View Full Version : Interesting Addition Polymers

2008-09-14, 04:57 AM
I may need some help with a chemistry essay I'm writing. Well, I say 'essay', but basically I'm supposed to be listing, describing, or even just drawing 'interesting addition polymers' and explaning what makes them interesting. In addition to my trawling the web, does anyone happen to know any interesting addition polymers? Preferably ones somehow related to cats. My chemistry teacher likes cats.

2008-09-14, 07:46 AM
I could list a few biochemical polymers, but I'm not sure if they're these "addition" polymers you're looking for. What are they?

2008-09-14, 08:19 AM
I could list a few biochemical polymers, but I'm not sure if they're these "addition" polymers you're looking for. What are they?

Plastics, basically. Poly(ethene), poly(propane) et cetera. Very useful, but, in my opinion, not known for their interestingness.

2008-09-15, 02:45 PM
Well, I've found some, once I was willing to extend the range of values for 'interesting'! Something to do with the formation of synthetic rubber...

2008-09-15, 02:52 PM
i'll give you $150 usd if you write a paper on additional pylons construction and submit it to your instructor.

2008-09-15, 02:57 PM
i'll give you $150 usd if you write a paper on additional pylons construction and submit it to your instructor.

I don't need anymore pylons! (http://www.bloodysushi.com/macro/****%20off%20aldaris.jpg)
Has a bad word.

2013-07-09, 01:06 AM
BY addition polymers i suppose you want polymerization process because that is the addition or chains of molecules.

Brother Oni
2013-07-09, 02:09 AM
Edit: Crap, a relevant spam bot? Damn, they are getting smarter.