View Full Version : Against A Dark Background - IC

2008-09-16, 12:26 PM
It was a cold November night in Berlin, an hour past midnight.

Four people had arrived into one smallish room, it's only decoration a large table with six identical chairs, both of mahogany. Torches burned on the walls. They could see two doors now, one they all had entered from and another, a black one, which remained closed for now. The ceiling was light, the floor dark, while the walls were a dark brown color.

2008-09-16, 01:06 PM
First in the room was a... Nosferatu? Pale, bald, pointy ears, with long witchlike fingers and longer nails, but he lacked the gut-wrenching presence of a true Nosferatu. He was seated at the table, his long fingertips pressed together, tenting his hands as he pondered the others. He did not deign to speak first, but nodded to each new arrival. After the fourth, he finaly stood, fluttering his fingers in an odd way that caused his nails to rub against each other with a sound like rustling leaves. He looked at the others and bowed his head, "I am called Jack."

2008-09-16, 04:14 PM
The Gangrel entered the room cautiously, as was typical when members of this notoriously wild clan entered such an enclosed space.
His ragged, dark brown cloak was draped around his shoulders, exposing not much but the unrecognizable dark clothing underneath. The cloak's hood was pulled over his head and dark, mirrored sunglasses covered his eyes.
He seemed to sniff the air and paced the small perimeter of the room slowly, but with a hint of nervous energy.

Finally, he seemd to find a corner to his liking, somewhat near to the table and 6 chairs, obviously not deigning to sit down.
He looked at the seated nosferatu for a few seconds, then readjusted the hood on his head, further hiding his countenance.

With hands in his pockets, leaning against the wall and staring at the ground the Gangrel waited for what was to come. As the others entered the room he looked up at each, but said nothing. His mirrored glasses and darkened figure revealing not much at all.

2008-09-17, 01:17 PM
The door to the room opened with an abrupt movement. A slight figure stepped within, gesturing at someone outside before stopping short. Eyes on the two figures within, the black-clad woman absently closed the door behind her. She stood there for a long moment, dark eyes flicking around the room, before she walked calmly forward to the table.

A closer look revealed a strikingly pretty, pale-skinned young woman who seemed almost vivacious, though experienced eyes revealed she was indeed kindred. She wore a long black coat over a close-fitting red t-shirt splashed with the name of a local heavy metal band. Black pinstripe trousers, a black bag and high flat-soled boots completed the ensemble.

She greeted Jack's nod with one of her own. "Hi! I'm Alice." She drew back a chair opposite the bald kindred and sat down in it, leaning back and crossing her legs. Alice paused for a long moment before speaking again. "So who is hosting our Vampires Anonymous meeting tonight? I hope someone brought dips."

A faint expression of surprise dashed across her face, as if she could not quite believe what she had just said. "Uhh." She stared at her nails for a few moments before drawing a book from her bag and flicking through it seemingly at random. A glance at the cover revealed a copy of The Metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka, in the original German.

2008-09-18, 10:18 AM
In what was fast becoming a tired cliche, the door jerked open. A tall, scarred man dressed in faded blue jeans, a greasy white wife beater and a battered old bombers jacket entered, glaring around the room like it had just said something incredibly insulting about his mother.

Without speaking he stalked over to the closest unoccupied chair, sat down and folded his arms across his chest.

"Okay" he grunted, transferring the glare to the rest of the rooms occupants "Who's bloody fault is this and when can i leave?"

2008-09-18, 10:43 AM

After telling the others his name, the bald man looked at the one with crossed arms, "I've no idea... and if nobody else does, I assume we still have to wait for our... host." He sat down again and ran a finger along the side of his face... hilighting a scar that ran through his left eye, which was milky white, as though dead. He looked around at the others turning his head to use his good eye, "So, I assume we were all summoned by means that were... disturbing, and unavoidable?" He tented his fingers again, looking thoughtful.

2008-09-18, 11:33 AM
Jason let out a nasty bark of laugher, spat on the floor and then lent back in his chair.

"Yeah, if by disturbing and unavoidable you mean some bimbo in a white dress making goddamn obvious threats. I'm here because i'm smart enough to know i don't want to be on Morgenstern's **** list just because i didn't want to come to his tea-party"

2008-09-18, 12:03 PM
Looking over at Jason, the Gangrel snorted briefly.
Muttering under his breath he said, "And that's a long list to be sure..."

He slowly walked over to the table and deliberately sat down at one of the remaining empty chairs. He stared off emptily at the torch sconce on the nearby wall.

"He always did enjoy the spectacle of the medieval", said to no one in particular.
"I'm surprised he didn't drag out the iron maiden and rack."

Leaning back slightly in his chair, the Gangrel leaned his head back and sighed.

"This is going to be a long night..."

2008-09-18, 05:48 PM
Alice's gaze flashed immediately to the newcomer upon his entrance, though she did not put down her book. Her eyes remained warily on him, though her manner was lazy.

"I'm as much in the dark as you are over this." She recrossed her legs. "My summoning was unavoidable, I would say. Whether it was disturbing... I'll have to look into that."

Her eyes widened at the mention of the prince. "Morgenstern, huh?" The young kindred leaned back, eyes wandering back to her book. She shook her head a little, and murmored, "Girl, just what have you got yourself into?" under her breath.

At the Gangrel's mention of a long night, her fingers tapped on the cover of her book and she glanced quickly at her watch. "Well, we better not get kept waiting too long." She sighed, a rather abrupt exhalation from one who did not breathe. "I took a few precautions and things could get a little... messy."

2008-09-19, 10:55 AM

Jack frowned, "Well, if the prince is behind this... it must be a highly unusual situation. Otherwise he could have just called us to his palace."

2008-09-19, 12:34 PM
Jason rolled his eyes "For the most part we're a race of immortal wankers, if we're not going spend eternity plotting in gothic basements what are we going to do with eternity?"

2008-09-19, 12:39 PM

Jack smiled, "Point taken, I'll refrain from stating the obvious for the purpose of stimulating conversation."

2008-09-19, 02:09 PM
Nodding at Alice's book he spoke again, "Existential musings to while away the hours of eternity. Not as depressing as Nihlism I suppose."

He shrugged and turned his attention to Jack, "And since when does your kind not know the dirty little secrets of the nobility? I find that hard to believe. But perhaps I just don't like waiting in stuffy rooms with kindred I don't know... my apologies."

He stood back up from his chair and paced the room again, wringing his hands in obvious angst, muttering to himself. "Plotting in gothic basements... if this is eternity... I swear I'd..."

His voice trailing off to incoherency, he took off his sunglasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose before putting the shades back on again a few seconds later. The revealed luminicent green eyes glowed eerily in the torch lit room, as would an animal you were unfortunate enough to meet in the pitch black night.

2008-09-19, 03:43 PM

Jack chuckled, "If by, my kind, you mean the Nosferatu... then thank you for the compliment. I wouldn't say it too loud around any other Nosferatu. The prince may have requested that the Nosferatu primogen treat with me as though I were one of his... but on the whole, most regard me as clanless."

2008-09-21, 09:47 AM
His attention attracted by the Gangrel's comment, Jason glances at Alice's book before twisting his mouth into a sneer.

"You're dead girl and you're not going to get better, save yourself some time and get rid of the security blankey, you've got a much better deal than most of the dead sons-of-bitches that i've known. You can whine about nihilism being depressing as much as you want Gangrel, but we're all dead men walking, being anything else just ain't practical. We're the goddamn proof that nothings waiting for us after we die."

2008-09-22, 02:11 PM
Alice smiled at Jason's "Immortal wankers" remark, though she didn't look away from her book for long. Her eyes did not venture far from the well-thumbed pages as the others talked, yet her attention was clearly on the room and not on the novel.

The Gangrel's observation caused her to laugh abruptly. "Thanks, I think. I suppose it isn't the most cheerful read, but I find it comforting in a way."

Jason's comment certainly got her full attention. Her dark eyes flashed with fire and in a moment she was up from her chair and standing. She took a quick pace towards the other kindred and stopped abruptly, clearly holding herself back. "Listen, you may get through the nights by being a prize ******* but-" The slight girl tssked and took a few paces away towards the wall before turning back to face the others.

"I'm not sure why we're all here. I'm sure as hell I don't know why I'm here. Thing is, whatever this is, it looks like we're all in it together. We may as well hold off on being at each other's throats until we see precisely which way our puppetmasters are going to twist our strings this evening. It's bound to be more entertaining than throwing catty comments back and forth, at least."

Alice turned and paced to the wall, snapping her fingers once. "Goddamn it girl, now you're sounding like Andre" she said to herself, quite audibly.

Leaning against the wall she added one final thing. "I don't know about anyone else but this all makes me nervous as hell. We may as well try to rein ourselves in until our host makes an appearance though. Then at least we'll have a focus for our annoyance."

2008-09-22, 03:19 PM
Cracking a smile for the first time, the Gangrel bemusedly looked at Alice as she paced about giving her mini-diatribe.

"Now that's a good point. But I wonder, if puppets fight each other then wouldn't the puppetmaster risk tangling the strings that bind them? Perhaps what we may do in conflict is counter to whatever purpose we were made to have here."

He removed his sunglasses again, his green eyes gleaming brightly from their sockets. Turning his gaze towards Jason he said in a casual utterance:

"For instance you, disciple of anarchy. What possible use could you have other than to tangle the strings? Tell us true, is this the plan of the master or counter to it?"

Shaking his head he began looking towards Alice again, he put back on his sunglasses and walked over to where she was leaning.

"It scares me more that someone like you is nervous. Rabble rousers aren't know for there caution necessarily. But I agree, discretion may be the better part of valor in this instance. Whomever has us here has the horse by the bit. Or the auto by the key? Not sure about modern analogies. Pardon me."

Lowering his head politely to Alice, he then walked a few paces away, resuming his wall lean and absently twirling a small stick of wood in his hand. It was clear he had no urge to resume sitting down again.

2008-09-22, 03:45 PM

Jack nodded to Alice, "Reading is a far better way to deal with being nervous than bluster... and far more profitable. However..." He glanced at Jason, "We shouldn't discount bluster... because it might be all that some of us have." He looked around the room, "It's very true, we are all in this together... so perhaps we should make the most of it, for I have a strong feeling that we are going to be asked to do some very unpleasant jobs... and if that's true we just might need each other's knowledge and bluster to survive them."

2008-09-22, 08:21 PM
Locking eyes with Alice, Jason brought his hands up and gave the girl a round of applause "Thats it girly, lets get those daddy issues out in there, they'll give you an Oscar for sure"

Turning his attention back to the room at large, he swung his boots up on the table, closed his eyes and lent back in the chair "As for my purpose here, i'm a blunt instrument, i'll i've ever been used for. I smash things until they stop being a problem: jumped up vamps, mafioso, thugs, gang-bangers, soldiers" his voice grows softer and loses some of its snarl "tanks, machine gun nests, bunkers, flamethrower positions......" he trails off and seems to be lost in his own thoughts.

2008-09-23, 09:29 AM
Alice grinned suddenly at the Gangrel's remarks to her. "Hah. Well we Brujah are not known for our common sense either." She shrugged. "As to this thing... something about it is just creepy, is all. More than usually creepy."

Smiling at him again, she added, "You never did tell us your name, you know. Or if you know what your purpose here might be."

While she kept very silent at Jack's mention of unpleasant jobs, Jason's latest jab caused her to hold his gaze for a long moment, before she shook her head and looked away with a chuckle.

2008-09-23, 11:27 AM
Looking towards Jason, he gave a slow nod. "Terrible he rode alone with his deadly sword for aid; ornament it carried none, but the notches on the blade."

Seeming lost for a moment, Alice's question snapped him out of his reverie. He smiled at her.

"No, I suppose my name did not pass these lips as of yet. Most have little reason to call on me, but I suppose that may change in my immediate future."

He gestured to the group in a somewhat obvious fashion.
"I've been called tramp, scamp, mongrel, filth and not-at-all. But most in this city just call me..."

He indicated his torn, ragged clothing. "Cruddy."

He caught Alice's gaze for a moment, to see if he could glean any reaction.
"As to my purpose here, I have given that some thought. We are obviously being gathered for some sort of event, mission or journey. In nearly 100 years on this earth I have learned one immutable fact, the nobility likes others to do their dirty work for them when there's a power struggle. The situation in the city is clear, we as a group fit some mold that only the Prince knows."

He glared at Jack.

"And I bet Deutchmarks to donuts that this Nosferatu without a clan knows more than he's letting on. The Prince insists that you be allowed to exist to the Nossie primogen, huh? We expendable Jackie boy? Is that it? Cause I know that you and I sure as hell weren't chosen for our good looks and fashion sense."

The small wooden stick Cruddy had been twirling broke under the strain of his hand, scattering to the floor. He kicked at the pieces, frustrated by the situation and claustraphobic room.

2008-09-23, 02:38 PM
Alice's eyebrows rose in surprise at the Gangrel's self-descriptor, before lowering in a frown. "Y'know, that name says a lot about our wonderful vampire society, but not so much about you. What would you prefer to be called? There must be something else we can call you by, rather than... that."

She went on talking to the room at large. "We really are a mixed bunch here, it seems. I'm not sure what my purpose here is, unless our host has an enemy that is really vulnerable to a cutting quatrain, or one that can be sung to death. I imagine we'll just have to wait, and see."

With that she leaned fully back against the wall, one hand playing with something in the pocket of her long coat. The kindred girl began humming a song melodically; those with keen ears could pick up that the song was "Pretty Vacant".

2008-09-25, 12:02 PM

Jack looked at Cruddy, an eyebrow raised. "I wouldn't take that bet, I'm absolutely sure I know more than you do. Unfortunately, I know nothing more about this particular situation, so I'm afraid I can't help relieve your anxiety." He smiled, "Just because some of us are better at politics, doesn't mean we aren't as easy to manipulate or control, given the right prod."

2008-09-26, 11:59 AM
The door, namely the door they had not entered, swung open quietly.

A man entered. He was rather tall, dark-haired and with the countenance of one who knew of his high place in the hierarchy, yet there was not much of that careless arrogance the neonates had become used to seeing on the faces of most Elders in Berlin.

His brown eyes scanned each of the Kindred present and narrowed slightly when he noticed two empty chairs.

"Welcome and good evening to you," prince Siegmund said.

2008-09-26, 01:02 PM

Jack rises from his seat and bows deeply, "My thanks for your welcome, my lord. How may I be of service to you?"

2008-09-26, 05:56 PM
Cruddy was shaken out of his own jumbled thoughts by the arrival of the Prince. Still leaning against the wall in low conversation with Alice, he straightened up and walked forward a few paces.

"Good evening Prince Siegmund" he said as he removed his sunglasses and nodded his head in respectful acquiesence.

"We of course, are at your service..."

Cruddy cocked his head slightly, with a somewhat inquiring look on his face. Then put back on the sunglasses, covering up his glowing green eyes.

Sensing that that the Brujah Prince wanted them all seated, he slowly made his way back to the table and sat at one of the empty chairs. He crossed his arms tightly, so that he would not be tempted to fidget.

2008-09-26, 09:12 PM
Jason opened his eyes, nodded to the Prince and took his feet off the table.

"G'day boss, whats the job and how much you paying?"

2008-09-27, 09:01 AM
Alice straightened upon the opening of the door, removing her hands from her pockets and becoming much less casual in demeanor. Taking a few steps forward she spoke softly "Many thanks, my lord." She appeared to be genuinely surprised at the appearance of the prince.

Her hands went out a little to the sides and her expression fleetingly showed she was discomfited by an impulse to curtsey. As smoothly as she could, she settled for bowing her head deeply before walking forward to stand behind one of the empty chairs, plainly waiting for a gesture from the prince before sitting. A note of amused warmth at Jason's reply crept into her voice as she added "How may we serve you this night?"

2008-10-12, 08:07 AM
Siegmund nodded at Jack and Cruddy both, apparently satisfied with their behaviour. His eyes stopped on Jason for a moment longer, and there was a clear message in them that said: "Don't think you can mess around."

That done, he turned to Alice. Having taken a step towards her, so they were closer now, he spoke: "Did I frighten you? I most certainly hope not. You look as lovely as ever. Pray tell me, how is your sire?"

Siegmund actually might have had a reason to ask, since Andre had been away from Berlin for a few weeks now. Why, he had not told Alice. Said it was business.

2008-10-12, 10:08 AM
Alice smiled at the prince, though she seemed a little nervous in her reply. "Not at all, my lord. I am merely... surprised to see you. The note I recieved was very mysterious, and I was not at all certain as to the identity of the originator. I am glad to see it is one so worthy of my trust in coming here." She smiled disarmingly.

"My thanks for your compliment. My sire is... well, I believe. At least I have heard nothing otherwise. In truth I have not seen him in some time; he is out of town on business, I believe." She paused, then added quickly, "I will convey your good wishes to him, of course."

She seemed slightly discomfited, though whether this was due to the proximity of Siegmund or his status could not be determined.

2008-10-12, 12:13 PM

Jack rose from his bow and stood waiting for further clarifications or instructions.

2008-10-13, 01:16 PM
At the mention of Alice's sire Cruddy's eyes narrowed a bit seemingly lost in some sort of contemplation.
His thoughts drifted back to his own life, his own path, his own sire...

Shaking his head slightly he cleared away those cobwebs and returned his attentions to the small group.

Seeing that Alice was still standing he motioned her over to the empty chair next to him in a friendly manner, so that Prince Siegmund could begin the endeavor to which they'd been called.

2008-10-15, 06:39 AM
"Ah, yes, his mysterious business," Siegmund spoke in an almost friendly manner.

"Please be seated, everyone."

Siegmund himself did not get a seat, though. Instead he called for somebody. A man, obviously a ghoul entered. Siegmund whispered something into the man's ear and when the servant had left, he turned back to the company of four.

"Since this is not an Elysium, I will not be insulting you by asking if any of you feel the need to replenish their hunger."

He smiled, baring his fangs.

2008-10-15, 08:27 AM

Jack bowed his head and resumed sitting. He placed his fingertips together again, and tilted his head as he looked at the prince. "I am quite replete, milord, and merely wishing to know how we may be of service to you."

2008-10-15, 09:27 AM
Jason leaned back in his chair and begins listing things off on his fingers "No i'm not hungry, i've been to the bathroom, i don't need any more shampoo, i'm not interested in joining any new political parties, religious groups or buying a time share in Maui."

He returns the Siegmund's toothy smile "was there a particular reason you summoned us all here, or were you just lonely.....?"

Jason pauses for a second as he wracks his brain for what he was forgetting, before enlightenment dawns "...My Lord"

2008-10-15, 10:08 AM

Jack's right eyebrow quirked up... spocklike... as he watched Jason. He turned his eyes to the prince to see how Siegmund recieved this... respect?

2008-10-15, 02:15 PM
Alice appeared anxious at the prince's line of questioning and, while relief was not evident in her features, it was quite apparent in her body language as she was invited to sit. She arranged herself in the seat Cruddy indicated, with a quick smile towards him. She seemed quite calm when she looked up again towards Siegmund.

"I am quite well as I am, my Lord, though I am grateful for your consideration."

On Jason's reply she turned to look at him, drawing back imperceptably as if concerned that he might spontaneously burst into flame. Her expression was wide eyed and a touch incredulous. You could quite imagine her wearing the same expression if he had suddenly stripped down to a pink tu-tu and began doing the macarena.

She blinked several times while awaiting a reaction from their host.

2008-10-15, 06:29 PM
Cruddy looked up at the Prince's mention of hunger. He had been awoken quite suddenly earlier in the evening and neglected to feed before arriving at the docks.

"My lord, if it pleases you... I have had no deer, nor mortal on which to sup. It would gratify me substantially to partake of your generosity."

He pointedly looked across the table at Jason after his outburst.

"Time share?"

Cruddy was obviously perplexed by the turn of phrase and muttered, "I hope there's as much left for you to lend as you think my friend..."

He looked over at Jack and then to Alice.

"I guess I am dining alone... pity."

2008-10-25, 02:34 PM
"We will have to find a pleasant way to pass the time, considering that the last two members of our little get-together are still coming from Hamburg," Siegmund said.

With dark eyes, he turned to look at Abrams.

"Do bark on," Siegmund spoke conversationally. However, one could never be sure about what could follow, since the prince had been known to rip heads off just moments after appearing pleasant and welcoming. "I find it refreshing, you know. After a while having sycophants nod and praise your every move can get quite tiring. Don't ever stop, Abrams."

He and Alice exchanged glances, he nodded to her and then spoke to Cruddy: "Go outside, you will have a meal served for you." He waved at the same door he had entered from.

Indeed, as Cruddy went out into the corridor, which was no different from the places he had adventured in with the Desert Snake, he found two bulky guards and a young-looking male ghoul. The man was not familiar, but most likely belonged either to Siegmund or whoever was present in the building tonight.

2008-10-29, 04:10 PM
Alice looked down for a moment before her eyes flicked back up to Cruddy. Her expression was slightly apologetic. "I prefer to... dine on my own. I suppose it's a character quirk."

Leaning back in her chair, Alice considered for a few moments before smoothly leaning forward. She chose her words carefully. "I have an idea for how we might pass those hours, my Lord. I have a gig... a performance scheduled for tonight." She glanced at her watch, a quick, nervous gesture. "I was rather concerned already that I might not be able to attend. Instead, you could all come along, as my guests."

"It is a mortal place, so the proprieties would have to be observed." She gave a sharp glance at Jason as she said this. "I see no reason that there should be any problem so long as we do so. It should be a diverting way to pass the time, if nothing else." There was a fire in her voice at this that belied her diffident manner. A smile of anticipation hovered on her lips.

"The club is called Darklands. It's easy to find, if we are willing." Her eyes went to Siegmund. "If the idea pleases my lord?"

2008-10-30, 02:52 AM
Chuckling to himself, Jason flashed a toothy smile at the Prince. "Always nice to know you're loved boss" he muttered, before turning to face Alice.

"Keep your sulky face to yourself girly, I've been wandering around dead longer than you've been upright in total i'll wager. I can behave myself around the humans, but if any of your gothy little limp-wristed pansies try to start anything they'll be crawling around in the gutter looking for their teeth."

He gave a shrug "But screw it, i'm not sitting around waiting for a couple of bastards who can't even be arsed to show up to their mysterious summons on time, lets go listen to the girl sob about how hard life is with only one cell-phone and a studio apartment, it'll be good for a laugh"

2008-10-30, 09:43 AM
Raising her eyebrows, Alice smiled sardonically. "It's almost like you know me." Her mouth opened a little as if to say more, but she obviously thought better of it. Instead she turned to glean Jack's, and more importantly Siegmund's reaction, murmoring something under her breath.

The astute could barely catch "...would have guessed... house trained".

2008-10-30, 05:25 PM

Jack smiled a toothy smile, "I find everyone's whining amusing..."