View Full Version : Post-Apocalyptic Eberron

2008-09-14, 11:37 AM
Relampago's audience chamber is actually a small open plateau in the side of the mountain where Arkhalamm is built. Under an open sky lies a huge stone trone where the blue dragon is currently sited. The floor has been carefully leveled and polished, whitout any kind of decorations whatsoever. Just naked stone, so Relamapago can more easily focus on the mortal creatures that come here to speack with him.

As you enter, you see the desert Lord watching silently the starry sky, not bothering to even look at you. In return, twelve humanoid figures, six on each side, drapped in dark blue capes and hoods, seem to stare at you from under their clothes that hide their faces. They're the dragon's personal bodyguards, normally hiding in the shaddows around him when he goes anywhere, but now in plain view for all. They don't move an inch.

The dragon is huge in size. He wears a beatifully crafted mythril armor partially covering his body, clearly magic. His claws are fitted with giant rings, and in his head lies a crown filled with colossal saphires. Relampago da Areia irradiates power and confidence.

The mummy who keeps the door of the audience chamber politely says that Relampago will speack with you once all sumoned individuals have arrived. Luckily this doesn't take too long. As the last member arrives, the blue dragon seems to snap out of his toughts and speacks in a deep grave voice:

Greetings mortals. As you all know, I'm Relampago da Areia, master of Arkhalamm, the desert lord, and more recently, hunter of the marks of mourning, and I called you here to share precious informations with you inferior creatures. You should consider yourselfs very lucky I consider you worthy of what I'm about to tell you.

For your minds to understand, we first need to go back to the time where I was a simple dragon and not the god you know today. Like all dragons, I just wanted to collect a respectable fortune, find a nice mate to lay eggs with, and be feared and respected by those nondragons around me.

I also had a beloved brother, Trovao da Poeira. We grew togheter, we raided the weak humanoids togheter, and for a time we shared the same purposes on life.

However, Trovao ended up hearing of the Draconic prophecy, and when I realized it, my brother had decided to dedicate his life to uncover that mystery who has eluded so many dragons since the dawn of times.

He became completely obssessed with it. One day he sent me a message, claiming that he had discovered what had hapened on Cyre, and that it was only the beguining of something big, and really dangerous. He ranted about how the draconic marks were evolving, and would go out of control if something was not done.

My dear brother tought that he could stop it, if he had help. But the other dragons didn't listen to him, not even I, claiming that his ideas were completely absurd.

Even so Trovao decided to try to do something. He believed a certain combination of specific ancient artifacts and measures could stop the evolution of the dragon marks, or at least control it. He hired a party of powerfull mortal adventurers, very much like you, to do his biddings in secret, but something clearly went wrong. The marks of mourning indeed apeared and the world was torn apart.

It was then, when the dragons tried to stop the marks of mourning by brute force, that I lost contact with my brother in those cataclysmic battles. I don't even know if he's still alive or not, but I had more important things to take care off when it was clear the marks of mourning were too strong to be taken head on. Make this safe lair, get servants, grow stronger, trying to restore the world piece by piece.

I've also gathered talented mortals like yourself and hunted down some of those fountains of wild magic, and made contact with some other powerfull and smart individuals. Togheter we know study the draconic prophecy aided by the precious documents my brother left behind, trying to better understand how to stop all this madness.

And finally we seemed to have arrived at some result. Grykrar, a venerable mindflayer I've known for two centuries now and lives in an underground shrine, told me in his last letter that he had finally managed to recover a book that will greatly help us. However, I haven't heard from him since that last new, and he failed to reply to my messages. I can only guess that Grykar was so focused on his studies that he negligected his own security. Grykar kept his home cloacked under a great number of defensive spells that stop me from using my magic to try to find out what hapened, so I'm forced to send someone there.

Unfortenetely, some marks of mourning seem to have banded togheter and are coming towards my dear city as we speak. I must plan the defense and counter attack carefully, and my most loyal retainers to help me.

On the other claw, I need someone to go to Grykar's shrine, find out what hapened, and get said book, before someone or something else does it. After carefull thinking I've decided that you're the best suited for the task.

As time is precious and all manner of illusions protect Grykar's shrine, you will need to take a "shortcut". Trough Dollurrh, the realm of the Dead, that is. Grykar, like me, was a great student of necromancy, and thus created a permanent portal to connecting that plane and his home so he may better study it. You will find that portal Time doesn't pass on that plane, so you'll arrive at your objective as soon as you leave from here. Now, bear in mind that Dollurrh is a emptyness itself, where normally even magic doesn't work. Thus I will grant you my blessing to aid you passing trough Dollurrh. With my knowledge and power I brewed these special potions, that will protect you from the negative effects of the plane for a week. But be warned, the plane is filled with all kind of dark creatures that will try to harvest your souls, and my droughts won't protect you from them. You'll need your own powers and knowledge to do that. To find Grykar's portal is pretty simple. It's the only source of light on the entire plane as far as I know. You shall be able to see where it is no matter where you arrive.

Now, any questions before I sent you to the realm of the Dead mortals?

With these final words, Relampago takes one of his massive hands to his chest and retrieves a small pouch. He handles it to one of the hooded figures near him, wich in turn goes to you and leaves it in the floor. Anyone who retrieves it sees one glass flask for each party member, filled with some white milky substance.

2008-09-14, 12:38 PM

One of the seven summoned to the Desert Lord's chambers is completely concealed, their dark clothing covering every last inch of skin- a black hooded cloak drapes over nearly everything, but beneath that cloak one only sees a black vest and shirt, with matching pants and boots, even gloves that prove no hindrance for the person's nimble fingers. Other than the fact that they are concealed, however, there is only one thing of interest in their appearance, and that is the mask.

The mask, crafted out of some polished black material, while for the most part appearing human, has many hints of draconic influence in it, as if it were modeled after some man with dragon ancestors. There is a darkness to it as well that does not come from the coloration, but from the narrow eye holes that reveal the real glittering eyes of the person behind the mask, and the expression that the mask depicts- one that is cruel, contemptuous, and haughty. That face, one could almost tell, was of a powerful ruler who demanded and received respect, who was hard to fool and easy to fall prey to. If the person wearing the mask was anything like the mask itself, it would be wise to keep a wary eye on them.

As Relampago speaks they remain quiet, though it is clear that the dragon has their complete attention, their only movements tiny shifts to remain comfortable, while the mask's narrow eyes are fixed on their host. They seem aware of the bodyguards and the others invited to the hall, but as of the moment pay them no heed at all. When the dragon finishes speaking they turn their head to look over the others, then they speak in a muffled voice that conceals much about them.

"I thought marks of mourning were uncontrollable. How then, if this is so, have the marked joined forces to fight against you? Would that not be impossible if they can't control their powers?"

2008-09-14, 02:36 PM
Hrothgar Stonehelm

One of the summoned, a dwarf, appears to be shorter and stouter then most other dwarfs. With one thick muscular arm he clutches a warhammer, and with the other thick muscular arm he holds a big steel shield with the crest of Thor on it. He wears big heavy armor that doesn't slow him down, again with the crest of Thor on it. He wears a helmet, with great horns on it, it shows enough of his face that you would remember it anywhere, on his right eye is an eye patch and his left eye is a dark gray like faded armor. He has a small necklace on it there is a small jewel that shines with radiant wisdom. He has a light gray beard that almost touches the ground and his face has many scars and wrinkles that show all of his life. He wears a big leather belt that has many years made into it, making it look tough and strong. Taking one of the flasks he puts it around his belt loop so he won't forget where its at.
I don' know about the rest of ye, but I be ready to leave now rather then.... He starts to ramble on about one of his wartime experiences that he either made up, part of it was true, or actually happened to him.

2008-09-14, 03:21 PM
The dragon looks at Azira, his dark eyes glowing even brighter, and his mouth twists in somethig wich could probably be the draconic version of smile:

Effectively, at first glance the powers of the mark of mourning seemed indeed uncontrolable. But after twenty years of carefull study and investigation from my part, it seems like a significant number of the individuals affected by the marks of mourning managed to grasp control of their amazing new abilities and no longer acted randomly. Some of those I killed surely showed signs of rational tought, and I heard tales of marks of mourning joining or even controling certain encampments. These facts suports my brother's theory that this was the next step on the evolution of the dragonmarks. Unfortenetely, it seems like the rest of the world is expendable in this change. If we were to simply lay down, the marks of mourning would most surely create a new world from the ashes of this, but none of us would be here to see or enjoy it.

I'm resisting them, and thus it's only natural they start to see a common enemy on me, even joining forces to try to take me down. Let them come. I will not bow down to the draconic prophecy, or anything else, because I'm the desert lord!

2008-09-14, 03:26 PM

"I expect the arcane was uncontrollable too, to those who first wielded it." With a patient step, the dwarf steps forward. He seems to dress plainly: beard, boots, breeches and a shirt, all of which seem to have seen plenty of long days. He also wears a grey cloak with a hood down at his back, it seems either much better preserved or much more resistant then his other garments.

There's a small clack as he walks, made by the improptu walking stick. More then twice the dwarf's height, the glaive seems to shimmer with a red hue every with every clack against the floor. Even for a dwarf, Gunilla seems slow, his legs move reluctantly and even when walking appear stiff. He takes his flask and peers at it with a thoughtful expression. "Thank you. My only question is if my drinking this will also... bless... those linked to me."

He nods at the hippogriff laying down where he'd a few feet from where he'd been standing. It seems much more battle ready then its rider as it's actually wearing some kind of protective armor. There's a hint of intelligence in its gaze and it seems to be watching the scene carefully, waiting for an answer. "I don't mean to be rude Lord Relampago, its just that I wouldn't be were I am without him. He's my legs and wings, in more then one way."

2008-09-14, 04:35 PM
(When I said there was a flask for each party member, it included familiars and companions and whatnot.)

2008-09-14, 07:39 PM

The Ethereal Filcher, reclining against the ground on his two lower hands, does not even bother to sign(not that any other the other's here are likely to know Battle Sign), speaking directly to the dragon's mind. So, will this endeavor cancel our debt? It's dark purple skin, quick, jarring movements, and long, skeletal hands are familiar to most of the longtime residents of the mountain, as he's most likely overseen the great majority of their entrances into the city.

2008-09-14, 08:29 PM

Oliver is a small, thin man in simple clothes and a simple weapon. The one thing of note is that Oliver glows with a light within. All creatures of good recognize it as a sign of purity of purpose in serving Pholtus.

"Relampago, pray tell me, what assurances can you grant us that our work will not be used to accumulate power and wealth for yourself and not free the people of this world from the dangerous things that threaten the races of this land?"

2008-09-14, 08:31 PM

"Ah, my mistake. There seems to be another one..." The embarrassment shows itself loud and clear. Gunilla tries to hurry back to his mount while the hippogriff looks down disapprovingly, almost as if scolding him. "So much for first impressions... and you don't give me any lip, yes, yes I know you would have seen it."

Gunilla turns to the humble looking human as the words leave his mouth. Both he and Albert watch the dragon's reaction.

2008-09-14, 10:25 PM

"How curious."
The figure, which is known to others as Azira, brushes their fingers together as they seem to pause in thought, weighing this new information and what to do with it, as if the very thought of controlled marks changed everything... perhaps it did, perhaps there was something that would be much different now that the marks of mourning could be directed by those cursed by them.
"I will take this mission that you offer up to us. I hope my powers will be of service in finding what we need to end this crisis. A continued threat is not what this world needs... the idea that the marks will keep growing is a bit of a shock... "
Azira moves to the pouch and picks up a single potion, toying with it between long, thin fingers.
"Isn't it strange, that what was once a blessing has become a curse, a plague to be driven out? Who would have thought that it would occur..."
Azira carefully places the potion in a pouch.
"I am ready whenever I am needed."

2008-09-14, 11:25 PM
Nolan listened to his lord and nodded appropriatly. His life had been dedicated to the dragon ever since he killed his first Mark of Mourning.

Nolan was a simple looking man, rather unremarkable to look at really. Though he was rather whiplike in appearance, looking one meal off of healthy. When the potions were passed around Nolan took his as well and drank the draught having a feeling in his bones that he would soon need it.

The sound of metal jingling could faintly be heard under his jerkin announcing that he was in fact protected by armor, but his dark cloth garb seemed loose and empty, and his haversack slung over his shoulder seemingly the only possesion aside from the shirt on his back. But that suited him as well. His only possesions back at his room were thick rugs and firs adorning his floor before a fireplace.

"Lord," Nolan begins in reverance, "do we have a physical location of Grykar's shrine? Or an idea of how we may return if it takes longer than half a week to find his home?" It really didn't matter, but some questions still needed to be asked. "I only ask that we may speed home with the tome in question."

2008-09-15, 07:48 AM
Black feels an answer from the dragon pop up in his mind.
Make sure the book is returned intact and your debt will be forgiven. This is the most important quest I've ever given you, and I trust you to make sure it is completed. You're my ace in the sleeve in this party, Black. Don't disapoint me, or you will have nowhere to hide.

Relampago then turns to Oliver and says, in an arrogant tone:

You've got the word of a god. That should be more than enough for a mortal like you. Still, bear in mind that the uncontroled marks of Mourning are a menace to us all, even me. I've done much to fight them. You should feel privileged for an oportunity to aid me in this task.

Then, the desert lord turns to Nolan and replies, more condescently:

Grykar's shrine is located somewhere in the shaddow marches. It was built in such a way that geting inside is hard, but exiting it is quite easy, so you should have no trouble returning to the surface. Just walk in any direction and you'll eventually leave the magic defenses. Then I trust a group of adventurers like you shall be able to find some way to return to my home.

2008-09-15, 08:08 PM

The massive, crystal-covered warforged stepped forward from the wall, his two toed feet causing sparks with each of his heavy footfalls. The constructs metal hands easily cupped and stowed the milky flask in one of the myriad pouches that covered his belt

Glint's voice was steady, with almost the quality of a pair of smooth river rocks being rubbed together as is dimly glowing crystal eyes regarded the massive dragon. "An interesting task you've put before us, and in all honesty one I'll enjoy participating in. If only for a chance to experience Dollurrh and survive to speak of it."

2008-09-15, 08:24 PM

Oliver peers closely at the dragon and avoids rolling his eyes at the term "god" from the beast's mouth. But he sees no falsehood in the dragon's words and asks, "When do we leave?"

[roll0] Wild guess that Oliver would believe that the dragon was actually a gold dragon with a scale condition.

2008-09-15, 09:03 PM
Nolan shrugged internally at his lords words. He was often less than notice...until he was needed. Nolan had dedicated quite a bit of his time in the pursuit of tribute to equipping himself to best continue his endeavor. He would continue to service his lord as he has never had it so good, and as much freedom as he had ever been granted.

2008-09-15, 10:51 PM

"Never seen a group so eager to enter the realm of the dead." The hippogriff snickers as the dwarf gives the saddle a last check. "Then we should be going, it looks like starting now we have a week to return." Gunilla gives the thin looking man a look a soldier would give to the first man in his company to charge into the fray.

The large beast of war behind next to him crouches down. Smiling, he mounts, ready to go.

2008-09-16, 02:58 PM
Go with the blessing of the desert lord my warriors!

With these words, Relamapago's eyes start glowing and the ground around you lights up, revealing inscripted red runes on the rock, arranjed in a large circle envolving the party.

Then the world around you starts to dissolve, like it was just a simple mist, and behind it appears a new world. A dark world.

The sky is pitch black. It has stars and a moon just like Eberron, but here they just release a faint glow, just enough to discern the basic traces of the things around you. Long shaddows stretch everywhere, and everything looks black or gray. The land is barren, whitout any kind of plants in sight, and just some elevations and depressions, resutlitng a dull geography. Some humanoids of diferent races wander slowly near your postion, but they don't seem to react to the party in any way. Those who are not naked have their clothes ragged and wasted just like they have been used for centuries. Below it their skin is covered by dust. Their eyes are fixed on an empty space and their faces don't show any kind emotion. There are also some animals and beasts, but they too ignore you and simply walk or fly in no particular direction. Some of them simply stand still, as if awaiting something with infinite patience. The air is filled with lamentings and moans from the inhabitants, in a creepy chilling chore.

Here and there, some miles away, you can spot some constructions of black rock, resembling crypts and temples with elements of several religions, some of wich you don't even know. These seem to have a greater concentration of creatures around them, as well as more activity, altough you cannot discern what exactly is going on.

The entire scenario is extremely depressing and agonizing, and you soon start to feel your hearts heavy and your minds filled with despair. The shaddows themselves seem to move to engulf you. But sudenly something warm starts to flow inside you, and soon spreads trough your body. The despair and hopeleness disapears and you recover your own personalities. The world is still gray and the air is filled with the desesperate chorus, but you know that you're still not dead and have a future.

As if to suport this, you spot a light on the horizon. Not very big, but glowing brightly in the middle of the darkness. You wonder how you didn't notice it at first. Are the shaddows really moving or it was just your imagination?

Everybody spot checks.

2008-09-16, 03:29 PM

The moment that the dragon begins the incantations, he calls his mount and adminsters the vial to the mount and himself. The mount is a large, dangerous looking warhorse. The light that radiates from Oliver reflects lightly off the shimmery silver-twined white coat, mane and tail of the horse.

When the world changes, Oliver clings to his mount, White, comforting him as best he can, and in turn the horse comforts Oliver. When the group begins to feel better, Oliver mounts the great beast. The horse snorts and stomps a front hoof.

"Don't worry. After this I'll find you a nice stream to wash the remnants of this place off." Oliver speaks quietly near the horse's ears.

Oliver sits up in his seat and looks about, "To the light, then?"


2008-09-16, 04:16 PM
Black[roll0] then add one from Gambler’s Hand Stance*.

*Gambler’s Hand Stance adds 1 in luck to any one roll I make per round, which is going to be my default stance unless I'm in combat, which will then be Sleight of Blade[Which is a lot like Assassin's Stance, except 5th and better].

Also, readied Maneuvers(and initials of discipline) are:
Masterful Parry (OS),
Thunderstorm Flurry (OS),
Razorstorm (OS),
Blade of Dire Fates (CE),
Moment of Chance (CE),
Lightning Slash (OS),
Possibility Smite (CE),
Roulette Parry (CE),
Warrior’s Fate (CE)Also, is the reliving feeling we feel from the potion?:smallconfused:
I'm going to assume so, and act acordingly.Black, after drinking most of the potion and dripping a few drops in the small container's he holds in his pack, first turns invisible and then attempts to 'jaunt away from the rest of the other's.
In any case, the Filcher speeds away towards the light, pausing to look back, become visible for a moment and signal that they should follow, before disappearing again and heading put at full speed.

2008-09-16, 05:07 PM
Hrothgar Stonehelm

Drinking the potion, he then finds himself in the darkness. Shocked when he lowered the potion from his mouth, he realizes that he is in the realm of the dead.


Looking towards the light he says That looks to be th' place up ahead there.
Gripping his hammer and shield more tightly, he watches carefully at all the dead seeming to be moving, or not moving, for no purpose at all.

2008-09-16, 07:56 PM
Arriving in this gray, bleak world the psyforged quickly retrieved and drank down the potion he was given. Feeling it's alchemical properties taking effect upon his psionic and magical organs, he loses the strap holding his greatsword in place and hefts its adamantine weight.

[roll0] Spot

2008-09-16, 10:22 PM
Nolan falls into the Island of Blades stance, and looks about the stark landscape while drawing his chain from the sack at his side. He would not be caught unaware here.


Shadow Blade Technique
sapphire Nightmare Strike
Stone Bones
Wind Stride
Ghost Blade
Bloodletting Strike
Obscuring Shadow Veil
Death Mark

2008-09-16, 10:30 PM

"So this is what happens after death... best to put it off then." Gunilla tosses the two empty flasks behind him as Albert starts spreading his wings. "Jesh, that thing must be a hurry." He pulls a small rod from his side and chants a long string or arcane phrases. Once finished, his polearm seems to have a more intense glow and both both his eyes and the mounts seem to have an knowing gleam to them.

"Best to get moving then, we don't want to lose that thing." He turns to the rest of the group, glad to see at least one other horse. But... He has Albert lift off the ground and move a bit closer to the filcher's direction. He hollers out, "Hey slow down! I don't think everyone can keep up!"

Spells cast (and in order, in case the action is interrupted): Extended Enhance Familiar, Shared See Invisibility, Extended Greater magic Weapon and Extended Mage Armor. The rod of extend is now out of uses.

Spot checks
Gunilla [roll0]
Albert [roll1]

2008-09-16, 10:43 PM
Yeah, I'd like to wait to see what the spot check was for before we go running off.

2008-09-17, 08:01 AM
Black manages to ethereal jaunt, but once in the ethereal plane, he sees a completely diferent scenario.

Some giant gray square metal fortress roughly a hundred meters large fly slowly in a carefull patern, each one roughly a hundred miles from each other, as if patroling the ethereal plane. Between them float what seems like gray obelysks surrounded by a ghostly light, not much bigger than a simple house. As the castles, they move all at the same speed, keeping the distance between them. There seems to be one obelisk per mile.

In the closest one, Black can see that they have some strange patterns on their surface and what seems like square windows. Unforetenetely he's too far away to manage to see inside the windows.

Outside the floating constructions, countless ghosts float aimlessly, in an eerie procession.

As for those in the material plane, you realize that what seemed like shaddows are actually swarms. Swarms of rats, lizards, spiders, insects and other little creatures. All half decayed and floating silently above the ground whitout making a single sound. They are clearly moving to surround the party, and they seem to be around sixteen independent swarms, the closest one still being some eighty feets away tough.

Ah, yes, Black's sheet doesn't have HP.

2008-09-17, 08:29 AM

Oliver looks out over the grey expanses and notes, "Something's coming." He pulls out his mace and prepares for an attack as the glow that surrounds him intensifies.

Expand Holy Radiance. Undead within 10' radius of Oliver take 1d4 damage per round.

Also, since Oliver has detect evil at will, so long as initiatives haven't been rolled (i.e., not in combat) he will generally be detecting evil for all new things he sees.

2008-09-17, 08:29 AM

Azira frowns down at the potion, glances at the others, then turns away from them, removing that strange black mask and lowering a hood to obscure their features as they swallow the potion quickly. As soon as possible, the mask goes back on, firmly being replaced as Azira looks back to everyone, voice ringing hollowly in the quiet.
"This is a dark place indeed, even for the land of the dead. We should move quickly, and make our time here short. I would not want to linger over long here, and I doubt any of you feel differently."
With a swift snap of fingers, Azira conjures a glowing light above one hand, raising it to maximize the area it illuminates. Slowly, the black robed figure moves forwards towards the swarms, unafraid.
"But first, it seems we have attracted some interest already..."
The light around Azira's hand seems to distort, as if something were whirring around it, almost- but not quite- invisible.

I think I missed the spot check, but here it is anyways:

2008-09-17, 09:38 AM

The Filcher frowns.
Returning both the visible and material planes, he signs to the others:None of you know Battle Sign, do you?

For some reason, I missed that whenever I went looking for it.
Will take average and fill in sheet latter this afternoon.

2008-09-17, 12:25 PM

"Well, I don't know what he's trying to say, there, but he may have the right idea on hurrying to the light. I suspect we'll attract attention anywhere we are on this plane." Oliver spurs his mount and decides to move at a good pace towards the light, following the little invisible thing whenever it pops into view.

2008-09-17, 12:48 PM
Soo, do you try to breack trough the swarms, make a stand, try to talk or something else? The swarms are between you and the light.

2008-09-17, 12:55 PM
I was considering encountering them as we come upon them. And reacting to their actions. Right now they are simplying heading towards us, surrounding us, so logically we move the center of the circle and hopefully deal with fewer of them at a time.

Are they evil?

2008-09-17, 01:19 PM
Oh, I meant to put this in my last post- I cast Light, and the weird whirring thing was my reflavored eldritch blast getting readied. Akira is just waiting for them to prove hostile.

2008-09-17, 01:50 PM
As the first swarms aproach, not scared by the light, Oliver feels strong evil in them. However as the party advances the front swarms back away, keeping a safe distance, while the swarms in back and sides speed up to close the circle.

Also, soon after Azira casts light, the party can't stop to notice that some of the wandering figures scatered in the wasteland around you seem to notice it, and start to advance towards you. Much slower than the swarms, but surely converging towards the light.

The party can only move as fast as the slowest member, Hrothgar, who has the amazing speed of 15 feets per turn. Unless someone gives him a ride, you won't outrun the swarms any time soon. The front ones are around 50 feets, keeping a constant distance, and the others around are farther away but closing in.

2008-09-17, 02:11 PM
Dwarves don't slow down for medium/heavy armor or load. Still, he's only moving 20' per round.

2008-09-17, 04:02 PM

The monk makes an exasperated motion, before signing one final thing and disappearing.

IC:I despise your *** ******* ******* so much right now.

OOC:HP is 82.
Black goes to the nearest shuffling figure(if it's within reason), and while still invisible, makes a spring attack against it.

2008-09-17, 04:22 PM

"Well, that was hardly polite."

2008-09-17, 05:44 PM
oliana0:Oh, but this dwarf is carrying mountain plate, wich aparently is so cubersome that even dwarfs get the speed reduced for wearing it. From races of stone.

wadledo:Hmm, I'm afraid I can't understand your last actions. By shuffling figure do you mean swarm? By whitin reason do you mean reach? You're saying you'll attack the nearest swarm right?

2008-09-17, 06:05 PM
Hrothgar Stonehelm

Walking as fast as his fat little body can take him, he moves onward towards the light. Ay, why does it have to be so far away? Me old body can't taken no more of this beating. he mumbles to himself.

mountain plate is awesome because it adds +10 bonus to my ac!!

2008-09-17, 06:29 PM
wadledo:Hmm, I'm afraid I can't understand your last actions. By shuffling figure do you mean swarm? By whitin reason do you mean reach? You're saying you'll attack the nearest swarm right?

Sorry, meant wandering figures.
And within reason means within a run action(in my case, 360').
You know, these things:
Also, soon after Azira casts light, the party can't stop to notice that some of the wandering figures scattered in the wasteland around you seem to notice it, and start to advance towards you. Much slower than the swarms, but surely converging towards the light.

2008-09-17, 07:37 PM
With a quick jaunt to the ethereal plane, Black bypasses the swarms encircling the party and stops his movement nearby one of the clearly aproaching figures.

Now that he's closer, he notices that this particular individual seems to have his skin half molten, altough it still has remains of a face on it. The fingers are swollen and the lower jaw is droped almost to the chest.

Puting himself in the sleight of blade stance, he quickly aproaches and makes one quick clean hit with one of his elbows, aimed at the head, before quicly jumping back. Strangely the blow easily passes trough the targert, just as if he had no bones, only soft flesh. The creature's head pops with a squishing sound and the rest of the body melts in front of Black's eyes, the remains being swallowed by the wasteland.

The other wandering figures who were heading towards Azira's light don't seem affected in any way by this and keep slowly dragginging themselves towards the rest of the party, ignoring Black.

Target destroyed. You could only have failed by rolling a natural one on the attack, so I'm not even going to bother to roll. Everybody else, decide what you did while Black was punching dead meat.

2008-09-17, 07:49 PM
*as noted in above*

Hrothgar Stonehelm

Walking as fast as his fat little body can take him, he moves onward towards the rest of the party and the light Ay, why does it have to be so far away? Me old body can't taken no more of this beating he mumbles to himself.

2008-09-17, 09:24 PM

Glint shook his head, his sword in hand but as his eyes swept over the advancing creatures he allowed himself to lower into a less offensive posture. "I don't believe these creatures mean us harm, or indeed can even harm us. Perhaps these are simply the walking souls headed into the great oblivion of the afterlife?"

2008-09-17, 09:31 PM

"It is interesting to note their attraction to light... the closer we get to our destination, the more we will see, I believe..."
Azira quenches the light spell that had been cast, deciding it was not worth the risk.
"Perhaps it will be best to continue our journey in darkness."
Azira begins walking towards the light, keeping an eye on the beings around them.

2008-09-17, 09:40 PM

Nolan did not share Glint's optimism and activated his ring and subsequently turned invisible and really only half there, half in the ethereal plane. He prepared to fight the swarms, really not liking the near mindless things.

Activate ring of blinking

2008-09-18, 10:33 AM
After Azira turns out her light, the wandering ones that were aproaching stop for a moment, and then return to walk in random directions just as before.

The swarms, on the other hand, start to tighten the encirclment on the party. You can now hear several small angry sounds from the tiny animals that float around you. They point their decayed teeths and claws at you. Just a few more swarms from the rear and they'll end forming the circle.

2008-09-18, 10:51 AM

"Enough of this." Oliver holds his simple holy symbol in the air and proclaims in a loud clear voice. "In all that is holy, trust me, you should LEAVE NOW."

Turn Undead
[roll0] Max HD affected: 16
Any affected undead within range with less than 7 HD, will be destroyed, not turned.

2008-09-18, 02:08 PM
As Oliver's holy symbol glows brightly on the dark, a part of the swarms sudenly flies away screeching, but the rest stands firm and closes in, all but ignoring Oliver's warnings. Battle is now unavoidable.

The blue squares is the party's starting area. Choose any of those squares for you to start on.

Black is somwhere to the left side. He must spend 100 feets of movement before entering the battlefield, at wich moment he may enter at any square of the left side of the battlefield and spend any remaining movement, so a charge is possible.

There are 13 swarms left, but they're divided in 4 groups, each one with it's own iniative. They're all of the same kind.

Whoever wants to act first roll iniative. If higher than any of the swarms then you can act imediatily. If not then wait for your turns.

A final note, I probably won't be able to post much in the weekend or tomorrow.

2008-09-18, 02:10 PM
(Ignore this)

2008-09-18, 02:12 PM
Swarm's iniatives:


2008-09-18, 02:20 PM
What direction were we headed?
Can you tell us which swarms are flying versus creeping? It will make a difference in attacks.

How many swarms left?

2008-09-18, 02:55 PM
The light is in the direction of the upper side of the battlefield.

All swarms are flying just some feets above the ground, counts as being on land.

13 Swarms left, each one 4 squares big.

2008-09-18, 03:03 PM
Can we call towards the light "North" for simplicity sake and orient the maps like this one (i.e., like a regular map, "north" is on the top)? Just convention to make directions easier.

Err... not how many swarms are left, how many swarms bugged out when Oliver turned undead? Wow, pun was not intended, but I'll take it.

2008-09-18, 03:37 PM
BlackInit: [roll0]

2008-09-18, 05:33 PM
Uupp, forgot to say it. 3 Swarms run away from your symbol.

And yes, feel free to call the place where the light is as North, since there isn't a real magnetic north in this plane anyway.

Wadledo, you seem to have won iniative over the swarms, feel free to act.

2008-09-18, 07:37 PM

Edit- starting in N 13.

2008-09-18, 07:56 PM
Hrothgar Stonehelm

Hrothgar is starting in p13

2008-09-18, 08:32 PM

[roll0] Initiative
Starting Position: M, 14

2008-09-18, 08:57 PM

Nolan (N14) holds his position, watching the swarms grow closer he waits, invisible and only partially there.

2008-09-18, 09:23 PM

Gunilla swoops back to the group as the swarms intent becomes evident.

Initiative: [roll0]

Gunilla would riding Albert. So he'd be occupying N11-12 and O11-12

2008-09-19, 04:36 AM
Iniative order

Starting on top:

Blue swarm
Red swarm
Black swarm
Green swarm

Starting positions:

Since Oliana0 still didn't pick his starting position I took the liberty of puting her character into one of the few remaining good spots.


Nolan's turn.

2008-09-19, 07:49 AM
Yeah, there wasn't much room for Oliver after the rest had taken their spots. He's mounted on White so he takes up to spots.
N-O15 makes sense

2008-09-19, 08:05 AM
Why is Azira suddenly at P 14? :smalleek:
Totally don't want to be on the edge there.

2008-09-19, 10:21 AM
Map fixed, sorry for the misplace Vael.

2008-09-19, 09:41 PM
Nolan takes a step back (N14) and using Oliver as cover Nolan prepares to strike at these beasts.

5' step and total defense

2008-09-21, 09:16 AM
(Glint's turn in case nobody noticed)

2008-09-21, 05:28 PM

The Filcher takes several long bounds before leaping into the air and catapulting over the swarm, sending out a fist to land a deceptively weak blow in the center of it, sending a number of (whatever the swarm is made of) flying.
Attacking R4-U4 swarm, landing S9.
Thunderstorm Flurry maneuver: [roll2] added a turn later.

2008-09-22, 05:24 PM

2008-09-22, 05:33 PM


2008-09-22, 06:21 PM
Black is suprised when his punch passes trough the swarm and instead of roting flesh he feels a cold haze. The small creatures he sends flying dissipate into smoke, slightly reducing the swarm. If it wasn't for the ki energy focused on his fists, he probably wouldn't be able to hurt them at all.

Part of the swarms on the other side of the field open their mouths in unisson, and from it comes forth several tiny mist threads that quickly fly towards Oliver and Nolan. This mist chills Oliver to the bones, deep burning cold, but Nolan manages to dodge them all thanks to his defensive stance.

Then, several of the small creatures rush in. The party does it best to kill them as they advance but they are too many and the heroes find themselves covered by the small dead creatures. Specially, the mounts lack of magic weapons makes them unable to hurt the swarms at all. The small undead creatures don't bite or scratch however, their bodies being nothing more than a ghostly mist, but pass trough your bodies, leaving behind a cold very uncorfomtable sensation, as if draining your strenght.


Oliver takes 77 cold damage and 2 str penalty.
Oliver's mount takes 6 cold damage and 4 str penalty.
Nolan takes 6 cold damage and 4 str penalty.
Glint takes 6 cold damage and 2 str penalty.
Gunilla takes 6 cold damage and 3 str penalty.
Albert takes 6 cold damage and 3 str penalty.
Hrothgar takes 6 cold damage and 2 str penalty.
Azira takes 6 cold damage and 4 str penalty
Black takes 6 cold damage and 3 str penalty.

I'm not counting player's resistances, so reduce damage is apropriate.

Black's attack hited.

Attacks of oportunity made as you were swarmed:

The swarm over Gunilla took 11 damage.
The swarm over Akane+Hrothgar+Glint took 51 damage.
The swarm over Oliver+Nolan took 23 damage.


At the beggining of each player's turn, if they are over an active swarm, they must make a fort save DC 20 or have only a partial action for their turn. Spellcasting over a swarm demands concentration check DC 20+spell level. Skill checks demand DC 20 concentration checks. Yes, that's how it works here.


Azira's turn.

2008-09-22, 06:47 PM
No AoO when the swarm moved?

2008-09-22, 06:49 PM
Three things:
1. I don't bother to make any attacks of opportunity, thus gaining the benefits from Sturmundrang:Focused Retribution(+5 to attack and damage next turn{I'm going to need it with that str penalty}).
2. If it makes a difference, I get +2 on saves in stances from Oncoming Storm due to Defensive Stance(the 8th level swordsage thingy).
3. The bonus from Thunderstorm Flurry should still affect it, since it's not sneak attack damage.

2008-09-22, 10:46 PM
When next action comes around.

Nolan did have a +2 to his saves as he was in a shadow stance (Defensive stance) Swordsage 8

When my turn comes around again.

Nolan Ghosts from one opponent to the other striking out with the darkness wtihin himself.

Nolan moves to P14 & uses the Obscuring Shadow Veil against R13-18

Attack = 1d20+13 =
Damage = 2d4+10+5d6 = [roll]2d4+10+5d6 = 31 from roll on next post

DC 18 fort or 50% miss chance on all melee & ranged attacks on next turn.

My current saves with the stance are

Fort 6
Ref 15
Will 14

AC 29 & Invisible & 50% miss chance

2008-09-22, 10:48 PM
For the roll that didn't happen
[roll0] +10 + [roll1]

2008-09-23, 01:09 AM
I already made the AoOs in case you didn't notice. Check out the damage spoiler to see how much each swarm took out of AoOs.

If Black refuses to make AoOs, then the swarm over him still wasn't damaged(edited the damage post).

And no, nobody still had to made a save. You need to make the fort save at the beggining of your turn.

2008-09-23, 07:45 AM

Oliver slumps over in his saddle, and tumbles to the ground. White, the great horse lightly steps over Oliver and tries to provide cover for the fallen Paladin.

Is that what that was? Also Holy Radiance does 1d4 damage to any undead within 10' of Oliver, as well.

White is unhurt by the Cold. Full Defense and providing cover for Oliver, if possible.

Oliver is at -2 HP. (-1 from attacks and -1 from not becoming stable.)



2008-09-23, 08:18 AM
The swarm over Akane+Hrothgar+Glint took 51 damage.

((Sorry, but this isn't the Magical Girl you're looking for. Please try again. :smalltongue:))


Azira's cold, rigid mask hides any expressions, but the urgency of Azira's movement may demonstrate just what the sorcerer thinks of the situation. Azira flies up into the air and looks down on everything, trying to get a feel for the situation.

Fortitude Save: [roll0]
Fly straight up 15ft. If I make my save, I'll post another action...

2008-09-23, 11:18 AM
Hrothgar's turn

2008-09-23, 05:07 PM
Hrothgar Stonehelm

Hrothgar looks around at the havoc, takes a 5 ft (to p14) step to his left, and then precedes to casts summon monster V and summons a hound archon to help aid them in battle.


2008-09-25, 09:59 AM
Azira flies up, managing to get out of the pshycal reach of the swarms. But they hiss angrily, and then shoot more of the tiny mist threads towards the mysterious woman.


2008-09-25, 10:07 AM
Azira feels her body chill to the bone, but holds trough.

Hrothgar manages to get out of the swarm and starts summoning help.

Oliver is still down, but his aura of purity burns some of the swarm elements away. His horse tries his best to protect his master, but the tiny creatures easily crawl trough.

The swarms tighten their grasp around the party.


Azira takes 60 cold damage.

Each swarm in a 10 foot radius from Oliver takes:
[roll0] Holy damage.

Gunilla's turn.

2008-09-25, 12:24 PM
((Yikes. Just because I want to make absolutely sure I didn't take that much damage if I could have avoided a little, did you add in my +5 untyped AC bonus against ranged attacks from my Crystal of Arrow deflection?))

2008-09-25, 01:19 PM
(Yep, those were touch attacks, so even with the crystal your AC is still just 20, and all the attacks hited. But here's a little secret to calm you down: those ice shots were one shot tricks. That's why they deal so much damage and are touch attacks.)

2008-09-25, 03:54 PM

(Fort saves in the OoC thread, Gunilla passes but Albert is limited to a partial action)

"Arg! Damned insects! Albert, come on!" Gunilla pushes the hippogriff forward, forcing it to focus and move through the swarms. The pair struggle through the insects before finally reaching a clearing beyond their barricade. Gunilla spins his glaive as he moves and after the first few rotations it seems to accelerate, as if it had a life of its own. "The Dead should stay Dead!"

With a wide swing, the polearm flies from his hands and into the insects. The first swarm it strikes results in its red glow fading after a small burst of crimson. It ignores its allies and continues until it reaches the other side of their barricade. No sooner does the weapon return to Gunilla and its in the air again, after a second motion from the dwarf. It repeats its cuts before it returns to its owner´s hands. The dwarf is panting, sweat starting to run down the sides of his face.

Albert will use its action to move through the swarm until it reaches N6-7 and O6-7. Once there Gunilla casts Whilring Blade, followed by quick cast Whirling Blade. His Int is used in place of his Strength in its attacks. the first Attack also recieves an Empowered Vampiric Touch from the weapons Bllodstone property. The attacks come from O7 and strike the swarms 60ft east. if possible, he´ll give the temporary HP to Albert

Order of the attacks would be Green, Red, Black, Black, Blue

+3 Bloodstone Glaive with Int instead of Str

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1] + [roll2]

Attack [roll3]
Damage [roll4]

Attack [roll5]
Damage [roll6]

Attack [roll7]
Damage [roll8]

Attack [roll9]
Damage [roll10]

Second Whilring Blade

Attack [roll11]
Damage [roll12]

Attack [roll13]
Damage [roll14]

Attack [roll15]
Damage [roll16]

Attack [roll17]
Damage [roll18]

Attack [roll19]
Damage [roll20]

2008-09-25, 04:36 PM
Now we're talking business!

50% chance of each strike failing due to swarm's etherealness.


2008-09-25, 04:38 PM
Two more still.



2008-09-25, 05:02 PM
For some of the swarms, Gunilla's magic guisarme simply passes trough them whitout affecting them in any way, as if they were made of air.

For the others, the spinning guisarme literally rips open a hole trough them. One of the swarms is actually completely dispersed, the small undeads vanishing like puffs of smoke.

Then Nolan decides to take advantage of the momentum, and advances forward, quickly spining his chain while entering and exiting the ethereal plane in a deadly dance, that culminates with his weapon cuting a swath trough one of the swarms, covering them in dark shaddows.

No sooner than ending his blow, the swarm over Black loses several of their components, as if they had been struck by an invisible attacker. Or maybe it's just the fist warrior's secret techniques finnally showing their power...

http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg138/oslecamo/swarms-6.gif As usual, Azira is floating 15 feets up in the air.


Swarm at O9 took 18 damage.
Swarm at O12 took 34 damage.
Swarm at 013 took 24 damage and was destroyed.
Swarm at O15 took 23 damage.
Swarm at R18 took 31 damage and fails save.


Black's turn(ZekeArgo seems to have vanished from the forums, so we'll keep going whitout him untill he shows signs of life again.)

2008-09-26, 03:30 PM

The filcher's hands seem to stream golden light as first his fingers, then his hands, then the rest of him begin to move in a way that seems decidedly wrong, as though he was doing something against the very basic filaments of the universe, but is being ignored for the moment, causing friction between his body and the rest of the world.
His huge, shark-like mouth makes a smile as the golden light makes his hands blur, seeming as though each of his fists strikes once, twice, thrice, an infinite number that defies all sight and sense.
Initiate Razorstorm.:smallamused:

Oncoming Storm (Boost)
Level: Swordsage 5, Warblade 5
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: End of turn

You attack at rapid speed, demolishing your foes’ defenses. Until the end of turn, whenever you make a melee attack, you make two attack rolls, and use the higher result to determine whether or not the attack hit.
Attacks 1-8 and rerolls.1.[roll0]/[roll1]
Attacks 9-12 and rerolls, going to the swarm in R99.[roll16]/[roll17]
Damage 1-81.[roll24]
Damage 9-129.[roll32]

2008-09-26, 05:32 PM

White tries to stomp on the creatures that get too close to Oliver, to no avail.

Gonna post out of order because I don't want anyone waiting on Oliver, and nothing he does right now will affect others' moves.
[roll0] Oliver's at -3 HP and still bleeding.

White's actions are a description of full defense that's more colorful than saying he stands defensively. But I intend for him to take a full defense action.

[roll1] For Holy Radiance. Just in case that's all they need to put them over the edge. :smallwink:

2008-09-26, 05:51 PM
Miss chance against ethereal

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]
[roll4] [roll5]
[roll6] [roll7]
[roll8] [roll9]
[roll10] [roll11]

2008-09-26, 06:07 PM
Aoos from Nolan.


2008-09-26, 06:13 PM
Even more Aoos from Nolan since he managed to destroy the swarm trying to go over him.



2008-09-26, 06:45 PM
Black shows this swarm he isn't afraid of numbers, as his attacks hit and destroy with amazing precision every single component of the black cloud untill the air around him is clean again. And he still has energy left to deal heavy damage to the other nearby swarm, altough in the end of the seemingly endless flurry of blows the undead spirits still hold their ground.

But still the party is badly outnumbered, and the remaining swarms advance to take the place of their fallen brothers. One of them takes flight into the air and manages to envelop Azira in a cold embrance once again.

Nolan spins his chain with terrific speed, managing to destroy one weakened swarm, but another one takes it's place and envelops the shaddow warrior who tries to jump into the ethereal plane rather than face the cold embrance.


Azira now has a swarm flying over her square and some others up in the air, like seen on the right side of the map.

I removed Glint from the map since his player has gone missing. Let's just say he vanishes under the swarms and is never seen again. If he shows signs of life again he'll be back from the dead.

Party damage:

Everybody inside a swarm takes more 6 cold damage.

Nolan suffers no damage in roll of 50 or higher [roll0]

Str penalties(stack with those of the other turn) for:


Swarm damage:

Aoo from Gunilla:
[roll7][roll8][roll9] failed

N13 takes 28 damage
R14 takes 14 damage
R9 takes 58 damage

Plus two swarms destroyed at around 77-82 damage total.

Azira's turn

2008-09-26, 06:49 PM
Nolan's strenght damage[roll0](blink failed, and invisibility doesn't protect you from these swarms).

2008-09-27, 02:44 AM
Making a Fortitude save and deciding from there...

2008-09-27, 02:56 AM

Lucky me. Okay, I'll fly up 15ft and cast Protection from Energy (Cold).
Lasts 2 hours and absorbs 120 cold damage.

I've taken 1, 55, and 1 damage for a total of 57.
11/67 hp left...

Azira whirs up into the air, and noting the extreme reliance on cold that the swarms seem to have, weaves a spell that blurs around her and protects her from the icy chill.

2008-09-27, 08:29 AM


2008-09-27, 08:46 AM
Sudenly the air near Oliver seems to distort itself, and sudenly it solidifies. Forth comes a humanoid with a hunting dog's head, metalic golden skin and well muscled. It carries a greatsword and wears only a simple white loincloth. His simple presence seems to scare the swarms, while you feel new hope growing inside you.

Hrothgar calls, and I answer. Where do you need my aid?

He then gives a quick glance at the battlefield and his face turns grim.

By Thor, in what mess you've gotten yourself this time Hrothgar? I can't hurt these enemies, but still I'll do my best to suport you.

The hound archon then notices Oliver at the brink of death, covered by countless tiny undead creatures. He quickly runs towards him and touches him with his hands, wich glow momentarily in the darkness of the battlefield.

Acept the blessing of Thor champion of Light! You will not fall today!

Oliver feels a new energy filling his drained body, allowing him to stand once again, altough at the brink of conscioness.

Hound archon on N16. Everybody 10 feets from him receives the benefits of the protection from evil spell.

Oliver gets 10 temporary hit points and +1 morale bonus to attacks and saves against fear thanks to the Archon's aid SLA.

Swarms at M15 and P15 affected by aura of menace(-2 AC, attacks and saves).

Hrothgar's turn

2008-09-27, 11:11 AM
Hrothgar moves to O16 and castes cure serious wounds on Oliver.

i think im a caster level 6
i heal oliver by 21 points so she is now at 22 health, unless he/she cant get that high

2008-09-27, 12:14 PM
Hrothgar further heals the Paladin, leaving him in much better shape, but Black finds himself swarmed by even more enemies, feeling more of his strenght being drained


Note:the swarm that's now over Black is the same one that he damaged earlier.


Black takes 6 cold damage and an extra [roll0] str penalty.

Oliver was healed for 27 HP, since Hrothgar 's caster level is 12 and not 6.

Oliver's turn

2008-09-27, 03:14 PM

Oliver feels alive, though very weakened. He rolls out from under the obliging White while pulling his mace out, and quckly mounts the beast. A quick action and both Oliver and White glow for a bit. Oliver then swishes the mace through the swarm, and White stomps and bites at the swarm, but neither seem to connect with anything.

woohoo! Posting from my phone, so I'm doing some of this from memory.
Move action to stand and draw weapon. Free action to fast mount (ride DC 15).
Swift action to cast Divine favor (+3 to attacks and damage, I believe also makes White's attacks good aligned, or something else that will bypass some DR)
Standard action to attack.
[roll0] [roll1]
White takes full round action to attack.
[roll2] [roll3]
[roll4] [roll5]
[roll6] [roll7]

From IC:
Urgh, need to make saves and whatnot. Will copy the below into the IC post and alter the description of his actions.

FortOliver - (1d20+13)[26] DC 20 or nothing else but stand and cast.
FastMount - (1d20+15)[24] DC 20 to fast mount (failure = no attacks)
Concentration - (1d20+10)[23]

If Oliver makes the Fort, then he tries to fast mount. If he doesn't fast mount, then he simply mounts and still tries to cast as a swift action. If he does fast mount, then he casts as a swift and attacks.

FortWhite - (1d20+11)[25]

If White fails his save, he will attack once with a hoof. Otherwise full attack.

Percentiles to overcome etherealness:
OliverAttackOver50Hits - (1d100)[28]
WhiteAttackHoof1Over50Hits - (1d100)[3]
WhiteAttackHoof2Over50Hits - (1d100)[46]
WhiteAttackBiteOver50Hits - (1d100)[6]

2008-09-27, 03:58 PM

"Damn it..." Between long breathes, Gunilla brings the blade to a ready by his side while his mount looks up to his master, confused. He'd expected all the vermin to have dispersed, not just their weakest link.

"they're spirits, they aren't entirely here... and have no life to give." Distraught, Albert braces himself as the swarm envelops him again, the last swing from the glaive doing nothing to stop it. As Gunilla brings the polearm around again, its weight becomes more... pronounced. Hesitant, he waves some of the at his eyes away and grabs the reins. "Forward, come on!"

Bursting from the swarm, the pair moves back the center of the conflict. After a moments hesitation, Gunilla throws his glaive to the floor, leaving its blade planted on the ground. He quickly brings his hands together, and begins a short chant in dwarven. "Lanza de los cielos, muestra tu fuerza innegable!" When he splits them again, a shimmering, pointed shaft appears between them. As it floats, Gunilla grasps it with both hands, as if it where a spear.

With a sudden vigorous motion, Gunilla and Albert seem to blur slightly. Much like a hummingbird, the dwarf looks around and turns to Relampago's servants. A similar blur seems to move through the air, trying to envelop them both.

Ok, saves passed for both. Albert will move to Q10-11/R10-11. Gunilla will drop his Glaive when the get there (Free action), Cast Thuderlance (Standard) and also a Quickened Haste on Himself, Albert, Black and Nolan (the 30ft limit between to targets prevents any more)

Thuderlance is here below, for reference

Evocation [Force]
Level: Sor/ Wiz 4
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 0 ft.
Effect: A spearlike beam
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

When you cast this spell, you create a deadly lance of force. You can freely make a thunderlance retract or grow to any length from 1 foot to 20 feet, but it always remains a straight lance of force. This effect gives you a natural reach of 20 feet. You can use a thunderlance to make powerful melee attacks.

You can wield a thunderlance in one or two hands, dealing a base 3d6 points of damage (crit 20/×3). Instead of using your Strength modifier, you use the higher of your Intelligence modifier or Charisma modifier as a bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls.

If you successfully strike a target protected by any force effect of 3rd level or lower, such as a shield or mage armor spell, the thunderlance might dispel the force effect in addition to damaging the target. Make a dispel check against the level of the caster who created the effect. If you succeed, the effect is dispelled. The thunderlance remains whether you succeed or fail on this check.

Material Component: A small metal

(Spell Compendium, PG 220)

2008-09-28, 03:33 AM
Nolan's turn(you've been hasted)

2008-09-28, 11:02 PM
Nolan cannot remain the the midst of the swarms feeling as weak as a new born babe and thus beats a hasty retreat.

withdraw action to D1 if possible as my 2 str isn't going to win my any awards.

2008-09-29, 07:50 AM
Black's turn(you've been hasted)

2008-09-29, 04:50 PM

The smile gets more vicious, a disturbing wail almost too high to hear emanating from the flicher.
The animals nearby shy away from the creature even more than before, but continue fighting as fiercely as ever, it's fists flying in desperation as the creatures continue to swarm around it.
"keeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!"No actual gameplay effect, but damn cool none the less.
Warrior’s Fate boost: [roll0]
Full attack:Going to S8:[roll2] [roll3]
[roll4] [roll5]
Going to S10:[roll6] [roll7]
[roll8] [roll9]
Haste: S8:[roll10] [roll11]
S10:[roll12] [roll13]

R9:[roll14] [roll15]
[roll16] [roll17]Damage:[roll18] [roll19] [roll20] [roll21]
[roll22] [roll23] [roll24] [roll25]
[roll26] [roll27] [roll28] [roll29]
[roll30] [roll31] [roll32] [roll33]

2008-09-30, 11:29 AM

2008-09-30, 11:40 AM
Black's unstopable streak of precise blows manages to clean the already weakened swarm around him, giving him some time to breath.

One of the swarms decides to go after Nolan, almost as if they were able to smell his fear. The remaining ones keep on sucking the party's strenght, pushing some of it's members to the limit.



Swarm over Black destroyed. Swarm at R10 has taken 21 damage.

Hrothgar:[roll0] extra str penalty and 6 cold damage
White[roll1] extra str penalty and 6 cold damage
Oliver:[roll2] extra str penaltyand 6 cold damage
Azira:[roll3] extra str penalty and 6 cold damage(the later absorbed by the spell)

Azira's turn

2008-10-01, 02:16 PM

((Hmmm... that makes the penalty a total of -8, which means she can't fly, and thus should be falling... she's also helpless, but that mostly matters in terms of what she can do and not them hurting her considering they deal cold damage.
Typically ability penalties can't drop you below one, but they also usually don't usually stack though, so I'm at a loss as to what exactly happens this turn.

I'll go with this, since falling is something I have to deal with on my turn no matter what:))

Azira begins falling back towards the ground, and her form flickers as it falls, continuing to fall while she also appears to be lying down on the ground below.

I'm pretty sure falling begins on my turn in my movement phase, so it seems reasonable that I could use Flee the Scene (which requires no physical actions) to immediately teleport back down to the ground in a swarm free area. It also leaves behind a Major Image for one round.

2008-10-01, 03:02 PM
As the swarm drains the last remants of strenght from Azira, the mysterious woman feels helpless for a moment. Then she realizes she hasn't any weight at all! Her heart stoped beating, and all her body seems drained of heat. She can't even feel or smell the air around her anymore altough vision is still possible. But Azira can now feel some kind of pull towards the heart below her. As if something big was calling her. And it's not in the direction of the light.

Meanwhile, the swarm around her calms down, stoping chiterring and clawing, slowly moving away and dissipating into smoke. It feels like they acomplished something they were trying to do for a long time.

If your STR reached zero, then congratulations, you've died and become a ghost, but since you're already in the land of the dead, you really don't go anywhere. Your str resets to your original value and roll for your new HP score or take average(keep your old maximum HP, you'll need it). You can still act in this turn.

Ghost template:http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/ghost.htm
You have the draining touch and manifestation special attacks. You're in the material plane. Ignore level adjustment. All your abilities still work as normal.

2008-10-01, 03:25 PM
((Hmm. I see problems coming from this in the future.))

Azira is dead.
She's also pissed, and happens to have even more power as a ghost than she did in real life.
As such, those shadowy little SoBs are utterly screwed.

Raising her hands, she sends out tendrils of her magic all over the shadows, sliding around them and entangling them, holding them in place so that the others can get away.

Casting Shadow Binding. As far as I can tell, there is no reason that the spell shouldn't affect swarms and incorporeal creatures, which seems a little odd, but who am I to question the power of Illusion?
It will radiate from around N 12, possibly a little higher just to barely miss Hrothgar or whoever the green guy is. Will Save DC 23 or be entangled and unable to move.

2008-10-02, 10:47 AM

2008-10-02, 10:49 AM
Millions of small tendrils come forth and entrap the swarms in a cage of pulsating shadows, locking them into place.

Hrothgar's turn

2008-10-03, 05:59 PM
Attacks of oportunity[roll0][roll1][roll2]

2008-10-03, 06:15 PM
(Drum-n-Bass loses his turn)

Some of the remaining swarms try to overrun Black and Gunilla. But the mounted warrior's weapon of pure magic energy cuts down several of the critters as they advance, altough they still manage to suck more of his strenght. Both swarms have their numbers quite depleted, while the ones at the center are locked by the shaddow tendrils from Azira.

The grided area is the zone affected by shaddow biding.

Black takes an extra str penalty:[roll0] and 6 cold damage

Gunilla takes an extra str penalty:[roll1] and 6 cold damage

Albert takes an extra str penalty:[roll2] and 6 cold damage

The swarm over Gunilla took 20 damage from his Aoo. I forgot thunderlance was a force effect and thus always damages incorporeals.

Oliver's turn(notice that the center swarms are locked in place by the shaddow biding, so trying to do them run away won't do much good.)

2008-10-03, 06:40 PM

Oliver shudders under the continued threat of the swarm and tries to forgo the nausea of the creatures. He directs White to withdraw forward out of the swarm, now stuck in place. After they are clear of the swarm he turns White and light fills them both and the look a bit stronger. He then holds his holy symbol high and attempts to turn the undead away again.

[roll0] If failed only partial action. Not asking for anything more than a partial action, though....

Oliver directs White to withdraw to H19. (Free action with ride check of 5. Oliver has 15, so it passes).
Swift action: Cast Bull's Strength +4 to STR for both Oliver and White.
Standard Action: Turn Undead.
Check [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
Anything that is turned but cannot flee cowers, adding +2 to anyone attacking them.

[roll3] Action is only to withdraw, and not at double speed, so should not matter if he makes this save.

2008-10-03, 08:05 PM

Surrounded by swarm and feeling even his clothes as burden now, Gunilla begins to falter. They'd taken the masked woman down. As her translucent image holds some of the vermin in place, hetightens his grip on the newly formed lance. "You won't..." With renewed resolve, he begins to channel everything he can into his weapon. "Albert, if they get through, take flight and get us out of here."

"AAAAAAARRGGGH!" With a wide swing, he brings the lance, now only a few feet long to the insects around him. It leaves trails of blue and white light as the the arcane energy seeks to escape though whatever way possible.

The penalty leaves Gunilla at 3 strength and he doesn't want to die anytime soon.

He'll full attack from on top of Abert, sacrificing 4 lvl 3 and 4 lvl 2 duskblade spells via Arcane Strike. Net result is an additional +3 to hit and +20d4 Damage per attack.

He'll hit the swarms until they die. If an attack were to eliminate one of the swarms, the next would be against the closest one. Here's to being hopeful, but the order of swarms attacked would be: Green (Over Gunilla), Green (Over Black), Blue (Over Hrothgar) and Black (Over Oliver). Thunderlance gives a range of 1-20ft, since it grows and shrinks at will, reach shouldn't be a problem.

Lastly, Albert will ready a move action to flee. The trigger would if a swarm moves within 10 ft of Gunilla and himself. A charging swarm would have to make it through Gunilla's AoO, if the attack doesn't stop it, Albert will fly at full speed (130ft) away from it.

And now, the attacks. Int replaces Str with Thunderlance, which can be used two handed.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2] AS

Attack (Haste): [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] + [roll5] AS

Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7] + [roll8] AS

Attack: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10] + [roll11] AS

2008-10-04, 07:04 PM
Oliver's holy symbol shines once more, and one swarm cowers inside the bidings while other runs away screeching.

Then Gunilla releases raw arcane energy trough his lances and sweeps it around him. A bright flash of blue and white momentariily blinds the party, and when they recover their vision they see a trail of burned smoking ground where several swarms were before.


bad luck with that natural 1. Still did plenty of damage.

Nolan's turn

2008-10-05, 01:29 PM
Nolan boosts his already enhanced speed and circles around to his friends as he knew that he could not out run the swarm forever.

OOC boost with Wind Stride and use two movements to get to V 11

2008-10-05, 04:09 PM
(Black's turn)

2008-10-05, 06:57 PM

The Filcher begins his charge, spinning around Gunilla before vanishing from sight.
For those who can see onto the ethereal plane, Black moves like a shadow, passing through Hrothgar(though not before giving a rude message to his unseeing face), and punching the swarm hard.
Oddly enough, his fist seems to momentarily split in twain, one striking accuately, the other striking with astounding force.
This changes instantly, but you still get the feeling you missed some thing.End up P17 Not ethereal.
Damage: [roll2]
Possibility Smite

2008-10-06, 01:09 PM
Black's attack makes a hole in the swarm, but it quickly closes, meaning the swarm still has the will to keep going.

Nolan finally manages to get away from the one hunting him, but just because the cloud of pests decides to go after Oliver, who's closer.

Meanwhile, several of the little unliving creatures manage to slip trough the shaddow bidings, and float free once again, chittering angrily at the warm blooded members of the party.


Black hits on a 2:[roll0]

Escape artist from swarms:

Red swarms escaped shaddow biding, but that took a full round action so they don't do anything else this turn.

Azira's turn

2008-10-06, 01:46 PM

Azira runs through her list of powers, and, upon realizing that she has absolutely nothing else that can effect the swarms, simply casts the same spell again, shifting it a little to the side to catch them all more fully.

Shadow Binding again, centered on N 14.
All my spells are based on targets besides this one. I can't do anything to them. You guys better deal some damage.

2008-10-06, 01:59 PM
This time one of the swarms manages to slip trough the shaddow bindings as they form, but the other one gets locked again.

Swarm's saves:


Swarm at N13 escapes binding.
I swear I didn't notice Azira was so hopeless against ethereal swarms. This is, what arcane user doesn't pick magic missile or any other force attack?

Oliver's turn.

2008-10-06, 02:09 PM
((They're swarms. Magic Missile couldn't do anything against them.))

2008-10-06, 02:13 PM
((They're swarms. Magic Missile couldn't do anything against them.))


2008-10-06, 02:15 PM
((I'm not really a blaster wizard. My blasting relies on either 1) Eldritch blast (which incidentally can't hit swarms), or 2) a few target spells (which also can't hit swarms). If they were just incorporeal, I'd have them down in an instant. It's the SWARM thing that really gets me- I'm mostly Target based.))

2008-10-07, 11:55 AM

Oliver raises his hand and points at the swarm nearest him as divine words slip over his lips and bright light blasts from his hand surges toward the swarm.

Cast Searing Light on the swarm
[roll0] touch attack.
Undead take 10d6 points of damage. Undead vulnerable to light take 10d8.

2008-10-07, 12:12 PM
The ray of light passes harmlessly trough the swarm, just as if they weren't there.

[roll0][roll1] Hits on a 2

Gunilla's turn

2008-10-07, 11:37 PM

Gunilla looks outright exhausted after the attack, a large amount of energy having just been channeled through his body. Nevertheless, he recovers. "Only a few more, come on... come on." Albert trudges forward as his rider wields the lance through sheer force of will.

Albert will take a five foot step to the right, Gunilla full attacks again. Same procedure as above, except he'll just sac two level 1 duskblade spells. He'll attack Red -> Black -> Red (its a 20ft distance from the corner of Alberts new area and the corner of the last one)

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]

Attack (Haste): [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] + [roll5]

Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7] + [roll8]

Attack: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10] + [roll11]

2008-10-08, 04:34 AM
A new flash fills the battlefield, and once again the swarms hit are obliterated by the massive force attack. The earth itself melts and cracks with the power of the dwarf.

Swarms at the middle destroyed.

Nolan's turn

2008-10-10, 06:48 AM
(Unkabear contacted me saying he asn't got any net connection whatsoever, so Black's turn)

2008-10-11, 11:27 AM

The filcher moves his arms in a rapid series of movements, seemingly pulling the energy he expended shifting chance back into himself.
Full round action to renew manuvers.

2008-10-11, 11:54 AM
The last critters look around, not detecting any more of their allies, and stop squeeling angrily. Then, they slowly sink into the ground and disapear from sight.

As the battle ends, the party starts to feel the coldness leaving their bodies and the strenght returning to their members. Only some dead ones still wander aimessly near your position. Yet as you look around you seem to get the impression there is some far away unknown entity is observing you...

XP for wining: 960 for each player. Those who are still alive feel the STR penalty vanish after more or less one minute. Roll spot checks.

Also, if nobody noticed, feel free to roll arcana/planar/religion knowledge checks to get some more information about this place.

You feel cold and empty, and you start to feel your mind slip away, having trouble concentrating on the simplest of tasks.

Despair of death(curse): each round there is a 50% chance of you being unable to take standard or full actions.

2008-10-11, 01:10 PM

After the last swarm vanishes, Gunilla keeps his guard up. At first he worries, not sure for how long he the lance he holds would last, but a sigh of relief comes over him as the weapons parting marks the return of his strength. Albert seems to celebrate this much more then his master, spreading his wings and screeching into the darkness, as if challenging it. Afterwards, he brings his rider back to the glaive, which Gunilla returns to his side.

After shaking the reaining pieces of frost from his hair and beard, he examines the situation. "It looks like our numbers have already thinned..."

There's a few things I want to try, but it would probably be best to roll a few Knowledge checks beforehand. Quick question, Azira is dead, does that mean her body's on the ground while her ghost form hovers over all of us?

Anyway, checks:

Spots: Gunilla [roll0], Albert [roll1]

Knowledge Arcane: Gunilla [roll2], Albert [roll3]
With See Invisibility active, he can see etheral as well, so just in case this helps with those fortresses Black saw early on.

Knolwedge: the Planes Gunilla [roll4], Albert [roll5]
So Azira's dead, but is she dead as in "rez pls" or is it some kind of planar thing, possibly letting Break Enchantment do something.

Spellcraft: Gunilla [roll6], Albert [roll7]
+2 if dealing with Transmutation, -5 if its with Illusion or Enchantment, just in case.

2008-10-11, 02:38 PM

Azira closes her eyes and tries to focus, desperately trying to think of a way out of this situation she had gotten herself into. But yet, there was so little that she could do... she wasn't equipped for this.
She was going to fail.

2008-10-11, 03:14 PM

The monk picks up Azira's body, checking under the mask before placing the body in his bag.
He mimes patting her on the back, but obviously cares little for her problem.Spot:[roll0]

2008-10-11, 06:24 PM
The skin of Azira's body is horribly burned and strectched, clearly because of the swarms. Any kind of recognition is thus impossible.

You spot a very large humanoid vult hiding behind a small hill around half a kilometer away to the west. You can swear it's looking back at you.


Indeed the body of Azira fell to the ground while the spirit stayed back, transforming into a ghost. Spellcraft reveals that indeed she's a complete undead now, and seems to be slowly fading away into the plane. By logic, the best chance at geting her back would be some kind of ressurection spell. Since however she died in the plane of the dead, should she be ressurected here her spirit won't be damaged by the process, like it normally happens with normal ressurection.

Knowledge arcana and the planes reveals that the spirit of the dead go to this place and slowly lose their memories, eventually becoming completely apatic creatures, or something worst. Some manage to escape back to the worlds of the living however, the exact processes still being unknown.

There are two kind of retainers in this land that are meant to ensure that the dead who enter this land don't run away. That's why ressurection spells demand the sacrifice of valuable diamonds, to "bribe" the retainers. What they do with the diamonds is still unknow.

The first retainers are the nelfashees, and they watch over the material part of this plane. They're chaotic beings that love to interrogate and play with the spirits of the dead. Nelfashees resemble very large demons, but they're not always evil, some of them even seeking to help the spirits find rest. Others aren't as good willed and twist the souls creating powerfull undeads that may find their way to the world of the living. They build structures based on the tombs of the other worlds to serve as their homes. Some theories sugest they were demons that for some reason decided to take refuge in this plane, adapting to the harsh conditions and using the souls as minions and resource.

The second retainers are the Maruts, and they watch over the ethereal part of the plane. They are lawfull beings that are in an endless quest to organize all the souls that arrive at this plane. The reason why they're doing this is unknown, for this purpose they created a vast network of fortress and buildings where the souls are stored acording to millions of carefull criteria. It's all for naught however since despite being an endless number of Maruts there's an even more endless number of souls deceased every day, so the ghosts pile up in the ethereal and material plane. Maruts resemble large mechanical humanoids, but they're intelegent and perfectly able to think on their own. Their true origin remains a mystery. They've been known to hunt down those who tried to interefere with the natural course of death too much.

Also, Gunilla also spots a very large vult spying on the party from behind a hill several hundred meters to the west.

2008-10-11, 07:35 PM

Oliver aims White over to his fallen companion.

"I'm afraid her death and rise as a ghost is beyond my capabilities to help her."

[roll=Spot]1d20+3 meh, he's not not going to spot much more than anyone else. Unless necessary for something, should I re-roll?

2008-10-11, 08:40 PM
Your knowledge lets you to know as much as Gunilla.

Also, you get to know that Maruts and Nelfashees have been known to ressurect dead ones in return for treasure or favors. Nelfashees however aren't much trustworthy and will probably demand some intimidation to keep their part of the deal.

Maruts will always keep their word, but they'll ask for higher prices, or try to trick you with word games.

Maruts can be easily found inside their ethereal fortresses, while Nelfashees either roam the material plane or dwell in their tomb-homes.

2008-10-12, 10:58 AM

"We might find something at the Illithid's place. That thing lived here after all, he could have a way to deal with the vermin pulling the living over." Moving his hand over his glaive's head, it regains its reddish hue. "We had best move fast though, this plane is the final resting place for all living things. They struggle at first, but eventually surrender, they conform. They forget who or what they once were. It's a shame to say I couldn't meet you in life, but at least you know who you are. Hold on to that thought, you'll lose it all if you let it go."

Albert nudges at his rider's side, making a hushed sound as he seems to paw at something. Gunilla answers by looking off into the distance. "Interesting. What do you know, we're being watched." He points to the west. With a pat on the back, Albert begins moving his wings. "So, lets get moving, no?"

He'll load his glaive with another Vampiric Touch

2008-10-12, 11:57 PM
Nolan nods in agreement with Gunilla, "It is time to be on our way" The chill of the swarms are still lingering in his mind and on his body and he spent a little of the time gaining his strength and getting the blood flowing through his body retraining himself to better prepare himself for the conditions of this realm.

I am back, Sorry about the down time

2008-10-14, 01:04 AM
So, you keep moving towards the light?

2008-10-16, 01:26 PM
Well, Azira will follow the others. Mostly kinda, when she's not losing actions to despair. I'm guessing they'll go towards the light.

2008-10-16, 01:36 PM
Black waves to the vult, goes invisible, finds it again, and then tries to pickpocket it.

2008-10-16, 01:44 PM
Oliver will follow the folks that know where they are going.

What's a Vult?

2008-10-16, 05:28 PM
Black turns invisible and runs towards the vult. At first it seems to be ignoring you, so you manage to get a good look at him.

He's even bigger than he looked before, around 20 feets tall. He wears a beatifully crafted mythral chain shirt over black silk clothes that really help camouphlaging in the enviroment. He's fat, but also very muscled, and his head looks like that of a dog, except he has horns and eyes full of cunning. A pair of leathery small wings hang on the back. His arms are exceptionally long, and he carries what looks like a huge great sword of some exotic black material.

Of course, what Black really notices is the fat bag on his belt, and slowly tries to grab it, but as soon as his hand is reaching, the figure vanishes in thin air. Turning around quickly, Black sees that the monster is now behind him, but instead of attacking, he waves at the monk and lets out of a mighty laugh that echoes trough the plain:

MUHAHAHAHA! I can see you quite well little mortal! Wanted my bag didn't you? Sorry but my eyes are much sharper than those of the people you're used to steal. But hey, I like someone who's willing to risk his life for fun and profit, so I'll let you get away whole. This time, hehehe.

Anyway, mind telling me what you and your companions are doing in my territorry? I don't mind some living mortals go wandering around here, but if you want to take something, you gotta pay for it. That human who just got smoked by the pests, for example. Her ghost apeared in MY territorry, so she belongs to ME now. If you want to take her with you, hand over some shiny stuff. Do it and nobody gets hurt. It'll save me the work of stalking you untill you decide to rest and cut your throats during your sleep

2008-10-17, 11:45 AM

Knowledge check
The Planes: [roll0] Trying to get some info on the vult

"What!?" Albert stops, flustered at the watcher´s threat. Gunilla isn´t much better off, but he brings the hippogriff to the ground, trying to think. He watches the scene carfully, assuming that the filcher was the one the... demon, maybe devil... was talking to.

2008-10-17, 12:48 PM
The vult is a nelfashee. It's closely related to the demons, but it made this plane its home and deals with other demons as much as he deals with any anybody else but the dead. They're fearsome oponents, possessing great martial prowess backed up by their huge size, plus several magic powers, including the capacity of teleporting instantly great distances, disrupting magic, releasing powerfull bolts of electrecity and seeing trough any kind of magic illusion. They are themselves completely immune to poison and electrecity plus resistant to the other elements, and are almost as smart, cunning and arrogant as strong. Nelfashees rarely speak the truth and are first grade liers, but they can be reasoned with a proper combination of intimidation and treasure.

They're known to have a great interest in souls. Normally a Nelfashee claims a large portion of terrain of his own and herds the souls inside it for his own benefit. This may range from simply listening to the tales of the dead before their memories are gone to horrific experiments that result in the creation of undead abominations. It's rumored that most ressurection magics are actually pacts with Nelfashess, whereas a payment of diamonds is made to the demon in return for him making a special ritual to return the soul to it's body. The exact details are unknown to everybody but the Nelfashees themselves.

Altough aparentally solitary, Nelfashees normally employ specially strong souls and undeads as retainers in their territory, being able to summon them to their side with but a word. And if desesperate enough, will call for the help of their own kind.

2008-10-17, 11:58 PM

The filcher 'jaunts around the back of the vult(the same way it did with him), making sure to note if it follows his movements in any way and if it changes on the ethereal plane.

Also, Slight of Hand: [roll0]
Intimidate: [roll1]+1 from Gambler’s Hand Stance

Edit: Switch with Warrior’s Fate result for 3+8+1, meaning 12.Black pulls out a pair of dice, flicking them at the vult.
Bones for her soul?

2008-10-18, 05:02 PM
Black aproaches the Nelfashee and tries to give a tough guy look at him, but the demon doesn't seem to be slightly intimidated.

Then, the filcher jaunts plane and passes trough the demon. It seems to remain the same creature in the ethereal plane, and it's eyes clearly follow Black as tough as he was still perfectly visible.

But the hand is faster than the eye, and somewhere between aproaching the Nelfashee and geting away from himone of Black's quick hands managed to grab a fist sized bag holded on the belt that seemed filled with something valuable, and quickly put it in his own backpack. It seems to be filled with small heavy hard objects. The valuable kind.

Then Black makes his gambling challenge and the Nelfashee, aparently unaware of the pickpocket, answers:

Ah, I've heard of those so called dices you mortals sometimes use to resolve disputes. You want to let luck decide her fate? I acept! What do you bet in return you puny mortal? Your own soul I expect.

Nelfashee spot against sleight of hand
(Wadledo:to play against the Nelfashee use a check of profession:gambler. The Nelfashee will counter with a sense motive with a -4 penalty to try to see trough your technique)

Everybody else: feel free to make intimidate/diplomacy checks of your own against the Nelfashee, or just position yourselfs better.

2008-10-19, 07:57 AM

"Come now, let's have none of this creature. No deals for you soul can be worth the outcome. I do not have the wealth required to help our companion and that in and of itself haunts me, but we are here on a task. We should not get distracted."

2008-10-19, 12:20 PM

Please note: Black wasn't trying to escape by 'jaunting, he was just trying to see how powerful the vult was.
Also, I can only assume that every one else is still quite a bit away, seeing as it's 30' vs. 90' vs. 1/2 kilometerTo easy.
I bet your soul and his.
The filcher points to Hrothgar, patting his pack in an assured way.
With a snap, Black sends another pair of dice twirling into the air, where they land between the two with a clatter.Gamble:[roll0]+1 from Stance.

2008-10-20, 01:18 PM
Your souls are mine!


The dices come pair. The Nelfashee imediatily draws a huge rusted looking dagger from his belt, jumps forward and sticks it trough Hrothgar, who screams for a moment. Then you see his ghostly soul separate from his cold body and being quickly sucked into the blade, disapearing inside the metal. The nelfashee carefully guards the dagger and then draws his sword, looking at Black with a vicious greedy look.

Now hold still mortal, while I take your life...Or do you have something else to bet?

Note:Drum-n-Bass has left this campaign, so this is as good as a moment as any to get rid of his character.

2008-10-20, 11:41 PM

"SCREEee! SCree!" Almost knocking his rider off, Albert jumps back, wings and claws flapping in panic. It only takes Gunilla a second or two to control the beast again though, it seems to come to a realization.

Gunilla points his right hand at the demon. "We will NOT lose anyone else!" Albert gives a loud, challenging scream. As the hippogriff "sings", his master's hand seems to glow with a strong green hue. A concentrated green ray then leaves Gunilla's index finger, flying straight at the vult.

5ft step back by Albert, the it'll cast Mystic Surge (PHBII, +2 t the DC and +1 to the caster level of the target caster's next spell) on Gunilla.

Gunilla then casts Disintegrate boosted to caster level 13 and DC 26 on the Demon.

Spell Resistance (+3 from Spell Power): [roll0]
Ranged Touch Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] or [roll3]

Initiative: [roll4]

2008-10-21, 08:18 AM

Oliver sees the horror of what is happening but can do nothing to stop it. His mouth drops and before he can react Gunilla has already blasted at the creature. If the creature does not fall, Oliver with spur White towards him and drawn his weapon, moving slowly.

"There will be no further wagers. We are leaving, and you are not following us. And should you not believe that we are all not so powerful to dismantle the world you live in because I prefer to leave you be."

Oliver turns his mount to Black and ignores the vult. "Come we are on a mission. If we are distracted by every amusing creature on this plane will will never be done."

2008-10-21, 06:11 PM
The green ray ricochets in the Nelfashee's tough skin, bouncing to the ground where it leaves a crater.

However, the Demon seems to be impressed by the show of power and backs of a step.

Then Oliver makes his threat and the Nelfashee stops smiling, seeming even slightly scared by the champion of good.

One soul for one soul, fair enough...Keep the woman, mortals, I won't bother you anymore, but I warn you, it's your own doom that awaits you if you keep showing off like that around here. Farewell, I wish you the best of lucks, so you may send more souls to my realm...

The nelfashee then starts to vanish into thin air.

Spell resistance saved the Nelfashee. He's going to teleport away, if you want to try to intercept him you gotta beat his iniative:


Otherwise he simply disapears and you may resume your quest. Towards the light I presume?

2008-10-23, 11:58 PM

Once the demon disppears, Gunilla sighs in relief, his hand shaking. That was his trump card, to have it be brushed off just like that...

"The thing could have probably taken a few more of us down. We got lucky. It's a shame the ray didn't work though, they're said to carry diamonds"

He nudges Albert towards the fallen dwarf. In the off chance... "Which we seem to be in dire need of. The Archon called him... Hrothgar? Again, another man I couldn't really meet. It porably wouldn't have worked for him though. Perhaps a bag of holdings... they're starting to pile up."

(If no one has any last words, or if it would be deemed unsporting to take what would be useful from Hrothgar's body, I say we continue.)

2008-10-24, 08:11 AM

"We won't need diamonds. But we do need to keep moving. As far as our mounts and feet can take us, then rest and recover. Tomorrow, or whatever passes for tomorrow in this place, I can bring her back." Oliver turns his horse towards the light and attempts to lead the way.

I'm going to do the math on how injured Oliver is, and cast some cure spells to fix that, but I may not be able to do that until tomorrow. Can I retro it if we encounter anything between now and then?

Also, anyone else injured should speak up.

2008-10-24, 11:48 AM
After the Nelfashee leaves, you seem to walk several hours whitout more incidents. It's hard to keep track of the time tough since there is only a perpetual twilight tough.

Eventually, even the hardest of you start to feel very tired(except for Azira, who is behind that) and start to feel the need to rest.

You find yourselfs in a small empty valley with some small grey bushes here and there. The light is to the north and it seems much closer now. You'll probably be able to reach it with one or two more journeys.

To the west is a hill with a dense forest of dead looking trees. To the east is a scarp with some kind of funeral temple built over it, wich seems like it could provide a good shelter. To the south is a big empty plain, from where you came.

Everybody: you can't go walking anymore unless you decide to do a forced march. Decide a place to set camp and whoever keeps watch.

Black: you find out the bag you stolen from the Nelfashee has an handfull of pretty looking diamonds.

Oliver:If you wanna patch someone up, now would be a good time to do it

2008-10-25, 02:34 AM
Nolan looks to the forest and the temple. Neither seemed like a good idea, but a solid structure that they could defend seemed a better fit.

"I beleive that the Temple would be a good place to set up for the night."

2008-10-26, 10:12 PM
Black, after sticking Hrothgar's body in his bag, scouts out the forest, making sure to be extra quiet.Moving at half speed to use Move silently and hide, as well as invisibility.
Black steals the Periapt of Wisdom +6 from Hrothgar dead body, and makes sure to divy out the dwarfs other meager possessions to the other's.
He also checks if adding an item to the ghost girls body adds it to her ghost.

2008-10-27, 12:32 AM

"and there it goes again..." gunilla urges Albert forward, now getting used to the somber landscape. "Better then in the open, but I wouldn't say we're much better off." He shrugs. "Well, lets go anyway, I'm sure it'll know were to find us."

"Oliver, was it? You say you can bring her back without diamonds? How does that work, from my understanding those demons and some other outsiders lept the dead locked here. Those little rocks are their currency, sort of say. Don't you deal with them when you bring a sould back to a body?"

Gunilla and Albert both took 18 cold damage I believe.

2008-10-27, 07:40 AM

"At a slight expense to myself."

I have been informed that due to the vow of poverty, Oliver can use XP instead of diamonds. Though, if someone were to offer him a diamond.....

2008-10-27, 11:37 AM
As you aproach the temple, you see it's off a really simplisitc design. Built on the side of a very large rock, it's made of bare stones put on top of each other, forming one large room with a single entrance and small holes on the walls that let some light come in. It seems it was locked with some kind of stone door, but it was somehow pulled out and now it remains cracked in the floor outside. The room itself is completely empty and should easily provide room for everybody.

Meanwhile Black, after discovering that puting or removing items from Azira's body reflects on her ghost(altough she's too apathic to notice) carefully enters the forest, becoming invisible and barely making any sound. He spots several small undead looking creatures wandering around the branches and roots of the decreptic trees, all of wich either don't notice or simply ignore the filtcher. However, the trees themselves seem to be slowly moving, reacting to Black's steps on the ground, despite all his care to go unnoticed.
As he advances, the forest starts geting thicker and ticker. He hears ocasional howls from far away inside the forest that would surely freeze the blood of lesser individuals.


Ok, assuming Black takes 10 on his rolls.

So you stay on the temple? Decide who stays on guard duty.

Also, Vael is still in the game, she just said she won't roleplay her character untill the curse is lifted.

As for paying raise dead with exp, let's just say it's because Oliver is so holy he can fuse body and soul togheter at the expense of a little of himself.

2008-10-31, 12:29 AM

"Huh... that'll be something worth seeing."

After eying the temple, Gunilla dismounts. "This'll do. I think it would be best if I refreshed. Albert can cover my shift during the watch."

2008-11-01, 09:28 AM
Besides some ocasional howls and screams from far away, you manage to get a good night of spleep whitout incidents inside the funeral temple You feel ready to keep going on your journey.
