View Full Version : Starwars Battlefront

2008-09-19, 03:43 AM
Is anyone ever online for starwars battlefront 1 these days?

2008-09-19, 08:18 PM
In a word? No.
It's because of it's vastly better Battlefront 2 and Team Fortress 2.
Just to open up a debate, do you think that Droidikas (in a hands of a CPU) are nastier than when you play them?

2008-09-19, 09:55 PM
I don't play it online, but damn I love that game. Especially the first one. One the dune sea I would spawn as a sniper, take a ship and fly onto one of the massive stone pillars. From there I would get tons of sniping opportunities. It was great.

warty goblin
2008-09-19, 10:16 PM
I don't play it online, but damn I love that game. Especially the first one. One the dune sea I would spawn as a sniper, take a ship and fly onto one of the massive stone pillars. From there I would get tons of sniping opportunities. It was great.

Yeah, BF and BF2 in particular are some of my all time favorite games. I particurly the second one, the interface is quite frankly amazingly well done, the classes are better balanced, and the tanks handle like a dream. One of my favorite things to do is to gain a substantial lead as one team, switch to the other to play a last desperate defense, then grab a tank and hunt down the last three or four guys on the map. Good times.

Also, anybody in either game ever manage to land a snowspeeder on an AT-AT? I've tried, but there seems to be some kind of error with the hitbox. I wanted to do it as a guy with bombs, so I could plant explosives right on the neck and blow 'em up good. Well, that and to be standing on top of an AT-AT, an activity I don't think actually needs a reason.

Thanatos 51-50
2008-09-19, 11:05 PM
Soldiers = Win! :smallbiggrin:

Seriously, give me an assault rfile and free reign over the battlefield and I rock!

My older brother would pay as a dedicated sniper, play just like a sniper should.
He would die at least once or twice more than I would.
I would pull off at least five times the number of headshots and six times the number of kills.

In short - soldiers = win!

As for Battlefront 1 vs. Battlefront 2, I indeed prefer 2. Mostly for the smoother running and the space battles.
RE: Speace battles. My brother played a pilot, I played a Marine, first thing we did was grab a two-seater and drop me off on the enemy's homeship.

The thing went down in minuetes afterward.

2008-09-20, 12:28 AM
I love both of them but no, I don't play on line. Geno9999, you're right about the droideika thing, that really annoyed me. Me, I started out as a unique class specialist and not I can play as most although I've always regarded the soldier as the easy way.

2008-09-20, 01:32 AM
Not much luck then...
Oh well... warty goblin, the atat thing works but not very well...
Agreed on the space battles in number 2... playing as the clones online with mates in other positions in the gunship owns!
Droid Ekas are fun as to play as but vsing them sucks...
Once my online is up and running with the laptop I would be delighted to play with anyone...:tongue:

2008-09-20, 01:40 AM
Dang, I love both of these games. Kinda forgot about them though. Any news on possibly a 3rd one on own of the next-gen consoles?

2008-09-20, 01:52 AM
Naw doesn't look like anything else is coming out in terms of battlefront...

Thanatos 51-50
2008-09-20, 02:01 AM
I love both of them but no, I don't play on line. Geno9999, you're right about the droideika thing, that really annoyed me. Me, I started out as a unique class specialist and not I can play as most although I've always regarded the soldier as the easy way.

I also play engineers. Mostly for the "Repair and steal vehicles" schtick. The shotgun is a horrible weapon.
For the record, my order of preferance is:
Hero (Non-Jedi... just... non-Jedi)
Special Units (Jump Troopers, etc.)
Space battle usually find me spawning a marine, grabbing an attacker (The ultra-fast one-seaters), and flying over to the enemy dock as quickly as possible.

2008-09-20, 02:07 AM
This makes me sound like a noob, but which vehicles can you steal?

Thanatos 51-50
2008-09-20, 02:33 AM
In 2, which I know alot better - you can steal any vehicle, as long as you're an engineer, just equip your plama torch, run to an occupied vehicle and start slicin' (Just like you would to reapir one). You'll get a progress bar, as soon as it fills, the enemy is automatically popped out of the vehicle in question.
I find tanks are generally the easiest to steal.

2008-09-20, 05:03 AM
lol powderday on battlefront... wow :smalltongue: JJ powderday is awesome and yeah. he has a bycicle powered fan!! its so much fun!!!!!

2008-09-20, 05:10 AM
Yeah, I like Battlefront 2, but I missed strafebombing infantries in the dune sea...

2008-09-20, 05:41 AM
In a word? No.
It's because of it's vastly better Battlefront 2 and Team Fortress 2.
Just to open up a debate, do you think that Droidikas (in a hands of a CPU) are nastier than when you play them?God, yes. I haven't quite figured out why.

I think it's because the droideka shield makes it damn near invulnerable. All my instincts are wrong, because it normally isn't a good tactic to stand out in the open blasting away in all directions. If you're quick and good you'll score kills, but you'll be gunned down sooner or later if you don't keep moving.

With its exceptional toughness and firepower, droidekas can get away with that. Of course, droidekas aren't as effective fighting me-as-clonetrooper as me-as-droideka is at fighting AI-as-clonetrooper. But that's just because I'm better overall than the AI (usually).

It's true that the AI can kill more AI clonetroopers as a droideka than I can... I think.

I also play engineers. Mostly for the "Repair and steal vehicles" schtick. The shotgun is a horrible weapon.Really? I find it very effective in short to medium range combat. It's much better than the pistol (which admittedly isn't saying much of anything), and unlike the rifle (except the bonus rifle) it has one-shot kill potential. Anything it doesn't one-shot, it can typically two-shot, and the rate of fire isn't that bad.

This makes me sound like a noob, but which vehicles can you steal?Pretty much everything that isn't an AT of some kind, as I recall. The AT-AT and AT-TE, being mobile command posts, cannot be taken over by slicing. However, everyone's basic tanks and bikes are fair game. So I think the list is:

-Every speeder bike (very easy to slice if you can get them standing still and don't prefer to just gun down the driver)
-The TX-130 tanks used by the Republic and Empire (the ones with an exposed gunner firing a beam cannon on top of the hull)
-The biped walkers used by the Republic and Empire (the AT-RT and AT-ST)
-Rebel hovercraft (the one with a missile rack)
-Confederate AATs (the big tank)
-Confederate Hailfire droids (the big wheels that fire missiles)
-Confederate spider walkers (if you don't know which one I mean, you need your eyes examined)

2008-09-20, 08:44 AM
"Seperatist forces have captured a command post!"

2008-09-20, 08:51 AM
With its exceptional toughness and firepower, droidekas can get away with that. Of course, droidekas aren't as effective fighting me-as-clonetrooper as me-as-droideka is at fighting AI-as-clonetrooper. But that's just because I'm better overall than the AI (usually).

It's true that the AI can kill more AI clonetroopers as a droideka than I can... I think.
Play the right maps, and Droidekas are absolutely devastating.

For example, Tantive. Corridors, meaning NOTHING can sneak up easily. Jedi Temple, if you do things right - go for the next command post up first (holoroom or something) then keep going into the corridor at the top. You'll get the Droideka fairly soon, then it's a case of keep pressing forwards on that corridor; nothing can realistically stand in your way. Easier on first person due to the fact that zooming in on first person gives you a sniper scope ;)

2008-09-20, 08:57 AM
I also play engineers. Mostly for the "Repair and steal vehicles" schtick. The shotgun is a horrible weapon.
For the record, my order of preferance is:
Hero (Non-Jedi... just... non-Jedi)
Special Units (Jump Troopers, etc.)
Space battle usually find me spawning a marine, grabbing an attacker (The ultra-fast one-seaters), and flying over to the enemy dock as quickly as possible.
I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I just find them uncreative sometimes. That's why my favorite class in 2 was the jet trooper. The cannon was a one-shot and I had constant award pistol so I wasn't relying on it that much.

2008-09-20, 10:28 AM
I KNEW IT! *deskslam with fist followed with an wimpering oww.*
If I play as the CIS at all, I choose the Magna guard ASAP. However, on Kamino, I play as the Sniper alot. That white armor shows up real good.
For space battles, I go marine and take one of the carriers (the ships that can take more than 2 people) and land in the hanger. The Empire won't know what hit them.

My favorite classes in BF2 is the Soldier and Engineer and the Jedi heroes. It is with exceptions (such as the Magna Guard above) that I take any other.

warty goblin
2008-09-20, 12:27 PM
Hmm, favorite classes. Really depended on the map and my mood.

Mos Eisley if you knew what you were doing, the Dark Trooper was pretty much the fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Jump in, sizzle somebody with an uncharged arc caster, switch to pistol, shoot them twice in the face before they unstun, collect health/ammo, move on. I think I broke 80 kills once doing that, in a game playing with only 120 spawn counters.

Kamino I'm pretty negotiable on, Trooper is good, particularly once you get the Elite rifle with it's wonderfully predictable spread, Clone Commander is fun if you like the meatgrinder of that one central platform, snipers can be pretty effective. Destroyer Droids are rather weak on Kamino for the most part, because two sniper shots will kill them, there's no cover, and they are obvious targets.

Space it was all pilot all the time in the starfighter. I once nailed 60 kills without dying in a Conquest space battle.

2008-09-20, 01:01 PM
I think my record for crazyness is 65 kills with only a pistol on the deathstar and no deaths.

2008-09-20, 01:37 PM
So who else hates Yavin IV?

No matter which side I play, the other one always seems to be better. I always end up down to one reinforcement, namely me, and a turret guy for my tank if I'm lucky.

I still win, but only because I grab a tank, capture the post above the waterfall, and switch to engineer. Being able to repair the tank is essential, because without it there's no way to stop the torrent of enemies that all want you dead.

The worst was when it was me VS. 150 enemies and I had no turret-guy. That was very tough to win.

I always played Galactic conquest though, so the first thing I always did after capturing it initially was to purchase a ship and park it in orbit for eternity. There's no land battle if they can't get past your ship, and I am badass incarnate in space.

2008-09-20, 01:49 PM
I think my record for crazyness is 65 kills with only a pistol on the deathstar and no deaths.

Mine's 250 odd kills on Kamino without dying as an Engineer with only one command post and one life left.
It was on the galaxy conquer mode thing. One of the earliest battles. I'd spent my money on buying the Engineer class. They spent theirs buying reinforcements. We fight on Kamino and I start getting screwed. Eventually it's me and one guy left, holding one of the buildings.
Then he glitches into the floor. He doesn't die. But he can't move or do anything useful. So it's me, 100 Super Battles Droids, a shotgun and some ammo and med droids. I wipe them out, when their reinforcements hit, so there's 150 more to kill.
I did it. I lasted through them. I only left my post to go a little down the corridor to the droids.
Unfortunately there were 6 left and nobody had shown up for like five minutes, so I thought I'd go out and find them. Bad move. They circled round and took my command point, and I ran out of time before I could recapture it.

Despite losing, I still hold that as my crowning moment of awesome in video games.

So yeah. I like Battlefront II.

2008-09-20, 01:54 PM
Despite losing, I still hold that as my crowning moment of awesome in video games.

So yeah. I like Battlefront II.

My Crowning moment of Awesome was on the Jedi Temple map. I had purchased the Hero bonus cause I had nothing better to do, so I got to start as Maul.

The match lasted a little over 20 seconds. Most of that was spent running.

2008-09-20, 02:06 PM
Mine's 250 odd kills on Kamino without dying as an Engineer with only one command post and one life left.
It was on the galaxy conquer mode thing. One of the earliest battles. I'd spent my money on buying the Engineer class. They spent theirs buying reinforcements. We fight on Kamino and I start getting screwed. Eventually it's me and one guy left, holding one of the buildings.
Then he glitches into the floor. He doesn't die. But he can't move or do anything useful. So it's me, 100 Super Battles Droids, a shotgun and some ammo and med droids. I wipe them out, when their reinforcements hit, so there's 150 more to kill.
I did it. I lasted through them. I only left my post to go a little down the corridor to the droids.
Unfortunately there were 6 left and nobody had shown up for like five minutes, so I thought I'd go out and find them. Bad move. They circled round and took my command point, and I ran out of time before I could recapture it.

Despite losing, I still hold that as my crowning moment of awesome in video games.

So yeah. I like Battlefront II.
Wow, that is all I can say.

2008-09-20, 02:20 PM
So who else hates Yavin IV?

No matter which side I play, the other one always seems to be better. I always end up down to one reinforcement, namely me, and a turret guy for my tank if I'm lucky.

I still win, but only because I grab a tank, capture the post above the waterfall, and switch to engineer. Being able to repair the tank is essential, because without it there's no way to stop the torrent of enemies that all want you dead.

The worst was when it was me VS. 150 enemies and I had no turret-guy. That was very tough to win.

I always played Galactic conquest though, so the first thing I always did after capturing it initially was to purchase a ship and park it in orbit for eternity. There's no land battle if they can't get past your ship, and I am badass incarnate in space.
That sums up my brother when he plays on Endor as the Empire. Only, there's about 50/50 chance that the last ally is killed by a killer teddy bear Ewok.

warty goblin
2008-09-20, 02:31 PM
Hmm, mine would have to be Utapau, Clone Heavy Trooper. Early game I pushed up to that exposed command post just below the one in the ribcage structure, at which point the resistance was too heavy to procede and the fist of the Republic ground to a halt. The ribcage CP changed hands a few times, but neither the clankers or the 501st had enough oomph to hold it, and their superior armor was giving us fits. We'd push them back, then one of their tanks would show up and wipe out our offensive before we could destroy it.

Thankfully I was a Heavy Trooper, and no sooner did an AAT rear its ugly head but I fell back outside its normal engagement range and emptied my rocket launcher into it, with predictably incendiary results. It meant that we did indeed keep getting pushed back, but I never died and so I got all of the bonuses, and a Heavy Trooper with Damage Reduction is just plain tough, and the precision pistol is just plain insane, so pushing back the droids was no problem when they were deprived of armor support.

So the two armies spent a while trading blows, without a breakthrough. And then the droid offensive collapsed as they ran out of reinforcements and we pushed through their disintegrating lines, seizing CP after CP, and finally secured the planet from the Seperatist scum.

I think I offed something like 10 or 12 tanks that game.

Inhuman Bot
2008-09-20, 02:38 PM
I love battlefront..... I've never played onlinve, though.

I also play engineers. Mostly for the "Repair and steal vehicles" schtick. The shotgun is a horrible weapon.
For the record, my order of preferance is:
Hero (Non-Jedi... just... non-Jedi)
Special Units (Jump Troopers, etc.)
Space battle usually find me spawning a marine, grabbing an attacker (The ultra-fast one-seaters), and flying over to the enemy dock as quickly as possible.

For the record, pilots are more effective, like 90% of the time. Why? Time bombs do more damage then a rocket and one or two thermal detanators, meaning it's quicker to take out the vital systems with the pilot.

Mando Knight
2008-09-20, 03:28 PM
Pretty much everything that isn't an AT of some kind, as I recall. The AT-AT and AT-TE, being mobile command posts, cannot be taken over by slicing. However, everyone's basic tanks and bikes are fair game. So I think the list is:

-Every speeder bike (very easy to slice if you can get them standing still and don't prefer to just gun down the driver)
-The TX-130 tanks used by the Republic and Empire (the ones with an exposed gunner firing a beam cannon on top of the hull)
-The biped walkers used by the Republic and Empire (the AT-RT and AT-ST)
-Rebel hovercraft (the one with a missile rack)
-Confederate AATs (the big tank)
-Confederate Hailfire droids (the big wheels that fire missiles)
-Confederate spider walkers (if you don't know which one I mean, you need your eyes examined)

You can slice into almost every vehicle in the game, including the starfighters, but not the carrier-gunships in space battles, the AT-AT, or the AT-TE... mostly because they are mobile spawn points. Starfighters are tough to slice into because they takeoff and leave the hangar so fast, but I've done it once or twice by getting lucky... You cannot slice into turrets, either... TX-130 tanks are also hard to slice because of their turret, since it can attack at point-blank to wipe out the opposing engineer.

I've got legendary on every 1P award... except for the "Shoot the vehicle's weakpoint with the rocket launcher" award... mostly because I tend to use the vehicles in vehicular maps, not try to sneak around their backs and blast the 1 meter weakpoint.

I love the Precision Pistol... it's my main weapon as the Jet and Dark Troopers. It's basically a one-handed, semiautomatic, high ammo capacity, has-a-target-reticule-when-not-zoomed-in sniper rifle. Plus, Pilots and Engineers have nearly infinite ammo and health when standing next to a GONK droid, since they recharge your ammo/health dispenser... and the ones in the room just off the hangars in the space battles have a handy wall that they can re-arm you through...

I hate all the jungle/forest levels. Endor's a pain when the ally bots are too stupid to take CPs or shoot down the Ewok traps, Dagobah's just confusing and has no decent cover, and Yavin IV suffers from both problems combined into one monstrosity... plus a nearly insurmountable CP in the Massassi Temple...

2008-09-20, 03:29 PM
I love battlefront..... I've never played onlinve, though.

For the record, pilots are more effective, like 90% of the time. Why? Time bombs do more damage then a rocket and one or two thermal detanators, meaning it's quicker to take out the vital systems with the pilot.

But then you don't get to zip around in space emptying your laser batteries into opposing fighters! Sure, I'd hit the engines inside, cause all the ships have too many of those outside, but all the others are only one hardpoint.

2008-09-20, 03:33 PM
BF1 was so fun back when I played it. Then BF2 came out, and I was so disappointed by how much it sucked.

2008-09-20, 03:56 PM
One of my very favorites is Geonosis from BF1. Grab an Engineer, jump in the gunship. Wait for a few allies to hop in, and go play ground-attack helicopter. The gunship is a poor weapon for attacking vehicles, but I can usually rack up well over 100 enemy kills, plus provide significant advantages for the ground troops. It's especially useful to take out Droidekas with the homing rockets.
Also from BF1, play the Bespin platforms in Clone Wars. Grab a Jet Trooper, take the central CP. From there, I fly over the roof of the Sep-owned building, down the backside, and grab the AA turret there. It's tough to get, but if you have it, it's almost impossible for them to dislodge you, and using anti-aircraft cannon against infantry is lots of fun. You can usually clear out the back two CP areas for allies to take them.
I've never played it online though.

Thanatos 51-50
2008-09-20, 04:45 PM
For the record, pilots are more effective, like 90% of the time. Why? Time bombs do more damage then a rocket and one or two thermal detanators, meaning it's quicker to take out the vital systems with the pilot.

You are aware that theres an ammo droid right next to the Uncappable CP, right?
Just... whatever you do, don't blow that up.
Your lack of time bombs is a paltry price to pay for the oppertunity to use your Award Rifle in a crowded spaceship.
Frenzy is the world's BEST power-up. :smallbiggrin:

warty goblin
2008-09-20, 05:16 PM
You are aware that theres an ammo droid right next to the Uncappable CP, right?
Just... whatever you do, don't blow that up.
Your lack of time bombs is a paltry price to pay for the oppertunity to use your Award Rifle in a crowded spaceship.
Frenzy is the world's BEST power-up. :smallbiggrin:

I hear you there, particularly once you realize that the burst spread is always an equilateral triangle which is almost perfectly point up or point down and learn the shot's rate of spread. Seriously on Kamino I can headshot turret guys from halfway across the map with 1-3 bursts.

Also you can play havok with your enemy's ability to actually launch fighters with the rocket launcher. Soon as somebody gets in one, blow it into very small pieces. As long as you keep this up, you can easily maintain space superiority while damaging the ship from the inside as well.

2008-09-20, 05:35 PM
My craziness records tend to be a bit.. insane. I don't play online, and have the PS2 version.

SWB2. Naboo. CTF. Playing as Rebels. 15 flags, no heroes. Did you know there's a reset limit on the kill count of approx. 1000? Only died about five times, the elite rifle in FPS mode in the street at the top is amazing. Also works in the walkways nearby - all the NPCs attack along there.

Being elite/legendary on almost everything helps though.

Meanwhile, after a long match there, matches on Kashyyk on SWB2? Play as CIS. Use a super battle droid to sprint forwards and grab a snail tank. Get past the sea gate thing - there's a doorway you juuuuust about able to fit through if you go full speed and keep trying. From there, one shot with the mortar launcher takes out the gate winch, opening the gate.

Then take the the other command post and it's over. If playing on co-op, get the other person to take the other post. Again, SBDs are the best choice here; if you're accurate enough you can easily snipe turret people out, and with the elite rifle it's a one shot kill.

2008-09-20, 07:37 PM
One of my very favorites is Geonosis from BF1. Grab an Engineer, jump in the gunship. Wait for a few allies to hop in, and go play ground-attack helicopter. The gunship is a poor weapon for attacking vehicles, but I can usually rack up well over 100 enemy kills, plus provide significant advantages for the ground troops. It's especially useful to take out Droidekas with the homing rockets.
Also from BF1, play the Bespin platforms in Clone Wars. Grab a Jet Trooper, take the central CP. From there, I fly over the roof of the Sep-owned building, down the backside, and grab the AA turret there. It's tough to get, but if you have it, it's almost impossible for them to dislodge you, and using anti-aircraft cannon against infantry is lots of fun. You can usually clear out the back two CP areas for allies to take them.
I've never played it online though.

That's what I really hated about the second one, they didn't include either of the Bespin maps, seriously, those were the best ones. :smallmad: The Kamino update was nice though.

Inhuman Bot
2008-09-20, 07:51 PM
You are aware that theres an ammo droid right next to the Uncappable CP, right?
Just... whatever you do, don't blow that up.
Your lack of time bombs is a paltry price to pay for the oppertunity to use your Award Rifle in a crowded spaceship.
Frenzy is the world's BEST power-up. :smallbiggrin:

I do well with the upped rifle, yes, but I can do roughly as well ith the commando pistol.
But thats just me.

2008-09-20, 09:19 PM
You can slice into almost every vehicle in the game, including the starfighters, but not the carrier-gunships in space battles, the AT-AT, or the AT-TE... mostly because they are mobile spawn points. Starfighters are tough to slice into because they takeoff and leave the hangar so fast, but I've done it once or twice by getting lucky... You cannot slice into turrets, either... TX-130 tanks are also hard to slice because of their turret, since it can attack at point-blank to wipe out the opposing engineer.Yes, but on the other hand the exposed turret is a huge weakness if the enemy gets in close. You can kill the guy in the turret.

2008-09-20, 10:29 PM
Does anyone else love it when the CPU takes an open turret, only to be headshotted by you? The CPU are just making fools of them selves.

2008-09-21, 01:33 AM
Speaking of sniping... the award sniper rifle sucks.
Yes, reward us by giving us a rifle that zooms in less. Brilliant. Thanks. :smallyuk:

Dumbledore lives
2008-09-21, 02:10 AM
Meanwhile, after a long match there, matches on Kashyyk on SWB2? Play as CIS. Use a super battle droid to sprint forwards and grab a snail tank. Get past the sea gate thing - there's a doorway you juuuuust about able to fit through if you go full speed and keep trying. From there, one shot with the mortar launcher takes out the gate winch, opening the gate.

Then take the the other command post and it's over. If playing on co-op, get the other person to take the other post. Again, SBDs are the best choice here; if you're accurate enough you can easily snipe turret people out, and with the elite rifle it's a one shot kill.

This is so fun, I remember one match I jumped in the snail tank, zoomed over to the other side, and the CPU took the other point, so basically I sat there destroying everyone on there team, and there was absolutely nothing they could do to stop me, I got over 30 kills in 5 seconds, or whatever that killing frenzy award is. The match ended within 30 seconds because my friend took their command post but I still got at least 50 kills. It was seriously epic.

Edit: Personally I like to play Battlefront 2 because it has quite a few better features and an awesome Galactic conquest thing, but I play Battlefront for some of the maps which they really need to make available on II. I've got it on the PS2, so maybe I'm missing some downloadable ones, but I want my Ren Var, Naboo Plains, Dune Sea, and Yavin 4 Arena, they were awesome.

On another note I'm having a problem installing Battlefront II on my PC, I read it had something to do with the dual core, but when I set it to run with only one core it still doesn't work. It will load the screens but as soon as I try to start a battle it freezes. I meet all the system requirements and stuff it just doesn't feel like working. I am running vista also, and that might be affecting it too. Any fix would be greatly appreciated.

2008-09-21, 03:29 AM
Of the two grenades, which one works best on droid ekas?

2008-09-21, 07:23 AM
Lets see... If I remember right from BF1 (I haven't played it lately), there's the concussion and thermal/EMP grenades. Stick to thermal. I can really find a use for concussion grenades because they don't seem to do a lotta damage.
The way that I kill Droidiekas is that I use a grenade to blast the shield off, then follow up with my rifle shots.

warty goblin
2008-09-21, 10:03 AM
On another note I'm having a problem installing Battlefront II on my PC, I read it had something to do with the dual core, but when I set it to run with only one core it still doesn't work. It will load the screens but as soon as I try to start a battle it freezes. I meet all the system requirements and stuff it just doesn't feel like working. I am running vista also, and that might be affecting it too. Any fix would be greatly appreciated.

Weird. I run it just fine on my duel core rig under XP, so it might be an OS problem. Try compatibility mode (or whatever Vista calls it), updating your drivers, and patching the game.

2008-09-21, 11:41 AM
Speaking of sniping... the award sniper rifle sucks.
Yes, reward us by giving us a rifle that zooms in less. Brilliant. Thanks. :smallyuk:

It's also harder to headshot for some weird reason. The only bonus is that it's a one-shot to anywhere and hits multiple enemies it they're in a line (makes it great on the Kamino meatgrinder).

Inhuman Bot
2008-09-21, 11:47 AM
Speaking of sniping... the award sniper rifle sucks.
Yes, reward us by giving us a rifle that zooms in less. Brilliant. Thanks. :smallyuk:

Yeah.... It's why I snipe less in battlefront. It goes like this:
"woah cool! I headshoted all those guys! I'am getting really good at this! :smallsmile: Woah, I got the reward sniper, awesome! :smallbiggrin wait a second....:smallconfused: THIS SNIPER IS WORSE!?!:smallfurious:"


warty goblin
2008-09-21, 01:14 PM
Yeah.... It's why I snipe less in battlefront. It goes like this:
"woah cool! I headshoted all those guys! I'am getting really good at this! :smallsmile: Woah, I got the reward sniper, awesome! :smallbiggrin wait a second....:smallconfused: THIS SNIPER IS WORSE!?!:smallfurious:"


The trick to sniping in Battlefront II is simple: get the damage increase. Then body shots are one hit kills, except I think against rocket troopers and some of the commanders, so you are pretty much golden.

Either that or go for headshots and never, ever, change weapons after your sixth forehead hit.

2008-09-21, 05:43 PM

My friend was goofing off last night online with my mike >.> I was playing while he spoke in an Italian accent saying he was from sweedan or something =\

Speaking of which, PM me if anyone wants to go online, I'm not terribly good online-wise but it'll be a bit fun still >.>

2008-09-21, 11:41 PM
Online for number one right?

The Linker
2008-09-22, 11:50 AM
Isn't the acronym BF2 reserved for Battlefield 2? I'm all confused now. :smalltongue: I'm getting the feeling that I may have spent the past few years mistaking many 'BF2's for the wrong Battle_____ 2 game.

I always had a ton of fun just mowing down the entire other army with a droideka. If you could get in vehicles with that thing, I'd never take anything else. On the clone team, however, the jet troopers were ALWAYS my favorite. It's like how my favorite class in TF2 is the Scout; I'll sacrifice some efficiency in the fight, as long as I can get to the fight quickly each time. :smallbiggrin: And, c'mon, once you get good at jetting around, it's AWESOME to fly above the enemy and blast the crap out of them. "That body flew almost as far as I did!"

There's still a lot of stuff in the Battlefront series I don't quite understand the workings of. With all the space-age technology and insanely unique weapons per class, per faction, it's not quite as easy to grasp as, say, Battlefield 2. :smalltongue: I'm not criticizing it or anything, though. Just more stuff to play around with. Mebbe I should read the manual. :smallbiggrin: Took me a while to even realize that the arc caster would only, you know, ARC once I charged it up. Bzzzzzt.

2008-09-23, 04:25 PM
I always had a ton of fun just mowing down the entire other army with a droideka. If you could get in vehicles with that thing, I'd never take anything else. On the clone team, however, the jet troopers were ALWAYS my favorite. It's like how my favorite class in TF2 is the Scout; I'll sacrifice some efficiency in the fight, as long as I can get to the fight quickly each time. :smallbiggrin: And, c'mon, once you get good at jetting around, it's AWESOME to fly above the enemy and blast the crap out of them. "That body flew almost as far as I did!"

Here's a funny story when I played Battlefront 1.
I was a Wookie (not really important) on Ren Var (I think, the one where you fight in a huge building.) I was outside, a thermal blew me sideways, clear over the wall and off the map, so I not only died from a grenade, I also suffered a great fall and AWOL.:smallsmile:
I Prefer the Soldier, because I like some sort of a rifle with abit of dakka (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MoreDakka) in it.:smallbiggrin:

2008-09-24, 12:04 AM
Hehe Nice work Geno!

Does anyone else have this problem on battlefront 1:
on the map geonosis the last enemy droid or clone somehow glitches into the bank under the turrets outside of the spire???
The last enemy manages to mow down at least a quater of my troops before coming out and getting owned... Plus its even more annoying because of the clone tanks being moving command posts, if I destroy one of them the other one is still ther and if I take that out the other one spawns...

Anyways, this is a great map for droid ekas and snipers!

warty goblin
2008-09-24, 12:16 AM
Here's a funny story when I played Battlefront 1.
I was a Wookie (not really important) on Ren Var (I think, the one where you fight in a huge building.) I was outside, a thermal blew me sideways, clear over the wall and off the map, so I not only died from a grenade, I also suffered a great fall and AWOL.:smallsmile:
I Prefer the Soldier, because I like some sort of a rifle with abit of dakka (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MoreDakka) in it.:smallbiggrin:

If you want dakka, get Battlefront II, and play as a clone commander. Yell "Waauuugh!!!" while unleashing a hail of chaingun fire downrange and watching droid after droid blow apart in glorious sprays of fire and schrapnel. Seriously, that thing fires fast, and if you are good with it and know good cover points so you can cool it down, it is pretty much unmatched at medium range mass infantry slaughter.

2008-09-24, 12:51 AM
They should make a 40k version of Battlefront....

Cristo Meyers
2008-09-24, 03:14 PM
I'm having flashbacks of trying in vain to get through the Tantive in Battlefront 2's campaign mode...

...so many narrow halls, OH GOD A GRENADE!, LOOK OUT FOR THAT ROCKET!, *boom!* *respawn* *repeat*

Apparently the Rebellion's response to boarding parties is to break out the high explosives...

2008-09-24, 03:36 PM
^ Get the elite rifle, and your problems are over. Just break the first little bit once and it's over.

Also, I'd start putting screenshots and videos of my SWB2 prowess up here. Sadly, I was intending to do this through my comp - while it DOES show things OK, the image displayed is several seconds behind what is happening, meaning i die pretty fast.

Oh, and I found the kill limit - it's actually about 300. Yay, Naboo CTF!

warty goblin
2008-09-24, 04:16 PM
They should make a 40k version of Battlefront....

Yes. Oh hell yes. Only it should use the Mercs 2 engine, so everything blows up real good, and a bolter firefight would level a good bit of the surrounding landscape. Also, it would need to be rated M, because let's face it folks, the grim darkness of the future cannot be conveyed without the ESRB descriptors of Intense Violence and Intense Blood and Gore.

Becaus I just got done a test and really, really don't want to read about cosets, I'm going to draw up a brief gameplay document for Warhammer 40,000: Battlefront.

The basic gameplay would be a class-based team FPS, naturally, focusing on violent clashes between the various factions of the 41st Millenium. For now I'm going to consider Orks, Imperium and Eldar.

Orks Orks get the most spawn tickets of any race, and are tough to kill with good melee skills. On the downside their ranged weaponry is somewhat weaker than other races, and their vehicles are in general somewhat lacking.
Ork Classes:
Da Ork Boyz The standard ork class, it comes with a very weak ranged weapon (slugga) and a large Choppa, allowing it to do massive damage to most other basic classes fairly easily at close range. Best used in large groups. Can earn More Choppy Upgrade to allow even more devastating melee attacks, the Burna upgrade which allows use of a flamethrower as the primary weapon, and the 'Eavy Armor upgrade for more health.

Da Ork Shoota Boyz Orks specializing in range combat, can lay down dense high damage covering fire, but is rather poor at actually hitting targets. Best used to pin down an enemy so da Boyz can choppa it up. Can earn the Rokkit Launcha upgrade to be more effective against vehicles, and the More Dakka upgrade for even faster rates of fire.

Stormboyz Ork with jump pack. Has less health than other orks, but is more mobile and specializes in quick assaults.

Nob Basically an Ork Boy with more health, and better melee and ranged weapons. Can earn the Power Klaw upgrade for more potent melee attacks, particularly against vehicles. This class is not immediately available, but must be earned.

Ork Flash Gitz Ork with a very Dakka intensive gun, that, unlike other Ork shootas, can actually hit things relatively reliably. Can earn the Way More Dakka updrage to give their shoota a truly staggering rate of fire, far outstripping the guns of other factions. Like the Nob, this class must be earned.

Ork Vehicles

Wartrack and Wartruck. Fast moving light vehicles with poor armor.

Looted Tank: The best Ork vehicle, but is somewhat less accurate than other faction's tanks.

Imperium: The Imperium has a wide variety of units available, but, at least in the beginning of a game, lacks the oomph of the orks or the options of the Eldar.

Imperial Guardsman The basic infantry of the Imperium, armed with a las rifle and combat knife. Has a decent ranged ranged weapon in the lasgun, about as damaging as an Ork Boyz, but much more accurate, although is far, far worse off in melee. Best used in large assaults coordinated with vehicles. Can earn the plasma gun or grenade launcher upgrades, for more powerful ranged attacks.

Imperial Guardsmen with close combat gear: Essentially a IG trooper with gear for close assaults, consisting of a chainsword and a shotgun, this is the Imperium's answer to the Ork Boyz, although the CCQ guardsmen is mostly inferior to said, with less health. Can earn Incendiary Grenades to burn an enemy out of a position.

Heavy Weapons Team This is a somewhat strange unit, that can deploy a very powerful gun on a location in a few seconds time, and then unleash a punishing fulisade of fire onto any nearby position. Undeployed however it is very vulnerable, posessing only a weak ranged attack, no melee attack, and slow movement. can earn Second Team Member to increase deployed weapon accuracy and reduce reload times, Lascannon for greater vehicle damage, and Autocannon for better anti-infantry attacks.

Space Marine The finest soldiers of the Imperium ready to take the field. Armed with a devastating Bolter and monomolecular edged combat knife, encased in bonded ceremite, the Space Marine is a potent and hard to kill force, but must be earned, and has a lengthy respawn timer. Can earn Target Finders to increase accuracy, and Chainsword for even better melee attacks.

Assault Space Marine A melee focused Space Marine with a chainsword, bolt pistol and jump pack. Far more deadly in melee, but lacks the Space Marine's ranged accuracy. Can earn the Power Sword upgrade, as well as the Plasma Pistol.

Imperium Vehicles:
Sentinal: Has relatively weak armor, but is effective against most vehicles, and is fast enough to avoid head to head confrontation.

Leman Russ: The standard tank of the Imperium. Does good damage with reasonable accuracy, but isn't as fast as the Looted Tank (cuz red onz go fasta!).

Terminator Armor: Only usable by Space Marine players, terminator armor is the ultimate for simply killing lots and lots of infantry. Equiped with a Storm Bolter it can rip nearly any soldier to shreds in seconds, and it's Power Fist is even effective against vehicles.

Eldar Eldar have less health than other races, but are much, much faster and stealthier.
Eldar Guardian Basic Eldar infantry with a reasonable ranged and melee attack, but low health and high speed. Best used in coordinated offensives of suppress and advance. Can earn the Advanced Armor upgrade for more health, and the Improved Weaponry upgrade for more potent melee and ranged attacks.

Eldar Howling Banshee The melee specialist of the Eldar, can deliver very damaging strikes, but must be wary of repraisal due to lack of health.

Eldar Ranger The best long ranged combat class in the game, equiped with high powered rifles and advanced optics capable of killing enemies from across the map. Must be wary of enemies with jump packs, since they can close quickly and kill even faster. Can earn Advanced Sight for longer ranged attacks, and Weapon Stabilizers for reduced scope drift.

Eldar Dark Reaper Eldar Ranged specialist- capable of killing most enemies in a medium range shootout with their Reaper Launchers, but suffer from slow movement when firing and limited melee ability. Can earn the Advanced Laucher upgrade for longer ranged attacks, and the Fleet of Foot upgrade for greater speed. This class must be earned.

Eldar Seer Very potent melee class, capable of using a variety of psykic powers against an enemy, such as creating illusions of allied infantry, or occasionally causing somebody's head to explode. Must be earned.

Eldar Vehicles:

Viper: Fast and effective against all targets, but low on health

Falcon Grav tank. The most maneuverable tank in the game. Is highly durable, and armed with precision weaponry, although it has poorly sloped rear armor and is particularly vulnerable to hits there.

Wraithlord: Very powerful walker with a variety of weapons to burn, shoot or generally maim the enemy, from shurikan launchers to flamers to massive robotic hands. Engage with extreme caution.

Oh yes, I would so play that.

2008-09-24, 04:16 PM
Naw doesn't look like anything else is coming out in terms of battlefront...

Really? because I kinda remember reading somewhere (I think it was IGN) that another game was coming out in 2009

2008-09-24, 07:57 PM
My best friend owns both Battlefront games, and we often play it when we're able to get together. Once, playing the original Battlefront, the allied AI got a crowning moment of awesome.

The AI got a CMOA. Digest that for a sec.

We were playing on Rhen Var: Harbor as Clones. I was playing a lot of soldiers, while he was playing an engineer in the AT-TE, blowing up anything in his path. Eventually, it was down to 1:1, and we couldn't find the last droid. He started stalking around in the city, and I ran back to the Clone Base. As I get there, I hear firing. I run as fast as possible, and find an ARC trooper firing his dinky little pistol at something offscreen. I run over to him just in time to see an unfolding destroyer droid explode.

We sat there in a stunned silence, as the WIN screen came up. Awesome. I actually got to embellish this for a writing assignment in school. :smallbiggrin:

Cristo Meyers
2008-09-24, 08:06 PM
It isn't often that the AI gets a moment like that, but it always seemed to happen in Battlefront more than any of my other games.

Similar situation, don't remember which map, maybe Polis Massa (I remember a lot of hallways). One to one, rebel vs empire, and I'm trying to hunt down the last rebel. I turn a corner and I found him...

...a rebel vanguard pointing his launcher right at me.

One rocket to the face later and I lost the battle...

2008-09-27, 01:18 AM
Really? because I kinda remember reading somewhere (I think it was IGN) that another game was coming out in 2009

Oh, Ok... It should be really awesome!