View Full Version : Your Totem Animal II

The Vorpal Tribble
2008-09-19, 04:08 PM
Started one of these around this time last year so lets bring it back up.


I've noticed a number of folks on these forums mentioning their 'totem animal', some creature that they feel a spiritual attachment to or some such.

So let's have some fun. What kind of animal would you say represents you or that you at least have something in common with?

If you don't really know, this is said to help you out:

* When you were a child, what animal did you collect or obsess over that you are still attracted to today?
* Of all animals if you could have any animal as a pet or companion what would it be?
* When going to the zoo, which animal do you spend the most time with or are drawn to?
* If you could be any animal what animal would it be?
* What animal is in your dreams that you have had since childhood?
* What animal are you afraid of that you have no idea why you are afraid of it?
* Of all animals what animals are you most attracted to?
* When you are out in nature, do you often seem to run into the same animal?
* What animal have you bumped into over and over throughout your life?
* What animal have you watched for hours?
* Does art work or jewelry with a certain animal always attract you?

The Vorpal Tribble
2008-09-19, 04:12 PM
I don't feel any 'spiritual connection' with any critter, but if I had to choose anything I'd say the whip-poor-will.

I've always loved birds and have listened to the whippers for hours. I've also had them fly over me a few times at night and they're usually very hard to find despite their songs.

Cherokee legend also says they can see the souls of the dead and I've had more than my share of 'ghost' sightings.

Oh, and we both hang out in the dark singing for our mates, so there you go :smallwink:

2008-09-19, 04:14 PM
I like Dolphins. They're a little (read: a lot) more social than me, though.

Cats, maybe? I like those too. Or maybe undead.

Undead aren't animals? Well, I don't care. They're awesome, dangit!

2008-09-19, 04:20 PM
The animal I used to collect was tigers.
The one animal I would have as a pet would be a... large dog.
At the zoo, I usually spend the most time looking at gorillas. Their similarities to homo sapiens drives me crazy.
If I could be any animal(for a day, maybe?) it would be a dolphin.
I never dream about animals that I remember...
The one animal I'm afraid of is spiders. I just always have been.
Cats always really seem to love me.

I've always identified a lot with Sirius Black, and with dogs.

Often times people tell me I'm very much like a male lion. I like to eat and sleep all day but somehow I stay fit and when it's time to fight or have fun, I'm wild. I also have a long mane :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-19, 04:27 PM
Well, let's answer those question, see if this helps me find out.

* When you were a child, what animal did you collect or obsess over that you are still attracted to today? Elephants, or pachyderms in general.
* Of all animals if you could have any animal as a pet or companion what would it be? A wolf.
* When going to the zoo, which animal do you spend the most time with or are drawn to? Gorillas and orang utans.
* If you could be any animal what animal would it be? Bear.
* What animal is in your dreams that you have had since childhood? Wolves.
* What animal are you afraid of that you have no idea why you are afraid of it? Wolves.
* Of all animals what animals are you most attracted to? Elephants.
* When you are out in nature, do you often seem to run into the same animal? What is this nature you speak of? Honestly though, no.
* What animal have you bumped into over and over throughout your life? None/
* What animal have you watched for hours? Far, far too many to begin listing.
* Does art work or jewelry with a certain animal always attract you? Not really.

Anyone want to help me sort that jumbled mess out?

2008-09-19, 04:29 PM
If we're finding something we're alike to, some kind of reptile, that much is obvious - I'm inactive and lazy, and generally just let life warm or cold me as it goes, just not bothering... but then, once in every few months or years, something causes me to act, and I tend to do so with speed, efficiency, and a complete lack of care for anything that does not allow me to get my objective.

2008-09-19, 04:29 PM
Well, let's answer those question, see if this helps me find out.

* When you were a child, what animal did you collect or obsess over that you are still attracted to today? Elephants, or pachyderms in general.
* Of all animals if you could have any animal as a pet or companion what would it be? A wolf.
* When going to the zoo, which animal do you spend the most time with or are drawn to? Gorillas and orang utans.
* If you could be any animal what animal would it be? Bear.
* What animal is in your dreams that you have had since childhood? Wolves.
* What animal are you afraid of that you have no idea why you are afraid of it? Wolves.
* Of all animals what animals are you most attracted to? Elephants.
* When you are out in nature, do you often seem to run into the same animal? What is this nature you speak of? Honestly though, no.
* What animal have you bumped into over and over throughout your life? None/
* What animal have you watched for hours? Far, far too many to begin listing.
* Does art work or jewelry with a certain animal always attract you? Not really.

Anyone want to help me sort that jumbled mess out?
Multiclass wolf/elephant.

2008-09-19, 04:35 PM
Multiclass wolf/elephant.

This reminds me of someone I met who thought dwarf was a class in 1st edition D&D.

Regardless, I was going to say wolf, especially if we're going with the traditional "totem animal is something you must overcome but also embrace" idea...

2008-09-19, 04:39 PM
Take a guess. :) I don't feel like fully explaining it, but foxes have been my thing since I was about 16 and I've enjoyed studying canines for some years. My animal of choice to study was the orca, but canines were more what I connected with, the gray fox in particular.


2008-09-19, 04:40 PM
Edge: Wolves seem consistently present.

My turn!
* When you were a child, what animal did you collect or obsess over that you are still attracted to today?
No connections between now and then as far as animal interests.
* Of all animals if you could have any animal as a pet or companion what would it be?
Either a wolf or a rat. Both are intelligent, one is loyal, the other easily maintained.
* When going to the zoo, which animal do you spend the most time with or are drawn to?
Generally, whatever animals are near the exits. Our zoo has bees, flying about, and I hate bees.
* If you could be any animal what animal would it be?
Rat: Flexible, intelligent, and fast.
* What animal is in your dreams that you have had since childhood?
Humans who's mutated to have giant coathangar chins with peach fuzz that inflict the mutation on anyone who sees them. I think they represent meme plagues.
* What animal are you afraid of that you have no idea why you are afraid of it?
Rats. I'm afraid of other animals, but I had bad experiences with all of those.
* Of all animals what animals are you most attracted to?
Rats, they have good synergy as a tribe even if that potential was neglected until Kamigawa block.
* When you are out in nature, do you often seem to run into the same animal?
Deer and rabbits, out by Lake Zorinsky.
* What animal have you bumped into over and over throughout your life?
* What animal have you watched for hours?
* Does art work or jewelry with a certain animal always attract you?
No.It's looking like rats for me.

2008-09-19, 04:58 PM
In terms of a metaphor for one's idealogical beliefs rather than as any kind of totem;

A Joro spider. (Nephila Clavata.)

Edit; if that sounds silly and over specific, I have been thinking a lot about writing in a campaign setting primarily inspired by Lolth (and cool Lolth associated monstrosities,) and thus have been reading a great deal about spiders. (Although the personal relevance of the spider as a metaphor was what initially fired my interest into Lolth.)

2008-09-19, 05:16 PM
This reminds me of someone I met who thought dwarf was a class in 1st edition D&D.

Well, did he mean 1E or the red-book OD&D? 'Cause way way waaay back, dwarf was a class. As were elves and halflings. Maybe he was confused about edition?

Does it have to be a real animal? 'Cause I'd say Edge was heading for some kind of chimera territory.

For me, dog or wolf. Or maybe a Siberian husky, many of which look like wolves. My wife seems to insist that I have some sort of bear-pig hybrid as my animal. :smallwink:

Thanatos 51-50
2008-09-19, 05:34 PM
*Clears throat*

* When you were a child, what animal did you collect or obsess over that you are still attracted to today?
Wolves. Horribly cliche, I know. But there are always alot of wolf statues made, natsamach Pererine Falcons, Jaguars or Black Mambas...

* Of all animals if you could have any animal as a pet or companion what would it be?
Nearly-sentient monkey? Mostly for practical reasons, though.

* When going to the zoo, which animal do you spend the most time with or are drawn to?
I always made a beeline for ye olde carnivores.

* If you could be any animal what animal would it be?

* What animal is in your dreams that you have had since childhood?
What are these dreams you're speaking of?
* What animal are you afraid of that you have no idea why you are afraid of it?
None. I'm a very fearless person, in that I don't have any specific fears.
* Of all animals what animals are you most attracted to?
Predetors, especially small ones, fast ones, or pack hunters.
* When you are out in nature, do you often seem to run into the same animal?
My girlfrind and I have a running gag involving frogs. We alwyas seem to run into frogs when we're out and about.
* What animal have you bumped into over and over throughout your life?
Frogs. Also, raptors (Meaning predetory avians)
* What animal have you watched for hours?
Eagles, hawks, falcons...
* Does art work or jewelry with a certain animal always attract you?
Going back to horribly-cliche-but-wolves here, again.

And analysis power of the Playground...

2008-09-19, 05:37 PM
I use cobras to symbolize personal feelings of vengeance or protectiveness, but I wouldn't really consider them my totem animal...

The Vorpal Tribble
2008-09-19, 05:50 PM
* Of all animals if you could have any animal as a pet or companion what would it be?
Nearly-sentient monkey? Mostly for practical reasons, though.
Your totem animal is a... politician? :smallconfused:

Thanatos 51-50
2008-09-19, 05:55 PM
More like a monkey can manipulate objects. Which is helpful in the urban enviroments I usually hang out in, plus, I can use them to gether information and as tools to assist in flirting if they're cute.
Cute animals grant a +6 to seduction checks.

2008-09-19, 06:08 PM
Hmm...possibly the hawk. High flying, ambition seems kind of tied to it, and it also seems somehow intelligent.

Or a penguin, because not only are they awesome, somehow nerd and penguin seem...similar.

2008-09-19, 06:12 PM
The amazonian angel fish. It's a fish that uses mirrored scales to reflect light at enemies and food, killing or stunning them.

I think that sums me up pretty well.

2008-09-19, 06:21 PM
Feline, feline, feline--all the way.

Domesticated housecat, in fact. One was a Maine **** Cat, now I'm not as sure. I don't have the long hair anymore, for one thing. But MCCs and I are pretty sympatico...


2008-09-19, 06:23 PM
I've always had a thing for felines in general, but particularly for melanistic jaguars, cougers, and leopards (aka black panthers). More for the look than anything: sleek, midnight fur over finely-tuned muscles, stalking through the wilderness...

But that doesn't describe me at all. I also have a thing for raptors (no, not the dinosaurs, the hunting birds). There's a small patch of wetland behind the building that I work in; During the warmer months, I usually see at least one hawk a week circling overhead, and I'm always mesmerised.

Moff Chumley
2008-09-19, 07:02 PM
praise their chubyness.

2008-09-19, 07:05 PM
Looking at those questions I think I'm a Lion or a Tiger... which is weird, because I'd much rather be a flying animal.

But Flying animals are usually so weak and fragile... <.<

2008-09-19, 07:13 PM
* When you were a child, what animal did you collect or obsess over that you are still attracted to today? Cats
* Of all animals if you could have any animal as a pet or companion what would it be? King Cobra
* When going to the zoo, which animal do you spend the most time with or are drawn to? Giant Panda in Washinton, Reptiles in Philly
* If you could be any animal what animal would it be? Human :smallbiggrin: To answer the question, Peregrin Falcon
* What animal is in your dreams that you have had since childhood? Bird
* What animal are you afraid of that you have no idea why you are afraid of None
* Of all animals what animals are you most attracted to? Bird mostly
* When you are out in nature, do you often seem to run into the same animal? No
* What animal have you bumped into over and over throughout your life? This gopher in my backyard
* What animal have you watched for hours? My cats
* Does art work or jewelry with a certain animal always attract you? No

2008-09-19, 07:22 PM
White tiger for me. Black panther and wolf are close second and third.

2008-09-19, 07:52 PM

The Grizzly Bear, the King of the West.

I dunno what it is about them. They're the largest predator in the world. Perhaps not as tall as the polar bear, but of a bulk and ferocity that no polar possesses. But despite that ferocity, they also have a kinder, gentler side


That belies just how powerful these animals are:


I am terrified of them, and yet compelled of them. They are infinitely fascinating to me, these princes of the mountains.


2008-09-19, 08:28 PM
I have two totems, the first is the wolf, because they show up in my dreams or family history a lot. Also I maintain a "pack" mindset of those closest to me (sadly, I have no pack at the moment).
The second is the snake, because I've always held this animal in high esteem, it also used to represent my calm demeanor while I bottled up my emotions before they'd explode. I'm also very quiet and observant (or at least try to be).

Executor did you hear about the giant grizzly in Alaska?

2008-09-19, 08:29 PM
Has it only been a year? I thought it's been longer than that...

Anyway, here I am...


2008-09-19, 09:12 PM
I'm going with ferrets. Small, inquisitive/curious, like confined spaces, mostly nocturnal, need a lot of sleep but have lots of energy when they get enough, and often vicious? That's me.

2008-09-19, 09:31 PM
My familiar spirit would be a dog or wolf I must say. although I'm quite partial to Foxes as well

2008-09-19, 09:37 PM
I'd like to say wolves, but I share very few traits with the beasts.

In reality, I'd probably say ferret/ermine/snake. Something fast, sneaky, deceptive.

2008-09-19, 09:37 PM
Is this going to be a "Week" or just post your totem when you feel like it? Because I still have to get through cat-muffin week for Jibbler...

2008-09-19, 09:54 PM
* When you were a child, what animal did you collect or obsess over that you are still attracted to today?

* Of all animals if you could have any animal as a pet or companion what would it be?
-A bat. Small, adorable in a freakishly weird way, hangs upside down, and would make for the perfect spy/scout if I could learn to speak with it.

* When going to the zoo, which animal do you spend the most time with or are drawn to?
-The Living Coast. Which also contains the bats. :smallwink:

* If you could be any animal what animal would it be?
-As much as I joke about being misanthropic, I think I'd stay human.

* What animal is in your dreams that you have had since childhood?
-Literal dreams that you have in bed at night? Um... I had this one nightmare about an alligator under my bed, and another one about being trapped on a raised platform surrounded by wolves...

* What animal are you afraid of that you have no idea why you are afraid of it?
-None. I know exactly why I'm afraid of sharks, and I can't think of any other animals that scare me.

* Of all animals what animals are you most attracted to?

* When you are out in nature, do you often seem to run into the same animal?
-No. There's not many of them around here, sadly.

* What animal have you bumped into over and over throughout your life?

* What animal have you watched for hours?
-Hours? None. I spent about 45 minutes just staring up at the bats flying out of Carlsbad Caverns, though...

* Does art work or jewelry with a certain animal always attract you?
-I wear a lion's tooth necklace that I bought in Africa. I've never really liked jewelry or art, though.

So... probably tigers, just because I like them.

2008-09-19, 10:10 PM
* When you were a child, what animal did you collect or obsess over that you are still attracted to today?

Cats. I've had a few my whole life, so it's only natural.

* Of all animals if you could have any animal as a pet or companion what would it be?


* When going to the zoo, which animal do you spend the most time with or are drawn to?

Spider monkeys if they're there. But I haven't been to the zoo for years.

* If you could be any animal what animal would it be?

BEARS! Or a cat. I'd just get myself all fat and waddle up stairs and become a famous lolcat. :smallamused:

* What animal is in your dreams that you have had since childhood?

BEARS! Well, actually none. I've never had a dream of any animal. Just clowns, puppets, horrible abominations covered in blood, rooms filled with blood and horrible things that would scare even RHL, my family being killed, getting shot, etc... Over the past year, I seem to have only lucid dreams. I think I recall having a wonderland dream with the white rabbit, so I'm going to say Rabbits.

* What animal are you afraid of that you have no idea why you are afraid of it?

None. Any fears I have towards certain animals are rational.

* Of all animals what animals are you most attracted to?


* When you are out in nature, do you often seem to run into the same animal?

Just foxes, and the occasional deer. Maybe a stray cat once every now and then.

* What animal have you bumped into over and over throughout your life?

Other than pets, I'd say birds.

* What animal have you watched for hours?

Pandas (SRSLY)

* Does art work or jewelry with a certain animal always attract you?

None, really.

2008-09-19, 10:16 PM

The greatest threat to america.

The Vorpal Tribble
2008-09-19, 10:24 PM
I dunno what it is about them. They're the largest predator in the world. Perhaps not as tall as the polar bear, but of a bulk and ferocity that no polar possesses.
Hate to say it, but I don't even believe they are even the largest bear. Kodiaks are as heavy and much taller from what I've read.

I think the largest predator in the world also goes to the sperm or killer whale as well.

2008-09-19, 10:53 PM
Are giant squid larger?

Anyway, mine would have to be a jaguar.

Lord Tataraus
2008-09-19, 11:10 PM
Definitely feline, I love cats...a lot. If I could be any animal it would be a Tibbit, because that's the best of both worlds :smalltongue:

2008-09-19, 11:18 PM
* When you were a child, what animal did you collect or obsess over that you are still attracted to today?Tiger
* Of all animals if you could have any animal as a pet or companion what would it be? Tiger
* When going to the zoo, which animal do you spend the most time with or are drawn to? Tiger
* If you could be any animal what animal would it be? Anthropomorphic Tiger
* What animal is in your dreams that you have had since childhood? Never really had any dreams involving animals.
* What animal are you afraid of that you have no idea why you are afraid of it? Slime Eels
* Of all animals what animals are you most attracted to? Anthropomorphic Tiger
* When you are out in nature, do you often seem to run into the same animal? Nope, I don't even go into nature.
* What animal have you bumped into over and over throughout your life? A cat, but I mostly trip over them.
* What animal have you watched for hours? Flies
* Does art work or jewelry with a certain animal always attract you? It will get a good look but it wount distract me very long.

2008-09-19, 11:22 PM
Hate to say it, but I don't even believe they are even the largest bear. Kodiaks are as heavy and much taller from what I've read.

I think the largest predator in the world also goes to the sperm or killer whale as well.

Ever hear of collosal squid? PopSci has an article on one.

2008-09-19, 11:57 PM
Ever hear of collosal squid? PopSci has an article on one.

It's the blue whale, and according to Discovery Channel, they can kill giant squid. Although it can go either way. Giant squid have killed blue sperm whales, and vise versa.

2008-09-20, 12:11 AM
That's sperm whales. While I'm sure giant squid have killed blue whales, it must be rare, and a blue is a baleen whale, which has no means for killing a squid.

I'd say my totem animal is either a dolphin, a raven, or a cat.

2008-09-20, 12:41 AM
Sorry, largest land carnivore I meant.

And Kodiak bear is a sup-species of Grizzly.

Tempest Fennac
2008-09-20, 05:18 AM
When I became a Reiki Master, another person* I was doing it with said they thought mine was a Shetland sheepdog (I heard a barking noise during my 2nd degree training during a "meet your spirit guide" exercise, but no one else heard it and there weren't any dogs who lived nearby).

*They weren't present during my 1st Degree training.

2008-09-20, 05:27 AM
I'd have to say a Bald Eagle. I haven't had any run-ins with one or anything, but I just find them so...perfect. I often have dreams of flying as one, and once when I went to a falconry show in Scotland where they had one, in one of its swoops it was aiming for me. It flew back up about two metres in front of me but then kept coming back from other directions. It was slightly awe-inspiring...

2008-09-20, 05:28 AM
* When you were a child, what animal did you collect or obsess over that you are still attracted to today? Falcons
* Of all animals if you could have any animal as a pet or companion what would it be? Falcon
* When going to the zoo, which animal do you spend the most time with or are drawn to? Stingray
* If you could be any animal what animal would it be? Falcon/Stingray
* What animal is in your dreams that you have had since childhood? None
* What animal are you afraid of that you have no idea why you are afraid of it? Not sure
* Of all animals what animals are you most attracted to? Stingray/Falcon
* When you are out in nature, do you often seem to run into the same animal? I often run into the skeletons of animals, rather than animals. :smallconfused:
* What animal have you bumped into over and over throughout your life? None in particular.
* What animal have you watched for hours? None.
* Does art work or jewelry with a certain animal always attract you? No.

So my totem animal is a skeletonized falcon or stingray. :smalltongue:

2008-09-20, 08:22 AM
* When you were a child, what animal did you collect or obsess over that you are still attracted to today?
None in particular, but all in general
* Of all animals if you could have any animal as a pet or companion what would it be?
A wolf, or a grizzly bear, maybe a big cat. Pretty much any feral animal
* When going to the zoo, which animal do you spend the most time with or are drawn to?
None really
* If you could be any animal what animal would it be?
Wolf. (always wanted to rip someone's throat out with my teeth)
* What animal is in your dreams that you have had since childhood?
* What animal are you afraid of that you have no idea why you are afraid of it?
* Of all animals what animals are you most attracted to?
wolves and bears
* When you are out in nature, do you often seem to run into the same animal?
turtles, frogs and birds, but who doesnt?
* What animal have you bumped into over and over throughout your life?
my pets
* What animal have you watched for hours?
my cats
* Does art work or jewelry with a certain animal always attract you?
not really

The Vorpal Tribble
2008-09-20, 08:32 AM
Ever hear of collosal squid? PopSci has an article on one.
Sure have, but they only weigh just over half a ton. Sperm whales are up in the 50 ton range.

And Kodiak bear is a sup-species of Grizzly.
Naw, just cousins. Kodiaks and Grizzlies are both sub-species of the brown bear.

Mauve Shirt
2008-09-20, 08:39 AM
* When you were a child, what animal did you collect or obsess over that you are still attracted to today?
Um, puppies.
* Of all animals if you could have any animal as a pet or companion what would it be?
A bear.
* When going to the zoo, which animal do you spend the most time with or are drawn to?
* If you could be any animal what animal would it be?
Anything with wings.
* What animal is in your dreams that you have had since childhood?
* What animal are you afraid of that you have no idea why you are afraid of it?
* Of all animals what animals are you most attracted to?
Ummmm dogs.
* When you are out in nature, do you often seem to run into the same animal?
* What animal have you bumped into over and over throughout your life?
Also squirrels. And my parrot.
* What animal have you watched for hours?
My puppy.
* Does art work or jewelry with a certain animal always attract you?
Nooot really.

Almighty Salmon
2008-09-20, 09:12 AM
* When you were a child, what animal did you collect or obsess over that you are still attracted to today? Tortoise.
* Of all animals if you could have any animal as a pet or companion what would it be? Horse, I think.
* When going to the zoo, which animal do you spend the most time with or are drawn to? Penguins.
* If you could be any animal what animal would it be? One that can fly.
* What animal is in your dreams that you have had since childhood? Gorilla.
* What animal are you afraid of that you have no idea why you are afraid of it? Spider.
* Of all animals what animals are you most attracted to? Wolf.
* When you are out in nature, do you often seem to run into the same animal? Er, nope.
* What animal have you bumped into over and over throughout your life? Nope.
* What animal have you watched for hours? None?
* Does art work or jewelry with a certain animal always attract you? Not really.

... That didn't help at all!

2008-09-20, 10:18 AM
All answer would be cat. Or maybe duck.

But my friend once said that I'm a mole-rat :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-20, 10:18 AM
The general consensus ITP is wolf for me? Odd then that I share very few traits with them..

It's a conspiracy!

2008-09-20, 10:20 AM
Either sharks crows or wolves.

2008-09-20, 10:28 AM
* When you were a child, what animal did you collect or obsess over that you are still attracted to today? Dragon
* Of all animals if you could have any animal as a pet or companion what would it be? Dragon
* When going to the zoo, which animal do you spend the most time with or are drawn to? Komodo Dragon
* If you could be any animal what animal would it be? Dragon
* What animal is in your dreams that you have had since childhood? Dragon
* What animal are you afraid of that you have no idea why you are afraid of it? Dragon
* Of all animals what animals are you most attracted to? Dragons
* When you are out in nature, do you often seem to run into the same animal? No
* What animal have you bumped into over and over throughout your life? Dunno.
* What animal have you watched for hours? Komodo Dragon
* Does art work or jewelry with a certain animal always attract you? Yeah.

2008-09-20, 10:32 AM
The general consensus ITP is wolf for me? Odd then that I share very few traits with them..

It's a conspiracy!

Well, what was the first animal we as humans domesticated? :smallconfused:
Spider senses... Connection!

2008-09-20, 10:38 AM
* When you were a child, what animal did you collect or obsess over that you are still attracted to today?

* Of all animals if you could have any animal as a pet or companion what would it be?
Panda or Raven

* When going to the zoo, which animal do you spend the most time with or are drawn to?
Pandas (but you can't find those almost anywhere)

* If you could be any animal what animal would it be?

* What animal is in your dreams that you have had since childhood?
I dont dream of any animals since so long back. The last animal that even was in my dreams at all that i can remember is Pandas

* What animal are you afraid of that you have no idea why you are afraid of it?
None really. The only thing i'm afraid of are big dogs, but i know exactly why that is

* Of all animals what animals are you most attracted to?

* When you are out in nature, do you often seem to run into the same animal?

* What animal have you bumped into over and over throughout your life?

* What animal have you watched for hours?

* Does art work or jewelry with a certain animal always attract you?

Since i dont think you can count the dream thing we have 4 pandas and 3 ravens

2008-09-20, 10:43 AM
* When you were a child, what animal did you collect or obsess over that you are still attracted to today?


* Of all animals if you could have any animal as a pet or companion what would it be?


* When going to the zoo, which animal do you spend the most time with or are drawn to?


* If you could be any animal what animal would it be?


* What animal is in your dreams that you have had since childhood?


* What animal are you afraid of that you have no idea why you are afraid of it?


* Of all animals what animals are you most attracted to?


* When you are out in nature, do you often seem to run into the same animal?

Pigeons, but that's hardly surprising...

* What animal have you bumped into over and over throughout your life?


* What animal have you watched for hours?


* Does art work or jewelry with a certain animal always attract you?


3 cats (4, if you count the cheetah).

The Vorpal Tribble
2008-09-20, 10:47 AM
Well, what was the first animal we as humans domesticated? :smallconfused:
Spider senses... Connection!
Actually, it's not really certain if it was the dog or the honeybee.

Can just imagine how that went...

'Hey, Og, them furry, toothy things sure run fast. Wish we could hunt like that. Maybe if we're real nice to it it will!'
'Naw, I'm sticking to bees. Yeah, they may hurt, but lookit what they make!'
'But the dog can help us take down mastadons!'
'Yeah, but just TASTE this stuff.'
'I dunno, looks kind of... mmm, honey...'

Mc. Lovin'
2008-09-20, 10:59 AM
Looks like mine is a toss up between Lemur and Cat. At least accoring to those questions you gave us

2008-09-20, 11:10 AM
Actually, it's not really certain if it was the dog or the honeybee.

Can just imagine how that went...

'Hey, Og, them furry, toothy things sure run fast. Wish we could hunt like that. Maybe if we're real nice to it it will!'
'Naw, I'm sticking to bees. Yeah, they may hurt, but lookit what they make!'
'But the dog can help us take down mastadons!'
'Yeah, but just TASTE this stuff.'
'I dunno, looks kind of... mmm, honey...'

You learn something new every day. :smallconfused:

2008-09-20, 09:59 PM
* When you were a child, what animal did you collect or obsess over that you are still attracted to today? The Paradoxical Frog.
* Of all animals if you could have any animal as a pet or companion what would it be? Ooh, ooh, ooh, a komodo dragon!
* When going to the zoo, which animal do you spend the most time with or are drawn to? Orangutang (sp?).
* If you could be any animal what animal would it be? That's a toughie. Either a dog or a dolphin.
* What animal is in your dreams that you have had since childhood? None in paticular.
* What animal are you afraid of that you have no idea why you are afraid of it? I'm not afraid of animals, cautious, yes, but not afraid.
* Of all animals what animals are you most attracted to? None in paticular. I love 'em all.
* When you are out in nature, do you often seem to run into the same animal? No.
* What animal have you bumped into over and over throughout your life? None in paticular,
* What animal have you watched for hours? Ants and scorpions.
* Does art work or jewelry with a certain animal always attract you? Scorpions.

I think I'd either choose a rat (quite similar to me, in a good way), or a scorpion.

2008-09-20, 10:10 PM
Can't remember if I did this on the last thread.

* When you were a child, what animal did you collect or obsess over that you are still attracted to today? Cats, definitely.
* Of all animals if you could have any animal as a pet or companion what would it be? I still think it would be really neat to have a fox as a pet but I've read everywhere that even raised in captivity they don't domesticate well.
* When going to the zoo, which animal do you spend the most time with or are drawn to? The big cats. Lions, tigers, cheetahs, etc. If more zoos had caracals it would be those.
* If you could be any animal what animal would it be? Human please. :smalltongue: Actually, it would be kind of nice to be a horse.
* What animal is in your dreams that you have had since childhood? I've dreamed about all sorts of animals... cats, dogs, horses, tyrannosaurs...
* What animal are you afraid of that you have no idea why you are afraid of it? I don't know if there's any animal that I have no idea why I'm afraid of it. Bears and crocodiles I certainly have good reason to be afraid of.
* Of all animals what animals are you most attracted to? Cats and foxes.
* When you are out in nature, do you often seem to run into the same animal? What, like squirrels? :smalltongue:
* What animal have you bumped into over and over throughout your life? Cats. But that's probably because everyone has one.
* What animal have you watched for hours? Definitely cats. Foxes don't stay around long enough.
* Does art work or jewelry with a certain animal always attract you? Any animal artwork/jewelry attracts me, it's really cool.

2008-09-22, 08:46 AM
Well ...

* When you were a child, what animal did you collect or obsess over that you are still attracted to today?

Well, Dinosaurs when i was really young, and Dragons just not collected or obsessed over, centaurs and then horses in the last 5 years ...
* Of all animals if you could have any animal as a pet or companion what would it be?

Centaur,Dragon, Horse, Unicorn
* When going to the zoo, which animal do you spend the most time with or are drawn to?

Well, the last time i was at the zoo was probably 15 years ago when i was 6 ... so i have no idea
* If you could be any animal what animal would it be?

If its just animal then Horse, if not then Dragon, Centaur and Unicorn added in
* What animal is in your dreams that you have had since childhood?

Im not 100% sure but i know Dragons, Centaurs and horses have been there,
* What animal are you afraid of that you have no idea why you are afraid of it?

I was kinda nervous about sharks when i was in the ocean, and wolves in the forrest awhile ago, but nothing really anymore
* Of all animals what animals are you most attracted to?

Horses love me and i think they consider me one of them, and dogs like me too
* When you are out in nature, do you often seem to run into the same animal?

Squirrels i see alot of ... a few rabbits, saw a moose and her child a few days ago ...
* What animal have you bumped into over and over throughout your life?

Have to be horses
* What animal have you watched for hours?
Ive watched horses for hours on end, and thats really about all ... maybe some wildlife if i run into it (the bigger animals)
* Does art work or jewelry with a certain animal always attract you?

Centaur, Dragon, Horse, Unicorn, i have sculptures of all but centaurs (its incredibly hard to find anything centaur related)

What does this mean? Probably that i love those 4 things, and that i probably have a soul of a horse, or a protector who is a horse, would be interesting to find out though

The Valiant Turtle
2008-09-22, 09:19 AM
Sea Turtle of course, probably a Loggerhead, but Hawksbill and Green have a lot going for them as well.

2nd choice: Beluga Whale

H. Zee
2008-09-22, 09:50 AM
This is easy. Penguin.

Penguins are made of a special alloy of awesome and win.

They're the only animal I could quite happily watch for hours on end.

2008-09-22, 10:13 AM
* When you were a child, what animal did you collect or obsess over that you are still attracted to today? None, didn't collect any animals when I was a child.
* Of all animals if you could have any animal as a pet or companion what would it be? Cat
* When going to the zoo, which animal do you spend the most time with or are drawn to? Otters! Those guys are just awesome.
* If you could be any animal what animal would it be? Humans are animals. But other than that, dolphins. Almost as smart as humans, and they get to play in the water all day.
* What animal is in your dreams that you have had since childhood? Cat
* What animal are you afraid of that you have no idea why you are afraid of it? None. For any animal I fear, I know why I fear it.
* Of all animals what animals are you most attracted to? Cat
* When you are out in nature, do you often seem to run into the same animal? Foxes.
* What animal have you bumped into over and over throughout your life? Cats, dogs, and rabbits.
* What animal have you watched for hours? Cat
* Does art work or jewelry with a certain animal always attract you? Cat.

Looks like I'm pretty clearly a Cat person.

V Junior
2008-09-22, 10:52 AM
I consider myself to have a mythical animal totem... the griffon.

They're huge, sleek, and magestic. They're strong and amazing, deadly and beautiful. They can soar noiselessly through the sky, and strike with the grace of a cat. I've always felt a connection to griffons. I don't know why. I just have.

But if I have to choose a real animal... the house cat. Small, yet sophisticated. Intelligent, graceful killers. Beautiful, yet deadly. Also, very very cute.

The animal I always watch at the zoo, however, is the meerkat.

Weirdly enough, meerkats have cat in thier name (sorta), and griffons are part-cat, part-eagle, and, if you're reading Diana Wynne Jones, part-human. Notice the cat. Hmm.

I think it's cats, myself.

Jim Profit
2008-09-23, 06:59 PM
I seem to generally be like "snow white" lol! Animals of all kinds don't bother me. I've gotten possums out of vines they were stuck in, didn't even hiss at me. I've shooed wasps off me, they didn't even buzz around threatening to sting me, dogs love me, (especially when I put on the axe body spray) and lizards would sleep next to me on my bed, I'd leave a little lettuce for them. (Yes, lizards eat letties, grapes, and other things if they're avaliable..)

By the list, my totem animal sounds like a squirrel. This sounds like no surprise, as most people compare me to a rodent anyway by my mannerisms..
A pretty basic combo card to turn little fuzzy rodents on CAPS LOCKS..

Ofcourse sense I'm only legal in type 1 and 1.5 formats, noone will ever play me as everyone is playing "lol blue control" "lol moar blue control huuuur!"

2008-09-24, 08:13 PM
Well, I've always considered wolves to be my favorite animal, but since I'm not particularly loyal or social they would make a poor choice for my totem animal. I guess that in terms of animals that I have something in common with, it would have to be gorillas or eagles.
Gorillas are cool because they're usually fairly peaceful, but they won't hesitate to rip your freakin' arms off if you mess with them or come within arm-ripping distance. Also, they have thumbs, so that's a definite plus. :smallcool:
As for eagles, they're cool because they seem to be the greatest bird in the sky ( eagle's splendor for example) and when any not-as-great birds come around they rip them to shreds, feed the shreds to their babies, and stack their bones to build their nests. :smallbiggrin: Also, they ancient Romans put eagles on standards and banners, and the Roman Empire was made of awesome.

2008-09-25, 09:28 PM
Ferret, definitely. Or eel. Something snake-like.

2008-09-25, 09:32 PM
As for eagles, they're cool because they seem to be the greatest bird in the sky ( eagle's splendor for example) and when any not-as-great birds come around they rip them to shreds, feed the shreds to their babies, and stack their bones to build their nests. :smallbiggrin: Also, they ancient Romans put eagles on standards and banners, and the Roman Empire was made of awesome.

You are aware that eagles are killed and eaten by Peregrine "Capt. Falcon" Falcons?

2008-09-25, 09:50 PM
I may be going out on a limb here but I'm pretty sure my totem animal is homo sapiens. I consistently have dreams about being one, and feel an odd spiritual kinship with them in spite of all the things I intellectually dislike about them. Sometimes I even see myself as one when I look in the mirror. :smallbiggrin:

As far as non-human animals go... bear, maybe (black, not brown). Or rat.

2008-09-25, 10:19 PM
lets see:

* When you were a child, what animal did you collect or obsess over that you are still attracted to today? Snakes and other reptiles

* Of all animals if you could have any animal as a pet or companion what would it be? a snake or other reptile

* When going to the zoo, which animal do you spend the most time with or are drawn to? reptiles, and polar bears

* What animal is in your dreams that you have had since childhood? alligators. the dang things kept eating me though... really weird dreams

* What animal are you afraid of that you have no idea why you are afraid of it? SPIDERS

* Of all animals what animals are you most attracted to? horses and cats

* What animal have you watched for hours? any animal really. except for spiders, which I run from or kill pretty much on sight.

* Does art work or jewelry with a certain animal always attract you? yea, most reptiles.

so... looks like a snake or other reptile...but i don't really share any traits with them.

though through my zodiacs (both Chinese and astrological) it would be goat. Born in the year of the Goat as a Capricorn (Sea-goat).

2008-09-25, 11:36 PM
tortoise i guess, i always loved the things, they're so cool.
i can't really answer any of the affinity questions because i have a natural affinity for just about every animal :smallmad:

2008-09-26, 08:20 AM
I won't answer the questionnaire, I'll just tell you how I leaned to love the Wolf. You can blame literature.

When I was 6 or 7, I read a tale called The Wolf and the Dog. It must have been Aesop or LaFontain or something, but it was very different. You see, most of the tales with talking animals are funny but a bit shallow, and teach you something like "listen to your parents", "don't be naughty/greedy/bad", "respect the gods" etc. This one was nothing of the sort. And it went like this.

Once upon a time, there was a lone wolf on the mountain. It was winter, and it was very cold, and there was snow everywhere and no food left. So the wolf was hungry, and decided to go down the mountain, in order to find something to eat. Down he went, close to the villages of Men despite the danger they posed, and there he met his cousin, the Dog. They greeted each other, and the Wolf noticed that the Dog was fat, well-fed and well-groomed, while he himself was pathetically skinny and his fur was a mess.

"Cousin!" he exclaimed "how come you're so well-fed in the middle of the winter?"
"Ah, don't you know, cousin?" said the Dog "I live with Man now, and he feeds me all I can eat! All I do for him in exchange is guard his sheep and home."
"Oh" said the Wolf amazed "you got a nice deal there, you lucky fellow!"
"Cousin, since you seem so hungry, why don't you come with me?" asked the Dog "I'm sure Man will accept you like he accepted me."

The Wolf thought about it and found it a pretty good idea, so he followed the Dog, already dreaming of the food that would soon fill his empty belly. But while they were on the road, he noticed something else.

"Cousin!" he exclaimed "Wait! What is this strange mark around your neck?"
"Oh, that's nothing, it's just the mark from the collar. You see, Man ties me up so I don't go away."
And at that, the Wolf stopped dead on his tracks, and turned to leave.

"Thank you, cousin, but I'm not coming with you after all. I'd rather be hungry and free".

... And that about sums up what the wolf means to me. :)

A bit later I read Jack London's Call of the wild, and just couldn't help falling in love with the story of a dog that becomes a wolf again. And right when I hit puberty (and I hit it pretty hard :smalltongue:), I read Herman Hesse's Steppenwolf, which immediately became my favorite book for many years to come. I've done a lot of research since then, from biological facts to mythological symbolism, and I've never felt anything less that sheer fascination about wolves, but in the end it all boils down to that little tale I read when I was 6 years old. :smallsmile:

2008-09-26, 11:45 AM
That's cool but I thought the wolf was going to eat the dog. It's better than many fables I've heard/read.