View Full Version : Arena Tournament, Round 46: Chainy vs. Bacchae

2008-09-14, 11:55 PM
Arena Tournament, Round 46: Chainy vs. Bacchae



XP Award: 300 XP
GP Award: 300 GP

dman11235 - Chainy (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=56185)
SoD - Bacchae (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=63798)

All gladiators please roll initiative

2008-09-15, 07:59 AM
Bacchae, pre-round.


Will probably make purchases.

Edit: Aww man, a natural 20 wasted on initiative!

2008-09-15, 06:09 PM

Sell Spiked Chain and buckler, buy MW spiked chain.

2008-09-15, 06:42 PM
Yay! I go first! Yay!

Double move to K10, spiked chain drawn.

swift action activate Martial Spirit.


End turn.

Location: K10
HP: 12
AC: 16/14/12
Stance: Martial Spirit
Maneuvers: pending rolls
Crusader's Strike, Charging Minotaur, Stone Bones

2008-09-15, 08:41 PM
Bacchae, pre-round.


Will probably make purchases.

Edit: Aww man, a natural 20 wasted on initiative!

Do you mind if I still make purchases? If you do, I'll go on without.

2008-09-15, 11:05 PM
Go ahead. I doubt anything you buy will change my actions.

2008-09-16, 08:09 PM
Sell Guisarm (+4.5 gp)
Buy: Mwk. Guisarm (-309 gp)
Buy: Potion of Enlarge Person (-250 gp)

Bacchae, round I

Start in D10, holding potion in one hand.

Standard Action: Drink Potion. Grow.
Free Action: Drop vial.
Move Action: Move to I10/H11, drawing mwk. guisarm.

Battle State: HP: 10/10
AC: 14 (Touch 10, Flat footed: 13)
Buffs: Enlarge Person 0/10 (Size: large. Reach: 15 feet. Str: 20, Dex: 12)Position: I10/H11

2008-09-16, 10:21 PM
Oh poopy, an enlarged person. I can't enlarge myself until next level!

Oh well, you walked right into my trap! Mwahahahah! (I had no plan.....)

[roll0] for the maneuver

Okay, 5' step to J10, and attack

Not sure if he'll know this, but I'm using Stone Bones


Attack, damage, and crit respectively.

2008-09-16, 10:26 PM
Holy cow I do believe you're staggered!

End turn, stats:
location: J10
HP: 12
DR 5/adam
AC: 16/12/14
stance: Martial Spirit
Maneuvers: Douse the Flames, Charging Minotaur, Crusader's Strike, Stone Bones

2008-09-16, 11:10 PM
Bacchae, round II

...oh dear.

Free Action:5 foot step to H10/G11

Standard Action: Attack.


Free Action: Fall Unconcious.

Battle State: HP: -1/10
AC: 14 (Touch 10, Flat footed: 13)
Buffs: Enlarge Person 1/10 (Size: large. Reach: 15 feet. Str: 20, Dex: 12)Position: H10/G11


2008-09-16, 11:18 PM
A 5' step would still put me inside your glaive, since I was right next to you. You need to be more than 10' away from me to attack with that, meaning you need to attack with something not your glaive this turn, if you attack at all.

2008-09-17, 12:25 AM
In that case: move action to move B/C 10/11. Take your AoO.


2008-09-17, 05:04 PM
I'm going to do something weird. I'm rolling to see if I attempt to trip him. So, I'm going to put that here, then attack (touch if I'm trying to trip), damage, crit, str check, attack roll for the Improved Trip (+4 for being prone). Disregard the last two rolls if this following roll is a 1 or 2, regard them if it's a 3. [roll0]


I'll take my turn later tonight.

2008-09-17, 05:05 PM
you're still enlarged, aren't you? If so, that's a hit, and a kill.

2008-09-19, 11:23 PM
High Ref chilepepper

Going by the last stat block, that's a kill. Chainy wins.