View Full Version : Guitar Hero On Tour

2008-09-13, 03:16 PM
Does anybody own this game? If so, what are your opinions about it? I'm considering going out and purchasing it, but I'm not sure.

Thus far, I've avoided the Guitar Hero franchise like the plague. I've played it once or twice over at a friends house, but I refuse to admit to that most of the time. It's a lot of fun, but I prefer my real guitar. However, when On Tour came out for the DS, my interest was piqued. I've heard that On Tour feels more realistic, and there's only four buttons, which is a plus in my eyes. I've checked out a few reviews online, but the scores are radically different, so I'm not so sure.

What I'm hoping for is something that's portable (which I'm sure it fulfills). Rock is my favorite genre, but I'm open to others as well. I'm hoping for something that at least resembles or is reminiscent of playing an actual guitar, but it doesn't have to be too close. I'm also not looking for anything too deep. Is it easy to just pick up and play? And I've also heard about the physical pain that the game causes, but it doesn't really bother me that much. So, you tell me, does the game deliver?

2008-09-13, 04:09 PM
I bought it a few weeks ago, and I like it. I'd have to say, the console versions are better. GH3 feels closer to actually playing guitar, if only because you can blast out some badass poses while playing. However, as a guitarist myself, I accept neither are 'that' much like the real thing.

That aside, GHOT is definately well put together - once you get the hang of it, it's pretty straightforward to play and the song maps are good.

Right, I'll adress whats left bit by bit:

Yes, it's portable. You'll look a pillock playing it on the bus though. And you need good headphones.

It has several good rock tracks, but picked up criticism for including more poppy stuff. Some of the tracks are a bit funk driven (which I like), such as the Maroon 5, and Los Lonely Boys ones. Basically, I would personally rate the track selection, but many dont so much. Best to check a list on the net first.

As I said it will remind you of the guitar, but isn't much like playing one.

And its reasonable easy to dip into. This aint Myst.

It hurts me if I use it for over an hour odd. And only in a slightly achey way. Not a major problem.

And thats my rambley incoherent review. My reccomedation would be - buy it. Once youve bought it, and if you like it, buy GH3, cause its better.

Mauve Shirt
2008-09-13, 05:04 PM
I bought it. It's very silly looking, my mother calls it concertina hero. And you have to shout into the microphone for star power. The console versions with the actual guitar controllers are of course better, but this is fine for my purposes, which is feeding my guitar hero addiction until I have enough money to buy a console and rock band.
I have no problem with the soundtrack, but there are only 26 songs, so it's easy to get sick of them.

2008-09-13, 05:41 PM
I have no problem with the soundtrack, but there are only 26 songs, so it's easy to get sick of them.

I would argue that its physically imposible to get sick of Allstar.

2008-09-13, 07:35 PM
As a guitar player myself, I actually love Guitar Hero/Rock Band. Playing real guitar is tough, and demanding, and takes a lot of practice. Guitar Hero is much easier, and a lot of fun.

That said, On Tour is crappy and not worth your time. My sister has it, and I've played it a few times. The setlist is weak, the graphics are FAIL, and the awkward positioning of the buttons+the new strum mechanic=lame.

I heartily recommend Guitar Hero 2 as awesome, and Guitar Hero 3 and Guitar Hero:Aerosmith as good.

Rogue 7
2008-09-13, 09:33 PM
It's...decent. It's pretty easy for a guitar hero game with only four buttons, but it's fun enough. I've only played it a few times, as there are games for the DS I want to play a lot more. But let me say that the pick is murder on the touch screen.