View Full Version : Freedom Thread

2008-09-17, 09:04 PM
The cell you sit in is damp and dark. You've been there for three days, eating almost no food. The cell is only about six square feet, and the jail has been carved from stone tunnels. Around you are the other men and women on death row. You know you're next. You hear the approaching footsteps of the guards, and something inside of you tells you that it's the last time. The hanging was scheduled for today, and you realize that that means now.

The men approach you, and open the cell doors. In front of you stand six guards. They rush you, and before you have a chance to do anything, your hands and feet are chained, and you're blindfolded. Down the long tunnel, up multiple flights of stairs, and sunlight hits your face. You can see it through the thick cloth. They lead you up some stair, your feet ringing against the wooden platform, and tear off your blindfold. You stand in the middle of a courtyard, surrounded by the six men that took you there.

You size up the situation. To an outsider, it seems grim, you're weak, outnumbered, and surrounded, and moments away from hanging. To you, it seems quite fine. You see the sharp flashes of a mirror from the other side of the courtyard. "On your mark" the coded message read. The "mark" was a nod of the head.

There were four men, each old companions of yours. They watched you like a hawk, waiting for the signal.

Sizing up the situation: You are at half health, -4 strength and are standing on a platform. Two guards flank you, while the rest are surrounding twenty feet away. At any moment you can give the signal, and the trusty bows of your allies will unleash death upon your captors. They're about 70ft away, hiding.

2008-09-18, 12:41 AM
Damn. Faillen thinks to himself. Looks like it's either dept, or I'm in their pocket for however long... I don't think I owe any of them money, at least....

"Mind for a cup of stout? Or does your laws not provide me a last request. If we're gonna do this, I might have something in my stomach, as well. And don't give me the cheap stuff, I'm about to die. you can spare the gold."

Faillen smiles pretending to be at there mercy. His hope is that they'll grant his request, and one will go off to do it. However, then he has a conundrum - If they do, should he signal the attack while there's only 5 of them, or hold off and see if they undo the chains on his wrists so he can hold the cup.

Well, he could use the drink...

He surveys the area, looking for where the crowd is. He feels at the chains on his wrists, and wonders if he'll be able to slip them once the arrows fly.

He wonders where he'll be able to find Katars to pay these guys back if they escape.

2008-09-18, 07:19 AM
OOC: A last request.... smart!

Anyway, one guard looks at the other and leaves back through a different door. This would be a good time to say that the couryard is about 700ft north to south x 200ft east to west. There are various door running along the east and west walls, and large gates the north and south end. On top of the walls is a catwalk area, from where enemies could rain down arrows on you.

Seven on five with more in the bush. Your call.

2008-09-19, 06:03 AM
"You should have gone, silly. He'll likely survive because of that. See, that's called mercy! Now, I offer you surrender. Unchain me, hold your arms back, and you'll live to see your wife and children. Otherwise, you will die this day. What's it going to be? You have... 10 seconds to answer."

Faillen starts counting, blinking to signify to the guard he has eye contact with how much time had passed.

2008-09-19, 04:26 PM
The guards laugh and and the one behind you pushes you to the ground and spits on you.

He looks up to the other guards and announces, in a quite entertaining tone:

"Well, my friends, we have been beaten! This man here, even though we have chained him up, and he's moments from the gallows has gone and told me that we should surrender! I do love my wife and kids!" He jeers, and the other guards laugh.

He looks down at you, in a personal way, his eyes locking in with yours. He bends down and sneers at you.

"Who do you think you are?" He asks, almost silently.

He continued, "You're path-" but never finished the sentance, as a long shaft of wood with attachments of metal and feather at both sides, respectively, pierced his neck. He falls to the ground next to you, screaming for mercy from as many gods as his tongue would let him. The arrow would make him bleed to death, slowly and painfully.

Your move.

2008-09-20, 12:57 AM
"I warned you, idiot."

Faillen reaches out, and pulls the dead guards blade out of it's sheath. Not his favored weapon, but he knows how to use it, he's sure. The pointy end goes in who he wants to kill. He and the same time, he rises to his feat, shifts his body around, and swings the blade (gripped in both hands, for good measure), at the guard who knocked him down.

"I'm Faillen D'arturis, fool, the name your children will know as the man who sliced their fathers throat!"

Taking a bit of liberty, I believe, since you've described a situation that the PHB doesn't quite seem to cover (go figure.) I figure grabbing the blade and standing could count as the same move action, as he kinda needs the blade to stand up with, due to the chains. The shout is him using Hunter's Quarry on the guard behind him, and the attack is a basic melee attack (at a -2 penalty, due to being Restrained)

Assuming the blade was a Longsword, as that's the tradition steriotypical guard weapon. Feel free to correct me or the roll if it's not (if it even hits. I'm hope the Gods of Awesome will help me out.)

Attack - [roll0] vs AC, [roll1] damage on a hit (the second die being Hunter's Quarry.)

2008-09-20, 11:24 AM
After a few moments of battle, all is silent. Your men quickly grab keys and unchain you, and equip you with your weapons of choice (which would be?).

The leader of them, a good friend of yours named Robin Waterwood steps up to you.

"We came in through the front gate. Surprisingly easy to kill the guards. They were untrained, and we took them silently with great speed. We timed it so that the changing of the guard will be far into the future, so the bodies won't be found for some time, though I worry about the one who was sent to bring you stout." He said.

"Three of my men will escort you out. I will kill the final guard." He continued.

At that moment, there was a indistinguishable yell from the other side of the courtyard. You turn to find a young guard staring at the bodies.

He sprints to the man, and with a flash of his blade, silences him, but his scream lives on. Another guard comes to see what had happens, and then yells a more distinguishable yell of "HE ESCAPED!"

Your move.

Now is a good time to give some background. Your name is Isac Nibleson. You worked tightly with the Hidden Blade guild, who was an ally of the Turquoise Moon, another guild of thieves. Waterwood is a high official of the Turquoise Moon, and you know him on a personal basis. What you don't know is why they came to save your life. Usually, when things like this happen, the guild leaves the guards to their own devices. It's too risky to get involved, much less in the affairs of another guild.

2008-09-20, 01:21 PM
Weapons of choice are two Katars. If you only want to give me one for now, I can pick up a blade from the guards and make due til I can get the other. Otherwise, things're going great!

Also, retroactively change all the names, to match. I assume the rest of the backstory still works, after all, a rose by any other name...

Isac takes the Katars and throws them over his shoulders, their holsters fall on his back, lining the blades themselves up with his shoulder blades.

"We should be going. I'm sure we could take the forces, but let's not makes you all wanted as I am."

He begins to head towards the exits, hands ready to grab his weapons at the sight of trouble.

"Your guild or mine?"

"Or are we operating under someone elses orders?"

2008-09-20, 02:44 PM
They gave you both weapons you wanted.

Anyway, he responds.

"There was a need for you. Our master requested your presence." He responds.

The four of you run down to the main gate of the courtyard. Guards are already assembling. By the time you arrive, five block your path, armed with spears and large shields. You could fall back and spend the time to kill them with your bows, or rush in with your blades. Your call.

2008-09-20, 02:52 PM
Isac draws his blades.

"If you shoot them, I'll slay any that step forward to assault you."

He boldly stands there, the heals of his feat look ready to leap at any enemy that approaches.

[roll0] Initiative, if needed. Using the initial round to ready and action to charge if an enemy comes within 15 ft of me, if I can do so.

2008-09-20, 03:02 PM
Your men fall back and release a volley of arrows. Two men drop, and the other charge. Roll attack.

2008-09-20, 03:13 PM
[roll0], plus an additional 1 if I manage to charge (and a -1 AC in that case, too). [roll1] Damage on a hit.

2008-09-20, 03:22 PM
With a quick stab, you kill one of the men charging at you, and duck back to dodge to recruits tripping over each other.

After a few more moments of battle, you've killed the lot.

You and the men charge up to five horses waiting by the gate. You turn back to find Robin surrounded by soldiers. He looks like he's fighting well, but you don't know if he could make it out.

Right now I'm doing a little bit of a prelude, an introduction. I'm staying away from dice rolls, and just playing by ear. It won't be the same next encounter.

2008-09-20, 03:55 PM
Friends among thieves are a rare thing to find. Isac turns to go help Robin, as he can't leave the few he has behind.

Besides, he owes him now.

Alright, cool on the die rolls, I'll hold off on 'em

2008-09-20, 05:01 PM
About 15 men have swarmed into the courtyard, and are surrounding Waterwood. He turns to see you, and upon confirming your advance, tackles through the men between you and him. A steel blade pierces his ribs, and he stumbles, almost falling. The wound is deep; very deep.

He stumbles towards you, screaming "Run!"

2008-09-21, 03:54 AM
Isac keeps advancing towards him. He's not going to be in the pocket of the Turquoise Moon because he was responsible for the death of one of their best men. He intends to grab Robin as soon as he can, and run out, using his free hand and Katar to defend himself.

"Bowmen, grant me cover!"

He advances, not wanting his friend to die.

2008-09-21, 08:23 AM
As you approach him, so do the enemies. He stumbles and falls to the ground, letting out a horse yell of pain. The wound is bleeding badly, and if it wasn't treated soon, could lead to problems.

You grab him off the ground, but as you do, a man piledrives you. Instinctively, you spin around, landing on top of him. Your hand reaches for your belt, to the dagger that isn't there. Again, you could spend the time to incapacitate him, or simply take your friend and run. Your move.

2008-09-21, 04:27 PM
He's come too far to give up now. Isac grabs his friend and run, drawing and using a Katar in of left hand to fend off guards and blows, while using his right arm and the majority of his body to support Robin.

"It's a good thing I'm not like you sneak-theifs..." He thinks "...and actually trained my muscles rather than my fingers."

2008-09-21, 04:57 PM
As you run, a volley of arrows passes you, thinning the ranks behind you. The guards veer off, hiding behind cover; they were sitting ducks for the archers when they were chasing you.

You're able to get to the horses and escape. You gallop down the road some time before you're addressed by Robin.

"They'll chase us. I'm surprised that they haven't come after us already. The horses are trained to continue down the path. Here, we shall dismount and move through the forest towards Stoneforge. It's only about a day's journey away. But now, I fear, the forest has become a dangerous place. In the three years that you were gone, things have changed. But now isn't the time to discuss this." He says.

He dismounts and sends the horses off, and the five of you make your way into the forest.

2008-09-23, 11:45 AM
Isac stays by Robin side, as a support, as we don't exactly have any crutches.

"So, what's the deal here? I know I can't get saved from execution without being in someone pocket big time... Or did I piss someone off and they wanted to do it personally, not let the guards do it?"

(Sorry, my computer got fried, so I had to get a new one. Hence my absense)

2008-09-23, 03:08 PM
It's cool. It happens to all of us. Good to have you back.

It's good to mention that at some point in the process, he was bandaged. Also good to mention that I'll be changing the HP healing system to something more realistic.

Anyway, he responds. "Our master needed you. He wouldn't provide details."

2008-09-23, 04:55 PM
(Mind explaining the new HP system? Might be helpful if I know it....)

2008-09-24, 07:25 AM
(Mind explaining the new HP system? Might be helpful if I know it....)

Still working out the kinks in my mind. I'll get back to you on that.

After a few hours of travel, the sun begins to set.

"We should set up camp." One of the men eventually says. Everyone nods in agreements.

You erect some tents and build a small fire, then work out the watches. Which watch do you want? There are five watches.

2008-09-24, 10:12 PM
Isac ellects to take first watch.

"Any of you have any spare Leathers? I could use the protection."
Not entirely trusting of the situation, he keeps a close ear on his "companions" to make sure they're not plotting against him, as well as watching for guards or other enemies. He keeps his Katars close, regardless of who he hears.

2008-09-25, 07:28 AM
"Sure." One replies.

"I'll be taking my leathers off to sleep, anyway."

He removes his armor and gives it to you, and you quickly don the set of pads.

Night quickly sets in.

An now for one of my favorite parts of a game, where instead of me rolling a dice, you make a choice. Choose a number from one to twenty.

2008-09-25, 08:37 AM
Ooo! Ooo! 14! Weee!

Isac dons it, but dislikes them, as they're still covered in his companions sweat. He misses his old armor, now probably in possession of some low level guard.

He wonders briefly what they did with his old Katars... Not like anyone uses these things. That's why they're kinda his trademark. He smiles to himself seeing some entry level guard picking them up to train with an impaling his own foot.

2008-09-25, 04:36 PM
Roll for listen and spot.

Edit: Oops, stuck in 3e.

Roll for perception. Or whatever.

2008-09-26, 01:25 PM

Rolling Perception.
EDIT - Isn't it sad that my passive is nearly double what I rolled?

2008-09-26, 03:19 PM
You hear a large creature sifting through the undergrowth, probably forging for food. You turn towards the sound, and through the darkness see a large pig-like shape.

2008-09-29, 03:11 PM
I ready my Katars for a fight, though don't go out looking for one. No sense in starting a conflict with something when it could just as easily move along.

I try to look at it a tad closer, more from a spectacle standpoint than that of a hunter.

Perception - [roll0]

2008-09-29, 05:13 PM
The large pig-like creature shuffles around in the underbrush, then stops, supposbly seeing you. It lets out a shrill cry, and rushes at you.

Charging at you, is a Dire Boar. Roll for initiative.

2008-09-29, 07:07 PM
Initiative - [roll0]
He's so going to wipe me out. My AC is not cut out to deal with something like that yet.

"Wake up now, guys!" Isac yells, rolling to his feet.

2008-09-29, 08:14 PM
Relax. I'm the GM, I know how to not have monsters roll over you.

Anyway, you won init.. Your move.

2008-09-30, 10:02 AM
How far away from me is he?

2008-09-30, 05:04 PM
You're standing at the center of the camp, with the fire behind you by five feet. The clearing the tents are in is about fifty feet in radius, and the tents are about fifteen feet away from you, flanking you. The boar is twenty feet away at the moment, straight ahead.

2008-09-30, 06:30 PM
Minor Action - Hunter's Quarry on the Boar
Move Action - Move to the Boar.
Standard Action - Cut and Run (Ranger Encounter Power 106)
Main Hand Attack = [roll0]. Damage [roll1]
Off Hand Attack = [roll2], Damage [roll3]
Hunter's Quarry Damage (If either hit) = [roll4]
Crit Bonus (If applicable) = [roll]2d6[roll]

Shift 15 ft as part of Cut and Run, after the attack, positioning myself on the Opposite side of the Dire Boar, rather than moving backwards.

Screwed up the crit bonus roll, but no big deal thanks to me not making a Crit!

Still hurting and weak from his prison stay, Isac careful moves forward, eyeing his target. With a flash, he thrusts his blades at the beast, and somehow ends up on the opposite side of the boar, it's backside, his blades still raised and ready to attack.

2008-09-30, 07:21 PM
Smooth. You just earned yourself another attack.

The boar lets out a roar, and spins around clumsily, allowing you time to attack again.

2008-10-01, 09:13 AM
Minor - None
Standard - Jaws of the Wolf, Ranger Daily pg 106
Main Hand - Attack [roll0], Damage [roll1]
Off Hand - Attack [roll2]. Damage [roll3]
Half Damage on a Miss
Hunter's Quarry (If either hit) Bonus = [roll4]
Critical Bonus (If applicable) = [roll5] (Use first if one crits, both if both do.)
Move Action - Shift Backwards

Special - Planning on using Weave through the Fray (Ranger Utility pg 108) to shift 2 squares to his side as soon as he moves adjacent to me (it's an Immediate Interrupt.)

Isac grips his Katars hard, shoving them down at the beast, then hops back a steps or two. He hopes the creature falls to his blades this time, but a careful observer can see he rests on balls of his feet, ready to spring away from any danger.

2008-10-01, 03:59 PM
The boar attacks slowly and deliberatly this time, wary of both your blades and your quick feet. It hits you, slashing a gash near your knee.

9 damage.

This is a good time to explain my healing and hit points system.

Ok, divide your healing surges in half and round up. You now have groups of non-combat healing surges and combat healing surges.

This is pretty self explanatory. You use noncombat healing surges ouside of combat, and combat healing surges during combat. Same rules apply.

Also, when you take a long rest, instead of getting all HP back, you regain one combat healing surge, and one non-combat healing surge.

From now on, keep track of healing surges like that.

You may now resume with your regularly scheduled program.

2008-10-01, 10:54 PM
He shouldn't hit me at all, since I planned to shift back as soon as it moved adjacent, as an immediate interrupt. That's what Weave through the Fray does! Also, my current AC is 19 (16 Base, with +2 Armor Bonus from the Leather, and a +1 Shield bonus from Two-Weapon Defense. Not sure if that helps, but figured I'd let you know

I'll resolve the damage after next round, due to the confusion I'm having with it hitting me or not.

Minor - None
Move - Move to the Boar
Standard - Two-Fanged Striked.
Main Hand - Attack [roll0]. Damage [roll1]
Off Hand - Attack [roll2]. Damage [roll3]
If both hit, 2 more damage.
Hunter's Quarry Bonus (if either hit) [roll4]
Crit Bonuses (If applicable) [roll5]

Isac re-approaches the beast, and strikes at it again with both his blades. He looks tired, but he still stands.

2008-10-02, 07:19 AM
He shouldn't hit me at all, since I planned to shift back as soon as it moved adjacent, as an immediate interrupt. That's what Weave through the Fray does! Also, my current AC is 19 (16 Base, with +2 Armor Bonus from the Leather, and a +1 Shield bonus from Two-Weapon Defense. Not sure if that helps, but figured I'd let you know

I'll resolve the damage after next round, due to the confusion I'm having with it hitting me or not.

Well, you've already dodged him once. He would be much more cautious sometimes.

My style of DMing involves not playing by the rules at times. Makes the game a little more fun.

I don't have my books with me. Remind me what the crit threat for your weapons are. (or did they change the crit threat range system for 4e? Damnit, I need to do my homework.)

2008-10-02, 08:40 AM
Well, you've already dodged him once. He would be much more cautious sometimes.

My style of DMing involves not playing by the rules at times. Makes the game a little more fun.

I don't have my books with me. Remind me what the crit threat for your weapons are. (or did they change the crit threat range system for 4e? Damnit, I need to do my homework.)

So... I kinda completely wasted one of my Power selections, then? The whole idea of the character, and pretty much the whole Two-Weapon Ranger class at all, is dodging and hitting hard, and if I can't do that, I'd like to be able to do a full rebuild. Sorry, my power selection is made to do exactly what you're not going to let me do...

There is not Critical Threat system anymore. On a Natural 20, you Crit. Since I have High Crit weapons, I deal an addition 1[W] of damage. Additionally, at Paragon level, you can take feats to increase the range of your Crit (though, like in 3.5, you only crit with that if you hit, unlike on a 20.) There are also some powers that increase them, and some rare Paragon Path abilities. So, no crits yet.

2008-10-02, 03:09 PM
So... I kinda completely wasted one of my Power selections, then? The whole idea of the character, and pretty much the whole Two-Weapon Ranger class at all, is dodging and hitting hard, and if I can't do that, I'd like to be able to do a full rebuild. Sorry, my power selection is made to do exactly what you're not going to let me do...

There is not Critical Threat system anymore. On a Natural 20, you Crit. Since I have High Crit weapons, I deal an addition 1[W] of damage. Additionally, at Paragon level, you can take feats to increase the range of your Crit (though, like in 3.5, you only crit with that if you hit, unlike on a 20.) There are also some powers that increase them, and some rare Paragon Path abilities. So, no crits yet.

Ok. You don't have to spoiler everything, you know.

Your character build is still valid, just remember that sometimes, something outside of the rules can effect the game, to your advantage or to your opponents. The rules aren't god; I am.

Anway, where were we? Ah, yes. The men have crawled out of their tents by then, and were quite surprised to fine your current condition.

The beast strikes back at you, but you sidestep his attack.

2008-10-02, 11:50 PM
I'm open to surpises. I just dislike that one of my powers is entirely useless now, since Immediate Interrupts don't seem to exist in your system. But, onto my turn...

Immediate Reaction (After the Boar missed), use Unbalancing Parry (Ranger Utility pg 106) to slide the boar directly between me and the rest of the camp (whatever that direction is). It also grants combat advantage to me until end of turn.
Minor Action - None
Standard Action - Two-Wolf Pounce (Ranger Daily pg 107)
Main Hand - Attack [roll0], Damage [roll1]
Off Hand - Attack [roll2], Damage [roll3]
Hunter's Quarry Bonus (if either hit) [roll4]
Crit Bonuses (If applicable) [roll5]
Move Action - Shift backwards 1 square.

Isac shifts his weight with the boar missing, and pushes into it's flank, causing it to move between him and the camp. Distracted, he strikes at the beast with both his Katars again, hoping to fell the beast, but knowing that at least his companions are awake to help now. He then jumps back, giving a bit of space between the beast and himself.

2008-10-03, 07:25 AM
The boar, at this point, quite slashed up, turns his tail and begins to run.

2008-10-03, 08:54 AM
"You want boar meat? Shoot it then!" He callls to the others, though is himeslef uninterested in finishing it off. He goes back to where he was sitting.

2008-10-03, 03:09 PM
"...The hell...." Some of them mutter, and head off to sleep. The rest of the night is uneventful.

I'll tell you what your exp award is when I get my books. I don't have them at the moment. If you want to figure it yourself, he was a level 6 brute.

2008-10-03, 03:35 PM
I dunno if they have it calculated for soloing enemies, actually... I'll check, though.

EDIT - Actually, I think you normally just divide the XP given in the creature statistic block. For a Dire Boar, it's 250 XP (don't know if you want to add, since I was soloing, or subtract, because it ran away.)

Also, I assume I get my own extended rest in, then? Also, hoe does the effect my Str penalty?

2008-10-03, 07:06 PM
All of the STR penalties are gone. Let's give you an extra 100 XP for soling it, and make it 350.

Anyway, as the camp is preparing leave, Robin comes to you.

"How much do you know about undeath?"

2008-10-05, 09:53 AM
Feeling quite refreshed, Isac wakes up and stretches. His muscles are sore, but they've returned to him. His wounds and bruises from the guards are healing nicely, and he didn't wake up the the cold brick walls of prison.

He frowns at Robin's question. "Not alot, though I've heard it provides particular benefits for those in your sneaky line of work."

2008-10-05, 11:31 AM
The man's face turns grim, as if remembering terrible events of the past.

"I've said it before, but things have changed in the years that you were in prison... Come; there's something I must show you." He says, and leads you to his tent. He enters the tent, and then comes out with a small tome.

"This book has documented the events of the last few years. I suggest you read it. We're going to wait a few hours before moving on, anyway; one of the horses escaped, and we need to recapture it (plot point shamelessly stolen from random TV series)."

2008-10-05, 12:35 PM
Isac takes the book, sits inside the tent, and reads carefully.

2008-10-05, 09:02 PM
Epic post to come. I'll write it up tomorrow and post it after school.

2008-10-06, 04:08 PM
Well, here goes. I’m writing this up on word, so I’m expecting this to last at least a page.

The first page is a large inked map of the land you live in. It consists of a small chain of islands to the north, and a huge continent to the south. You are currently at the apex of the coastline northward; it slants back south if you head East or West. There are two notable other features geographically, the Hendi river, which runs southward from your location, and the Supla Mountain range, which runs from Northwest to Southeast, starting about a hundred miles to your West, and running diagonally Eastward.

There are many large cities in your area, most notable Stoneforge and Diringson. Stoneforge is about a day’s journey away Eastward, and is a prosperous trading city. It is one of the few places where the general population is both aware and well informed about magic and all that it entails. Diringson, the other major city, is about three days East, and acts as the capitol of the Empire. I’ll talk a little more about the Empire later. Anyway, Diringson is both a military strongold, upheld by huge walls and manned by vast armies, and a fishing community. The entire community thrives on the Great Carp that swim the area. These dangerous fish can reach sizes up to fifteen feet long, and are excellent food if you manage to catch them.

I’ll move on to politics now. The main government is the Empire. It’s a dictatorship currently ruled by Matilzo. He conquered the land you’re currently in, known as Elanzia, and has ruled over it for thirty years. He has continued conquering lands for the last thirty years, and is quickly adding to his empire.

After fifteen years of his reign, the “Alliance,” a loose group of misfit rebels, has taken residence in the island chains to the north. The thick wilderness has made it impossible for his to destroy the rebels, and as so, they’ve spread into a sparse network around all of his conquered lands. Anyone looking around enough can find them in any major city. They steal from, kill, and generally harass smaller groups of the Empire’s men, but aren’t a huge threat.

Now, down to the real meat.

You’ve been in prison for three years. Three lonely, dark years. A year after you went in prison, the rebels found a articact; a small sphere that eminated dark energy. Sorcerers were able to draw upon this energy, and use this unlimited source of energy to attack the empire.

Unfortunately,t he source was corrupt. It twisted the minds of its users, 12 sorcerers that would become known as the Sworn. They created golems for piles of mud. They enchanted the rustiest dagger to a great flaming blade. The empire hunted down, and killed these twelve, after quite some battles against almost unkillable enemies. The man who did it was named Thompson Woodward. He found each of the twelve, and struck them down.

Months passed, and people thought that all was fine, but something dark happened. Thompson’s brother, named Meglo used the dark arts to raise each of the Sworn from death. The thirteen of them returned to the most distant island, and began crafting an abomination. An abomination that killed all of them.

“We have to go.” Said Robin, interrupting you.

2008-10-06, 06:49 PM
Isac closes the book and stands.

"Wait. Am I being contracted by the emporer himself here? Who else gives an Orc's wart about this mess?"
Isac grabs his things, the plain Kukris included.

"And if I'm going to be fighting an immortal unkillable creature, I'm going to need some better things. You better have an enchanter on staff."

2008-10-07, 07:14 AM
He ***** his head, looking at you strangely.

"What are you talking about?"


Lol. "C*cks" got filtered.

2008-10-07, 02:50 PM
"This book. The only reason it makes since is if you want me to track down and kill this thing. I know I'm not worth anything to the guilds - If I was, they'd have gotten me out alot sooner than 3 years after I was caught. So, who's contracted you to get me out, and for what reason?"

2008-10-07, 04:46 PM
"I don't think you quite understand. Come." He says.

He brings you to a horse.

"This will show you what has happened." He states, simply.

You follow him through a path that seems increasingly worn, until you come to an overlook.

From the overlook, you see Stoneforge. But it's a different city. The entire place is surround by a wall, and beyond that, trenches.

Spiked bits, traps, and magical symbols adorn the area around the city, and hundreds of men patrol the area.

"It is war. War against an enemy that we've never seen the likes of before." He states.

"Remember when I asked you about what you know of undeath?" He says.

"Whatever you do, forget it," He begins ", these are different..." He trails off for a moment.

"They are organized. Intelligent. Led." He finishes.

2008-10-07, 05:27 PM
Isac sighs, and instinctively looks for exits that arn't well guarded.

"So why break me out then? I can't take out an army, even if I could take out the better part of one."

2008-10-08, 07:25 AM
"Yes, but you can bring hell to them. The book explains it better. You should finish it once we get to Stoneforge."

2008-10-08, 11:18 AM
Isac meerly sighs, and keeps walking.

I'm not a wizard. I don't need to read these things. he thinks to himself.

2008-10-08, 07:03 PM
"You'll need to know it." He stated.

"Let's just get to Stoneforge." He continued.

2008-10-09, 02:18 PM
Continues down the path.

"Are these guys on are side, or should I be ready to slit some throats?"

2008-10-09, 04:21 PM
"Well, keep your head down. Don't attract attention to yourself. You're an escaped convict. The rest of us aren't the best looking bunch either, but don't attack them without preemptively."

Fast forward!

Ok, so you go to the city go to the guild. Anything you want to do before you go to the guild?

2008-10-09, 10:32 PM
No money, so nope.

2008-10-10, 05:26 PM
Hey; you're a thief. You know how to make funds appear out of thin air.

(unfortunately, out of others' purses)

2008-10-11, 11:40 AM
I'm good. I'll worry about that AFTER the meeting.

2008-10-12, 12:26 PM
Ok. Another fast forward, and you're in a a small, underground room lit by torches on the wall. Robin, and five others you regognize as high ranking officer's of the guild are sitting at a large table.

"Welcome. As you all know, we have a new member today," He says, pointing at you "He will assist us." He says.

He turns to you. "Did you read it?"

2008-10-13, 04:01 AM
"Reading while walking leads me to trees. I got a bit of it, and Robin filled me in on the highlights. I'll read the rest later tonight, when I have time."

He kicks his feet up to the table.

"I haven't exactly had a quiet few days here."

2008-10-13, 05:46 PM
You realize that Robin never did fill you in on the highlights?

2008-10-13, 10:58 PM
Nope! He told me there was war. Good enough for me to call it highlights!

2008-10-18, 03:05 PM
I'm really sorry, but some personal **** came up and I won't be able to continue the game. Sorry, man...

2008-10-19, 04:37 PM
It's cool. Real life over game, as always!