View Full Version : [4E]Expedition to the Forbidden City

2008-09-10, 08:17 PM
OOC-Just to make things easier for the two of you.

The weather couldn’t be better for traveling as you leave Westgate. The well traveled route to Nathlekh City rolls by quickly and without difficulty. Way stations where traders gather for evening rests provide some additional news about your chosen route. Attacks on caravans from Xorhun (on the other side of the mountain range) bound for Nathlekh City have increased. Something or someone seems to be driving monsters out of the mountains and forests and into more desperate activities. Rumors of a lost shipment of enchanted ceremonial armor that being searched for by one of the more prominent trading costers of Nathlekh City (the Jade Monkey Coster) and the reward offered for it.

Some updates about your travel companions:
1.Tom and Johnny Carter work well as a father and son team. Johnny begins his training with the longbow and shows an aptitude for it. He is already proficient with a crossbow and is learning quickly that an increased rate of fire is only the beginning of the upsides of using a longbow.

2.Tracker keeps out in front but makes a habit of checking back with the caravan throughout the day. His dog, Toadkiller, lopes along with the caravan and is generally playful although you notice that he becomes "still" when he takes notice of something (i.e. birds and other small game).

3.The other drovers (Jim, Eric, Ken, Jack, and Bill)seem to get along well with one another and appreciate you (Gildin) taking charge. It only takes 2 nights for them to get into a routine for setting/striking camp.

Members of the Caravan include:
One Trail Boss: Gildin Dineden
Six Drovers: Tom Carter, Jim Skinner, Ken Dedman, Jack Carder, Bill Driver, Eric Hand
One 14 year old son: John(ny) Carter
13 mules (12 for the six wagons, plus Gildin's as a spare, rotating through to keep the teams fresh)
One Scout and his Dog: Tracker and Toadkiller
Six Adventurers (The Falcon's Shield):
Marigold Falconshield, Human F, Ranger
Willem "Billy the Mole" Human M, Rogue
Quag Myzrym ½ Elf M, Wizard
Daxus Human M, Fighter
Balustrus Dwarf M, Fighter
Sashana Ouijen Human F, Cleric (Tymora)

2008-09-10, 08:18 PM
The younger Carter is quite happy to learn what you can teach him about the use of the Longbow but he seems to be enamored of the Rangers (both Marigold and Tracker). He wants to grow up to be a rugged outdoorsman like his Da but he's full of questions about tracking game and what plant/animal is what. They don't seem to mind his curiousity and he does actually seem to be absorbing some of their lessons.

Willem seems to think that checking into this missing cargo might be worth it, even if it's just in case you stumble onto it. It never hurts to have other opportunities in the wings if your current job doesn't work out in his opinion.

Daxus and Balustrus are determined to teach the card game of Tonk (something they picked up in their mercenary days up north) to everyone in the group. Somehow they manage to spend hours theorizing on which hands would beat which and how likely these hands are to occur in any given game. They try to draw Sashana into these discussions and take her word on probabilities when they cannot come to an agreement (given her choice of Diety) but they are less likely to draw her into a game than others in the caravan. If they spend as much time thinking about warfare as they do cards, you won't have much to wory about when it comes to protection.

Marigold and Tracker spend quite a bit of time going over maps of your destination, there's a lot of "what if" in their conversations but most of it has to do with rationing supplies in case their information is wrong about the location of Azehur. Toadkiller seems to be more intelligent than other dogs. He will sometimes stare and lean his head to one side when these discussions take place.

Quag and Sashana have their own debates, most of which sounds like nonsense (metaphysics, etc).

2008-09-10, 08:19 PM
Tracker/Toadkiller background information:
Me and Toadkiller have been together for quite a while now. He saved my bacon two years ago while I was checking out a swamp to the south. I suppose I should know better than to poke around the borders of a plagueland by myself but when your young and invincible, you do some stupid things. So there I was being the explorer and I managed to walk right into an ambush. I got caught in a snare and up I went [insert gesture] and this gods awful racket started *apparently there were pots and pans tied to the snare line*. After realizing that I'd better get a move on and cutting myself free *falling for 10 feet or so takes the wind right out of you* I had been surrounded by frog men, I believe they're called Bullywugs.

I tried explaining that I hadn't meant to tresspass on thier lands but they weren't to interested in listening and attacked. That's when Toadkiller made his appearance, bounding in like some giant puppy wanting to play, he took down the largest of the Bullywugs by breaking his leg with one bite while I kept the rest of them from making a Tracker kibob out of me. The rest of the Bullywugs decided that I wouldn't make that good a meal and took their leader and left. We've been together ever since and sometimes I swear that he can talk *scratches Toadkiller's head*

2008-09-10, 08:21 PM
Quag's thoughts on the strange dog:
The plaguelands can bring all sorts of changes to man or beast. It wouldn't be unknown for even the most common of animals to exhibit signs of hightened conciousness. There've been tales of communal intelligence developing in squirrels to the point of developing "tribal" cultures that guard their territory as jealously as a wolf pack might. Do not wander into these lands to find out for yourself, there're plenty of things that escape from them to be seen.

2008-09-11, 12:07 PM
OOC: Ok, how are we doing this? Should I make up a character for one of the drovers? If I go with that, I was thinking Ranger/Rogue.

2008-09-11, 05:54 PM
OOC-That'll work. Just pick one of the drover names (either as your own or as an alias). Set him up with 1000xp, 250 gp for equipment.

2008-09-11, 06:31 PM
OOC: That will be amusing, since Gildin is about to become a Rogue/Ranger... :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-11, 07:19 PM
OOC-No you may not pick the skin off of a bear, I don't care how good a modifier you get. :smalltongue:

2008-09-12, 01:12 AM
OOC-No you may not pick the skin off of a bear, I don't care how good a modifier you get. :smalltongue:

Aww... wait, what? :smallconfused:

I chose Eric Hand (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=81037), cos it was the only name that didn't sound too much like a homicidal maniac. Or at least, less like a homicidal maniac.

2008-09-12, 05:14 AM
OOC: Homicidal maniacs? Dang, that wasn't what I was aiming for at all. Although, I suppose teamsters potentially involved in organized crime COULD be construed as homicidal maniacs... :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-12, 06:24 AM
Looks good. I will try to post the next section later today (depends on work how early I get it posted) so that you have some direction on what's going on.

2008-09-12, 06:58 PM
Nathlekh City:

Stopping to resupply at Nathlekh City you notice something very different from Westgate. The feeling of being watched as you move about the “trade ward” of the city. This ward is separated from the rest of the city (outside the walls) and has its own taverns, inns, stables, and blacksmiths. The city proper is off limits to outsiders after nightfall but your limited view of it leaves you with the impression that it is clearly more orderly (and clean) than Westgate could hope to be.

A man approaches you at the inn you’ve occupied for the night, he is of typical Shou appearance but carries himself with the confidence of authority.
“Welcome to our city traveler. I am Oguchai Li and I have a proposition for you since you are traveling southward if you are interested.” He pauses to gauge whether or not you might be interested before starting again. “My family has need of services that you and your group seem most able to provide. We were to accept shipment of armor and weapons that was being transported by caravan from Xorhun but it (and the rest of the caravan) has never arrived.”

2008-09-12, 07:16 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

Gildin nodded politely at the merchant to indicate he should continue. "Sounds like a reasonable task to me, but I'll have to clear it with the others. When do you need an answer, sir?" Gildin asked, with real interest.

2008-09-13, 06:16 AM
Oguchai Li:

You may leave word with the owner of this establishment before you leave. What is important is that I show you what it is that we are searching for. With this he brings out a small scroll with detailed drawings of the lost items. It is typical Shou styled armor (to your eyes) made of interlocking laquered plates embossed with the Jade Monkey design used for their Coster. I will leave this with you, if you take with you I will see that as a sign of acceptance on your part.

While it's a side job, it gives the two of you something to work with while the others are off being "heroic"

2008-09-13, 08:26 AM

Eric looks at Gilden, then back at the merchant. "I don't see how it would be a problem on our part." He pulls out a deck of cards. "Maybe you'd like to stay for a game of Tonk?"

Of all the people Daxus and Balustrus taught Tonk to, Eric enjoyed it the most. While he wasn't that good, he was enthusiastic, enjoying the game rather than the winning.

I am also going to take up an chance to say "tonk" :smalltongue:

2008-09-13, 09:20 PM
Oguchai Li:

I would be happy to accept your offer of hospitality and a game of chance but I have other pressing matters at hand. Perhaps if you are able to recover the lost items, I will again have the opportunity to learn of this Tonk. Oguchai offers a polite bow before turning on his heel to exit the inn.

2008-09-14, 08:10 AM

"Shame. Seemed a good sort." Eric says as the merchant leaves. He picks up the scroll and admires the drawings. "Fancy. Probably wouldn't look good in it meself." He slaps Gilden on the back. "Nuther ale, son?"

Ok, he suddenly became quite Cockney... I keep thinking of Eric Idle :smallbiggrin:
I should be getting the FRPG this week, so I'll pick a proper background for him when it gets here.

2008-09-14, 01:35 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

Gildin returned the Shou's bow and sighed. It probably wouldn't be hard to talk Tracker and Marigold into looking the other way for this side task. He quirked an eyebrow at being addressed as 'son', but let it pass. "Another ale indeed," he replied.

2008-09-14, 05:59 PM
I will be out of town when my copy of the FRPG arrives so you'll have a bit of a head start on me. My posting will be sporadic this week since I'm working open-close (12.5 hours) tomorrow and then fly out on Tuesday for meetings until super late Friday. Not sure when I will be posting but the hotel has wifi available so it should be at least once a day.

2008-09-21, 01:06 AM

Eric heads to the bar and returns with two mugs of ale. He pulls out a deck of cards and begins shuffling, looking around to see if anyone is interested in a game.

Eric is up for some ol' fashioned gambling, if he can.

2008-09-21, 07:14 AM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

"I'll play, but only until I've finished my ale. I should really discuss this side job sooner than later with Marigold and Tracker," Gildin said beckoning the cards to him.

Later, his ale dry, he excused himself from the table and took the scroll to Marigold first, assuming she and Tracker weren't in the same place. He outlined the job, and explained the Shou's sincere demeanor. "At the very least, it looks to be a chance at some extra gold with little to no cost to us in terms of time," he concluded.

Diplomacy? [roll0]

2008-09-21, 07:40 AM

I see no harm in keeping our eyes open. If we get lucky, we might stumble onto the remains of their caravan near the city. From the word being spread, it seems as if "things" are streaming out of the foothills we have to cross in order to reach our destination.


Nodding I agree, something seems to have poked a nest of bees with all the reports of caravans being attacked. I think we might should be able to do a little extra searching while on the way.

2008-09-29, 11:59 AM
Is this one still going?

2008-09-29, 07:15 PM
Yup, sorry, been a bit distracted lately

Your restocked wagons roll out of Nathlekh City the next morning. While you are eager to reach your destination you can see that the drovers are beginning to get more tense by the hour. Maybe it was something they heard, tavern talk for the most part but it’s always wise to heed warnings when traveling into unknown territory. Your second day out begins with a thinning of the track. Less local travel means that the route is a bit more overgrown which doesn’t do much to slow you but causes a few jumpy moments (i.e. when game is disturbed). The nights seem to become filled with more sounds than before but that might just be your imagination.

The third day has Johnny Carter with Tracker and Toadkiller. The boy has taken a liking to your guide and has been nagging him to show him how to distinguish different tracks from one another. Close to midday Johnny comes running back to the wagons from over a small hill, he’s waving his hands over his head in an attempt to get your attention. Marigold (in the lead wagon) jumps down and moves forward to get to him while you make sure the wagons all know to stop. They both return to the group and she calls for the adventurers to gather ‘round.
Tracker and Toadkiller have spotted what appears to be a hastily prepared ambush up ahead. Several men (or so Johnny thinks) have taken up positions above a raised bank (which would overlook the trail you’re following) while others are hiding in a roadside ditch on the other side.

2008-09-29, 07:16 PM
I think so, but I wasn't sure exactly where to go from Soulcatcher's last post. Just nod agreement with Tracker and Marigold?

Edit: Or maybe just wait a minute or two for the DM to post... :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-29, 07:58 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

"So what's the plan? You ambush the ambushers while we guard the wagons in case they have reserves? We can circle up here and wait, if you like," Gildin said, mostly to Marigold

2008-09-29, 08:52 PM
Sorry but was catching up on the market taking a huge dump today...wonder when that'll end

I think we should continue on as planned, Tracker and I can move up behind the bandits on the hill while the rest of you walk right into the ambush. Ready for action and aware of course. Marigold smiles as she outlines her plan. Moving the fighters up beside the wagons while the wizard prepares a ball of fire to chase the bandits out of the ditch where they're hiding. We should be able to handle the men on the hill she nods to Tracker and Toadkiller as long as you can hold them lower contingents attention.

2008-09-29, 09:47 PM

When he hears of the ambush, Eric pulls a bow and a quiver of arrows from one of the carts. He rests them beside him, in easy reach but otherwise unnoticeable from outside the wagon.

2008-09-30, 05:24 AM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

Gildin nodded, then set about passing the word to the teamsters, directing loaded crossbows all around. For his part, the elf lent his bow to Johnny Carter and loosened a few shuriken in their sheaths. Since they were walking into the ambush, it was going to be a short ranged fight, he reasoned to anyone looking askance at his choice of weapons.

2008-09-30, 08:01 PM
Marigold and Tracker (along with Toadkiller) move off into the brush and quickly disappear. The wagons move along the trail with the drovers donning the last of their armor and preparing as best they can.

Willem and Quag walk beside the last wagon, sticking close to the side to stay out of sight.

Daxus and Balustrus have moved up to the lead wagon and look prepared to jump down and charge.

2008-10-25, 07:50 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

As the caravan neared the ambush site, Gildin palmed a shuriken, his nervousness getting the better of him.

2008-10-25, 08:10 PM
The first attack comes from Quag who launches a flaming sphere at the men in the ditch. This kills the first two and drives the rest from cover. With Willem watching his flank and back and the wagon providing cover from the bank, he is able to concentrate and move the sphere in and out of the enemy ranks. Daxus and Balustrus charge the remaining bandits and begin to cut their way through them with relative ease. Several screams are heard from the bank above and to your left but they are short lived. The drovers have little to do other than control their teams as the only time one of the wagons is in danger, Willem is able to drop the bandit in question with a well placed knife throw.

Marigold comes down the bank and the adventurers begin searching the bodies of the bandits. There is little of value to be found and from a look at their equipment, they weren’t very successful bandits. A final scream from the bank is heard and it’s enough to send chills up your back. Tracker and Toadkiller come down the bank shortly afterwards. Tracker takes his dogs bowl down from the wagon and pours him some water before he approaches you and Marigold. Walking away from the wagons he tells you both that he doesn’t think this is going to be the end of the bandit attacks and that you would all do well to make sure you are being watchful. Their leader complained of being driven out of better caravan lanes by competition from bands of humanoids (orcs/goblins/etc) so they were forced closer to Nathlekh City in search of someone to rob.

He goes on to say that we should make a statement to other highwaymen with the bodies (hang them from the trees). The bandit camp was located within a small copse of trees up the trail and has little other than their ragged tents and some personal effects.

2008-10-25, 08:12 PM
I forgot to mention that you've built up another 250 xp on the way, getting old and distracted sucks. Congratulations on 2nd level

2008-10-25, 08:19 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

Gildin nodded agreement, and fetched some of the extra rope he had insisted on bringing, grinning to himself the whole time. With help from the drovers, he set about stringing up the lot. When the task neared completion, he asked Quag, "Any chance of magicking up a suitable sign? Something along the lines of 'we were bandits'..."

I'm not sure what skill rope use falls under these days, but I don't think it'll be too taxing regardless. For Quag, I was thinking prestidigitation could do some lettering on a cloak or something.
Edit: I took a power hit in the middle of posting this... I"m just glad it went through. Woo hoo on 2nd level for Gildin! I'm looking at 'Warrior of the Wild' for his feat, and Acrobatics as the class skill therefrom. And probably Fleeting Ghost for a Utility Power... :smallamused:
Edit2: I changed my mind and took Athletics instead. I think it makes more sense given what he's been doing for the last few weeks (i.e. not a lot of tumbling around).

2008-10-25, 09:54 PM

"Ugh, how morbid." Eric is ill at ease with the suggestion. "Why don't we just stick their heads on pikes?"

2008-10-25, 10:25 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

"Pikes? Talk about a mess. Blood everywhere, and you still have to deal with the bodies. It's much easier just to string 'em up by their feet. That makes it clear they died in the act. If you'd really rather put one on a pike, feel free, but we're leaving as soon as we're done with the rest, so make it quick," Gildin said in a business like tone.

2008-10-25, 11:16 PM

"I wasn't serious, Gilden. I'll leave all this... dalliancing to you..."

2008-10-26, 06:17 AM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

"Well if you weren't kidding, grab a rope eh? The faster we get this done, the faster we're back on the road," Gildin said.

2008-10-26, 07:24 AM

"You wanna get moving? Then just leave 'em where they lie. They'd have done the same for us, I don't feel like spending more time on em than they are worth." With that he heads back to a cart and sits tight.

2008-10-26, 11:39 AM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

Gildin grumbled something about good help being hard to find, then grumbled some more about not being allowed to pick his own men. With help from the other teamsters, the bandits were strung up in relatively short order, and the caravan was back underway.

2008-10-26, 08:57 PM
As you leave the traveled route and begin your slow trek into the wilderness you understand why you were warned against traveling near the plaguelands. Every step closer feels like another pair of eyes begins watching your progress. The terrain becomes broken and you have to double back a number of times to avoid natural hazards (ragged tears in the land, almost as if ditches were dug or the claws of some gigantic beast raked it, dense copses of trees that you would have to cut your way through, etc). While this has slowed you down, it has not stretched your supplies (10 days vs. 5 days) due to the increase in game animals in the region.

2008-11-12, 02:06 AM

Eric avoids Gilden for a couple of days, going out on hunts and trying to keep to himself, but he otherwise tries to be "good help."

2008-11-12, 10:04 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

Gildin made sure the least pleasant tasks found their way to Eric for a day or so, but otherwise made no further remark on his behavior.

2008-11-12, 10:18 PM
Lol, I'm not sure if he deserves it, but he'll do it to get back in Gilden's good books.

2008-11-13, 09:19 PM
Well, Gildin can't just let it pass. Next thing you know, there'd be a Teamster's Union! :smallbiggrin:

2008-11-13, 09:51 PM

The plains give way to hills and the vegetation becomes denser as you get closer to the mountain ranges which loom ever larger in the distance. You have made up some of the time you lost on the previous leg of your journey and are almost back on schedule. You have fallen back primarily on your supplies as game has thinned out once again. Tracker and Marigold are both scouting ahead of your wagons due to an increase in prints that they’ve both seen. While this causes concern you have yet to find who/what is leaving all the tracks behind so other than some additional precautions (teamsters traveling wearing their armor, etc) you haven’t been inconvenienced.

2008-11-13, 10:29 PM

Noticing the tension amid the other teamsters, Eric too begins keeping his bow close and wearing his armour more, even sleeping, for fear of midnight raids.

It's tempting to start whispering in the other teamsters' ears, spreading dissent :smallbiggrin:

2008-11-14, 10:14 PM
Gildin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=16103)

Gildin was glad to see the teamsters begin to take the danger seriously. Having never gone without his armor, he had begun to worry they didn't appreciate the danger they were in.

Dissent? Out here in the wilderness? Mighty long walk home, you know. Especially without pay or supplies... :smallamused:

2008-11-14, 10:30 PM
Ooh, some of the teamster's won't be liking those kind of threats. Careful, or your head will be on a pike, messy as it is :smallwink:

Hehe, I think I'll let this drop, before I really take it too far. I don't want all our characters to hate each other :smallamused: