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View Full Version : UMD and Magic Item Creation

2008-09-17, 02:05 AM
Just a quick question :P

Would it be a useful & non-overpowered to allow anyone with Use Magic Device ranks to take Magic Item Creation feats to craft magic items?
As in, making a UMD check as if casting a spell from a scroll to emulate a magic effect and a caster level. (other normal rules still apply, the UMD check is just to emulate the caster level needed to craft magic items)

2008-09-17, 02:34 AM
You want to make UMD even better? Seriously?

I think you should require burning of the scroll use at least. Also what caster level would he be ( I know you mentioned using UMD to determine this..but how?)

2008-09-17, 02:48 AM
Actually, this is a class feature of Warlocks(12th level), and is one of their better features, I would think twice before giving decent class features out for free.

2008-09-17, 02:56 AM
BobVosh is right; UMD is already a disproportionately useful skill. As it happens, though, what you propose is one of the signature abilities of Eberron's artificer class. You might consider checking out the ECSB if you want a fair* implementation of the idea - and a bloody good campaign setting besides.

*Yes, the artificer can be notoriously overpowered, but you have to build and play it that way on purpose, even more so than a wizard. Played reasonably, it's a very balanced and fun class. Admittedly, it has a bit of baggage in that its combat effectiveness takes a hard blow if you don't use action points, but those are fun too, anyway.