Kendrick and with an almost sullen expression on his face
"If you just heard what was on the radio I would hope you are aware of the fact that fortifying a position is probably not a very reliable idea. Now we're going to go and pick up some equipment. I would advise you get in the humvee and get ready for a very interesting drive around town."

With that said Tim goes back to surveying the dashboard for any other interesting thing that could possibly catch his attention, waiting for the others to load up.

2008-09-12, 03:28 PM
"Oh I heard the radio, which is all the more reason to stay here.

2008-09-12, 03:37 PM
Hey man, let me tell you something. Those bunkers down there... They wouldn't withstand a couple of pounds of C4. We're expecting the tactical fighting retreat of the army to meet up here in about 2 hours... we ARE fortifying our position. See, they drew this long line around the east coast, and thats where were gonna focus our forces. The west coast is doing the same from Oregon to Texas. The middle... they're screwed man. National Guard and Rent-a-cops are all they got. And Farmers. Shiiiiiiit. Damn civies always waiting for the soldiers to do everything.

It's obvious a nerve was hit with Thompson, and his behavior out of earshot of his superiors changes quite a bit.

Git in the damn car.

2008-09-12, 04:27 PM

"Dude, this ain't like the movies. Bullets hurt everything, even things that are bulletproof. This might just be me, but does anyone else want to hit up a pharmacy? There are people down there who might not have their meds and anyone with a cold is sure to pass it on to a few dozen of those guys packed like sardines."

As he talks, he hops into the back of the vehicle and gets comfortable.

Forgotten T.S.
2008-09-12, 07:31 PM
Ken just watches the Humvee for a moment, admiring it as everyone bickered and suggested. Grinning he walks over, and without saying much, hopes right up to the mounted machine gun seat. With a glee born of years of midnight movies involving gunfights, and countless trips along Wikipedia, he quickly pops the safety off the machine gun, and slaps the string of ammunition across the case. Locking it down, he hammers back the draw, and sits back.

"I'm ready... we need to head for East State Campus, Parking Block H. There's a Wal-Mart close to my apartment complex, I suggest we raid it for what we can get. Food, Vitamins, Camping Gear, and more importantly... ammunition.""

2008-09-12, 08:18 PM
Martin sighs. "We're going to the clinic I work at, or at least I thought we were to pick up a pharmacy kit so I can make meds, though I guess stuff from Wal-mart to make mundane things like cold medicine would save me on ingredients."

2008-09-12, 08:54 PM
((..I think I'm with Y'all...))

Gunner doesn't say a word while walking to the hangar. Going over everything in his head...over and over. How could it happen, how could it happen?!

Finally, with the humvee he squeezed himself in with the others, still holding his axe, his one lifelink to reality at this point.


2008-09-12, 09:19 PM
As Ken jumps up on the gun, Thompson looks at him with an eyebrow up.

You fired one of these babies before?

Forgotten T.S.
2008-09-12, 11:05 PM
Ken smiled slightly and looked down at Thompson, "Oh.... yeah." Chuckling he reaches into his blaiser and removes his wallet. Opening it up, he flashes his NRA Card, and his Concealed Weapons Permit, "Yeah, I fired one of these last year actually... not off a moving vehicle, mind you... but it's like riding a bike with a glock."

He flips up the sight, knowing he would never use it with a weapon like this.

2008-09-12, 11:21 PM
"Fine I'll come, I'm just saying. Oh and shouldn't we take both cars, we can get our stuff quicker and get out of here.

2008-09-12, 11:29 PM
While Kendrick is brought into the car, Thompson address his inquiry. I only got the keys for this one. 'Sides, that old things too slow.
He opens a small box bolted to the floor of the Humvee. He pulls out a pack of ear plugs, and hands them around.

You'll be needing these if this things goes off; he motions to the gun and we'll be needing... He pulls out two pistols. Beretta 92Fs. (http://www.policelot.com/photos/Low%20res%20pics/Airsoft%20Guns/Beretta%2092FS.JPG) If we run into any trouble. Lets roll, driver. Now... who here can handle a gun besides Mr. National Rifle Association here?

((Make a Drive Check for Tim))

2008-09-13, 01:51 AM
Clearly not happy with the situation, It doesn't stop him from answering Thompson's question. "I can, small arms fire is something I'm used to."

2008-09-13, 10:09 AM

"I'm um...rather...uphappy...that you chose to pass out guns while we're still in the car. I'm a terrible shot in anything that isn't an FPS, by the way." Ben was rather nervous. He never used a gun before, and was rather worried about not knowing where the safety is, as well as that crazy f***tard who keeps live ammo in his apartment. Really, what kind of crazy f***tard keeps enough ammo in his apartment to fend off an alien invasion!?

Forgotten T.S.
2008-09-13, 10:18 AM
Ken looked down as Thompson brought out the Beretta's. He gave it an odd look for a moment before leaning down, and pushed down on the safety switch of one of the guns, turning the safety on.

He didn't want anyone shooting those things inside of the car.

2008-09-13, 11:38 AM
Oh relax. They aren't loaded.

He hesitates for a moment, then hands one to Kendrick. Kendrick can indeed see that there is no magazine in the gun at the moment, anyone by the weapons box can see a few magazines in it. The safety is on.

2008-09-13, 12:34 PM
Kendrick inspects the guns for obvious defaults. He pulls back the slid and looks down the chamber, pulls back the hammer and dry fires it. "Right, so can I at least have a mag, I promise I wont shoot any one. I'll even turn the safety on." He clicks the safety lock on. "Oh! and do you have a holster for it. The gun in the pants look just doesn't do it for me, plus I like my d*ck right where it is." He grins obviously making a joke.

2008-09-13, 12:53 PM
Thimpson blinks at Kendrick
Here. Make yourself useful.

He hands Kendrick an empty clip from his chest pocket and a box of ammo.

Load up. And just hold the damn thing. You think the cops are still around? Ha.

2008-09-13, 03:47 PM
As long as you don't fething shoot someone, we'll all be good. But, I swear to god he pulls a crucifix out of his shirt. If you shoot me, I. Will. Kill. You.


2008-09-13, 03:57 PM
Tim can't help but smile just a little at the exchange going on inside the vehicle.

Drive Check:

2008-09-13, 11:05 PM

Greg makes the sign of the cross and chants quietly to himself. "Hail Mary, full of grace. Our Lord is with thee. Blessed art among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of god, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our deaths." He repeats this eleven times.

Forgotten T.S.
2008-09-13, 11:43 PM
Ken just shrugs and sits back up straight, his hands on the machine gun... watching around with a look of partial anxiousness.

2008-09-14, 12:28 PM
..amen, brother.

He takes a look around at the others while carefully putting the crucifix back into his shirt So, we gonna get goin'?


2008-09-15, 12:21 AM
Once Greg has gotten through a complete hail Mary Kendrick lets out under his breath "Oh great, a Catholic." Then goes back to loading bullets in the magazine. When he finishes he asks Thompson, "Got any more Clips?"

2008-09-15, 01:16 AM
With the large doors now fully open, you can see quite an unsettling sight: An evacuated city.

The wind and occasional small animal make it not lifeless, but there is no where near the hustle and bustle of normal life. The sight of cars with a door ajar and cracks in the windshields, abandoned, is odd enough. This was quite a hasty evac.

Despite the odd conditions and road clutter, Tim can maneuver around the debris and make it to the campus after only a few minutes of drive. While the Humvee's ruggedness surely helped, there were a number of bumpy areas ((Good thing those guns were on safety.)). The lack of traffic signals made it pretty consistent, however.

In transit
After Kendrick has the clip loaded, Thompson tosses him another. He then loads the remaining gun with a clip, and stashes a final mag in his pockets. ((4 magazines total.)) There are 5 bullets left in the pack, clip-less.

You pull into a parking lot less than a quarter filled with cars. You've seen only one other person on the way. He looked like a bum, quite dirty and worn, and he was rummaging through an expensive looking SUV.

You are outside the Dorms. A light breeze blows various paper and litter about the area.

2008-09-15, 02:29 AM
Martin cautiously looks around and gets out of the Humvee, leaving the medical kit inside. "Man, it's pretty creepy with the city all deserted like this." Robert pulls out the scalpel form his pocket, looks at it and puts it back in his pocket.

Forgotten T.S.
2008-09-15, 01:35 PM
Ken watches the doors open up... and as the sight of the city hits him... so does a bit of the situation. He keeps his position in the gunner-seat... but he can only watch in blank shock at everything.

'This is... just wrong.'

After the hit their first bump, it shakes him back into the present. "This is hell... I mean... you see it on movies. Play it in games. Laugh with your friends about what you would do in these cases... but... to actually be here..." He didn't realize he was talking out loud, but kept doing it anyways.

"I wonder how Jon and Steph are... maybe Nathan and Wade got out of Kentucky." Snorting at the thought of those two, he kept his eyes on the world around him... his finger hanging off the side of the trigger, a mental safety so not to bump the hair-trigger while on the bumpy ride.

As they pulled up to the Campus, he pointed out directions to Tim til they pulled into his apartment parking lot. He saw his Harley sitting in front of his apartment, he had chosen to walk down to the Tech Building today... it was such a nice day out.

As they pulled to a stop, he hoped out of the gunner seat, snatching up his bag and looking back, "Going to need a couple others to come with me... a lot of Ammo." He quirked a smile before turning and heading towards his Apartment. As he passes his bike, he pats it slightly, confirming to himself it was still there.

2008-09-15, 02:16 PM
Ken notices his bike is slightly askew... and as he gets closer, he sees a dent on the back. It looks like someone bumped it pulling out since he left.

Thompson replaces ken in the gunner seat and waits.

Forgotten T.S.
2008-09-15, 02:19 PM
Ken stops once he gets close enough, and kneels down to assess the damage to the bike.

He lets out a relieved sigh after a second, "Just a ding... no actual damage. Jerks."

Getting up he made his way to his apartment, but waited for whoever was coming before he went in.

2008-09-15, 03:07 PM

"See ya soon." he says, as he gives an sarcastic little wave. With his other hand, he starts jotting down exactly what they'll need to grab once they reach the Walmart.
-Dry & canned foods
-Hot plate
-Plastic utensils
-Water, lots of water
-Trash bags
-Tool kits
-Method of entertainment, possibly cards.

If you can find the drugs behind the counter, don't bother with the ones off of it. The boxes are too big and waste space.
-Aspirin/Acetylsalicylic acid/Buffered anaesthetic

First Aid / Medical Kit stuff:
-Bandages, lots of them
-Antibiotic soap, preferably liquid
-Disposable gloves, non-latex preferred
-Sterile instruments, especially scalpels
-Sterile needles

2008-09-15, 03:16 PM
When Kendrick gets our of the Humvee to help Ken load up, he just looks around at the deserted city, gun at his side. Ok is it just me or is this kinda cool. I mean really, the entire place is deserted. Thats kinda cool right?", he can't help but to smile at the situation.

Forgotten T.S.
2008-09-15, 03:21 PM
Ken looks over his shoulder at Kendrick, he keeps his voice a little low, but with out an ambient noise of the world... it's just as loud as normal, "A little... but honestly? It creeps me out... it just feels, wrong. Then again... the other way around always felt wrong also."

He shrugs.

2008-09-15, 03:47 PM
Kendrick continues to chuckle lightly to him self. "Right, well I'll stay here with Ken and help him load up while you guys hit the Wal-Mart. Hey, Ben was it?, can I see that list I have a few suggestions.

2008-09-15, 04:02 PM
Gunner walked with the others to help get the ammo. He seemed lost, he'd never been to college and, honestly, never really been on any type of dorm, so he was rightly confused. Nearly taking wrong turns several times, and finally catching himself.


2008-09-15, 04:46 PM
Martin scoots over to one side of the car since now he's not squished in and has room. "Unless you need a forth person, I'll stick with the others to go to Wal-mart. I guess we can hit the clinic on our way back to the shelter."

2008-09-15, 05:15 PM

"I heard that after Chernobyl, they had to play recordings of wildlife because the silence was too unnerving for the hazmat teams to stand." Greg then passes his notebook over to Kendrick. "Knock yourself out, Kenny. Anyone know what happened to the bums, by the way? It doesn't seem right to waste time evacuating people who f*** up their lives even outside of a crisis."

2008-09-15, 08:01 PM
Kendrick takes the list from Ben "My name is Kendrick, not Kenny." he goes and adds things to the list, like tents, generators, gas, lamps, wood and the like. "I don't think we should split up, it leaves us to open to ambush. Also I think we should also stop by a police station, see what we can grab as far as arming ourselves. I don't like what Thompson said about the bunker being defenseless."

2008-09-15, 08:11 PM
Thompson gestures to the front seat when Ken gets ready to leave, there are a pair of Walkie talkies.

2008-09-15, 08:37 PM
Tim looks at the walkie talkies, then looks at Thompson and asks
"Any idea what type of signal strength those things have? And on top of that do we have any idea just how close the nearest Wal-Mart is?"

He sits there contemplating but just for a minute.

"It's up to you guys what you want to do. We can split up, group one can gather anything useful from the apartment, and group two can swing by Wal-Mart grab some stuff and come on back. But whatever we do we need to make sure to keep in touch."

2008-09-15, 08:41 PM
I reckon we can get a couple miles outta these. I don't know this area though.

2008-09-15, 08:46 PM

"Let's just go. They're raiding an apartment. Only the owner knows where everything is, and it's small enough that too many people would just muck it up. We're not soldiers, we're supposed to be helping people, not shooting bugs. Supplies are way more important than ammo when half of us don't know how to shoot and all of the evacuees need food."

2008-09-15, 10:44 PM
Sounds good to me. Radio us when your done here, we'll be somewhere in or around the store.

Wal-mart raiders, Team A:
- Tim
- Greg
- Robert
- Thompson

Campus looters, Team B:
- Gunnar
- Ken
- Kendrick

Forgotten T.S.
2008-09-16, 11:36 AM
Ken half-salutes to Thompson as he takes one of the Walkie-Talkies, and then with Gunnar and Kendrick he makes his way into the dorm complex. Hitting down the transmitter on the walkie-talkie he says, "Thompson... the Wal-Mart is about two miles down the road. Just leave the campus down the road we came in and take a left. You won't be able to miss it."

He swipes his ID card on the scanner to the complex and lets the two others in. Slowly they make their way up to the fourth floor. He pulls out a ring of keys, and after taking one, unlocks his door. 4B.

As the door open, the interior of the room is dark. Flicking a switch... the two others are introduced to a rather... odd sight. The inside of the apartment appears to be... a 9th Century Viking Ale Hall. A large half-log-like table, with stools and benches. Furs and tapestries run across the walls. In one corner of the room sits what appears to be a suit of Knights Armor on an armor rack... surrounded by what appears to be... padded weapons?

As they walk in, they can see the place is rather big, and further down the room, is a complete polar switch to the old-world feeling. Instead, it seems like some strange sci-fi setup. The walls are covered in drawings of schematics and formula's, a desk housing a docking station and a huge array of electrical tools and some what appear to be chemical stations. Another table making the work station into a U-Formation, houses a variety of weaponary, guns mostly, but a police baton rests off to the side also.

Ken smiles as he looks around, "Home sweet home." He looks over to the two others, "Have a seat guys... I'll pull the ammo-boxes out of the bedroom, and then assemble to guns back up. I was cleaning them last night..." With that he makes his way through a doorway into a dark room. He doesn't flick on the light... merely seems to guide himself around with the memory of where he must keep things.

As they guys look around the room they are in... they notice a large lump of furs, which upon closer inspection is actually a futon-couch just layered with a variety of soft furs. Hanging above the couch, oddly enough (and extremely out of place among every other element of the room) is a painted portrait of Michael Richards.

2008-09-16, 01:31 PM
Gunner takes a seat on his fur-ton (hur, hur) and begans looking around at the area.

quite a...nice place you got here. his words crack on 'nice.' Better than mine, anyhow.


2008-09-16, 03:02 PM
Kendrick moves to the wall with the electronics and schematics. He notices a pen lieing around and makes a correction on one of the formulas he see's, not know what its far and not really caring. He locates a computer terminal and hops on searching the net for any more info on these things.

((research check 1d20+5=18 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1733900/)))

2008-09-16, 03:37 PM
As Tim watches the other group walk into the building, he then pops the Humvee into drive once more and turns to drive out of the parking lot. As he pulls the Humvee into the Wal-Mart parking lot he shutters, realizing just how creepy a giant store like Wal-Mart is when there isn't the hustle and bustle of hundreds of people running in and out with last minute purchases or dinner for tonight.

He pulls into one of the spots he can find nearest the store. Just in case they need to get out of there in a hurry.

"Well, here we are gentlemen"

He turns the Humvee off and steps out, closing the door behind himself. He grabs his bag figuring they could throw some stuff in there.

"So where to first?"

Forgotten T.S.
2008-09-16, 07:43 PM
OOC Note: There is no computer on the desk. There is merely a docking station for a Notebook Computer to hook up to.


Ken walks out of the room, carrying several ammo-boxes in metal containers into the living room. He sets it on the log-table, and then walks back into his room and returns with another arm-load, and a dufflebag. He looks over to Kendrick, at the desk, but shrugs and loads up the two dufflebags with the ammo containers.

"Alright... just need to assemble the guns and we will be good."

He walks over to where Kendrick is and smiles, "Mind if I borrow the chair?"

2008-09-17, 12:20 PM

The Walmart looks much like it ever did, but the almost empty parking lot, with carts at random intervals. As you get closer, you see a couple more dirty looking people, probably bums, making their way to the store. It looks like they wanted to jump you or something as they glare while you drive by, but the machine gun is probably a good deterrent.

The doors of the Walmart are open.


All seems quiet at the Dorms.

It's been aprox. 30 mins since you left the hanger.

2008-09-17, 03:02 PM
"Hey Ken, are your parking spaces assigned?" Kendrick looks out the window paying particular attention to the vehicles left behind.

Forgotten T.S.
2008-09-17, 04:19 PM
Ken reaches down to a small metal case and sets it down on the desk. Slowly he unlatches it and opens it up to reveal an unassembled rifle. Methodically he begins putting to the large rifle together, snapping the butt into place as he aligns the stock with the barrel, "Assigned parking? Wish I could get that lucky. Nah, it's pretty much a joy-luck f*** out there for parking."

2008-09-17, 05:21 PM

"So that's where the bums went. Comedic timing at its finest."

Greg looks at his notebook after Kenny's revisions and frowns. "Tents? Wood? We're helping civilians, not going camping." He quickly makes a few copies and hands them out. "Meet me at the pharmacy when you're done. I know what to look for."

OOC: This is an IC vs OOC decision. As a player, I should be trying to acquire weapons and equipment for personal survival. As a character, I'm assuming everything will end up all right and getting what I think other people need.

2008-09-19, 01:23 PM
Greg and Robert climb past the counter and spend a few minutes ransacking the Pharmacy, and find many supplies. They will be able to fill their pockets and bags with Medicine, Syringes, and other supplies.
((If you were looking for something specific for your character, let me know and Ill tell you if you have it.))

Tim, while looking through he store, sees the hunting section and the guns. As he approaches, he hears a scratching noise from behind the counter...


The guns will take a little while to assemble, but you can be done in about 10 mins with help.

2008-09-19, 02:22 PM
Martin looks for medicines that might be needed in special cases, antiseptic (bottles of medical alcohol), pain killers, allergen blockers, inhalers, insulin, blood thinners and medicine for those with heart disease. Also he looks for vitamin C tablets and bandages.

((I don't think any of these will come up in game, but being a doctor, I think he'd look for this stuff.))

2008-09-19, 02:36 PM
Nearby the Pharmacy, Roberts can find first-aid supplies, enough to gather 2 First Aid Kits and a Medical Kit if he'd like.

This place looks like some people have already looted some of the supplies, but you haven't seen anyone since you came in, and other parts of the store look worse off, either from panic during evac, or something else. However, the aisles are still pretty well in-tact.

2008-09-19, 03:27 PM
When Tim hears this scratching he can't help but wonder what it is. He immediately stops what he is doing and moves as quietly as possible to the source of the noise.

Well this might be exciting

Move Silently Check:

2008-09-19, 03:47 PM
As Tim approaches the counter, he finds that the noise is coming from behind it, the part where it isn't glass. As he gets even closer, the noise stops... and a sound of a bottle rolling along the ground can be heard. A second later, it comes into view around the side of the counter, it is a whiskey bottle.

A low groan comes from behind the counter.

2008-09-19, 04:27 PM

Greg is stuffing anything he needs into four shopping carts, with two for important items and two for slightly less important items. He figures that the group has time to make a few trips. "Don't forget the blood sugar test kits and nebulizers. Also those stabbing things you use for blood tests." he says to the overdressed physician. Whenever he finds anything that's particularly useful, like gauze and medical tape, he stuffs it in his bag.

2008-09-19, 04:28 PM
After hearing the groan from the other side of the counter Tim leans forward trying to get a glimpse of what is on the other side.

Hide Check:

2008-09-19, 04:36 PM
As soon as Tim's head pops over the counter, the person on the other side's head snaps up quickly.

Tim sees a man, probably homeless, in a dirty black cap and similarly dirty coat. His bushy beard is matted and it looks like he might have been drooling into it. One eye doesn't focus correctly for the moment he looks at Tim. This man is drunk.

However, that is the least of Tim's worries. After a second of staring up, he tumbles forward from his sitting position and now you can see the Hunting Shotgun in his left hand. Rolling on the ground sloppily, he brings the gun to bear where Tim was, and fires!

The blast cuts a circular hole through the counter, but Tim withdraws in time. He is now ten feet away from a drunken hobo with a shotgun with only a broken wooden counter between them.

Tim 9
Hobo 3

The doctors can hear the gunshot come from the side of the store.

2008-09-19, 04:41 PM

"The f***?" Greg decides to keep searching for supplies. He's unarmed and that military guy could handle it. What was that guy's name, Strom Thurmond?

2008-09-19, 04:56 PM
When they have finished assembling the guns. "Well we should head back I'm sure the others will be waiting"

2008-09-19, 05:13 PM
Tim AC:16 (20, with half cover), HP:8/8

After that shot time immediately backs up as far as possible. While running to his left he pulls out the flare gun he had tucked into one of the pockets of his EMT vest. He makes a point of running into the aisle just enough to break line of sight, but not too far. He wants to be able to take a shot at the guy with his trusty flare gun.

He pops around the corner to take a pop shot at the bum with the gun.

He figures this thing has gotten him out of tight spots before, what's wrong with lighting a guy on fire to get him out of this one.

Attack roll:
Damage roll:

2008-09-19, 05:21 PM
((Shortest round ever.))

Tim manages to get around the corner before the hobo can balance himself and pump the weapon.

His flare, fired from the corner of the Aisle, flies at the drunk, but misses him due to erratic flight of the flare. It burns a hole in the other side of the desk, and quietly illuminates the whole corner in red.

The Hobo takes a moment to stand up and steady himself. He yells incoherently and shoots another blast at Tim's corner. The shot is not even close to hitting, and buckshot takes off the top part of the Aisle... across from Tim.

2008-09-19, 06:02 PM
After watching the flare char the corner of the counter Tim can't help but smile on the inside almost in disbelief that he actually fired a flare at a person. Its something pyros dream of.

He immediately takes five steps further into the aisle, pops the flare out and pops another in.

Five foot step
Full round: reload internal magazine

Forgotten T.S.
2008-09-19, 06:04 PM
Ken snaps the last cartridge into place, pulling back the hammer, and loading the barrel. Flipping the safety he looks to the other two, "Ok fellas... I'm ready. Can either of you shoot?"

As he says this, he tucks a .50 Desert Eagle into an underarm holster, while slinging a M4 Carbine over his shoulder. "I've got a spare Desert Eagle... the Spaz... and the Rifle." He picks up the baton, and tucks it into his ammo-belt loop. "The Spaz isn't a difficult piece of metal. Just aim, and fire. It'll blow a hole through a solid cement wall..."

He walks over to his jacket rack and throws on his leather jacket, looking back to the other two, "So... I'll probably carry the rifle unless either of you are partial to it. The siting is accurate up to 3/4 of a mile."

Walking back over to his stuff he picks up the walkie-talkie, "Thompson, come in. Campus Team is clear and ready, we have a good stockage of stuff here. Do me a favor and tell your team to look for any 5.56, 7.62, or 12g Shotgun rounds. I don't think that Wal-Mart carries any .50 amoo."

2008-09-19, 06:11 PM
A: ((The docs can be coming if they like, it will take a few rounds to make it there.))

The hobo yells again as Tim withdraws. He leaps over the low counter, stumbles and rounds the corner quickly, almost running into Tim. He stops just before him, it looks like he was expecting Tim to be farther around it.

Tim is now face to face with the shotgun hobo. He smells horrible; booze and trash combined.

Thompson comes in with some static "Got it... Im outsi-... in humvee..."

2008-09-19, 06:29 PM
Tim AC: 16 HP: 8/8

As soon at Time Realized the hobo had taken the time to vault over the counter and run at him, he realized the barrel of the gun was in his face. As Tim realized being at the end of a shotgun barrel is a dark place, he immediately took a step back and fired another flare directly at the Hobo

Five foot step
Attack Roll:
Damage Roll:

2008-09-19, 07:04 PM
((Search check for meds (Forgot) [roll0]))

"That was a gunshot!" Martin runs to the noise, pulling out his dagger and looking for a better weapon on his way. (A mop maybe?) He turns to Greg "Arn't you coming?"

((Search for a more effective weapon [roll1]))

((The Heck? I've been calling my character Robert? Bagh! It's probibly easier to stick with Robert. :smalltongue:))

2008-09-19, 07:08 PM
((Two things:

Foolster, you can get there next round if you started when the first gun shot went off. 3 rounds total.

And, It would be good if people can start their post with their character name, since we seem to have to have some confusion.))

2008-09-19, 07:15 PM

"One: I have no clue what that gunshot was for, it could've gone off accidentally. Two: You crazy? All I've got is some pepper spray. I can't do s***. If you really want to help, go get that army guy. He'll know what to do."

2008-09-19, 07:31 PM
Tim's attack hits the shelf to the side of the man, a space blanket on it ignites a few moments later.

The crazed man clicks he trigger again, but finds the double barrel shotgun to be empty. He yells once again, and swaggers up and swings the firearm at Tim.

The butt of the gun smacks Tim in the cheek with some decent force. (3 Damage)

Robert/Martin? (Ill use Martin. I dunno where Robert came from) arrives at the aisle just after Tim is hit in the face.


Forgotten T.S.
2008-09-19, 09:18 PM
Ken Rice - Gun Totting LARP'er

He sighs as he looks down at the walkie-talkie, then looks back to the others, "Well... there's three of us... and almost thirty pounds of Ammo, plus the guns. That won't fit on my bike... so. We wait around... or want to check a few of the houses for keys... or I could try to hotwire a car."

2008-09-20, 12:19 AM

"I was thinking the same thing. So my vote is to hot wire a car, since the parking spots arnt assigned it would be a needle in a hay stack trying to match a key to the right car."

2008-09-20, 12:45 PM
Group A's combat:

2008-09-20, 03:32 PM
When Martin arrives, he goes down the isle on his right, trying to sneak around behind the hobo. ((I'll roll the sneak checks when it comes to my turn.))

2008-09-22, 03:27 PM
Tim AC:16 HP: 5/8

Tim lets his trusty flare gun go as he attempts to compromise any shred of balance the Hobo had and bring him down.

Free action: Drop Flare Gun

Trip Attempt:

Strength Check:

2008-09-23, 01:01 PM
Kendrick looks around the parking lot taking special note of any pick-up trucks.

2008-09-23, 03:11 PM
Gunner walks out of the building and helps look for any vehicle that would work..although a truck would certainly help.

Spot: [roll0]


2008-09-23, 04:28 PM

The hobo swings the shotgun like a club above Tims head as he ducks to try and sweep his feet out from under him. Tim's legs kick at the Hobo's shin, but the weak kick is stopped by his enemies heavy feet. The crazed drunk swings a kick back at Tim, but he's able to jump back quickly enough. (Counter-trip opposed: 6 VS 17)

The drunk shoves a hand into his tattered coat and pulls out two more shells, breaks the gun, and loads them in.
((No AoO as Tim is unarmed.))


There is a shortbed pickup, and a few small SUV's, and a number of compact cars.

2008-09-23, 04:45 PM
Martin goes up the isle as far as he can, trying to get behind him while ducking his head down enough to not be seen. ((If their high shelves, then no need.)) If and when he is close enough he stabs the hobo in the back.

((Move silently: [roll0]
If Applicable Attack and damage rolls: [roll1] [roll2]))

2008-09-25, 04:03 PM

Kendrick jogs to the the light pick-up truck and takes a pocket tool out of his pocket. He folds out the screwdriver tool, kneels by the door and inserts the tool into the doors lock and twists it around.

Disable Device

2008-09-25, 05:19 PM

A few minutes after Kendrick has been working with some success, three arrows suddenly thump into the truck, at least one came a little too close for comfort to his hand.

Hey Ken, I know you've got guns. Share the wealth, man!

Three boys with competition-bows from the PE department are positioned behind you, on the other side of a concrete railing parallel to the Dorms. Ken recognizes one as a member of the Archery team, Jerry Blakers.
Just leave us the Sniper and a Handgun, and nobody gets hurt, alright?
All three boys have their bows pulled back again, aiming at the party.

((Don't have access to your sheets at work right now, please roll your init for yourself this time.))
Archers 12


2008-09-25, 05:54 PM
Kendrick HP:7/7 AC:11(+4 total defense, possibly +4 from cover)

Kendrick whips around the car, taking cover behind the truck. He pulls the pistol up and aims it at the others.

init (1d20+1=6) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1744486/)

((5 ft step SE, total defense action,))

2008-09-26, 08:09 AM
Gunner (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=78881)

Initiative: [roll0]

Gunner stands a bit confused, but looks down at his hand....his axe still there...and looks back up. ...do you really want to do this? Before dodging up and trying to get behind a car.

Move to the farthest right spot behind the car.


Forgotten T.S.
2008-09-26, 10:50 AM
Ken blinks as he looks over his shoulder at the boys, and frowns. Slowly he turns to face them, arching a brow as he sets his hand on the M4 Carbine's handle as it hangs off of his shoulder, "This is a big mistake..."*

With quick reflexes he ducks over to the Car right next to Gunner**. He lowers himself down onto his belly and kicks off the safety on the M4 Carbine... preparing to unleash total hell***.

"Just walk away, boys. We don't need to be fighting eachother, there are enough things in this world to fight already."


*- [roll0]

**- Move Action - Move 2E, 1NE.

***- Free Action - Fall Prone. Gain a +4 to AC vs. Ranged Attacks. Gain Total Concealment.

Forgotten T.S.
2008-09-26, 11:31 AM
Ken watches the boy closely for any indication that they are going to give this up... and having saw none, decides the only way to stop them. He shifts himself forward a bit, getting a clear line-of-site to Jerry Blakes*.

After getting the braggert little nancy in his sights... he fires.**

Hopefully putting a round into Jerry, he shouts out again, "Get out of here, kids. I don't want to kill you."


*- Added Movement to Previous Actions (Considering I Won Int) - I'm merely making myself visible to S1 and JB, I am still Partially Concealed. I am not actually moving out of my hex, since I can move a line base-to-base with them.

** Standard Action - Attack JB

[roll0] vs. JB's AC

2008-09-26, 06:00 PM
Tim AC: 16 (20 with Total Defense) HP: 5/8

Tim had never expected to come up against such a well prepared hobo. As soon as he sees the shells come out of the pocket he freezes but just for a second.

NOT good

Tim makes a point of reaching for his trusty flare gun. Figuring if he can't trip a drunk, at least he'll have his gun back.

Total Defense action
Move action: Pick up flare gun

2008-09-26, 07:26 PM

Last round:
Martin moves closer, but bumps into a shelf and knocks a fishing pole over. The hobo doesn't seem to react to that in any way.

This round:

Tim Picks up his gun and is light on his feet.

The Bum (predictably) blasts another two shells to very little effect. He makes the most frustrated grunt-yell yet!



Goes to ground and rolls behind the tire of a midsize sedan and pops a shot out of the Carbine and into Jerry's shoulder, close to his heart. He reels and doubles over, yelling:
****! MAN! Your not the only one that needs protection! Whadaya think these bows are gonna do against frickin' aliens?!

Gunnar moves around the car, keeping low.

JB drops to the ground and out of sight behind the concrete barrier.
DO IT! He yells.

His lackies draw back their bows and shoot... at the truck. One pierces the front-left tired and it begins to deflate. The other is deflected harmlessly off of the Truck's Hubcap. The student who shot the failed shot yells EFF THIS! and takes off around the corner of the dorm to the north, leaving the Longbow (But no arrows). The other moves around the corner, farther from Jerry, and crouches behind the wall (9/10ths cover).

Kendrick takes up his firing position.
((Not a 5 foot step since it would be through the truck, but a 10 Ft move works, and a Total Defense is only an attack action, so it still works))

Ken 23
Gunnar 20
Archers 12
Kendrick 6

Maps for both:

Forgotten T.S.
2008-09-26, 07:33 PM
Ken frowns and calls out, "If you want protection, come with us. We have barracks and a safe location we are all falling back to. The Military is running it, we can all be safe. Don't make this worse."

He keeps his gun aimed, waiting patiently.

2008-09-26, 11:00 PM
C'mon! Come with us to the bunker! The more people we have, the easier everyone can be protected! Despite his pleas, he moves out to attempt to....'deal' with the problem.

Move four west, two north.
Total defense action (defense is 15 with it)

((What does Jerry have in his hands? A bow?))


2008-09-27, 12:23 AM

There is no response to Ken's statement. As Gunnar approaches, he can see Jerry looks to be passed out, slumped against the 3-foot or so wall. It looks like he was trying to bandage up the gunshot when he lost consciousness.

The last student-lacky dashes (South 30 Feet) which bending over. He stops for a moment later, he tosses something through the air! A moment before it impacts, everyone in view can see it is a Molotov! It is aimed at the truck, and explodes on the back window, spreading flames all over the top, and bed, of the truck. The pyro remains crouched behind the wall. (1/2 cover)

2008-09-27, 01:14 AM
Martin continues around the corner, when he gets close, he attempts to stick the knife up to the hobos back or throat.

2008-09-27, 09:37 AM
Kendrick HP:7/7 AC:11(+4 total def. +>4 cover)

Kendrick checks to make sure he is not on fire then makes a quick dash to hide behind the car to Gunners right. "Let us help! Your friends not in good shape, if he doesn't get help soon, he'll bleed to death. Its not a good idea to be out here alone no matter how well armed you are. just give up and come with us.


((30 ft move, the total def action.))

2008-09-27, 12:43 PM
Please! Come with us! Or, at least let me help this man! He's dying, and I can help! Gunner runs over to Jerry and sees what he can do to staunch the bleeding.

I don't know if he's dying or whatever, but I'mma try and stop the bleeding.
Treat Injury: [roll0]
-4 if you rule without the med-kit.

Move to Jerry's right and try and help him.


2008-09-27, 01:10 PM

100 XP

((End combat rounds))

Gunnar is able to stop the boy from bleeding by using his own medkit. After a moment(and possible a gentle shake) Jerry wakes up. ((He's had his once per day 1d4 HP restored.)) Uhh..... what... Wheres Craig and Bradshaw? He is slowly regaining his senses.

Kendrick's plea to the other student makes him stop. When he hear's Jerry's voice he peeks over the concrete. He yells I thought you was dead, JB!

Forgotten T.S.
2008-09-27, 10:47 PM
Ken looks over his shoulder at the still aflame Truck. He gags and throwing his M4 around his shoulder to his back runs for his bike. His eyes keep moving to the truck... it was on fire, it was only a matter of time til it exploded. He shoved his key into the ignition, turned it, and then hammered down on the clutch as he revved the engine... trying to get his bike as far from the truck as he can.

2008-09-28, 02:48 PM

Kendrick walks over to the burning truck, and tries to grab his knife out of the door, trying not to burn his self. After retrieving it he goes to the car and tries to pick its door, lock.

2008-09-29, 02:31 PM
Gunner helps Jerry get up, and supports him.
You alright? That was a nasty wound...

He takes him over to the car, and sets him down. If they could get in, they would be home-free.....hopefully...


2008-09-29, 05:49 PM
Martin grabs the hobo.

((Hobo gets Attack of Opportunity?
Grapple check [roll0]
Hold Check (Free Action) [roll1]))

2008-09-29, 09:26 PM
((He has a ranged weapon, nothing to AoO with, I think. The addition of the rifle butt makes this harder to understand.))
Martin comes around the back and lunges at the crazed drunk, but trips a bit and misses.
((In the future, you need a touch attack. The grapple check failed either way.))

Next round



As Gunner helps up JB, JB seems a little bewildered.He will support himself and walk to the car. His lackey stands up and looks at the ground sheepishly. He walks over to sit next to Jerry on the hood. I... I guess I got carried away.

Just as Ken is about to wheel out of there, it becomes evident that the truck didn't ignite, as the alcohol all burns off and the fire subsides.

Ken and Gunner, Kendrick is too distract picking the car lock, notice something in the sky. It looks like two or three jets very high up, leaving a smoke/cloud trail. You'll need binocs or something else to look any closer.

Forgotten T.S.
2008-09-30, 12:35 PM
Ken looks up, covering his eyes as he tries to see what is up there. Grumbling he reaches into his satchel and pulls out a pair of binoculars and looks up.

2008-09-30, 01:46 PM

Kendrick, still kneeling at the car door yells over to Ken. "Ken, What the hell was that back there? You just opened fire on those guys. You didn't even give them a chance to surrender. What were you thinking? In case you failed your spot check, those are humans and we have laws against attempted murder in this country. Care to explain your self?"

Forgotten T.S.
2008-09-30, 02:33 PM
Ken blinks as he lowers his binoculars from his observation, "Are you deaf, dumb, or blind? They had weapons pointed at us. Hell, they had explosives with them! I'm not going to risk my life to give them a few extra seconds at contemplating the best way to punch a hole in my chest with a stick. We have laws in this country about self-defense, too. Not that laws matter much at this point. Don't act all high and mighty and joke about it with your lame D&D quips. I'm aiming to live through this, if you are aiming to die... start walking West."

He looks down as he checks the gauge for gas on his bike, it was fullup from where he had refilled yesterday. You had to stay ontop of cheap gas, the country was going to the birds.

After making sure everything was working he pulled out the walkietalkie, "Thompson. We were jumped by a few guys, we're all ok, but I plugged one in the chest. He'll live, I think. We are on our way to you guys."

2008-09-30, 03:13 PM
Thompson responds with a garbled transmission, but it sounds like "Got it".

As Kendrick finishes the lock, Ken discovers that he can't find the things in the sky anymore. The Grey car looks fairly new, about a year, and the back has some trash strewn about that can be thrown out or ammo piled on.

2008-10-01, 11:44 AM
Tim AC: 16 HP: 5/8

Tim stows the flare gun back in the pocket on his mesh vest it came from.

Move Action: Holster weapon
Attack Action: Trip attempt
Touch attack: [roll0]
Strength check: [roll1]

2008-10-01, 02:02 PM
Hey, man, what were those things? Gunner makes a gesture towards the sky where the...objects where earlier. He occasionally looks back over to make sure their wounded was still okay.

Finally, after several moments of confusion, he walks over to Kendrick, and looks at the car. Ya know......they have laws against grand theft auto, too....Anyways, almost got it?


2008-10-01, 03:25 PM

"What things?... and there is a big difference between grand theft auto and homicide, besides were not stealing the car. We're commandeering it under marshal law. And yes he gives the tool a final twistI'm done."

Forgotten T.S.
2008-10-02, 10:57 AM
Ken looks back up into the sky, scanning it, "I've got no idea... Mr. Lawyer over here distracted me. However, they looked like planes. It's probably the first wave of the Military falling back." He sighs and hops off the bike, tucking the binoculars back into his bag.

He walks over to the Ammo Cases, opens up one and pulls out a couple clips for the Carbine and tucks the into his bag. He might need that, considering how things were going. Then, he picks up the cases and moves over to the others and sets it down, waiting to see how the car theft is going to go.

Reaching down he pulled out the walkie-talkie, "Hey Thompson. We spotted some movement in the skies, looked like planes. Confirm?"

2008-10-03, 12:13 PM
A (AKA The longest, most uneventful combat ever! :smallamused:)

Tim summons all that hand-to-hand combat they taught him in Ambulance School and fails horribly. Luckily, so does the Hobo as he tries to knock Tim off balance.

The hobo reaches into his pocket again... and yells in rage! It seems like he's out of ammo. He hurls the Gun at Tim ((Atk: 4)) and it goes wild, missing. He yells slurred incoherent curses and takes off down the Aisle ((Proviking AoO if you want.))

75 XP for both of you


There is no response on the Radio. Kendrick can gain access to the interior of the car. JB and his friend are talking quietly to each other as you guys go about business.

((In the future, if your using a gun, after your HP and AC, write your Ammo left/Ammo Capacity in the mag. Less of a problem now when your all on Semi-auto, but when Burst fires and Strafes start going on, reloading is more common.))

2008-10-03, 01:22 PM
Robert HP: 6/6 AC 13
((Meh, Actually never mind. I'll let him run.))

2008-10-03, 04:50 PM

Let's see, I saw this on TV once, I always wanted to try it.

Greg grabs one of the carts full of supplies. He charges forward while pushing the cart, and when he gets up to speed, places both feet on the bar at the back of the cart.

"Wheeee!" he says, rolling down the aisles.

2008-10-03, 10:33 PM
Gunner watched as the car door was finally opened. Sweet! You're the man! Can you get this POS started? I hope so, I don't want to be here if the military's gonna start droppin' more "Fat Boy"s.

((A cookie if you get the reference))


Forgotten T.S.
2008-10-04, 11:19 AM
Ken revved his bike up and cruised it over next to Kendrick and Gunner, 19101

He looked over to Jerry and his friend, "Hey JB, let's get you guys into this thing. We are going to meet up with our convoy and get back to our hidey hole."

He looked to Gunner again, "Here..." He unslung the rifle and handed it to Gunner, "Keep it in your hands... don't let those punks have it. It's pretty much the only one I can't carry with me while I have the others stuff here. However, I'm packing an assault rifle and a spaz here, I don't really need this on me, either." He reaches into his jacket and pulls out the Desert Eagle and hands it to Gunner, "The safety isn't on." He gives the man a look, then tosses another over his shoulder to the conspiring JB and friend. He lets out a soft breathe and looks back to the other two.

"Hope the others are ok, Thompson hasn't responded yet."


OOC: You are referencing feces (POS).

Oh... and nuclear genocide. Almost forgot that one.

2008-10-06, 03:07 PM
Tim just stands there for a moment or two taking the situation in. His incredibly resilient adversary had fled, leaving a nice little memento. Tim reaches down and picks up the weapon that almost blew his head off, and almost blew a hole in his chest.

This is the one time that the saying "If it does not kill you, it makes you stronger" actually works. I have a shotgun now.

Tim turns to Martin "I was almost killed by a hobo and all I got was this stupid gun." He has yet another grin on his face. "Thanks for the help"

After picking up the shotgun Tim walks over to pick up his duffel bag. Then he walks to other side of the gun counter and starts rummaging around grabbing any sort of useful weapon, and any type of ammunition that has not been removed yet. While Tim is rummaging every now and then you can see his head pop up almost like he is taking a breath. He pauses for a moment and almost as instantly as his face popped up it pops back down and he goes back to his rummaging.
((Trying to describe a search that can be as humanly thorough as possible))

((Edit: Ha, sorry there. Looked back as a guide for the name and went with what I saw))

2008-10-06, 05:47 PM
Martin shrugs. "Well, I didn't do much, but I tried.". Martin helps Tim look for stuff like ammo, looking specifically for shells the shotgun that was formerly owned by the hobo, but any other guns or ammo he picks up as well. Martin then gets an idea "Any point in getting some airsoft guns? Not quite as high-power as the real things, but they might do in a pinch at close range, usualy wal marts carry a few though I haven't bothered looking for any yet, I think they'd be in this department."

((Edit: Bah. It's MARTIN, not ROBERT. I need to keep reminding myself. I caused the confusion in the first place by calling him Robert, and there are posts still I can't edit because it has rolls with "Robert". :P))

2008-10-06, 06:13 PM

After screwing around a bit, Greg goes outside to load up the supplies in the back of the Humvee.

2008-10-07, 01:14 PM

Tim (Taking a 20) finds 4 shells that will work for the shotgun, all in different boxes. It looks like the bum got the rest... or someone else.
There is some random bullets for various hunting calibers as well. ((If you want to look for a certain one I can tell you how many, if any, can be found.)) There are also Hunting Knives and a single Cold Steel® Machete (http://bekleidungskammer.de/images/97PM%20Cold%20STeel%20Panga%20Machete.jpg) under some ammo-boxes on the ground.

Martin could go looking for Airsoft guns if he wants, he will find the aisle with them close by relatively untouched

((They will have the stats of a paintball gun from Urban Arcana (http://www.dominion-x.net/d20-msrd/ArcanaEquipment.html). That is, - dmg, 1d3 nonlethal on a critical.))

As Greg walks outside with the supplies, he can't see Thompson in the turret at a distance. As he approaches the humvee, he can see two bodies of what look like different hobos or other people left-behind on one side of the truck in a pool of blood. As he approaches, he can see Thompson sitting in the back of the Humvee looking straight ahead. He doesn't acknowledge Greg.


JB and his ally will go where they are directed. They havn't spoken to anyone else since they were captured. JB still looks a little in shock or out of it somehow.

((Ready to depart? Make a drive check. Taking 10 can be done. There is some debris in the road and abandoned cars, but it's not too bad.))

2008-10-07, 08:36 PM
((Wouldn't that be air riffles and pistols, lsited on the same page? Anyway,I'l take a look, taking a 20.))

Robert looks through the airsoft isle, seeing if there's anything worth taking.

2008-10-08, 11:33 AM

"Tom, you there? I need to load stuff up."

2008-10-08, 11:58 AM
Martin realizes that he was confusing airsoft for air guns, and starts looking for those instead. ((taking 20)).

2008-10-08, 04:56 PM
Gunner helps finish loading up their new rig, and, just as he turned around, was handed a rifle and a pistol....odd.

Ummm...alright? I can't really shoot them, but I'll keep 'em safe for ya..anyways, you guys ready to get goin'?


2008-10-08, 06:13 PM

"I'll drive, and shooting a pistol is nothing hard, just aim and squeeze the trigger. Nothing to it."

2008-10-10, 07:44 PM
Yeah....that's what they told me about keeping a ruptured spleen secure...


2008-10-11, 05:34 PM

Martin can easily find a few Pistols or Rifles, it looks like the looters took the real guns but pretty much ignored these.

((Remember that pistols take a Co2 Cartridge, but Rifles don't from what it looks like.))

Greg calls out to Thompson, and Thompson looks up, then rises a moment later and comes to the side of the vehicle.

I killed 'em man. Civilians. They just wanted a ride... They wouldn't listen...

His eyes dart back and forth to the bleeding corpses and away again.


Everyone can load up with Kendrick, Gunnar, JB and this friend in the car, and Ken on the bike.

The short ride passes rather uneventfully. Somehow, the city seems even more dead than before.


As Thompson is suffering a mental break down, the Convoy from Ken's house arrives. They can see the two dead bums face down a little ways away from the Humvee.

2008-10-11, 05:48 PM

Greg switches to a much softer tone of voice. He didn't want to sound confrontational, Tom had just been through an ordeal. "Dude, it's okay. You did what you had to. You just need to calm down a bit. Help me load this stuff up, there are other people in this world that need help, we can't forget about them."

Greg checks the bodies to see if there are any signs of life. If there aren't, then he tries to think of a way to dispose them without causing contamination. Afterwards, he starts loading the supplies into the humvee.

2008-10-11, 06:26 PM
The couple of large caliber machine gun wounds to the chest on both victims identify cause of death. There is a dumpster nearby that would allow relatively safe, if crude, disposal.

Thompson begins to come around.

They weren't armed or nothin'. I told 'em to go to the shelter, we didn't have room for more people... but they kept coming. All moanin' and stuff. *ahem* Anyway yea, we need to look out for our own.... wait....

He looks at a watch on his wrist.

Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. We better move our asses! We're within the scheduled attack time! Where the hell are the other two?! This sobering thought seems to bring him around.

((Martin and Tim can be on their way out by now, and arrive shortly))

2008-10-11, 06:44 PM

"Scheduled attack? They're bombing us!?" Greg loads the supplies as fast as he can, trying not to panic.

2008-10-12, 01:40 PM
The projections they briefed us on said that an alien attack force could be here any time now... Crap, I hadn't even thought of what our forces are going to be shooting. We really need to leave.

2008-10-12, 03:17 PM
"I'm going to get a cart, I'll be right back." Martin says to Greg. He goes and gets a cart ((I should have thought of bringing a cart from the beginning. :P)) and brings it and loads all the air pistols, riffles, Co2 Canisters and bullets he can find. As well as any real guns and ammo he found. "We probability should get back to the others."

2008-10-12, 09:50 PM

"Crap! Really! Ok load up quick, just give me a second." Kendrick runs to the opening of the store and yells at the top of his lungs."GUYS COME ON WERE LEAVING NOW! LOAD UP." then he runs back to the car and turns it on revs the engine and prepares to leave.

2008-10-13, 09:34 AM
Gunner was happy to reunite with the others, a big grin spread across his face....that was, of course, until he learned of the impending attack.

How could you not tell us this?! No! It doesn't matter, we need to get the feth out of here! Pack your stuff, and load it up!

Gunner moves to try and help people load up and grab last minute things.


2008-10-13, 09:47 AM
Tim finishes rummaging around. He puts the shells into one of the pockets on the front of his vest and then puts the machete he finds into his bag then stands up. He then sling the shot gun over his shoulder as he walks out of the store and back to the Humvee.

Once Tim makes it to the Humvee he climbs in and and looks around
"Everyone here?"

2008-10-13, 02:03 PM
Martin heads out with Tim. "I think that's everyone."

2008-10-18, 06:18 PM
Just as everyone is about to load up, Ken happens to spot something in the sky once again! These are clearly the same types of things he saw earlier. He can manage to get the Binocs ready in time,and gets a closer look. They appear to be moving across the horizon quite fast. He can't inspect them closely as they are moving quickly and hard to focus on, and the Binocs only zoom so close. They appear to be some sort of Rain-drop shaped black metal vehicle of some kind. They are streaming a white jet of smoke... or steam behind them, out of the skinny part of the Raindrop shape. There are two that he can see, one is larger than the other from your perspective, so it looks like they are heading for different places and are farther apart than they seem from the ground.

If you didn't know better, they would look like Bombs, but even the biggest bombs probably wouldn't be visible from as far away as these things look to be.

2008-10-19, 10:11 AM

"I know you're already stressed out right now, but this is the time to leave. Gun it!"

2008-10-21, 12:10 AM
Let's get outta here! Those things are goin' somewhere, and I dun wanna be here to find out were, GO!


2008-10-21, 11:27 AM
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, give me one . . . . . . ." The Humvee starts "There we go." Tim asks really quickly, "To the base, right boss?"

Tim then pops the Humvee into drive and then heads back to the base

Drive check:
You know, just in case

2008-10-21, 07:20 PM
Martin hangs on as the Humvee lurches foreword suddenly. "Wiag! Careful. We don't want to crash!"

2008-10-22, 05:18 PM
Tim is able to gun it and keep control of the large vehicle. As you make your drive back, you can start to see more and more of these pods. A few are close enough that you can tell they will be landing somewhere fairly close.

Tim dodges a few road obstacles while keeping a high speed and will make a short trip out of the normally 30 min or so ride. The car can follow Tim as well. However, just as the Hanger you departed from comes back into view, you finally see what you all have been dreading. At the mouth of the hanger is one of the large drop pods. It looks like a sleek black metal with engravings looking like circuitry running all over it. A large triangle section appears to be missing, the inside of the pod looks very dark. Obviously this one has opened and whatever was inside appears to be out now.

You can start to hear scattered gunfire from somewhere in the city, but it's still quite faint and sporadic.

2008-10-22, 05:25 PM

"W-wh-at is...can someone please tell me this isn't real? I don't care if it is, just say it!" Greg is shivering with fear. All he can think of is that he's going to die and have a cheap funeral.

2008-10-22, 08:41 PM

Kendrick brings the car to a slow stop, and shifts it into park in front of the pod. He unbuckles his seat belt and slowly exits the vehicle, walking slowly towards the drop pod. "Do you guys know what this is. This is huge! This is ... everything. This is proof of intelligent life in the universe. I always assumed but I never expected, not in my life time, to actually see proof. Kendrick proceeds to walk towards the strange pod, almost in a daze, hands slightly outstretched towards the opening.

2008-10-22, 09:06 PM

As Kendrick attempts to stop the car, Greg starts screaming at the top of his lungs. "WHAT THE **** ARE YOU DOING, YOU ****TARD!? KEEP ****ING DRIVING OR WE'RE ALL DEAD!" If Kendrick actually leaves, Greg hops into the driver's seat and drives off without him.

OOC: To be honest, your character is acting like an idiot. You're leaving the rest of us alone, for something that could be in all likelihood a weapon. Are you in the belief that just because the DM put it there, it's not going to kill you?

2008-10-23, 01:29 PM

When they stop, Martin loads the air riffle and points it to the drop ship. "I don't like the looks of this."
When Greg jumps in the front seat, Martin puts his hand on the driver's shoulder. "Wait, what about the people in there? They may need our help! It's only one drop ship and we have weapons."

2008-10-23, 03:00 PM
Wha....what the hell is that?! We need to get around it..or...destroy it...or SOMETHING!

It's obvious that he's never seen anything like this, heh, who could have? He's seen some bad things, but this one of the only things to truly scare him..

When you look into the abyss, the abyss looks also into you...

That was the one thing that popped into his head that he would actually remember later...


2008-10-23, 05:44 PM

"Where do you think I'm going? We're going to drop off our supplies and do what we came to do. What the rest of you do next is of no consequence to me. I just want to get to the other civilians and drop off these ****ing supplies, got it!?" Greg can feel his blood pressure rising, he thinks to himself that he should have swallowed some anti-anxiety meds back at the Walmart.

2008-10-23, 07:11 PM
Interrupting everything is the loud gunfire of a large caliber machinegun, fired nearby. Very Nearby.

Thompson fires off about 15 rounds suddenly, he had manned the gun as soon as the pod came into sight. Looking in the direction his barrel is facing, you don't see anything suspicious except some new bullet holes in a building on the edge of the block behind you about 20 yards away.

He seems a little shaky, and doesn't say anything at first.

2008-10-23, 09:02 PM
After hearing the shells tink and tank all over the floor and roof of the Humvee Tim turns to Thompson "You okay up there?"

2008-10-24, 02:05 PM

"What was it?"

((I'm a little confused by the order of action here. I assume the gunfire stopped Greg from driving off, right? Also, I had thought the pod was right in front of the bunker, so driving wouldn't be necessary to get to the bunker since we're there. ))

2008-10-24, 02:12 PM
((It is in front of the bunker))

It's...a... I saw one! Prolly came from the pod! I swear! I just caught a glimpse of a... tail or somethin'. It was black and spined or something. I dunno if I hit it. Thompson looks a little sheepish now.

He point in the direction he shot at. It's down a street to a 4 way intersection.

((Background: The hanger is around an area that is inbetween an industrial district and commercial district. The street is mostly a few single story shops, but in the other direction there are some factories and other larger buildings a little farther off.))

2008-10-26, 11:19 PM
Okay! A couple of you, grab the stuff, get it inside! And then a couple people can stand guard until everyone is safe, who can shoot?! We need to get inside. NOW!


2008-10-27, 07:13 PM

Greg parks the car by the shelter and prepares to unload stuff. He tries to find a military officer, something needs to be done about Thompson's PST.

2008-10-28, 01:55 AM

When the car Martin gets out, sweeping his weapon between the direction of the pod and the door and to where Thompson said he saw the alien. When he sees nothing he helps unload, but keeping his weapon ready and giving nervous glances.

((PST? Do you mean PTS/Post Traumatic Stress?))

2008-10-28, 07:03 AM
OOC: Yes. I got my acronyms mixed up with radio stations for a minute.

2008-10-28, 02:46 PM
No one notices any more traces of Alien, or otherwise, activity. It will be slow going carrying everything down the ladder, but the use of backpacks will make it more practical.

Thompson is indeed freaking out a bit, and will concede the machinegun position if asked.

At the bottom of the ladder is an intercomm system, as the large bunker-style doors are sealed now and impassable.

2008-10-29, 03:29 AM

Martin presses the "talk" button on the intercom. "Hey it's us, er the guys who went out for supplies with Thompson. You guys alright?"

((Can I assume Greg changed his mind about driving away? Otherwise, since I wouldn't jump out of a moving vehicle then I guess I'm in the vehicle instead and don't do this.))

2008-10-29, 07:39 PM
Gunner helped move stuff along while still holding on to the guns...he didn't know how to use them, but damn if he didn't look intimidating...

Any luck on that comm?


2008-10-30, 01:54 PM

While the others are getting supplies into the bunker Kendrick moves to inspect the large drop pod, gun in hand. He moves slowly and cautiously but with obvious eagerness at the same time. He doesn't speak this entire time unless spoken to.

2008-11-04, 11:42 PM
((Had this typed out, then closed the browser by accident. It was a morale breaker. :smallfrown:))

There is no response on the intercom. A moment later the door un-seals and begins to open. You see the area that, last time you were here, was filled with scared looking civilians and armed soldiers. Now, nothing. The room is dark, and across the large room you can make out another large door, slightly illuminated by a small florescent light by that door's intercom.

Kendrick, looking in the pod, can see that there a number of little lights, but it looks strangely empty, not the high tech space ship one might expect. ((Skill checks can be made to determine more))

2008-11-05, 04:36 PM

Martin holds the gun ready at the darkness, ready to shoot anything threatening that jumps out. He carefully searches


2008-11-05, 04:59 PM

Kendrick crawls into the dropp pod to further inspect it.

((Knowledge Technology [roll0]

2008-11-05, 07:12 PM

"Somebody check that out, I'm going to leave the engine running in case they decided to evacuate."

2008-11-05, 11:29 PM
Tim pulls out his trusty flare gun and checks to make sure it is loaded

Atleast I dont need to worry about hitting or missing anything this time

After walking through the recently opened door he fires a flare clean across the room, as far as it will go. Once the flare lands he stows the dlare gun back in the pocket he got it from then reaches into his bag and pulls out a road flare.

He lights that and begins to look for anything he can spot in the slightly better lit room (slightly is an over exaggeration in this case). He is looking around to see if there is any sort of light switch on this side.

Search check:

2008-11-05, 11:32 PM
Search Check:

((Sorry, the space kinda snuck in there))

2008-11-07, 10:34 AM
Hey! What's going on?! Where are all the people that were there before? And what the hell are you doing getting in that thing?! Gunner looks over his shoulder to shout, Get outta that thing, it might be booby trapped of something!


2008-11-07, 05:01 PM

I low, echo-y voice floats out of the pod almost as if not wanting to be heard "You don't booby trap your trash"

2008-11-07, 09:29 PM

You are able to determine this pod appears to lack any control mechanism whatsoever. Either it is remotely controlled, or it is Dumb-launched. The only recognizable interface is a little green light that is next to a violet light. Only the green light is on at the moment. It is probably an indicator of the status of the lock on the pod.

Bunker team:

Tim's traveling flare uncovered a horrible site, briefly, as it flew by and hit the large concrete doors. On one of the walls is a pile of gore and bodies. They all appear human in the moment you see them. If you go to investigate, you can begin to smell the coppery smell of blood. Tim's road flare is a poor torch, but if you get close, you can see these people, or parts of people, appear to have been cleaved in two. Even in the bad lighting, you can see that none of them appear to be the soldiers you saw earlier. They are all in Civilian dress.


Kendrick, Gunner, and Greg are topside. Martin and Tim are under the hanger in the bunker. I just wanted to make this clear. I really don't mind if you want to skip over/retro a bit and change locations. Gunner can talk to Kendrick as he descends the ladder, or whatever. Well, except for Martin and Tim. :smallcool:

2008-11-08, 01:33 AM

"Oh my god, what happened here? They're dead!" Martin looks at the door."If no one's here, then how did the door open?"

Martin goes to look for any controls that would have opened the door.

After that, he goes to the concrete doors. "Cover me." he says, and when he gets cover he opens the door.

2008-11-14, 09:05 AM
Gunner hears screaming. oh...od....hap...ere...ead! And couldn't figure out what was going on.

What happened down there?! Is something in the bunker? Gunner called out.


2008-11-14, 04:08 PM

Kendrick pokes his head out of the pod when he hears Gunner call out. "Did you guys find something?" He crawls out of the pod and heads towards the others.

2008-11-14, 06:20 PM
Martin sees a darting movement coming from the darkness to his side.He can turn to see a bug-like creature about the size of a human. It's hard to distinguish in the darkness, but it looks to be covered in some kind of shiny black carapace. 5 Dull Yellow points of light look to be it's eyes, arranged in a circle on a squat square head, almost like that of a beetle, but with a short neck. In the bad lighting, Martin cannot distinguish more... except that it appears to be close. In fact, a moment after Martin looks, it lets forth a shrill shriek and attacks!

Suprise round:
Buggy monster

Everyone, roll Init. Everyone besides Martin and Tim are 2 Move actions away(Gunnar is only 1 Move away, heading down the ladder.), so it will take a full turn to get to the doorway of the room the attack is happening.

2008-11-14, 06:30 PM
Kendrick AC:11 HP:7/7


Kendrick walks calmly to the ladder unless he hears a scream or some other alerting noise than he runs with pistol drawn.

2008-11-14, 09:21 PM

"What the hell is taking them so long?"


2008-11-15, 02:00 AM
"Aaggh!" Martin jumps back in surprise. When he can, he fires his gun at the creature.

Inititive: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2008-11-15, 06:54 PM

Initiative: [roll0]

2008-11-15, 07:07 PM
Martin shoots a bullet out of his Air rifle in surprise at the creature, and it looks like the shot was way off.

The bug reveals from the darkness a clawed appendage, actually a bladed arm! He swipes at Martin, and the scything attack cuts Martin's shoulder! (1d4+2=3)

Surprise Round over.

Init so far:
Monster 20


Key: The red stuff is the approximate location of the gore and bodies. The double lines are the large doors, the one in the bottom right is open. The 2 movement I mentioned for everyone else will leave you on the right side of the bottom door. You may be able to get LoS to the creature, but remember it is still very dark, shadowy illumination around the monster as Tim's dull road flare is the only light source. Check the OOC if you haven't.

2008-11-24, 04:46 PM
Kendrick AC:11 HP:7/7

Kendrick contiues casually toward the latter unless he can hear sighns of the struggle.

2008-11-27, 10:34 PM

Greg shuts off the engine and tells Thompson to sit tight. He reaches into the trunk to get a weapon and prays that he won't end up shooting himself.