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View Full Version : Why did Kobuta decide to show himself to the Kazumi and Daigo?

2008-09-13, 12:03 AM
I mean comeone, this is D&D, death isn't the handicap it is in our world. All it takes is several diamonds and Kazumi and Daigo can rat out Kabuta.....

David Argall
2008-09-13, 12:25 AM
Kubota assumes that Hinjo will buy it vs the devil. In that case, there is nobody [who counts at least] who will raise the Katos, who likely don't have the needed funds. If it turns out Hinjo survives, he will likely try something that will make raising more expensive or impossible.

2008-09-13, 12:27 AM
You're assuming the overall plan would leave alive anyone who would want to resurrect them.

Also, it takes 5000gp in diamonds if you have the corpses.
25000 after you throw 'em overboard. That's a lot.

2008-09-13, 12:32 AM
I don't think kubota'd off the high level cleric, all those ninja means someone as to spot one. And it'll take a lot more to take down a cleric capable ofthat kind of magic.

2008-09-13, 12:33 AM
Also, it takes 5000gp in diamonds if you have the corpses.
25000 after you throw 'em overboard. That's a lot.

It's cheaper than that actually as they only need a "speak to dead" spell to allow Kazumi or Diago to rat out Kobuta... though would be nice to give them a full on raise

frankly the whole plan to "assassinate the leader" as Kobuta is doing kind lacks a lot luster when you consider that Hinjo could just get a raise... really, why should they even bother voting for a new heir when they could just order a raise for the REAL leader... you'd think that Azure city law would be written to require an attempt to raise an assassinated leader before moving on to an heir

2008-09-13, 01:26 AM
frankly the whole plan to "assassinate the leader" as Kobuta is doing kind lacks a lot luster when you consider that Hinjo could just get a raise... really, why should they even bother voting for a new heir when they could just order a raise for the REAL leader...

They tried. He didn't want to be ressed- OotS 410. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0410.html) Or.. do you mean raising Hinjo back into his position? Remember that Kubota's plan hinges on a majority of the nobles already not actually wanting Hinjo to be the leader. Getting Hinjo killed seems like a good reason for a vote of no-confidence even if Hinjo is then raised. If he can get himself made the leader and secure his power, then it doesn't really matter if Hinjo gets raised. The most Hinjo can do, short of having solid evidence that Kubota was cheating, is try to use the same legal channels to get Kubota kicked back out.. and Kubota seems to be better at that.

Mc. Lovin'
2008-09-13, 05:19 AM
I mean comeone, this is D&D, death isn't the handicap it is in our world. All it takes is several diamonds and Kazumi and Daigo can rat out Kabuta.....

They're on a boat ... just lob the body's over the side

2008-09-13, 05:24 AM
His name is Kubota...

Yesterday I saw a delivery truck on the street, advertising for

Kubota - DitchWitch ! wtf... :smallconfused:

2008-09-13, 06:29 AM
His name is Kubota...

Yesterday I saw a delivery truck on the street, advertising for

Kubota - DitchWitch ! wtf... :smallconfused:
I TOLD you to hide the dimensionality waygate i built somewhere HIDDEN!

Well lets see..... kabuto can dump any diamonds or diamonds dust he finds overboard....

2008-09-13, 07:57 AM
If Kubota is the leader, he can lawfully order Durkon not to raise Hinjo. And Durkon will obey, because he's Lawful to a fault.

Further, remember that Kubota's plans have been in action since before Durkon was even relevant. Getting the high priest of Azure City to obey the new leader's orders would have been probably even easier.

EDIT: Also, to answer the OP: I've said it before, but until Therkla shows up, Kubota is very careful to couch all of his language in terms that SOUND like he actually was doing something heroic. That would make any testimony as to what was said and done very confusing, at the very least.

Shhalahr Windrider
2008-09-13, 08:17 AM
If Kubota is the leader, he can lawfully order Durkon not to raise Hinjo. And Durkon will obey, because he's Lawful to a fault.
Since the plan is to kill the Order as well, he wouldn't have to order Durkon to not do anything.

EDIT: Also, to answer the OP: I've said it before, but until Therkla shows up, Kubota is very careful to couch all of his language in terms that SOUND like he actually was doing something heroic. That would make any testimony as to what was said and done very confusing, at the very least.
Who actually describes how they're acting all heroic when they're doing so? Nah, Kubota's just a Large Ham monologuing his planned alibi just so the heroes know exactly how he beat them.

In any case, Kubota's samurai attacking the Katos would be pretty clear testimony that something was pretty fishy.

2008-09-13, 09:06 AM
If Kubota is the leader, he can lawfully order Durkon not to raise Hinjo. And Durkon will obey, because he's Lawful to a fault.

I don't think Durkon'd do that. He's extremely lawful but still good.

1. Kubota is a lawful-evil murderer and has claimed the throne through regicide.
2. Hinjo is lawful-good and the rightful king.
3. Durkon presumably seems to like Hinjo, Kato and Daigo. Why would he obey the person who probably killed them all?
4. Durkon has no allegiance to Kubota.

2008-09-13, 10:17 AM
I don't think Durkon'd do that. He's extremely lawful but still good.

1. Kubota is a lawful-evil murderer and has claimed the throne through regicide.
2. Hinjo is lawful-good and the rightful king.
3. Durkon presumably seems to like Hinjo, Kato and Daigo. Why would he obey the person who probably killed them all?
4. Durkon has no allegiance to Kubota.

You're probably right, but if Durkon DID raise Hinjo against Kubota's orders, that might be grounds for Durkon himself to be arrested and Hinjo to be deemed an illegitimate claimant to the throne.

At any rate, if Durkon can be killed by the demon, then this problem disappears. I doubt there's a second cleric that can cast Resurrection in the fleet.

2008-09-13, 11:10 AM
If that devil is a pit fiend (or a more powerful devil), Kubota is just plain assuming that Durkon, Hinjo, and everyone else on that island is dead from a no-save death effect, so that means a full fledged ressurect is needed. And I think Durkon is the only 13+ cleric in the fleet so no ressurection for anyone. Also since speak with dead can be literal, Kubota was supposed to look like attempted hero. The plan was quite good actually except for the fact that Therkla turned, and the pit fiend is a moron.
(This is assuming the devil is on par with a pit fiend. If it isn't, Kubota may just be a moron.)
Edit: Actually I just looked at the pit fiend again, it doesn't have any death effects, that work on the OotS. Its possible it has 23+ hit dice it can still death effect the OotS. Also, Kubota could be thinking he can destroy the bodies somehow to prevent raise dead.

David Argall
2008-09-13, 02:57 PM
What we seem to be trying to say is that these problems are pretty much just technicalities. Kubota assumes that with Hinjo dead, the other nobles will agree he should be leader, after which all such details get swept under the rug.

While Kubota could be delusional, he is thinking nothing we know to be wrong. D&D thinking about Raise Dead can be confused or confusing. We have a society where assassination is a common event, which is strange if the victims can just be raised. Murder becomes assault and battery.
Rather clearly, Raise Dead is not as automatic as one might think, even for heads of state. And we might posit that it is particularly hard to get a raise if the heir doesn't want one for the victim.
We also have the point that Hinjo is a new ruler, with the blame [fairly or not] for losing the city on his back. The urge to just give him a nice funeral and select someone more to their tastes has to be strong. So Kubota sees no problems he can't handle. Even if Hinjo does come back some way, he will be the ex-ruler, and only important as somebody to eliminate at a convenient time, not as an actual threat to his power.

Now the Katos are foes of his, and likely unpopular with the other nobles too as rising above their station. So eliminating them is not going to rile anybody, and by taking personal part, he makes sure the message gets thru. He can kill you, so you had better do what he says. That almost nobody believes his story is unimportant. They just have to pretend to believe it, and if they don't, there are still several spare ninjas available.

2008-09-13, 03:19 PM
If Kubota is the leader, he can lawfully order Durkon not to raise Hinjo. And Durkon will obey, because he's Lawful to a fault.

Kubota doesn't have any authority over Durkon. Now, if a dwarven authority told Durkon not to raise Hinjo then it would be different.

2008-09-13, 05:37 PM
I don't think kubota'd off the high level cleric, all those ninja means someone as to spot one.

I don't know, I think we've seen that ninjas can't be.

Gah! (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0312.html)

Uh, ninjas? (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0453.html)

Or like, I don't know, a NINJA! (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0560.html)

2008-09-13, 06:38 PM
His name is Kubota...

Yesterday I saw a delivery truck on the street, advertising for

Kubota - DitchWitch ! wtf... :smallconfused:

Kubota is a brand of heavy machinery, like John Deere. A DitchWitch is a kind of digging machine specifically for digging ditches and trenches, it's like a chainsaw for dirt.

My family are contractors.

Renegade Paladin
2008-09-13, 08:31 PM
They're on a boat ... just lob the body's over the side
Because that wouldn't totally wreck his story. :smallsigh:

An Enemy Spy
2008-09-13, 09:05 PM
The reason Kubota showed up was to look like he was saving the Katos from the ninjas so he could make it look like he wasn't behind the plot.