View Full Version : The Great Game [3.5 D&D][Group 1 IC]

2008-09-13, 04:28 AM
Hello all! Sorry for vanishing like that, it has been a lot of work moving into my house and I still don’t have a roommate. So Reagord has bothered me enough to sit on my window seal and use the Internet that is in and out. So yes yes. On to the post.

As an assumption I am assuming you all know each other and are traveling together. You don’t have to know each other well. Just kinda.

It was a bright sunny day in Davenport where the children were running around happily chasing chickens around the street. “Chickenchaser!” they would call out as an announcement of the game they were playing. They would bait each other into chasing the chickens one by one as the adults would scold them liberally.

The city was a bustle as folks of all creeds and kinds moved about the market place. This town looked happy and full of life at least thinking life. You had recently visited so many towns with their denizens looking like mindless zombies. In this town of commerce there seemed to be no problems that you could see.

There was a classic inn with a bar attached at the side, almost like an unwanted rickety shack. A large church of Pelor shone brightly from the center of town, pillars of marble erected all around the temple with large sun faces on them. Besides the normal shops like the armory, food shop, and magic shop there were markets and merchants along every street trying to sell their wares.

The streets were cobblestone indicating the city’s wealth from all the trading, considering the large wall that had been erected to keep those that were unwanted out. Every fifty feet around the wall there was a watch guard tower that had its entrance facing the city. There were four large double doors that remained shut and were mainly for show, they faced north, south, west, and east. There were smaller doors that had been cut into them that allowed wagons and people to pass through them. While the city guards kept a close eye and guard on those that passed in and out of the city.

You are currently standing in the center of town which is a wide sun shaped circle about three hundred meters all around. In the center there is a large multi-tiered fountain made of what appears to be gold and a sun face on the top that had the illusion of the water holding up. There were large tents and busy people jostling and bustling around you.

2008-09-13, 05:03 AM

Sitting in the square Cercadore had gotten bored and decided to try and earn a crust. Setting himself up next to the fountain he released his harp from his pack and began to pluck the strings, while reciting a local travelling tune in a fairly pleasant voice.

Perform check: [roll0] (+11 skill, +2 masterwork harp)

2008-09-13, 05:05 AM
OOC: If I am allowed to make money from my song the PHB says I can make [roll0] silver pieces.

2008-09-13, 10:05 AM

The elf clutches his quaterstaff as a walking stick, (although he hardly needs the use of it as such) and with a sweep of his deep blue robes he begins weeding his way through the crowds. He calls over his shoulder after pointing to the inn the group was staying at before completely disappearing.

Let's meet back here in an hour, and we can have some time to shop and whatnot.

Whatnot was on his mind. The spellslinger looked around for a message board, or something. The fifty gold coins seemed to clank rather sorrowful in his belt pouch, as if they were sayng 'We need more brothers and sisters!' Fifty gold was a pittance to travel on, hopefully there was a few jobs townspeople wanted to do that could pay for some quick coin.

2008-09-17, 04:02 AM
Why doesn't anyone post? Is this game even running anymore. Ritz-PBod? Hellooooooooo?

2008-09-17, 04:03 AM
Yes it is.. I wrote to those not posting- if they don't I'll combine ya

2008-09-17, 11:10 AM

Gabriel unconsciously rubbed his scar on the left side of his face. It was still visible, and it didn't help him that many people stared at him when they walked by.

He sat down by the fountain next to Cercadore, listening to him play his song.

Nicely done he comments.

Turning to the elf's request of meeting back here in an hour, he wondered what he might do. He only nods in agreement.


sorry i'm late but i never recieved any notification that i was in. :smallredface:

2008-09-17, 11:28 AM

"Many thanks" he replied to the person beside him. Looking at his hand he spots the ring he is wearing and notices that it matches his own.

"I take it you to have some magical ability" he said motioning at the man's hand. "Where do you think he is going" meaning the elf.

The dog at his side walks over to the wolf of the other man and starts making noises. (I assume they are talking in Dog speak.)

2008-09-17, 11:41 PM

I have some. Unfortunately, I have no idea who gave it to me. It is a long story for another day my friend. Maybe one day when we have the time in a tavern or whatnot, I will tell you.

You can even buy me a couple of drinks. he chukles slightly as if he found drinking amusing.

Anyway, I have no idea where Tymethias could go or even where he wants to go. And I am not going to stop him if he does want to go somewhere.

2008-09-18, 04:12 PM

Tym clunks his staff heavily with each step as he looks for his destination. As he said for going on eighty-five years, 'Don't bother a wizard while he's wizarding'.

2008-09-19, 06:48 AM

Sitting on the lip of the heavily Pelor influenced fountain of this Pelor dominated town. Listening absently to Cercadore's delicate and beautiful song she couldn't help but to think back to home and her missionary mission. "A lovely song. Too bad my own words seem useless to sway the people from Pelor." She finally said a whistful lilt in her voice.

Oh dear gods I'm sorry. All my links kept saying it was doing backup and I only just thought to try getting on the fourm another way. So sorry.

2008-09-20, 07:11 AM

Cercadore turned to Berit. "I'm not a particularly religous man, well unless there's some profit in it. Give me five minutes and I'd fool the High Priest himself". Realising he was rambling he swiftly returned to his original question. "Anyway, what's so bad about Pelor"? he asked, occasionally plucking a string on his harp.

OOC: (Is that everyone now?)

2008-09-20, 10:09 AM

"Well. I don't have a problem with him it is just utterly beyond me why anyone would choose him and his protection..." A diplomatic pause as she cooled despite her annoyance at these foolish soft hearted southern twits. "When they could accept the peerless wisdom of the Allfather Odin, the unblinking eye of the Watchman of Asgard Heimdall, and our Guardian Thor God of Thunder! Not even mentioning the many other Æsir who inhabit Asgard. The honour of a hard day and a tankard of ale or five at the end of it. Damned fools all of them, they all are damned to Hel and to the cruel devices of the woman that vile realm is named for." Settleing down a little after her slight tantrum at this town although since you have known her for a while your sure you could recite the names of the Æsir and their various qualities and storys by heart given how often she trys to convert you all.

I may enjoy playing the determined missonary a little bit too much. Forgive me.

2008-09-20, 11:39 AM

Each person chooses what they believe in Berit. I told you as such many times before, and it still wont change. People believe in their Gods because they have some sort of connection to them. Maybe their fathers were devot worshippers, or maybe even their mothers. It changes nothing. In the end, they become a desciple of whoever they known and trust.

He looks at the sky while saying this. And continues to do so even after he is done.

2008-09-21, 12:35 AM
Kobold-Bard to make that money that is working in an 8 hour day. You can make 1/8th that each hour

A crowd of people had out of the crowd formed around your group, many of them children listening to the music being played. Some of the town’s people gave your group odd looks as you discussed the gods. They all seemed contented with Pelor and his magnificence.

The inn that had been pointed out was called The Rusty Lodge and it was a nice inn and homely however it was rather small. It had wooden exterior and straw roof at least that is how it appeared, perhaps further inspection would show that it was not all it appeared. The people would throw coins and move on to their other tasks.

There is a board that requests services but it seems there are so many, and many of them require many days. For a quick job it seems one must look elsewhere. The city is huge and there are many tents around. Perhaps one of the venders needs some help.

2008-09-22, 08:16 PM

After seeing the lackluster jobs posted, the wizard begins a sauntering walk back to his group. The rest of them can hear the rythmic thunking of his carved staff long before they see the spellslinger.

Absolutely nothing on the boards. Probably a pittance for wages too. I don't know about you younglings, but I could use something stiff and alcoholic.

2008-09-23, 03:16 AM

"You know drinking without a celebration is like debating with a mule" he said to Tymethias as he returned. "Besides its a nice day why would you want to be cooped up indoors. I think I'll go see if one of the vendors needs a walking billboard because lets face it, I am awesome".

And with that he lifted his pack and began playing his harp again. Turning his head slightly he made a short, sharp whistle and the dog that had been with Gabriel's wolf quickly trotted back over to his side, happily receiving a small treat when he arrived.

2008-09-23, 04:03 PM
Two reasons, my vain friend, one: There is always money to be made indoors. And two: Because I'm a wizard, I do my best wizarding indoors and with a glass of wine.

He looks for the nearest pub and walks in.

2008-09-24, 07:19 AM

Standing slowly up her full-plate shoulder guard digging into her arm unpleasently at her movement. "Sounds a good enough reason for a drink. To wizards being wizards, and to the deflation of your ego." Mimicking the movements of downing a pint of something, her voice cheerful. Taking a few steps forward before stopping and resorting her shoulder guard as it digged more persistantly into her arm.

2008-09-27, 02:00 AM
The bar was a fine establishment with golden tapestries showing off Pelor’s symbol, the tables were in modest condition and everyone with in the establishment looked like normal folks. There were rooms obviously above but were very doubtful that they had space available. The bartender looked like he had seen better days, his face grizzled and his white beard showing his age. He looked up from his glass cleaning and then looked down, mostly to see that the patrons were not making a ruckus.

The merchants were all dressed in fine golds and purples, however there were many merchants that were barely set up with few goods. Perhaps this implied that they had had trouble or that their items were sought after. The merchants were of every race and gender, however a few of the human merchants looked disheveled unlike the other races.

2008-10-02, 07:55 PM
With a breeze of his robes, and a few seconds dramatic pose at the door, Tym takes the bar in. The wizard scans the dark corners of the bar, looking for any shady characters, before sitting down at an empty table.

2008-10-03, 08:49 AM

Playing a livelier tune and toning along in rapid Gnomish as he wandered the streets, every now and again he would plan to stop to ask a merchant if they required his services. However he decided to take a different approach.
Turning to his guild training he stowed his harp and pulled his cloak around him, slowly blending into the background. To all intents and purposes he was invisible.

It was then that he saw the man maybe four feet in front of him. The fool had left his gold-bag loose at his waist, he was practically begging to be robbed.

Sliding his dagger from its sheath he motioned for his dog Iganno to go to work. As the dog trotted forward it suddenly jumped in front of the man and set itself up between his legs, distracting him sufficiently for Cercadore to quickly slice the cord holding the bag to the man's belt and move back into the crowd before anyone noticed he was there.

Seeing him move off Iganno quickly freed itself and bounded ahead to wait for its master.

Sleight of hand check: [roll0] (To steal the bag)
Disguise check: [roll1] (To get away unnoticed) (Actually got a [12]. Misread my modifier.)

2008-10-11, 05:50 PM
The merchants were in need of assistance and did not allow the bard to leave them. They smiled and practically begged him to help their caravan get back home. "It was TERRIBLE- everyone vanished and then came back- but they were different, so terrible so scary! They are searching for something- I can't remember what it was. Will you help us?"

[roll0] The man smiled and looked down, grabbing the bag of gold, and the hand that had reached for it. Touch Attack [roll1] Grapple [roll2] "You there! What are you doing?!" he growls.

The bar had no shady characters just some very drunk people who were enjoying the town to fullest, with alcohol.

2008-10-11, 07:03 PM

OH ****!! he thought as the hand attempted to grab him. Attempting to think fast he went with, "Good man! It was a test. You see I noticed that your pouch was loose, and with so many people around I wanted to make sure that you weren't going to get ripped off".

For good measure he pulled out the badge of St. Cuthbert that he had taken from a prison guard a while back. "You see, I am an officer of the Greatest Law, St. Cuthbert the Unyielding" he said, stepping back from the man.

Satisfied with his act he turned with a flip of his cloak turned from the man, and as he left he spoke aloud to those nearby "Make sure you follow this man's example and guard your gold well. Far too many opportunists prey on people in areas like this one".

Touch Attack didn't beat my AC, so I assume that means no grapple.

Bluff Check: [roll0] (possibly with a bonus for having a real badge of St. Cuthbert :smallbiggrin: - which I paid for on character creation) (Come on dice roller, don't fail me now)

2008-10-11, 11:06 PM
i assumed this was dead. You haven't done an update in almost two weeks. Why start now? :smallconfused:

2008-10-12, 05:07 AM
I think I screwed up. DM didn't like my previous post as it assumed too much about NPC reactions.
Do you want to continue? I lke the character I built so I would.

2008-10-12, 11:47 AM
The problem is we cant continue if we will continue to get updates every two weeks.

2008-10-15, 12:19 AM
I have been waiting on everyone to post and make sure everyone got their say out. So if you do not want to play the game here- please tell me! That way I can merge the two groups. So if you want to play but not everyone wants to play- THEN I will just move people around, if that is okay. Otherwise I am more than happy to move people who want to play.

2008-10-18, 06:17 AM
I'll keep playing, either in this group or the other.

2008-10-25, 04:35 AM
If you want to keep playing- please move to Group 2. Just integrate yourself in- or if you'd prefer I'll do it for you. Please let me know.

2008-11-07, 05:38 PM

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