View Full Version : World in Flames!

Thanatos 51-50
2008-09-11, 05:46 AM
Hello, Playground.

I'm in need of a spot of assitance with Mercanaries 2: World in Flames.

Namely - I can't find out how to customise vehcilces and stuff. Apparantly, this is usually a non-issue as I don't see any GameFAQs on the subject, but... help?

Oh, yeah, discuss the game in general here, too.

2008-09-11, 06:20 AM
Customise vehicles? No such beast, as far as I know. The mechanic you recruit is capable of building custom vehicles, but you need to find the spare part crates scattered around the world for her to be able to do that, and she just works like any other shop--e.g. you pay X amount and you get Y of a particular vehicle she can build.

Thanatos 51-50
2008-09-11, 06:48 AM
Well, there go my dreams of a badass british girl riding around on an anti-tank motorcycle.

2008-09-11, 11:19 AM
Well, there go my dreams of a badass british girl riding around on an anti-tank motorcycle.

The motorcycles don't handle well anyway, so you're probably better off missing them out. Much more fun to ride around in a tank or a missile-firing helicopter, anyway!

Thanatos 51-50
2008-09-11, 12:20 PM
I'm actually a fan of the motorcycles, and find them quite enjoyable.

Funny enough, soon after I posted that, I evidentalyl gathered the correct spare parts to obtain the panzercycle.
Which is basiucally an armoured motorcycle with an armor-piercing minigun and a LOT of ammunition.
It is, indeed, quite enjoyable. I can take out light-armoured vehicles with it!

On a random, somewhat approriate subject change: Artillery Strikes - Overpowered and underpriced?
I got about 25 of them sitting in my stockpile, plus they're all over the world map. Its kinda my favourite airstrike, next to the laser-guided bombs (Which are just really useful for when you can't get close to the target.

Also, between my last post and this one - I've polished off the HVTs and Target Buildings for both UP and PLAV.
Underwhelming. (Though admittidly, I haven't used the luxury car, yet.)