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2009-05-26, 08:07 PM
leaving the gunnery controls Ronon returns to where the other are and finds and empty seat and practically collapses in to it, and sayd, Well i don't know about the rest of you but after this mission i plan to sleep at least three weeks strait, once we get to base that is.

2009-05-27, 12:15 AM
Novar nods slightly to Irian to agknowledge him.

As Ronon sits, he sighs. "I'm getting a Bantha steak. It'll be a nice change after a couple of months of Felucia's daily specials."

2009-05-27, 02:53 AM
Irian just curls up in his seat and says nothing. A bit later he will get up and look for his cabin, to get some sleep.

Taking ten on Use the Force to initiate a Force Trance for healing.

2009-05-28, 12:58 AM
"I feel like crap," Elias admits, "In fact from the look of things my professional opinion as a doctor is that you all probably feel like crap. Bed rest. All of you. Let Doc Brannock take care of you."

My intent is to use Long-Term Care on everybody but Irian for the duration of the journey, to speed healing (slightly).

2009-05-28, 03:21 AM
"You don't look so hot yourself, Doctor. But I'm not so opposed to the idea of rest." Novar throws himself into the nearest chair and wraps his coat about himself. "I guess the captain can deal with the prisoners."

2009-05-28, 11:31 AM
OK Doc, Ronon also falls a sleep in the chair he sat down in, like any soldier he could sleep just about anywhere.

2009-05-28, 01:27 PM
Captain Okeefe comes back and motions that she needs to talk to Elias. From her look it's probably serious. (and not in a romantic fashion:smallfrown:)

After pulling Elias into the corridor she asks quietly "Everyone doing OK?"
After waiting a moment for a response she then says "Looks like we're not heading for Alderaan, at least not directly, there should be medical facilities at our destination, but I'm not sure how well set up they're going to be.. I need you to keep anyone from mentioning who our employer is in front of the prisoners and let em know not to be too surprised when we don't make planetfall as scheduled."
After a tense moment she continues "Sorry for pulling this crap on you guys, but orders from above hush hush and all that."

2009-05-31, 06:05 PM
After some time the confused looking co-pilot of the Banshee makes his way down to the passenger area, wakes up Irian, Ronon and Novar and asks if they've seen the captain...

2009-05-31, 08:59 PM
Novar gets up and after quickly stretching, shakes his head.

"Not yet. I guess we'll go do that..." He shrugs at Irian and Ronon, then goes to find the captain.

((El Edito: apparently Novar's as bad as I am without his morning stimulants.))

...after stimcaf, of course.

2009-06-01, 06:00 PM
Ronon is also slow to wake and yawns as he shakes his head, No.

2009-06-02, 06:22 PM
"Strange I sent the captain down over 10 minutes age... Did you guys hmm hmm hmn?" :He motions you all closer and whispers to those leaning in: "Hear about us not going to Alderaan yet, and not to mention the name of our employer in front of the rescue"ees". We might be taking you guys there later but not them guys till we know they can be trusted. Where the heck could the captain and your doctor be? It's a small ship, just here and the.. quarters.. Ah boy....... maybe I don't wanna know:smallsigh:."

"Well anyway I hope they turn up before we get to our "Destination" which should be another 20 minutes or so."

2009-06-02, 10:31 PM
"And what exactly is our 'destination'?"

2009-06-03, 09:15 PM
Still in something of a whisper so as not to disturb the former prisoners "Middle of nowhere basically, we're making for a ship in deep space, not a planet... no complications or associations to worry about. Speaking of which I better get back to the cockpit, somebody better be ready to fly this thing when we get there."

Several minutes later the ship comes out of hyperspace and after a short bout of manuvering docks with a Nebulon B Frigate.

The Copilot again comes down and asks that you all help the prisoners off the ship, this should be a friendly visit though so you can leave most of the gear for later.

2009-06-04, 12:44 AM
Irian, who listened to all of this with little surprise - but a lot of eye rolling about the doctor and his... delays - just nods to acknowledge and will help the prisoners to disembark. He is quite curious about the other ship and looks it over from the window, if possible, searching for a name on the hull or something...

2009-06-04, 03:42 AM
Novar watches the frigate with anticipation. He double-checks to make sure the prisoners haven't picked one of their blasters up again (just in case), before he begins to help them off the ship.

2009-06-04, 05:01 AM
(For reference the Frigate looks breand new, but has no identification or distinctive markings that you can see.)

The former prisoners are quite cooperative (and confirmed to be unarmed) As the crew gets itself organized the entire assembled inhabitants of the ship (including the good doctor and Captain Okeefe who seem to have rematerialized sometime after docking.)exit onto a pristine docking bay.

You are greeted by a respectable looking military man http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e245/timmartynowicz/DoDCaptainVerana.jpg
and a security contingent of a dozen similarly uniformed, very sharp looking crewmen. He introduces himself as Captain Adrian Verana of the "Resurgence" As you have wounded he insists on everyone visiting the medical bay.

The former prisoners are checked out first then escorted away to be "Debriefed". The medical bay turns out to be as well stocked as one could ask for. The Captain informs all of you that rooms have been prepared for you. If you wish to take several days off while you heal it will give them a chance to get everything sorted out. Captain Verana is more than happy to provide you with anything you require, (within reason) In fact, your individual rooms are available for permanant assignment as "agents" working for the "same employer" you are apparently given full quarters and 3 full (if military) meals a day free of charge for the duration of your stay.

Captain Okeefe informs everyone that it will likely be nearly a week before she heads to Alderaan as her ship is nearly as beat up as the lot of you.

That's right you have down time. Everyone is recieving medical attention and getting back to full Health, noone's shooting at you and you have run of the ship... So aside from the givens of resting up and possible dips in the facilities Bacta Tanks, what is everyone up to?

2009-06-04, 05:23 AM
After allowing himself time to heal, Novar makes himself busy around the ship; talking to the men stationed there, poking around the engine room and cockpit, and generally doing his best to fit in.

2009-06-04, 12:40 PM
Unless the journey to the resurgence took less than 7 hours, Irian is fully healed and will decline medical attention. He will not decline new cloths, though, since his are once again ruined.

"This is becoming a trend."

He's edgy, though, slinking around the medbay, checking on the two injured prisoners, Elias, and the others. He will also request a moment with the Captain to strongly advocate his doubts concerning Ronon's trustworthiness or rather pronounced lack thereof.

Then he will seek out Novar, to inquire about his intentions...

2009-06-04, 06:49 PM
Ach, this is embarrassing. I keep saying I won't disappear again, and then I keep disappearing. And beyond Monday I don't even have anything approaching a decent excuse this time. Can we just say Elias passed out due to the pain (not unreasonable)?

The doctor himself is severely in need of a doctor when the crew first arrives at the frigate, but soon enough he's up and moving again. He'll probably seek out Elias as soon as he gets out of the bacta, worried as always about the boy's condition.

2009-06-05, 07:14 AM
Novar is sitting outside his room, eating previously mentioned bantha steak and clearing his equipment of dirt and fungus. When Irian finds him, he glances up from his rifle.

“Something up, kid?.”

2009-06-05, 08:19 AM
"You wanted to talk to me."

It is not a question.

2009-06-05, 10:08 AM
"Yeah, I did. But I figured you'd appreciate doing it when we're not being blasted at, sleeping or sitting next to other people." Novar begins to re-assemble his rifle in a professional and orderly manner, though glances up and down the hall to ensure that nobody's there.

"Ronon's a clone, and I don't give any of them merit for intelligence. It's not what they're bred for. But I'm - well, let's just say I know how to identify certain types of people, and you, my friend, certainly qualify. I'm not going to name names, but let's just say I'm curious as to how you distracted the AT-ST with little more than a rock. How you knew there'd be stormtroopers outside that med-bay. How despite the fact you got shot at and blown up as much as the rest of us, you're fine now - after denying medical attention, mind you."

Novar places the rifle on the floor, picks up his platter of food and watching Irian casually, continues to eat his steak.

2009-06-05, 02:10 PM
Ronon elects to take a dip in a bacta tank, to heal him self up, he then asks the Doc and the ship's Doc to look of the cause of the nerve damage.

2009-06-05, 03:42 PM
"So, you are not going to name names... Well, what are you going to do abou the names you aren't going to name? And just for the record, I'm smaller and quicker than you are. I don't get hit as much."

Irian sits down next to Novar and watches him impassively, his hazel eyes sharp.

2009-06-05, 05:11 PM
"Kid, if I wanted to shoot you I would have done it while we were still on the transport that brought us here, and I wouldn't have given you any warning." He shrugs and begins to brush the earpiece on his comlink.

No, I sympathise with your cause. I've got as many reasons to hate the Empire as you do. I simply like to know where my allies stand in relation to me, Irian, and I think I can reasonably trust you to not shoot me in the back. You can feel free to trust me to not do the same."

2009-06-05, 05:19 PM
"Actually, I worry a lot less about you shooting me. And a lot more about selling me out. Can I trust you on that count, too?"

The boy still seems quite nonchalant, but there's a certain... concentration in his eyes as he watches the soldier.

2009-06-05, 05:30 PM
"Heh. Like I said, I sympathise with your cause... and besides, a talented friend is worth a lot more than whatever handout the Empire could give me for you. So yeah, you can trust me to not sell you out." Novar re-attaches the comlink to his headset.

2009-06-05, 05:36 PM
"I'll trust you to."

Irian reaches out his hand to shake Novar's, before he will finally seek out the Doc, so he doesn't worry.

2009-06-05, 05:49 PM
Novar shakes Irian's hand and finishes clearing his equipment. Later he'll continue poking around the ship and stop by the ship's armoury.

2009-06-05, 06:12 PM
@Novar: The Ships armoury turns out to be several different places spread throughout the ship's areas, housing Blasters (Rifles and pistols) and Blast vests and helmets for the most part. There are a few stun grenades as well as enough energy clips to stay stocked for a prolonged engagement. Though the lack of any heavy weapons and the uniformity of the weapons tells you that while well stocked, boarding actions clearly weren't a priority with outfitting the ship.

@Ronon: The 21B Medical droid that monitored your stay in the bacta tank tells you that it does see some signs of nerve degradation, though no sign of infection or external damage. So whatever the cause it is beyond it's abilities to figure out, It informs you that it will get a doctor to look into the condition presently.

The doctor upon coming over orders a battery of tests and recommends an extra session in the bata tank for good measure till they figure out what's wrong with you, though his suspicions are it may have to do with your being a clone with an altered body chemistry.

@Irian: After making inquiries... The quarter master of the ship informs you they have a selection of clothes if you need yours replaced. After checking out what's available they seem to have a lot of clothes for "fitting in" and "looking innocous" on any number of planets from the core. At least they have your size however.

2009-06-05, 06:15 PM
Well, it's not exactly like Irian has a lot of ideas fashionwise "fitting and not looking too weird" is all he asks for. Oh, and "no holes please".

2009-06-05, 06:39 PM
Novar will take four stun grenades and load his rifle's launcher.

2009-06-07, 02:38 AM
Elias remembers Ronon's condition before he finds Irian, and he turns his thoughts toward the clone instead. By the time he arrives Ronon is back in the Bacta already, but he confers with the other physician and the 2-1B... though the droid can't help but remind him of the droid over whom he was shot by the clone, and he dismisses it as soon as he can without looking like a complete technophobe.

A close inspection of the results of the previous tests seems to confirm the testers' initial suspicions... the defect definitely seems to be linked to the clone's Kaminoan origins.

"Are there any other clones on board we could bring in for comparison?" Elias asks, "Some point of comparison would help a great deal."

2009-06-07, 06:09 PM
The 21-B Droid informs Elias that the crew and all registered passengers aboard the Resurgence include no other clones of any dirivation. Though he informs Elias that with the permission of the Captain he could access the Holonet for more medical information than is available on the ships medical computers, which has very little information on clones.

Novar finishes his loadout and the guard on duty marks off what you've taken to keep the inventory up to date. He reminds you that you're allowed to re-equip and take anything you can carry, if you'd like something they don't have he can order it for you.. though it will be awhile.

Irian completes a new wardrobe with a few spares "just in case things continue to be hard on your wardrobe"

2009-06-07, 09:33 PM
"No, I think I'll be alright." Novar walks off to investigate the ship further.

2009-06-08, 02:14 AM
It's not that he's worried about the stuff... Just a little selfconscious of being visibly shot to pieces. Again. After he's checked up on the Doc to see if he's ok, he will spend the rest of the downtime looking for a quiet place to meditate and regain some semblance of composure.

2009-06-08, 04:15 PM
After Ronons second dip in the bacta tank, Ronon explores the ship some, with stops at the quartermasters office to get some new clothes, and then at the armory to stock up.

(((OOC: dose the ships armory have any padded flight suits. or just regular one's.)))

2009-06-08, 06:02 PM
@Ronon: Just the non padded flightsuits unfortunately, they may be a naval crew.. but they're an Alderaanian crew, not big on the weaponry and armor, they have blast vests and helmets and that's about it for armor. Though as mentioned to Novar you can put in an order.

@Everyone: For reference you've yet to see SIG around the ship at all... in fact he hasn't budged since you guys got off planet...:smallfrown: He's still deactivated on the Banshee, pushed aside from the boarding ramp. Probably in bad need of repairs if you want him to go with you guys later.

Anyone have other buisiness besides resting up?, now is the time.

2009-06-08, 07:03 PM
Ronon Takes a flightsuit, as well as a blast vest and helmet to replace his damaged ones, he also stocks up on power pack for his blasters he takes 4 stun grenades and puts in a order for a padded flight suit and some Bowcaster Quivers, Ronon then gets himself a hot meal, Ronon then thinks of getting some sleep until he remembers he has not seen SIG for a while so he goes and search for him and eventually find him still on the Banshee deactivated, Ronon Takes out his tool kit and gets to work repairing SIG.

((taking 20 on the Mechanics repair checks for a total of 28.

Also dose the armory have some sort of gear bag or duffel bags to carry equipment, if so Ronon takes one of those as well))

2009-06-09, 03:42 AM
If possible, Novar will assist Ronon in repairing SIG. ((Also taking 20 for 27.))

He also acquires a change of clothes as well as a flight suit, then asks around for a field kit and security kit, if the ship has them to provide. Then, after taking a moment to think, he'll return to the armoury to place an order for a suit of light battle armour and a heavy blaster rifle.

When he's finished collecting what he needs, he'll look for the ship's captain to ask about their next mission.

2009-06-09, 06:30 PM
@Ronon and Novar:[spoiler] They have field and security kits which you are welcome to take. Your orders are put in and should arrive "Soon..."

Ronon and then Novar go to find and repair SIG... though it is likely going to be a multi day project (still about 10 hours) The good news is they have plenty of Durasteel aboard to replace his damaged frame and armor.

SIG will be in working order by the time you leave at least... [spoiler]

@Everyone. Several days pass and you are called to a meeting with Captain Verana.

"I see you are all looking ready for duty again. We have gotten some very useful information from the prisoners you rescued. Admiral Varth in particular has a few interesting leads to follow up on. However while we are following up on his reports and organizing our next move, we don't have much for you to do. Given that, I wanted to give you the option of reporting back to Alderaan aboard the Banshee to see if our employer has anything else for you to work on. It would double as an equipment run, as several of you have made some equipment requests we can't fill till our next resupply, and I'd like to see to it you have everything you feel you require to continue doing such an excellent job. However the option to wait patiently and await developments is also yours. This equipment run can be handled quite easily by the crew of the Banshee, and you are under no contract to aid them, at least not presently. I have been informed by Medical that Ronon has a fairly serious problem. We'll do everything to help, but we're awaiting information so he should probably make the trip to the medical facilities on Alderaan reguardless. So what will you all be doing?"

2009-06-09, 07:19 PM
I'll accompany the Banshee's crew back to Alderaan so i can go to the medical facilities there, as well as help get the supplies Says Ronon

2009-06-10, 02:37 AM
"I should go with him," Elias says, "I've been working with Ronon longer than any of the physicians on Alderaan. I feel I could be of great assistance to the doctors there in dealing with his condition."

2009-06-10, 03:30 AM
"If we're picking up gear I'd like to tag along. I'd also like to meet the man I'm supposed to be working for if that's not unreasonable."

2009-06-10, 04:57 AM
"If everyone is going, so will I."

Irian shrugs. "It's not like I have anything better to do."

2009-06-11, 09:26 PM
"Very Well. I'll see you upon your return. The captain of the Banshee has been advised of the arrangements." Captain Verana finishes and sees you to the door wishing you luck.

The crew of the Banshee welcomes you back aboard, as does SIG who has apparently been helping load the cargo bay with largely empty crates from the Frigates collection. Captain Okeefe comments "Well I must say he's good at carrying stuff, I think models like him are normally used for bulk haulers though... wonder if I can afford something like him, he'd certainly cut down on load and unload times. Don't suppose you guys are selling him?"

You are underway minutes later, following an indirect jump vector to Alderaan, whose main danger is boredom, as it's so far off any space lane to make encounters extremely unlikely.

Arriving sometime later after an uneventful trip, you all arrive at Alderaan. The Banshee lands in the exact same spot as your last visit. Captain Okeefe enters into negotiations with the Alderaanian quartermaster on the landing pad and basically leaves you to find your own way this time.

Unescorted in a massive palace, what's everyone doing? It seems the palace guards are pointedly ignoring you, and the crew and workers seem busy. SIG is skulking around with the group, seemingly trying to stay with you instead of being again pressed into service.

2009-06-11, 10:51 PM
No were not selling him, he's a valued member of are team thou yes he is good at carrying things, he's all so saved some of are shebs back at the prison.

2009-06-12, 02:08 AM
Novar, not knowing his way around the palace, will likely follow the others once they land; though he'll retrieve the equipment he requested as soon as possible.

"So where are we going?"

2009-06-12, 02:42 AM
Alderaan, its beauty and calm, leave Irian slightly stunned again. So differend from Felucia, so different from all the many things he's seen since... He takes a deep breath and smells flowers, not burning flesh. Hears birds, not screams.

Novar's question startles him slightly. "I suppose we are bound for the medcenter, first."

2009-06-12, 03:49 AM
Novar shrugs. "Fair enough." He quickly surveys his surroundings, curiosity etched on his face.

"I haven't been on a world this tranquil since... well, long before the war. It's been awhile..."

2009-06-12, 02:24 PM
"No, it was not long enough."

Irian shakes his head, and purposefully strides over to an info terminal to find out where to go. Just don't let it get to his defences... Not now.

2009-06-12, 03:22 PM
Ronon just follows the group.

2009-06-12, 06:19 PM
Following the information from the terminal, Irian leads the group through the massive palace. Gardens, art, and pleasent views press in at all sides, but you all persevere and manage to continue note* use of sarcasm. Heading outside towards the medcenter accross a pleasent manicured hill proves under the bright blue sky turns out to be similarly daunting.

You see the very modern looking medical center on the opposite side of the hill, all glass and crystaline mirrored surfaces to reflect and let through the natural beuty around it, it blends harmoniously with the terrain, nestled into a slightly wilder looking wooded area. aka the low maintanance parkland/natural animal habitat

The entrance is several steps away when...

@Irian: You feel a strong presence, not so much a person as... coming from a hill off a ways to the right, away from the med center. You see a small shrine like temple structure of plain white stone at the crest of a hill. No paths or gardens are near it though, just wild flowers and long flowing grasses. It certainly doesn't feel hostile...

2009-06-13, 03:23 AM
His gaze strays to the shrine, and suddenly he's kind of done with being responsible. Curiosity gets him.

"Well, guys, I suppose you'll find the door on your own, won't you? Then excuse me please..."

With an ironic bow he absents himself from the group and starts to climb the hill. He knows a nudge from the Force when he feels one...

2009-06-13, 05:29 AM
"Sure." Novar shrugs and watches for a moment as Irian walks off, before turning his attention back to the task at hand.

"I suppose we should have a look at this med center, then."

2009-06-13, 12:39 PM
Ronon also watches as Irian walks off.

"I suppose we should have a look at this med center, then."

Yeah, because the sooner we do the faster I'll know whats wrong with me, and hopefully how to fix it too. Ronon walks toward the med center

2009-06-13, 02:30 PM
@Ronon, Novar, Elias: Entering the Med Center you are greeted by a older human woman and directed to fill out some forms (at least Ronon is, unless Novar wants a full check up too) After explaining you reason for being here, she shows you to a very modern looking examination room. A Doctor looking like an ancient wiseman in a labcoat then comes in and seeing you goes

"Ah the clone, have a seat boy, lets have a look at you. Bail sent me over what he has on you earlier, though honestly this will be a blood work and slow chemical solutions, not a very exciting ride, but hopefully we'll see how those Genosians fouled up and have you out of here in a few days. Your friend is welcome to stay, though honestly your going to be here awhile, So I'll set you up with a room right here, he'd probably be most helpful if he could go get any of your things you'll be wanting for your stay. I heard you have a doctor with you as well, I'd be interested to hear his take on your malady?"

@Irian: Irian climbs the gentle hill, despite the pleasent weather and gentle slope the effort of climbing through the brambly flowers and high grass has you breathing hard by the time you get to the Temple. Obviosly not a lot of people make it up here.

The structure is larger than it looked from afar, but is not of any identifiable style you know, though it does seem familiar somehow. All arches and pillars and plain flat walls in a white stone of some sort.

In the force there is a sense of quiet and peace, so strong it seems to reverberate off the walls of the place. It feels a little like being back at the Jedi Temple of Coruscant, only less grand, less imposing, but with a stronger quiet compelling power to it.

The first archway leading into the structure proper looms before you, nothing bars your way except your own doubts about what you might find...

2009-06-13, 03:51 PM
His heart beating faster than even an exhausting climb could justify, he stands in front of the doorway, looking in. What is this?

He reaches out a slightly trembling hand to touch one of the pillars, almost afraid of it disappearing when he makes contact... Like everything disappeared that called home... Gone up in smoke and darkness, burnt to bitter ash... The sense of peace in this place struggles with repressed memories...

This is what you had. But it was taken from you.

An arc of blue light, striking his master down. Her touch, faint, fleeting. Her life, flowing into him. The stink of fire, of blood, blasterfire, death. Charred flesh, his own, glowing in the darkness.

The place seems to mock him. To find the peace it offers, to experience the sense of coming home, he needs to pass through the fire of his memory. It was easy to believe the pain gone, just coming up on sights of violence and death, as long as everything was so far away. This suddenly isn't. It's far too close to home.

Assuming the stone doesn't disappear...

The temple feels cold and solid under his hand, a certainty. Feel the pain. Accept it. And let it go. Don't hold on. Don't. He draws a shuddering breath and moves forward by a step. And another. Into the shadow of the first arch. Quivering, the pain waits, the horror. Buried inside, frozen in carbonite, but thawing. Wriggling. Hooking tentacles into his being.

He smells burning flesh. Hears the blasterfire. Hears himself scream. Feels the tears run down his cheek. And goes on... Finding a thread of hope from who knows where... Going forward, hoping... Letting go of the darkness, and looking for the light on the other side...

2009-06-13, 04:25 PM
i have pretty much every thing i own with me now sir, and it was the Kaminoan's not the Genosians that bread me sir. Says Ronon

2009-06-13, 05:52 PM
@Ronon and Company: "Genosians, Kaminosians whatever, the folks who obviously messed up something in your development. From what little I can tell so far I'm thinking it's age related, they just did not build to last. We'll get down to the nitty gritty though, don't worry I'm much better at cellular chemistry and medicine than I am at remembering alien races, inside they all look.. well not alike, but at least they have a lot more in common than not." The doctor says as he expertly takes a blood sample almost before you notice and placing it in a receptacle, begins to shine a light into your eyes while telling you to relax.

@Irian: Entering into the first large hall you see a raised path leading from where you stand, accross to a three stepped dias on the opposite side of the room. Atop the dias another archway leads further in. Inside the large hall however you see, aligned on either side of the path in rows, pedestals with broken, lifesized, statues. A somber almost sad feeling hangs over the area. Near the dias you see a dozen empty pedastals, with no signs of ever having any statue upon them. The statue's themeselves seem to depict robed humans and aliens, though it's hard to tell as many features and parts are missing. Strangely enough there is no debris from the broken statues around the room.

You swear you heard the whisking sound of cloth sweeping accross the floor in the corner of the Hall for an instant and reflexively turn, only to see nothing there. Concentrating for a moment...

A voice barely heard..
:Remember your lessons... There is no emotion:

2009-06-13, 09:00 PM
Novar dismisses himself and leaves the medical clinic, taking SIG with him (assuming he's still with us). As he steps out, he throws a curious glance at the temple atop the hill, but keeps walking; he intends to find the nearest information terminal or helpful-looking sentient.

When and if he finds one, he'll make enquiries as to where the equipment they ordered may be found.

2009-06-13, 09:36 PM
Ronon dose as the doctor instructs and lets him work, Ronon also answers any questions the doctor asks.

2009-06-14, 08:57 AM
The voice startles him, after the mystery of the Temple, the statues, almost distracted him from the turmoil inside him.

"There is peace."

He grew up on this, the Code's meaning intrinsic to his personality, to his person. It has kept him alive so far. Yes, he has not known peace since Operation Knightfall, but enough of it to keep sane. Enough to hang on and fight, when the galaxy turns on him.

But barely enough is not everything. He should have strived for more. The ground is hard, as he falls down, letting finally go of the struggle. Letting the emotion pass through him after it welled up from its hiding place like flood. Like the burning rivers of Mustafar it roars through - and out of him. The sad, melancholy peace of this Temple follows it, soothing his soul.

He will never stop hurting. But he accepts that, too. He will never go home. But he is not alone. There is always the Force... And it will never abandon him. Stiff, awkward, he climbs to his feet. There is no emotion, there is peace.

And there is nothing to be afraid of.

2009-06-14, 09:54 AM
@Novar: SIG happily follows you, in search of first a terminal, which you find at the entrance to the main building. Then towards a storage and supply outbuilding indicated by your search. More meandering through pleasent gardens follows.

A pair of uniformed Alderaanian security officers turn the corner of a hedge in front of you and stop. Looking at both of you. One talks briefly into a comlink then they motion you toward them.

"You came in with the agents from the "Resurgence" did you not, we don't have you on our registry, mind explaining what you are doing here?"

@Irian: "Don't get all lazy on me now, remember the entire lesson. Especially the last part concerning death, it's rather relevant in our current situation."
And you can almost feel a smile being directed at you. Though there is no apparent source, for the smile, or the voice.

@Ronon: The doctor continues his tests and seems more concerned with his samples and computer screens than questioning you, though he occasionally asks for you to look at a screen with random visual pictures while recording your eye movements for some reason. He tells you "Rest. It can't hurt your condition and you'll be here awhile, looks like I have a lot of work to do... didn't think this would be easy, Then again I knew it wouldn't be if Bail asked me to come out of retirement for it, I love a good puzzle. Though I must warn you, things are starting to look not so good... you may feel fine but, well hopefully we caught it in time. Your nerves are looking somewhat shot and I'm quite concerned about nerve degradation affecting your motor skills and higher brain functions. I'm afraid you won't be seeing any action for awhile."

2009-06-14, 10:14 AM
"There is no death, there is the Force."

He smiles back, willing for now to accept the voice just for it is. To not wonder, not reason, not doubt. To live in the moment and take it that way.

2009-06-14, 11:42 AM
Ronon is disappointed that he's now going to be forced to sit out what is to come but it still dissent stop him from saying, But Doc as you say i feel good how bad could it be for me to go on one one more mission.

2009-06-15, 12:23 AM
"I haven't been here before, but I came from the Resurgence, yes. My droid and I are just here to pick up some equipment."

2009-06-16, 05:18 PM
*sigh* It doesn't really seem like I've been gone as long as I have. I'm sorry I keep letting you guys down.

Elias smiles grimly.

"Your findings seem to corroborate my own," he tells the doctor, "I was hoping you might be able to work up a faster solution with access to more equipment, but it seems..."

He trails off.

"I'm sorry, Ronon. We have appreciated your services. I dearly hope you get a chance to return to the battlefield again someday... but I'm afraid it won't be happening very soon."

2009-06-16, 07:15 PM
@Elias and Ronon: "Well this does complicate things" the doctor mumbles as he confers with Elias. "If what he's observed means what I think, being put into a combat situation might eventually lead to anything from blindness, deafness to literally going insane, being unable to tell friend from foe, losing all conception of right and wrong, or even simply dropping dead from a seizure. It's just a matter of which nerves go first. Now we'll try our best to shore them up... but it's going to take a lot of rest to equal a little bit of stress, and I'm still trying to figure out exactly why your nerves are degrading, and if we can reverse the process. It's quite the medical mystery, but I enjoy a challenge.:smallwink:"

@Novar: The officers nod and step a bit closer to a more comfortable conversation range and one says "Well we have a mention of you from the captain, but no orders concerning your clearance for this facility. If you wouldn't mind following us we can get this straigtened out. Do hand over any weapons though, just a security precaution you know."

One of the officers holds any armament you offer while the other goes over to SIG and he commences getting nearly buried as SIG starts to open up cargo hatches and handing over nearly every spare weapon that was dropped on Fellucia. When he starts giving the officer instructions to unhook the heavy repeater, the officer sighs and says, "MAYBE you should just stay here OK?" The other officer shakes his head in disbelief and asks if it'd be ok if you just left your droid here while going to talk to his superiors.

@Irian: A while passes and the temple seems to be in no hurry to get rid of you, however a sense of something awaiting you further inside becomes more noticable, and strange lights, half glimpsed hint at something in the area up ahead.
"There approaches a time of great trial, you may be in a position to tip the balance of things, but only if you can face what is ahead."

2009-06-17, 02:30 AM
As Ronon hears the possible consequence, Ronon become s slightly depressed as realizes that his days as a soldier are over, possibly for good. Ronon thinks, I should have died so many time in the past, but to find that i going to die the slowest of all deaths, that of uselessness. depresses him even more for he knows no other way of life.

2009-06-17, 04:19 AM
An ironic smirk plays over the boy's face. "Since when didn't I do that? Right, somebody might have to piece me back together afterwards, but as you always put it so charmingly: There isn't a sixteen-year-old in the galaxy with the sense to just walk away.""

He braces himself with a deep breath, maybe a little embarrassed to talk to the voices in his head like they were alive, and walks on.

2009-06-17, 05:04 AM
Novar turns over the handguns at his waist, having left his rifle on the ship.

"The droid can stay if it makes your job easier. Although I'm wondering ...where are we going, exactly?"

2009-06-18, 04:05 AM
"I wish you and Ronon well. If there's any way I can help you in the future, just let me know... but for the moment, well, you seem to have things well in hand... and I kind of need to talk to someone..."

Elias looks rather embarrassed about having to leave, but it's clear he's made up his mind.

"If you'll excuse me..."

2009-06-18, 05:27 AM
In a depressed voice Ronon says, Thanks Doc and sorry again, though Good luck and good hunting. Ronon then settles in for the long haul.

2009-06-19, 06:21 PM
OOC: Sorry I've been a bit busy this last week, things hectic at home and work etc.. I should be back to checking more regularly now "hopefully".

@Irian:You walk forward, as you reach the three short steps leading to the arched doorway you sense a solemnity and presence to the place like where you are stepping is normally off limits, or very few have gone this way. Looking back over your shoulder you are struck be the sense that the statues, though faceless and without detail, are watching you. Feels a little like being on a stage in fact, though definately a sad or solemn event.

Quickly moving forward you find the last chamber is a 25 foot square room. High vaulted ceiling with many narrow arched windows that let the sunlight in, forming patterns and shafts of light. The walk way you are on runs around the outside of the room, raised from the central area. There are 3steps leading down to the floor level and the center of the room has brilliant green though mundane looking grass growing in a thick plush looking carpet. A shaft of gentle natural light, channeled down through a hole in the center of the ceiling seems the central feature. You see motes of dust dancing amidst the pillar of light like a gallaxy of stars.

The voice and a sense of being watched follow you into the room. "There is much you would confront, though sometimes it is best if you realize when you can walk away, when the burden can be released, when it's not your fault, when you can open yourself to others and share the pain, when you can realize the universal truth that: You are never alone."
And all at once you sense a presence behind you, hear soft footfalls and a familiar voice sounding very real from behind you. "Irian?"

@Novar: The guard explains as you follow him down the high hedge rows of the garden. "I'm taking you to speak directly with the boss, it wouldn't look too good if an armed person without proper clearance came up to him in his secure garden during a walk would it? This will probably also clear up that clearance issue."

Coming around the corner up ahead you see Bail Organa and a serene looking woman in a white robe talking as they walk. A small entourage of note takers and "people" follow at a descrete distance, and you note several security personel discretely keeping the entire group well guarded. The guard just motions for you to wait.

A moment later, Bail politely disengages from his conversation, walks over and asks "Captain, is there some sort of problem?"
The guard responds, "Just a small one sir, this gentleman accompanied one of your "teams" back and doesn't have clearance to be here, though he does have the recommendation of captain Verana, as he apparently got "recruited" by your team mid-mission. What would you like us to do with him sir, he was looking for the quartermaster."

Bail seems to consider this for a moment then says "Hm? Well lets have a talk shall we. Follow me sir?" and he walks back over to his other guest after having your name.

2009-06-19, 06:47 PM
He walks forward shyly, apprehensive despite his bravado, feeling the sadness and solemnity like a soothing balm on the huge rift in his heart. The dustmotes sparkle like stars and he moves closer, step by step, listening to the voice...

"I can't. I can't walk away. It was all for nothing if I do."

There are silent tears on his face...

And when the voice, the so very living voice, addresses him, he starts violently, stumbling and sitting down on the stairs, hard. ."What?" he gasps.

He's probably quite a sight right now, his clothes disshevelled from the climb, his face dirty and streaked with tears, one hand raised instinctively to protect is face...

2009-06-20, 04:01 AM
Novar is obviously hesitant - after all, he was this man's enemy once, even if he didn't know it. "Novar," he responds in a cautious, neutral tone.

He falls in beside Organa and the woman. His palms itch, but there's no pistol at his hip to rest his hand on, so instead he plays with the catch on his empty holster and waits patiently for the senator to address him.

2009-06-20, 08:14 PM
@Irian: A ghostly yet strangely warm hand touches your face, wiping some of the tears away. In a gentle yet firm voice "Irian Torson, compose yourself. You have had it very hard, but these are hard times and others will be depending on you. If you can't let go of the pain of the past you can't appreciate what you still have and move forward. I ask not that you forget, only that you put it into perspective and be open to what may come. Don't close yourself off, look around and use that wit of yours for something other than silly wry comments. Look around you, look at where you are now."

@Novar: Bail Organa introduces you "This is Novar, one of the people brave enough to take a stand against the Empire and it's corruption. Mon Mothma and I were just discussing the moral ramifications of armed resistance within the context of a broader resistance movement. Now obviously you feel strongly enough about this to put yourself into harms way, but we're both interested to hear your reasoning and what you think on the subject. Obviously no one wants another emperor to depose the current one, but what sort of organization could a citizen such as yourself trust in these trying times?"

Mon Mothma nods and awaits a response. Bail Organa smiles at you and gives a slight nod.

2009-06-21, 04:39 AM
He feels... stunned. Too stunned to do as he is told. He just stares, one hand feeling his cheek where he was brushed by the ghostly hand. Voices in his head that he is almost used to. This was new. Then, slowly it dawns on him that an answer is required.

"It's not that. I can't let go of being a Jedi. I can't stop that. Or it was all in vain. And sometimes it's so hard, when I have to fight not only my enemies but my supposed allies... When everybody is pushing me to reveal myself, or to just make it easy and wade through blood. I won't do that, I can't."

Very silently, he adds. "I know I am not alone. I know I still have a friend. But everybody else might well become an enemy the moment they know what I am."

2009-06-22, 11:11 PM
@ Irian: "And if they do they were no friend to begin with, if their relationship with you is a lie, isn't it better to reveal it. Given your situation there is nothing wrong with discretion, but you have to know who your friends are, extend trust. If that trust is broken, You are more than capable of defending yourself. Besides closing yourself off from others, distrusting everything will lead you to fear them... and fear and loneliness can lead to the dark side." She lets out a familiar harumph noise and says "But listen to me and open your eyes to the wonders around you... the gallaxy is not all doom and gloom, look up into the light, stop obsessing like a.. well.. typical teenager."

2009-06-23, 02:12 AM
"I'm doing something that's worthwhile... For the moment. If that means working with people I can't trust, it has to be. Remember the smugglers on Dantooine? Sometimes it's just necessary."

A wry smile plays around his lips. "But I am a teenager, you know..." And then he grows serious, his hazel eyes suddenly bitter, and old. He might be a teenager, but he is far from typical - and in a way he has seen too much to ever be that way again. Standing up slowly, he looks around, climbing the last few steps to the dais into the light. His steps are slow and weary.

2009-06-23, 08:07 AM
"I'm a very good soldier, but I'm no politician. I grew up on a planet where nobody could rely on their government. So I wouldn't know what institution to place my trust in." Novar shrugs and continues, "rebellion is war. If you're going to fight, you have my support. The Empire needs to fall."

2009-06-24, 08:04 PM
Elias works his way back to the Banshee and begins looking for Captain Okeefe. He would like to have a word with her, if he can find her.

2009-06-25, 04:06 AM
@Elias: You find your way back to the docking bay where much haggling and complaining is transpiring as the ship gets loaded with supplies. Captain Okeefe seems to be doing quite a bit of both as it looks like her and the docking bay manager have about 3 more rounds before it comes to the judges decision. (In the pan galactic who can complain about the other the loudest competition)

By the smiles on the faces of crewmen, this is apparently fairly normal and not a cause for alarm.

@Novar: Bail Organa responds "Ah well spoken for a man of action. I believe it is important to have a plan for the eventual restoration of the Republic and all those ideals we hold dear, but the common man sees only the evil and despotism, and will react to anyone fighting against it. It is thus important that we keep our message simple and concern ourselves with the problems confronting us more so than thetheoretical results of our philosophies."

Mon Mothma nods "Perhaps your point is proven then, though I will of course still worry about those philosophic concerns, lest we become no better than Palpatine."

Bail gives you a slight knowing smile and he has a brief word with his security chief. He and Mon Mothma continue on their walk, leaving you behind for a moment.

One of the guards gestures for you to step over to him and hands you a newly printed Security card, saying "Sorry Sir, per our instructions you should be all taken care of now, your droid is over this way. If you are still looking for the storage area, it is the low building past the gardens on the right, not far from the landing pads.

@Irian: "This place... I think it predates the republic by a significant margin. The settlement of Alderaan too. Though I'd love to see some real archeological work done on it, though I think it's real value is.. it seems to be a focal point in the force. Though what it does I couldn't say, it does make it easier to manifest as a spirit of the force. Though I feel I cannot interact with it much. That's what I need you for." The glimmering transparent figure continues.

2009-06-26, 07:28 PM
Normal though it may be, Elias does not wish to interrupt the chaos. He'll attempt to hang back until the commotion dies down.

2009-06-27, 05:21 AM
Novar watches the exchange between Mon Mothma and Bail Organa patiently, his arms folded across his chest. When the guard presents him with the security card he slips it into a coat pocket with a muttered "thanks". He throws a final glance at the senators, then wordlessly follows the instructions back to SIG and the storage area.

2009-06-27, 06:01 AM
"I felt that... I felt it call to me."

He looks around once again, now caught up in the mystery. He's never been one for archeology, contrary to his Master, but he picked up some things to watch out for.

"What do you need me for?"

He's all business now, focussing on the matter at hand... easing back into the pattern that dominated his life for the last four years.

2009-06-27, 06:59 PM
@Irian: "The usual, look around, think, feel, get impressions, look for clues, open yourself up to the place and see if you can sense anything different on your side than mine. :smallwink:"

@Novar: You encounter the security guard and several of his "friends" apparently talking to SIG. As you approach the guards nod to you as they go about their buisiness, and SIG joins you. (Apparently he has the weapons restashed on himself.) You find the storage building about where you were told to look, and a friendly quartermaster checks your card and turns you loose in a vast storage facility. (apparently underground) SIG downloads a manifest to help you find what you want, then asks what you should pick up first?

@Elias: The insult competition comes to an end and Captain Okeefe returns to her ship, checking over a manifest, but alone for the moment. Sensing the entertainment is over the crew gets back to work.

2009-06-28, 12:54 AM
"Let's start by picking up what we ordered." He sets out to find the equipment, giving it a quick inspection before handing it to SIG to carry. "Seems to be in good condition. Alright, let's get what we can from this place before we leave; we might not get a chance like this for awhile."

Novar follows the manifest through the facility, handing various odds and ends to the droid; two pairs of high-powered electrobinoculars, several bandoliers, pairs of binder cuffs and assorted survival knives, new holsters for his weapons and a handful of power packs and energy cells. He then wanders to the armoury to collect heavy blaster pistols for himself and his comrades, as well as four fragmentation grenades, before consulting SIG again.

"Does the manifest say anything about heavier equipment, like speeders or missile launchers or anything? If not, let's just head back to the ship and sort through all the stuff you're carrying."

2009-06-28, 02:30 AM
"Aye, old woman."

Later, this will hurt. Now, it's comforting. Irian opens his senses, mundane and other, and looks around, feels around...


2009-06-28, 07:40 PM
@Novar: SIG patiently follows carrying everything easily as you collect the armor you had ordered and several heavy blaster pistols (though they seem to be in somewhat short supply, there's only half a dozen) the high-powered electrobinoculars, several bandoliers, pairs of binder cuffs and assorted survival knives, new holsters for weapons and a handful of power packs and energy cells, all seem to be available. Unfortunately the munitions are quite sparse, and aside from a dozen thermite charges (appropriate for opening doors or melting locks) they don't have any grenades or larger explosives... though there's spots for quite a few.. it looks like someone already took them.

Hearing you interested in an inventory SIG informs you that aside from the heavy repeater, he is carrying 13 Blaster rifles, 4 Heavy Blaster Pistols, 28 Blaster pistols and 4 Stun batons along with 84 e-clips for the energy weapons. He additionally has a metal spear, and 2 Felucian spears. All weapons appear to be usable.

@Irian: You sense... aside from the presence of your deceased master, The temple itself seems to ressonate, almost musically. The points of interest would seem to be the statues, where things take a sad note, and the shaft of sunlight in the center of the back of the temple, which you have a literal feeling is the source of the whole temple's call to you. Even as you look around there's almost a sense of being watched from amidst the glowing motes of dust swirling above the illuminated patch of grass.

2009-06-28, 09:00 PM
Novar shrugs and takes the thermite charges in as well, just in case. He double-checks the manifest to see if there's anything else he could use, though unless anything particularly jumps out at him he'll leave the storage area and return to the ship, making small talk with SIG ("where do you carry all that?") as he goes.

2009-06-29, 03:24 AM
"I'll just check out the statues first, all right?"

He walks over to them, checking one after the other for inscriptions and other details, also looking whether there is anything lying around on the floor.

2009-06-29, 06:08 PM
@Novar: SIG answers "I have plentiful carrying staps, small compartments for "delicate cargo" and a fair amount of unused internal storage. I am by design meant to load and unload large freighters, moving cargoes of indeterminate size shape and composition. My secondary design purpose is to mount large tools for use in capital starship repair or emergency damage prevention. My large tool mount, while I was working commonly was equiped with an industrial fire extinguisher or plasma cutting torch depending on my mission for the day."

@Irian: There is no debris of any kind to be had. The floors look smooth and polished, not so much as a layer of dust. The statues have weathered inscriptions, names perhaps, though the strange lettering on many means nothing to you, others are simple names in Basic, though you don't recognize any.
The Statues, upon closer examination, appear to depict a variety, of races, though most are humanoid. Details are sketchy, but a hand here and a weathered face there give you enough clues that you can tell there was no one particular race or gender depicted.
The poses of the statue tell you something as well. The way they are depicted, looks almost like they are people of importance. Dignitaries or heroes of stoic countanance perhaps. Strangely enough you get the feeling as you walk among the statues that you would have liked to meet some of these beings. The detail of the statues from what you can see is amazing. Though weathered, there are sections of hair that appear accurate down to the individual strand. You stand before a human (ish?) female whose face is half fallen off, but the look of the remaining eye is stunning in it's fascinating detail.
The damage appears more extensive the farther back from the "front row" near the dias leading inside. The empty podiums are directly to the front... looking newer and unused.

The saddness and sheer emotional baggage associated with the statues reminds you of something as you look over them.. not so much that you think that they were once real, but that these representations stand as monuments, reminders, tombstones in the image of lost heroes. Weathered and destroyed, but strangely at peace and still dignified, proud not so much of themeselves as what they stood for, what they accomplished.

Inturupted in your examination you sense something else... a presence... a curiosity... almost like someone watching you. "They who came before, who served the light... I miss them, though they are with me. It is hard to choose others, others to champion the cause, to make a difference, perhaps you?"

2009-06-29, 07:03 PM
Elias ventures into the ship, coming up behind the captain as she pores over her manifest. He clears his throat.

"Captain? We need to talk."

2009-06-30, 03:27 AM
Fascinated, the boy roams from statue to statue, examining, occasionally running his fingers over the smooth stone. The haunting mixture of sadness and accomplishment echoing powerfully within his own heart. He has to wipe his eyes every few minutes, but it's more of a good feeling than a bad one...

When he feels the faint, ghostly voice again, it stops him in his tracks, momentarily struck speechless. He? Be a Champion? In place of those whose effigies now adorn the room? After everything that happened? Impossible... So, when he finally finds his voice again, his first reaction isn't exactly reverent: "You are joking?!?"

2009-07-03, 04:42 AM
OOC: Sorry again.. crazy work schedule is kicking my butt. I'll keep trying to find more time to check up on things. Things are just getting interesting too...

@Elias: Captain Okeefe responds with a distracted somewhat concerned, "Ah hello Doctor, Hmm do we? What's bothering you?"

@Irian: "Stranger things have happened, many champions doubt themeselves, some are better for it, though with the dark times upon us.. If you do not feel confident, then perhaps it is not for you. If a strong group of champions is not found, the dark age shall be a persistant one, Sad though it is, life has weathered worse."

The utter stillness of the temple, the sense of tension, leads you to believe you are alone in one sense but perhaps not another.

2009-07-03, 10:25 AM
"A group of champions? You mean us?" He shakes his head, still utterly nonplussed. He looks around, for his Master, whether she is still there, trying to get his thoughts to be coherent.

"I'm just a kid. I'll do whatever I can to fight this, would have anyway, but I'm not sure whether there'll be anything left after this fight. Whether we don't become what we fight... I'm doing my best to prevent this, but... Well, I don't know if I'll make it. If it can be done, even."

2009-07-03, 06:30 PM
@Irian: :the "sound" of musical laughter fills your senses for a moment: "You stand in good company if you doubt yourself, when you are absolutely certain, then you can be assured of being wrong." The voice changes.. becoming stronger.. more certain "IF IT CAN BE DONE..? It already has, and shall again, perhaps even by you, if you can muster the strength to continue. For proof I present that you are here, and life will continue, one way or another I assure you it can be done."

2009-07-04, 04:09 AM
"Well, I probably could name you several examples where that didn't work so well - thanks for the history lessons, Old Woman..." His grin is wry now. "But there isn't an alternative to fighting, and to hanging on to what we fight for, so I guess, I'll have to do."

2009-07-04, 11:32 AM
Elias looks perplexed.

"Don't make this harder than it already is," he replies, "You know good and well what this is about."

2009-07-05, 05:00 PM
@Elias: "I have no idea what your talking about.." she says in a sarcastic tone... then adds quietly "This is going to be a problem isn't it? How do you want to handle this?"

@Irian: The Force ghost of Tailith Aren walks in to the room, looking around the room in quiet assessment. She then calls out. "Getting anything from over there?" then mumbling to herself "I wish I could sense more but the light in here is blinding on several levels.."

The presence that you had felt seems to dissipate, barely there even as the ghost of your master enters the outer room.

@Novar: Your comlink activates and an unknown, but female secretarial voice asks "Would you and your fellow agents be able to make it to a meeting in Bail Organa's buisiness office in 27 minutes or so?... It seems he has a sudden opening and some information that might lead to a perfect mission for all of you."

2009-07-05, 05:06 PM
Irian grins his wry grin. "Well, I just got chosen as Champion of the Force. Or I'm going crazy. Which might actually be preferable, if you ask me."

Getting serious, he elaborates. "I heard a voice. It called me here and led me to you. And then it talked to me, about fighting the Dark. And when I said I'd do it, it vanished. I can barely feel it now. But it said that these" - he points at the statues - "were fighting this fight before us, so I figure they might be Jedi of old? Do you know any of them?"

2009-07-05, 07:58 PM
Novar sighs and motions for SIG to continue to the ship. "I'll see about it." He watches the droid for a moment, then tunes his comlink to contact Irian and Elias.

"The senator wants us in his office in half an hour about a mission. So finish up what it is you're doing and get into gear."

2009-07-05, 08:52 PM
"I don't know how to handle this," Elias replies, exasperatedly, "that's why I'm asking you!"

The commlink on Elias's belt chooses this moment to beep. He just about jumps out of his skin before he realizes what the source of the noise is.

"The senator wants us in his office in half an hour about a mission. So finish up what it is you're doing and get into gear."

"Interruptions," Elias growls, "You can't ever have a decent conversation around here without someone interrupting you right in the middle of it."

2009-07-07, 06:24 PM
@Irian: "I do seem to recall some of these robes at least, they do look like the sort of thing Jedi in the past have worn, some of them dating back to the founding of the jedi order. I don't recall any of the ancient famous jedi matching these statues, what there is of them anyway." She walks among the statues running her ghostly hand over broken statues as she goes toward the front again. "Hmm? This one seems familiar, Maybe someone I saw as an apprentice?" She checks the name and sighs "Yagg Raith Thoss... Yes I knew him, he was an instructor in the Temple when I was younger than you are now. He tought Ancient Jedi History to students. Though before I was able to take any instruction from him he dissappeared, noone ever found out what happened to him, he just left one day never to return. Most troubling..."

Your comm buzzes to crackling life, filled with static but understandable.
"The senator wants us in his office in half an hour about a mission. So finish up what it is you're doing and get into gear."

"Don't let any decrees by mysterious mental voices influence you too much, there is much we don't understand here, perhaps you can return here again... One thing is for certain the ability of force spirits to interact and be seen here is much higher than normal... so if you ever need to talk, just remember I'm there with you, though if you need honest advice it might be easier if you come here. :smallsmile:"

@Elias: "Well we're adults, no reason this has to change anything... you know heat of the moment, too much... adrenaline or whatever. It doesn't have to get all weird.. does it?:smallredface:"

2009-07-07, 06:33 PM
"Mysterious voices other than you, you mean?"

He grins, and then wipes his eyes of sudden, stinging tears. "I know. I think I've heard you before..."

Then, the com interrupts them and he thumbs the message away. "The Senator can jump into his pretty scenic lake for all I care. I'll go when I'm finished here." There's a stubborn note in his voice, something that he rarely shows, but it quite capable of. Reverence isn't really built into him, respect yes, but that needs to be earned.

"Do you know where your teacher vanished to? Did he leave on some special errand?" He turns back to his master as if they had not been interrupted, his hazel eyes flinty. So very determined not to be distracted. By nothing.

2009-07-07, 06:43 PM
Elias looks... surprised. As if that thought hadn't occurred to him.

"I... suppose it doesn't. Captain. Business... as usual?"

A sort of half grin pricks at the corner of his mouth.

"That sounds a bit... boring, though, doesn't it?"

He makes a vague gesture with his right hand, and his entire demeanor brightens.

"Tell you what... We don't have to talk about it, if it makes you feel uncomfortable, we don't have to say a word. I'll walk away, and you can go back to work. But if you ever feel... a bit under the weather... well, I am a certified physician. And for you, I'd make house calls."

Still smirking slightly, he heads toward his cabin.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to get ready for a meeting with the Senator. Some sort of mission or something. Probably terribly important. I imagine they'll want a medic standing ready. Wouldn't want everyone almost dying again, like last time."

2009-07-07, 10:09 PM
@Irian: "Well he wasn't exactly "my" teacher, he was more of a general instructor, somewhat like Master Yoda was, though his area of expertise was in history of the order, and matters of protocol and precidant within the Jedi Council. Though he wasn't a member of the council himself, it wasn't for lack of their asking him, In fact from what I overheard he may have been at one point the best lightsaber duelist in the order. (I believe it was years later I overheard several jedi who had trained under him as padawans arguing if Master Windu could have taken him in a match) Though he was definately getting to be quite old even for a jedi. He lived simply and took the occasional apprentice, disappearing for a year at a time on some occasions.

I was quite looking forward to taking instruction from him, as he ran some of the more advanced padawan's through occasional classes to get them ready to apprentice to a jedi master, but well before that happened he dissapeared, with his apprentice... trying to remember his name... "Korvy" I believe he was called, a small very young boy but very talented. He was never heard from again either...

Noone in the order knew anything about his dissappearance, the where why or how, he could still be out there for all we know, which is a somewhat comforting thought, though honestly he would have returned were he able, he was not one to shirk responsibility.

Speaking of which... it's about time you should get going... leave this place to an old woman for now, it's not going anywhere, and you perhaps should be. :smallwink:"

"Find your way young one, perhaps later."

@Elias: Captain Okeefe nods and shyly takes a step back considering.
"um.. OK Doc, glad we got that sorted out. I'll see you around, just take care of yourself first ok.. can't patch people up if you get shot yourself."

She then makes herself busy with the cargo manifest, though you definately catch a bit of a smile as she's watching you leave, like she's considering saying something, but she just waves akwardly as you walk out of sight.

@Novar: You get to the Senator's office, and find you are the first one there... The office is closed and the light is off, though your hear voices and the light of a large holoprojector. It sounds very serious on the other side of the door. There's still a few minutes before your appointment.

2009-07-07, 10:17 PM
Elias gets his gear together, makes sure he looks presentable, and heads out to meet with the Senator.

2009-07-08, 04:07 AM
Novar glances around the area, looking for anyone who might be able to see him. Assuming there's no-one there, he'll creep in closer to hear what's being said...

Do I have anything in my security kit, tool kit or one of my medpacs that could help me hear through the door? A stethoscope or safe-cracking gear or something? If so I'll use that as well.

2009-07-08, 04:18 AM
"Yeah. I suppose so."

He seems quite reluctant, but moves towards the door, slowly. Before stepping outside he turns back. "Korvy, heh? I'll keep my eyes peeled."

For a moment, sentiment, emotion, and resignation are at war in him, then his youthful resilience, finally bolstered up again, wins out. "Take care, old woman. Don't wander off while I go saving the galaxy - or maybe just save the Senator's tailor so he doesn't have to wear substandard clothes." With a last irreverent grin, he ambles down the hill again. He feels infinitely better...

Although, when he turns up in the Senator's antechamber, one probably couldn't tell - since he looks like he crossed half of Tatooine under the belly of a dewback and put his head in a water barrel afterward. That last part might even be true...

2009-07-08, 03:45 PM
@Novar: Getting a muffled but clearer voice listening through the wall with a stethescope (equivilent) proves frustrating and enlightening all at once. You clearly hear the words, Warzone, Political upheval, open rebellion, 3 World Alliance, and the names Hapes, Dxun, Onderon, Epheial, and Casatrita, being emphasized, though the context for them is lost. It sounds like a council of war, or at least a situational rundown of a war being fought.

It sounds like things are wrapping up and you hear footsteps approaching.. looks like Elias found his way there.
He is followed a bit later by a bedraggled looking Irian with burs and stickerplants still stuck to his pants and a strangely relaxed look on his face.. almost happy?

2009-07-08, 08:28 PM
"Hail, hail," Elias says as Irian approaches, "the gang's all here."

2009-07-09, 02:59 AM
"You could say that."

Irian grins at the doc, for the moment looking less haggard and haunted, despite his bedraggled appearance. "Did you have a good time?" *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*

2009-07-09, 05:51 AM
Novar stuffs the stethoscope back into the medpac at the sound of someone approaching, and moves quickly away from the door. He realises it's the doctor and is internally relieved; nobody noticed him after all. He gives a curt wave and leans against the wall, scratching his chin and considering what he'd just heard. Can't be a coincidence that they were talking about it right before giving them their next mission, can it?

He dismisses the thought as Irian arrives - he'll probably find out when they're finally invited in.

"Heh, he could be asking you the same, kid. When did you stop being all doom and gloom?"

2009-07-09, 12:10 PM
The boy shrugs. "I took a nice walk, got some air, and some things out of my system. Don't worry, it won't last."

There's a mischievous glint in his eyes, though.

2009-07-09, 05:26 PM
"The best things never do, do they?" Elias muses, a bittersweet grin playing across his features.

2009-07-09, 08:57 PM
The Door wisks open and 5 people in varied millitary uniforms make their way out. Most of note is one wearing ISB blacks. They wear a mix of hope and worry on their faces.

You hear Bail Organa's voice "Do step inside Novar, Irian, Elias." then apparently addressing the man beside him. "This is the team I spoke to you of."

Beside Bail is a clone trooper, though this one is clearly not in imperial service.
(OOC: Greybacca can feel free to give details on his look demeanor or facial description, say hello to the new PC:smallwink:)

2009-07-09, 11:39 PM
*Another Clone?* Elias thinks, *I just keep running into that face. Over and over and over again. How many did they make, anyway?*

He lets out a sigh.

*Well, at least this one's on our side.*

"What seems to be the problem, Senator?" Elias asks. He's using the same tone he uses when asking about medical conditions. Whatever the mission may be, it's just another boil to lance. Nothing more.

2009-07-10, 01:44 AM
Irian's eyes instantly become wary, but his other demeanour doesn't change. He merely keeps to the background, and waits where this is going. Not exactly hiding, but staying out of the way, as most kids would do when confronted with such a high and mighty person...

2009-07-10, 11:49 AM
Tal looks a little older then Ronon is but not by much, at his temple Tal's hear is staring to gray, At the moment Tal is wearing a Dark Charcoal Gray fatigues, with a dark brown utility belt and Holster with a blaster pistol in it, hanging next to the Blaster is a cylindrical object for any who have seen one before, will know it to be a lightsaber.

Tal gives everyone an easy smile and Says, Hello its nice to meet you all I've heard you've done some good work so far and I look forward to working with you all, I'm Captain Tal Tal seems to be more confident and centered then Ronon ever was.

2009-07-10, 07:32 PM
Bail gets right down to buisiness. "What we have is a volatile, but possibly advantageous situation on Onderon. It seems they've taken a rather strong stand against the New Order, and met with enough success that I'd like to see how they're doing it. Captain Tal has most of the neccessary background on what we're looking at, but in short, we need a quick thinking group to take a closer look at the situation. You'll be serving as one part observer, one part spy and one part diplomat depending on how things progress."

"The Fact that they've rebelled against the Tyranny of Palpatine's new order certaily makes them the enemy of our enemy, I'd like all of you to get a feel for the situation and find out if they'd make a good ally. So far all channels for contacting them have failed, there is likely an Imperial blockade of the system. So you will be transported by The Black Conqueror, a modified Sirronian Assault ship built for blockade running. Captain Ault Derlin and his crew assure me there isn't a blockade they can't break through. Once on planet I'd like you to figure out exactly who is in charge, what the status of the general population is and if their government isn't more of a threat than the new order, offer them aid and deliver a message to their leader for me."

Bail walks around his desk and hands Elias a sealed package, with what feels like a small unassuming datapad and some papers inside.

"Captain Tal should be able to fill you in on the details.. I'm afraid there is little time, the ship is being prepped as we speak, The potential of this to help our cause is great, if you do this for me I shall truely be grateful, as I have no other operatives capable of undertaking this mission at the moment, and time is as I said critical."

2009-07-10, 08:34 PM
Elias looks... strange. He's fighting hard to keep his expression neutral, but there's an undercurrent of disquiet. Almost fear.

"With all due respect, sir, is there any reason we're taking the Conquerer rather than the Banshee? Captain Okeefe has done a perfectly good job of transporting us so far."

2009-07-10, 08:56 PM
Having been forewarned before them meeting that he was to depart on a mission Tal walks over to the a corner of the room where Two duffel bags sit, Tal picks them up and slings them over his shoulder, hearing the Elias's question and says, Actually I suggested the use of the Conqueror over Captain Okeefe's Banshee, for the fact that the Conqueror is a dedicated combat craft and that were going to be heading into a hot LZ, and Banshee is just a modified pleasure craft.

2009-07-10, 09:54 PM
"Hot LZ? Dedicated combat craft? I'm sorry, did I hear our mission objective incorrectly? I heard 'observer, spy, and diplomat,' not 'air-dropped infantry.' Last time I looked, diplomats didn't travel in assault ships."

2009-07-10, 10:52 PM
"To be fair, last I heard they didn't run blockades either, doctor."

Novar looks across the room at the clone, then back at Bail. "So, when and how are we being extracted?"

2009-07-10, 11:42 PM
Bail responds "If all goes well the Onderonians will give you a ride home :smallwink: though the plan is for the Conqueror to swing by after 2 days and pick you up where they drop you off, which I understand will be determined when you land."

Bail continues "The Banshee is indeed a good smuggling ship, but as pointed out the Conqueror may not be subtle, but for this mission it's far more likely to get you in and out alive. Besides Captain Okeefe has stipulated in her dealings with me that she's not flying any direct combat missions, which is exactly the sort of mission profile a blockade run fits. With her ship strictly on milk runs till it's fully repaired it's not yet available anyway. I believe she would be the first to argue Captain Derlin's Conqueror would be a better fit for this mission."

Bail concludes "That said do you all feel you can deal with this arrangement? I won't send you off unwilling on such a potentially dangerous mission, though the bulk of the danger will be getting to the planet, once there as Elias says, you are to be politically interested tourists, and hopefully diplomats, nothing more. I doubt the natives will be averse to your presence, it's the blockade that makes it a combat mission."

2009-07-11, 01:05 PM
beside, I plan all my missions like General Starkin always said, you plan for the absolute worst, you hope for the best, and if you come out some were in between you've done all you can, all the that the Force wells to be done says Tal, We should all get going, we have mission and very little time to do it in, Senator I'll see you upon are return from the mission. Tal will head for the door and then the landing pad where Conqueror is dock if there no more questions.

2009-07-11, 10:37 PM
"Very well," Elias replies, though his tone countermands his words.

2009-07-12, 03:07 AM
Tal notes the doctor's lest then pleased voice that he used, and he'll have to try and figure out why on the way, he also noticed that the kid hadn't said two words yet and wondered why?

2009-07-13, 04:01 AM
Irian listens intently, but doesn't speak... When the audience ends, he just tags along with the Doc. A bit selfconscious of not being attired properly mixed with his general distrust of politicians and the knowledge that attending or not attending isn't that much of a choice.

2009-07-13, 09:28 PM
Heading over to a different landing pad then the one the Banshee is currently on, many of you see The Black Conqueror for the first time. It looks like a very simple design. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Conqueror-class_assault_ship Though obviosly this particular one has been modified to hold heavier weapons, mount more armor, have larger engines and of course it's painted totally in an ominous tone of dull black.

Captain Derlin sees you walking up and jumps up from his lounging position near the refueling equipment. Certainly not the most refined human gentleman you've ever seen, he is pudgy, scruffy, mostly bald, but with an impressive amount of muscle on his squat frame, several millitary tatooes decorate his arms, and the blaster carbine by his hip does not appear ornamental. Various stuffed pockets seem to cover most of his wardrobe.
Still he seems friendly enough, "Tal, you off again so soon! We gotta see about lack of turn around bonuses for both of us heh? We're all good to go, hope you didn't plan on luxury rooms, there'll hardly be room for the lot of ya."
As he's saying this he gestures with a small remote and a sizable lift lowers from the ship, belted seats and equipment storage devices (weapon racks and emergency equipment restraint straps) quite prevalent on it, several weapons already hang there in easy reach.
"Guys have er all warmed up already, we're just waiting on yall ta git compfy"
He boards the lift at a brisk walk, without so much as waiting to see if you are all following.

2009-07-13, 10:30 PM
As they leave, Novar quickly comms SIG. "Hey, we're changing ships from the Banshee to one called the Black Conquerer. Get all our equipment, including everything we left on the ship, and head over there double-quick."

When they arrive, Novar studies the ship quietly, wondering if it'll actually be able to get them past an Imperial blockade. "Well, they've done it before, I s'pose," he concludes out loud, not really talking to anyone. After the captain's greeted them and headed to the lift, he glances at Tal. "Done this sort of thing before, have you?"

2009-07-13, 11:00 PM
Elias hangs back as the others are greeted by the Black Conquerer's captain. He will attempt to contact Captain Okeefe by commlink.

"Captain? You may have already been warned, but we're about to be sent off-planet again... and we won't be traveling on the Banshee."

2009-07-14, 02:03 AM
Yeah Ault, I know, but we cant help that we're good at what we do, can we now. says a smiling Tal as he follows Ault in to his ship, at Novar's Question Tal looks over and say, Yeah I've had to do several similar mission since the senator arranged for my release, though most of those were just recons behind enemy line. So who did you comm to bring the rest of your equipment over I thought it was just the three of you and whats the deal with the kid he don't say much does he.

2009-07-14, 03:43 AM
Irian whistles a little when seeing the ship. It is quite impressive, after all the smuggler vessels. "Well, then lets get going. We aren't getting any younger, after all."

Coming from a boy this sounds rather odd as he trots after the Captain, kind of itching to ask him some technical questions about the ship...

2009-07-14, 05:14 PM
@Novar: SIG responds with a simple "Affirmative"

@Elias: Captain Okeefe responds with a "Yeah I got the memo, your droid has already got all your stuff and is heading over there. I got my marching orders too... Hopefully see you back aboard the "Resurgence"... just.. just take care of yourself ok .. I used to crew for Derlin, He's solid, maybe a better pilot than I am, a bit more bitter about the whole "Empire" thing than I am, and that's saying something, but aside from being an insufferable millitant jackass he's not a bad guy."

@Everyone: SIG makes something of an entrance, with the heavy repeater, all of your gear and some new parcels and bags hung about his person he descends out of a maintanance hatch some 10 meters off the ground and walks straight down the wall at an impressive (not falling) speed. Getting to the floor he reorients and comes quickly over to the group of you.
"All of your things as requested. I hope I am not late."

2009-07-14, 06:17 PM
Tal Seeing the droid for the first time is impressed and amazed, and says, Well, no your not late, and i have to admit you know how to make entrance, I'm Captain Tal, it's nice to meet you, oh and what's your designation.

2009-07-15, 12:13 AM
"We've just been calling him SIG. Actually, I don't think I know your proper designation either..." Novar shrugs, and continues "I picked us all up some new gear, so let's get this out of the way." He hands out what SIG's carrying, then pats the droid on the shoulder and goes to board the ship.

Equipment distribution
Four heavy blaster pistols - Novar will take two, and hand one each to Irian and Elias.
Two pairs of electrobinoculars - Novar will take one and hand the other pair to Elias.
Thermite charges - Novar will take six, hand the other six to Tal.
Binder cuffs - Novar just hands everyone a fistful (I.E. take as many as you like), considering how often we seem to take prisoners.
Other useful equipment such as bandoliers, holsters, survival knives, power packs and energy cells are available. Take what you need. We also have piles of extra blasters rifles/pistols, four extra stun batons and three spears.

"So, captain, you do this often, do you?"

2009-07-15, 01:46 AM
With a slightly surprised expression Irian takes the heavy pistol and weighs it in his hand, before slipping it into a holster. "Happy Life Day", he comments ironically, before stowing away the other equipment, too.

2009-07-15, 02:31 AM
"You take care of yourself, too," Elias replies, "Don't go getting yourself banged up just to make more work for me. I don't seem to ever want for patients in this job. Oh, wait, gotta go, they're handing out equipment or something. I, uh, I'll be seeing you later. Bye!"

Elias hangs up just in time to not completely fumble the items Novar hands him. He gets everything stowed away pretty well, though it's kind of a heavy load for him. He might have to break out the Tenser's floating disk stretcher again.

2009-07-15, 05:41 PM
Thank you, says Tal as he excepts the explosive, he opens one of he's two bag, and put the explosive in there and then takes out three small boxes and hands one each to Irian, Elias, and Novar, as he says, Your not the only one that went shopping, inside the box you'll find a a short range hands free comlink*.

((Tal also takes some Binder cuffs, a bandoleer, survival knife, and a heavy blaster pistols.

*Hands free come link is in the LotFCG.** GM approved))

2009-07-16, 05:22 AM
Novar chuckles at the kid's remark and gets to settling away his own equipment, looping bandoliers over himself, strapping blasters wherever they'll go and slipping various bits of gear into various pockets and satchels.

He takes the box last and flips it open, glancing at the headset and then pocketing it. "Thanks... Tal, was it?"

2009-07-16, 11:48 AM
Your welcome and yes it is Tal, say Tal.

2009-07-16, 03:30 PM
Captain Derlin interupts with a "If yall folks are set, we have a planet to drop you off on that might be important to spread a little misery the Empires way, you'll have hours to talk once we're underway. All aboard who's comin aboard."
As he waves the group of you onto the lift (waiting for everyone to be aboard mind you) he hits a button that rapidly pulls the lift back up into the ship.
"Just a few ground rules aboard my ship, There's not alot of room, so I suggest everyone get comfortable and get what rest you can, If everyone's movin around you'll likely get hurt, AND give me a headache. No touchin any of the controls.. we have everything all set the way we like it, No Yellin or screamin if we get into a Ship to ship combat, my gunners like to coordinate vocally. Any questions?"

2009-07-16, 03:48 PM
Irian shakes his head and finds a place to stow his stuff and strap in. He seems mostly... bored. If the idea of getting into a dogfight distresses him, he doesn't show. Instead he closes his eyes and seems to take a nap.

2009-07-16, 04:00 PM
Elias seems rather uncomfortable, even before cramming himself into the cramped ship, but he reluctantly boards the craft and begins trying to sort through all the goods he's just been given.

2009-07-16, 09:36 PM
Tal Boards the ship and nod at Captain Derlin instructions, Tal find a spot and sit and starts checking Cleaning his weapons, as he dose he says, Well we've got some time before we get there, so I'd like to get to know you all a little better, as well as what your specialties are, so who wants to go first, or would you like me to start.

2009-07-17, 07:11 AM
"Could we just try not talking?" Elias asks, "This little jaunt is going to be uncomfortable enough already."

2009-07-17, 01:00 PM
Novar takes a seat and holds his rifle up briefly, intoning the words "Senior Sergeant Novar Crosmyth, twenty-first black coat brigade, weapons and infiltration specialist" in a bored manner that suggests he's said the words a hundred times before. He throws his head back and opens his arms out wide and continues, "at least that's who I was once. If you're really curious, I'm also a decent pilot, mechanic and I was a certified demolitionist, once."

He glances at Elias following his comment. "Fair request, but remember that when we're on Onderon we probably won't have time to talk."

2009-07-17, 07:04 PM
The Ship takes off, quite rapidly if the acceleration felt is any indication. Seems the Inertial dampner on the ship isn't quite up to the accelerations the captain is pulling on take off. (Which Tal recognizes as being pretty normal for this ship.)

OOC explaination of the effect: Theoretically every ship has inertial dampening effects to keep the rapid accelerations and decelerations from being felt too much. In certain craft (especially those built with speed in mind) the ship isn't able to keep up with the effect though, so you get a little bit of bleed through. So if in the course of the adventure you might feel an in character several G (gravity) equivilent force, though it'll be nothing so bad as your average roller coaster. Though it does explain all the restraints and cargo straps you see all over the place. Having the inertial dampening system tweaked as such is also a trick some hotshot pilots use to gain a slight edge in combat, as it allows a bit more manuverability, though at the cost of taking a few G's (per X-wing books and Han Solo in the Corperate sector)

It will indeed be awhile before you reach your destination according to the captain. Aside from coming back to visually check on you and do some last minute checks on the enginering readouts, he lets you know it will be approximately 14 hours to destination.

The 2 gunners are seen periodically passing through, theoretically to the coffin sized sleeping chambers they have, though they look like surly and uncommunicative humans, probably with millitary backgrounds by the look of them. They pay you no more attention than they would any cargo. (again Tal knows this is normal for these guys, they're just quiet)

2009-07-17, 10:46 PM
"Won't have time to talk on Onderon!?!" Elias exclaims incredulously, "This is a diplomatic mission. Look, I know you soldier types are all the same, you think of every problem in terms of how many guns and explosives you can bring to the table, but I'm personally hoping that we can simply have a nice, polite chat with the Onderonians, explain to them the benefits of joining the Rebellion, and head back home with a some manner of affirmative response. And I don't think it should take a single shot being fired to take care of that."

2009-07-18, 04:24 AM
With a grin, the dozing boy opens his eyes. "Oh, come on, Doc, you know better than that. Nothing ever goes smooth where we are concerned. We'll get distracted, sidetracked, shot at, sent on a couple of Wild Bantha chases and end up crawling back in pieces." He then looks at the new clone, his grin becoming crooked. "Btw, I'm Irian. The tagalong kid and moraleofficer in this outfit."

2009-07-18, 10:07 AM
Novar, Irian, it's a pleasure, I take it are less then jovial friend is Elias and he's are medical officer, judging from the way both call him Doc or doctor. says Tal. I guess its my turn, I'm RC - 1180 formerly of 51st Jungle Raiders, i achieved the rank of Captain during the war, my bothers gave me my name, Tal, because during training I would always emerge covered in ether my own or a bothers Blood. Most of my skills over lap with Novar's skill, I'm trained as a pilot, mechanic, and demolitionist, and also in the use of a Bowcaster, as well as some lighsaber combat techniques.

2009-07-18, 10:36 AM
Having seen the lightsaber at the clone's belt, Irian doesn't startle at that remarkable pronouncement, just frowns. "Don't you have to be ... special to use that thing effectively?", he asks kind of naively, while his hazel eyes narrow.

2009-07-18, 11:22 AM
Well to fully utilize most of the advance Jedi technique's yes, but for basic close in fighting a lightsaber is not to much different then using a sword except that it can cut though just about anything. but the truth is I've found that the lightsaber can be a symbol of hope to those that still remember the Jedi in a good light. And that's why I'll fight to my last breath for any chance to clear the any and all of the Jedi's good name. I failed once to save a friend i won't fail again, and I'll wont let them drag his good name down. Say Tal with the melancholy look of some remembering the loss of a sorely missed comrade.

2009-07-18, 12:24 PM
The boy lifts an eyebrow and nods. "Well, good luck." It doesn't sound sarcastic, but somehow, most of what Irian says has at least some tint of being not so earnest - but he swallows any other comment he might have made and just lets that wish stand.

2009-07-20, 01:40 AM
Elias merely sulks in the half-light of his little corner of the cramped vessel, tired of living with the expectation of having to defend himself from people trying to kill him, tired of having to heal more blaster burns than childhood illnesses, tired of day-tripping to backwaters all over the known universe, tired of rebellion.

He didn't have to make himself a rebel, a fugitive, a criminal just to help people, he reminds himself for the millionth time. He had been helping people back on Couruscant, back in his own office, his own little clinic. He'd still be helping them there had he not found Irian. The boy was the start of his troubles, to be sure.

Elias sighs. If he hadn't put so much effort into saving Irian's life in the first place he might just wring the kid's scrawny little neck. He's a pesky brat. A trouble magnet. A snarky little pain in the ass. And probably the closest thing to a son Elias'll ever have.

Hating Irian should be so easy. Elias hates himself all the more for not being able to do it.

2009-07-20, 05:26 PM
Everyone settles in,and a few minutes later the ship jumps into Hyperspace, and the crew settles into what appears to be their routine. After a few minutes the Captain comes back out of the cockpit and says
"So just to get this out of the way, We'll be lookin ta drop ya somewhere near the capital I'm thinkin, Iziz or some such isn't it? Though I'm thinkin how far out will be subject to their planetary shield setup and how friendly they're feelin when they see us bust through the blockade. Might want one of you flyin shotgun ta do some of the talkin when we get there, not sure who the lead diplomat is among you... cept I know it ain't Tal:smallbiggrin:."

OOC: Soon as this bit of conversation is over (aka someone is volunteered for com officer duty), unless anyone objects we'll just move along to your arrival in the system.

2009-07-20, 05:33 PM
Irian peeks out of a halfclosed eye and points a thumb at Elias: "That's him. Especially if it's about talking to the ladies." He chuckles a little.

2009-07-20, 06:27 PM
What? just because i like do all my negotiations with my blaster... i don't get to be the lead diplomat. says Tal with a smile.

2009-07-20, 08:40 PM
"What can I say," Elias replies with a lopsided grin, "they say a doctor has to have a good bedside manner."

The good doctor stumbles to his feet, shamelessly clinging to any solid object he can, unwilling to trust the modified systems of the Black Conqueror to keep him stable.

"Lead the way, Captain," he says, "If you can fly us in, I can talk us in."

2009-07-20, 10:15 PM
"We've got some time, though you can certainly check the equipment if your so inclined, everything should be running ship shape, just remind me to turn down the sensor baffles, otherwise you'll just get some wicked random noise. Heck we've got some time, anybody else want a 5 decicred tour of the cockpit?" Captain Derlin says with a glance at Irian, apparently familiar with many youngster's obsessions with piloting.

@Elias (and possibly anyone else sneaking forward to have a look):
After getting you familiar with the very millitary controls for the communications equipment (and the all important turn off the sensor baffles button) He shows off the cockpit like a proud father. He freely explains all the controls, and the various and sundry modifications and problems it used to suffer, and extolling his own ingenuity in fixing them at length, (ad Nauseum) though the end product is indeed impressive.

Following this he insists everyone should get some rest, to be ready for action once you arrive in system. (Everyone.. last chance to add anything before incoming cutscene)

2009-07-20, 11:18 PM
"Thanks, but I don't have five dedicreds to spare. Turns out entry-level vigilante work doesn't pay so well." Novar shrugs and walks off to find a quiet space to change into battle gear, slipping the hands-free comlink provided by Tal into his ear before pulling his shiny new armour on over his flight suit. He then finds a comfortable spot near the airlock, sitting down and resting but ready for action at a moment's notice.

2009-07-23, 03:23 PM
Time passes, the cramped quarters leave quite a bit to be desired, but do not stop everyone from getting a fair amount of rest and having a bit of time to reflect on things.

Eventually as the time approaches the crew begin to get ready, checking over everything one last time, charging the weapons and shields to maximum capacity and getting comfortable in their stations.

Captain Derlin then brings the ship out of hyperspace a few seconds early, Checking long range sensors seems to provide him some information and he whistles appreciatively. "Well crap they have most of a sector fleet, pretty big main ship too, gotta be over 1500 meters, these Onderonians better have some surprises I'm not seeing or they're in a lot of trouble.. though the fact that they're in position to blockade, not assault the planet probably means we still have a mission to accomplish. Everybody hang on we're headin in!"

And with that he activates the hyper drive for a long seeming moment and you arrive in system.

You all hear the captain yelling to the gunners.
"Get em in da heads up, two dozen in intercept, lock em down on 20's"
To which the only response is weapons powering to full and turrets rotating, as you hear the speakers from the gun turrets begin to emit the distinctive sound of TIE engines and laser fire." No sounds of the ships shields being hit however, though you all begin to feel the ship manuvering in what feels a bit like a sideways slide.
The response from the ships two turrets is sudden and deafening as they volley at the incoming TIE's, from the gunners celebratory grim chuckles and the sound of explosions apparently the battle is rather one sided.

The battle continues, and you all begin to feel a tiny bit relieved as the ship finishes off what is apparently 2 waves of TIE fighters with apparent ease.
The captain loudly complains that the shields are down almost 20%, which the gunners start to laugh at upon hearing. He then anounces that you are heading in, and tells Elias that he is "ON".

The Ship commences it's long dive into the gravity well at full speed.

2009-07-25, 02:58 AM
Elias [roll0] to [roll1] the frequency of Iziz's Spaceport. Assuming he finds it, he opens a channel... remembering, of course, to turn off the sensor baffles... and begins to speak.

"Iziz Control, this is the blockade runner Black Conqueror requesting permission to land in your airspace. And while you're stewing on whether or not to let us through, I'd like to remind you that we in the Rebellion are your enemy's enemy. Even on the off chance you hate us, it's at least in your best interests to keep us between yourself and them. We should soak up a few blaster shots for you."


2009-07-26, 12:21 PM
There is no response to Elias's message. Though the equipment seems to be working and the message was recieved.

A short moment later a minor glitch appears on the ships sensors and Captain Derlin starts checking it out.

As Elias plays with the communications gear trying to see if there is any response, he hears a static laden transmission.. (of note the the state of the art decoding gear on the com console seems to be active)
".....garata..... Oy tam naman......shabi toor.... heheh! Tak, Adal... Jerk nadir ka!"

Captain Derlin yells to the gunners "Keep an eye out, might be somethin comin up to port."he then mumbles "I don't like this."

The Gunners give an exclamation of sudden fear. "What the.. some kinda space monsters!?!" Then an unusual static noise comes over the turret speakers, dopplering past at great speed. "Those things look alive, Organic! They're coming around again, closer, Assault run.. Ho Cra.." And the gunners open up with a loud salvo in a panic.

The ship goes into a sudden dodging turn, suddenly being spattered by incoming fire of some sort, hitting the hull like dozens of miniature torpedo hits, the ships armor holds but several warning lights appear on the control panel in the cockpit.

It starts to feel like a recap of the last fight with the TIE fighters when suddenly the ship jerks violently, One of the gunners screams and atmosphere starts to vent out of the upper turret before the emergency door snaps shut over the entrance to the turret just above all of you.

Elias gets a brief view of what looks like a pair of giant yellow/green reptilian eyes out the top of the cockpit before Captain Derlin hits some sort of emergency booster and shakes the creature free of his ship. A horrible rending sound it heard and Captain Derlin swears as large panels of lights suddenly glare red at him from the controls.

"We're not gonna make the planet, engines dead, might be able to adjust course, looks like we'll be getting the moon at best." Captain Derlin shoves Elias towards the hold. "Strap in boy safer back there, this could be a touch rough, hold on"

The Ship descends towards Dxun and everyone holds on to the best of their ability.

And the last thing you all see before you lose cosciousness is the entirety of the holds contents suddenly ripped free by the violence of the landing in a storm of bodies, weaponry and crash webbing.

OOC: Everybody I need a d20 plus con adjustment roll. :smallsmile:

2009-07-26, 12:28 PM
OH HOW CUTE :smallbiggrin:. May I have a space whale dragon please? :smallbiggrin:

As the ship gets jerked around by the impacts, Irian starts cursing under his breath. I didn't want to be so kriffing prescient... I was joking, vape it."

Then he just hangs in grimly, clenching his fingers around the crash webbing and trying to find a calm center.


2009-07-26, 12:57 PM
"What in the nine Corellian hells are those things?!?" Elias screams, shortly before everything totally goes to pot. After that, not much of what leaves his mouth is understandable, nor is all of it sonic in nature.


2009-07-26, 05:12 PM

Tal holds on tight as things get rougher, when the hold rips open Tal lets loose every fowl oath he knows before he lost consciousness

2009-07-26, 10:39 PM
Novar stands as the ship rattles, raising his rifle in preparation for boarding - then realises that such may not be the case. He moves to the hold, slings his rifle across his back and straps in.

"You know, this is just how I ended up on Felucia," he shouts, moments before the ship crashes.


2009-07-27, 05:27 AM
@Novar: You feel motion, like being on an ocean, you start to feel a little sick in fact. Your rest is disturbed by a damned persistant banging sound. Forcing your eyes open you see in a slowly resolving blur, the hold from a strange angle, everything is off kilter and slowly moving back and forth. Before the darkness reclaims you you hear the distinctive sound of a door opening under duress. Stepping upside down into the room a small strange being, covered in mud sticks and flowers appears. You think for a moment nothing that small and colorful can be hostile... which of course is when you see it approaching you with a suddenly visable commando knife. You really wish you could have kept your eyes open to see what happened next, it was probably important, a child's voice saying "wow ok this could hurt.." , is all you hear before blacking out entirely.

@Irian: You sense anger, odd as it's not from you, you were actually pretty at peace with things there even at the end, surprising even yourself a bit. Opening your senses more than your eyes you sense someone young, surprisingly younger than you in fact. All the worse that you feel such ingrained hatred pouring off of them. It's not all dark and gloom though, there's a curiosity as well. You manage to open your eyes and find yourself wound up in a tangle of cargo straps. Keeping quiet instinctively you see a young boy amidst the ruin of a cargo hold, Novar lay flat on the floor in front of him. The boys attention however is on Tal's lightsaber. He mutters to himself a single hate filled word that carries with it a load of meaning for both of you. "jedi" Then looks in your direction. Faking still being unconscious proves to be a bit too easy with the concussion you probably have, and you black out for a bit, still thinking about the boy's look as he took the lightsaber in his hand.

@Elias: You partially awaken, in a rather understandable panic. Jerking upright rather faster than is on hindsight good for you, you have a brief image of a young boy with a bloody knife, grim serious expression and your companions spread out on folded mats and debris apparently either asleep or dead. There was an aweful lot of blood, more than is generally seen in any case not involving serious injury and death. Pleasent thoughts are hard to come by as you literally fall back painfuly into the void of unconsciousness.

@Tal: You drift in and out of consciousness, mostly out. In the course of half waking you do hear a young boy, he sounds like he is playing at being a pirate or space captain.

@Novar: You awaken first, to find the world is no longer moving, you are laid out on a collection of uncomfortable materials. No weapons at hand you slowly realize you are being watched over by a young boy, covered in mud, blood, twigs and wearing millitary style clothes, gloves and boots. One of several large blaster rifles from around the compartment lay on his lap. Tal, Elias and Irian look to have had some manner of first aid applied, as they are similarly laid out.

2009-07-27, 06:10 AM
I swear, I'm never flying again...

Novar's eyes flicker open and he almost groans, catching himself as he notices the boy watching them.

A kid in military gear. There's something he hadn't seen in years, something he hadn't been in years. Moments pass as he considers his situation; then, finally, he sits up, slowly.

"They're alive?" he asks. His voice is quiet, but there's a hint of anger to it, and his body language conveys battle-readiness.

Has Novar been stripped of his armour?

2009-07-27, 01:19 PM
@Novar:"Yeah mostly, one causualty in the turret, he was pretty much ground Boema before I got here, pilot probably won't make it without serious medical attention, he'll need to be carried if he goes with us and one wasn't going to make it so I made it quick.." The child says in a serous voice as you see him carefully finish taking the rifle apart, then rapidly reassembling it in quick proffessional fashion, his eyes on you the whole time.

"So who are you and what are you doing here? Before you get any more answers I'd like a few.:smallannoyed:"

Your armor has been removed, though your reasonably sure your sitting on it, looks like the kid took all your weapons as well, though you don't see them laying around... On a completely unrelated note:smallwink: you don't see SIG around anywhere. (nor does the kid apparently)

OOC: Picture time for everyone. Your young captor looks something like this. Only with a touch more mud and twigs at the moment.

2009-07-27, 09:17 PM
Novar's eyes sweep the area as he answers; he's watching for anything he could use as a weapon in a pinch, or some sign of SIG.

"We're diplomats. We were on our way to Onderon when we were shot down. It was incidental that we crashed here." He watches the kid take the rifle apart, wondering just where they've landed and who the kriff he is. "Was that it? Because I have a few more questions now."

2009-07-27, 10:09 PM
"Diplomats huh, Right... No go ahead ask this should be good. Though for reference you missed, you are on Dxun, the beast moon of Onderon, home of the nastiest critters in the gallaxy. I'm called Tav, and we have about 6 hours till nightfall, and there's something of a war going on, There all up to speed now? Oh yeah and I'm real interested in exactly what you wanted to diplomat "ize" about here before I take you anywhere."

@Novar: You do see a suspiciously large bit of supplies suspended on the ceiling like it's some sort of drop down cargo set up, which wasn't there before, almost like something standing on the ceiling was just holding it there in the way to provide a good place to hide.:smallwink:

@Irian: Your up... well awake anyway, though you've felt better, a bit battered and bruised but everything is working. You heard the above conversational bit as well, sort of what woke you.

2009-07-27, 11:16 PM
Novar suppresses a grin as he spots the ceiling, then quick changes his attention back to "Tav".

"I don't care how dangerous your backwater moon is, so just answer my questions. Where exactly is it you think you're taking us? Where've you got the captain? And where in the Nine Corellian Hells is my gear?"

2009-07-28, 04:52 AM
Deciding to watch and wait for now, since there is conversation going on and not battle, Irian reaches out with his senses to get a hang of the situation...

Taking ten on Use the Force to get a feel...

He doesn't move, but cracks an eyelid and looks around for the others what shape they are in and so on, and proceeds to listen to the conversation with the kid...

2009-07-28, 06:46 AM
"Well your gear is mostly under your butt, your weapons I moved over there." He points behind him in the corner (which you couldn't see as it's basically directly behind him.. convienient that) where a variety of weapons have apparently been checked and stowed. "The Captain is right next to you under that tarp thing to keep him warm and help with the shock and blood loss. I'll also point out that there's only one safe place to go on this moon where you won't get eaten after dark, and you won't make it in alive without me... in fact I'm having serious doubts on weither you'll be able to make it to there WITH my help, but what can I say I like a challenge. I figure we have a few hours to start out, so we have a little longer for your friends to hopefully come to, otherwise I can only carry the lightest of you.." He points at Irian "..without totally ruining my chances at survival. This is all assuming you can keep up, and that I don't just take off into the jungle to let you all die out here. I'm still not real sure on the whole diplomat story.. Got anything else more amusing.. or more honest?" As he's saying the last he puts the long since finished blaster rifle aside and pulls Tal's lightsaber (non-activated) from behind him. He holds the hilt as if it were likely to bite him or fly from his grip. The wide eyed brown eyes he looks at you with belong to a child, the obvious mistrust and doubt don't belong on such a young face.

@Irian: You are pretty sure.. mostly from Novar's trying not to laugh that SIG is somewhere above you, Elias is out and having some disjointed dream if your guess is right. Tal looks like someone signed him up to play Kossball* without padding... or a team. Novar seems to be doing the best out of you and seems only slightly off put by the strange boy. The boy is a complex little ball of anger, frustration, anxiety with just enough hope and curiosity to make you believe he is an actual child. Outside the ship vauge dark impressions move at the touch of your mind, Frightening, nightmare like impressions of creatures, beings and a strong darkside presence seems to permeate the entire area.

OOC *Kossball is a full contact armed team sport akin to terrestrial Lacross. Heavy padding keeps the hits with the weapons (basically sword shaped cudgels) to little more than serious bruising, though broken bones and concussions are quite common.

2009-07-28, 07:47 AM
Novar chuckles at the kid. "Yeah, you're doing a good job at convincing me to go with you. I'm impressed at how many assumptions you can make in a sentence, though." He turns to look through his equipment, searching for his hands-free comlink, placing it in his ear and turning it on when he finds it. He then steps over to the pile of weapons, appearing to search for his rifle - though as he does so, he glances back at Tav to check if he's watching, then looks up at the roof and taps his earpiece, attempting to silently communicate that he's wearing his comlink.

When he finds his rifle, he loads an e-clip and hefts it onto his shoulder. "If you wanted more specifics, those two -" he points at Irian and Elias - "are the diplomats. I'm their bodyguard. So is the clone with the lightsaber. Speaking of, you wanna give that back?" Novar extends his free hand, obviously waiting for the boy to hand the saber over.

2009-07-28, 10:39 AM
Slowly, Irian makes a show of waking up, groaning as his movements make the bruises act up. He sits up slowly, doesn't look up, but tries to get on his feet...

"Lets not do this again, ok?", he points out wearily.

2009-07-28, 02:01 PM
@ Novar: The kid watches you very carefully as you head over and check through the weapons, surprisingly enough your Rifle is not on the stack, in fact all of the weapons seem to belong to the crew, and most have had the energy clips removed. Looking over your shoulder to watch Tav you see him startle a bit as Irian wakes up, then standing he hops over a bit to where he can keep an eye on both of you better, backing up a step at a time towards the "entrance". (Which is probably the airlock near the cockpit for the escape pod which the ship did not have.) As he is doing that you do notice a mechanical hand, hold out your rifle from behind the crate near the ceiling, then quickly withdraw with a bit of a wave.

@Irian: Your "waking up" seems to have startled the kid somewhat. Aside from some serious bruising everything seems to be working. Elias starts to groan as you stand, he still seems a bit out of it, but is slowly coming around.

@Elias: You are slowly coming around, probably regretting whatever it is you could have drank to create such a hangover. (You are ok, just maybe a bit rattled/confused)

@Tal: You are still out cold for the moment. Might take some doctoring to wake you, depending on how long any conversation takes.

@Everyone (except Tal being out cold): "Uhm hmm... well sorry If I seem a bit quick to draw conclusions, but clones like him ain't jedi, and I'm having a bit of difficulty believing your not republic spies here to kill my mom.. specially if you have a jedi with you. :smallmad: You wouldn't be the first "diplomats" tryin that that we've seen around here."

Looks like the kid is about 3 seconds from bolting... since he isn't sure you are friendlies and is starting to get outnumbered.

2009-07-28, 02:50 PM
Irian hastens to Elias' side and helps him up. "I gotta hand it to you doc, you always find the hardest place to hit your head against..."

Then he turns to the boy. "How long have you been on this rock? There's no Republic anymore, just the Empire. And just one place where a Clone would get a lightsaber... From the belt of a dead Jedi. One he killed first, probably." His voice is hard, and gruff. Placing the Doc's arm over his shoulders, he leads him over to the Captain.

"Hey, Novar, why don't you continue the history lesson? Maybe show him the ship's records or whatever."

2009-07-28, 04:58 PM
Novar scratches his chin, now grinning from amusement. He's relaxed visibly now, no longer seeing the kid as a threat. "I've been called a lot of things, kid, but 'Republic spy' is new."

"Yeah, sure," he answers Irian, still chuckling. "Wow, seriously though? You didn't know?" Novar watches the kid a moment, then shakes his head and shrugs. "Well, long story short, there's no Republic anymore. Just an Empire, and they're the Jedi's enemies, so your mother's safe from us. Not that she's any threat to anybody if you people can't even keep up with galactic affairs..."

Novar walks over to his gear and throws Irian one of his medpacs, probably to pass to the woozy doctor. "As Irian here mentioned, there may be records on the ship's computer, if it still works."

2009-07-28, 06:29 PM
The kid stops a bit off balance, thoughts of escape war with a more childish urge to say the equivilent of NUH UH! Apparently the childish side of him wins out.

"Hey I'm only 7! Political stuff is a bit over my head.. but what's the difference, one group of people influenced by a bunch of guys with lightsabers or the same group ruled by different people with different colored lightsabers.. I fail to see much difference.. Oh and I'm pretty sure the power is out, no power to anything, I checked earlier."

2009-07-28, 10:14 PM
Tal still out cold, begins to thrash slightly and to softly moan or so it seamed at first but you soon realise he's talking in his sleep. ......No...no...no.....General Run we'll hold them off.........Ronon you bastard, the orders are wrong.........open fire, protect the General.........the Generals been hit........I've got you sir.......sir we've got to keep moving........No Sir, I will not leave you.........yes sir i understand I'll keep it safe........Goodbye my General, my friend, no My Brother........Re'turcye mhi! Ner vod!....... a single tear rolls down Tal face, As the fit come to an end, Tal settles down and stops his thrashing except for the occasional groan or moan, Tal remands out cold

(((OOC: the ........ represent unintelligible mumblings or groans))

(((Re'turcye mhi! Ner vod! = Goodbye My Brother)))

2009-07-28, 11:33 PM
Novar shrugs again. "There is no difference. Both sides are now dissolved, and now there's one absolute authority oppressing everything. It's just scavengers who carry lightsabers now." He glances at Tal's writhing form. "Though I don't know many scavengers weighed down by guilt."

He returns to his pile of equipment, sighing as he straps his armoured bracers back on to his wrists. "Seriously though kid, we're just a diplomatic party. We were heading for Onderon when we got shot down. Maybe by the Empire, but I don't know the specifics. Now, are you going to help us or not?"

2009-07-29, 01:55 AM
The kid appears to be considering everything he heard. Seriously weighing his options for a minute.. then he shrugs.

"Well while there is life, there are options, can't un-make you dead, So I guess I'll take you to mom and let her sort it out... She knows more about politics than anyone I know and she can always kill you later i guess."
He then mumbles to himself as he half turns towards the airlock. "That's what happened to the other assassins... guess mom gets to have all the fun:smallfrown:."

@Irian: You suddenly see something sizable and blunt dropping/flying at you. You barely having time to register it as a Elias's medical toolkit before it just about hits you. Give me a (dex bonus + BAB) to hit roll to catch it without making too much of an issue of it. Otherwise worse case scenario you might flub the catch.

2009-07-29, 09:02 AM

He catches the medkit and hands it to the Doc, then tries his best to help the Doc treating the injured Captain.


2009-07-29, 04:02 PM
"Consciousness seems to be the new trend," Elias mutters as he's hauled to his feet.

He cracks an eyelid and asks "That kid with the knife didn't kill us all? Huh. I wasted a good flashing of the ol' life before the eyes."

Then the medical kit comes crashing down from the ceiling.

"My... medical kit? If that was up there, we must be..."

He snaps to full alertness and stumbles away from Irian's support, shouting, "Holy crap, we landed upside down!"

He thrusts a finger in Irian's direction.

"Irian! Triage! Who's worst off?"

2009-07-29, 04:07 PM
The kid never trained as a healer, but he saw enough battlefields to know how that worked. "The Captain. All of the others are just banged up and bruised. Those beyond help were already sorted out."

2009-07-29, 04:53 PM
"I take it he's in the cockpit?" Elias asks, "Or at least what's left of it?"

That's when he recalls that he was in the cockpit too. How did he get back...


He decides he'd really rather not think about it too hard.

2009-07-29, 04:57 PM
Looking concerned, Irian points in front of the doctor's feet. "Right here. That's why I took you over. You sure you even capable of doctoring?"

2009-07-29, 05:03 PM
"He'll have to be. We're moving the captain soon." Novar picks up his armoured chestpiece and begins to strap it on, briefly turning his attention back to Tav. "So kid, who's your mother? Is it just her you live here with?"

2009-07-29, 11:33 PM
"I hadn't looked down yet, okay?" Elias replies to doubts about his doctoring skill, "I'm getting over a near-death experience here!"

He kneels beside the captain and opens his medical kit. Luckily it is prepared for unexpected shocks, gravity failures, and the like, so all his supplies remain safely secured despite the crash-landing.

"Let's get medical."

Treat Injury:

2009-07-30, 03:49 AM
@Elias: Captain Derlin appears to be suffering from shock due to massive trauma. The main things wrong with him are blood loss, and well the reason for the blood loss. You note a pair of battlefield tourniquets above each knee and the lack of anything below them. From what trauma you see it looks like the legs were crushed, then tied off and removed with a sharp knife.

Cauterizing him up, giving him some pain meds and some plasma seem the best course of action, and prove to be easy enough. Full repair of the legs will honestly require installing cybernetics if he's ever going to walk again. Those you don't have at the moment.

And while your at it you do remember the last few moments before the crash... (quoted directly from above:smallwink:)

Elias gets a brief view of what looks like a pair of giant yellow/green reptilian eyes out the top of the cockpit before Captain Derlin hits some sort of emergency booster and shakes the creature free of his ship. A horrible rending sound it heard and Captain Derlin swears as large panels of lights suddenly glare red at him from the controls.

"We're not gonna make the planet, engines dead, might be able to adjust course, looks like we'll be getting the moon at best." Captain Derlin shoves Elias towards the hold. "Strap in boy safer back there, this could be a touch rough, hold on"
So traumatized you couldn't remember or just a good whack to the head.. hard to say:smallsmile:.

@Everyone: Tav answers Novar. "Yeah, I live alone with my Mom. Though we're hardly alone here. Her name is Taizen and she's THE Bitch in charge, as she puts it. I am so going to get in trouble for this.. but then I usually do:smallbiggrin:"

2009-07-30, 09:45 AM
His task complete... or at least as complete as he can manage without an actual medical facility... Elias leans back and wipes the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand... smearing the captain's blood across his face in the process. Unaware of his grisly new fashion statement, he turns to the others.

"Okay, anybody else missing any extremities?"

2009-07-30, 08:45 PM
Tal still out cold on the floor, occasionally groans softly

2009-07-31, 02:44 AM
"Not really, but you might check out Tal, too. Since he hasn't come round by now."

Irian points over to the unconscious clone.

2009-07-31, 10:09 AM
"Well," Elias sighs as he kneels beside Tal, "good thing about fixing clones, at least, is that you never lack for spare parts."

He laughs softly at his own stupid joke, needing levity to keep him from dwelling on the current situation: everyone wounded, the ship in pieces, and the mission in chaos.

Soon he sets to work.

Treat Injury: [roll0]

2009-07-31, 02:16 PM
Managing to deal with the worst of the swelling, Elias manages to bring Tal around. Aside from a whole lot of bruising and a concussion, he appears ok, though by the lack of focus in his eyes you will want to give him a while for the meds to kick in before he's ready to go anywhere.

"..and they're pretty hard headed, I think it was a design feature:smallbiggrin:"
The child adds as he watches from the corner, in response to Elias joke.

2009-07-31, 03:19 PM
"Useful in a soldier, yes."

The boy comments drily. "Well, what is the status of the ship? Do we have a chance of getting off this rock by ourselves?!"

2009-07-31, 06:20 PM
"Well I'm no mechanic but the ship looks to be in rough shape from outside, and as I've mentioned, no power at all, to anything I've checked anyway. If you're thinkin you want to get this ship fixed up, I'll also point out you only have a matter of hours before it gets dark, and there's a few local critters quite capable of opening up the hull to get to yah for a quick snack, most of which come out at dusk." The child says with a grim smile, apparently fighting for Irian's position as the doom and gloom kid. So far he's winning on age and bad news, only falling behind on sarcasm.:smallamused:

2009-07-31, 07:58 PM
"Oh my," Elias replies, "that means we're stuck here, doesn't it? We're trapped here. On this hell moon! With mad beasts!"

He hides his face in his hands.

"Why, why, why did I ever leave Coruscant? I could've died of old age, not as a light snack for some monstrosity..."

Suddenly he looks up, his demeanor shifting from panic to... well, still panic, but a more focused sort of panic.

"What about communications? Do we have long-range communications? Can we hit Onderon? What about Alderaan?"

2009-07-31, 08:13 PM
Novar shakes his head and walks off into a corner, sitting down and watching the doctor freak out. After a moment he rolls his eyes and interjects.

"Cool it, Elias, you're hardly going to die. At worst you'll be stuck on this moon for a month or two. And if a kid and his mother can last here for... how long?" he asks, before continuing, "then we should be fine."

2009-07-31, 08:44 PM
Tal sits up slowly blinking his eye and shaking his head as if to clear the cobwebs, Tal slowly looks around, once he's done he says, OK three questions, first what the kark hit us, second who is the verd'ika, third where are we. And what is the doc freaking out about

((verd'ika = little soldier))

2009-07-31, 10:33 PM
The kid responds in a serious but lighthearted tone"I've lived here my whole life, though In my 2 years of coming outside I've never been dumb enough to be out anywhere near night-time though. Even the Commando trainees aren't stupid enough to be out after dark. Unfortunately your doc seems to have a pretty accurate idea of what's going on.:smallbiggrin: I'll keep a look out while you guys talk, I'll be right outside for a bit if you guys need a guide in the next couple of hours. If something eats me I'll be sure to try and make enough noise that you have some warning:smallwink:." and with that the boy takes a few running steps towards the airlock entrance and jumps up acrobatically, pulling himself up over the lip and dissappearing without apparent effort.
(the airlock to the non-existant escape pod is on the ceiling, yes there is a ladder, the kid did not use it however :smalleek: Agile little monkey that he apparently is.)

2009-08-01, 01:51 AM
"Commando trainee, huh? You have an interesting mother." Novar glances at the clone. "We don't know what took us down, but we landed on Onderon's moon, Dxun. And now we're apparently stuck without a way off." He mutters "again..." under his breath.

He shakes his head and walks to the middle of the room, looking directly up. "Any chance you can get down without crushing us under everything you're holding? I'd like my rifle back."

2009-08-01, 06:49 AM
"Relax, Doc. We live yet, so there are a lot of ways things can get worse... You don't want to exhaust your adrenalin supply on panicking too soon, right?"

He smiles grimly. "I'll check out the ship. First things first. If it's really a total loss, then we won't have any choice but sticking with the kid."

With that, he leaves the Doc to his hysterics and starts for the bridge and the engine room, checking whether there's any change to get that hunk of junk spaceworthy again.

2009-08-01, 05:28 PM
The large bit of crating previously at the top of the room wanders over to a wall then lowers slowly. SIG lets the pile down and walks down the wall and over to Novar, handing him his rifle.
"Sorry I did not wish to reveal my presence to the human child, he seemed skittish enough as he was. I thought the best course of action would be to hide and see what he would do. Then when he commenced triage and first aid procedures I did not wish to interupt, as he might be saving you. Though it was suspect, how he was attempting to deactivate every energy weapon once he had seen to all of you. I thought it wise to see that all of your gear was safely stowed away from any sabotage. I also appologize Master Irian, I could not warn you before launching Doctor Elias's tools toward you. It was the only way I could get the tools to you without alerting the boy."

2009-08-01, 07:02 PM
"Good work, SIG." Novar takes his rifle, glad to be finally holding a charged weapon. "The kid seems harmless enough, though, so I think we can trust him for the time being. It's his mother that I'm not so sure about."

2009-08-01, 07:20 PM
Tal nod his thanks to Novar for answering his questions, you said we're on Dxun, well that's not to bad but its not great ether,i know of this world when i was in training my Sargent gave us all of history lesson of Mandalorian people, he believe we should all know are culture, though most of information is dated it may be of use, Dxun is a wild world and has many predator's, like Boma's, Cannoks, Drexl's, Maalraas's, and Zakkeg. some time during the time of the Great Sith War the Mandalorian first claimed this moon, I know Mandalore the Indomitable died here, i also Mandalore the Ultimate made Dxun his stronghold, from which he planned his attack on the Galactic Republic, that eventually lead to the Mandalorian Wars, though we we're eventual pushed out though not for long, maybe ten years later Canderous Ordo, also known as Mandalore the Preserver made Dxun his headquaters. Also my Sargent mentioned something about there being a tomb of a sith lord named Freedon Naddon this moon.Tal Looks around and then says, where is my... i mean General Starkin's lightsaber.

2009-08-01, 11:01 PM
"That's all well and good," Elias mutters as he gathers his equipment together in preparation for the group's departure from the ship, "but did your galactic history teacher say anything about how to get off this moon?"

2009-08-02, 12:09 AM
Novar follows Elias' example and gathers his equipment as well, in between pulling on various pieces of his armour.

"Stop panicking, doctor. We know there are at least two people on this moon, and they had to get here somehow. They may have a ship we can borrow." He grins as he pulls on his helmet and continues, "not only that, but there were a lot of Mandalorians here once. We could get lucky and stumble across a several thousand year old transport."

2009-08-02, 12:46 AM
"And you expect a several thousand year old transport to fly?" Elias replies, unconvinced, "And you think that if this kid and his mom had a ship they wouldn't have gotten offplanet years ago?"

2009-08-02, 01:07 AM
"Oh and Master Tal... I believe the child still has the lightsaber you speak of." Sig points out while trying to stay out of the way.

2009-08-02, 03:20 AM
"It's ok, SIG", Irian waves the droid's apology away. "Well, how nice to tread on historic ground, but I'd rather get off again, thanks very much. So, if anybody feels mechanically inclined, help me to evaluate our chances to get this crate back together?"

He shrugs. "People living on places that try so hard to kill you probably have very good reasons for doing that. Like, having enemies, or being wanted. Also, I don't trust the boy, there's something not... right about him. I'm not saying he lies, but there's a lot hidden under the surface with him. And there will be reasons for that, too." It seems like he wants to say something else, but doesn't.

2009-08-02, 04:10 AM
"I've got some experience fixing broken vehicles," Novar remarks while scratching his chin. "And I if you can get it halway to working, I can fly it... Though he did impress on me that we have to get moving soon." He shrugs.

"Well I'm not saying I trust him trust him, but I think that if he were going to kill us, he'd have done it sooner. Besides, he's lived here for years, which tells us there's a safe haven in this jungle, and there's a better chance that they have a ship than we do of putting this one back together, I'm thinking. But hells, let's take ten minutes to look anyway."

2009-08-02, 04:26 AM
Irian follows Novar deeper into the ship, out of earshot from the others. "I read a lot of anger, and hatred from that kid. He hates Jedi and the Republic with a violent passion. I suppose his mother will be similar, he's got to get that from somewhere. I don't think it's a good idea to go there." He tells the other soldier under his breath.

2009-08-02, 04:33 AM
OOC: Anyone checking out the ship can roll a mechanics check, just to diagnose what problem(s) the ship has specifically. A perception check for those not mechanically inclined might also help.

Looking around the ship shows anyone so inclined that there is currently no power and that the cockpit is badly crushed from the impact. (theoretically there is also lots of blood and what's left of Captain Derlins legs still under the twisted remnants of the pilot's chair.)
The core cargo area of the ship (where you guys were)appears to be the most undamaged. Outer areas are intact but show a good deal of cracks and stress lines in the hull though no obvious holes.

There might be more damage externally but that requires a climb out the airlock and checking around outside. (or a Difficulty 18 acrobatics check if you feel compelled not to use the ladder.:smallwink:)

2009-08-02, 04:41 AM
As he walks, Novar studies the ship, trying to piece together what's wrong with it.


"We don't have much of a choice, though, Irian. I only survived on Felucia because I had help from the natives. However..." He slips holds up his rifle and slips the E-Clip out. "We have two advantages here. One - I don't think he expects us to have loaded weapons. I couldn't find any power cells in the pile he put aside for us. And secondly, I don't think he knows about SIG." He opens a fusebox and pokes around with a sigh. "I used to fight for the CIS, Irian. So unusual as it may seem, maybe I should do the talking? His supposed 'commando training' regime reminds me of what I went through."

2009-08-02, 04:43 AM
Well, lets see how the dice roll today...


"No problems with that. But my suspisions about the guy and his mom run in another direction, more like something of what Tal ranted about here. If they are Mandalorians, they certainly have reason to hate both Jedi and Republic, given how many hits they took in the clone wars."

2009-08-02, 05:01 AM
"Fair enough. But still, CIS is kind of the opposite of the Republic, which they my sympathise with." He follows Irian outside, but unlike the young man he simply takes the ladder.


2009-08-02, 05:15 AM
@Novar: looks like the main powers been cut off. By the fact that most of the wiring is intact and nothing is blown from a power surge (which would result from the power core being damaged or destroyed) You are thinking it has literally been disconnected. Checking the power core and engines proves that you were correct and they appear functional... though off and stalled out respectively. So if you can find the break and reattach the cabling you should have power at least.

[damn Ninjas]

You don't see the kid anywhere when you come up to the top of the ship, but do note that the ship definately has some severe hull damage that would make you seriously wary of taking it into vacumn. (also see Irian's description below for more, I'm not typing it twice:smallbiggrin:)

@Irian: After helping Novar find the engineering area, you repeat the kids feat of acrobatics and arrive outside.. in a dark humid jungle.
The whole place feels strong in the darkside... (OOC: like "the cave" on Dagobah level of creepy.) The whole place definately puts you on edge.

After looking around a bit you see finally the kid, You had to use one of the few Jedi perception enhancing tricks you remember, unfocus and feel where he is.. perched in the crook of a tree overlooking the area. You note he's got a spear he didn't have inside and if anything he's doused himself with more mud and foliage. He smiles slightly upon seeing you, but goes still again waiting awefully patiently for a seven year old...

Checking out the ship, it looks like it took a short hard slide, and was stopped by several very wide looking trees. The entire cockpit is scrunched. The top of the ship is rent like something with claws had a field day with it. The entire engine assembly looks like it's been "pulled" off slightly.

2009-08-02, 08:20 AM
Irian doesn't give a hint he has seen the kid, instead he turns to Novar with the verdict. "Well, I think we might be able to get this repaired, right?" His neck itching with the thought of turning his back on somebody, he moves back. "If you can relate to the kid, it's fine, but since we are here on basically Republic business... And since the natives of Onderon decided to fight us off... I'd say let's get the hell out of here."

2009-08-02, 08:37 AM
"I dunno. From the looks of the hull, the ship may no longer be airtight. If we all had flight suits or similar forms of temporary life support, we could plausibly make it to Onderon without dying..." He scratches his chin. "Speaking of which, we don't know that it's the Onderonians who attacked us. I distinctly remember the words 'Imperial blockade', kid."

2009-08-02, 08:59 AM
"Sure. But we were past the blockade. And I doubt the Empire employs dragonriders." He points to the big scratches in the hull. "That wasn't the Empire, that must have been Onderon natives."

2009-08-02, 09:02 AM
Thank you SIG, says Tal as he revives the rest of his gear and put on his Gray and Black Mandalorian padded flight suit once the Helmet with its distinctive T-Shaped visor is in place Tal heads for the Ladder, before he heads out side he says, SIG help the doc if he needs it, when he heads outside, follow him outside and stay by his side he may need you help here. Tal then heads up the ladder and outside.

2009-08-02, 09:11 AM
"SIG," Elias asks, "could you carry the captain?"

As Elias shoulders his pack he says, "There's an important distinction between those who need help here and those who don't. Those who don't have legs."

He mounts the ladder and heads outside.

2009-08-02, 09:29 AM
Once outside the ship Tal looks for the kid once he spots him Tal says, Kid i believe your holding My lightsaber, I'd like it back please.

Perception [roll0]

2009-08-02, 02:24 PM
Tal barely sees the kid. Up in a tree, covered in mud and foliage he certainly blends in well though. You exactly matched his hiding roll for reference

The kid shakes his head negatively and clambers and hops down from his perch, apparently very at home in the jungle. Standing there defiant he says

"Why should I? So you can hand it back to whichever one of you is the jedi? Or maybe so you can use it on me? ... Tell you what, you beat me in a sparring match, prove you can fight fair and I'll give it back "Mr Darmand Jeticyar" * "

(*said like it's the worst insult he could come up with)

Meanwhile back inside SIG helps Elias carefully place the Captain on his quadrapedal back, strapping him down so he's secure. The Captain is getting a bit of color back, which is a good sign, though he is still very much unconscious. SIG quips "Don't worry I have legs enough for two."

2009-08-02, 03:22 PM
ni nayc dar'manda, Ni Ijaa Ner vod, kaysh banar cuyir Jetii, and his last request was for me to keep his saber safe, so i except you challenge.

((ni nayc dar'manda, Ni Ijaa Ner vod, kaysh banar cuyir Jetii = I'am no not Mandalorian, I Honor My brother, he happed to be Jedi))

2009-08-02, 05:24 PM
The kid lunges forward burying his spear deep.. into the ground in the middle of a patch of sunlight and says "Fine, no weapons, subdual only, armor fine as is. Agreed?" as he backs up a few steps he takes his gloves off and unstraps his boots. He stops and turns near the edge of the sunlight and goes into some kind of Teras Kasi stance. All bravado seems to leave his face as he waits for Tal's response or first move.

@Novar: you note the kid stance and the fact that he keeps his hands open, you've seen a spec force guy barfight like that back in the clone wars while on leave, your guess is the kid definately has some serious training.

@Irian: You can almost feel the hate and darkness of the area intensify as the kid gives his challenge. When he appears to go all calm you sense his anger seems to actually magnify, stronger and more focused.

SIG helps Elias up the ladder just in time to see what's going on. :smalleek:

2009-08-02, 06:43 PM
"Fighting is really all they're good for, isn't it?" Elias says softly, trying not to be heard by Tal, "The clones, I mean. I guess it's understandable, given their background, but... what a horrible thing to do a human being. To thousands, millions of human beings."

He shakes his head, sighing.

"What was the Republic thinking?"

2009-08-03, 02:47 AM
Agree no weapons, Tal dose as kid did and backs up a few steps he takes his gloves off and unstraps his boots. Once that is done Tal step to stand opposite the Kid and sets himself in a basic Hand to hand combats stance. Tal tries to gage the Kids reaction by fainting a punch to the Lift or right, before he those the real punch.

Deception (fainting a punch to the Lift or right)[roll0]
Melee unarmed [roll1] ([roll2])

2009-08-03, 02:59 AM
"They weren't all like this..." Irian says just as quietly as Elias.

Then he shrugs, wincing. "And that kid is bad news. We can't trust him."

2009-08-03, 06:08 AM
The kid assumes the fake punch is real and dodges it, unfortunately Tal did not think the dodge would be a circling headlong dive followed up by a quick kick to his leg and punch in the kidney. Hardly hurt by the minor blows thanks to the armor, Tal is turning to the kid's new position to get his real swing in when the kid throws himself into a spining hook kick (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nN8C-wnBdSE ) which takes him off the ground, it connects with Tal's head with a resounding crack. 16 subdual damage from a critical hit right off the bat.. ouch see instructional video for details.
The kid lands in a completely different stance than a moment before apparently readying himself and considering his options, giving Tal the chance to do the same.

2009-08-03, 06:52 AM
Novar shakes his head, obviously not impressed by this turn of events. "Concious for not ten minutes and we've already made enemies with one of only two sentients on this backwater moon... I'm thinking you're right, Irian."

As the kid delivers his impressive kick, however, Novar can't help but let out an impressed whistle, and sits to watch the fight. "Damn, he's good! I've got ten credits on the kid."

2009-08-03, 11:30 AM
"A hundred credits that we die here..." Irian deadpans. "But I suppose we should not let it go any farther than this... How about, you go back inside and try to fix the power?"

He tries to discover where the kid put the lightsaber...


2009-08-03, 11:38 AM
Tal quickly realize that he's out classed by the kid fighting technique, but is determined to try and win, so again Tal fainting a punch to the Lift or right, before he throws the real punch and a kick this time.

Deception [roll0]
Melee unarmed [roll1] ([roll2])
Melee unarmed [roll3] ([roll4])
hp 27 of 43

2009-08-03, 01:53 PM
"Sure. I'll go see to that, then." Novar walks towards the ladder back into the ship, but before he descends he turns back to Irian. "I'll take those odds, by the by."

He drops back down into the Conquerer and returns to the power core, slipping his coat and jacket off and pulling his tool kit from its place on his belt. Then, without further hesitation, Novar sets to work on repairing the ship.


2009-08-03, 02:21 PM
"You got any clue what the kid's story might be?" Elias asks Irian, sotto voce, "He's not a..."

He mimes waving a lightsaber around.

"...one of them, is he?"

2009-08-03, 02:25 PM
Irian shakes his head. "No, just full of rage and hatred, and he's learned to call on that anger deliberately, which takes quite a lot of effort and discipline. Whoever taught him that will be very dangerous - but not of the kind you just hinted at."

2009-08-03, 03:06 PM
The Kid seems confused by Tal's Feint, but again he overreacts to even the potential attack, skipping to the side and darting in only to almost run into Tal's real punch. Droping down under it he makes himself vulnerable for a moment. Tal taking advantage tries to get his kick in and get's blocked as the kid rolls back to his feet then rushes in with several stinging punches. Net effect of the whole exchange is Tal takes 4 subdual damage. You've definately found the kid to be hard to hit, with the poor rolling and his high defence you haven't gotten close yet. Also just for reference, the kid is still only getting one attack per round, but he's using flurry and rapid strike... thus me describing it as a string of attacks. If you want to get several rounds of rolls out of the way feel free however, I'll work it in:smallbiggrin: and it will make the fight faster.

@Irian: The Kid had it on him last you saw. Your reasonably sure he pocketed it before the fight. Though it's hard to tell where exactly as he has quite a few pockets. (damned millitary cargo pants and shirt)

@Novar: You get to work, seeing what has to be done. Looking at the damage, you've got your work cut out for you. To get the power to where it needs to go safely will probably involve a few hours of work at least and likely involve detaching and reattaching the main power cables... think of it as rewiring a human's spine, though in this case cutting off a bit here and reattaching it on the other side might be the easiest way to do it. You are definately thinking it's gonna take some time, and it might not be a bad idea to get some help, it's really a 3 man job at least.
OOC: You are looking for a series of mechanics rolls (about 5) to get the ship operational again. At DC 20 having a few people aiding you wouldn't be a bad idea (and taking 10 isn't an option with the time contraint) and with the time contraint you might even want to be rolling higher than what you need to make things go faster. So it's possible, though it's definately not going to be anything like easy.:smallfrown:

2009-08-03, 03:25 PM
Frowning at the damage, Novar returns topside.

"Irian, Elias," he calls, "I'm going to need you two to give me a hand putting this junker back together." As he mounts the ladder again, he says to SIG, "bring the captain back down into the ship, then come back up and make sure these gung-ho Mandos don't kill each other. I'm wearing my comlink, let me know if anything unusual happens."

I'd ask Tal to help out, but I still don't know if he'll be concious or not by then. I'm not adding any assistance bonuses from Aid Another, since I don't know if Irian and Elias will succeed or not.

2009-08-03, 03:26 PM
Irian thinks about doing something stupid for a moment, then decides against it - nobody is in any mortal danger, so why stop them from being noskies? Instead he drops back into the ship and starts to help Novar rewire the ship.


2009-08-03, 04:01 PM
Tal tries to keep the kid off balance with his faint and hit approach.

Deception [roll0]
Melee unarmed [roll1] ([roll2])
Melee unarmed [roll3] ([roll4])

Deception [roll5]
Melee unarmed [roll6] ([roll7])
Melee unarmed [roll8] ([roll9])

Deception [roll10]
Melee unarmed [roll11] ([roll12])
Melee unarmed [roll13] ([roll14])

Deception [roll15]
Melee unarmed [roll16] ([roll17])
Melee unarmed [roll18] ([roll19])

Deception [roll20]
Melee unarmed [roll21] ([roll22])
Melee unarmed [roll23] ([roll24])

hp 23 of 43

2009-08-03, 04:04 PM
Rolling for the other 4 Aid Another Checks:


2009-08-03, 04:10 PM
Elias lends his own questionable expertise to Novar's attempts to get the ship moving. Mechanical repair is kind of like surgery, isn't it?

Aid Anothering with Mechanics:

And a Knowledge: Technology and a Use Computer, just in case...