View Full Version : The Whole "Tears of blood" campiegn

2006-01-27, 07:23 PM
I am new, as are half the people here, and i want to say one thing.

No-one, and i repeat, NO-ONE, wants to read 30+ pages for each topic. I think many people think this way to. I think there is one solution, make a seperate forum for it.

So tell me what you think!

2006-01-27, 07:42 PM
Errr....I'm not sure what you're saying here. There is a seperate board for the Tears of Blood campaign. Or do you mean a separate forum away from giantitp?

And you certainly aren't expected to read every page written on every topic. That's just silly. Don't read what you don't want to. We have a thread which explains which topics are important for those new to the campaign to read, none of which are more than 30 pages. We also post summaries of what we've previously talked about. And if you don't want to read an entire topic, and it doesn't appear that we've summarized the discussion recently, mention that and someone will summarize it shortly.

Also, much of the earlier discussion worries about things that have been completely decided on already and doesn't require anymore discussion. If you read the write ups and vote archives, you'll understand what's been previously decided and then won't have to read every page of every topic. The vote archives actually gives a pretty effective summary of almost every topic we've finished discussing. If you read the last 4 or 5 pages of any topic you're interested in, that's usually more than adequate to start participating in the conversation. And everyone's more than happy to answer questions about things you may not have read.

Also...why is this posted here rather than in the world-building board?

2006-01-27, 09:36 PM
Um. . . it's a issue about the board???

The Giant
2006-01-30, 09:22 AM
The Voice of Mod: It already has its own forum. And if you don't want to read it, don't. I don't see how it interferes with your life in any way unless you want it to. They choose to do this here, and I was OK with giving them forum space to do that. End of discussion.

Next you'll be telling me to shut the Play-by-Post games down because you're tired of reading all the games... ::)

2006-01-30, 12:33 PM
What an Odd complaint!
Here let me try [rant on/]
While I was browsing your well kept forum in my ample spare time, I discovered that there was such careful thought out settings and painstaking attention to detail that I ran out of time, forcing me to apply thought to what I should like to read, frankley I am appalled that you do not bannish such, well concieved non-clap-trap, from the forum, I mean this is the internet is it not, stop showcasing intelligent debate and co-operation, this is not what I subscibe to the internet for, what happened to the endless reams of infantile dribble!
Oh yeah they are in the silly games forum, well I am still very very put out that I came soo close to... reading too much.. gasp the very idea.[/rant¿]

How did I do?

2006-01-30, 01:15 PM
What an Odd complaint!

Here let me try
[rant on/]
While I was browsing your well kept forum, in my ample spare time, I discovered that there was such careful thought out settings and painstaking attention to detail that I ran out of time, forcing me to apply thought to what I should like to read.

Frankly I am appalled that you do not banish such, well conceived non-clap-trap, from the forum. I mean this is the internet is it not?

Stop showcasing intelligent debate and co-operation, this is not what I subscibe to the internet for. What happened to the endless reams of infantile dribble? Oh yeah, they are in the Silly Message Board Games forum. Well I am still very very put out that I came so close to... reading too much.. gasp the very idea.[/rant¿]

How did I do?

Fair to middling. I have tried to correct all your mistakes and present it in the format most accepted on this board. ;)