View Full Version : Pokethulhu!!!

2008-09-17, 09:40 PM
Half-mass exodus, half-field trip, the school trip to Nameless Harbor was off to its usual start. Usually, the trip has taken place every four years or so but for reason the school administrators decided to hold the field trip on two consecutive years. Actually, the administrators seemed rather surprised as well. Students from all across the land made the trip at different times of the year, but it appears that they all happened to fall into sync on this occasion.

Nameless Harbor, as everyone knows, lies on the east coast of your native corner of the world. It is home to many strange sites and events, but the target of this year's trip is the NHTSC facility; or the Nameless Harbor Thulhu Super-Collider. Grown-ups typically shy away from such a place, and many of your so-called 'peers' have not yet realized the power of thulhu. The NHTSC building looms over the several masses of students and exhausted - and ineffective - supervisors as everyone converges at the place to line up for tours.

The early stages of a riot begin to break out before everyone is sorted out into tour groups of six; five students and one teacher or equally frightened adult enlisted to keep you from maiming yourself until the week-long trip was over. You find yourself with three others in the group who share the same wild-eyed glee at the prospect of uncovering possible thulhu secrets. The five student, a rather normal sort of fellow, trails behind you brimming with sheer terror ("Nn...nnn...not normal."). Your attendant for the tour is one Mr. Tallfellow, who has been rather chill about the whole ordeal and actually seems quite upbeat.

Once your intrepid group has located one of the many entrances to the hive-like structure, you all proceed inside to meet your guide for the tour.

2008-09-17, 10:11 PM
Hazi Heartkraft
Arms crossed, Hazi Heartkraft shuffles along with the group, scowling. Not exactly a new feature on her face, but at this moment the expression seems more or less leveled at the cowering kid behind her.

"Hey teach," she says, mostly for herself but certainly not minding if the kid overhears, "I think we spooked the sheep."

She tosses one last disapproving glance over her shoulder and mutters "N-n-n-nancy."

Hazi Heartkraft
Name: Hazi Heartkraft
Age: 14
Home village: Muskratonic
Aspect: Sticky
Chaos cards: 2

With blood-red hair and pale skin, Hazi is the shunned younger sister of the "three most popular trainer-slash-cheerleaders at muskratonic." Bleh. Although she's teased by her older sisters for her gothy looks and tendency to spend most of the day in her room writing bad poetry, she secretly smiles behind her glares, awaiting the opportunity to unleash her own eldrich powers on her snotty siblings and finally prove her superiority.

Grade: 8
Phys ed (lucky): 5
Lore: 3
Sanity: 4
Shoplifting: 5
Talking trash: 5
Power: 5 Speed: 8 Hit Points: 7
Aspects: Fishy, Sticky
Weakness: Fungous

Injure: 3 dice (Sucker Punch, Sticky)
Dodge: 2 dice (Slippery Squirm, Fishy)
Trap: 3 dice (Tentacle Truss, Sticky)
Frighten: 1 die (Really-Incredibly-Toothy-Smile, Fishy)
Power: 7 Speed: 7 Hit Points: 6
Aspects: Sticky, Fishy
Weakness: Non-Euclidean

Injure: 3 dice (Tight Squeeze, Sticky)
Dodge: 2 dice (Slippery Fish Slime, Fishy)
Trap: 2 dice (Tight Squeeze, Sticky)
Frighten: 2 dice (Tentacle Wave, Fishy)

Kuma Da
2008-09-17, 10:28 PM
Parish White

As usual, Parish is off in his own world. Wrapped safe in the comfortable bubble of sound that's flooding out of his headphones, he follows the tour on auto-pilot.

This is NHTSC then. It's bigger than it sounded. Maybe I could slip away from the tour group, get a better idea of what's ou--oof.

Parish picks himself up. His headphones are hanging around his neck and his hair's a little mussed, but there's no harm done. "Sorry. I didn't notice you there."

Cultist: Name: Parish White
Age: 13
Home village: Muskratonic
Aspect: Icy
Chaos cards: Blind eye, rotten luck
Spells: Freeze! (trap, icy, 1 dice)
Items: backpack, candy bars, a cPOD (stands for cephalopod) music player,
Close cut black hair with a shock of white running through. Thin glasses balanced on the brim of his nose. He looks for all the world like a professor, in spite of his comparative immaturity.
This is not to say that Parish isn’t old for a cultist. For some reason, despite having stared long and balefully into the unblinking eyes of the mythos (specifically during math class, when he zones out,) Parish is remarkably stable for a freshman. He knows that this will pass in a few years’ time, however, and is desperate to shore up his flagging sanity. Parish believes that the key to understanding the thulhu that swarm across the world lies in passing the test of ‘growing up’.
In unrelated news, Parish was an orphan.

Grade: 9
Phys ed: 6
Lore: 9
Sanity (lucky): 4
Shoplifting: 1
Talking trash: 1

Thulhu: Name: Tindalonine (devolves to Eldalonine)
Power: 7
Speed: 7
HP: 6
Aspects: Non-Euclidian, icy
Weakness: Sticky
Attacks: Icy blast (3 dice, injure, icy,) Teleport (3 dice, dodge, non-Euclidian,) Freeze (2 dice, trap, icy,) Huge icy teeth bearing (1 dice, frighten, icy.)

Name: Sy’Thurydos
Power: 11 Speed: 1 Hit Points: 8
Aspects: Decomposing, Fishy
Weakness: Squamous
Injure: 3 dice (Soul Shredding Blast, Decomposing)
Dodge: 1 dice (Scintillating Ink, Fishy)
Trap: 1 dice (Limitless Slurp, Fishy)
Frighten: 3 dice (Belch of Reeking Decay, Decomposing)

Name: Pentacruel #1
Power: 7 Speed: 7 Hit points: 6
Aspects: Sticky, Fishy
Weakness: Non-euclidean
Injure: 3 dice (Tight squeeze, sticky)
Dodge: 2 Dice (slippery fish slime, fishy)
Trap: 2 dice (Tight squeeze, sticky)
Frighten: 2 dice (tentacle wave, fishy)

Name: Pentacruel #2
Power: 7 Speed: 7 Hit points: 6
Aspects: Sticky, Fishy
Weakness: Non-euclidean
Injure: 3 dice (Tight squeeze, sticky)
Dodge: 2 Dice (slippery fish slime, fishy)
Trap: 2 dice (Tight squeeze, sticky)
Frighten: 2 dice (tentacle wave, fishy)

Name: Pentacruel #3
Power: 7 Speed: 7 Hit points: 6
Aspects: Sticky, Fishy
Weakness: Non-euclidean
Injure: 3 dice (Tight squeeze, sticky)
Dodge: 2 Dice (slippery fish slime, fishy)
Trap: 2 dice (Tight squeeze, sticky)
Frighten: 2 dice (tentacle wave, fishy)

Name: Pentacruel #4
Power: 7 Speed: 7 Hit points: 6
Aspects: Sticky, Fishy
Weakness: Non-euclidean
Injure: 3 dice (Tight squeeze, sticky)
Dodge: 2 Dice (slippery fish slime, fishy)
Trap: 2 dice (Tight squeeze, sticky)
Frighten: 2 dice (tentacle wave, fishy)

2008-09-18, 04:52 AM
Howard Poe

Howard had snapped from his usual half-dazed-quarter-asleep expression quite some while ago, now completely alert with his pen wriggling above his notebook.

School's always boring. But a travel to a thulhu powered something called "Super Collider?"

Now that's some...thing.

What do they do in this place anyway? I bet the teachers are just going to say boring things about sciencey stuffs or something.

No. A place like this definitely much more interesting. And why do they call this place "Super Collider" anyway? I bet they collide something super-ly here.

Howard writes as he looks around the teacher mumbles about the facility, but what he write has complete nothing to do with what the guide says.


Age: 12
Home Village: Muskratonic
Aspect: Non-Euclidan
Chaos Card: 2
Spells: -

A pale and smaller-than-average kid, Howard Poe is the dreamer of the school. He love to write, though most of his writing is unreadable and/or totally didn't make any sense. He spend most of his time dozing, and laughing or mumbling in his sleep.

He's really curious, often poking at things-that-should-not-be-poked, or peeked at places-that-should-not-be-peeked. He says that it's to collect material for his book. Though nobody really sure what book that he's talking about.

His dream is to travel across the world, meet strange things, write about his experience, and be an accomplished writer. And no one give more travel-and-meet-strange-things opportunity more than team Eibon.

Grade: 2
Pokethulhu Lore: 7
Sanity: 4
Phys Ed: 4
Shoplifting: 7
Talk Trash: 6 (lucky)



Power: 4
Speed: 11
Hit Points: 5
Aspects: Non-Euclidean, Icy
Weakness: Squamous

Injure: 1 dice (Icy Winds, Icy)
Dodge: 3 dice (Time Displacement, Non-Euclidean)
Trap: 3 dice (Eternal Loop, Non-Euclidean)
Frighten: 2 dice (Embarrassing Memories, Non-Euclidean)


Power: 5
Speed: 8
Hit Points: 7
Aspects: Luminescent, Non-Euclidean
Weakness: Sticky

Injure: 1 dice (Brain-Sucking Stare, Luminecent)
Dodge: 3 dice (Step Sideways Through Time, Non-Euclidian)
Trap: 2 dice (Scratch in Reality, Non-Euclidean)
Frighten: 3 dice (Warped-Doppler Screech, Non-Euclidean)

Can we pick ANY pre-made Pokethulhu? Even the so-called rare Lllidori

2008-09-18, 05:56 AM
Terrance Norton

Terrance follows behind the teacher looking all around him at his surroundings not paying too much attention to what the adult is saying to the group.
Hope we get to see some thulhu while we're here he thinks to himself as he goes.

Name: Terrance Norton
Age: 12
Home Village: Dukesport
Aspect: Luminescent
Chaos Cards: 2
Terrance is a tall boy with a pale tan, dark brown hair and eyes. Over the years he has studied all the books on thulhu contained in his school's library so that he could know how to catch and train them when he sets out and encounters them on his journey throughout the world. He hopes to find all the pokethulhu that exist before he becomes an adult.

Grade Level: 6
Sanity: 4
Pokethulhu Lore: 8 (lucky)
Phys Ed: 4
Shoplifting: 4
Talking Trash: 4

Thulhu 1
Name: Bhlastur
Power: 8
Speed: 6
Hit Points: 6
Aspects: Squamous, Luminescent
Weakness: Icy

Injure: 3 dice (Lightning Tongue, Luminescent)
Dodge: 2 dice (Shell Game, Squamous)
Trap: 2 dice (Static Cling, Luminescent)
Frighten: 2 dice (Arcing Bark, Luminescent)

Thulhu 2
Name: Scuttle
Power: 7
Speed: 8
Hit Points: 5
Aspects: Sticky, Squamous
Weakness: Luminescent

Injure: 2 dice(Hot Spray, Sticky)
Dodge: 2 dice (Scuttle, Sticky)
Trap: 3 dice(Mucous Jet, Sticky)
Frighten: 2 dice(Screech, Squamous)

2008-09-18, 11:11 AM
The lobby is a huge blizzard of desks, phones, people, and busy-looking workers.

"Mr. Tallfellow! Children! Welcome to the Nameless Harbor TSC! We are very fortunate to have you all here this week." The voice approaches from out of nowhere and reveals itself to be a lady in a labcoat; she looks at each of you with an inquisitive stare before clapping her hands and putting on a smile. "I am Mary, your tour guide for this afternoon's visit. Now are there any questions to start off with?"

Kuma Da
2008-09-18, 03:56 PM
Parish White

Parish sticks up a skinny hand. "Are there bathrooms in this facility?"

Question:On a scale from one to Nyarlathotep, how much does Mr. Tallfellow look like Nyarlathotep?

2008-09-18, 04:39 PM

Howard stops scribbling, nods at his own conclusion, and asks.

"When will you declare this place's real purpose, that is to conquer the world using perfectly placed colored marbles? Do you plan to use us all as hostages?"

Before we continue, I need to ask two things.
1.What's the general feel of this campaign? I mean, ridiculous campaign, horror campaign, or something it between.
2.What are the status of thulhu in this world. Are they common knowledge/use, like pokemon, common knowledge but of little use, or not so common/holy-crap-run-for-your-life-that's-a-thulhu behind you?

I mean, yeah, I got the general... feeling from the prologue and setting. But I feel that I might need a clarification.

2008-09-18, 05:53 PM
Hazi Heartkraft
"I think its your marbles you should worry about... though the hostage thing might be pretty accurate, I'm sure they're gonna do their best to keep us in line."

"My question is, when can we ditch this stupid tour and check the place out for ourselves."

2008-09-18, 07:05 PM
The campaign is a combination of horror and ridiculousness.
As for thulhu/cultists, it's not all that common. Probably 90% of people are aware they exist, about 10% have seen one and lived to tell, and probably one in at least a hundred children are cultists at the most but there's enough that not everyone knows each other by name. Adults are unsure of which children are cultists, and are generally paranoid, but other kids can sense something different. Although, in the end, everyone is a little warped.
So I guess that's summed up by common knowledge but of little use. Even amateur cultists know more than the general public.

As for Mr. Tallfellow, he does not look like a named or nameless spawn of the maddening voids. At least not right now. He's kind of like a laid-back substitute teacher. So, one. :smallcool:

Mary leans down to Parish and pats him on the head. "Yes."

And with a twitch in her face she turns to Hazi, "Leave? Can't leave the tour. No, no." Her face goes dark for a moment before she jumps up into a noxiously enthusiastic stance. "So shall we begin?" She flashes a smile as the lights flicker for a moment. There are waves out sudden outcries from other groups in the lobby.

Kuma Da
2008-09-18, 10:14 PM
Parish White

His hair doesn't bristle. Not exactly. But there is something vaguely feline about Parish for a few beats after Mary withdraws her hand.

Don't get all riled up. Let her think I'm just a harmless kid.

Putting some harmless squeak into his voice, Parish asks "Could you tell me where they are? I'll just run over to them and catch up with the tour as quick as I can."

Nobody's quite as innocuous as a kid looking for the bathroom.

2008-09-18, 10:33 PM

Howard shrugs. Oh well, never hurt to asks. But hey, at least somebody answered. Though not the answer that he wanted and not somebody that he thought would answer.

And five minute into the tour, a kid already asked for the bathroom. Isn't that usually his part? Well, it's still from his group anyway.

Howard scans his group. He didn't notice them until now. There's this squeaky kid with strange cat-like feels (and not the cute and fluffy ones), this pouty girl that answered his question previously, and this twitchy and scared kid. Hm, they're supposed to have 5 people in one group. The other guy hasn't showed up yet. He wonders, which one might be their group leader, officially or unofficially? Not him, that's for sure.

He feels like socializing today, and he mentally scales which one is the safest bet to start.

He whispers to the scared little kid. He'll start with this one.

"Hey, what's your name? Cool place huh? I can't wait until they show us the place where the exciting stuffs happen"

2008-09-18, 11:36 PM
There are five you you guys (you four and the scared kid), plus the adult and Mary.

Mary points over to a nearby opening in the wall where the arrows point to the bathrooms. She smiles,"Be quick now, sweetie."

The scared kid looks up at Howard but avoids his eyes. "S...s...simon Barrow. From Carcosa Bay. Are you one of... them?"

2008-09-19, 04:56 PM

"One of them? Huh, it depend on what you meant by them. I'm not one of the boy scout, thats for sure."

"Name is Howard, nice to meet you." said the boy.
"don't be so scared. They won't mind you if you do not attract their attention... Whatever you're scared at.

Man, I wish they'd start soon. The anticipation is killing me. I really want to explore on my own. Find more interesting stuffs that way, you know. Adults always hid the most interesting stuffs."

2008-09-20, 06:42 PM
"My grandfather works here. I never see him though."

2008-09-21, 08:59 PM

"Really? That's cool. Did he ever tell you what do they do here?"

2008-09-21, 10:05 PM
Hazi Heartkraft

Hazi sighs, half-heartedly tossing an acid look at the tour guide. With Parish off to the bathroom, she wasn't very inclined to make new friends in her group.

Glancing at Simon, she idly rolls the dodecahedron around in her pocket, briefly considering making his day with it. For the first time today, a flicker of a smile flits across her face, but fades as she decides against it. Sighing again, she simply stands angstily and waits for the tour to start.

Just curious, what are all of your characters wearing? I'm trying to draw our group/thulhu.

2008-09-21, 10:52 PM
"He hasn't left the lab in years. But he writes often. Can't understand it..."

What's Parish up to? Heading to the bathroom?

Kuma Da
2008-09-21, 11:19 PM
Parish White

Explanation: Sorry for the brief absence. Went traveling for the weekend. Left a note in my sig, but it was pretty easily missable. Sorry, guys.

Also, Elrosth, you're amazing. I would love to see a picture of this group. Parish wears a buttoned shirt, slacks, sneakers, glasses, and has a white shock running through his dark hair.

Parish steps down off of the covered toilet, sneakers clapping against the tile floor of the bathroom. No good. I guess they don't have fancy crawl-spaces in the ceiling. He regards the bit of ceiling tile that he'd been trying to rip out and figures that it won't be noticed for a while. I'm gonna have to ditch the tour the old-fashioned way. Le sigh.

Returning to the tour group, Parish smiles brightly. "Sorry about the delay. I'm ready to go now."

2008-09-22, 10:00 AM
Nice, Elrosth! Howard wore the usual unruly poetwear of the early 20th century. Untidy shirts, brown trousers and coat. Either greasy or scrawgly black hair. Might wear a tie, if you think it's normal for a child to wear tie. Just picture a child version of edgar allan poe or hp lovecraft. A


"That's interesting. You didn't understand your grandpa's writing at all? He and I might become good acquintance. And by relative relationship, you and I might become good acquintance too! I really wonder what do they do here."

He turn his attention to the other member of the group. "Anyway, have we introduced ourself before? I must be fallen asleep if we have. You know, sometimes I even fall asleep as I walk. 'Cause sometimes our world is kinda boring, don't you agree?

My name is Howard. Nice to meet you guys!"

2008-09-22, 04:22 PM
"Okay, boys and girls. Now that we are all ready..." Mary begins walking backwards in that tour guide-style towards a nearby door labeled 'Main Lab: Personnel Only'.

"We're going to start with a tour of the labs. The building was established over thirty years ago..." She drones on as she holds the swinging doors open and escorts your group into an endless hall of doors.

Numerous people dressed in official-looking white labcoats enter and exit through doors located at odd intervals without giving a trace of interest. Mr. Tallfellow is up front with Mary, rather distracted and nodding at every pointless fact she throws out about the exterior of the building and the view of Nameless Harbor. Simon tags along behind you all (he's about ten, in a pale yellow shirt and faded dockers, with blond hair that mostly covers his face).

The doors are automated to open when someone passes by and filtered windows overlook elaborate workstations; from your end of the corridor, the rooms you can see are rather torn up and people are busy cleaning up strange markings on the walls and liquids spilled on the floor and workbenches. These rooms are built lower so that you have to walk down a flight of stairs to get to the work area.

Chaos cards will be sent out soon via PM.

Mary is droning on right now .

2008-09-22, 06:56 PM
Hazi Heartkraft

Hazi casually drifts over next to Parish. "I do believe this is our cue," she says in a low voice, eyeing the automatic doors and the activity within. Then, she tries to get the attention of the other kids in the group as quickly and subtly as she could. When they're in earshot, she whispers "Listen, I don't know you guys, but you're either going to love or hate the next few minutes. To make it short, you can follow me and Parish, or not. Up to you. But you'll probably bear the brunt of a pissed-off tour guide when she notices we're gone. Besides, you're gonna have a lot more fun with us."

Kuma Da
2008-09-22, 07:19 PM
Parish White

"I dunno about this, Hazi. We're bound to be noticed if we slip away now. And that means getting chased down by men in coats and spending the rest of the trip dangling our legs over the edge of a bench. Plus, if we all go in a group, we're going to be a lot easier to find. Let's wait 'til we see something more interesting to investigate" Dropping his voice, Parish adds "I bet we can that scaredy-cat kid to run off. When Mary and Tallman go after him, we can slip away. Sound good?"

2008-09-22, 08:54 PM
Hazi Heartkraft

"Exactly what I had in mind, actually." Hazi whispers back with a grin.

"So what do you say?" she asks, leveling her stare at the scardy-cat. "You guys in?"

2008-09-25, 03:22 AM

Listening to some boring adult or having our own adventure? No need for explanation, I'm in!

2008-09-26, 11:25 PM

I'm in for it, might find some cool stuff while we explore this place

2008-10-09, 10:06 AM
The lights flicker once again and the floor begins to shake. You can hear glassware in the individual rooms begin to rattle and occasionally shatter. A few people stop in the hallway but more senior members of the staff continue on without noticing. Simon's eyes get really wide as he trails behind you all.

Mary goes on with the tour, but she stops to look into one of the rooms with a wary glance. As she pulls her head out from the doorway, Mary gives you all a wide smile and closes the door slightly. "Alright children, try to keep up." Her pace quickens as her and Mr. Tallfellow begin to talk in hushed voices.

Kuma Da
2008-10-09, 12:19 PM
Parish White

"Somehow, I think we'll manage." Parish mutters, then he sidles up to Simon.

"Hey, I bet there's something really cool on the other side of that door. Think you could take a look for me?"

2008-10-10, 06:21 AM
The dreamy (and not in the teen-idol sense of dreamy) looking boy grins.

"Alright, this might be interesting. I myself have been curious about that door. Don't worry, I have quite some experiences on going to places where I'm not supposed to go."

When nobody notice him (hundreds of small critters children fumbling around kinda help) he slowly sneaks toward the door, planning to silently open the door a bit and peek inside if he manages to reach the door.

So... do I need to roll? How many rolls? To keep things moving, I'll just roll three times. If it's a hard challenge, just use the first roll and so on. And it seems that I can't roll on an edited post, so I'll roll below.

2008-10-10, 06:25 AM
[roll0]against 7
[roll1]against 7
[roll2]against 7

2008-10-10, 02:47 PM
"Oh, this sounds like exactly what I wanted to do today," Hazi says with a smile.

2008-10-13, 07:48 AM
Howard is able to sneak a look into the room; it is a square little room lined with inscriptions and unspeakable runes. A sign by the wall inside the room says "Safety Room", but the most noticeable feature is that a giant hole has been torn into the wall opposite him. It's vaguely person-shaped but seven feet high and almost five feet across.

He almost fails to notice the Pentacruel slowly crawling along the ceiling toward him. And another slowly slides into the room from the hole in the wall.

2008-10-13, 01:12 PM
"... holy heck.. what happened here!?" He silently screams (never mind the oxymoron).

But then he noticed the pentacruels.

He tries to close the door as fast as he can, then he runs into his group, trying to find safety in numbers.

"Hole. (pant). Creepy (pant). Human Shaped (wheeze). SO cool, you guys have to see it (pant). Oh, and two scary-creeping-tentacly-thingies...Or at least two..." he says, trying to keep his voice low.

"I say we investigate the hole. Screw the tour. Though there's the tentacly thingies problem..."

2008-10-16, 07:28 PM
With a quick glance around the room, Hazi shushes Howard, and hurriedly ushers everyone back towards the room he came from before anyone notices. Her hand slowly slips towards the dodecahedron in her belt pouch, unsure of what to expect.

2008-10-16, 11:44 PM
Something grabbed Simon's arm through the door and he let out scream. The kid wrenched his arm free, saw the strange tentacle and screamed again. In a flash, he slide-tackled Mary and took off down the hall like a madman. She toppled over, taking your chaperon with her. They struggled to get back up and took off after him. "Little boy! Get back here! We'll get to that part of the lab later!!!"

Kuma Da
2008-10-17, 12:10 AM
Parish White

"We'll just stay here, then!" Parish calls after the retreating adults. Once they're safely out of earshot, he turns back to the rest of the group. "Anyone wanna try and catch one of those squiggly dealies from behind the door?"

2008-10-17, 05:25 AM
"Sure, sounds like fun, and we get to see some cool things Terrance says in reply to Parish's question.

2008-10-17, 05:52 AM

Howard sees simon goes away with a slightly sad and reminiscing look at his face.

"Poor guy, had no dream at all. I say, what are one or two tentacles compared to scenes beyond man's ability to visualize and colors out of places and experiences more daunting than any brain can smell and sounds more appetizing than any chocolate pudding-cake and friendship beyond death and infinity and everything in between and..."

He snaps out of his mumbling and started to write on his notebook. "What I said was, poor kid. I almost feel sorry for him.

Now do we act like the little ladies and gentlemen we are and ask the tentacly horror for a duel or do we unleash the power of our barbaric, cheating youth and pummel them with our number? "

Kuma Da
2008-10-17, 12:27 PM
Parish White

"Gyeeah!" yells Parish, rushing forward to unleash the power of his barbaric, cheating youth.

2008-10-17, 01:24 PM
"What he said," Hazi grins, happily following and removing one of her dodecahedrons from her belt pouch.

2008-10-17, 06:03 PM
The room is much the same as before, the runes on the wall are a little more faded though. And now there are three five-armed spawns of the most nightmarishly indescribable levels of primordial existence to have scuttled the deepest depths of the ocean blue or the infinite horrors of the stars beyond, neither of which have been witnessed by none but the most damned men of history...

One of the critters has just climbed through the rather large hole in the wall, and water slowly drips off it onto the floor but doesn't seem to keep it from sliding across the wall on the right. The next one is still on the middle of the ceiling, menacingly closer this time such that waves of menace crawl down your spine. The creature to have snagged the other kid hangs from just such a point on the ceiling to have barely brushed him.

2008-10-20, 02:13 AM

"This club hasn't disappoint me yet... " Howard smiles as he reaches his shirt pocket.

<ooc:so... dnd speaking, do we roll initiative or what?>

2008-10-20, 10:20 AM
(Umm: d12 + speed for cthulhu; get 'em out first unless you're going to box them)

2008-10-20, 12:52 PM
<ooc:ah! here goes>
By ancient darkness and non euclidean noodles, I choose you Möbeot!


Kuma Da
2008-10-20, 01:59 PM
Parish White

Fumbling in his backpack, Parish withdraws a dodecahedron. It glints dramatically in the light.

"From the darkest, cyclopeanist, most penguin-fringed abyss I call you! Tindalonine, heed my summons!"

When Sy’Thurydos pops out instead, he's a little bit miffed.


2008-10-20, 10:19 PM
Two of the slimy fiends prepare to lunge for the thulhu!

Howard Pentacruel: [roll0]
Parish Pentacruel: [roll1]

2008-10-20, 10:30 PM
Combat: Moebot vs. Pentracruel
Howard's Moebot goes first!

Combat: Sy’Thurydos vs. Pentracruel
The five-armed creature of madness lunges for Sy's head, attempting to trap it. But the creatures slaps onto the floor like a mass of wet noodles.

Kuma Da
2008-10-20, 11:51 PM
Parish White

Parish glares at the Sy'Thurydos. It blinks fishy mischief back at him. "I wasn't summoning you. Get back in there." The Sy'Thurydos waggles its body.


"You don't really have a choice, here. I'm the cultist. You're the dread beastie that I summon. Now come ba--oh, for the love of the mythos!"

The pentacruel that had been advancing on Parish is now flopping messily on the floor and, seeing a tempting target, Sy'Thurydos has lunged at it, lamprey mouth agape.

[roll0]vs. lore 9 and power 11 for a soul-shredding blast

2008-10-21, 12:33 AM
A thin strip of hyperdimensional horror floats in the air like a gravity challenged band-aid. It silently stares at both its trainer and the floating thulhu with its only eye-thing.

"Mobeot, slip through! Time Displace..."

The creature seems to float between time and space. It moves almost before Howard finishes his command.


Speed attack! (this is speed attack, right?)

[roll0] [roll1] [roll2] against 11 speed and 7 lore

"Anyway, what's the chance that we all have our own thulhu and we're in the same group, eh?"

Kuma Da
2008-10-21, 03:36 PM
Parish White

"Yeah, small world isn't i--Sy! Stop shredding its soul this instant!"

2008-10-21, 05:04 PM
"Pentacruel! Show them how it's done!" Hazi yells, summoning her own Pentacruel to the fray.

Any idea why my roll isn't working?

"That is pretty cool," she mentions after a moment, thoroughly enjoying this fieldtrip.

Kuma Da
2008-10-21, 05:54 PM
put the +7 outside the roll brackets. I've never been able to get the forum roller to combine the modifier with the roll.

2008-10-21, 07:24 PM

Parish White
Sy'Thurydos shreds soul indeed! It's super effective enough to knock the five-fingered fiend stone cold(er).

Howard Poe
Mobeot displaces fast enough that it never really seems to displace at all. The creepy crawly advances for a moment but one half ends up ten seconds in the past and another ends up ten seconds in the future. For all intents and purposes, all twenty seconds of the pentacruel's shattered existence are numbered.

Howard suddenly remembers half of a tentacled creature landing on his shoes before he left the room to tell the others. He could swear it happened like ten seconds ago.

Hazi Heartkraft
Too slow pentacruel is too slow! The wild one tries to initiate a grapple. It latches on such that a ten-spoked wheel goes careening around the room.

(Next 'turn' spent dodging...) Your pentacruel (you think, it's hard to tell since neither has the tell-tale goatee) frees itself, but the attacker rebounds quickly. It begins to squeeze, dealing 7 damage (need to Dodge or it will faint with 0 HP).

Kuma Da
2008-10-21, 08:06 PM
Parish White

"Okay, fine. You win, Sy. You proved you're ever so much stronger than the pentacruel and I'm very proud of you. Now get back in the dodecahedron," He says the last part flatly, glaring at his Sy'Thurydos. It answers with a wormy wriggle, and starts to slither penitently back to him.

Can I capture the knocked out thulhu, and if yes do I need to roll any checks for that? I couldn't seem to find the information in the book.

2008-10-21, 08:56 PM
Sure. Let's say everyone has some totally arbitrary number of dodecahedron, oh, like six. Totally random. :smalltongue:

As for catching, it's a Rather Easy (4 dice) against your Lore to catch an unimproved wild thulhu. Less dice for stronger wild thulhu ("wait, what?" :smallwink:)

2008-10-21, 09:08 PM
"C'mon, Pentacruel! That is not how I taught you to do that! Get out of there and kick his ass!" Hazi yells and flails her arms, performing what must be the tentacle equivalent of the one-two punch.

Against 7.

(I see, its cause I edited the post. Other one below.)

2008-10-21, 09:11 PM
Also against 7.

Edit: Ignore that last one, I only have two dice for my dodge.

Kuma Da
2008-10-21, 10:16 PM
Parish White...

...holds a spare dodecahedron up high as he advances on the pulsating, prone form of the pentacruel.

'By the nightmarish folds of winter, I bind you. By the howling dark and the teeth of the wind and the nightmarish whispers of dead stars, I command you to serve me. By the ephemeral beings that bring the frost in the moonless autumn and...and by Mrs. Grisham's math class, you shall know me as your master! Dodecahedron, go!"

[roll0],[roll1],[roll2],[roll3] vs. lore of 9 to catch the pentacruel.

2008-10-22, 05:06 AM
<ooc>What do the other two pentacruel do? I guess they're just sort of hanging around?<ooc>

2008-10-22, 09:00 AM
(There were three pentacruels; now they are all being caught (1) or in combat (2).)

Lightning from the crystal strikes the thulhu and it disappears inside.

Pentacruel recovers but takes one on the 'chin' (4 damage) from a flailing fist of fury. Apparently the wild one thought you were coaching it.

A set of tentacles land on your head about ten seconds after Mobeot's displacement. They slither to the other half of the thulhu and rejoin into one unconscious mass.

2008-10-22, 01:14 PM
<ooc>may I, uh, act ungentlemanly and twotime the last thulhu or thulhu duels are straightly one on one? Cause from the book, it seems that the fights are always one on one</ooc>

Kuma Da
2008-10-22, 02:08 PM
I can't see why we wouldn't be able to gang up on a wild thulhu. I mean, it'd make the fight a little bit more complicated, but it's exactly the sort of thing that a bunch of unprincipled kids with great cosmic power might do.

In unrelated news, I'm adding the pentacruel to my list of thulhu in the first post.

2008-10-22, 07:39 PM
OOC: You can gang up. In fact, there's some houserules that address certain overlooked things about it. In fact, it already came up in my game. If you double trap a thulhu, it's out of the fight. Usually that requires 1) a successful trap, 2) a failed escape, and 3) another successful trap. But with two players, you can each trap it and get it out of the fight before it can even try to escape. But with the houserule, the second trap simply makes it lose it's escape attempt this turn, so each trainer gets the second chance to trap it like usual as though the thulhu had failed it's attempt.
But yeah, it doesn't actually make it any more complicated really, it just makes the opposing thulhu have to pick which one it attacks.

2008-10-22, 09:27 PM
Go for it, ye hellions.

Kuma Da
2008-10-22, 09:48 PM
Parish White

"Alright, newly acquired pentacruel. Let's do thi--Sy'Thurydos! No!"

[roll0],[roll1],[roll2] vs. power 11 and lore 9 for another soul-shredding blast.

2008-10-22, 10:17 PM
With a determined stab in the air, Hazi shouts "Alright, Pentacruel! No more fooling around! Slap the ichor out of that piece of fish!"
[roll0], [roll1], [roll2] against power 7 and lore 3.

2008-10-22, 11:18 PM
Sy'Thurydos reduces the wild pentacruel to a more jelly-like state and ichor is indeed slapped out the wild thulhu by its more 'tame' counterpart. It looks like the room is rather clear now. The runes on the wall have all disappeared by now.

2008-10-23, 10:34 AM

"At last!"

Holding his dodecahedron of doom and calling back Mobeot, Howard enters the room. He scratches his chin and scans the room. Now with the pentacruel gone, he can study the room in leisure.

"Aww! The cool runes are gone. Too bad, they're the coolest part of the room. Where do you think they came from? And what are those things doing here anyway?"

Kuma Da
2008-10-23, 04:05 PM
Parish White

Parish glares. "Okay, Sy. Back in the dodecahedron. And see if I ever give you another barrel of fish heads."


"Oh, don't you dare take that tone with me. You're done. I'm cutting you off. Back in the dodecahedron."

There's a flash of ethereal lightening, then a puff of brimstone and regret. The massive serpent is gone.

"Well, that's done with. Let's get outta here, before somebody finds out we just shut down their experimental pentacruel farm...or whatever this was."

As for those two knocked out pentacruels, take 'em if you want 'em. Otherwise Parish would be happy to collect a few more.

2008-10-23, 07:01 PM
Something gurgles from beyond the hole in the wall. Now that you're all a bit closer, you can hear water running somewhere down below. There's also a rectangular piece of plastic sticking up from the rubble (something broke the wall inward).

2008-10-25, 12:20 PM

Howard pokes the fallen thulhu with his shoes for a bit

"Strange stuff. I wonder what are those. It's.... tentacly... and fishy... I don't like fish too much. Where did they came from anyway. You catch one, Parish? You can have mine if you like. I 'm here for the scenery, not for the fish :smallbiggrin:"

He's more interested on the hole. And it seems that howard never heard the advice "never stick your head into suspicious-looking holes" because first thing he do is to stick his head toward the hole.

"Where do this hole lead?

Kuma Da
2008-10-25, 09:15 PM
Parish White

Parish grins from ear to ear. It's a rare expression on him. "Don't mind if I do." A streak of blue lightening shocks from another of his dodecahedrons, enveloping the remains of Howard's pentacruel.


2008-10-27, 01:47 PM
"I like mine. I don't need another one. Pentacruel, return!" Hazi holds aloft her dodecahedron, drawing in her thulhu.

Kuma Da
2008-10-27, 02:04 PM
Parish White

"Rock on! Even more for me."


2008-10-28, 04:17 PM
A blast of slimy water hits Howard in the fast as he sees that there is a large pool of water down below. The shot comes from under the surface of the water.

There must have been some kind of door where this hole is now because a catwalk suspended level to the room's floor leads very close to the hole but was damaged as well. (Could reach it but it'll be a 2d check.)

2008-10-29, 09:21 AM

"Guh! What... what was that?

Guys... I think that there is something down there. And it spitted on me. Or it did something else entirely but I don't want to consider the alternative"

2008-10-30, 09:06 AM
"Oh, it may very well be the alternative. This type of thulhu is sort of my specialty, and... well, they're known for that..." Hazi sort of trails off, approaching the hole herself.

2008-10-30, 06:03 PM
Outside the door: "WHERE ARE THEY?"

2008-10-30, 06:14 PM
"I... think that's our cue." Hazi says.

I'm gonna go ahead and give that 2d check a try.
vs 5, lucky for me.

Kuma Da
2008-10-30, 06:55 PM
Parish White

"Into the hole! Go, go, go!"


2008-10-30, 08:16 PM
Parish and Hazi make arguably graceful dives onto the catwalk, which swings a little bit but holds fast high over what seems to be a deep pool of water. Far below, by the surface of the water on the wall opposite the wall with the hole, is a large mirror. It's rather dark in here.

Kuma Da
2008-10-30, 08:35 PM
Parish White

"Come on. I'll catch you."

Parish wraps one hand around the catwalk railing and leans over the edge towards the hole in the wall.

2008-10-30, 10:18 PM

Howard wavers for a bit in front of the chasm.

"Maybe I need to tell you guys... that phys-ed isn't exactly my favourite subject. But here goes nothing!"

Howard jumps toward the catwalk.

[roll0][roll1] against 4

2008-10-31, 10:19 AM
Howard jumps and lands very solidly on the walkway.

2008-11-05, 02:52 PM
Hazi tries to get closer to the mirror to inspect it.

2008-11-14, 04:54 PM

Howard simply move toward the other end of the catwalk, trying to distance himself from the pursuer.

(ooc:anyway, where's everyone?)

2008-11-14, 06:50 PM
(OOC: Good question, I'm still trying to see that mirror...)

Kuma Da
2008-11-14, 07:25 PM
(waitin' on the DM)

2008-11-22, 12:34 AM
The mirror seems normal at first, but with the catwalk slowly moving back and forth the glare off the mirror doesn't seem right. It appears to be a two-way mirror, though it's not easy to see through it from this side. There is a group of people walking by, a few point at various places in the room but do not seem to notice any of you. The kid from before goes running by the window.

2008-11-24, 11:44 AM
"Alright... Looks like the only way is down. Pentacruel!" Hazi summons her thulhu, and gestures to the water. "Check it out for us."

Kuma Da
2008-11-24, 02:53 PM
Parish White

Parish leans back and watches the window, waiting for a host of teachers and lab assistants to go tearing by after the kid.

2008-11-24, 06:41 PM
Pentacruel plops into the water quite unceremoniously and disappears below the surface. A while later, it resurfaces and scales the wall, jumping back onto the catwalk with a little effort. It squiggles a little bit and then slithers across the way to Hazi.

And, like clockwork, there's a rush of people running past the window in hot pursuit of the kid.

2008-11-25, 07:17 AM

Howard scratches his chin and then summons mobeot with some undistinctive mumbling of a horrible and ancient spell.

"Mobeot, why don't you hover or fly or something toward that mirror and poke it for us?"

Kuma Da
2008-11-25, 03:26 PM
Parish White

"What's the point of having a room like this? Something eldritch and squamous, probably. But really. Did the facility build this chamber just so that a bunch of pentacruels could watch people moving about? Seems like a waste to me."

Parish goes looking for other ways out of the room (aside from breaking the one-way glass or going back into the pentacruel chamber.)

2008-11-25, 04:26 PM
As mobeot floats over to the window, a tour group stops by the window and the guide (who looks very much like Mary, but differs almost imperceptibly) pushes a button. Spotlights mounted on the top of the ceiling begin to strobe on and off, revealing a door at each end of the catwalk (aside from the broken one you entered from).

An automated voice rings out:
"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed audience of the Nameless Harbor Thulhu Super-Collider introduce you to these strange creatures captured not too far off our coasts. They are known as... pentacruel!"

The pentacruel makes its way to Hazi and with a sudden shudder it - a wild pentacruel, in fact - jumped onto her, grabbing her arm and squealing hungrily.

The voice droned on. "Through the us of our Super-Collider facility, we are able to combine these mysterious creatures and their kin into new conformations. Such as the mighty..."

The water below began to boil as a beast the size of tank itself began to surface.


Kuma Da
2008-11-25, 06:15 PM
Parish White

"Hazi! Get down! Tindalonine, let's rock this--I WILL END YOU, SY'THURYDOS!"

Rolling for initiative as Sy breaks out of his dodecahedron and soul-shreds a blast over Hazi's shoulder. [roll0]+1 for initiative, then [roll1],[roll2],[roll3] for attack against power 11 and lore 9

2008-11-25, 06:37 PM
The impostor pentacruel is only partially soul shredded. It slips off Hazi's arm, slapping her in the face with one flailing appendage and then jumps onto Sy'thurydos!

(1 Damage! I rolled several impressive 11s. X_X )

Kuma Da
2008-11-25, 06:51 PM
Parish White

The catwalk groans under the combined weight of Sy'Thurydos, the pentacruel, and the kids. Parish groans too, but mostly at his unmanageable thulhu.

"Let's get outta here." Parish bolts for the door at the other end of the catwalk, doing his best to slip around the melee.

Sy launches another soul-shred at the pentacruel. [roll0],[roll1],[roll2], vs. lore 9 and power 11

2008-11-25, 07:10 PM
Sy' shreds more soul than there is to shred and the squishy star topples off the catwalk and onto an island of similar slimy flesh rising quickly from the water. Hazi's pentacruel climbs sheepishly up the water and jabs an arm at the monster below, then waves its arms frantically.

Kuma Da
2008-11-25, 07:15 PM
Parish White

"One more for the collection."

Parish digs his last dodecahedron out of his backpack and attempts to claim the fallen pentacruel.

[roll0],[roll1],[roll2],[roll3], vs. lore 9

There's a flash of unholy light, then Parish pockets the dodecahedron and runs for the door. Sy'Thurydos gets there slightly ahead of him, ramming it with his lamprey body.

2008-11-26, 12:35 AM

"What the heck is happening here!? What is this place? What is THAT!?"

He looks at the giant thulhu.

"I'm not fighting that thing. Mobeot! go back here! But not after you poke that window thing of course..."

He then follows Parish toward the door.

2008-11-26, 01:04 AM
Moebot pokes the window and someone below seems to notice. But other than that, nothing out of the ordinary occurs, but then - nope, still normal. Of course its touch warps the small part of the mirror it touches, turning it into a looking glass into the spiraling abyss that lies beyond the dreams of mortals. But only for a second.

Paranoia! :smallbiggrin:

2008-11-26, 07:47 AM
Rubbing her arm, Hazi quickly follows the rest. "Alrighty! I think I'll be going now too."

2008-11-27, 03:01 AM
This door is rather dented and looks as if someone just recently stuck it back into place. As it closes behind you all it wobbles precariously. This room opens up into a wide laboratory with three huge tanks. The tank in the center looks like it busted open and a great deal of foul smelling slime is slowly dripping out. A fine assortment of eldritch and scientific gizmos line several workbenches.

And in the middle of it all is a man in a blood red labcoat, currently toying with some sort of saw.

Kuma Da
2008-11-27, 02:47 PM
Parish White

Totally ignoring Parish's frantic hand gestures to get back in the dodecahedron, you colossal tapeworm!, Sy'Thurydos squelches up behind the man and delivers a potent burp to the back of his lab-coat.

Belch of reeking decay v. attack of 11 and lore of 9, [roll0],[roll1],[roll2],

2008-11-27, 10:29 PM
"Gah!" The man dropped the saw and passed out with fright.

Kuma Da
2008-11-28, 02:14 PM
Parish White

Sy'Thurydos starts to slink away, presumably to look for other laboratory staff to terrorize/eat, but is interrupted by a flying tackle.

"You're done. Get back in. See if I ever summon you again!" Sy'thurydos dwindles and finally disappears into his dodecahedron, leaving behind nothing more than a plaintive sigh. "There. That's finally done with."

Parish walks over to the unconscious scientist, kneels down, and starts going through his pockets.

2008-11-29, 01:47 AM
Agreeing wholeheartedly with this course of action, Hazi begins to investigate the room as well, looking for anything of interest.

2008-11-29, 02:00 PM

Howard looks at the downed scientist.

"Ooh boy. Dunno if that's a lucky break, or you've just sent us to the asylum or jail for LIFE. do you think they can give life sentence for kid? Man, am I destined to be a writer-from-behind-the bar like that 'birdman of Arkham Asylum'? I want to be a famous writer, but not that kind... But, what the hell."

He studies the room, taking particular interest at what the heck that the scientist was working on before.

2008-11-30, 10:14 PM
A row of books sits off to one side, its titles read:
"Gene Splicing for Fun and Profit"
"1 + 1 = 2, but With Thulhu!!!"
"Science and the Occult: How and Why"
"Mystic Fusion - The Secrets the Professionals Don't Want You To Know About"

There's also an apparent repair manual for the machine in the room, but its pages are blank. It seems that no one got around to writing it yet.

In the scientist's pockets is a few broken crystals and some rune-inscribed stones. There's also a sacrificial dagger and a pocket abacus.

One of the walls also has a massive hole punched through it, about six or seven feet high and vaguely person-shaped.

Kuma Da
2008-11-30, 10:25 PM
Parish White

Parish pockets the pocket abacus. "Ooh, sweet. It's a TI-83. I never did get around to buying one of these for class." He also snags the sacrificial dagger (it's the perfect cure for a surplus of pentacruel,) and wanders over to the hole in the wall. If it leads into another room, he'll clamber through. "We'd better keep moving. There's a chance the people watching the decacruel exhibit saw us, and I don't feel like playing the 'how many stolen thulu can I hide on my person' game with security."

2008-12-01, 12:28 AM
I believe that game involves rubber gloves no matter how high you roll for Trash-talking. :smalleek:

Beyond this room is another room! It is a very wide room from this angle, with something that looks like a rune-carved cannon on each side. In the middle of the room is a bed sheet-sized piece of parchment covered in archaic handwriting. The light is very dim and there is a strange humming sound coming from the walls themselves, which show traces of runes like the ones that disappeared in the room seen earlier.

It looks like that the giant piece of parchment was burned from the middle out, with only the edges slowly moving in a nonexistent breeze.

The ground shudders once more and the lights flicker. There's an outcry from numerous people heard through the walls, but everything returns to normal a few moments later.

2008-12-01, 02:27 PM

The room is fascinating, but Howard is most interested on the books. He don't see a lot of thulhu related book other than the occassional varieties of 'How to avoid horrible death by thulhu' and necronomicons. Especially not these kinds of arcane-y science-y-ish books. He skims through the books, trying to find something that he can understand.
"Hey, remember when I asked our guide about this facilities purpose? It turned out that this facility isn't about colliding marbles AT ALL. I think... this guy is cutting and combining thulhu!

The world domination theory through keeping us as hostages is still on hold though.

What was this guy sawing before? Whatever it was, I was it's uncouncious or dead. Cause... you know. If it's me, I'd be really angry if someone ran a saw thorugh me"

Kuma Da
2008-12-01, 03:10 PM
Parish White

"I betcha this is the collider." Parish clambers through the hole into the wall and examines the room, looking for any other doors that he might have missed.

2008-12-01, 11:54 PM
A voice in the corner of the large room, from behind a movable blackboard, cries out: "Intruders! Hmmph. Secrets! Espionage! Quickly, guards! Guards? Bah."

Kuma Da
2008-12-01, 11:58 PM
Parish White

"Uh-oh. Wrong way." Parish darts back out through the hole in the wall and them summons an unconscious pentacruel into it, filling the space with its gelatinous bulk. "They're on to us. Get your thulhu out and ready. I think we're gonna have to storm the next room."

2008-12-02, 12:02 AM
"A blight upon your faces!" There's a loud squeal and the thump on wheels across an uneven floor. Then something bumps the pentacruel from the other side futilely. "A reckoning upon your patrons!" The voice is like nails on a chalkboard.

There's another muffled bang

2008-12-02, 10:47 AM

"No! Wait!" Howard whispers to his friends.

"Don't blew anyone's mind into oblivion yet! This isn't supposed to be an attack to enemy's castle, or a fight for our live! This is a field trip for nyarly's sake! Alright, prepare your thulhu but hold your leash! I don't want to leave heap of bodies in our way out, that will complicate things. Well, make things even more complicated than now. Now we're just stray kids. Stray kids that knocked someone mind's out using cyclopean horror, that is. But if we might yet leave this place without being sent to prison or asylum for life.

And I know that kind of voice. I heard that kind of voice countless times in my journey to collect writing materials...

It's that voice of crockety old geezers. Those kinds who wobbles with wheelchairs or walking sticks, chasing kids away from his lawn. They're noisy, but rarely dangerous.

I believe this guy must be an arcane scientist or something close. Act curious but polite. They like scientifically interested kids. Especially since we got thulhu. Working here, this guy must be a wizard. Try to keep him interested."

2008-12-02, 12:06 PM
Hazi, holding her dodecahedron excitedly, sags in disappointment. "So... We don't torment the elderly?" Sighing, she places the dodecahedron back in her pocket.

Kuma Da
2008-12-02, 05:04 PM
Parish White

Parish walks over to the pentacruel and tentatively pulls one of its tendrils back, peering through into the other room.

2008-12-02, 06:06 PM
On the otherside is a chalkboard on wheels. It looks like an obsidian slate with a maple border. The side facing the door has markings drawn on it with red chalk.

"Your eyes to popcorn, scalawag!"

Kuma Da
2008-12-02, 07:12 PM
Parish White

"Uh...unconscious pentacruel, return!" Parish squats down and looks under the chalk board for a pair of legs. "I do like popcorn, but I'm also a little attached to my eyes. How about 'your appendix to popcorn!' ?"

2008-12-02, 10:07 PM

What. In. The. Blazing. Crap. Is. That.

Just when you thought you've seen anything since you became a cultist, you meet this kind of things. This is exactly why I joined this group though.

"Uh... good day, sir, mister obsidian chalkboard?"

He then whispers to his friends.

"This guy seems to be battier than I thought."

2008-12-02, 10:35 PM
Hazi nods. "Yeah... I hate old people... the wreched smells, the hollow voids they call conversation, the crocheting..." she shudders. "I've met crazier though, I used to work at a group home."

2008-12-02, 11:41 PM
This side of the chalkboard looks like a sort of circuit board written in blood. Dark light glints along various crimson trails as the board turns to face you all. On the other side there is a red circle drawn with a deep red chalk. The circle contains a few strange runes in it.

(A 2d Lore check would let you know these symbols had something to do with binding and communication; a 1d would let you know that the 'circuit board' in back is essentially the runic equivalent of an electronic one.)

"No, your appendix to lasagna! Have you no knowledge of the Tome of a Thousand Tomes? Well that is beyond the point. You possess thulhu, and that is enough." As it talks, the red circle flares on and off with an unholy light. It pauses for a moment. "I am HEL 9001."

Kuma Da
2008-12-03, 12:06 AM
OOC: 1d12 lore check v lore of 9. [roll0]

Parish White

"Oh, okay. I see what you are. Do you know how to operate the collider in the next room?"

2008-12-03, 12:39 AM
"Yes and no. I run off the soul of a binded accountant whose magic tuned sour when trying to predict the stock market. I crunch numbers. The device malfunctioned. You might have noticed the damage."

Kuma Da
2008-12-03, 01:51 AM
Parish White

"Oh, okay. That's not much fun. Do you wanna come with us? We're going on a bit of a tour of the facilities. We could probably wheel you along, and you sound like you have a better idea than we do what's going on here.

Say...might you know where all the rare, experimental thulu are being held?"

2008-12-04, 12:04 AM
"What we've created here are creatures beyond the scope of 'mortal' thulhu. You'd need something.......... at something at least 66% more powerful than the standard dodecahedron crystals. And aside from a few interesting variants, I am most worried about the one that escaped. It is running rampant through the labs! And not just that. During the process, the Division-By-Zero Buffer burned up. We summoned what I believe to be a 'musician' of Azathoth."

2008-12-04, 11:43 AM

"So you say you're really a sentient talking arcane obsidiant chalkboard?" Now Howard looks genuinely interested at the thing. "May we call you Hel? Do live as a talking chalkboard fun? What are you doing in your spare time if you're not calculating gliberous experiment? Do they really want to conquer the world using this facility?

Kuma Da
2008-12-04, 01:54 PM
Parish White

Parish interposes himself between Howard and Hel. "What was that you were saying about extra-strength dodecahedrons? Does this place have them, or could you come up with a way to make them? I bet we could solve your hideously-strong-rogue-thulhu problem for you if you gave us a way to contain it, or to recruit other facility thulhu to fight it with."

2008-12-04, 02:49 PM
Hazi, looking far more interested now that there might be a possibility of catching this huge thing, asks "So what do you mean 'musician'? Does he have some musical sonic power? And what are the 'interesting variants' you mentioned? Would they maybe help?"

2008-12-04, 09:16 PM
To Howard, responding as fast as he asks each question:
"It pays the rent."
"Contemplating the madness of my damnable existence."
"It is not an un-possibility."

"As for the musician, it is the bearer of a strange music box that helps keep the slumbering lord Azathoth slumbering. I am not sure whether the tremors experienced in the facility are the result of the musician on the move or the walls of this feeble reality collapsing in on itself. This thulhu has been named Pandaurora. It is the eighth abnormally abnormal thing created here in the two years of this lab's existence. The first being the so-called 'Decacruel'. Hmm."

HEL turned around on its wheels to survey the equipment for a moment. The room shakes and the lights flicker. "We have not been able to pinpoint the location of the Pandaurora. Details show that it breached the decacruel holding pen hours ago. There are runes in place to halt the escape of test subjects, but damage to the walls leads to a complete runic containment failure. Hmm."

He slowly wheels his way over to the corner of the room he had been hiding out at earlier. There's a giant metal shutter inscribed with runes and a high voltage sign. "The lower level of the installation is the most likely hiding spot now. I can grant you access, but for the sake of facility security I cannot divulge any information irrelevant to the immediate capture of the musician thulhu. This includes the seven, err, unspecified number of other aberrations contained therein. The public is only aware of the decacruel via our state-of-the-art giant square box with a mirror for a wall enclosure."

Kuma Da
2008-12-04, 09:49 PM
Parish White

"Understood. And we're glad for the help. Really," avarice gleams briefly in his eyes, "but we're going to need some more firepower if we want to take down the musician. We need those amped-up dodecahedrons. If you can't tell us where they are, can you draw a map of the facility and cross out all the places where they're not?"

2008-12-05, 12:23 PM

"Anyway, I wonder what happened to this facility's personnel. I doubt that they take the escape of several super version of thulhu and a dimensional horror thing lightly.

Where are your colleagues Hel? Well, other than that poor guy who was blasted by Parish."

2008-12-05, 01:03 PM
"Oh, they're far too busy to be bothered with that. As soon as the repair team gets off their lunch break I'd assume they'll get this machine up and running again. Business is business." The door jumps to life and slowly opens. Behind it is an elevator.

"The armory will be the first door on your left. There you will find something to capture that menace."

Kuma Da
2008-12-05, 03:05 PM
Parish White

"Thanks." Parish heads straight for the armory.

2008-12-05, 10:44 PM
(It's an elevator. >.> All aboard?)

2008-12-05, 11:33 PM
"All aboard!" Hazi calls out, marching on to the elevator.

2008-12-06, 10:34 AM

"Well, yeah. If it's me, I dont think bacon sandwiches and pickles are worth the destruction of this facility (and the world) by a musician from hell and some pissed off super thulhu.

Though, pastrami sandwiches worth it any time.

Anyway, To the Armory!"

2008-12-06, 11:26 AM
The elevator shuts and slowly descends to the lower levels. The room below is square, with two doors on each wall. Other than that, it is a featureless, sterile white room.

Kuma Da
2008-12-06, 03:00 PM
Parish White

"I read somewhere that whenever you're presented with two doors and no more information than that about which one to pick, go left. The right one usually leads to insta-death." Parish strolls across the room and opens up the left door.

2008-12-07, 11:42 PM
Hazi also heads left.

2008-12-08, 01:18 PM
You have to stoop to avoid an ominous assembly of pointed blades and bear traps that hang over the door on the otherside. There's even a baking-soda and vinegar pipe bomb jury-rigged to detonate. From the looks of it they all rusted out a while time ago.

Past this, there is a row of tables with several ornate, rune-covered boxes.

2008-12-08, 03:46 PM
"Ooh!" Hazi excitedly hurries to examine a box, heedless of any magical runey traps that might be on it.

Kuma Da
2008-12-08, 08:13 PM
Parish White

Parish stands back and lets Hazi examine the boxes. And also maybe set off any magical runey traps that might be present.

2008-12-09, 12:34 AM
There are seven boxes on the table, each about a foot in every direction and painstakingly carved from some kind of wood, though you could swear it was bone. On the lid of each is a rudimentary little carving that seems to shift with the movements of one's eye. They seem to depict different thulhu, though none seem easily recognizable. But one looks like a ten-pointed star.

Kuma Da
2008-12-09, 12:50 AM
Parish White

"Are these the upgraded dodecahedrons?" He walks over and carefully cracks one open.

2008-12-09, 01:32 AM
There's a blinding light!

2008-12-09, 04:56 AM

"Gah! My poor eyes! My poor young eyes. I only got to use it for merely a decade! Mobeot, out and time-displace the hell out of anything that's trying to attack us (if there are anything that's trying to attack us)!"

With that, howard summoned his mobeot.

2008-12-09, 01:30 PM
"Gah! Light! A goth's only weakness!" Hazi cringes and blindly reaches for her dodecahedron. "Icthypus, go!"

2008-12-09, 01:43 PM
The light subsides and inside the box is something much like a dodecahedron. But not. It's a no-decahedron! A crystal that exists beyond shape.

Kuma Da
2008-12-09, 03:08 PM
Parish White

"Well, looks like no one got eaten. These've gotta be what we're looking for, then. Split 'em evenly?" He reaches into the box that Hazi opened and grabs the nodecahedron by its...er...its contours? Anyways, he picks it up and rattles it to see if there might be anything inside at the moment.

2008-12-09, 05:32 PM

Howard slowly opens his eyes.

"Can I see now? Can someone describe what they see so I can crosscheck it with what I see so I know I'm not just imagining myself seeing things?"

Kuma Da
2008-12-09, 05:48 PM
Parish White

"It's...uh...it's a thing. If that's what you're seeing, then we're seeing the same thing."

2008-12-10, 12:27 AM
It doesn't seem like anything is inside of them. In fact it seems like an empty, endless abyss filled to the brim with madness is at your fingertips. It's also shiny.

There's a particular mental weight to them, so it seems like there is one in each of the seven other boxes without even looking.

Kuma Da
2008-12-10, 12:38 AM
Parish White

"Let's divy these up and get moving." without much room left in his backpack, Parish heads over to the other door and opens it a crack.

2008-12-10, 01:24 AM
Inside this room is a dense jungle habitat. Steam drifts out from the open door.

Kuma Da
2008-12-10, 01:32 AM
Parish White

"Hmm...looks suspicious. Sacrificial pentacruel bait, go!"

An unconscious pentacruel squelches into existence inside the habitat.

2008-12-10, 06:04 PM
There's a loud, high-pitched squealing sound from within the dense jungle. The leaves shake and moments later the pentacruel disappears under a wave of blackness. You can hear whispers crying out in some unspeakable rhythm.

2008-12-11, 12:07 AM

Howard shakes his head.

"Goodbye Pentacruel, we hardly know you. So, any other volunteer? Hel, do you know what the heck has just happened there?"

He hold up his newly found non euclidean dodecahedron crystal and shakes it like a kid with a can of non euclidean coke.

"Hmm.. Got any idea on how to make this thing shine like before?"

Kuma Da
2008-12-11, 12:57 AM
Parish White

"Alright, Sy'Thurydos. Soul shred through those bushes!"

Parish snags a dodecahedron from his backpack and holds it high overhead. The world flashes white, and a rather confused looking Tindalonine pops into view.

"What? Where were you all this time?"


"Never mind. Throw an icy blast over there."

Icy blast at the spot the pentacruel disappeared through. lore 9, power 7, [roll0],[roll1],[roll2],

2008-12-11, 04:53 AM

"You know, I bet your way of solving problem by soul shredding/blasting everything that remotely looked like a 'problem' will give us troubles later, I just know it. But I'm not saying that your way is wrong. In fact, I kinda like it."

Kuma Da
2008-12-11, 01:44 PM
Parish White

"It's simple and efficient. What's not to like?

Tindy! You missed a spot! More freezing death over there!"

2008-12-11, 02:15 PM
The roving darkness retreats before the blast can hit it. There are more insidious whispers from within the leaves. And laughter. And beneath it all there's a strange musical quality to it.

Kuma Da
2008-12-11, 02:27 PM
Parish White

"Well, I'm out of ideas. Anyone else got a suggestion?"

2008-12-11, 03:13 PM

"Hel? Do you know what is it?"

2008-12-11, 07:50 PM
The chalkboard's voices rings in through a loudspeaker. "Your location is the jungle habitat, welcome... Processing. Experiment 5: We call it, them, Iron Slayers.Though such nicknames are against protocol. A type of thulhu beetle scientifically classified as sabbata halen metallica. Flesh eating bugs, you could say. Though, they do have a particular taste for metal. It is a good thing you are not made of either. Oh... Hmm, nevermind then."

Kuma Da
2008-12-11, 08:12 PM
Parish White

"Gotcha. Leaving those alone, then." He closes the door to their exhibit tighter than a slipknot around a motorhead armed with guns and roses. "Back up the elevator we go."

2008-12-11, 08:39 PM
"Oh, I can't let you do that, Parish. I believe we had an agreement: you capture the musician."

2008-12-11, 09:12 PM

"...I haven't even said 'Open the elevator door, Hel.' Oh well. "

Back in front of the jungle area, Howard lifts his crystal dodecahedron.

"Uhm... Go go shining dodecahedron !"

And he throws his newly found ancient crystal toward the flesh eating bugs of darkness.

He looks at his friends, raises his eyebrows, and shrugs.

"Well, it's better than nothing."

Kuma Da
2008-12-11, 09:21 PM
Parish White

Parish sighs. "Well, now we have to go and retrieve that. Any volunteers? No? You're all lucky that I have a theory on how to deal with these things. Maybe they won't be all that aggressive if they're already glutted on succulent pentacruel flesh. Unconscious pentacruel squad, go!"

2008-12-11, 10:04 PM

"Don't we supposed to wait the verification that my plan really fail before bringing another dead pentacruel to the scene? Cause, you know. It might work." Howard mumbles as he look at his own feet.

Kuma Da
2008-12-11, 11:22 PM
Parish White

"Nah. It's totally failed by now. If not well before."

2008-12-11, 11:29 PM
(There's also six other doors; two to the north, south, east and west of the main room.)

The beetles shriek for a moment, fleeing from the dodecahedron. They stop to drag the unconscious pentacruel off into the bushes and disappear for the moment. But the crystal lies rather inert, releasing a faint light. It stops glowing when the thulhu are gone.

Kuma Da
2008-12-12, 12:58 AM
Parish White

"That's curious. The ferocity of my unmoving pentacruels must've scared them off."

2008-12-12, 03:55 AM

Seeing that the flesh eating ancient evil (though, almost all ancient evil eat flesh) is gone, Howard raises his slightly-more-common dodecahedron up to call one of his thulhu.

"Umm, sorry mobeot. I realized that the crystal dodecahedron might screw you (or vice versa), but I like my flesh a bit too much. Go pick it up for me."
Not a bit hindranced with something as inconsequential as mobeot's complete lack of limb, Howard launches mobeot to pick the crystal.

"So, I guess we're stuck at the less efficient plan of 'looking for information blindly' except if anyone got a better idea.
He looks at the row of doors.

"Wanna pick straws?"

2008-12-12, 12:13 PM
Mobeot picks it up without any catastrophic destruction.

2008-12-12, 04:10 PM
<OOC>Wait, sorry. Which one is the main room again? There is the elevator. Left of the elevator is the crystal dodecahedron storage room. Left of it is the jungle room. The doors are at the side of the jungle room I guess, with the ancient evils in the middle of it?</OOC>

2008-12-12, 08:03 PM
For Your Survival:

1: Armory
2: Jungle Habitat
3: ???
4: ???
5: ???
6: ???
7: ???
8: Profit?

2008-12-13, 12:45 AM
<OOC>Ah. Way more hideous than my imagination.


Howard reaches out his hand and drop his dodecahedron.

"A true culitst must believe in the power of dodecahedron. So off we go!"

Before anyone else manage to say something, howard opened the south eastern door.

2008-12-13, 01:01 AM
(OOC: Ubuntu doesn't have much in the way of Paint programs. :smallannoyed:)

2008-12-13, 06:51 AM
<OOC>Not the drawing, maerok. I'm talking about the hideousity of the labyrinth-like layout of the door filled squeamous facility. I imagined something more simple. Ah, how it's wrong to underestimate the mind of Pokethulhu DM</OOC>

2008-12-13, 09:28 AM
(Indead. It is a mistake you shall pay for dearly.)

The door creaks open and beyond it is a perfectly cubic room with no plants or evil bugs. Just a wooden box wrapped in chains.

There's a padlock on the front.

Kuma Da
2008-12-13, 03:10 PM
Parish White

"One two three NOT IT!"

2008-12-14, 05:04 PM
From inside the box, you all can hear the slow drip-drip sound of water. It's splashing onto some solid surface. You also notice that the padlock isn't secured.

2008-12-14, 07:28 PM

Howard opens the chest. ( well, he was going to check the padlock, but suddenly he noticed that he ALREADY know that the padlock isn't secured... You see, most of the time, this is how people said Howard is... 'dreamy.' But Howard swore that it's time and space screwing up his brain. Or is it?)

2008-12-14, 08:24 PM
The lock hits the floor and the chains slowly slip off from the box without making a sound, except that dripping noise. This box is rather plain, a classic wooden crate; six sides of wood, but the top is loose.

2008-12-14, 09:59 PM

Howard lift the top slightly and peek. And he totally do not realized the innuendo.

2008-12-14, 10:19 PM
Inside, there are three items. It seemed like there was a fourth, but it fades away into nothingness just as Howard spots it.

On the bottom of the crate is a jar, half-full-half-empty with water. There's nothing too peculiar about, just a jar made of smoke glass.

From the lid, dangling on a bent nail is a pendant, swinging slightly with the motion of the lid. Its a light blue color, not overly complex in its design. Peculiarly the charm sees to be weeping drops of water into the jar. It continues to drip water.

The last item is slouched over in the corner of the box. It's a doll, apparently of some kind of mad scientist. It has a little labcoat, crazy hair, and a little ray gun in one hand. A drawstring snakes its way out from the doll's back.

2008-12-14, 10:30 PM

"A doll! Even better, a doll with pull-y string! This journey is totally worth it."

Howard picks the doll and pulls the string.

Kuma Da
2008-12-14, 10:41 PM
Parish White

Parish dives for cover.

2008-12-14, 11:03 PM
The doll's arms begin to flail and it fires a barrage of ray gun blasts at Hazi.

(1d Sanity check; last post for tonight)

Kuma Da
2008-12-15, 12:15 AM
Parish White

"Sy'Thurydos, go! Soul-shred indiscriminately!"

Sanity (specialty): [roll0],[roll1],[roll2],[roll3]

Shred (power 11, lore 9) :[roll4],[roll5],[roll6],[roll7]

2008-12-15, 03:36 AM

Howard ducks and covers his head.

"Gah! The doll isn't that cool anymore. Bad doll, bad doll! This is just another daydream. This is just another bad daydream...."

He left the flailing doll flailing on the floor.

Sanity [roll0] against 4

2008-12-15, 06:54 PM
Sy'Thurydos begins attacking everything in the room. The crate is soul shredded into soulless wooden fragments. His beam hits the smoked-glass jar which reverberates and then fires the blast upward. The necklace, meanwhile, is still in its point in space, suspended in mid-air.

2008-12-16, 11:12 AM
Sanity [roll0] against 4.

Kuma Da
2008-12-16, 03:05 PM
Parish White

"Sy'Thurydos! Return! Tindalonine, get in th--I said return! Okay. Fine. Keep doin' what you do. Tindalonine, get out and help."

Tindalonine is going to execute a freeze attack on the crate. Two dice trap attack testing v lore 9 and power 7. [roll0], [roll1]

2008-12-16, 04:57 PM

In the middle of his insane rambling and cowardly position, howard still managed to say
"Parish, what the heck are you doing attacking poor innocent crates and dust bunnies?"

Kuma Da
2008-12-16, 05:13 PM
Parish White

"It seems like a perfectly valid response to being shot at with lasers!"

2008-12-16, 10:27 PM
Now there is ice all over the pieces of the crate and the water has been frozen to the floor.

There seems to be no effect from the ray gun...

2008-12-17, 12:06 AM

Howard watches the gun and the lightworks and wonders whether the rays do leave marks on the surrounding (since it seems that most of the damages are Parish's collaterals). Cause, you know. Maddening illusion and ancient horror creatures go side by side.

Then as parish distract whatever enemy that's currently there, he creeps toward the box and tries to grab and get a better look at the pendant.

2008-12-17, 01:39 AM
Sorry about my absense, btw...

Hazi shakes off the tingle from the ray, pausing momentarily and looking slightly confused. After quickly composing herself, she points to the laser doll. "Icthypus!", she says to her thulhu, who has been following along the whole time, "Grab that thing!"

2008-12-17, 06:34 PM
The doll continues to fire wildly around the room. As apparently the doll's batteries run out, Icthypus grabs hold of the mad scientist and brings it over to Hazi without much difficulty.

Howard grabs hold of the pendant, and is able to remove it from its place above the icy floor.

2008-12-17, 07:48 PM

Still lying prone, Howard tries to get a better look at the pendant..

(any detail? Any mysterious sounding whispers?)

2008-12-17, 09:19 PM
It pulses with the heat of a thousand suns made of water. Then it sprays Howard in the face with a blast of warm water.

Kuma Da
2008-12-18, 12:31 AM
Parish White

"Sy'Thurydos, return. I'll fix this on my own." Parish digs into his backpack and pulls out a no-decahedron. Holding it outstretched in his right hand, he charges the box.

This thing spooked the bugs pretty bad. Bet it works the same way on laser-ghosts.

2008-12-18, 04:00 AM

(Hm, any visual help on the pendant? By that I mean what does it look like?. Not important I guess, but still...)

2008-12-18, 02:48 PM
As Icthypus trots back, Hazi pats it on the head and takes the doll, examining it further.

2008-12-18, 09:42 PM
The pendant is spherical, like a large light blue marble. It's on a delicate chain; more of a girl's sort of necklace.

The mad scientist doll was battery operated. But it seems to have run out. It looks very cartoonish, with the standard crazy hair and evil glare. It almost seems to stare back.

2008-12-20, 01:38 AM

"Okay! Stop blasting everything, everyone! I think we already nailed, whatever it was. The laser spam stopped!"

2008-12-23, 11:08 PM
(resuming after the holidays)

2008-12-29, 09:19 PM
(Holidays mostly averted! Game on?)

Kuma Da
2008-12-29, 11:56 PM
Parish White

"Well, there's supposed to be a thulhu in each room. Unless you can jam that doll in the nodecahedron, then whatever attacked us is still around here somewhere."

2009-01-01, 04:45 AM

Howard raises his head. After he's sure that there are no other laser spamming demon doll in the room.

"You sure? I thought it's only a typical possessed demon doll from hell or a cute killer robot gone wrong?"

Howard examines the doll on Hazi's hand.

"Overall, not so bad. We got two mysterious artifact in one small room. A battery operated demonic doll from hell and a... water sprouting talisman? What do you think this all about, guys?"

He looks around the room, trying to find something that can explain anything from the rubbles.

Kuma Da
2009-01-01, 02:21 PM
Parish White

"They look like they all belonged to a kid. Maybe there's a girl ghost around here somewhere?"

2009-01-01, 10:28 PM
The remains of the crate are marked with some kind of strange word of arcane might: "fragile." Whatever that means.

Kuma Da
2009-01-02, 03:13 AM
Parish White

Parish kicks one and steps back quickly, half expecting it to explode.

2009-01-02, 04:58 PM
Hazi Heartkraft

"I'm pretty sure the crate itself is harmless..." Hazi mentions, looking up from the evil doll, though she doesn't look entirely sure.

2009-01-03, 12:18 AM
The mad scientist doll just stares back at Hazi...

But then, Hazi, suddenly you feel the mad scientist's mind ray compelling you to attack the others.

2009-01-03, 02:27 PM

"Hmm... by the power of water sprout I compell thee...?"

says Howard, waving his newfound talisman everywhere, but especially toward the doll.

"That, or this talisman will save us when there are fire or when we're lost in the desert. Now lets find either a desert or a burning building"

2009-01-04, 05:14 PM
Do I get a saving throw? Or was that already taken care of?
Hazi Heartkraft
There is a slight shift in Hazi's expression, exactly what you can't place. There is apparently not much difference between disinterested contempt for the world and run-of-the-mill mind control.

"Icthypus?" Hazi asks, vaguely smiling. "Why don't you go play with Parish."

Sucker Punch, 3d, sticky

2009-01-04, 09:23 PM
Not this time around. You made one a while ago for it.

Thulhu go first, IIRC.

2009-01-05, 12:06 AM

"Why we can't just find a burning building in peace *whimper*"

Kuma Da
2009-01-05, 12:11 AM
Parish White

"Oh, for the love of all that is squamous! Pentacrular body-shield, go!"

Summoning a wall of unconscious thulhu in between the offending icthypus and I.

2009-01-05, 12:30 AM

Between the confusion and rampaging ichtypus and wall of semi-dead thulhu, Howard raises the newfound amulet and points it toward hazi.

"By the power of unholy super soaker BEGONE!"

"And by that" he whispers to the cold and seemingly uninterested amulet, "I ask you to start spraying"

2009-01-06, 10:29 PM
The sucker punch very narrowly catches a fleshy wall of pentacruel and finishes off the unconscious creature once and for all. Parish is also knocked back rather unceremoniously, leaving him toppling backward next to the smoked glass jar which was sitting rather peacefully.

A trickle of water drips from the pendant in response to Howard's call. Even a squirting flower would have laughed at it.

Kuma Da
2009-01-06, 11:03 PM
Parish White

"Alright. Sy'Thurydos, go! Counterattack through the remains of the valiant meat-shield!"

Invoking Sy and activating Belch of Reeking Decay to scare the icthypus and Hazi into inactivity. Whereupon Sy will sit on them. Lore 9, power 11, 3 dice. Let's go. [roll0],[roll1],[roll2],

2009-01-07, 10:47 PM
(It's not enough to take down the thulhu.)

2009-01-09, 04:09 PM
Hazi Heartkraft

"Again, Icthypus."

Sucker Punch, 3d, sticky

2009-01-11, 06:44 PM
(At who, exactly? Parish?)

2009-01-12, 08:21 AM
(Yup. Same target. I'll keep going until either he's down or I need to react to something.)

2009-01-12, 12:04 PM

"Alright. This had gotten long enough. We have a whole facility to trash and a bunch of super powerful thulhu to catch, and you guys fight each other.And you disappoint me, important-looking-talisman." Howard gives his most you-must-feel-sorry-now look at the talisman.

Howard draws his dodecahedron.

"Ulthar, your turn."

For the first time at the facility, Howard summons a thulhu other than mobeot. An indescribable, luminescent, non euclidean, and strangely kinda cute looking thulhu floats in the air.

The eternally amused looking moon-thulhu drifts in the air lazily and looks toward its cultist as Howard covers his ears with his hands.

"Warped-Doppler Screech. At the girl"
Frighten [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] against 7

2009-01-12, 08:49 PM
Parish gets socked in the gut as he lays on the floor. The Warped-Doppler Screech is almost enough to knock down Hazi but instead it results in a rather large headache for everyone in the small room.

The doll begins to laugh and its head spins around. The cord looks like it has pulled inside it with only the ring sticking out. "The cow says moo! The duck says quack! The Yorgathoraiskanishort says - says- says - The pig goes..."

The effects of the mind ray fade away from Hazi's mind.

A rumbling noise begins to shake the room as the facility once again fades into a momentary black-out.

2009-01-13, 02:56 AM
Hazi Heartkraft

Hazi looks around, disoriented. After a moment of gathering herself, she begins to stand. "Alright, I promise a lot of apologies will follow this, but first I'd like to come clean and say I didn't entirely dislike that," she says with a self-conscious grin.

Kuma Da
2009-01-13, 03:38 AM
Parish White

"If some of those apologies don't involve large donations of money and/or worshiping me as a god, you're gonna be looking down the wrong end of a soul shred," Parish groans, curled around his stomach.

2009-01-15, 11:14 PM
KABOOM. The water pendant suddenly detonates like a balloon containing exactly one room's worth of water. You are all blasted out of the small room with violent, soggy force.

But it's okay, because the water drains out into a hole in the floor. One that wasn't there before. And there's a matching hole in the ceiling. Through the floor hole it looks like there's a light from below.

Looking back into the room, it's totally empty now. And the damage from the gratuitous usage of soul shredding and other unholy powers is gone. Even the shards of the crate and the smoked glass jar. (I assume someone has held onto the other two items.)

2009-01-16, 11:48 AM

"Okay okay. Cut the flirting a bit. I'm still trying to stop my head from ringing here. Head... hurt like hell. Clothing wet. Sheesh, that's why I dont use you too muich, Ulthar.

And there is a new hole... Don't you think this place kinda like... have it's own... mind or something? It's like if it.. dunno... nevermind.

If there is a hole it's mankind's job to peek on it."

And thus, howard do what he do best. Looking through small holes.

2009-01-16, 01:55 PM
Hazi Heartkraft

"I'm game to explore holes of any size, so..." Hazi approaches the hole.

2009-01-17, 03:18 PM
You can hear music coming up from below. At first it is too difficult to understand but after a few minutes it has already irrevocably ruptured the sanity of your eardrums such that it becomes hazily clear that it is music.

2009-01-17, 05:33 PM
Does it at least have a beat you can dance to?

2009-01-18, 01:38 AM
Yes, of course.

2009-01-23, 04:39 AM
OOC: Sorry, my internet provider is having some trouble right now.


"When in doubt, use violence"

Howard summoned Mobeot.

"Injure the floor... mobeot. However not making sense, that is."

Icy wind[roll0] against 7

"See? I'm learning from you guys."

2009-01-25, 11:48 PM
The floor responds, quite simply, by caving in. Tile by tile the floor drops away into blackness and soon you all begin to drop.

2009-01-31, 10:49 AM

"What kind of cheapskate facility is thiiiiis."

Howard says as they fall into the darkness because a floor can't stand a thulhu blowing icy wind toward it.