View Full Version : Need ideas

2008-09-11, 12:18 PM
So, the framework is this: There is an insane person at some sort of public event.

Elaborate. :smallsmile: How are they insane? Where is it? Let your imagination run wild. Thanks all.


Tempest Fennac
2008-09-11, 12:24 PM
Could they be insane due to drugs problems while being at a carnival or something similar? Why do you need ideas for something like this?

2008-09-11, 12:25 PM
I'll explain after I get some ideas. :) I don't want to bias results.


2008-09-11, 12:28 PM
They think everyone is trying to paint their fingernails while they're not looking.

Their eyes are drawn immediately to the color blue and they can't look at anything else.

They believe themselves to be Jesus/Napolean/Prince Phillip/the Queen/the lead singer for Queen/a lizard.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2008-09-11, 12:29 PM
A woman in the stands at a baseball game. She believes that the outfielder is a demon based on a misinterpretation of his jersey number. She plans to dump a Nalgene bottle filled with holy water on him whenever the opportunity appears. This will expose him for all to see.

Like that??

Don Julio Anejo
2008-09-11, 12:52 PM
Multiple personalities disorder where one of the personalities is agoraphobic? :biggrin:

A woman in the stands at a baseball game. She believes that the outfielder is a demon based on a misinterpretation of his jersey number. She plans to dump a Nalgene bottle filled with holy water on him whenever the opportunity appears. This will expose him for all to see.

Like that??

Is the woman's name Buffy Summers by any chance?

Thanatos 51-50
2008-09-11, 12:54 PM
Said individual has a knife. Said individual is female. Said individual is in the mall.
Said indivdual is stabbing everybody with blue eyes in the left kidney.

2008-09-11, 12:56 PM
A paranoid delusional and antisocial yet brilliant man has won a Nobel prize or similar award for his outstanding and revolutionary research. The public event is being held in his honor and he has to suffer through being surrounded by people, something that he detests more than anything else.

Crispy Dave
2008-09-11, 12:59 PM
1.they like pickles but the whole town only has sweet pickles witch are disgusting.

2. their parents never hugged them.

3 they just want some salt but the guy at the cashier is making them stand in a huge line

2008-09-11, 01:01 PM
Their genitals have multiple personality disorder?

2008-09-11, 01:02 PM
Hmm. Naked Bob and Naked Jesus.

For those of you I haven't told the story to, Naked Bob is the guy who snuck outside one night and stripped naked to talk to (and be closer to) God. Naked Jesus is the guy who thought he was the second coming of Christ...and also had an aversion to clothing. They never met, unfortunately.

Would them meeting for the first time work? >.>

Don Julio Anejo
2008-09-11, 01:07 PM
An paranoid delusional and antisocial yet brilliant man has won a Nobel prize or similar award for his outstanding and revolutionary research. The public event is being held in his honor and he has to suffer through being surrounded by people, something that he detests more than anything else.
Social avoidance disorder with fear of being judged, or agoraphobia.

2008-09-11, 01:13 PM
Well obviously insane person needs to be at the podium speaking to the gathering of people. Their beliefs aren't totally out of left field, but their insistence that everyone must abide by those beliefs and the measures they will take to to push those beliefs are insane. And ...

I better cut this off before I get infraction points for going political.

If this is for a game or book, just make sure the insanity can be taken seriously. Someone spouting about how everyone should wear meat helmets isn't insane, it's just dada.

2008-09-11, 01:18 PM
(note, I gave them a name so that it was easier for me to see who they are.)

Thelar, lord of trees. This young man wears only clothing made from leaves and bark. He is currently at a Global Warming conference from all round the world, and he is standing in a very high place, cameras all watching him, ranting on about how the trees must be saved.

Hal'thara. Albino girl who has eyes the red of blood, and dyed her hair black. She thinks she's a vampire, and so kills people, before piercing their necks to lap up their blood. She also hates sunlight, but she is still human. She's at the party, looking for a good man to seduce and kill.

2008-09-11, 02:09 PM
An paranoid delusional and antisocial yet brilliant man has won a Nobel prize or similar award for his outstanding and revolutionary research. The public event is being held in his honor and he has to suffer through being surrounded by people, something that he detests more than anything else.

Hey, no fair using me as an example ... Not that I'd do anything worthy of a Nobel, but I am brilliant and terribly afraid of people. It just feels like they're watching me, memorizing every mistake I make, while waiting for me to perform a miracle, making me terribly self concious, even though I'm not making any mistakes, and might actually be able to perform miracles (at the very least I do believe miracles exist, and God/Luck is totally on my side). But me aside, that is a pretty good phobia for an insane person at a public event.

Me at some county fair... *shudders*

I'd probably spend the entire event searching for a quiet corner to hide in, while struggling to keep myself as far into the open as I can (I hate being controlled by my phobias), maybe even tlaking to random strangers about the sky ... I mean weather ... Or whatever event we're standing closest to, scaring them off in the stereotypical creepy question-asker-person way.

If that's not crazy enough, my motivation for being there can be somethign off the wall, like looking for the girl in the green dress with red hair I met in a dream three nights ago when I fainted on the side of the road and woke up back at home, believing she was the person who rescued me, and for some reason thinking she'd be at the event, when really I never fainted to begin with, the entire thing was a dream, and such a person doesn't actually exist (except by coincidence).

Of course replacing all references to self with someone else, it's just easier for me to keep his motivations/psychoses straight to think of him as me.

...what? you never seen a crazy person type before? And you call this a forum... :smalltongue:

2008-09-11, 02:13 PM
Person who thinks he/she is in a dream and is doing things that they normally wouldn't.
Very...innnnteresting things....:smallbiggrin:

Don Julio Anejo
2008-09-11, 02:40 PM
Person who thinks he/she is in a dream and is doing things that they normally wouldn't.
Very...innnnteresting things....:smallbiggrin:
Is it a sexy dream? :amused:

Moff Chumley
2008-09-11, 03:49 PM
Is it a sexy dream? :amused:

Yes. Yes it is. And the vampire chick is there too. Maybe the vampire chick is the one thinking she's having a dream? :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-11, 04:07 PM
Man who thinks himself to be a bird. He's completely nude except for the feathers he's glued to his arms. Nobody wants to get too close, and he's running through crowds, flapping his arms up and down and jumping as high as he can every twenty feet or so whilst screaming "caw, awk, chirp, caw, scrawk, warble!"

2008-09-11, 04:10 PM
They see people in different shades of colour, as their attitude towards someone changes so does the colour they see them in. As a result the crazy person is a dinner party and takes an immediate dislike to certain people depending on what colour they appear to be.

2008-09-11, 05:36 PM
Jack Donaughy gets tricked into going to a gay pride parade. Hilarity ensues.

2008-09-11, 05:59 PM
A paranoid delusional and antisocial yet brilliant man has won a Nobel prize or similar award for his outstanding and revolutionary research. The public event is being held in his honor and he has to suffer through being surrounded by people, something that he detests more than anything else.

Ou, I like this one.

My boyfriend has an assignment for a class- he has to do a three frame storyboard for a 'short film' and the only real parameters he got was "Insane person at a public event". So, he asked for my help and to ask others what they thought, and I figured "Hey, what better place than Giant for creative peoples?"

I'll read all these ideas to him. :)


EDIT: Keep the ideas coming, by the way. :) Right now the 'baseball demon' is one he said he liked (he liked the one I did, but thinks it may be difficult to story board, so I may steal it :smallwink:) but I didn't get to read him any of the others since he was just on break from class.

I knew I count on you guys to be creative. :smallbiggrin: