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2008-09-18, 12:02 AM
The mansion is set in the outskirts of Suburbia of modern day Tokyo, as atypical as a mansion can be. The sun is shining is the hot summer day, with no clouds in sight in the dead of noon. The rays of light beaming harshly across the wide open lawn accompanied with sweeping garden in front of the large white entrance, indeed the whole mansion is pretty much all white. Though the manor is pretty large, it isn't terribly tall, with only 2 stories, it suspiciously empty for such a large house, the owners leaving their son in the care of 4 maids.

In any case, the current Master, Kuno Hira, left early in the morning to go to the movies and entrusted with one Maid with making lunch, as he was due to arrive back any minute. Letting the rest of have their morning free to do as they wished. Unfortunately, he said this on the matter on entrusting the said task.

"Umm...Just figure it amongst yourselfs."

2008-09-18, 12:20 AM

Henrietta entered the kitchen in an attempt to fulfill the Master's order for someone to make lunch, but immediately got distracted by a tiny speck of grime on one of the countertops. Since then she has been feverishly cleaning every inch of the room, her original task completely forgotten.

"Simply won't do, simply won't do, simply won't do," she mutters to herself, "Who could have left the kitchen in such a state? Simply won't do, simply won't do..."

Unfortunately, as the roller will suggest, she's doing a terrible job of cleaning said kitchen. A roll of 1 times a skill of 3... fails the task.

First Speaker
2008-09-18, 12:36 AM
The door slips open silently, on hinges pre-oiled for this purpose with the glutinous, liquefied corpses of the strange, disturbing creatures from ages before humans in their folly called themselves masters of the earth.

And she is in.

Each footfall is muffled, for it would not do to have those who occupied this complex to hear her coming. It would not matter, since she has made preparations for such an instance, but the code of honour and martial standards to which all those of her order hewed was not a fan of sloppiness. Of course, one could hire anybody hanging about in the streets in the shady areas of town - but they would just be a mercenary, a hired tool, a worker-for-hire. No; her master, and her organisation called for reliability. Style. A certain panache. But most of all, success. All of the Olympic marks out of ten could be awarded for the aesthetic beauty of one's technique, but, if you screwed up, you were dead.

Carefully, she reached out a gloved hand over to the container where her objective lay. She had to make a pick-up, something routine, but one that could ruin you just as surely as any assassin's bullet.


It was gone. Well, this would make matters difficult. A more ... direct, unsubtle - some might say brutish - approach would be necessary. She slowly crept out of the darkened store-room, and into a blindingly-lit linoleum-clad chamber, where, unaware of her entry, a co-agent was working.

Ms. Karstein; might you know where I could find the fish? I confess that I cannot find any in the pantry.

Apologies to Neal Stephenson and the Deliverator.

2008-09-18, 12:49 AM
Henrietta jumps at the sound of Mariam's voice. She spins around to confront the threat... only to find herself facing nothing more than the mansion's senior maid. Her initial look of terror swiftly shifts to a pleasant smile.

"Oh! Oh... it's you, Mariam. I thought for a moment there we were being attacked by ninjas... Now... let's see... fish... fish... fish... What did I...?"

Suddenly a light dawns...

"Oh! Those fish... Well... you see... well, the can was a little dusty, but I couldn't get the dust off, so I had to... well... it involved acid... But I'm sure the Master won't mind a different dish! Right? A cleaner dish."

First Speaker
2008-09-18, 12:55 AM
Acid ... vinegar?

Probably not that, she thought.

Indeed, a cleaner dish might be a solution. Er ...

Mariam throws up her hands in a small gesture of surrender.

Actually, to be honest, I don't know the master Hira's tastes. At all. Any ideas as to what might be a solution? If he has been out to the pictures on a hot day like this, he might want something quick and cooling ...

2008-09-18, 01:04 AM
"Ahh, no, not vinegar."

Henrietta turns a bit red.

"Ahh... don't ask. Just... don't ask. As for the Master's tastes... well, frankly, I'm not sure myself. I'm fairly new here as well... But I'm sure together we can work something out! Right?"

*Through the power of friendship!* she thinks, though she does not say it, for that would be altogether silly. Far more silly than dissolving cans of fish in acid. Far more silly than actually being able to harness the power of friendship. No, she does not say anything silly at all.

2008-09-18, 08:11 AM
The small, bespectacled figure of Rikka enters the kitchen, nose in one of the innumerable books she manages to read in her rare off-hours. She looks up at the frazzled Henrietta and somewhat worried Mariam and assesses the situation. Wordlessly, she puts a bookmark in the volume* and heads to the pantry to get the ramen, since apparently whatever was supposed to be happening for lunch wasn't.

*A first-edition English copy of War of the Worlds, whyever that's here.

Rolled a 2 on Skill for a result of 4. Ramen with some leftover chicken and vegetables probably constitutes "minumum necessary to succeed at lunch".

2008-09-18, 08:47 AM
*Stalker Mode: Engage*

A grin spreads across Henrietta's face. She follows her prey to the pantry, then pretends to have just noticed the girl's presence.

"Oh, hi Rikka~! I lost track of you for a bit there! Want to help us with lunch?"

2008-09-18, 09:00 AM
Rikka stares at her fellow maid briefly, then glances down at the dry noodles she's now holding, then back up again.


Damn and blast drawing the same maid color. This isn't confusing, is it? I can switch to blue.

2008-09-18, 12:59 PM
I could ratchet up a hue to sea green and you could go with dark green. Or we could just ask Talkkno about switching your color.

Grinning like a mad(wo)man, Henrietta throws an arm around Rikka.

"Okay! We'll do it together! Mariam, are you with us?"

With our powers combined, the bare minimum result would be 9! We'll make an EPIC LUNCH!

First Speaker
2008-09-18, 01:19 PM
Well, while you are doing that, I shall endeavour to table-set.

The cupboard door opens, the cupboard door closes, and lo, a new set of plates, knives, forks and cruet is born unto the world. Mariam dispenses it carefully, neatly, marshalling the cutlery into neat, serried ranks, the gleaming tines flashing in the half-light of the dining room.

Er, perhaps I should turn the lights on ...

Skill result = 1 (roll) x 4 (skill) = minimum success. Damn, we're really not doing too well at this whole rolling game ... although, as Ascension has just posted in another tab, we could combine the various affairs of lunch (cooking, tabling) into one SUPER ACTIVITY.

2008-09-18, 02:26 PM

Though apparently nonplussed by Henrietta's enthusiasm and touching, Rikka nods the affirmitive, pushes her glasses back up her nose a bit, politely removes Henrietta's arm, and busily sets about boiling water and finding necessary soup ingredients throughout the kitchen, working together with the other girls.

2008-09-18, 02:55 PM
Okay, if I understand correctly, Rikka and Henrietta working together simply adds together their skills, so we've got 5 total. I rolled a red die for this over on the roller and got 3. That gives us 15, which should be enough to turn even an ordinary dish of ramen into a nigh-epic delight.

Go Team!

Humming cheerfully, Henrietta joins Rikka at her labor.

*It's still a bit dirty,* she thinks, but she doesn't say anything.

2008-09-18, 03:17 PM
I thought we added our results...

2008-09-18, 03:22 PM
Oh. Well in that case, I'll use that roll. 3x3 is 9, still pretty darn good.

Naotic Cheutral
2008-09-18, 05:39 PM
Megumi peeks into the kitchen. The racket the three had been raising was enough to draw her from clear across the house, and she wasn't about to let such a thing go unpunished. She watches the scene, fidgeting with the tips of her pink hair as she tries working up the courage to say something to the other maids. Besides, it should be her--and her alone--making the master's lunch and getting the credit for it. Finally, she raises her voice just enough to be heard. "Hey, um. I saw somebody breaking in one of the windows in the main hall. Just now. ... you guys should probably go do something about it."

Invoking Saw It... just what that means depends heavily on your interpretation of the rather vaguely-worded power.

2008-09-18, 07:12 PM
"Oh, dear me!" Henrietta exclaims, "The mess that would make! I'll go clean it up!"

She practically flattens Megumi in her rush to get to the scene.

"Could you stay and help Rikka with the meal?" she calls back over her shoulder.

I was thinking "Saw It" was like the ultimate blackmail tool, since you could use it to retroactively have seen anything that happened in the past in the mansion, but I suppose you could interpret it as creating the event that you claim to have seen... The latter interpretation is more amusing for the moment, but it's really up to Talkkno, I suppose. I'll wait for him to let me know what Henrietta sees when she reaches the main hall.

2008-09-18, 07:28 PM
Henrietta burst into the main hall, armed and ready with a broom to clean up the apperant mess.
"Help me Henrietta-chan..." Kono said meekly, as glass shards lay all over him, bleeding profusely, before passing out. It was apperant he just got thrown threw the main hall's window was the source of the mess.

Naotic Cheutral
2008-09-18, 07:30 PM
I was thinking "Saw It" was like the ultimate blackmail tool, since you could use it to retroactively have seen anything that happened in the past in the mansion, but I suppose you could interpret it as creating the event that you claim to have seen... The latter interpretation is more amusing for the moment, but it's really up to Talkkno, I suppose.

That latter one's what I suspect they meant, since, well, ANY character can SAY that something happened. It could just mean that you say so convincingly, or it could mean that it actually happened. Sometimes, the game's rules are a bit too casual.

2008-09-18, 08:01 PM
Henrietta's broom falls to the floor, lifeless. Even her hatred of mess is forgotten in light of this terrible development.

She drops to her knees and takes the bloodied Kano into her arms.

"Oh, Master! Don't worry... you'll pull through this! I know you will! Just hang on!"

Power of Friendship activated: Henrietta takes 6 Stress (red die) to heal 7 of the Master's Stress (green dice).

Affection: Henrietta rolls a five on affection for her attempt to comfort her wounded Master, giving her a result of 20.

"EVERYONE!" she shouts, "Come quick! Master's hurt!"

2008-09-18, 09:03 PM
Rikka runs out into the hallway to see the broken glass and her injured master. Gasping softly, and not wanting to compete with that Affection roll seeing Henrietta has Kono safe for now, she gingerly steps over the broken glass and moves as quickly as she can to the main window, to see what caused him to apparently fly through it.

2008-09-18, 09:05 PM
The combitnation of Henrietta's soothing voice and her haphazard but effective first aid managed to wake Hira back to consciousness, his brown eyes getting into focus as he noted concened green eyes staring back.
"Thank you, Henrietta-chan, you wouldn't believe what happened to me." Kano said weakly, as he attempted to get himself up and coughed, as he touched a lock of her soft blond hair.
"Your hair is very soft." He replied absent mindly, only managing to get his back straight in his failed attempt to get up standing.

Henrietta gains 6 favor.

2008-09-18, 09:34 PM
A single tear rolls down Henrietta's face.

"Thank you, Master. Don't try to get up, Master, it'll only make things worse. Don't try to talk. We'll take care of everything."

Henrietta takes the Master in her arms and attempts to lift him from the ground.

I rolled 5 for the Athletics check for picking Kono up. Multiplied by two, that makes 10... I think she should make it.

2008-09-19, 12:51 AM
"In that case, I'm going to take a small nap." Kono replied, as he dozed off immediately. Henrietta managed to carry her master with minimal difficultly, as she headed towards the stairs to his bedroom as suddenly....

__________________________________________________ ___________
Rikka managed to step over the glass shards without troubled as Henrietta shuffled off, when a sudden dark blur appeared threw the broken window, and forming into a solid figure that stood a few feet away from her. The tall man was dressed in a dark ninja costume, so much for stealth in the bright midday sun but nevertheless, he was armed with a long short sword.

"Hah, I knew that fool would lead me to you, Heir apparent to the Order of the Crimson Lotus, thanks for delving the location of Nercodermis. Now prepare to die." He yelled as he lunged widely with his blade.

3x2...equals 6. Make a opposing roll

First Speaker
2008-09-19, 02:03 AM
'Hah, I knew that fool would lead me to you, Heir apparent to the Order of the Crimson Lotus, thanks for delving the location of Nercodermis. Now prepare to die.'

Mariam, cautiously advancing up the corridor, heard the ninja's threat clearly enough. Ha, they sure do announce their intentions, don't they, she mused to herself. If they really wanted to complete their mission, they could at least go about it without all of this self-aggrandising 'you broke our organisation's sacred honour code' business. But Kono was in danger, even from this incompetent, who was waving around what was either a long shortsword or a short longsword. And that couldn't be tolerated.

While there was talk about bringing a knife to a gunfight, she mused as she steeled herself to charge the ninja, this particular assassin had not chosen badly. He could slash people up with relative impunity but this - damn - killer - wouldn't - allow - her - a clean shot. So bull-rushing it was.


Barrelling into the ninja, she attempted to knock his sword arm out of its fatal arc towards Henrietta and Kono.

Sorry, I accidentally rolled the dice in blue. Anyway, Skill 2 x Roll 2 = Result of 4. Not enough to beat the ninja, but if anyone else wants to get stuck in, that's almost certainly a draw at least. I'd actually recommend, as Mariam shouts, to get Kono out of the way as our top priority; I've got a ton of spirit to dig into, anyway.

2008-09-19, 09:56 AM
I rolled six on the athletics check to run up the stairs with Master. 12! Henrietta's on a roll!

In a burst of speed she didn't even think herself capable of Henrietta runs up the stairs with Kono in her arms, bearing him as quickly as possible towards his bedroom.

2008-09-19, 12:39 PM
Mariam charge suprised the ninja, making him drop his blade, but as he jumped backwards to remian standing, he threw a shuriken that grazed her skirt slightly, but otherwise missed.
__________________________________________________ _______
Megumi takes a solid look at the kitchen, it is apperant that while the dishes and tableware were set, the ramen that they were cooking was only have finished as everyone went to clean up the mess she claimed she saw.
__________________________________________________ ___________
Henrietta got to her master's bedroom very quickily, as the battle below boiled. Laying on hid bed, as she tried to find him some new clothes.

Give me a skill check

2008-09-19, 12:52 PM

Unprepared for the attack, and wondering what the hell a Nercodermis is, Rikka attempts to assume a combat stance in a hurry, but slips and falls...and manages to trip up the ninja as he lunges.

((Luck roll 3, Result 9, beats the ninja by three))

2008-09-19, 01:04 PM
Roll of two, giving me a result of 6... marginal success.

Henrietta is able to find clean clothes for the Master fairly easily, but their colors don't really coordinate all that well. With a ninja in the house, though, time is of the essence. She just grabs up what she's found and totes them back to the Master's bedside.

2008-09-19, 02:41 PM
As the ninja slippped, a knife from pocket accidently slips out as he fell, impaling him into the gut,spilling blood all over the still messy floor.
__________________________________________________ __________
Henrietta set the clothes by Hira's bedside, he woke up.
"Thanks for getting my clothes, can you help me get dressed, it still hurts to move." He said somewhat flushed, as his stomach rumbled, adding
"Where's lunch?

2008-09-19, 02:48 PM
"We, ahh, were in the middle of making lunch when you... uhh... 'dropped in.' But I left Megumi-chan in the kitchen to keep an eye on it! I'm sure it's ready by now!"

Henrietta helps Kono dress, noting happily that his injuries don't seem serious enough to keep him down for long.

Naotic Cheutral
2008-09-19, 04:05 PM
Megumi nodded to herself, satisfied. The kitchen was all hers now, though it was a bit odd how much noise was coming from the main hall. Oh well. It just meant she'd have even longer to herself. She set about trying to spice up the rather bland meal that's being prepared.

Rolled a 1 for her cooking attempt. With 2 skill, that gives... 2.

2008-09-19, 06:49 PM
((Hopefully we can add that to the other successes...))

Rikka stands up, dusts herself off, and stares at the dead ninja in surprise. Partly at the fact that it was a dead ninja, but mostly at the fact that she and Mariam fended him off that easily.

"Thank you," she says to the older girl, before searching the assailant's pockets for anything of interest, then going to find a mop and a dustpan for the glass.

2008-09-19, 08:12 PM
The teenaged boy smiled with silent thanks, as with his new fresh clothes.
"Well, I'll be down soon, just get Rikka up her for me, i need to talk to her, alone." He said with a somewhat a tone with final tone. As he looked around the room for a brief moment.

__________________________________________________ _____________
Megumi attempted to add her own unique mix of ramen, but her attempt...was less then spectacular, but still was palatable.
You add the 2 to the total to make lunch

2008-09-19, 08:17 PM
Holding a broom in one hand, as Rikka went threw the highly visible ninja's belongings, found only a large dagger with a hilt stylized with a aquilla.

2008-09-19, 08:30 PM
"Yessir," Henrietta replies. She bows slightly and then turns to leave the room.

She wears a puzzled expression on her face as she walks down the stairs.

*Why does he want to see my Rikka?* she wonders.

Regardless, she has her orders.

"Oh Rikka-chan!" she calls, "Master wants to see you! Alone."

2008-09-19, 09:22 PM
Rikka nods, and hands the broom to Henrietta, as well as a mop and a bucket of cold water. "Might stain," she cautions before heading upstairs.

Once in the masters bedroom, she bows deeply and apologetically. "I am sorry. I should have protected you."

2008-09-19, 11:09 PM
"It's ok Rikka-chan, I wasn't hurt too badly. But i feel your not telling me something, when I was talking to that crazy ninja guy, he wanted to see you for some reason before I got banged up and threw the window. " Hira replied seriously, staring at her intently for a response.

Make a affection or cunning check.

2008-09-19, 11:23 PM
"And that's why it was my responsibility to protect you..." she says.

In response to the master's question, however, she says nothing, but merely softens her expression to look as cute as possible in the hope that he isn't too curious.

((Affection Roll of one for a total of 3. Blast.))

2008-09-19, 11:29 PM
Henrietta's eyes widen. She stares at the mess in total shock for a moment. Finally, she holds out her hand and a wet mop appears in it.

"Must clean must clean must clean must clean must clean must clean must clean..."

She tackles the task.

Skill roll of 4 on cleaning for a result of 12.

2008-09-19, 11:49 PM
6x2, 12 on cunning ouch take 4 stress.
"Rika-chan, I just want you to be safe, I know you are hiding something from me, and if you to ensure your continued employment, you are best to tell me. Because whatever it is, it might threaten the lives of everyone here. I just want everyone to be safe.Do you understand?" Hira replied to her silence and her failed attempt to divert attention elsewhere, his eyes dawning on her with disappointment, as he gave her a small reassuring hug.

2008-09-20, 12:05 AM

Rikka looks down, feeling too ashamed to return the hug. "I can tell you it has to do with my...my mother's work," she says, deadpan tone wavering for only a second. "I've tried to continue it, but I've only put others in danger."

Practically out of breath from such a lengthy explanation, she nonetheless brings herself to add a question. "The ninja said 'necrodermis'. Do you know what he was talking about?"

2008-09-20, 12:20 AM
"Thank you for telling me, Rikka-chan." Hira said in a more gentle tone as he patted her on the head, and added.
"Nerodermis...I never heard of it, I'll go call my parents later about it ok? But let's go get some lunch, I'm sure Megumi-chan is finished cooking by now."

__________________________________________________ _________
Henrietta managed to clean with amazing speed and grace, the floor clean and sparlking within a mere few minutes, if the chaos of the afternoon never took place, as he heard Kono say loudly
"Henrietta-chan, you can finish later, it's time for lunch."

2008-09-20, 12:28 AM
"Okay, Master! Thank you!" Henrietta replies cheerfully.

First Speaker
2008-09-20, 11:35 AM
Spitting a gobbet of bloody saliva into her handkerchief, Mariam straightened up. This was not going well. The presence of cultists here, especially ones bearing such iconography, was unwelcome.

But first, lunch.

_/ _/ _/

As she busied herself freshening up the dining room, a plan began to form. The master was in danger. That inevitably meant that the rest of the household were in danger, including, specifically, the hidden agendas borne by some of the maids, which obviously were there, even if she didn't know them yet. Initiative had to be taken.

When Kono entered, Mariam bowed to him once, and then began to speak earnestly.

Sir, while under normal circumstances I would not dare to presume to render unheeded advice, you, as you surely know, have just been thrown through a window. Although the would-be assassin has had the inconvenience to fall on his own sword, denying us the chance to employ stern measures in the obtainment of valuable information, we should not brush this off. I would recommend some form of defensive plan for your person, sir.

Hooray, more terrible rolls! Anyway, using will to give 'constructive advice', so Roll (2) x Will (5) = 10, eh, not too bad.

2008-09-20, 11:44 AM
Bad rolls? Don't talk to me about bad rolls. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=91344) (Just pay attention to the attack rolls. Try to forget the way we get completely out of initiative order.)

2008-09-20, 11:35 PM
"Well, I appreciate your concern Mariam-san, what are your suggestions?" Hira asked with great concern.
"I do not wish for a repeat experience." He added with a somewhat more humorous tone.

First Speaker
2008-09-21, 06:44 AM
Sir. Firstly, I would avow that it would be more conducive to your health and wellbeing it would initially be wise to employ a little of the old ... taking the initiative. As of now, we are inside this house, while outside, an undetermined number of assassins - could be one, could be none, could be an entire legion. We should find out what we are dealing with, first.

Mariam adopts an Hercule Poirot (http://sitegenerator.bibliotheek.nl/publiekskrakers/img/archief/hercule%20poirot.gif)-esque pose, even going so far as to produce a small false moustache for the role.

Even if we do not know what this 'necrodermis' is, it sounds like the sort of thing that we don't want assassins and their ilk to have. Say the word, master, and we shall find it for you!

2008-09-21, 04:04 PM
"Mariam-san, that sounds like a good idea but..." Hira repiled as he lookeda round the room, and turned to Rikka.
"Do you have anything to add, Rikka-chan?"

2008-09-21, 05:12 PM
Rikka looks down, but nonetheless, her eyes are full of conviction.

"When we find it...I should take it and leave," she adds. "They aren't after you."

2008-09-21, 05:16 PM
Henrietta, not having a paramilitary background, is flustered by all this talk.

"Umm... is there any chance I could just stay here and keep the house clean while you and the others go off on your adventures, sir? Unless... well, unless there will be messes that need to be cleaned up where you're headed. That's something I can handle. All this assassination stuff is a bit outside of my job description, sir. I hope you understand."

2008-09-21, 05:37 PM
"Well looks like it's settled, Henrietta can stay here and try to get the window fixed, while the rest of us go down to the basement, never went down their anyways, seems like a good place to look." Kono replied as he patted the blonde's girl head slightly, as he pointed tot he direction of the basement.

2008-09-21, 05:51 PM
"You don't want to eat your lunch first, Master?" Henrietta asks.

2008-09-21, 09:56 PM
"Aww, your right, I haven't gotten any food since morning." Hira repilded, nodding in agreement as he went into the dining room, wondering where Megumi was.

First Speaker
2008-09-23, 01:57 AM
Very well. We go on your command, Master. During the meanwhilst ...

She bustles about fetching duct tape and the like, the better to help Henrietta while the master has his long-delayed meal.

Gee, another 1 (roll) x 4 (skill) = 4 to add to Henrietta's result.

2008-09-23, 06:47 AM
Henrietta doesn't really have any experience with repairing windows or anything, but she does what she can to aid Mariam in providing at least a temporary solution.

I also rolled a 1, but at least that gives us 7 together.

2008-09-23, 07:08 PM
"Well, it's good enough for now I guess." Hira remarked, as the window managed to get patched up to a respectable level. As he was eating a sandwitch.
((Henrietta gains 1 favor, Mariam gains 5 ))
"Now Henrietta, are you sure you want to stay here?" Kono asked as he finished his sandwitch, as pulled out a set of keys.

2008-09-23, 07:25 PM
"What precisely do you intend to do, sir? Should I be there?" Henrietta asks, with just a tinge of fear in her voice.

2008-09-23, 11:42 PM
"I just want to search around, if we can find that "nercodermis" that guy was talking about. I just want you to be comfortable, and if you don't to go with us, I just want you to know that its ok, I'm not going to look you any less favorable for doing this." Hira replied reassuringly

2008-09-23, 11:56 PM
"Will you keep me safe if I come along?" Henrietta asks Rikka.

2008-09-24, 12:07 AM
Rikka nods. "No one else will be hurt because of me."

She stands, looking somewhat impatient, by the door she thinks heads in the direction of the basement.

2008-09-24, 12:40 AM
"Well, it's settled then." Hira remarked, as he went the direction Rikka pointed at, unlocking the dusty door. It reveled a dank corridor, with the light of noon filling the room, revealing a small dusty room, with a curious small pile of black metal that stood in the middle, reacting to the light with movements away from it to one of the conors.

First Speaker
2008-09-24, 02:51 AM
Mariam, having tailed along behind the others, and having obtained a torch from a cupboard, strides forward and nails the metal with the flashlight beam.

That's no metal ...

2008-09-24, 02:04 PM
"By the Dues Mechaunisus, looks like you fleshbags have found my little reaserch project..." A heavily augmented humanioud said, as he emereged from the back room, more machine then man, his eyes noted clinicilly. Flanking him stood two robots with a heavily armed rifle servo inserted into what would have been a hand.
"You all would make excellent servitors." He said with a breath of steam.

2008-09-24, 02:20 PM

Rikka was originally going to ask the cyborg to identify himself, but honestly, she's more curious what the hell he's talking about. And how he got into the master's basement. "What" seems to efficiently cover all these questions.

First Speaker
2008-09-24, 03:17 PM
Mariam stepped forward, lowering the torch, and trying to interpose herself between the gun's barrel, and Hira.

Some would argue

- and yes, my feelings have reached the point where I feel obliged to contravene Wikipedia stylistic guidelines -

that there was an element of threat in those remarks. I believe that we would be much more productive here if we all were to ... moderate our tone. Yes?

She grins in a not entirely sane way on this last word. Fingering in her pocket, she rubs some powders together.

Hmm ... aluminium, ferrous oxide ... mostly metal, so better leave the Willie P. at home this time ...

2008-09-24, 04:19 PM
Henrietta has only one response.

"YOU MACHINES ARE FILTHY!" she screams, producing her mop from hammerspace.

"Mustcleanmustcleanmustcleanmustclean!" she repeats as she races towards the dirty intruder.

Argh. Skill roll of 2 for a result of 6.

2008-09-25, 12:13 AM
Henrietta rushes to to clean the heavily armed robot with the mop, as it raises its barrel to fire, but...
She manages to plug into the barrel jut before it fires, causing the rifle to explode heavily damaging it but still fully standing. However, its comrade in arms manages to squeeze a shot at her, a blaser of energy streaming towards her.
(6x2, so thats 12, make a contested roll using anything but affection, to defend.)

2008-09-25, 12:30 AM

Rikka, remembering her promise, dives at the firing robot, eyes alight with the determination not to let it harm her friend!

(Will roll: 3x4 = 12. I'd like to combine this with Henrietta's defense.)

First Speaker
2008-09-25, 02:16 AM
They had broken fire. That meant that their protection under the rules of combat was now significantly impaired, and that they could be far more, well, imaginative and strenuous in their attempts to keep the peace.

Lightly pushing Hira over - just enough to clear him out of the line of fire, she leaps forward, jumping onto the head of the machine, and grinding a powder into its face - a powder that begins to glow with meteoric flame as it works its way into the thing's face.




Ahem. Anyway, adding further to this poor robots troubles, dumping a handful of ignited Thermite (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermite) in the first robot's face (the one whose rifle blew up). Skill (I guess, given that it's more a matter of mixing the right compounds) 3 x roll 2 = 6.

2008-09-25, 07:27 AM
Ahh, Doom comic... is there anything you're not appropriate for? Other than children?

Henrietta attempts to deflect the blast with her mop... but doesn't do a very good job of it.

Roll of 1, Skill of 3... :smallfrown:

2008-09-25, 08:51 PM
The blazing incineratorary proved to be a little effect, its head on fire but proved still able to readily respond with a jab with his elbow against Mariam waist.
(4x2..so thats 8, so Mariam take 2 stress.)

__________________________________________________ ___________
Rikka's charge to put the gun off balance as it fired erratically into the ceiling, as she knocked into the floor while Henrietta wails her mop seemly ineffectually , amazingly managing knocking the robot's head right off, the rest of it's body fell to the dank floor inert.
__________________________________________________ ___________
Hira fell down to the ground in his best attempt to avoid any errant shots, as a extended arm suddenly caught him in a cold steely grasp, as his attempts to get away where ineffectual at best he was restrained by a coil of metal.
(Kono gets 1...X2 is 2..while the Tech Priest gets 4X3, so that's 12, Hira takes 6 stress.)
"Help!" He cries out desperately as he continues to fight with little avail.
"It seems you are subservient to this being i now hold...you would all make excellent replacements servitors." The cyborg says out clincilly, as his left arm holds a oversized pistol, and begins to threaten to fire at Hira.

2008-09-25, 09:29 PM
"You will not hurt him." Rikka says. "Put your gun down."

(Will: roll 4 x 4 = 16. Sorry for reusing my best stat, but this is an emergency.)

2008-09-25, 09:40 PM
"Don't get mad, scary man, all I want to do is give you a bath... and for you to not kill my Master. Can't we all just be friends? Clean friends?"

As Nerdo says, this is a desperate situation, so I'm switching from Skill to Affection.


First Speaker
2008-09-26, 01:02 AM
Imperceptibly, Mariam turns, and gives Rikka and Henrietta a significant look. Thar's meaning in them thar glances.

Stop ... stop.

She moves forwards, raising her hands (not to the extent that she couldn't draw a weapon again, but the intent is clear), and drops into a crouch.

The one that you hold now is only a juvenile, and not possessed of as great power as you think. This is precisely why we were employed; to augment his household. We, on the other hand, would, as you say, make much better servitors for you.

Give him up now, turn him over to my associates, and I'll surrender willingly - take me first.

She is now directly half-way between the other maids and the Tech-Priest; she looks once round to check that no servitors are creeping up on her, and then looks expectantly at the Magos.

Oi haz a plan to krump da squishy machines. But first, I'm using Will to persuade the Priest of the Omnissiah that my plan is a good idea for him, and specifically that he should let Hira go.

Roll (4) x Skill (5) = Result of 20.

2008-09-26, 01:06 AM
Rikka shoots her a glare that conveys, in no words at all, a heartfelt message.

"You idiot."

2008-09-26, 11:41 AM
"I see...the logic in the matter." The Tech Preist said coldly, as he threw Hira near Rikka's feet, knocking him unconsiouses. He held his pistol firmly as he turned to the dimly lit hallway.
"This way please." He added, as the robot with the flaming head stood comicilly at attention despite its condition.

First Speaker
2008-09-26, 12:25 PM
Giving one last, hard, look at Rikka, Mariam steps forward slowly, raising her hands.

Don't worry. Get Hira to safety ... you know what you doing.

She turns to the priest.

Shall we go?

2008-09-28, 07:26 PM
As Mariam walked down the ommunious dark hallways, it opened to a brightly lit laboratory, filled every inch with metal and wondrous contraptions, with more of the robots seen before flanking the doorways and the centerpiece of the laboratory. The black metal that was seen before was in a middle of glass like container that was being subject to endless amount of pressure and heat, but remained unfazed. Next to it lay a table that looked suspiciously like a torture table, filled with devious looking devices such as probes and drills.
"Seize her." The Tech-Preist mumbled, on the servitors followed by immediately attempting to grab her.
(3X2, 6 total)

First Speaker
2008-09-29, 12:42 AM
Oh seriously, did you really think that I was that easy?

Mariam whips round, savagely backhanding the techpriest, then dives behind one of the tables bearing the tools, out of sight. Time seems to slow down to accentuate the coolness of this maneuver, but it doesn't stop her from falling to the ground in a painful heap.

Aha, my luck returns. Roll (6) x Cunning (2) = 12 to whack 'im, then dodge out of the way.

2008-09-29, 05:57 PM
Frustrated by Mariam's insistence on walking into danger, Rikka nonetheless fulfills her duty to the master first, trying to coax him back to consciousness and hoping Mariam doesn't get hurt in the time it takes her to catch up.

(Affection = 5x3 = 15 to get Hira back on his feet.)

2008-09-29, 06:38 PM
Henrietta too turns her attention to the Master, with a look of pained concern.

"Come on, don't die on us, sir... you can pull through this! I believe in you!"

Affection Assist: 3x4=12
Power o' Friendship: Henrietta takes 2 stress to heal 7 stress.

2008-09-29, 08:35 PM
Hira managed to get back up on his, consciousnesses returning the teenaged boy quickly, with a rather dazed look on his face as his vision focused on the two girls that stood at his attention.
"Thanks." Hira replied somewhat tersely as he took a deep breath and looked around for someone who he felt who was missing.
"Where's Mariam?" Kono asks matter of factly as he strains his neck a little.
(Rikka gains 9 favor, Henrietta gains 11)
__________________________________________________ _____________
Mariam kick managed to totaled the robot that was about to grab, its arms lay withering slightly silently on the metal floor, as the rest of the andriod exploded in a gory of shards.
"I will make your lobtozmaation especially painful! Glory to the Dues Mechanscus!" The Tech-Preist screeched, as he fired his bolt pistol at her, missing by a large margin as she ducked under the table, making a loud noise as it pierced the wall behind her and exploded.
(I rolled a 1 :( )

2008-09-29, 08:43 PM
"Stay. Here," so Rikka instructs, leaving no room for discussion, as she dashes after Mariam.

2008-09-29, 08:43 PM
Henrietta looks distressed.

"Ahh, Mariam is... well, she... umm.... She traded herself for you, Master. They have her."

2008-09-29, 10:45 PM
"We've got to go help her, Henrietta -chan. I can't be of much help right now...but you can, I'll get up back to bed by myself." Hira exclaimed as he coughed, now fully upright on his back, but having a hard time getting himself up.

__________________________________________________ ______________
Rikka dashes into the same room that Mariam fought in, now littered with glowing fragments and a hole in the wall, as she saw the tech-priest aiming his bolt pistol at Mariam, who recently dived under a table for cover, began to fire another round.
(5x3 =15.)

First Speaker
2008-09-30, 01:53 AM
Preparing another grenade with shaking hands out of a smashed beaker and erstwhile container of some sort of bubbling fluid, Mariam thought. So, trapped behind a slowly disintegrating table, being fired at by some sort of transhumanist git with a rapid fire micro-rocket launcher. Well, she'd have to abscond with that, when this was done.

Stand; turn; grin an :awesome: (http://images.encyclopediadramatica.com/images/1/13/Awesome.png) at Rikka as she runs in; and throw. The tech-priest's face makes an appealing target.

He shoots, he scores. Mixing up another thermit cocktail using skill, for roll (5) x skill (4) = 20.

2008-09-30, 02:36 AM
"ARRGH!" The magos screeched, as the improvised grenade melted some of the metal off his face, as the rememnets of his face was two eyeballs and dripping melted metal, and little else, as he drooped his bolt pistol.
"Cursed technosocery! Let not the weakness of the flesh dissuade me." He yelled while uttering a litany as he pulled out from his cloak a controller with a large red button in his left arm and a less sophisticated but still deadly pistol from the other from his inbuilt weaponary. A burst of laser energy came streaming down at Mariam.
((5x3 again...15.)

2008-09-30, 07:50 AM
The color drains from Henrietta's face as she tiptoes towards the sounds of battle.

"I'm not cut out for this... I'm not cut out for this... I'm just a maid!"

2008-09-30, 10:10 AM
Seeing the irate magus standing there aiming his weapons, Rikka leaps into action and gives him a solid flying kick. It's a solid flying kick with only about a hundred pounds of girl and rather soft indoor shoes behind it, but hopefully it will at least throw off his aim as Rikka bounces rather embarassingly to the floor.

(5 x 1 Athletics; adding to Mariam's attack for the round, and Henrietta's if she makes one.)

2008-09-30, 02:37 PM
"I'm not trained for this!" Henrietta screams as she runs forward to whack the big scary cyborg man with her mop.

It's a great swing, with good follow through. Maybe she's better at this than she thought!

5x2=10! Hah!

First Speaker
2008-09-30, 04:58 PM
Nice, he'd relinquished control of the weapon, that meant that he -

It ... burnt. It ... seared her skin. Somehow, though, it didn't seem to matter. It was alright. She was still standing. With slow, faltering steps, she advanced forward to the techpriest, leant, picked up his bolt pistol, and, swinging her arm back round her body, brought it slamming down into his face.

Lookin' kinda King of Games there, dice roller ...


Anyway, hitting with the butt of the bolt pistol (they're chunky things) for
will (can't dodge lasers, (although the whole 'what is a las/miserable pile of photons' debate rages on), and so some form of GAR is needed to just grit teeth and bear it) 5 x roll 5 = 25, plus Henrietta's and Rikka's bonuses.

2008-09-30, 05:53 PM
The barrage of attaks by the Maids, left the Tech-Preist staggering, his face having a nice dent in it, but coutinued on, as if he was immune to pain, despite the state of disrepair his body was in.
(He's going to autofail regardless, so...)
"The blessing of the Ommisah were not enough..." He mumured, as he pressed the big red button, before collpasing into unconsiouses.
A low humming sound was heard into the backround as the strange black metal that was being subject to all sorts of abuse, the pressures and heat suddenly stopped applying as the metal began to consume itself, vapouses red energy starting to form and grow, but still confieded to the containtment vessel for now.

First Speaker
2008-10-01, 12:43 AM
That looks ... somewhat bad.

Mariam mumbled, eyeing the containment vessel warily.

But at least we've got him alive ... perhaps we can ask him how to stop this?

2008-10-02, 03:39 AM
Rikka whips out her cleaning gloves to handle the object safely, then looks around in hopes of finding some place to lob the probable high-yield explosive where it won't destroy any or all of the mansion. Carrying the device, she moves to a vaulted room in the basement, only to find it full of expensive wines. Moving back toward the stairs...no, Hira's in that room. Heading upstairs she finds a reinforced closet. Alas, it's full of stored artwork and statuary. Expensive. Running now, she moves out in the garden to toss it in the pond, but it's full of adorable little ducks!

"Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb."

Desperate, she makes a run for the hedges and throws it into the air, hoping not to hurt anyone!

(5 x 3 Luck = 15)

2008-10-02, 02:42 PM
Rikka threw the nebulous metal high into the air, as it suddenly stood still for a moment, as the chunk's cascading energy which it radiated devoured it utterly with a sound that uncannily resembled a small burp, as out came out a man that appeared to be in his early 50's, with some obvious augment fingers, but nothing as extreme as the tech-preist. He had a muscular but compact frame, wielding some sort of laser pistol the tech priest had, but it a small frame and not a obvious power pack jutting out on his grip rather awkwardly, on his belt lay a chain sword. A scarlet red sash adorned his chest with a black greatcoat and a cap obscuring his hair. He had a terrified look on his face as he fell onto the lawn.
He looked around for a moment, before staring at Rikka.

"Where in the name of the Emperor am I?!" He asked with much alarm, as pulled out his chain sword, continue to notice his surroundings but keeping a eye on Rikka.

First Speaker
2008-10-02, 04:29 PM
Groggily, Mariam turns to Henrietta.

Did you hear those voices too?

With that, she stomps up the stairs, clutching the bolt pistol.

_/ _/ _/

Emerging, tottering slightly from the door, Mariam emerges. A loaded bolt pistol in one hand, a delicately laid tray - iced gin and tonics, lemon, and some biscuits that seem to have been miniaturised by some unnatural nanotechnological process.

Sir; would you like some refreshment? The master should be here short- uh ...

She stumbles, putting a hand to her side, which is now covered by a broad bloom of red blood over the grey fabric of her dress. The rest is little better - cut, torn, and broken. She blanches.

I ... uh ... hurrk ...

She falls forward, arms underneath her just about keeping the drinks tray upright. A drop of blood falls into one of the shot glasses, though. It spreads out in an infinitesimal supernova of red blood corpuscules, dying as the ethanol shut down their processes one by one.Somewhere far off in the universe, an ancient eldar seer laughed as his plan came to fruition. What a ****.
OK, there is a plan, and remember, when it comes to Bloodless Carnage (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BloodlessCarnage), I follow the Battlestar Galactica school. Also, for the meal - Skill 4 x Roll 3 = 12.

No Jurgen now, eh Cain?

2008-10-02, 04:38 PM
So it is Cain? I was just guessing. How long until someone proclaims him HERO OF THE IMPERIUM?

Also, you can afford to get bloodstains on your uniform, Miss Perfect Maid, but the rest of us have stat penalties to worry about, so don't mind if I don't take significant physical damage if forced.

Henrietta dawdles in an attempt to clear up a bit of the mess in the basement, and makes it to the surface only just in time to see Mariam collapse. She assumes the worst.

"You did this, didn't you!?!" she accuses the man in red-and-black, "You killed our Mariam! And all she was doing was trying to bring you a snack! What a rude man!"

Should I roll for the minor cleaning in the basement?

2008-10-03, 02:23 AM
The political officer was slightly shocked at the circumstance of events that just took place, the last thing he remembering happening was jumping into a Nercon portal with Jurgen and a bunch of other Imperial Guardsmen, attempting to flee from the doomed world as it was being invaded by the Tyranids while simulationaly awakening the Nercons. Then falling into a strange new world that at least was breathable and mpt freezing cold. At least he got some free snacks, not too bad all things considered that death to moments away seconds before.

He gently took at the look at the girl that fell before him, ignoring the cries of Henrietta at the moment. As he tried to get her up while subtly attempting to pry the bolt pistol from her hand.
"She's fine, looks like she got hit from some kind really low intensity las weapon, considering she got a direct hit to the torso, even a las pistol would left a nice missing chunk of your chest with a shot there." He said, as he put away his chainsword but kept his las pistol close at hand.
(Athelics check, 5x3=15)
Don't worry about rolling for cleaning, but just by the way, the tech-priest isn't dead.

2008-10-03, 02:44 AM

Rikka stares at the newcomers for a bit before going back to the basement and stomping on what's left of the tech-priest. Even with her determined glaring, it's not very effective.

(1x4 Will = 4. Halp?)

2008-10-03, 11:54 AM
Rikka stomped and glared with all her might with little effect, as she heard the rebreather breathe in and out steadily, though with some discomfort. The labtory much the same as before.

First Speaker
2008-10-03, 12:17 PM
Sorry that this is interrupting the sequence of events slightly. Btw, roll 5 * Will 5 to keep control of the gun, and seize the initiative on Cain.

Just as the officer bends over to see to Mariam, there is a click.

You would seem to know what was going on. I apologise for this, but people who know things have seemed to be hazardous to the life of the master on no less than two occasions, today. Please state your business.

The young woman rises slowly, much more easily than her 'condition' would suggest, keeping a drawn bolt pistol perfectly steady. The pistol is aimed directly at his chest. It menaces with spikes of adamantine. On the pistol is an image of an eagle in rose gold. The eagle is rampant.

2008-10-03, 12:47 PM
Cain was suprised that girl was able to resist his attempt, as he looked the other way for the moment.
"Well, there's no need for voilence here...that bolt pistol would tear your fingers off if your lucky, it's made for a Space Marines." Cain said dimplotacittly as he ate a biscut in one hand keeping his las pistol firmly in his hand.
"Well, my name is Ciaphas Cain, Commassiar for the 572th Vallhean regiment, i jumped into a Nercon portal and i ended up here, interesting weapon you got there, worlds this low tech don't usaully get them unless your a goverener of some sort." He remarked.

First Speaker
2008-10-03, 01:31 PM
You're a soviet military official ... in the asatru afterlife? I apologise, but I am somewhat sceptical.

2008-10-03, 07:39 PM
"Soviet? What are you talking about, my only allegience is the Imperium of Man and the Emperor." He said in the most officailly sounding tone as possible.
"Must be on some backwards Imperial world in another Segtumetum." He thought.
"Under the authoriy invested to me by the Commasrait, I demand to see the plantary governer." He said with a hint of implict threat and air of authority.

2008-10-03, 11:04 PM
While Henrietta is pleased to find that Mariam is not dead, she is still unwilling to give this strange fellow the benefit of the doubt.

"There is no planetary governor here, creepy man," Henrietta informs him, "I don't know what planet you're from, but this planet is divided into a great number of sovereign nations, each independently governed. No one man has the power to unite them all."

First Speaker
2008-10-04, 03:15 AM
Well, hmph. We'll take you to what constitutes our planetary governor - the master of this place - he may want to hear of your arrival.

She walks slowly behind him, not aiming at him, but not stowing the bolt pistol, either. She gestures for him to enter the house.

2008-10-04, 04:16 AM
"Very well." Cain follows her reluctantly, as he taps his vox bead to see if he could pick Jurgen on any frequency.

2008-10-05, 01:28 AM
As Rikka countiued to stomp on the tech-preist with little effect, a shining bright flash of red energy dumped a few people directly onto the floor. Most of them welded some type of laser rifle that the robots where using, sporting a hard shell type body armor supplented with soft parts threwout, expect for one. He was really ugly, and a bit older then the rest with a dumb look on his face, not to mention a god awful smell that permanenced the entire dank labtoary, as he held some kind of anti tank device, handled quite easily despite its bulk. the others soldiers got up looking at their immediate surroundings, the smelly one tapping on his vox bead.
"Commassir, where are you?" As he soon took a notice at Rikka.

2008-10-05, 01:33 AM
"Think he's upstairs," Rikka reports. "Take off your shoes first," she adds if they head for the stairs, as she stomps on the fallen tech-priest again.

2008-10-05, 04:50 AM
"Jurgen where are you?" Cain inquired as he stopped moving, tapping onto his vox bead as he got the message.
"I'm some kind tech-priest shrine, there's some juvie that says your right on top of me sir. Verification of information sir." Jurgen replied, as his fellow soldiers stood at attention.
__________________________________________________ ____
"If she's wearing some frilly uniform, get the frak up here, I'm need backup." Cain murmured back.
__________________________________________________ _
Jurgen nodded his head, to the other Guardsmen, as they followed where Rikka pointed. Finding the polticial officer held at gunpoint.
"Drop that bolt pistol little girl!" Tylent screamed, holding his lasgun pointed firmly at Mariam. As the others did the same.
"Comassiar, what seems to the be problem?" Jurgen asked calmly, ignoring his fellow Guardsman.

First Speaker
2008-10-05, 09:37 AM
Pardon me, sir, but I would like to know why we have an ever growing invasion force that has been, well, just chilling out at the master's house.

She shifts her footing, keeping Cain between her and the guardsmen.

I do not wish to hurt anyone, but, if anyone poses a threat to our master, I'll go down shooting. As such, I've, erm, taken a bargaining chip. Do you really want to lose him - your commander? If not, let us all drop our weapons, and bargain, like adults.

She smiles hopefully.

Roll 2 x Will 5 = 10 for persuasion.

2008-10-05, 06:00 PM
Henrietta's eyes go big and watery.

"Please, kind sirs, there's no reason to shoot anyone! Can't we all just get along? That would be nice. And it's nice to be nice, isn't it?"


2008-10-06, 01:59 AM
"She has a point, men stand down.' Cain ordered, as his men followed grudely, as they dropped their lasguns.
"Their seems to be a misunderstanding. Pardon Tylent, he is the lieutenant for the squad of soldiers you see here. Can you tell us what is the name of this planet." Cain remarked, as the smell seemed to be getting worse as the heat wore on.

2008-10-06, 08:40 AM
"Why it's Earth, of course," Henrietta replies.

First Speaker
2008-10-06, 11:45 AM
Rummaging around under her uniform, Mariam produced several large, heavy, menacing looking METAL BOXES, and placed them in some arms dealer's conception of the tower of Hanoi. Atop this, she laid the bolt pistol, and smiled.

Thankyou for being reasonable. Anyway, yes; Earth - third planet of the Solar System, Orion Arm of the Milky Way Spiral Galaxy. And you would be from? Such knowledge helps, in the absence of a calling card.

2008-10-06, 02:37 PM
"Sir, Earth in the term used for Holy Terra before the even the Dark Age of techonly.." Jurgen remarked, causing everyone but him to stare blankly into disbelief.
"Thats impossble, Holy Terra should be swathed with ships of Battlefleet Solar, catherals and weapons system should lie endless abound as far as they eye can see." Tylen repilied is disbelief.
"Well then, I guess where time travlers." Cain replied in a frank manner with a small sigh.

First Speaker
2008-10-06, 03:26 PM
So, we've got a visit from a pack of - possibly deluded, possibly more enlightened than we know - time travellers. I'll go and inform the powers that be here.

Picking her way across the lasguns, Mariam heads off in search of Kono.

Upon finding him, she bows, and launches into a professional maid-mode.
Sir; you have guests. Previously armed, but now somewhat less beweaponed, guests. They appear to be from some sort of dark and grim future. Shall I show them in?

2008-10-06, 04:03 PM
Hira got up from his bed, as his nap was soundly interrpurted.
"Well, might as well show them in, get them some food, and did you guys find out anything from the basement? Where is everyone else?" He asked

2008-10-06, 04:38 PM
Though Henrietta is still somewhat suspicious of the strange visitors, she invites them inside to wait in the grand hall while Mariam speaks with The God Emperor of the Mansion The Planetary Governor Master Kono.

2008-10-07, 09:45 PM
"Can you tell us what is the current year? We come from the about the end of the 41st millennium. " Tylant asked Henrietta rather gruffly.

2008-10-07, 09:49 PM
Henrietta smiles weakly, "You're a bit far from home... Welcome to the 3rd."

First Speaker
2008-10-08, 01:36 AM
I apologise for interrupting your sleep sir. Rikka is in the basement, looking over the various examples of unusual technology that we found there, and keeping an eye on our friend the vivisector; Henrietta is with the guests; Megumi has vanished, though I suspect spontaneous existence failure rather than foul play. As to food, I shall be on it right away sir.

She departs, and busies herself preparing a plate of macaroons, then takes it to Cain and his men.

Here is your food sir; I apologise for its hasty preparation.

Skill 4 x roll 2 = 8.

2008-10-08, 11:50 AM
"Not bad, any chance that there's some kind techongly that could get us back? I'm no tech-preist, but i can manage the rites of activation well enough." Cain asked as he snacked.

2008-10-08, 12:45 PM
"We don't have time machines," Henrietta says succinctly, "On the other hand, we also don't usually have robots trying to kill us, so maybe you're better off here."

First Speaker
2008-10-08, 01:54 PM
Not entirely true, Henrietta. There are a few facilities that specialise in teleportation-through-time technology - Alaska, the Negev plant, and, if my memory serves me well, one hidden in plain sight under the Swiss Alps, disguised as a particle accelerator. However, they're not particularly operative, what with their necessary destruction of all matter that passes through.

'Interrogation' of the priestly git downstairs might aid efforts in reopening a portal, if that is what you'd like ...

She brightens, remembering her manners.

although I am sure that the master would be delighted to have you stay!

2008-10-08, 04:06 PM
"W-we have t-time machines?!?" Henrietta stammers in disbelief.

First Speaker
2008-10-09, 12:40 AM
Yes. But you die if you use them, and there's absolutely no assurance where you'll come out.

She grins.

2008-10-09, 02:57 AM
"You mean there's a tech-preist down here too?" Cain remarked as things got weirder by the moment.

First Speaker
2008-10-09, 11:14 AM
Yes, he's down there alright - keeper of the 'dead skin', something like that. Not very pleasant - wanted to turn us and the master into servitors - speaking of which, I believe that it is time that you were introduced. Would you like an introduction?

2008-10-10, 12:43 AM
"While you've been very kind of us, my first duty is to my men and my leadership is needed back in the future." Cain lied. The truth of the matter of course, he'd rather stay here but of course his reputation preceded him with thsi many men.

2008-10-10, 12:48 AM
Although she initially feared him, Henrietta finds herself somehow sympathizing with the time-tossed visitor.

"So few men in the midst of such a grim and dark future... filled only with war... however do you manage?"

Yes, I realize he hasn't actually given Henrietta enough information to come to that conclusion... but I really, really wanted to use the line. Well, a paraphrase of the line.

2008-10-10, 10:26 AM
"The immortal God-Emperor of course, even today he walks amogst you, unseen and unknown as he works his ways to propel humanity to the stars and assert domitation over the galxey. His blessings and example give us strength, for whatever can we do but to surive? For one day, the Emperor will arise from the Golden Throne of Holy Terra, and wipe away the heretic, xeno, and traditor in resurgence of the Great Crusade, and for that day we live for." Tylant explained.

2008-10-11, 01:59 PM
((Is the tech-priest fellow dead yet, or should I keep rolling to fight him?))

2008-10-11, 02:30 PM
Henrietta responds to the God-Emperor talk with nothing more than a blank stare.

2008-10-11, 07:37 PM
((Is the tech-priest fellow dead yet, or should I keep rolling to fight him?))
(( I don't see why you would want to, he's unconsciousness for the time being.))
"Well, lets go on with it, shall we, and mind if we get our guns back when we get down there?" Cain asked.

First Speaker
2008-10-12, 10:33 AM
I see that you are fairly attached to those weapons. Very well. This way, if you please.

She leads him

I see his being unconscious as no reason to stop attacking him. All the better, I'd say.

2008-10-13, 04:39 AM
Mariam makes her way to the dank and dark basement/laboratory as the troopers were once again equipped, as Rikka continued her attempt at hurting the fallen Magos with little avail.
"Whats that tech-priest doing there?" Cain asked with suspicion.

2008-10-13, 10:47 AM
"I don't know, sir," Henrietta replies, "I'm just a maid."

First Speaker
2008-10-13, 04:09 PM
Dastardly deeds, no doubt.

Mariam mused, stroking a non-existent beard.

Although, since you appear to know his type, could you inform us what mad half-machine monks are usually supposed to do?

2008-10-13, 05:34 PM
Rikka kicks the fellow one more time and posits her theories. "Reconnaissance. Maybe foothold." She thinks for a moment, and adds a corollary to her report. "Surprisingly mostly human."

2008-10-14, 12:51 AM
Cain looked around the laboratory for a moment, and shudders for a moment as see he sees nercodermis scattered threw out, encased in small tubes, though thankfully secured in stasis fields.
"They maitain and create the techongly the Imperium uses by their extensive of the rituals needed to create and placate machine spirits. As for the augmentions, they believe that they can be closer with their "Machine God" by aboaning what they call the "weakness of flesh", bunch of crazies if you ask me, these cogboys, but I disgress. Though by the look of the things hanging on the walls, looks like this one did indeed go crazy, or more then usual anyways, dabbling in Xeno tech, Nercon in particular." Cain replied as a stint of fear sent threw his spine as he meationed Nercons, as with a grave look on his face, as he attempted the rites of activation on the nearby consul, muttering the appropriate litanies.

((1...x2... is 2........anyone want to help? :smallbiggrin:)

2008-10-14, 12:59 AM
(Roll 6 x Skill 2 = 12)

Rikka successfully finds the "on" button on the console, wondering silently what kind of rites the man is babbling about. "Scientists corrupted by extraterrestrial infiltrators," she summarizes, nodding sagely in agreement with Cain. "Not uncommon."

2008-10-14, 11:21 PM
It's official. I'm playing the only sane man girl. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OnlySaneMan)


2008-10-14, 11:25 PM
"Within the scientific and industrial communities, no. Advanced interstellar technology is a powerful bargaining tool," Rikka explains.

((A little longer of a speech, and I'll have worked Inez Fressange in as well.))

2008-10-14, 11:37 PM
I'm going to have to wear a bunny suit when this exposition turns into "Get to Know WH40k!" aren't I?

Henrietta stares dumbfounded at her fellow maid.

"Aliens... I... I may have to go lie down for a bit..."

2008-10-15, 03:16 AM
"What are you doing?" Cain exclaimed as Rikka pressed on the button, turning the logic engine on.
"Nevermind..." He remarked as he accessed the data slates, using his commissarial override code to get past any obstructions.
"Great, its either the blue one or the red one, I guess now or nothing." He mutters as he pulled the blue trigger.
Suddenly, a red portal convulsed into existence a few meters away, spawning 3 skeletal looking warriors with overly large meancing looking guns appeared, as they fired, instantly vaporizing two of the nearby Guardsmen into nothingness.
"FOR THE EMPEROR!" The commassiar yelled as he pulled out his chainsword and rushed foward, but missing entarily at the one who was nearest to the portal, the other troops firing their lasguns as they dived for nearby cover. The energy failed to produce much noticable damage, as Jurgen unleahed a blast with his meltagun, but only managing to hit the floor, as he took cover behing a data acess panel.
(double one's XD)
One of warrior's took notice on Rikka, and as its menacing glowing orbs stared, it blast emitted from its Gauss rifle...
(1x4...so many 1s..)

2008-10-17, 04:01 PM
Rikka briefly wonders why stuff keeps popping up out of thin air today, then decides to try another function on the command console and see if that sends the whatever-they-are's back.

(6 x 3 Luck = 18, working with Cain and Jurgen if possible.)

2008-10-17, 09:39 PM
As Rikka pushed the button, calmdespite the fire that was being sent back and forth, as another guardsmen melted into the void, it sprigged a massive blast of blue physic energy that instantly destroyed the skeletons, expanding threwout the room, with the exception that it mysteriously ebbed around Jurgen and Cain, as they took the chance ran into the portal as it began to fade, yelling "Come on men! Do you want to live forever!?" The remaining troops following suit, as the last went in, it closed with a loud burp.
__________________________________________________ ________
"Whats with the loud noise? Are all those guys from the future gone?" Kono asked as he went down gingerly into the laboratory.

2008-10-17, 11:41 PM
Henrietta shrieks in terror as everything that just transpired transpires. She just barely manages to not faint.

"Oh God, oh God, they're all gone... They were here, and there was shooting, but then they were gone..."

2008-10-18, 02:09 AM
"Henrietta, are you all right? Maybe you should rest. It seems like you've gone threw a lot, want to sleep with me tonight?" Hira said with somewhat of a worried tone.

2008-10-18, 11:02 AM
"Oh, no Master," Henrietta replies, "After what I've seen... learned... I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep tonight... I wouldn't want to keep you up..."

A single tear rolls down her cheek.

She says no because she wants you to insist.
Reverse Psychology:
Cunning 2 x Roll 3 = 6

First Speaker
2008-10-18, 01:56 PM
Kono; I would strongly advise the purging of this place, with blessed ammonia and bleach. The salvage and examination may help us to understand what's going on and prevent future incursions, but it could equally destroy everything here and in a ten mile radius. It is your call, master.

Smooth, Kono, smooth.

2008-10-18, 11:31 PM
:smallsigh:..1x2.. so takes 3 stress
"Well for now, that seems to good call Mariam, but just close it off for now, well figure out what do with it tomorrow." Hira sighed, as he went back to Henrietta. As she teared, he felt a pang in his heart.
"No I must insist Henrietta, I don't mind if you wake me, I'll stay up all night with you if you are that restless."

2008-10-19, 12:37 AM
I didn't actually mean that as combat... but whatever.

"Thank you... sir." Henrietta replies, sniffling.

2008-10-20, 03:47 PM
"So, where are we exactly to going to get "blessed" versions of ammonia and bleach?" Hira asked, perplexed by the need for his basement to conerated.

2008-10-20, 07:11 PM
"Oh, master," Henrietta coos, "let them worry about the logistics. You... and I... need to relax. It's been a stressful day... I could give you a neck massage, perhaps..."

She does not touch the Master, for doing so without permission would be inappropriate, but she moves quite close to him as she says this.

I'm going for the big time: Affection Seduction attempt: 4x4=12...

2008-10-21, 01:01 AM
1.x2 is 2 .....Nerdo or First speaker, if you want intervene, this is the time.
Hira was flush with red as Henrietta approached him, as he said in a small stutter, as tried to avoid her eyes but was found futile.
"Umm.. that sounds like a good idea, Henrietta-chan, we can go up to my room if you want."

2008-10-21, 01:19 AM
*Gratuitous Newtype-flash sound effect for otaku reference appeal*

"Hold it," Rikka says, holding up a hand in the direction of her amazingly forward colleague. "Hira was attacked earlier. With all these people teleporting in and out, we should secure the mansion before we let our guard down."

(Roll 3 x 4 Will = 12 to assist the Master.)

She doesn't mention the Necrodermis thing, resolving to give that to the proper authorities...once she can get in contact with them. The new head of the Order had given her instructions to report back if she found something, but the contact number, for some reason, was for the laundromat down the street. Perhaps it was a cover, but if so, she didn't know the correct codewords.

First Speaker
2008-10-21, 03:39 AM
Mariam looks at Kono with a quizzical look. How could he not know her sources ... well.

I know a guy.

Drawing a complicated tube-like apparatus from her big box of equipment (now handily recovered), and strapping it onto a harness that bears worryingly heavy duty shock absorbers, she begins running a few diagnostic programs, while the two lovebirds coo and snuggle.

Get a room, she thought. It's your fracking house.

2008-10-21, 06:56 AM
"The Master would be safer elsewhere, with me keeping an eye on him. Staying in the basement is the worst thing he could possibly do now."

I'm not sure you can do this retroactively, but if you can... Spending 1d6... 3 favor to raise the last result to 5, for a 20.

2008-10-21, 07:38 PM
"Henrietta-chan is right, given what happened today, i think I'll stay in my room for now...with Henrietta-chan." Kono replied in a dreamy like tone, as he went and gave her a loving hug.

2008-10-22, 11:47 AM
Henrietta returns the hug.

"Let's go, Master."

2008-10-22, 12:41 PM
Rikka looks decidedly moe for a moment as she looks at the floor sadly,

(Affection combat vs. Henrietta, for spite. Roll 2 x 3 Affection = 6)

but pushes those feelings of inadequacy and fanservice to the back of her mind to concentrate on the mission.

Looking at the test tubes scattered about that seem to contain the "Necrodermis", she attempts to figure out if there's any way to remove them without disengaging those important-looking energy fields.

(Roll 3 x 2 Cunning = 6 again.)

First Speaker
2008-10-22, 03:05 PM
Mariam watches the two pair whispering sweet nothings to each other as they leave. Typical. Life mirrored art, it seems - but art had permutations beyond the animation of this country ...

Well. Now that's in progress, I think we should ...

She turns, to see that Rikka is already attempting to disable the fields.

Already! I see that more than one person has an agenda.

Working alongside her fellow maid, Mariam picks up a vial of Living Metal, and squints at it. She applies a little more of her magic burny powder to the rim, and, in the background, the introductory bars of a delightful jingly tune play ... and within seconds, Mariam is dancing, bouncing off the walls with the manic energy of a cocaine-fuelled rubber ball, and singing -

I pile on all the thermite
it's such a pretty sight
it makes the glass all shattered
but my retinae hurt all night!

Roll 4 x Will 5 (well, bouncy good-naturedness) = 20 to assist Rikka.


For those of you who aren't familiar with the zenith of television that is Lazytown, here is my source, (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=-azqXygCzO8) and here is the songsheet (http://www.lyricsdownload.com/nickelodeon-cookbook-lazytown-lyrics.html). This is an attempt to conduct SCIENCE by channelling the power of MUSICAL INTERLUDE. Things don't always have to work by meido methods, instead the West End can be used. Others are welcome to form a chorus together with Mariam.

2008-10-22, 08:46 PM
As Hira and Henrietta closed the door, the master faced her.
"I love you Henrietta-chan, i haven't been in love before...but i don't know its right since you are still my employee." Hira said, still blushing heavily, as he stroked her hair and whispered.
"But if there is anything i can do help you, please ask."
__________________________________________________ __________
Mariam realizes after she stopped singing in a spark of brilliance, that the skeleton lookalike warriors that were here earlier seemed to be composed of the same type of metal that were lined along the wall. As Rikka did a little knobbing here and there the maids manage to get something working as a speaker and keyboard pops up from the console and a voice asks.
"Please insert authorization code."

2008-10-22, 09:16 PM
Henrietta blushes as she leaves the basement. At Hira's comment, she blushes even more.

"Umm... I... have no idea what I'm doing..." she admits.

Countering Rikka's spite with blushiness, Affection 4 x Roll 3 = 12...

2008-10-23, 01:43 AM
"Do you love me, Henrietta-chan?" He asked, as he held on her shoulders and looked intensely.

2008-10-23, 01:48 AM
Rikka briefly considers unleashing some kind of cosmic horror from these things if that stupid bedroom scene doesn't cut out soon, but represses that feeling for the sake of her mission and the world.

The musical number is also pushing it.

"Any ideas?" she asks Mariam, gesturing to the keyboard.

2008-10-23, 01:51 AM
Henrietta attempts to find yet a deeper shade of red to blush in.

"Of course I do, Master. We all do. That's why we serve you."

2008-10-24, 02:48 PM
"I want to be with you forever Henrietta-chan." Hira said tenderly, he gave her light kiss on her cheek. As he pulled her to his bedroom and sat down.

2008-10-24, 05:02 PM
"What's.. What's this place?" Eri murmurs to herself as she stops at the front entrance of the mansion. "Couldn't hurt to ask, I guess..."

She steels herself before ringing the doorbell/intercom buzzer/appropriate entrance-requesting noisemaker and stands with her hands folded in front of her in a thinly veiled attempt to hide her fatigue.

2008-10-24, 10:38 PM
Okay, a bit too lovey dovey for me, considering Kono's age... Time to break it up.

A look of horror crosses Henrietta's face.

"For-forever? Is that why those robots were in the basement? You want to turn us into robots so we can be together forever?"

2008-10-24, 11:01 PM
Not getting any suggestions, Rikka tries an authorization code off the top of her head, typing it into the keyboard.

If the keyboard is in Japanese:
'Me' 'ka' 'ji' 'ki'

If it's in English...well, pretty obvious.

(Roll 3 x 3 Luck = 9)

2008-10-25, 01:08 AM
"No! That's no what I mean Henrietta-chan, please...." Kono pleaded, but was interrupted with the doorbell, as he sighed.
"Can you go get that? I'll go check up on Rikka-chan." Kono replied as he went back toward the basement.
__________________________________________________ ____
As Rikka entered the keys, several of the lights started blinking randomly before she heard the same mechanical voice again.
"Authorization accepted."

2008-10-25, 10:31 AM
Relieved to be free of Kono, Henrietta goes to answer the doorbell. She pauses briefly by a mirror to neaten up just a bit. Combat, impromptu first aid, and half-hearted jabs at romance all have a tendency to interfere with looking your best.

She is surprised to find a young purple-haired girl on the other side of the door.

*Aww, she's so cute!* Henrietta thinks.

"Greetings, stranger! Welcome to the Hira estate!" she says, bowing.

2008-10-25, 12:36 PM
That's always the password... Rikka thinks.

"...Now what do we do?" she asks Mariam.

2008-10-26, 07:55 AM
Eri looked up at Henrietta as she was greeted, shuffling her feet slightly before returning the bow with one of her own. "A-ah... Hello, madam! You wouldn't happen to.. She trails off for a moment to cover the points of her ears with her hair, apparently trying to keep them hidden. "Um... You wouldn't happen to be hiring for any positions here, would you?"

2008-10-26, 08:27 PM
Henrietta scrunches up her face in thought.

"Well, I haven't heard the Master say he was seeking any help... but then again, I haven't seen Megumi since that whole business with the ninja started... Maybe she left when the fighting broke out? It has been kind of a rough day..."

Henrietta looks at the new girl and smiles.

"If you don't mind a little potentially deadly peril every now and then, I'm sure we can fit you in! I'm sure with a little luck you'll probably even survi... I mean finish your apprenticeship!"

She ushers the girl inside.

"Come on, let's get you fitted for a uniform!"

Still grinning, she reaches over and brushes the hair away from one of Eri's ears.

"And if you want some advice, don't cover those cute little things up! They're adorable!"

2008-10-26, 10:54 PM
"I understand. Sorry to both-whareally?" Eri sounded rather surprised at Henrietta's response, not needing too much prodding to head inside with the maid. She still seemed rather confused, of course.

"U-uniform? For wha-" The girl was cut off in mid-sentence as Henrietta uncovered her ear, a lookof shock crossing her face. The shocked expression faded quickly, however, as it reverted back to the confused look. "They are? But I thought.. Don't they look weird to you?"

2008-10-26, 11:22 PM
"Why a maid's uniform, of course!" Henrietta replies, "You said you were here looking for work, didn't you? Unless you're a trained accountant or a master bodyguard or something, that means you must be applying to become a maid!"

Henrietta walks over to a closet and throws open the door.

"We have fairly high turnover, so Master Hira keeps a good number of uniforms in storage... I'm sure we can find one that fits you... and accents those ears nicely!"

Henrietta smiles affectionately and gently tweaks the point of one of the ears.

"They may not be normal, but they're a good weird!"

Henrietta rummages in the closet for a moment until she finds a measuring tape.

"Ahh, here we go, let's get some measurements... While one of these uniforms will serve for the meantime, if you choose to stay long-term we'll have some dresses custom-fitted for you..."

Henrietta gestures down at her uniform and pirouettes to show it off.

"You like?"

2008-10-27, 02:06 AM
Ascension, i need you to make a skill check to find a Maid uniform that fits.
__________________________________________________ _________
"Rikka-chan, maybe it would be helpful to ask the git down their for some help, i mean he made it after all." Hira asked, as he kicked the tech-preist lightly, as he shok his head for a moment and added.
"You seemed to be bothered by something earlier, whats wrong?"

2008-10-27, 02:16 AM
With tape measure in hand, Henrietta declares war on Eri's personal space. The assault is followed by a thorough scan of the closet. When the dust settles, Henrietta has found a dress which should be a near-perfect fit for the new girl... unfortunately, it's beige.

"Well, it's kind of a boring color... it should fit nicely, though! Go ahead, try it on!"

Roll of 4, Skill of 3, Result of 12.

2008-10-27, 07:14 AM
"Well.. I-I guess I could do that, sure!" Eri almost seemed pleased at the notion of becoming a maid. She let out a timid squeak as Henrietta tweaked her ear, her cheeks flushing slightly from the comment.

Eri remained quiet while Henrietta searched for the tape measure, glancing around briefly before focusing on the maid again as she showed off her uniform. "Ooh... I do! I don't want you to trouble yours-"

And so she was measured thoroughly, prompting a few awkward squeaks and whimpers as she apparently was never measured in such a way before. Left red-faced again, Eri took the dress from Henrietta and looked it over briefly, a confused look slowly coming over her face. "It's alright! I don't know if it'd be good to wear anything too flashy.. Er.. How do you put this on? Do I just put it on over my head..?"

2008-10-27, 10:26 AM
Taco, Talkkno, feel free to stop this action if you want to, but Eri does have a 0 in Athletics and thus autofails all checks with the stat...

"Allow me to demonstrate!" Henrietta says with a smile, "It's my job to teach my apprentice things like this."

Henrietta pulls Eri inside the walk-in closet and closes the door.

"A hands-on demonstration is often the best teaching method," she surmises.

Unless stopped somehow, Henrietta will proceed to dress Eri. With all that entails. Though she will resort to force if Eri struggles, her touch is gentle, her voice soothing as she attempts to liberate Eri from her civilian gear and help the new maid don her uniform for the first time.

2008-10-27, 02:54 PM
Coincidentally, Eri also has a 0 in Athletics! No sense in rolling a stalemate here becauuuse...

Eri followed Henrietta into the closet, taking a moment to take in her surroundings. As the maid tried to dress her, she would resist a bit initially before going along with it with the appropriate awkwardness involved in such.

"Er.. S-so how does it look?" she mumbled while casting a flustered stare at the ceiling.

2008-10-27, 04:13 PM
Oh, no, Henrietta has a 2 in Athletics. I was meaning I'd automatically beat you. :smallbiggrin:

"It looks pretty good, my young apprentice!"

Henrietta lays a finger along her chin in thought as she looks Eri up and down.

"It really looks pretty good. I didn't think beige would be your color, but it works."

Henrietta lays a gentle hand on Eri's head.

"Let's go introduce you to Master Hira. I'm sure he'll be as thrilled to meet you as I am. He's probably down in the basement. You'll probably be fine, he'll probably not try to turn you into a robot yet."

2008-10-27, 06:19 PM
Ahh. I just read that wrong, then. XD

The color drains from Eri's face slightly at Henrietta's comment, apparently unnerved at the notion of such a fate. "A r-robot? What kind of place is this, anyway? It didn't look so weird from the outside..." She started to glance around the closet anxiously and bit down on her lip after she finished speaking.

2008-10-27, 06:27 PM
"It wasn't weird until this morning," Henrietta explains, "but since then we've been attacked by ninjas, cyborgs, robots, aliens, and people from the distant future. And I think Master Hira may have been experimenting on some of them. He threatened to turn me into a robot just so we could be together forever..."

Henrietta tries to sound cheerful.

"But that's just his way of showing that he loves me. He wouldn't really turn anyone into a robot without their consent. He's a nice boy."

Henrietta takes Eri's hand and begins leading her towards the basement.

"You'll see for yourself, soon enough. And you'd better believe the hazard pay makes the danger almost worth it. I need craziness to happen if I want to pay off my mother's medical bills..."

First Speaker
2008-10-27, 09:07 PM

A voice rings out from the shadows of the hall. Only the figure's lower face, adorned with a worryingly stern smile, and the light gleaming in opaque white ovals of spectacle lenses, can be seen in the darkness.

With the recent events, I feel I must do this, and I apologise, Henrietta, that it has come to this.

Mariam steps forward. hastily trying to stow the two petri dishes that she had been employing for that oh-so-ominous scary shiny glasses effect. She holds the bolt pistol out to Eri - it is almost as big as the apprentice maid's entire torso.

Should the master ... become not like himself, then I implore you, for all our sakes, and particularly those who have become close to him -

She eyes Henrietta.

- and, above all, the sake of the master's own soul and spirit - free him from whatever horror, madness, or loss of reason has come over him. I would not have him remembered as one who gazed unprotected into the void of this world - a double tap, two rounds to the head, should secure his memory, in case some foul spirit overtakes him. Keep this secret - seeing him may inflame the malady upon him more - but do not flinch from it if it is the correct thing to do.

The gun is reverentially laid in the apprentice maid's hands - Mariam closes her hands around it.

Protip - unbeknownst to Eri, and anyone who isn't much of a gun nut in the household, Mariam's switched rounds 1-3 in the magazine with plexiglass test-tubes, which are approximately the same size. Sure, they'll hurt, but the disappointing 'thwib' that they make renders them all but harmless. curls non-existent moustache

2008-10-27, 09:14 PM
Henrietta's eyes go wide.

"B-but you're the one who's good with guns, Mariam," Henrietta protests, "And you know Master Hira better than my new apprentice, so you'd be better able to tell when he's really gone too far. Please, don't ask her to shoot him... and don't ask me, either."

2008-10-27, 09:36 PM
Eri gave Henrietta yet another dumbfounded look, simply nodding her head every now and then as she was led downstairs. "What did I get myself into..?" She thought and looked up as they reached the basement, squinting slightly to make out the figure of Mariam.

The shiny glasses certainly did seem to have their intended effect as Eri stood up a bit straighter, seemingly unnerved by the sight. She shuddered briefly before putting on her best attempt at a formal maid-face, dipping forward in a formal bow and curtsy. She quickly reverted to the confused look from earlier, however, as Mariam handed the pistol over to her. "What's.. Er.."

She went quiet and looked the pistol over, struggling a bit with the gun's weight. "I-I don't know if I can.. Uh.. Do what you're asking me to, though.. What's wrong with the master, anyway?"

Should I roll for Athletics to see if she can hold it? It's 0, so she'd likely drop it on her foot or something if that was the case.

First Speaker
2008-10-27, 09:52 PM
It is better the less is known - suffice to say, things can be ... dangerous, around him.

Miriam looks intently at the new recruit.

Again, I am sorry to lay this burden at your feet - your status as a newcomer allows you to see things with new eyes. You shall be our neutral party.

2008-10-27, 10:06 PM
Henrietta spontaneously hugs Eri. She begins to tear up a bit.

"We'll get through this, apprentice! We'll be okay. We've just got to keep telling ourselves that. The pay is good and we have each other and that's enough, right?"

Henrietta's hug tightens a bit.

"Even if all the men in our lives abandon us, we girls will persevere! We'll stick together!"

2008-10-27, 11:13 PM
"It's alright. I'll.. Ah.. I-I'll do what I can to help, then." Eri starts to bow to Miriam again, but is interrupted by the sudden hug and squeaks timidly at that. Another squeak escapes her lips as the hug tightens, the girl managing a weak nod while her cheeks flush slightly from the sudden contact.

"Yeah.. I don't know if I'm really qualified to be here or not anymore, but I'll still try to do what I can... Um.. I-I hope I can work with you two well, then?"

2008-10-27, 11:46 PM
Hira emerged from the basement, and was pleasantly surprised when he saw the small purple haired girl, lowering himself to her level.
"Well, well what you doing out here? Don't your parents want to know where you are? I don't mind you working here, but that's what i am most concerned about." Where he added by lightly patting her head.

2008-10-28, 12:05 AM
"See, I told you he was nice," Henrietta says to Eri in a stage whisper.

2008-10-28, 07:32 AM
Eri blinks a few times as Hira approaches, becoming somewhat confused once he pats her head. This is the master? This doesn't sound like what Miriam said he was like... She thought and tosses a quick nod at Henrietta before bowing formally to Hira.

"Ah.. It's a pleasure to meet you, sir. They.. They already know I've left." Eri offers him another bow and smiles timidly. "Is it alright if I start working here, then? I-I'll do my best!"

2008-10-28, 07:43 PM
"Sure, do you know how cook? I could use some dinner, I've gotten beaten up at least twice today And I guess your under Henrietta-chan's tutelage for now?" Hira inquired.

2008-10-28, 08:03 PM
Henrietta winks at Eri.

"We'll do it together! It'll be fun!"

2008-10-28, 10:43 PM
Eri glances at Henrietta briefly before bowing to Hira again.

"I am. Um.. sure! I can try... Is there anything you would prefer?"

2008-10-29, 01:17 AM
'Just not anything strange should be fine. Though some one else shoud set up the tables, I'll be watching how you do."Hira replied as he pointed towards the kitchen.

2008-10-29, 09:19 AM
Placing a gentle hand on Eri's shoulder, Henrietta guides the new maid towards the kitchen.

"Let's do this," she says with confidence.

2008-10-29, 01:55 PM
"Mariam, you might want to go help Rikka-chan, she seemed to have a question for you earlarier."

2008-10-29, 03:52 PM
Eri stumbles slightly as she lets Henrietta push her along, waving back at Hira quickly as they leave the basement area. The apprentice does eventually start moving on her own, turning sideways slightly to speak to Henrietta more easily.

"So.. Um.. What are we making, anyway?"

2008-10-29, 10:55 PM
"What would you like to make, my young apprentice?" Henrietta asks as they reach the entrance to the kitchen. With a grand gesture she indicates the size and power of the mansion's kitchen.

"We can make anything!"

2008-10-30, 08:27 AM
Eri gives Henrietta a surprised look and shakes her head quickly. "I-I can't decide something like that! I don't know what Sir Hira likes to eat and what he doesn't..." She glances around for a moment and just stares at some of the things in the kitchen, looking somewhat confused about something.

"When we make the food, though, should we.. Er.. Make sure to use everything here?"

2008-10-30, 10:48 AM
"No, silly. You can't put everything in one dish. Hmm... Master Hira just said nothing too strange... What was your favorite food growing up?"

2008-10-30, 04:04 PM
Eri scratches her cheek lightly in though. "Mm.. Well... The potatoes were good. We would boil them, then make this tasty potato salad out of it."

2008-10-30, 07:11 PM
"I concur, that sounds simple enough. I get rice most of the time, so it would be a nice change of pace." Hira remarked.

2008-10-30, 10:12 PM
Henrietta spins around with a start.

"Ah! I didn't realize you followed us up, Master... Well, potato salad it is then! We'll have it ready in a jiff."

2008-11-01, 01:03 PM
Eri let out a timid yelp, apparently surprised by the master's sudden appearance. "S-Sir Hira! I mean.. Uh.. Master Hira. We'll be done before you know it!" She nodded once before starting work on the making potato salad.

I never got the password for the dice roller thing. o.o

First Speaker
2008-11-02, 06:53 AM

Ms. Curalah slips away from the scene of the joyous cooking - it appeared to be going smoothly - for the moment. The weapon, a safety measure. Picking up a darning kit and some of Sir Hira's clothing, she wanders in a distinctly purposeful way to the basement, where Rikka continues to hammer on the controls of the

It is interesting to note that the binary stitches of a woolen cardigan - such as, for example, the one that Sir Hira was wearing earlier today - can store a remarkable quantity of manipulable information. Such remarks were made by our family patriarch in 12th century Spain - a Kabalistic Ba'al Shem of no minor skill - but of course, you'd be no tyro yourself in such matters ...

She chuckles to herself.

Nonetheless, the methods of rearranging and generating ciphers are reducible to a certain set of logical 'paths', if you will, through the haze of the numbers, which lead us to the correct result.

Essentially, we can perform cryptographic combinatorics, and open that computer up, by sewing. If that doesn't work, we go to work on the priest.

She smiles brightly and draws a pair of long-nose pliers from her pocket.

I have just realised what you typed as the password. Oh you, Nerd-o-rama. :smallamused:

Anyway, Skill 4 x Roll 4 = 16 to aid her codebreaking efforts. My High Gothic, Grim Darkness of the Far Future suggests password to be gladius. (http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_Latin_name_for_swordfish)

2008-11-03, 02:52 AM
Fortunately, for Mariam, her attempts at placating the machine spirit was successful as a computer voice remarked.
"Powering down." The lights starting to dim as the testing tubes began to recede and the metal lay inert and lifeless as before.

2008-11-05, 02:35 PM
Rikka looks around at the...whatever it is.

"That's...good," she guesses, watching things not come to life and attack her. "I've never seen mysticism applied to cryptography. Where did you learn to do that?" she asks Mariam.

2008-11-05, 02:36 PM
Sorry for the long delay!
Roll: 1
Skill: 1
Total: 1

Illiterate Scribe
2008-11-05, 03:54 PM
Mariam slowly puts down the cardigan. It's fixed, but the stitching is weird - it criss-crosses over itself in a way that seems to be just on the verge of meaning something, but doesn't - a little like the feeling you get when you thought you recognised a face, but it turned out to be a stranger.

Ain't kabalah the funnest thing, Rikka?

Actually, the study of rearranging words to find mystical anagrams and thus gain insight into the fundamental nature of the universe isn't much of a transferrable skill, but it's useful here.

She walks over to the now-receded necrodermis capsule.

Gematria, however, has nothing to say to me about this.

A glance up at Rikka. A smile.
But might it mean something to you, Heir Apparent to the Order of the Crimson Lotus (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4947714&postcount=24)?

The cardigan is a popular garment among Japanese teens.

Rolling bluff check = [13] + 0 charisma mod + 2 ranks = 15, roll sense motive to disbelieve this made up fact.

2008-11-05, 08:12 PM
Henrietta does her best to aid in the cooking, but she tries to let Eri take the lead... and there's only so much you can do to a dish that's been... well, treated like that.

Roll of 2, skill of 3, result of 6.

2008-11-06, 01:59 AM
"Umm...Eri-san, lets not have you take care of cooking today ok...?" Kono remarks as he stares in the emptiness of the void of the less then stellar cooking, which Henrietta struggled to have the pitiless entropy of a dish into something resembling food, with some success.
"Is their anything else you think you can do?" He added as he tasted the revised dish which resembled a potato salad and declared
"Its average."

2008-11-06, 10:37 AM
"W-well.. Uh.." Eri bites her lip gently while taking a quick look around, a nervous frown crossing her face. "I could try cleaning! Um.. I don't know where you store the towels and mops and things, though... But I can do that once I find out! she speaks with a determined fistpump.

2008-11-06, 10:54 AM
"And I'll help her!" Henrietta hastily volunteers.

2008-11-06, 11:33 PM
"Well, Eri-san you could wash the dishes in the kitchen and get them prepared from earlier this afternoon, since Henrietta-chan is almost done." Hira replied as turned to his infatuation.
"Henrietta-chan...I want you here, someone still has to finish dinner and i will be here wtih." He stated firmly.

2008-11-07, 02:13 AM
Henrietta opens her mouth to protest, but the objection dies on her lips.

"Yes, Master," she answers instead.

She takes one last look at Eri before trudging back into the kitchen. She fears that if her young apprentice doesn't do quite well at this next task her tenure at the mansion may be short indeed, but there is no way to help her. Eri must succeed... or fail... on her own.

She busies herself with the work of fixing the rest of dinner. She amazes herself with the results!

Roll 6! Skill 3! Total 18! EPIC DINNER!

2008-11-08, 08:52 PM
"Amorsia!" Hira epically declared in a fit of madness, as he tasted the finished results that somehow to drew from the void into something that was a feast for both eyes and somtach, as he tasted it, a starry eyed blankness in his face before falling unconsciousness with a content look.
(Gain one favor.)

2008-11-09, 08:40 AM
"Alright.. I won't let you down this time!" And with that, Eri makes her wayback to the kitchen with Henrietta. She remains inside even after her superior leaves with her food, intent on doing a better job with the cleaning than she did with the cooking earlier.

Roll: 5 x 2 (Will) = 10

2008-11-10, 07:50 PM
With mop and bucket in hand, with renewed determination, she manages to clean up the shrapnel and other scars of battle, but only marginally made the the basement less grimy

2008-11-16, 03:01 AM
The cardigan is a popular garment among Japanese teens.

Rolling bluff check = [13] + 0 charisma mod + 2 ranks = 15, roll sense motive to disbelieve this made up fact.You know, going by TV and video games, it isn't terribly uncommon, although it seems to be favored by women (Persona 3's Yukari, Haruhi Suzumiya) and men who look like women (Gundam 00's Tieria Erde).
Rikka immediately takes her mind off the investigation, and takes a stereotypical kung-fu ready stance. "Where did you hear that name?" she asks.

Illiterate Scribe
2008-11-16, 05:31 AM
Mariam picks up the knitting needle and toys with it idly.

Oh, y'know, that ninja who entered with a great crash through the window, and announced his intent to slaughter Kono and all of us in here. It sounded significant - thankyou for demonstrating that it is.


2008-11-16, 01:03 PM
"Thank you sir!" Henrietta responds with a smile when Master Hira compliments her cooking. The smile turns to a look of concern, though, when he passes out.

"Oh my... unconscious again... I should get you to bed."

Henrietta attempts to haul Master Hira to his bedroom herself.

Roll 4, Athletics 2, Result 8.

If she succeeds, as I think she does, she takes the unconscious Hira up to his bedroom and tucks him into his bed. She hesitates by his bedside as she thinks back to his amorous advances earlier, from this very bed. Sure, he tried to turn her into a robot to be with her forever... but he really was kind of cute even then.

She makes up her mind. Though she'd like to check up on her young apprentice, Hira has had a long, hard day, and he needs someone to be there for him. He needs her to be there for him.

With her heart beating fast within her chest, Henrietta strips to her frilly white underwear (if we're using the optional costume rules, she will spend five favor to change to the underwear costume. It's on pg. 94 of the pdf), hangs a do not disturb sign on the door, and climbs into Hira's bed, draping an arm over her unconscious master. She should be a nice surprise for him when he wakes up...

I'll have you know her love is entirely pure! It's not what it looks like!

2008-11-16, 01:57 PM
Rikka shakes her head. "I don't even know what that was about," she says, truthfully.

2008-11-16, 06:17 PM
Henrietta manages to drag up Hira's body upstairs again with all the necessary task done, snuggling quite comfortably as the evening began its own reckoning. Where Hira awoke with a strangely refreshed, muttering "Ja-pan." As his drowsy eyes refocuses, suddenly he nosebleed as he finally noticed Henrietta state of undress.
He lightly tapped her on shoulders, flushed with embrassment and he averted his eyes, whispering
"Henrietta-chan...umm...what happened?

Illiterate Scribe
2008-11-17, 02:30 AM
Oh, but you do, Rikka. Your body betrays it. *
And if it was to be that there existed a danger in this house, to the master and his servants, and his parents (I seriously haven't got a frakking clue as to where they may be - I'd contend that no less than two attempts on their son's life justifies dropping them a line), well, we couldn't have that, could we ...


Rolling will combat vs. Rikka roll 3 x will 5 = 15.
Wow, that sounded creepy. Not out-of-genre though.

2008-11-17, 03:20 AM
(Roll 2 x Will 4 = 8...two stress to me)

Rikka responds with only a stony stare, but her composure flickers briefly behind her glasses when Hira is indirectly threatened.

(Let's have another round; I think I can do better. Roll 5 x 4 Will = 20.)

2008-11-17, 10:59 AM
Henrietta slowly stirs awake. When she notices her situation and remembers how she got there she blushes bright crimson.

"Um... I hope I didn't act out of line... sir. I just thought this might... bring you some comfort."

2008-11-17, 07:15 PM
"No, I don't mind...you are very beautiful, Henrietta-chan, I wouldn't leave you for the world. " Hira whispered in her after takinga deep breath overcome his inital hesistation, and began to stroke her hair gently.

2008-11-17, 07:43 PM
"Thank you... sir," Henrietta replies, and her blush grows even brighter.

2008-11-18, 02:52 AM
"You look really cute when you are embarrassed Henrietta-chan." Hira replied, as he kissed lightly on the forehead and embraced her state of reatlive of undress.
Seduction 1x2=2.

2008-11-18, 07:46 AM
"Umm... sir, I beg you to realize I merely disrobed because I wanted to comfort you, and it would have been awkward to wear my uniform to bed... it wasn't to be construed as... well, as what you seem to be construing it as."

Roll 5 + 2 Underwear x Affection 4 = 28

She blushes yet another shade of red.

"How... ever... Umm... Those were my intentions when I got in the bed..."

She scoots over in bed and gives him a light peck on the forehead.

"I... umm... might be more agreeable... now."

ROLL 6 + 2 Underwear x Affection 4 = 32!

We will be a couple, but Henrietta shall be the seduceer, not the seduceee.

Note: This would be probably be a good time for that fade out stuff Nerdo was talking about. I have RPed past this in PbP, but it wasn't on this forum and it was someone who was both not underage and not of the same gender. I think it's best to keep the next few details fuzzy.

2008-11-18, 11:24 PM
Unexpected by Henrietta advances, he started to blush on his own and he backed away slightly.
"I wouldn't want to to...take you innocense away from you. butyou want...Henrietta-chan...umm." He said stuttering, as he bashfully looked away from her eyes.

2008-11-19, 12:45 AM
"You pay me to serve you, Master," Henrietta replies, "I am willing to serve you in... um... whatever way you deem fit."

Money is referred to as a general reinforcer in operant conditioning because it can reinforce almost any behavior. Including sexual servitude.

2008-11-19, 04:37 PM
"It don't want to force you Henrietta-chan, I love you." He repiled, as he gave her a reassuring hug and countiued. "If you don't want to I understand, I won't do anything if you refuse." He countied as came for a kiss.

2008-11-19, 07:09 PM
"Okay! I think a did a good job there..." Eri muses out loud as she sorts the dishes after she's finished cleaning them, a satisfied smile on her face. Taking a slow look around, she takes a moment to stretch her arms out before exploring the mansion a bit in hopes of finding something else to do. "This cleaning work doesn't seem as hard... Maybe Sir Hira'll let me keep doing that for now instead of cooking.

Eventually, she would end up at the door to Hira's bedroom. If it was closed, she would knock on the door a few times. Otherwise, she'd just peek inside from the side to see if he (or anyone else) was inside at the time.

2008-11-19, 07:52 PM
Whatever Henrietta's reply would have been is lost when her young apprentice knocks on the door.

"What do we do, Master?" she asks Hira in a stage whisper.

2008-11-19, 10:34 PM
"Anything we want, why would Eri-san interfere with our love? Hira said tenderly as he put his hands threw her hair. "BUt if you dont want to...thats ok."

2008-11-19, 11:03 PM
"Umm," Henrietta replies, "Could you come back later Apprentice? Now isn't the best time."

With a bit of a sway in her step she walks over to Hira and embraces her Master.

"But it is the best time for some things," she whispers. She's not really sure why she's going through with this... for love or money... probably both... but she knows she wants to.

It has been a long time since the last time...

2008-11-20, 01:37 AM
"Yes." Hira repiled as they came for passionate kiss.
Taco, I need you to make a Luck roll Henrietta gains 8 favor

2008-11-20, 11:48 AM
Luck roll get! 2 x 2 = 4

"Miss Henrietta? Alright, but... Is something wrong? Eri asks with a worried tone in her voice, remaining outside for now while being completely oblivious to what was going on.

2008-11-20, 03:54 PM
To her immediate surprise, her knock suddenly shattered the door in fragments, falling into a neat pile. As her eyes went wide, as she saw the two making out.

2008-11-22, 06:53 AM
Seeing everything clearly in front of her now, Eri's face turns a bright shade of red. "M-m-my apologies! I didn't think.. Ah.. Th-that is.. Uh.. Y-you.." The apprentice stammers rapidly and starts to bow repeatedly, showing no signs of actually stopping any time in the near futuree.

2008-11-22, 10:18 AM
Henrietta turns a bright crimson.

"The door! How did? We need... Oh my! I'm sorry, my young apprentice!"

The partially clad maid releases Hira and runs over to embrace Eri.

"It's all okay! You don't have to fear! You don't have to apologize! It was the door's fault, not yours!"