View Full Version : Shows you'd love to see remade

2008-09-14, 03:40 AM
Think along the lines of the second he-man cartoon, what shows do you think deserve a remake.

Dungeons and dragons:I'd like to see them use an actual setting like ebberon or forgotten realms. How cool would it be to see Venger and Enetri go against Drizzt and the cast.

Space Ghost: Because I'm a big space ghost fan and SGC2C, the brak show, and toonami are popular.

Thundarr the barbarian.

2008-09-14, 06:00 AM
Sealab 2021 and the Brak show would be kind of cool. Also, I would watch the heck out of a good D&D show/cartoon that wasn't like, kids playing anime or something. Set it in Eberron or something and make it kind of teen+ (preferably borderline adult, except adult typically ends up meaning "excessively violent and/or borderline pornographic" which I can do without).

2008-09-14, 08:54 AM
Hmm.... well if anime counts...

Perhaps Sailor Moon?

Turn the Magical Girl fighting into something more akin to Nanoha, and expand on the story a little more, as well as perhaps making it a bit more like the manga.

Oh and remove Chibi-usa.

2008-09-14, 08:57 AM
Battlestar Galactica, but more like the original rather than an angsty The Shield-style drama IN SPACE.

Quantum Leap, although I don't think it could be as good as the original without Scott Bakula and Dean Stockwell.

2008-09-14, 09:12 AM
Blakes 7
But only if they're going to do it right

Innis Cabal
2008-09-14, 09:47 AM
Dead Like Me, not really remade, just continued forever without some of the angst

2008-09-14, 10:49 AM

They've got to keep all the classic elements, though. The medieval setting, the gloom, the scary sequences with mobile enemies creeping up on the blinded player, the life meter, and the fact that it was b*****y hard. In eight series, only eight teams ever managed to complete the whole thing without their Dungeoneer dying.

"Oooooooh, nasty."

black dragoon
2008-09-14, 10:53 AM
Maybe, wait they are doing a remake of Evangelion...:smalleek:
then a remake of the original Gundam. And a completely reworked Voltron one that actually showed the fact they were not just fighting robots.

2008-09-14, 01:47 PM
Nick's remaking voltron, so becareful what you wish for, you just might get it.

The Rose Dragon
2008-09-14, 01:51 PM
Dead Like Me, not really remade, just continued forever without some of the angst

I totally second this, and add Sports Night to that list.

black dragoon
2008-09-14, 01:51 PM
What style are they using?:smalleek:
If it's like much of their regular prgramming I'm running to the hills. If it's like avatar then there is hope.

warty goblin
2008-09-14, 01:56 PM
Bablyon 5 with modern effects. Keep everything else, just give me blisteringly high res Battlecrabs. I mean the space battles are, even with their dated effects, the coolest ones ever put on film. With modern effects they would actually cause me to explode from the sheer concentrated awesome.

2008-09-16, 05:56 PM
Quantum Leap, anyone?

2008-09-16, 06:08 PM
Buffy with
1) better pacing/longer seasons with better editing
2) a plan
3) No censorship/execitive meddling

Avatar, but more mature, like FMA level

Beserk whole thing

Darker than black with an actual ending

Rome with a better second season (and hopefully a third)

Jack Squat
2008-09-16, 09:53 PM
Quantum Leap, anyone?

but who would play Sam and Al?

I can see Christopher Gorham playing Sam in a few years time, can't really think of anyone for Al...Joe Pesci?

2008-09-16, 11:01 PM
then a remake of the original Gundam.

Seconded. A 36 Episode series based on Yoshiyuki Tomino's Novel Trilogy for me please.

black dragoon
2008-09-16, 11:12 PM
I figured you would agree. That and maybe a series based off the F91 manga like the original plan had been.

2008-09-17, 12:23 AM
Invader Zim (there was a developing story that would've been awesome if Nick hadn't cancelled it)

Samurai Jack. Not exactly remade, but re... OK, remade, but on a network that has every intention of producing the full story, up to the conclusion.

Freakazoid, Animaniacs, Pinky and the Br-
I think I'm starting to see a pattern. Can I just say that all of these shows just need more episodes?

2008-09-17, 01:01 AM
Not remaking, but rather continuing Firefly, or at least make a show in the same setting. Cowboys in space ftw.

2008-09-17, 01:10 AM
i would like to see avatar redone in a more mature* way. (and yes, it was incredibly awesome to begin with, no contest)

*note: mature does not just mean darker and edgier (though being in a war would require that to some degree)

Lord of the Helms
2008-09-17, 02:02 AM
Bablyon 5 with modern effects. Keep everything else, just give me blisteringly high res Battlecrabs. I mean the space battles are, even with their dated effects, the coolest ones ever put on film. With modern effects they would actually cause me to explode from the sheer concentrated awesome.

Those were my first thoughts exactly upon seeing the thread's title. Especially after seeing how wonderful the station looked in the otherwise rather forgettable Lost Tales.

Although, come to think of it, I would not mind it if they redid season one with good acting, better props and staging areas, occasionally better lines and non-horrific Centauri hairdos while keeping the basic premise and all the important arc material. I absolutely adore the series, but I have to say that the first season was really not that great an introduction to the series as a whole, a few brilliant episodes notwithstanding (Morden's first appearance and Chrysalis in particular).

2008-09-17, 02:20 AM
Quantum Leap, although I don't think it could be as good as the original without Scott Bakula and Dean Stockwell.

I'd already said Quantum Leap, it would be hard casting for a remake though and if they got some idiot(which could be likely) it would totally ruin it.

The A-team? nah?
Maybe a made-for-tv-movie set in the modern day with the original actors?

2008-09-17, 07:09 AM
G Gundam - it's already cool, but with the animation quality year 2008 and big budget allow, it'd be completely kickass. Maybe even better than TTGL.

black dragoon
2008-09-17, 07:18 AM
It, it would be so over the top it would make heads heads explode...

2008-09-17, 07:20 AM
Blakes 7
But only if they're going to do it right

They did, and they called it "Firefly". :smallcool:

We need a new version of "The Onedin Line" (19th century trader-captain plots and schemes his way through history rubbing shoulders with the famous along the way) and a decent British cozy catastrophe series ("Day of the Triffids", "Survivors", "Last Train", etc.).

Jack Squat
2008-09-17, 09:07 AM
The A-team? nah?
Maybe a made-for-tv-movie set in the modern day with the original actors?

George Peppard (Hannibal Smith) is dead...I'm not sure I'd want a Weekend at Bernie's style A-Team.

black dragoon
2008-09-17, 11:54 AM
Yeah I know why does it seem like the best shows are killed off quickly?
Also a Escaflowne remake. That or maybe Aura Battler Dubine I like Fantasy mecha what can I say.

2008-09-17, 11:57 AM
George Peppard (Hannibal Smith) is dead...I'm not sure I'd want a Weekend at Bernie's style A-Team.

I thought he was, wasn't sure though.

That's too bad.:smallfrown:

2008-09-17, 10:57 PM
i would like to see avatar redone in a more mature* way. (and yes, it was incredibly awesome to begin with, no contest)

*note: mature does not just mean darker and edgier (though being in a war would require that to some degree)

thank you. I just want to see the show without it being so obviously censored. As it is, its a great show, but is still limited by the fact its a kids show, and with the exception of hte second season, never goes beyond that, while it could be so much more if allowed to grow

2008-09-17, 10:59 PM
Hey, I've got another one. I want to see a remake of the ORIGINAL (http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Generation_1)transformers series with a few old comics elements.

2008-09-17, 11:15 PM
Hmm, I want to say the original Knight Rider. But it's been redone wrong enough times to make me cautious.

2008-09-18, 02:52 AM
Hmm, I want to say the original Knight Rider. But it's been redone wrong enough times to make me cautious.

What are we on now anyway? 6?

Lets see
1 knight rider
2: team knightrider
3: That future knightrider
4: The Ninties TV movie
4.5 the abandoned theatrical film
5: The new TV Move/piolet