View Full Version : life sucks (warning teenager rant)

Crispy Dave
2008-09-12, 01:41 PM
My parents live in different states
my my dad is an alcoholic
my step mom it a B****
both my parents are pot addicted
my mom spends half my child support on pot
My mom is lazy
my mom always blames everything on somone else
my mom expects me to parent my sister
the family who schools me probley cares more about me

2008-09-12, 04:38 PM
dave - I'm really sorry for you. I'm not exactly the best giver of advice, but I know that people like Bor on the Depression thread will have more comforting words for you. Just know that we're all here for you, and we're behind you one-hundred percent.

2008-09-12, 05:07 PM
Link to the dep thread, it helps. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=71542&page=46)

2008-09-12, 05:09 PM
I'm really sorry about all those things. Just fous on the good things outside of your problems with your parents. You'll get through it. Sorry if i can't help.

2008-09-12, 05:40 PM
My father didn't stop reffering to me as, "The Boy" until I was 16.... Atleast, he started using my name every now and again when I was 16. I'm still, "The Boy" even though I have a brother-

ANYWAY! There's people worse off.

2008-09-12, 06:45 PM
And remember, this situation is not permanent. You can change it--by getting out, if nothing else. Once you hit 18, you are legally adult and can remove yourself from what sounds like a crappy environment.


2008-09-12, 06:50 PM
There's no end to human suffering. If you didn't have that set of problems, you'd have an entirely different one that would seem equally as bad. Our million and a half years of evolution have left us with biology that leads us to feel unfulfilled regardless of our situation in modern society. On the plus side, when you're 18 you should be able to get out of the situation you're currently in.

Metal Head
2008-09-12, 06:53 PM
I can say from experience that I know what you feel like. One of my parents is a criminal, and I hate it. The other one isn't exactly sound of mind, and I can't wait. Just hold in there until you get to 18. I've only got one more year to go.

Crispy Dave
2008-09-12, 07:01 PM
for those who sugest waiting till im 18 and then getting out im not so sure I can last that long. I have a unkle who would take me in if i wanted and every single day I feel like calling him up and asking him to come pick me up

2008-09-12, 07:07 PM
Warning- Very Extreme Advice

I don't know exactly what is up with my friend, but what I understand-

-Parent's get divorce, custody is given to Mom, Dad seems to disappear (no clue why)
-Mom gets remarried. She becomes (or was a) drunk and is slightly abusive.
-In divorce case, mother is deemed unfit to be a parent as she was abusive, and my friend lives with his step dad and his new wife.
-Step dad and wife hate my friend, and keep him in his room, with alarms on the door and window so he can't leave
-They plan to send him to a "home" (restrictive boarding school) in NYC, but can't afford it, and file a PINS Petition.

He is filing for a disownment (I believe) in order to remove his self from the Step dads care, placing him into an adoption program, and a few people in the community have offered to board him until he is adopted, if he wins the disownment.

This is very drastic measures, and probably is not right unless you just can't deal with it anymore. Try ignoring them and focus on positive things, such as friends and such. Try spending nights at friends if they allow, or just stay to yourself at home.

Edit: Your new post brings to light a much better idea- go with your uncle. If he can take care of you better and would actually care for you and you are really in that bad of a situation, you should at least try it out. If it doesn't work out it doesn't, but it never hurts to try at a better life. My friend had actually been living in the guest room at another friends during the summer to escape his step dad, and he found it to be the best time in the last couple of years.

Metal Head
2008-09-12, 07:10 PM
for those who sugest waiting till im 18 and then getting out im not so sure I can last that long. I have a unkle who would take me in if i wanted and every single day I feel like calling him up and asking him to come pick me up

If you think your uncle can take better care of you, or if you feel like you're going to break down, then go to him. I'm not entirely sure how long you have to wait, but something that can help you is finding something you love to do. It was the guitar for me. I've been playing it for the last 7 years. Whenever my parents do something to really piss me off or make me feel terrible I just go and play it. Find something for yourself.

2008-09-12, 07:15 PM
My parents live in different states
my my dad is an alcoholic
my step mom it a B****
both my parents are pot addicted
my mom spends half my child support on pot
My mom is lazy
my mom always blames everything on somone else
my mom expects me to parent my sister
the family who schools me probley cares more about me

A lot of us were in situations like this. I had a very similar experience. It won't help to hear that you're not the only one, but be strong. This is the part before you become a full-grown man, and this is also the part where your resolve will be tested.

hang in there, dave. It does get better. I always found it helped to find the good in people, or to do random acts of kindness no matter how unnerving it might feel.

Crispy Dave
2008-09-12, 07:16 PM
the only problem is that my mom needs me for a couple reason.

1. take care of my sister and keep the house running
2. child support drug money

edit: and so you know ive dont full reasearch on how much she spends on me including house and car payments plus gas.

2008-09-12, 07:18 PM
Have you considered taking your sister to your uncle? Also, if you're old enough you can try to raise your sister away from your parents. I have a friend who's mother was dead, and father was a drunk. He moved out of his dad's house and basically raised his 2 younger brothers until he went to college, at which point he handed them over to a reliable relative.

2008-09-12, 07:21 PM
Take your sister with you. If your mom relies on the child support you could, in theory, have it rerouted to your uncle, which could send her on the road to recovery.

2008-09-12, 07:22 PM
For some reason this makes me feel guilty for having such a great and loving family...

2008-09-12, 07:23 PM
Don't worry Masato, us other kids don't really resent you.

Crispy Dave
2008-09-12, 07:28 PM
heres the problem my sister isn't old enough to understand whats happening so she would not want to go. She has it bad to she has a different father then me who is even worse off with alcohol.

2008-09-12, 07:40 PM
Well how old will she be when you turn 18? Hopefully you'll have time before that to make her understand, and to get her in with your uncle.

Crispy Dave
2008-09-12, 07:50 PM
when im 18 she will be 12 and by then she should get it. But right now she doesent understand what a norman mom should do.

also my mom has Lyme disease which does make it bad and she is realy sick from it but I realy dont feel sorry because the reason its so bad is because of the years of pot that has built up

2008-09-12, 07:52 PM
Well do the best you can to make your sister to see you as a parent figure, so that she'll trust you. When the time comes that you want to go to your uncle there's a good chance she'll trust you.

2008-09-12, 11:02 PM
also my mom has Lyme disease which does make it bad and she is realy sick from it but I realy dont feel sorry because the reason its so bad is because of the years of pot that has built up

Disclaimer: I am not condoning the use of any drug by any person. I myself have never done any drugs nor will I ever.

However, I have done the research and know more about marijuana than most people who smoke it and I can say without a doubt in my mind that it does not cause any seriously harmful physical side-effects by itself. The smoke-inhalation is pretty much the only part of it that can kill you, and even then, it takes a lot. I am sorry, truly, if this isn't what you want to hear, but if there's one thing I don't like it's people blaming the wrong thing for their problems.

All that aside, I sympathize with you. I grew up in a loving family, four other siblings and parents that never had any serious issues with drugs, alcohol, or marital problems. My best friend (whose parents have been best friends with my parents since they were in high school) and I grew up feeling like we were the odd ones coming from families that didn't have all these domestic issues. Almost all my other friends I have ever had had some kind of domestic issue at home. It's a sad state of affairs, but there's not much, as a society, that we can do about it.

2008-09-12, 11:15 PM
suxs, i feel for u and i know where ur comin from bein a guy and havein to raise a little sister

Crispy Dave
2008-09-13, 10:11 AM
Disclaimer: I am not condoning the use of any drug by any person. I myself have never done any drugs nor will I ever.

However, I have done the research and know more about marijuana than most people who smoke it and I can say without a doubt in my mind that it does not cause any seriously harmful physical side-effects by itself. The smoke-inhalation is pretty much the only part of it that can kill you, and even then, it takes a lot. I am sorry, truly, if this isn't what you want to hear, but if there's one thing I don't like it's people blaming the wrong thing for their problems.

All that aside, I sympathize with you. I grew up in a loving family, four other siblings and parents that never had any serious issues with drugs, alcohol, or marital problems. My best friend (whose parents have been best friends with my parents since they were in high school) and I grew up feeling like we were the odd ones coming from families that didn't have all these domestic issues. Almost all my other friends I have ever had had some kind of domestic issue at home. It's a sad state of affairs, but there's not much, as a society, that we can do about it.

I understand that but I also know its not "good" for lyme disease as she claims it is I have done research and know for a fect that after a wile it can cause harm to your brain

Crispy Dave
2008-09-13, 10:15 AM
well im still not feeling any better about anything im going paintballing today(you have no idea how hard it was dealing with my mom this week) I mustov told her 6 times I would nmeed 5 dollars for lunch but as usual she doesent remember me ever telling her. SO I guess im going hungry today at least shooting people might make me feel better

2008-09-13, 12:35 PM
I thought I wouldn't make it through my senior year of high school, I really did.

This is a thread about you so I won't make it long, but my father is a horrible parent who is very juvenile, mentally unstable, and cares only for himself.

Needless to say, I'm glad I'm in college so I can't hear him yelling all the time or deal with having little to no food in the house.

You just have to stick through it. Either you push hard to get help by getting a job and seeing if you could possibly get emancipated, go to your uncle, or just wait it out. There's unfortunately not much you can really do when you're young. People complain that kids have all the power. Believe me, if that was true, something would have been done to my family a long damn time ago.

I've been through similar **** with irresponsible parents so I offer you my support