View Full Version : Pranks for the Memories

2008-09-14, 01:08 PM
The twin suns rise as you find yourself somewhere unfamiliar. You are lying on the ground surrounded by some odd figures you don't know. You somehow seem to have arrived in a gnome farmland. You see young gnomes leading goats and sheep around. You all seem to have a piece of paper pinned to your chest. The gnomes look a bit confused on why you're there but they seem occupied right now and don't say anything. You don't seem to be in any danger currently.

(Okay, introduce yourselves and the like. Also, each note will say something separate so share or not as you choose to do so)

2008-09-14, 01:55 PM
Fash stands up, looking around confusedly. It takes him several moments to notice the paper on his chest. He removes the slip of paper from his chest and looks it over.

2008-09-14, 02:38 PM
Cobalt's eyes glowed as he awoke.
Did I terminate processors? Hm......
He looks over noticing the other figure standing. He spoke out in gnomish, the only language his father thought to install into him.
"Greetings stranger. I am G-45XK, model Cobalt. Do you know this land?"
Krithak sat up, oblivious to the note pinned to him.

2008-09-14, 02:58 PM
Startled, Fash almost drops the note he holds. He tucks it into his belt pouch and turns to the speaker, shaking his head.

2008-09-14, 05:40 PM

As the others awake and look around, they see a dark skinned man, wearing tattered clothing with an empty bottle in his hand.



... where'd I end up this time? Ye gods, I hope it's not another boat... it won't stop moving...

He gets up on his knees and vomits, leaving behind a technicolor mix with whole piece of tomato in it. He looks at it in confusion for a second, heaves a little, and then speaks again.

Tomato? 'don't remember eating that... oh gods, not again.

He throws up again, heaves a few more times, then tries to stand and stumble away from it all before falling back down again.

'ss grass, ishn't it? Ain't no grass onna boat... where am I?

He goes to take a swig from the bottle in his hand, and finds it empty, cursing some more. After that, he starts patting himself, seemingly looking for something, then he finds the note.

Bloody hells, no booze and no coins, but I gots a note. What goods'a piece of... of paper, when you got no coin and no booze?

He struggles to sit up, then takes a moment for his head to stop swimming. After this he looks around and blinks, noticing the others around him, all with notes attached as well asides from Fash who is probably looking at him like he's a crazy man.

Hah! The booze fairies, they gots you all as well! Looks like Slinker's not alone 'nymore! Or was it the Man? Always gettin' up in ma face, takin ma booze, man, I hates the Man!

He looks again at the piece of paper, turns it upside down and seems to be trying to mouth the words for a bit, then curses again, before holding it out to the others in the circle

Ummm... any of you guys able to read? Never got the hang of it m'self... note seem's 'mportant or somethin...

2008-09-14, 08:41 PM
Jormun's yellow, slitted eyes bolt open, darting about at the unfamiliar territory. There is an instant as he quickly takes in the apparent pasture before he wrenches his eyes shut again and lets out a scratchy little shriek. He rolls over the grass with his tiny clawed hands thrown over his already shut eyes. "Double suns, double hell! It's like I opened them in an acid flask!" At last, Jormun seems to gain some minute control of his senses and very carefully starts to stand. The kobold squints heavily at the rolling farmland before him and grits his fangs visibly. "Who leaves a kobold out in the su-"

His eyes manage to narrow even further until just a thin bar of yellow shows between his lids.


Jormun turns his attention to the sword at his hip and thereafter seems to contemplate the farmers a bit more. Slowly, he turns his head to look at the other strangers gathered in the field, the ones who were also (mostly) not gnomes. Spying their notes, he looked for his own and hastily unpinned it from himself, letting his hand fall away from his scimitar. Even so, Jormun grumbled to himself in what sounded like Draconic, but the syllables belonged to a broken dialect. He eyes the drunk in the group with obvious displeasure before extending a claw to snatch away his note.

"Give me that, before you vomit all over it as well."

2008-09-14, 08:48 PM
Slinker looks at the kobold all wild eyed and hands him the note.

Hey, you're a talking lizard! Sure, Mr Lizard, you can have my note!

Last time I saw a talking lizard, I'd been drinking something REALLY funky... but I don't remember what happened last night, so mebbe that explains it... are you going to turn purple and explode into a shower of elephants? The last one did, man did that freak me out!

2008-09-14, 09:10 PM
Slightly confused, Cobalt speaks out to the others in gnomish.
"Greetings humanoids. I am G-45XK, model Cobalt. Do any of you know where we are?"

2008-09-14, 09:24 PM
Slinker falls over laughing

Heh, it's a talking statue-man, an' he's talking gibberish! Hehe! This gets betterer and betterer. I needs to get more of whatever it was that I drank last night, 's good stuff!

Hey, wait a second...

Checks the label on the bottle in his hand

Nope, this is mah "street whisky" bottle. Dunno what else I was drinking... gotta find out though!

2008-09-14, 09:31 PM
Jormun gapes for a moment, staring up at the drunk with a look of shock across his reptilian face. He had no idea one man could be such an ignorant buffoon and still manage to not kill himself in a wild accident. "I am not a talking lizard, you inebriated fool! I am a ko-" Jormun pauses, aware of how many gnomes are about and wondering how long they plan on leaving him alone. He quiets himself slightly. "I am a kobold. We are descended from dragons, not some mere lizards. And that," he points a scaly finger at Cobalt, "is not a statue-man. It's a...hm, what is the Common word for them again?"

Jormun crosses his arms and furrows his hairless brow in thought.

"I don't know what the word is. But they're not statues; more like very smart golems or very metallic orcs."

2008-09-14, 09:42 PM
Slinker sits up to look at the kobold for a moment, tries to focus his eyes and falls back again laughing.

Whatever you say Mr Lizard! Never heard of a Ko-Bald before, is that a special name for a talking lizard? And if you're descendeded from dragons, how come you're so small? Dragons are always big! And they breathe fire! Whooompf!

He waves his arms for emphasis

And whatcher mean, that he's like a metal orc? Never heard of a metal orc before, an' he doesn't talk in any tongue I can understand...

2008-09-14, 09:53 PM
Cobalt looked at the two arguing figures. One was like his creator, only bigger, and weird. Then he noticed the scaly creaure. Excited at his find he began logging data of the creature. He made his way over to the creature hand began poking at it's claws.
"What does this thing do?"
He queried in his usual gnomish.

2008-09-14, 10:09 PM
Fash frowns as he listens to them talk. Not one for speaking, he remains quiet as he listens to the others. He briefly looks up to the twin suns, and then lowers his gaze to the group.

Who on earth are these people? Why are there two suns? Where am I? the whisper gnome thought. He was clearly not in the forest anymore.

2008-09-15, 08:52 AM
Jormun turned his eyes on the Warforged for a moment as he bat the construct's hand away. Immediately, he regretted it, his whole hand aflame with pain from hitting the hard metal. He let out a yelp and drew his digits towards his chest. Jormun growled and shifted his attention back to the xeph. "Tell me, in that magical land you live in, do most lizards have wings?"

Jormun stretches his wings out, letting them unfurl to their full span.

"And it was a me...uh, that is, it was a comparison. Damn this Common." Jormun's ringed tail swishes across the grass. For a moment, he turns to look at the quiet gnome off to the side. He then suddenly points an accusatory claw and starts speaking loudly. "You, there, different gnome! What is this living bucket saying? It sounds like your people's gibberish."

2008-09-15, 01:35 PM
Fash begins rapidly signing to the kobold, before he realizes that it's unlikely that the kobold understands. Fash clears his throat and begins speaking, his voice slightly hoarse from lack of use.

"Err, he's just curious about you, I think."

Turning to the warforged, Fash switches over to the Gnome language.

"My name is Fash."

2008-09-15, 05:21 PM
Slinker looks at the wings, then furrows his brow deep in thought for a few moments before getting really excited.

Hey, cool! You've got wings! Maybe that guy in the pub WAS right... he wash telling me that lizards and birds were related, but he needed to find a speci..speci... thingy to prove it. Maybe you're the missing linky thing?

2008-09-15, 05:42 PM
Jormun watches the gnome wave his hands with mild disinterest before finally getting a reply. He clicked his tongue in frustration. "Get him to speak something besides mumbo jumbo. If learning Gnome was important, you people wouldn't be so bad at not getting killed by Kurtulmak fans. And you!" he pointed at the xeph angrily, "You stop speaking until you are helpful or I will show you the extent of my ancestry. Hint, it's not a cone of fire, but it does kill you without all the unsightly burn wounds." The kobold snorted and started to walk, heading for the nearest of the farmers.

"Gnome goat tamer, where is this? I appear to be lost."

2008-09-15, 05:58 PM
Slinker curls in on himself, crying out

I'm sorry Mister Talking Lizard with Wings, I'll be quiet now.

Please don't whip me! I'll be a good boy! PLEASE!!! DON'T WHIP ME!!! I'LL BE A GOOD BOY!!! WAAAAAGH!!!

He sobs for a bit, goes to take a swig out of his bottle, and finds it empty, scowling before turning back to the kobold and putting on his nicest face.

... ummm...

Can I have a drink, please? I'm all outta street whisky and I'm getting awful thirsty... just one, I promise I'll be good...

2008-09-15, 06:23 PM
Cobalt looks bewilderdly at the kobold for a moment. Then turns his attention to Fash.
"It pleases me to meet you.
Inquiry: I do not understnd the strange scaled thing. Why was he so hostile towards me?"

2008-09-15, 06:41 PM
Fash shrugs to the warforged, not knowing why the kobold was acting so rudely. He quickly rummages through his backpack until he finds his waterskin and hands it to Slinker. Though he doubts that the stranger will understand him, the whisper gnome nonetheless signs to him.

(Drow Sign Language: "I have some water.")

2008-09-15, 06:49 PM
Slinker looks at the waterskin, and takes it gratefully.

Hey, thanks mister gnome. Dunno what you're doing with your hands there, but as long as you're not cursing me, that's cool with me.

He takes a swig and nearly spits it out, but forces himself to swallow it.

Hey, this is water! Oh, yeah, that's right. Most people don't carry around booze. Heh, well, beggars can't be choosers!

He drinks about half the waterskin and hands it back to Fash appreciably.

That's better, my heads clearing a little. Now, this don't look like the city, or at least any alley that I've seen. Any idea where we are?

2008-09-15, 07:31 PM
The gnomes gather and whisper among themselves and then head off to let you guys figure out what you are doing. They answer no questions as the don't trust the kobold for beans. They leave you all alone as they lead the animals to a small holding area before disappearing underground.

2008-09-15, 08:48 PM
Fash stows his waterskin and sighs as the gnomes leave. Turning to the others, he says in Common, "My note said something about a human settlement to the south. Perhaps we should head there?"

2008-09-15, 08:57 PM
Cobalt looked over at Fash.
"My apologies, but I cannot understand you Mr. Fash."

2008-09-15, 08:59 PM
Slinker looks around and shrugs

Well, suppose we'd better find a tavern or something, they're great for getting more booze... oh, and information.

Can't forget the booze though.

Hey, anyone spare a copper for a beggar down on his luck?

2008-09-15, 09:33 PM
Jormun frowns as the gnomes walk away. He stamps his little feet in the ground. "Ooooh! This is why everyone tries to kill you people! Unhelpful little pink...peasants!" Jormun jumps up and down in his tiny fury, but makes no other move towards the gnomes as they disappear. "Fine, if these horrid goat tamers won't help, then head for the humans. Most of them are too busy to be kobold-hating, badger-talking, furry-footed burrowers." Jormun almost looked at the sun to determine direction before stopping in midrise. Rather than blind himself, he looked at the rest of the group. "And which direction would south happen to be, different gnome?"

"Why are you begging when we aren't even at the tavern yet? There's nothing to buy out in the field unless you're interested in goats."

2008-09-15, 09:37 PM
Slinker looks at the kobold for a second as if confused.

Why am I begging? Why WOULDN'T I be begging? Gotta start early if you want to get drunk later! Well, we should get going, booze waits for no man, except THE Man, and man, I HATE The Man... stinkin man, always takin ma booze, kicking me inna forks...

2008-09-15, 10:20 PM
Fash smiles at the kobold's words, and points in the direction he intuits to be south. Turning to the warforged, Fash speaks the gnomish tongue again. "My apologies. The others do not have the benefit of speaking our language." Fash sighs inwardly. He had spoken more over the past ten minutes than he had over the last two months!

2008-09-15, 10:51 PM
The warforged ***** it's head at the little man.
"Our language? Inquiry: Does this mean there is more than one spoken dialect? Why would this be? Would it not be beneficial to keep one language?"

2008-09-15, 11:45 PM
Fash shrugs, unsure how to answer such a question. "There are many languages out there. I myself know a handful of languages, even one where you use your hands instead of your mouth."

2008-09-15, 11:55 PM
"Hands instead of mouth? OH! I think I might know one of those. Father used to give me it every time I would call him 'father'."
Cobalt made a fist, and raised his middle finger.
"Inquiry: What does it mean?"

2008-09-16, 12:06 AM
Fash gazes at the warforged, taken completely by surprise. "Err, that's actually a rude gesture, Cobalt," Fash says, flushing slightly.

2008-09-16, 12:08 AM
Slinker starts backing away from the warforged, and stammers.

Ummm... I think you made it angry, it's a big angry metal orc-thing... maybe you should move away from it...

He seems genuinely spooked.

2008-09-16, 12:11 AM
Rapidly turning to Slinker, Fash speaks in Common. "Oh, no," he assured, "he was just curious about my sign language."

2008-09-16, 12:30 AM
Slinker slumps down again.

Man, I'm just confused. You guys go wherever you like, I'll just follow and hope that nothing eats me.

2008-09-16, 05:15 PM
Cobalt looks at his finger.
"I do not understand. Why is it rude?"

2008-09-16, 06:29 PM
The whisper gnome continues in Gnomish. "Truth be told, it indicates disrespect. It's an insult, Cobalt."

2008-09-16, 06:42 PM
Cobalt put his finger away.
"Oh my. An insult? Is it a bad one?"

2008-09-16, 08:41 PM
(So are we heading south and does anyone else plan to read their note?)

To be expanded.

2008-09-16, 10:51 PM
Kras the goliath springs awake in an urgent and aggressive manner.

Gah! You wrestle dirty, do ya!? Well I'll just have to show you who's boss around these parts! Ya crazy old...

He takes the note pinned to his chest just out of sheer defensive instinct and wings it at the recovering drunkard, but unintentionally. Blind rage turns to confusion as his situation becomes more clear along with his consciousness. Rubbing the back of his head, he looks at everyone and takes in the situation.

2008-09-16, 10:55 PM
Slinker looks up as the note falls on his head, takes it off and looks at it upside down, then notices the goliath who threw the note there unintentionally.

Hey, it's a big mountain man-thing! Hey, Mister, I dunno why you want me to have your paper, but thanks! I got the feeling that me and nature are gonna get acquainted real soon, and this is better than trying to find a big enough leaf!

Now, if only I got the hang of writings I could see if this was important or not...

2008-09-16, 11:07 PM
...Hey, so that was mine? What's it say, before you soil it. My name is Kras. Would you like to wrestle? Seems I was having a nightmare of some venerable old... *gasps, a look of shock across his face at the site of the gnome heading off with the goats* Gnome! Oh for God's sake this can't be happening! That little bugger had the strength of a giant!

Kras dashes in a full sprint towards the Warforged scared out of his wits. Midway, he stumbles and recovers with a somersault stopping at the Warforged's feet. Positioning himself behind him from the gnomes, he says,

Please sir, I know that you may not be as tall or strong as I am, but you have weapons! Please defend me!

Realizing that he is in no real danger or harm, Kras composes himself and acts like nothing had just happened. His arms crossed, he looks towards the two suns, making their way up.

2008-09-16, 11:20 PM
Slinker looks at the paper, and back to the goliath.

Say? It's a piece of paper, it doesn't talk! Hey, you been drinking? Got any left? I could do with a drink, wink wink nudge nudge he says with a knowing glance.

And yes, he did just say that out loud.

Oh, hey! You mean, what's written on it? Dunno, I can't read.

2008-09-17, 01:55 AM
Fash, startled by the appearance of the goliath, goes silent for several long moments. Finally, he gestures to the note. "Err, I can read it." Turning to the goliath, Fash says, "I'm not going to hurt you, Kras. You can call me Fash."

2008-09-17, 10:42 AM
At the sight of the goliath Cobalt begins hopping in place clapping his metal hands with delight. He speaks to Fash in the gnomish tongue.
"OH! What's this thing? It's all grey, and purple, and gross looking."

2008-09-17, 11:56 AM
With a sigh, Fash turns again to Cobalt. He did not expect to talk this much today; already he was feeling a little hoarse.

"That is a Goliath. They're mountain folk, you see," he said in Gnome.

2008-09-17, 12:21 PM
Cobalt processes the data.
"Moun-ten folk?"
He mouths the words out trying to pronounce it properly...As much as a warforged can mouth something really.
"Like dwarves?"

2008-09-17, 02:31 PM
Do I look like a Dwarf to you? Although the dwarfs are quite a valuable race to us goliaths...

He heads over to Fash, cautiously. His steps are exactly three feet (1 meter) apart from each other, as to stabilize himself. For a moment he almost loses balance and outstretches his arms for stabilization.

I'm practicing for my tightrope walking skills. Just you wait... Now speak up and read the note so that all of us can hear! *Yelling this, he shouts the word 'hear' to the sky and reaches out upwards, creating an echo across the plains*

2008-09-17, 07:58 PM
Slinker shrugs, stands up unsteadily and wanders over to Fash, giving him the note.

Here you go, dunno what good it is, but you can have it if you want it.

2008-09-18, 04:10 PM
Fash sighs and slumps his shoulders before reading the notes.

2008-09-18, 08:16 PM
All the notes say the same thing

the note reads:

To the south, you will see a small human village. Talk to the one eyed barkeep at the Broken Bone Inn. It must be at midnight while wearing a pink bow and juggling 4 cream pies.

The note is unsigned.

2008-09-18, 09:20 PM
Jormun looks at both notes, reading them silently, and then casually tosses them over his shoulder to the breeze. He snorts roughly and continues to lead in the direction Fash had given. "Cream pies, of course. I don't need tricks to talk to stupid humans." The kobold grumbles to himself before he turns around to face the rest of the group. "You lot! We're going to this human town in the south; there is apparently a bartender we need to speak to. The note had some other, ridiculous instructions that I'm going to ignore in favor of hurting the man until he tells us whatever it is he is supposed to tell us. Gnome, translate that for the fancy golem. Who builds a talking machine that doesn't speak Common?"

2008-09-18, 09:22 PM
Slinker immediately perks up

A barkeeper? That means that there's a bar, and that means... no, no, I should stay calm. Gotta do this one step at a time.

Lead the way boss!

2008-09-18, 10:53 PM
"We're apparently supposed to head south, to a tavern in a human settlement," Fash explains to Cobalt in Gnomish, "at least, according to the notes we were given."

2008-09-19, 12:30 AM
Cobalt looks at Fash a moment, or was he looking through him, pondering the new information?
"What do you suppose for?"

2008-09-19, 12:43 AM
A bar, eh? There's many drunks that would gamble in favor of me for a good match in the ring. I crave to submit some idiot who has had too much training with the bottle and not enough with their hands! We must be off!

The steadfast goliath begins traveling north, as his excitement for competition has clearly overcome his already weak sense of direction... After a few moments of prancing clumsily about, he stops to get his bearings.

Or is south the other direction? It is no wonder I am alone... *Sad, pouty face*

2008-09-19, 08:48 AM
"I suppose we'll get more information when we get there." Gesturing to the goliath, he says, "Don't worry, I'm sure it's this way. The whisper gnome then points south.

2008-09-19, 03:36 PM
So it's settled. We head south, even under these extremely odd circumstances...

2008-09-20, 12:09 PM
"For now, anyway."

Fash adjusts his leather vambraces as he begins walking south.

2008-09-20, 01:38 PM
Kras accompanies Fash, and strikes up conversation for their trek south of unknown distance.

It's Tuesday today, did you bring your coat?

2008-09-20, 02:37 PM
Having spent the last several years in the woods, Fash was unused to keeping track of the days of the week. Unsure of what the goliath meant, he said, "Huh? What do you mean?"

2008-09-20, 05:48 PM
Slinker follows the others obediently, hoping to fuel his unfortunate habits.

Coat? Tuesday? Man, what you been smoking? It's rags everyday for Slinker!

2008-09-20, 09:44 PM
Jormun rolled his eyes and turned around, allowing him to face the others. He walked backwards carefully, the tip of his tail swishing over the ground and sweeping pebbles away from his bare feet. "Even if coats on Tuesday had some legitimate meaning, coats are horrible inventions. Finding a functioning coat fit for wings is essentially impossible. Not that pinky fashion designed for kobolds regardless." The kobold scratched his chin for a moment before snorting in derision. "Do you have names?"

2008-09-21, 10:23 AM
Such a shame that you have problems with that attire. Being a somewhat normal humanoid myself, I think that coats are awesome! Maybe this bar will have a coat that fits me... and I'll wrestle them for it! Ha! It's brilliant!

The goliath looks into the sky, daydreaming now of the perfect size coat for his huge stature and height that may exist in their journey.

Ah, my name is Kras. What is it that you seek out of this adventure? I want a challenge! An ultimate wrestling match with a worthy opponent!

2008-09-22, 08:58 PM
The journey to town is actually rather quiet and short. Doesn't seem that much lives between the gnomes and the human village. The Broken Bone Inn is also rather easy to find. There's not much else in the town. A small church to a god you probably do not know and a blacksmith are the two other places of interest in this small village.

2008-09-22, 09:01 PM
Slinker walks into town with the others, and looks around, somewhat impressed.

Hey, they got a few joints popping here, reckon I'll set myself up for business!

And with that, he (deliberately) stumbles over to the front of the inn, and slumps down near the door. Whenever someone wanders past him, he raises his cupped hands to them.

Copper for a beggar? Need somewhere warm to stay for the night, an' me grannie's sick.. *hacking cough*

2008-09-22, 10:23 PM
Cobalt looks around the new town, as his attention is drawn away from Slinker he does not notice as the stranger turns to begging for money, and as such, fails to recognise him.
As he places a gold coin into the cup he speaks in gnomish to him.
"Do you know we are?"

2008-09-22, 10:26 PM
Slinker looks up and smiles a toothy grin.

Hey man, blessings on your shiney metal ass! I dunno what you're saying to me, but you're alright!

2008-09-22, 10:42 PM
The warforged ***** his head.
"Excuse me, Mr. Fash. But, do you know what this man seems to be saying?"

2008-09-22, 11:36 PM
The whisper gnome brings his palm to his face. After a long pause, Fash speaks to the warforged in the gnome tongue. "This is Slinker. Don't you remember him from the walk here? He was with us from the moment we met in that field."

Fash coughs and clears his throat before letting loose a long sigh. He really wasn't used to this much talking. Clearing his throat once more, the whisper gnome retrieves his waterskin, and is about to drink from it when he recalls having offered it to Slinker. Still able to smell the vomit and alcohol, Fash wrinkles his nostrils and returns his waterskin to his pack, making a mental note to himself to boil it later.

Turning his gaze upward, Fash examines the Broken Bone Inn, looking at the building where, hopefully, some answers could be found.

2008-09-22, 11:48 PM
Cobalt, if he could, would have given Fash the most confused looked in the world.
"But if he was with us in the field then how did he get here so quickly?"

2008-09-23, 02:42 AM
Kras looks around anxiously.

No pubs? No coats? What is this place?

Personally defeated, he heads to the Inn, sulking.

2008-09-23, 05:58 PM
Slinker looks up at the goliath and smiles as he goes past.

Hey man, spare a copper for a poor beggar down on his luck? I gots a melanin imbalance an' I needs to see the healer, poor ol' me...

2008-09-23, 07:06 PM
Looking from Slinker to Cobalt exasperatedly, Fash sighs and shuffles inside the inn, grumbling lowly to himself.

2008-09-23, 10:14 PM
To Slinker:

How do you expect me to believe that? We just walked a ways from a gnomish field together. Besides, I'd have to break a gold piece to spare a copper.

Kras follows Fash inside the inn, keeping close behind him. He makes extra sure with his steps that he doesn't trip and squash the gnome like a pancake.

2008-09-23, 10:49 PM
Slinker shrugs as his companions walk into the inn. He's got a gold coin now, and that means a night of revelry for good ol' Slinker!

He sits around outside for another half hour, beggin as best he can for coin, before he gets bored and heads inside, grovelling from table to table.

2008-09-24, 03:07 PM
Cobalt, simply follows into the inn. Making an attempt to trip Slinker every chance he gets.

2008-09-24, 04:06 PM
Jormun ignores both Slinker and Cobalt as the group heads for the inn. He takes a moment to glance around before entering, a cursory glance to spot any apparent danger. Determining that the town seemed sleepy, Jormun simply crossed the threshold into the Broken Bone Inn and scuttled towards the bar. Jormun looks for a seat at the bar and starts to speak. "Is there a one-eyed bartender here? I think one of my companions needs a drink."

2008-09-24, 05:36 PM
As he does his rounds of the bar, getting a copper or two, perhaps an ale, or perhaps even just a boot to the ass, Slinker gets tripped over by Cobalt, and falls face first onto the floor. He rolls over, and spits out a mouth full of sawdust and dirt.

Hey man! Why'd you go and do that? I thought you were alright, but now I see you're just like The Man, trying to keep poor Slinker down!

He pulls himself up, and dusts himself off with as much dignity as a homeless bum clothed in rags can, before wandering over to the bar for a drink.

Hey, barkeep! Give me a flagon of your best ale! And by best, I mean cheapest!

2008-09-24, 10:03 PM
Kras keeps an eye out for any coats of his size, and victims to wrestle. His arms crossed and feet planted, he waits in the middle of the bar, looking around. As he scopes the scene out, each eyebrow raises in a skunk eye like manner towards the direction his head turns.

2008-10-02, 01:39 PM
The inn isn't very large and has a rather quaint feel to it. When you enter, there are only a few humans drinking. At the bar is a large man making drinks and glancing around. He notices as you come in and watches you intently. He does not speak as one of the serving girls walks to you and asks if you have an order.

2008-10-02, 06:15 PM
Fash nods. "Ale," he signs, and then realizes that she probably doesn't understand sign language. He clears his throat once more, and says in the Common tongue, "One ale, please."

2008-10-02, 06:20 PM
Slinker turns around after being ignored by the barkeep, sees the bar wench, and smiles a toothy grin.

Hey there, sweet thing! Can you get Slinker an ale, I gots the shinies tonight and they're burning a hole in my pocket!

2008-10-05, 08:45 AM
The bar maid leaves and returns with ales for the table and collects the coinage as you are now free to drink and do whatever else you might have planned.