View Full Version : Would anybody be interesting in editing a blog?

2008-09-16, 09:48 PM
A while back i expressed interest in making my own blog. Now for my 17th birthday (go me) my father agreed to help me, (me and technology don't get along) make a blog. Now the thing is, i'm going to need help. As a few of you might have noticed, i have, once or twice, missspelladed woords on occason. My mother (an English Teacher) can catch most spelling errors, but i would like to have some people who are actually familiar with the content edit as well. In the starting stage at least. Would anyone be interested in just looking over any beginning articles i write, at least until i get myself set up (i've only written the introduction so far)?

2008-09-16, 09:55 PM
Yes, I would be very interesting in editing a blog.

Oh...wait. You mean interested? Huh. I'll have to think about that. :smalltongue:

I would be willing to do it, but I'm not sure I have the time...what would the editor be expected to do, exactly, and how often would you update?

2008-09-16, 10:01 PM
I think you might want a few, if you update frequently.
And I'd be willing to do so, as well.

2008-09-16, 10:02 PM
at this stage, i just need somebody to help me get started, IE read the first few articles right before they are made and edit/make comments. thats about it actually. I can PM the intro for those who are interested

2008-09-16, 10:21 PM
Would you be wanting feedback for editing or just someone to fix typos? I like helping out with improving the quality of writing but have no interest in being a spell checker (especially when your computer should be doing that for you).

2008-09-16, 10:22 PM
Would you be wanting feedback for editing or just someone to fix typos? I like helping out with improving the quality of writing but have no interest in being a spell checker (especially when your computer should be doing that for you).

a mix of both for now.

2008-09-16, 10:24 PM
i'm an english major with an interest in new media journalism. i'd be willing to assist you in your quest.

2008-09-16, 10:29 PM
i'm an english major with an interest in new media journalism. i'd be willing to assist you in your quest.

thanks, i'll send it to you