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2008-09-20, 01:26 PM
Thread number 5! Herein I name my place in the hall of DD thread starters. If there isn't such a hall, build one.

Can Oracle_Hunter and Winterwind please post the relevant documentation (the Encyclopedia, etc), or link me to where I can copy it?

Anyway, for those of you who don't know this thread by experience or reputation, here we, um, comment on the nuances of Mookie's unique webcomic Dominic Deegan: Oracle For Hire (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/). Be warned: If you are a serious and sincere fan of this comic, avoid this thread. It will, over time, sap your love for Dominic Deegan and transform it into a desire for snark. It happened to me, so I can attest.

Winterwind's Encyclopedia Dominica
created by the joint efforts of all the Mookiemockers in this very thread, working tiredlessly to reveal the secrets and inner workings of the Deeganverse and the broken plots, drawings and writing of our most favourite (to make fun of) author.

Aberthast Cathedral
Resocialization centre. People who go there return as mindless sheep in service to the Dominus. It is a horrible place, where - no, please, no, don't take me, take Oracle_Hunter instead, please, it was him who---
Nothing to see here, citizen. Keep going. The Dominic is Your Friend.

Magical boats that fly through the air at approximately twice the speed of plot, which can therefore only catch up for brief moments while the ship is in dock for extended periods. The planks on an airship change direction from moment to moment, possibly as a result of its powerful magic.

Ass Shot, Inappropriate
Is a myth, or maybe propaganda spread by vile Mookiemockers opposed to the just rule of Lord Dominus. There is, in fact, no situation which cannot be improved by showing the behind of a female character. Especially well suited are scenes when the character in question is either dying, traumatised, despaired or fighting her former friends. In short, drama and tragedy are enhanced by ass shots. The more you know!

Balloon Boobs
A sexual ideal. Albeit I don't want to know for whom.

Basically the US in a supposedly (but not really) medieval setting, this unfortunate realm has drawn the relentless wrath of the Dominus upon itself. Therefore, it's failings must be pointed out and despised (instead of tolerated, accepted and embraced, as would be the case with other nations).
The population consists of either mindless sheep (see Deegandrug) or ignorant racists (who happen to be 100% spot on with their prejudices).
It is also hated by everyone else.

See Caste System.

Caste System
The Deeganverse has a simple caste-system, with five castes with a strict hierarchy.

The First Caste is the Deegan Family; they have practically a monopoly on good karma in the Deeganverse. They are good, perfect, always right (including and especially if they are not), and ultimately always win. Association with Dominic is more important than the Deegan name, in this regard: Luna is First Caste, Jacob is not.
Examples: Dominic, Gregory, Luna.

The Second Caste are the Deegan Friends. They, too, are good and (save for occasional moral slips, like Pam's Incredibly Unjust Punishment of Dominic) moral, but lack the power to overcome anything on their own, and therefore need the Deegans to help them. With everything.
Examples: Pam, Milov, Jayden

The Third Caste are the Anti-Heroes. These are morally wrong, but are handsome, powerful and therefore worthy of being saved. The major difference between them and the Fourth Caste is that, while both often exhibit the very same negative traits, the Deegans arbitrarily decide that members of the Third Caste can be forgiven, whereas those of the Fourth Caste cannot. Even if the Third Caste members do things actually much worse.
Examples: Siegfried, Szark, Snowsong, probably Karnak, maybe Celesto

The Fourth Caste are the Enemies. They are precisely the same as the Third Caste, except that they are not redeemable. The reason is: Because. Yep, that's the entire reason. Fourth Caste is often, though not always, ugly, and almost comically over-the-top in their negative traits, prominently racism.
Examples: Taggerty, Boris, any infernomancer

Fifth Caste is all the non-magical people who live their lives without any relevance to the plot.
Examples: per definition, Fifth Caste members do not have a name.

The Caste a character belongs to is determined at his birth and, save for a few exceptions, usually does not change. The actual deeds and alignment of a character do not matter: First and Second Caste characters can do things as evil as they wish to, and will be praised for that.
The only Caste-change which occurs often is from Third to Second: redeemed Anti-Heroes ultimately become Deegan Friends. The most prominent examples of this are Szark Sturtz and Bumper. A rarer case might have occured with regard to Celesto: arguably, by blowing Dominic's leg away, the fool might have sealed his fall from Third to Fourth Caste.
Another Caste change could be observed rather recently with the initiation of Nimmel's ascension to First Caste.

Celesto 5
Our last best hope for Dominic's fall.

See Death.

A common affliction in the Deeganverse, this horrible disease causes the victims to mutate into horrible things with a seperate mouth on both of their cheeks. Other side effects include a higher willingness to worship the Dominus, racism and inconsistency.

Since glasswood is the only kind of lumber that has been positively identified by the people of the Deeganverse as such, they are forced to use it for the purpose of warming their houses. Burning glasswood produces a smoke so thin, so volatile that it can pass through solid bricks, allowing the Fifth-Casters to not build hollow chimneys in their fireplaces. Instead, they build solid brick columns. However, while glasswood smoke can pass through bricks, it doesn't pass through cloth. For this reason, people wanting to look all badass and cool often prowl atop these chimneys, so that their capes will billow out dramatically, lifted by the fumes.
A side-effect of glasswood fumes is terminal stupidity.
Possibly the source of the Deegandrug. See Deegandrug, Glasswood.

A place for holding currently unused characters, while redeeming them if necessary. See also Aberthast Cathedral.

An awkward ritual whose primary function is to be a source of ass shots. Except in Semash(i), where it is a substitute for debates, brawls, and warfare. It doesn't seem to involve a lot of motion, though: See "Ass-shot, Inappropriate".

An event which, if directed against higher Caste members, is tragic enough for The Dominic to be sad. Possibly even for as much as ten minutes. But don't worry, it is a highly temporary affliction, since deceased higher Caste members can reincarnate to keep protecting the main characters. Even if it includes dying again.
See also Cheap.
If applied to Fourth Caste members, on the other hand, it is a reason to celebrate. These tend to be gone permanently, too.

An air-born substance released by the First Caste into the air. Causes sheep-like obliviousness to the First Caste's failings, blind following and deep admiration for all of the First Caste's deeds. Only few remain immune to the Deegandrug's effects.

Demonic Badass Leadership Disfunction
A law of nature states: The bad-assness of a demon lord is inversely proportional to his skills as leader. The stronger and combat-capable any given demon lord is, the more unlucky he will get with his followers: They will upstage, overthrow, betray and ridicule him. Thus any sense of bad-assness is drained from the comic again, and natural order is restored. All bad-assness to the First Caste!

A thing of beauty, which must under no circumstances be removed. But who would want to do that, anyway? Other girls and boys love hideous disfigurements! Isn't that good to know, kids?

The immaculate self-insertion character, the All-Seeing Eye who is never wrong and solves any problem before the problem even knows it is about to occur. His morals are not to be questioned (even if questionable), he is always right (especially when he is wrong), and his defeats can be but temporary. His mind is superior to demon lords, his perfection knows no bounds. Lord of the First Caste. The Dominus.

Dynamic Panel Layout
A way to put the plot on hold for a week. Means that the same layout will be used throughout that week each and every day, but it's a different layout than usual. Yay?

The land of elves, where nobility is decided by whether trees like you. These guys are so amazing they can pronounce certain letters in lower case. The magic of FaRIA protects its residents from plot.

Characters meant to appear in the strip and then forgotten. Include the Oracle Hunter and Huk Thak. See Trailer.

Fairies, Nipple
Nefarious creatures who steal the nipples of sentient creatures, and are largely responsible for the lack of nipples in Dominion. Merfolk are particularly badly-afflicted. Some say the fairies steal nipples for food, others for construction materials, while some insist that they are merely thralls to some greater power (see "Progenitor").

A cute little symbiote that resides upside down under Luna's nose, this delightful parasite feeds on Luna's emotions but inverts them. In layman's terms, when Luna is happy, Fangy is sad, and vice versa. It is likely that the Travorias knew of Fangly's existence, and tormented Luna in order to cheer Fangly up.

This curious tree is the main source of building material in the Deeganverse - probably, because the inhabitants have not figured out that the green triangular mountains surrounding them are trees as well. They are hardly to blame for that. Unfortunately, glasswood has very poor properties as building material, for, true to its name, it is prone to shattering in a glass-like manner. For this reason, higher Castes prefer to live in stone-houses, while listening gleefully to the painful screams of the lower Castes as those are slashed to shreds by their walls and furniture. See Trees.
A second theory persists, however, which maintains that glasswood is actually not wood at all, and that lower Castes instead choose to build their houses out of baked pottery painted to appear like wood. Which, again, would be well within the limits of their stupidity, lacking a First Caste character to lead them.

A brainwashed god.

Unpredictable creatures who act based on the results of a D20. Little is known about their language, but attempts to communicate have revealed that the hobgoblins are in possession of a large supply of babel fish. Those who do communicate believe that the word "Arf" roughly translates to "Hail Dominus". Very susceptible to the Deegandrug.

A strange substance often held in abundance by Dominic Deegan fans, but which we snarkers syphon off using agressive cynicism to use as fuel. Typically found in abundance at the beginning of every new arc, but wanes as time goes on.

Problem solvers. No, really! There's no problem a well placed illusion could not solve! One might kinda call them Deus Ex Machinas, but that would be mean, right?
They are also well suited for fun activities, like children birthday parties or horribly traumatising friends. Fun times!

Prominently lead by h_v, the Inquisition serves to cart off all the heretic posters on this thread who dare to speak the name of Our Lord Dominus, Who Sees Everything, The Great Manipulator, The One Behind The Strings without proper reverence to Aberthast Cathedral. Main enforcer of the Dominus' control.
Noone expects the Deegan Inquisition!

Invisible King
The evil ruler of Callan who never appears or does anything in the strip, lord of the government. Which is evil. And never seen either.
We do not know why the government or the king are evil or why they do what they do, because they never actually appear in the strip to present their case, but since they are a government, they obviously must be evil. This is political sophistication for you.
Alternately, them being evil might be only propaganda, for they seem to be one of the last groups not yet under the Dominus' manipulative control.

People who mocked Mookie in school, and therefore are Fourth Caste material destined to die horribly.

Why won't he die?! WHY WON'T HE DIE?!

Basically Evil Twin Universe us. I can only assume there's each and every one of us represented there, with a goatee, babbling genuine praise towards Mookie and Lord Dominus. Also known as sheep.

The First Puppet. Tusks.

...sometimes is just Magic.


Long thought a relatively harmless (if addicting) candy, this substance is in fact the foundation of the First Caste’s powers. Using specialised glands, they transform Mavpel into the chemical known as the Deegandrug and expel it as a gas (see “Deegandrug”). Mavpel deprivation can lead to psychological breakdown in the First Caste, with symptoms including outbursts of berserk rage, drastically-lowered Mary-Sue levels and a higher-than-usual drive to mind rape. Ambitious lower-caste members can use this to their advantage, as when Cassafin usurped Dominus’ rightful position as headteacher.
The only known location of Mavpel plantations is the Winter Archipelago, increasing its importance to the First Caste and explaining the teleportation ban there. The supply of Mavpel was cut off by the Archipelago recently, possibly as part of a werewolf rebellion, but the crisis was resolved when the “archtraitor” Milov broke the embargo and granted the Dominus his own personal Mavpel supply.

Deceptive jerks who deserve whatever they get. Whatever they get.

The heavy artillery. As long as Dominic's mother remains around, we can rest assured that even if something should go awry, the good guys can always call on this Deus Ex Momina support. That helps to not make things too exciting.

The perfect psychological instrument, heals any depression, insecurities, mental trauma and shyness, may also induce a complete 180 degree personality flip. This occurs by the character taking 5 minutes to remind her or himself of their successes or the necessecity for them to behave that way.
It is unknown why Mookie has not yet patented this method, since it would easily replace all psychiatrists on the planet.
Note that a physical mirror is not necessarily required; it's the 5 minutes reflection that counts.

See Dominic. Sans perfection.

A strange creature, of which two races, mookius vulgaris and mookius nobilis, have been identified so far. Distinguished for their intellect and flawlessness, Mookinsertions are living avatars of the Mookie on the physical plane, and are, as such, immortal - the most lethal weapons will cause only minor injuries to a Mookinsertion, which will (of course) be forgotten as soon as the arc is over. Typically, a Mookinsertion lives in human disguise for up to thirty years, before it begins its metamorphosis to a fully grown Mookie Sue. This process can be easily observed in a rapid rise through the Castes - within only a few years, a Mookinsertion can grow from Fifth Caste to Second, bordering First.
A mookius vulgaris is lauded for its intellect and skills at all times, and may even every now and then save the day.
A mookius nobilis is Dominic Deegan. 'Nuff said.

A huge, gargantuan round orb that is always in the background. How it accomplishes that feat is unknown yet.

Minor infraction. May cause Death. Easily redeemable (see Caste System, Redemption).

Home of four-armed fish people and the world's only dragon.

Nineteen Eighty-Four
Main inspiration for Dominic Deegan.
Okay, not really, but for a major part of our MST3King anyway.

Noble savages. Can save by rape.

Is a lie told by Mookie's stupid art professor who didn't even like his awesome anime drawings.

A psychological disorder, leading to people behaving temporarily or permanently in a way completely inconsistent with their character as established previously (see Mirror).

Far removed from the turmoil of civilisation, just beyond the Edge of the Dominus' sphere of influence, lives a creature that is above time, nature, and even the Caste System itself. Few know of its existance, and whisper its many titles with fear and adoration: The Alpha. The Progenitor. The Anchor of Dominion. For none dare to call upon it by its true, world-shaking name: Bort.
First being to be shaped by the Mookreator's hand (and, admittedly, his shape does reveal a certain... lack of experience on this omnipotent god's part), the Progenitor is capable of re-writing reality on a whim, break continuity and drain any sense from his surroundings - clearly attributes he shares with the Mookreator himself and signs of his divine descent!
The Progenitor stands above the castes, and even the Dominus himself felt the need to bow down and do hard physical work for the Progenitor, which the latter could have easily accomplished in seconds - the grand manipulator finally found his master. Whether this was for fear of drawing his elder brother's wrath upon him, or whether the Dominus fell victim of the powerful Deegandrug that forced him to accept the superiority of a being of an even higher caste than his own remains a mysterium of Domiology.

The highest form of humour, and don't let anyone who isn't Mookie tell you differently! Perfectly suitable to any situation, be it everyday conversation or severe and traumatic loss of loved ones, because they do not harm drama! At all!

There are two kinds: Callanians and Non-Callanians. The former are mostly individuals, but pay for this by having much more severe moral standards applied to them (see Callan).
Non-Callanians, on the other hand, are defined by single traits. Which is not racist at all. Obviously.
Of course, there are still single individuals who break with their races customs and redeem them that way, because, even though other cultures' traditions are great, they can't possibly be as great as our own, right?

See Death.

Salvation, if administered by a noble savage, preferably of Orcish heritage.

Rays, Manta
Ridden on saddleback despite all blatant safety hazards. Possibly immune to the Deegandrug.

Handed out arbitrarily. Minor crimes, like murder, are redeemed easily, rendering everyone completely oblivious to them. Worse crimes, like speaking badly about the Deegans or thinking about other cultures in a somewhat critical way, however, cannot be redeemed (see Caste System). Even if they are, they still may lead to Spontaneous Fourth Caste Reemersion Syndrome.

Red Shirt Soup Wench
A very special specimen of the Fifth Caste species, this curious creature can live for as long as thirty years apart of the protagonists. However, sooner or later, in a fashion similar to lemmings' mass suicide, these beings are drawn into the proximity of First and Second Caste members, where their function is to serve them soup (though rarer sub-species have been observed to secrete other liquid beverages instead). When they do so, they produce special pheromones, which can be perceived by the current story arc's antagonist and throw him or her into a murderous frenzy, which does not end until the Red Shirt Soup Wench has been slaughtered horribly. Considering how unlikely it is that such a creature would have evolved on its own, it is probable that Red Shirt Soup Wenches have been genetically engineered by the First Caste to make their opponents look more bad-ass, and thus enhance the glory of the First Caste when they defeat them in the end.

A mysterious people who steal beauty from other cultures and resolve any and all disputes with dance-offs. Their skin tone, like their country's name, varies from day to day. Being humans, some Semashi are allowed personalities even though they're not Callanian.

Apparently some other term for 'deity', albeit much less likeable due to its scheming, manipulative ways.

The horrible malformation of the nose/mouth-region, implanted into prisoners in Aberthast Cathedral and into any new-born child. It probably serves to improve the inhalation of the Deegandrug.

Soul Displacing Mookie Possession Syndrome (SDMPS)
Even the existance of self-insertion Mookie Sues and the wide spread of the Plot plague do not suffice sometimes for Mookie's broadcast of his enlightened world-view and ethical opinions. In such cases, the force of Mookie can temporarily take possession of a character to force him to do Mookie's bidding. The character completely turns into a mouthpiece for Mookie's messages. A much more dangerous mutation of this affliction is the Karma Balancing Soul Displacing Mookie Possession Syndrome (SDMPS-KB), where Mookie specifically possesses Third and Fourth Caste characters to force them to deal completely just and not at all exaggerated punishment on other Fourth Caste characters, such as womanizers and people who happen to be athletic, who may spontaneously pop or be mutilated to a never-ending unholy existance of eternal torment and agony. In spite of its dangerousness, this is a very important thing to the ecological balance of the Deeganverse, for it keeps the hands of First and Second Caste members free of blood, while dealing appropriately with people Mookie finds somewhat unsympathetic. See also: Mookinsertion, Plot.

Overrated. Noone in the Deeganverse uses these anymore.
Same goes for all anatomy, really.

Spontaneous Fourth Caste Reemersion Syndrome
A highly dangerous condition, lethal in 100% of all cases, so far incurable. It may occur in redeemed Third Caste members if their previous failings were grave enough (i.e. murder would not induce SFCRS, but being displeased with another culture's murdersome traditions might). The effect is an aura of Fourth Castiness in an otherwise Second Caste character, which may resurface at any time, thus causing the Deeganverse to believe the character is evil and must be purged.

Strip Slays
Pure awesomeness. averagejoe, ElfLad, Mewtarthio and Turcano are just a few of the grandiose artists who turn meager B-strips into victory with win on top.

An abomination that must not be spoken of.

Tentacle Rape
Umm... let's change the subject, shall we?

Mookie's attempts to make it seem that something is happening, or at least will happen at some point in the future. A good bunch of trailers were forgotten, thus creating the Forsaken.
Might also be a genuine attempt of Mookie to find out just what the hell he is doing. This might explain such questions like "Who is XXX?" or "What does YYY want?".

Green mountains with snow on top. Weird.

Tucklebruck Island
A place so idyllic that its occupants, dwarves and halflings, have nothing better to fight about than what type of alcohol the others like. Major exporter of bizarre, sometimes toxic beer, teddy bears, and pictures of the Dominus being punched in the balls.

The lifetime stealing device employed by Oracle_Hunter to fuel his ingenious evil plans (I'm on to you, pal!). Contains all the wisdom of mankind and the explanation for every dumb turn the comic takes - if you can find them.

A strange, flat, solid instrument played with the wooden back of a bow.

Schrödinger beings, fluctuating between people in furry suits and raging racists prone to murderous frenzies. Best left alone, which fits well with the theme of them wanting to be left alone, being an isolationist, territorial species. Except for 90% of them, who are open-minded towards strangers.

Winter Archipelago
In Winter Archipelago, Mookie mocks you!

Why We Snark - Winterwind at al. Not me, though. Not yet.
Since every few weeks somebody comes around and asks us why, if we apparently hate the Dominic Deegan comic so much, we still keep reading it instead of deleting it from our bookmarks. This post shall serve as a collection of all our stances on the comic and why we keep reading it after all, so that we can refer the person asking to this post (or just quote it), and be done with it.

Anyone who wants his opinion mentioned here - or who wants his previous statement changed - shall tell me so, so I can edit this post.

Honestly? I get more entertainment out of all the snark than I would probably get from Dominic Deegan if it were a good strip.

Also, it's interesting to read as a writer. For the same reason why in writing groups you're encouraged to listen to the critiques directed at other members as well. You learn a lot whenever you see the flaws in a work of fiction being dissected like this. You get a better feel for what works, what doesn't, and why.

Most (all?) of us used to enjoy reading DD and, when it went bad, stayed in the hope it might recover. Meanwhile, we kept discussing the comic, which invariably ended in mocking its failings. Over time, we found that mocking the comic is far more funny and enjoyable than the comic ever was even before its great fall. I presume you did not read this thread, else you would have noticed what this thread has spawned. There were many sides long parodies of Dominic's over-manipulativeness comparing the comic to 1984. There were parodies on his Mary Sue'ness, drawing an analogy to the Inquisition. There were such things as the Encyclopaedia Dominica, or just utterly bizarre and mind-blowing stories and explanations for the comic's logical fallacies. The strip slay thread, undeniably funny, is just the other side of the same coin, where this thread is the other - more of the same parody, except now in words, not in images.
Delete it from our bookmarks? Are you freakin' kidding me? Why the hell would we want to block ourselves from the fun which is this thread?

Originally I read DD because at first it was kinda cute and funny, and the consistent updates were a welcome change from some of my more favoured webcomics at the time (namely, Captain SNES). Yeah, the preachiness was annoying, as was the constant portrayal of common people as ignorant thugs, but I could skip those comics by and large. But it got a lot worse.

Now I read DD because it's kinda like watching a trainwreck in slow motion. It's entertaining in a MST3K sort of way now, going over with fellow mockers the incredible amounts of Mary Sue-ness, the idiot plots, the poor art, the attempts at the fetishistic, the rampant anti-jock sentiment (which I really think was derived from watching college films than any real human interaction), the Deus Ex Machinas, the gobs of poorly-thought-out Fantastic Racism, and all the other entertainingly bad actions of the comic and its writer.

I won't bash Mookie too much, since I don't pay for his comic nor is anyone making me keep the bookmark, but since his comic is on the web for all to see, I'll enjoy snarking about it over here.

If I could appreciate this thread, and strip slays, without reading the strip, I probably would. I've tried to quit several times, but these guys keep drawing me back!

I can already say that I'm reading DD primarily out of curiosity- I want to see what will author screw up this time. But reading strips to them being mocked here is fun as hell too.

As I've said before, DD is compelling for me because of Mookie's guileless writing style. He is probably well read, and is in any case well familiar with a wide variety of Tropes, and he can even put a plot together in a Fridge Logic kind of way.

Yet, despite all this apparent sophistication, the man writes Eragon-level stuff. Vastly derivative and often very loopy... yet he is not like the average attempted webcomic writer. He occupies a twilight realm between Total Crap and Graphic Novel Writer and that makes him unique, and worthy of study.

Nobody else can do what Mookie does, for better or for worse.

I personally read DD for literary ideas, for Mookie *does* have some good ideas, but really sucks at execution. Well, if he *did* have execution, it'd be awesome, but thats not the point.
I read DD to try and wonder what it would be like if such and such happened, or if Mookie was actually good at writing.
I read DD because Mookie is a *genius*, transporting his readers in a masterpiece of suffering so powerful, a few weak-willed ones do not even realize they are suffering, and ask for more. I read DD because I cannot look away, same as if a trainwreck was shown on constant loop.
I read DD because the madness that is Mookie is fascinating, like a book that cannot abide, yet still read to find out what happens in the end.
In short, I read DD because, quite simply, I desire what twisted knowledge Mookie has at his disposal to make us suffer so. What could I do with that knowledge?

The whole problem is that we (or at least I) don't hate that comic. I, in fact, think that it will be rather silly thing to hate damn poor internet comic.

I just recently discovered that making fun of it is good entertainment.

I however had Stoped Reading : some strips appeared so horrible to me (Sword of Centuries... Arghhh) that I literally hadn't dared to read them.

The reasons are varied. Mostly, I wouldn't call it hatred, at least not for me. The posts here are mostly an intellectual excersise in criticism and satire. Which is fun. (It can get a bit too much at times, a negative stance makes people see only the negative side of DD, often twisting neutral or even good aspects of a strip into yet more negativism.)

We can get a bit full of ourselves here, to be fair. But then, we're only human.

Johnny Blade
It all starts with the author, here, because you must think of DD not only as a webcomic that tells a story or tries to be funny, although it briefly (for the first few arcs) fell into the latter category. No, DD also serves as a means for Mookie to preach his opinionated world-view and show the greatness of his self-insertion, the namesake of this train wreck.
Well, I guess it’s unnecessary to discuss why a blatant Mary-Sue who knows everything about the setting, is always right, served as the chosen savior of the world and can solve almost every problem with his convoluted, logically questionable plans is not a sign of good writing.

So on to Mookie whoring out his opinions. First, it is done in a totally obvious way – the villains seldom let a chance to say how racist/sexist/homophobic they are pass, and don’t get me started on the “Nerds always get their revenge.” thing.
Second, it gets creepy from time to time. Well, often. Examples include Mookie using Celesto, one of the Third Caste (arguably) villains, to brutally kill Brett Taggerty as punishment for being a jock (by the way, there’s only one jock who isn’t stereotyped) and Mookie using Jacob, another Third Caste member, to torture Neilen as punishment for being a womanizer trying to get into Luna’s pants.
Third, Mookie is a pseudo-liberal hypocrite, though I don’t even know if he’s truly aware of this. Yes, racism is bad, but the cultures besides the United States of Wapan/Callan that he has shown us consist of noble savages oppressing their women and living in barbarism or bipolar nudist werewolves who are racists themselves. And yes, homophobia is bad, but yet Szark-who-is-gay’s sexuality is played for laughs where nobody else’s is (exception: Gregory, who now has a girl) and he is apparently unable to have any romantic feelings besides those for Dominic, shown by his reaction to Alseltio’s death. And yes, sexism is bad, too, but even though Mookie seems to be careful here, just take a look at Luna. A wonderful, intelligent, caring and whatnot woman, blah blah. Yet she obsesses about a (minor) physical detail and needs Dominic to save her from herself. Granted, this type of female character is an archetype in and of itself, but it really is a sort of damsel in distress who had the dragon holding her captive replaced by society and a bad childhood.
Fourth, Mookie likes to bash the United States in a way resembling Michael Moore. Callan is full of idiots, tries to invade another country every now and then and is run by an evil government of some sort. The Encyclopedia lists this as the Invisible King, but I guess it really is a president who came into office through election fraud by devising a system that didn’t count the votes of all Orcs in the country.

Then, there’s Mookie’s inconsistent world-building. Not only does it seem to be a really small world, given how at least Dominic apparently has friends everywhere. No, it’s also full of anachronisms which aren’t explained anywhere. It is generally assumed magic does the trick here, although we interestingly don’t get to see too many wizards besides the protagonists and the populace of Lynn’s Brook (GAH!) were quite easily scared by magic.
This leads to another point: magic in general and illusions in particular can solve everything. Everything, I tell you. Drive away an angry mob, trick extremely powerful enemies even if they know about magic, fake your death (to calm down loved ones in a frenzy, for example) and whatever else it is you want – illusions can do it.

Add in horrible writing, best shown by the recent proposal: So, we have Luna, who actively helped Dominic manipulate everyone back during the Snowsong arc, even if it meant risking the life of Greg and the rest of Barthis. And then there is Dominic, who as always been really patient when it comes to Luna being the emo crybaby she often was. But all of a sudden, Luna is pissed off by Dominic’s puppet-mastery and Dominic finds Luna’s emotional problems annoying, although they weren’t actually significant as of late – all we had was Luna running around babbling about how she feels inferior, which probably was done by Mookie to signify she still has these problems. Great. So they tell each other how annoying they are, bicker around a little, don’t resolve their problems at all, and then…marry! Yay!
I won’t even comment on the Snowsong arc with its downright bizarre jump-the-shark moments and yet another instance of Dominic saving the day with an overly complicated scheme.
Mookie’s laughable art also has been mocked to an overdue death and I wholeheartedly recommend reading the Encyclopedia entries on Balloon Boobs, Glasswood, Snout and Trees on this subject.
Actually, one Encyclopedia Dominica article is enough to prove why Dominic Deegan is bad, so I’ll just stop here. I forgot what I was going to write, anyway. Hopefully, more will come later, though.

But you shouldn’t think I hate Dominic Deegan. Most of those who post here don’t. I actually find it one of the most entertaining webcomics around, because no one can do what Mookie does. Yes, there are other webcomics which are so bad they’re funny, but Dominic Deegan actually has a setting created for it, relatively complex arcs, an extensive cast etc., yet it is a horrible train wreck that just keeps going on and on. Like Ed Wood producing comics with the subtlety of Ayn Rand’s works instead of movies.
Seriously, just look at a random DD strip, sit back, and think about it for two minutes. It may drive you insane, but it will make you giggle in a fashion implying you are in any case.
Oh, and this wonderful thread here is a great reason to love Mookie’s stillborn brainchild, too.


Not exactly part of our declarations why we keep reading the comic, but, as I feel, an important message to newcomers into this thread nevertheless:

If you like the strip, don't read this thread. I'm serious and am not being a jerk... this thread will indoctrinate you if you're not careful. You'll come to realize things about the writing, characters, art and so on that you would have never noticed, but once you see them, you can't stop thinking about them.

Basically, if you enjoy the comic, please continue enjoying it and don't let us ruin your fun. If, at some point, you find yourself scratching your head, dry heaving, or the like, remember that lambasting it here is still a way to enjoy it still. The sad fact is that while it would be nice to have an alternate opinion around these boards, we've all been burned by the comic, and to varying degrees we're all stubborn about our reasons for not liking it. Either way, good luck.
Listen to Jerthanis here, for his words are distilled truth.

Links in case anyone questions our legendariness:

Strip Slays, a.k.a. The Best Thread Ever (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37014)
Winner of "Most Aptly Named Thread" Award

Dominic Deegan: Oracle For Hire (MK III) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=82855)
The official Deeganological Archives

Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=53160)
300 pages, over 9000 posts :smallamused:

Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Higher (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=26550)
Original GiantITP Thread. They actually like it in this one. It's creepy.

And other helpful links:
- Mookie's original Cast Page (http://dominicdeegan.keenspot.com/cast.html). Beware! BEWARE!

Anyway, Paragraph, I agree with your comments about a focus on just the bad aspects of the comic. Perhaps when we escape from the dark pit of the Vacation Arc, things will get better. We can but hope.

2008-09-20, 01:46 PM
I seem to have chosen a wise point to enter this fray. Quite a seamless transition, I must say; hello, new thread!

Picking it up, hope's our best option right now; though there are some points that might indeed be those of a starting kind for a turnabout into the positive. Namely, the sure to be soon ending of the arc we all despise.

I am ready to play advocatus diaboli. Begin anew.


2008-09-20, 02:35 PM
Unlike most of you, I've never followed DD, as it didn't look interesting the first time I came upon it, and every other time I've been linked, it has been to truly horrid strips. Like the bawling strip. That one just made me shudder in embarrassment. I am no writer, by all means, but I can still imagine ways that could have been done very much better. Mook doesn't seem to care about setup though. 'I want a touching scene, and I want it NOW'.

PS. Arioch - Outsider?

2008-09-20, 02:44 PM
PS. Arioch - Outsider?

:smallconfused: Never heard of it. I was just looking for an occult name. I tried Asmodeus and all of them, but they were taken, so I went for Arioch.

2008-09-20, 03:30 PM
Ah, fair enough. It's someone I've bumped into several times and it wouldn't surprise me to do so again. If you're curious, Outsider is a very well made comic: http://well-of-souls.com/outsider/

Anyway, I will stop derailing the thread about now.
How about the last strip? Really, if he's going to make something sobby, he could at least linger a bit, and not jump straight into stupid jokes...

2008-09-20, 04:00 PM
Ah, fair enough. It's someone I've bumped into several times and it wouldn't surprise me to do so again. If you're curious, Outsider is a very well made comic: http://well-of-souls.com/outsider/

Read first page, wall of text was offputting, but story shows promise, could be interesting.

Anyhow, yeah no more thread derailment.

EDIT: Read a bit more, don't get me wrong its very well written, but the narm of this scene is awesome. (http://well-of-souls.com/outsider/outsider028.html)

2008-09-20, 05:38 PM
Heh, had me google narm. Nice one, will try to avoid this in future makings...


This troper has yet to see a dubbed hentai anime that isn't packed with Narm.

How true.

Wrapping up from the last thread, THANK YOU SO MUCH, InkEyes, for giving me the link to YaFGG, this comic now is officially owning my mind!

Your last post (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4956585&postcount=1483) also had quite a bit of truth in it, which I also failed to notice before (shame on me). Mookie does waste quite a bit of atmosphere there, and it's recent only, some earlier flashbacks were quite good, as I recall.

Now, away with that - new thread, soon-to-be-hoped-for new arc, and DD will finally be good again, not only bad-to-tolerable (the last is my opinion as of now's state)!


2008-09-20, 06:47 PM
Heh, had me google narm. Nice one, will try to avoid this in future makings...


How true.

Wrapping up from the last thread, THANK YOU SO MUCH, InkEyes, for giving me the link to YaFGG, this comic now is officially owning my mind!

You're welcome. I found that comic during my midterms last year, man was that a bad time.:smalltongue:

2008-09-20, 07:42 PM
All of the important links can be found on the first page of the last thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=87587).

Feel free to reproduce the links in the first post - it's an easy way to have all of 'em referenced.

Neon Knight
2008-09-20, 07:55 PM
*reads today's strip*


I will not misinterpret the last panel. I will not. I will not think about how it could be used in a strip slay. I will not. For my own sanity, I will not.

2008-09-20, 08:21 PM
*reads today's strip*


I will not misinterpret the last panel. I will not. I will not think about how it could be used in a strip slay. I will not. For my own sanity, I will not.

Calm yourself, child, and recall the Litany Against Squick:

Squick is the mind-killer.
Squick is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face this Squick.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the Squick has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.

2008-09-20, 08:57 PM
Calm yourself, child, and recall the Litany Against Squick:

Squick is the mind-killer.
Squick is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face this Squick.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the Squick has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.

Oh c'mon OH, at least change more than 1 word.:smallannoyed:

2008-09-20, 09:01 PM
Oh c'mon OH, at least change more than 1 word.:smallannoyed:

Hey, I'm no Jeph Jacques (http://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=351) here! Do you have a better one? :smalltongue:

2008-09-20, 09:05 PM
No :smallfrown:

2008-09-20, 09:18 PM
Wait, what?

I didn't even notice we had a new thread, so I couldn't possibly have added it to my subscriptions... yet there it is...


2008-09-20, 09:29 PM
Calm yourself, child, and recall the Litany Against Squick:

Squick is the mind-killer.
Squick is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face this Squick.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the Squick has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.

But what if Squick can be applied to the Litany itself?

2008-09-20, 09:32 PM
I will let it pass over me and through meIf you know what I mean.

2008-09-20, 09:37 PM
If you know what I mean.

Hey, no recursing!


Wait, what?

I didn't even notice we had a new thread, so I couldn't possibly have added it to my subscriptions... yet there it is...


Didn't you notice? GitP added TeeVo (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0415.html) to the forums this month. Now, not only are you subscribed to the threads you want, but now you're subscribed to the forums that TeeVo thinks you'd be interested in. :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-20, 09:45 PM
Man, either I fail to ninja people. or someone posts my message +100 awesome and I get forgotten. I'm just plain unlucky.

Also, wouldn't rolling Dominic in snow cause him to get soaked through his oh-so not thickly padded shirt and get frostbite?

Lord Seth
2008-09-21, 12:04 AM
Heh, had me google narm. Nice one, will try to avoid this in future makings...


How true.

Wrapping up from the last thread, THANK YOU SO MUCH, InkEyes, for giving me the link to YaFGG, this comic now is officially owning my mind!

Your last post (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4956585&postcount=1483) also had quite a bit of truth in it, which I also failed to notice before (shame on me). Mookie does waste quite a bit of atmosphere there, and it's recent only, some earlier flashbacks were quite good, as I recall.

Now, away with that - new thread, soon-to-be-hoped-for new arc, and DD will finally be good again, not only bad-to-tolerable (the last is my opinion as of now's state)!

SimonWhat is YAFGG?

2008-09-21, 12:09 AM
What is YAFG G C?

Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic (http://yafgc.shipsinker.com/), I linked to it a few posts and a thread back as an example of a comic that successfully accomplishes a lot of what Dominic Deegan sets out to do and maintains a reliable daily schedule while it's at it.

2008-09-21, 12:15 AM
Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic (http://yafgc.shipsinker.com/), I linked to it a few posts and a thread back as an example of a comic that successfully accomplishes a lot of what Dominic Deegan sets out to do and maintains a reliable daily schedule while it's at it.

The artwork is quite good, it has that sketch look of DD, but without the terrible art quality (and overall quality) of DD.

2008-09-21, 12:26 AM
Didn't you notice? GitP added TeeVo (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0415.html) to the forums this month. Now, not only are you subscribed to the threads you want, but now you're subscribed to the forums that TeeVo thinks you'd be interested in. :smallbiggrin:So that's why I keep getting subscribed to random threads with Haruhi08 in them...

2008-09-21, 12:44 AM
So that's why I keep getting subscribed to random threads with Haruhi08 in them...

All I get are threads about calamari.

2008-09-21, 01:28 AM
I really shouldn't...

It seems as though Milov has established Dominus.

Lord Seth
2008-09-21, 01:55 AM
Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic (http://yafgc.shipsinker.com/), I linked to it a few posts and a thread back as an example of a comic that successfully accomplishes a lot of what Dominic Deegan sets out to do and maintains a reliable daily schedule while it's at it.Well no wonder I got confused; the acronym wasn't right.

2008-09-21, 02:12 AM
Hey, no recursing!

Sorry, it's already there even with a single word changed.

Common, letting squick pass over and through you? That's squick. :smalleek:

2008-09-21, 03:39 AM
Where did luna get that armor? And since when can she fly?

2008-09-21, 03:48 AM
Where did luna get that armor? And since when can she fly?

I guess Mookie wanted to get Luna into the act of playing super-hero like her boyfriend and future brother-in-law.

2008-09-21, 03:49 AM
Where did luna get that armor? And since when can she fly?


1. It's an illusion. Illusions solve everything!
2. The armour was hidden in hammerspace, and she's always known how to fly, she just hasn't.
3. She found the armour in Milov's house, and it has magical powers of flight.
4. It's Wonder-Luna, part of the Deegan Team along with Supergreg and He-Dom, come to save the day!
5. Mookie can't be bothered with continuity. It looks good, and that's all that matters.

2008-09-21, 03:54 AM
She learned some elemental magic between hanging out with Nimmel and Melna, and she was already able to fly in the Urban Eddy Arc.

2008-09-21, 04:00 AM
She learned some elemental magic between hanging out with Nimmel and Melna, and she was already able to fly in the Urban Eddy Arc.

Was she? I can't remember. It's been so long since any of these characters DID anything that I'm forgetting what their abilities are.


On another note, puppies!


2008-09-21, 04:19 AM
It looks good, and that's all that matters.
For sure!


Heh. I think the armor is pretty cool, but hear breast-region is kind of off. Also, her mouth does have certain problems with...elongation. Otherwise, nice one-panel, I really like how Milov is drawn here.


2008-09-21, 04:31 AM
For sure!


Heh. I think the armor is pretty cool, but hear breast-region is kind of off. Also, her mouth does have certain problems with...elongation. Otherwise, nice one-panel, I really like how Milov is drawn here.


Stop being positive, dammit! :smalltongue:

And now that I look at it, Milov does look good here. In fact, this one-panel is one of the best for a while. I mean, compare it to this one (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-09-14). Or (gah) this one (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-09-07).

The pun, however, deserves to be locked up in the basement with "and fur once, I may be right".

2008-09-21, 04:43 AM
As an avid Piers Anthony fan, I just LOVE puns like these. That can't be helped, I'm just a sucker for groans.

Also, I'm not English, so what most of you might have already read in your children's books is still new fun stuff for me ^^.


Evil DM Mark3
2008-09-21, 04:51 AM
Is, is,

Is she cosplaying as that sorcerer/culist who tried to destroy the town but ended up acting out Dominic's Brother's fantasy?

2008-09-21, 05:25 AM
Silly Arioch, you can't pull the wool over our eyes with adorable flying puppies.

Someone else pointed out Luna's wonky breasts, but the first thing I noticed is that Luna has no waist! This just proves that Mookie can only draw one type of body, he just straps a pair of balloons on it for a woman.

2008-09-21, 05:35 AM
Why Loona is dressed as green blueish corkscrew?

2008-09-21, 05:49 AM
Where did luna get that armor? And since when can she fly?

She has been able to fly for a long time, and the armor was created by a spell. There's no continuity problem here. Luna is not just an illusionist, as the First Puppet and future bride of the Dominus, she is a very powerful sorceress. Just because illusion is her specialty doesn't mean she cannot use other forms of magic (don't forget her tendency to send non-illusionary fireballs to random people).

No, the only problem here is how this is reminiscent of SuperGreg and He-Dom. Mookie's idea of a "cool attire" is lightyears away from anything resembling good taste.

2008-09-21, 05:56 AM
"Hmm the snarkers loved that crying scene, but the Dommie/Milov fetish scene wasn't as well recieved as I hoped.... Maybe I ought to remind them of one of my previous failures, charm them with horrible nostalgia.

Return of Supergreg? Nah too obvious, maybe later, how about something that reminds them of Supergreg?... Snowsong....? Not a direct referance of course... I know! I will have Luna wear a costume that looks like Snowsong's redicoulous outfit! For no ****ing reason! Brilliant!"



Awww...... lil puppies SOOO CUTE! :smallsmile::smallsmile::smallsmile:

2008-09-21, 08:41 AM
No, the only problem here is how this is reminiscent of SuperGreg and He-Dom. Mookie's idea of a "cool attire" is lightyears away from anything resembling good taste.

Actually, when I saw the comic, I went "AAAGH SNOWSONG HAS COME BACK FOR ROUND 2"

Seriously, she looks practically like Snowsong.

2008-09-21, 08:45 AM
The end is nigh the first puppet has broken free of the prison of flesh which was weakened by the sacrifice of the jester mermen who tryed in vane to trick her ,soon the rivers will run red with the blood of women who have more than a b cup ,and the brother of Lord Dominus shall bathe in the waters and SuperGreg shall come forth once again ,meanwhile the orchish prophet of Lord Dominus shall gather all the emotional women who need to be "saved" and Lord Dominus shall "save" them in a row ,pleased he shall bless this world with the presence of He-Dom once again.
And when this trinity shall be reunited the celestial plan behind the Caste Sistem shall be put in motion

2008-09-21, 09:03 AM
I've gotta say, this is a better page than I had hoped. Even though there are the natural flaws, I can look past the lack of logic in order to see a crappy pun.

2008-09-21, 09:13 AM
Actually, when I saw the comic, I went "AAAGH SNOWSONG HAS COME BACK FOR ROUND 2"

Seriously, she looks practically like Snowsong.

Are you trying to imply somehow that you are holding the unreasonable expectation that Mookie would be able to design two markedly different outfits for the "ice sorceress" theme?

2008-09-21, 10:30 AM
Might be the caffeine overload, but I genuinely laughed at that pun... :smalleek:

2008-09-21, 10:47 AM
Might be the caffeine overload, but I genuinely laughed at that pun... :smalleek:

Meh. I laughed at it too, but then I was like "Wait, what? Blarrgaghagh! *Stabs self in eyes*"

2008-09-21, 11:15 AM
God dammit Luna's ugly.

2008-09-21, 11:17 AM
God dammit Luna's ugly.

But it's on the inside what counts! You're a bad man.

2008-09-21, 11:20 AM
But it's on the inside what counts! You're a bad man.

Isn't she a depressed, self-pitying, pathetic loser who shoots giant fireballs at people who trick her, regardless of the collateral damage?

2008-09-21, 11:25 AM
Isn't she a depressed, self-pitying, pathetic loser who shoots giant fireballs at people who trick her, regardless of the collateral damage?

No, she's a damaged but recovering beautiful and powerful sorceress, who sometimes exacts deserved retribution on evil, deceptive, nefarious marfolk.

2008-09-21, 11:47 AM
Thank heavens, a hate thread. When I was browsing the web-comics sub-category, I thought that the people here actually liked it!

2008-09-21, 11:49 AM
No, she's a damaged but recovering beautiful and powerful sorceress, who sometimes exacts deserved retribution on evil, deceptive, nefarious marfolk.

Ah... of course.

And based on the shading, recently amputated her right boob.

2008-09-21, 11:52 AM
Ah... of course.

And based on the shading, recently amputated her right boob.

She was having lower back problems!

2008-09-21, 11:56 AM
Isn't Milov a mage at least as powerful as Luna? Also, that looks cold.

The look on his face is amusing though. With any luck Mookie will cut to a sensible aftermath as opposed to showing the first puppet pwning Milov.

2008-09-21, 12:15 PM
Isn't Milov a mage at least as powerful as Luna? Also, that looks cold.

The look on his face is amusing though. With any luck Mookie will cut to a sensible aftermath as opposed to showing the first puppet pwning Milov.

Milov is, in fact, more powerful than Luna (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2003-04-08). Of course, they're just playing around here, so that's acceptable.

What isn't acceptable is Luna dressing up (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-09-21) like a psychopath (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-07-01)... though apparently nobody actually thought Snowsong was a threat (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-08-06).

But... this is during a clear joke session and Lord knows we are aware of Mookie's superhero fetish (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AuthorAppeal) so I can't be upset at Mookie here. I'm still irritated that Mookie isn't going to even try to resolve Milov's issues in a reasonable matter, but I'm not surprised :smallannoyed:

2008-09-21, 12:16 PM
You people keep forgetting that Luna also gets off to having huge arguments with her intimate lover and then having wild make-up snoo-snoo.

2008-09-21, 12:20 PM
Thank heavens, a hate thread. When I was browsing the web-comics sub-category, I thought that the people here actually liked it!
Some do.

As to "solving Milov's issues", maybe the message is as follows: If you have a problem, talk about it. You are allowed to cry. But then, you've got to realize that you're not allowed to just give up. If you are lucky, friends are there for you to provide the opportunity to talk - and distract you from your problems with fun until it's time to deal with them.

A bit putting those problems on the long bench, but then again, just by having fun you might actually solve some of them, so I'm really not at all against this "advice" Mookie offers.


2008-09-21, 12:21 PM
Oh. My. Gods. The sheer weight of the inanity of this arc just hit me. Milov had a problem, so they have a several page long snowball fight. That's only a good sub-arc if the fight is INTERESTING!


2008-09-21, 12:21 PM
You people keep forgetting that Luna also gets off to having huge arguments with her intimate lover and then having wild make-up snoo-snoo.

Correction: she stared doing this some time ago, without any mention of it before.

2008-09-21, 12:38 PM
As to "solving Milov's issues", maybe the message is as follows: If you have a problem, talk about it. You are allowed to cry. But then, you've got to realize that you're not allowed to just give up. If you are lucky, friends are there for you to provide the opportunity to talk - and distract you from your problems with fun until it's time to deal with them.

A bit putting those problems on the long bench, but then again, just by having fun you might actually solve some of them, so I'm really not at all against this "advice" Mookie offers.

Y'know, that's fine advice for some situations, but not Milov's.

He just had a messy breakup with his long-term girlfriend (and, if the Pack is as it appears (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-09-24), possibly it was more of an engagement) because she cheated on him with his best friend. In the process of this breakup, the following happened:
- Milov tried to kill (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-09-19) Jayden
- Jayden broke their engagement because she thought Redemption was Hot (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-09-29); which, considering the fact that Siggy was just as brutal as always (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2005-09-29) and Jayden is a technical pacifist (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2003-04-18) is a really dumb thing to do. Particularly when your fiance is a Seer. What does that say about Jayden's respect for Milov's feelings?
- Milov exiled Jayden and her church from the island - with explosions! (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-12-02)
- Everyone forgot they were friends with a genocidal racist (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-11-24).

These sorts of problems are not solved by sitting at home and being all emo over it. There are serious issues in the Jayden-Milov relationship, and you must confront those issues if you actually want to fix anything. It is ridiculous for Mookie to actually think that "be moar emo" is the proper way to deal with the situation :smallmad:

In short: I object to Mookie trivializing a terribly complex issue by throwing Very Special Episode (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/VerySpecialEpisode) pap at us. As Morbo would say: RELATIONSHIPS DO NOT WORK THAT WAY!

2008-09-21, 01:23 PM
It just hit me...


You have no right complaining about hobgoblins forcing you to wear redicoulous outfits if you willingly put that thing on!

2008-09-21, 02:03 PM
Oh god this is bad. Luna really embodies the phrase 'grinning like an idiot'.

2008-09-21, 02:55 PM
It is ridiculous for Mookie to actually think that "be moar emo" is the proper way to deal with the situation :smallmad:

<optimist> Maybe he does not think it's the proper way, but aims to show this in a more thorough fashion than a one-off strip. </optimist>

If Mook had a slight grasp of anatomy, the flying Luna frame could potentially work as a standalone artwork piece. In the comic though... erm. Riight.

2008-09-21, 03:00 PM
Okay, so, assuming we have another week (a fortnight at most) of Winter Archipelago, we might be in Semash(i) by early October - might we be done with this arc by November?
I doubt it.

2008-09-21, 03:09 PM
I object to Mookie trivializing a terribly complex issue by throwing Very Special Episode pap at us.

I'll just refer to my statement from the end of the last thread here. What this all comes down to is Terracciano being extraordinarily lazy about every aspect of his comic.

Neon Knight
2008-09-21, 03:14 PM
Hm. Occam's razor doesn't seem to be of much use here; neither generic incompetency or laziness seems more complex than the other.

Personally I like to think he's just that bad.

2008-09-21, 03:28 PM
Wow, I miss out on one day of posting due to having a rather full day, and we have already moved one thread and three pages on. :smallbiggrin:

Thank heavens, a hate thread. When I was browsing the web-comics sub-category, I thought that the people here actually liked it!Oh, we do like it... though most certainly not in the way Mookie intends his readers to. How could we hate something that provides us with so very much fun? That we derive said fun from mocking the incredible, multi-layered badness of the comic is incidental. :smallwink:

Some do.

As to "solving Milov's issues", maybe the message is as follows: If you have a problem, talk about it. You are allowed to cry. But then, you've got to realize that you're not allowed to just give up. If you are lucky, friends are there for you to provide the opportunity to talk - and distract you from your problems with fun until it's time to deal with them.

A bit putting those problems on the long bench, but then again, just by having fun you might actually solve some of them, so I'm really not at all against this "advice" Mookie offers.In addition to what Oracle_Hunter pointed out... from a pure storyteller's point of view, this is just horrible technique. What Mookie did here was first shift the comic's focus back to drama, build up some more drama, and then, instead of using any emotion or tension he might have built up, he shifts back to comedy and allows all this effort to go to waste. Also, in a well-written story, if there is a major problem that needs to be addressed, the readers expect the problem to be resolved in some manner (not necessarily one satisfying to the characters, of course, but Mookie has made it crystal-clear long ago that he does not intend to seriously harm any of his more major characters, yet another horrible author blunder) or to lead to some character development. Not doing anything of this renders the whole scene pointless - if it doesn't add to the story in any meaningful way, it is a waste of the readers' time. I have very little doubt that Milov's problems not only will remain unresolved after this arc, but the resolution will not even have drawn any closer.

Essentially, while I do not consider yesterday's strip to be bad per se (I will not distract from my main argument by an in-detail analysis why I think today's strip is incredibly dumb), the transition from the last scene is jarring, leaves too much unresolved, is highly unbelievable psychologically, and renders the whole last scene moot.
While many DD strips are not that bad when viewed in isolation (and can even be more or less amusing at times), in the context of the whole story they often gain a whole new dimension of badness.

2008-09-21, 03:34 PM
Thank heavens, a hate thread. When I was browsing the web-comics sub-category, I thought that the people here actually liked it!

I feel you there; when I first read DD, the people here actually did like it. I was like, "Must snark," and they were like, "NO!"

Luckily I kept lurking in the thread, being morbidly curious about what a DD fan community actually looks like.

2008-09-21, 03:53 PM
Oh, we do like it... though most certainly not in the way Mookie intends his readers to. How could we hate something that provides us with so very much fun? That we derive said fun from mocking the incredible, multi-layered badness of the comic is incidental. :smallwink:

Oh, like powerup comics.

Do I have to go through the giant archive to complain?

2008-09-21, 03:55 PM
Oh, like powerup comics.

Do I have to go through the giant archive to complain?

Well, if you're just here to whine, at least try to make it entertaining. This is more of a snark thread than a hate thread.

2008-09-21, 04:28 PM
I have very little doubt that Milov's problems not only will remain unresolved after this arc, but the resolution will not even have drawn any closer.
Ah, I differ, as I still retain hope.

Thanks for pointing out the larger picture, by the way. As I kind of rushed through the archives all at once, only the newer strips, day-by-day, are fastenend in my mind, what happened before and with it all things regarding "continuity" are under the constant haze of my turmoiling mind.

Which means, I am happy to see that you agree with me that the strips in a vacuum are kind of OK, because essentially, that's all I do when I evaluate them: Looking at each individually. Maybe I will re-read the archive just to become more objective...

Nah, it's too much fun just to disagree with each of you because I am lazy, which is more fun, because I am taking Mookie's side, and he is, indeed, also lazy to the bone :smallbiggrin:.


2008-09-21, 04:34 PM
Oh, like powerup comics.

Do I have to go through the giant archive to complain?Nah, just join in the fun.
We do have some concepts that keep coming up in our mocking of the comic; the most popular one is probably, that Dominic - usually called Lord Dominus - is actually the most villainous character in the whole comic, an evil tyrant trying to turn everyone into one of his puppets and rule over the masses, who are arbitrarily divided into masterrace and scum by a terrifying caste system. And scarily enough, Mookie keeps providing us with a lot of evidence for this actually being the case. Aberthast Cathedral, in our continuity, is the seat of the Deegan Inquisition, brainwashing any dissidents into loyal servants (as it happened with Szark and is going to happen with Snowsong). But I think if you just keep reading the thread, you will understand our ideas very quickly (which is not to say that the past 420+ pages of snarking - yes, we were quite industrious :smallcool: - are not worthy of being read anyways :smallwink:).

If you want a - by no means comprehensive - list and better explanation of a few of our ideas, there's the Encyclopedia in the opening post.


Ah, I differ, as I still retain hope.Yeah, so did I when I first joined these threads. But you cannot get your hopes crushed on a daily basis for more than a year without exception and not start doubting the sense in betting in Mookie's favour. :smallbiggrin:

Thanks for pointing out the larger picture, by the way. As I kind of rushed through the archives all at once, only the newer strips, day-by-day, are fastenend in my mind, what happened before and with it all things regarding "continuity" are under the constant haze of my turmoiling mind.That's another thing, actually; quite a few people came into this thread here, saying they just went through the archives and did not find the comic to be quite as bad as we made it out to be, but came to share our point of view once they were reading the comic on a daily basis. It seems that when one reads the whole archive quickly, without time to dwell too much on what actually just happened, one misses a lot of flaws and holes which one sees while reading more slowly.
Also, an arc like the current one - month after month after month of nothing meaningful at all happening - loses much of its tediousness. I saw you posted in the Goblins' thread, so maybe you are aware of how much people complained about the combat scene with the guards dragging on for so much real-life time; but when one goes through the archives, this is not an issue anymore.
(The main difference being here that while Thunt can put the blame on not being able to produce comics quickly enough, but not wanting to compromise the quality of the end-product, it takes a truly bad writer to produce so much of nothing when updating daily)

Which means, I am happy to see that you agree with me that the strips in a vacuum are kind of OK, because essentially, that's all I do when I evaluate them: Looking at each individually. Maybe I will re-read the archive just to become more objective...A lot of our most major complaints - inconsistent plotting, incredibly inconsistent characterisation, poorly executed blending of drama and comedy, maybe also some of the awful moral inconsistencies - disappear if one looks at the strips one at a time.

Nah, it's too much fun just to disagree with each of you because I am lazy, which is more fun, because I am taking Mookie's side, and he is, indeed, also lazy to the bone :smallbiggrin:.Great! I'll gladly second what others posted in the previous thread already: It's nice to have a fan around for once who neither vanishes after a single post or... well, let's say is not quite interested in a civil discussion. Makes matters much more interesting. :smallsmile:

Lord Seth
2008-09-21, 06:49 PM
It just hit me...


You have no right complaining about hobgoblins forcing you to wear redicoulous outfits if you willingly put that thing on!At the risk of sounding like a Grammar Nazi (tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GrammarNazi), I must point out that the correct spelling is "ridiculous."

Oh, like powerup comics.

Do I have to go through the giant archive to complain?The funniest thing about Powerup Comics is that while they made the comic terrible on purpose, they STILL haven't reached the terrible reaches of badness that some other comics have.

2008-09-22, 02:41 AM
Looking at the new comic today I really hope this arc doesn't represent the end of Milov's emotional problems about Jayden. It's all been completely trite thus far. I've only been following the comic for the last couple of story arcs but I agree that it just seems generally lazy writing at the moment, as if Mookie is just going through the motions without caring about plot or even characterisation.

There's a danger the comic might slip permanently from So Bad It's Good down to So Bad It's Horrible or the in my view worse level, (non TV Trope) So Bad It's Boring.

2008-09-22, 03:33 AM
It has actually been So Bad It's Good? That is truly impressive.

2008-09-22, 04:54 AM
I couldn't help but get the giggles at the last two panels. It looks as if Milov is trying to warm up his best Batman impression...and somehow made the moon (I think it's the moon, at least) contort from spherical to ovaloid in shape!

EDIT: Unless the latter is a moonbeam, which you cannot really tell, since a blank spot is a blank spot is a blank spot. Period.

Green Bean
2008-09-22, 05:56 AM
It has actually been So Bad It's Good? That is truly impressive.

Of course. If DD weren't, this board wouldn't have several thousand posts mocking it. That's the thing about So Bad It's Horrible; no one wants to read enough of it to mock it.

2008-09-22, 07:14 AM
Of course, there's also that it's so bad it's utterly abominable, too.

Mookie's peculiarly inconsistent and contradictory morals have been highlighted numerous times in these threads - I found the most nauseating expression of this in the character Szark.

There's a strip (I don't have an exact link, and I'm not really inclined to waste precious minutes of my life searching for it when I could be doing more productive things like nailing my toes to the floorboards) where Szark appears to give the readers an update on his life and times. He's an instructor for a fencing class, except the swordplay he's actually paid and contracted for is less important to him than "teaching the boys how to be gay". If there are girls in the class, he brings in a woman to "teach them how to be lesbians".

Let's leave aside for the moment the whole issue of Szark abusing the position of trust and authority that has been invested in him as a teacher for the sake of his own amusement. The man is raping his pupils.

And the other cast members, including The Almighty Dominus himself, are smiling and congratulating Szark for his cunning, using it as a light-hearted opportunity for one of Mookie's bad alliterative 'puns'.

I could never view the comic with anything other than disgust after that.

2008-09-22, 07:28 AM
I...actually don't remember that. I do remember Szark getting more FABULOUS as time went on, but nothing that crass. Can you point me to the general vicinity of the archives you're talking about?

I mean, I really don't remember anything like that.

2008-09-22, 07:36 AM
Eh, I knew that it was after "Battle for Barthis" and in the end I did find the specific strip fairly quickly:

Strip for the 16th December 2006 (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2006-12-16)

It's a screwy world where authority-endorsed paedophilia is an acceptable form of affirmative action.

2008-09-22, 07:47 AM
Of course, there's also that it's so bad it's utterly abominable, too.

Mookie's peculiarly inconsistent and contradictory morals have been highlighted numerous times in these threads - I found the most nauseating expression of this in the character Szark.

There's a strip (I don't have an exact link, and I'm not really inclined to waste precious minutes of my life searching for it when I could be doing more productive things like nailing my toes to the floorboards) where Szark appears to give the readers an update on his life and times. He's an instructor for a fencing class, except the swordplay he's actually paid and contracted for is less important to him than "teaching the boys how to be gay". If there are girls in the class, he brings in a woman to "teach them how to be lesbians".

Let's leave aside for the moment the whole issue of Szark abusing the position of trust and authority that has been invested in him as a teacher for the sake of his own amusement. The man is raping his pupils.

And the other cast members, including The Almighty Dominus himself, are smiling and congratulating Szark for his cunning, using it as a light-hearted opportunity for one of Mookie's bad alliterative 'puns'.

I could never view the comic with anything other than disgust after that.

Is this...


Is this some sort of really skewed attempt at trolling?

Szark is being sarcastic towards how people feel about an openly homosexual man teaching a group of children. He's making fun of what they think he's doing.

I mean, I know Michael is by no length nor measure the best writer in the world, but did you seriously think that he was trying to make Szark look like a deranged gay pride extremist rapist trying to convert others to his cause?

2008-09-22, 08:05 AM
There's a strip (I don't have an exact link, and I'm not really inclined to waste precious minutes of my life searching for it when I could be doing more productive things like nailing my toes to the floorboards) where Szark appears to give the readers an update on his life and times. He's an instructor for a fencing class, except the swordplay he's actually paid and contracted for is less important to him than "teaching the boys how to be gay". If there are girls in the class, he brings in a woman to "teach them how to be lesbians".

Let's leave aside for the moment the whole issue of Szark abusing the position of trust and authority that has been invested in him as a teacher for the sake of his own amusement. The man is raping his pupils.

Erm, I know its a snark thread and all that, but what in the living fornication are you talking about? He's clearly joking in the linked strip, mocking the "concerned parents" who think his presence will turn their kids gay, and Dominus joins in. Neanderthals can understand that, and theyre all dead. So kindly stop trolling the new guy with that idiocy and get back to snarking on the strip like youre supposed to and behave yourself. Sheesh.

2008-09-22, 08:11 AM
Erm, I know its a snark thread and all that, but what in the living fornication are you talking about? He's clearly joking in the linked strip, mocking the "concerned parents" who think his presence will turn their kids gay, and Dominus joins in. Neanderthals can understand that, and theyre all dead. So kindly stop trolling the new guy with that idiocy and get back to snarking on the strip like youre supposed to and behave yourself. Sheesh.

Yikes! The guy made a little mistake and he gets harshly compared to Neanderthals? Sheesh indeed!

2008-09-22, 08:12 AM
Let's not give an impression of minldless haters, though. This one fragment is one of the moments when Szark's homosexuality is played out rather well.

2008-09-22, 08:18 AM
Yeah... not a very original strip, imho, but obviously heavy in sarcasm and not too badly done at all.

2008-09-22, 08:43 AM
Eh, I knew that it was after "Battle for Barthis" and in the end I did find the specific strip fairly quickly:

Strip for the 16th December 2006 (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2006-12-16)

It's a screwy world where authority-endorsed paedophilia is an acceptable form of affirmative action.

I've been lurking on this thread for quite sometime now, having not posted since way earlier in the vacation arc (due to a lack of anything truly worth my time), but I could not let this pass.

No offense, but it feels like you're projecting your own prejudices and ill-conceived notions onto Mookie's comic, and hoping to find vindication with us. This was obviously being played for laugh, to point out the stupidity of homophobia, and this was IMO one of the more well written strips in the comic. I doubt anyone but you assumed that Szark was raping his students.

Well, that's my two cents, back to lurking.

2008-09-22, 08:47 AM
The art, on the other hand... is it just me, or in Panel 6 of that comic does it look as though the line that denotes Dominic's lips stretches all the way back to his ear?


2008-09-22, 08:52 AM
The art, on the other hand... is it just me, or in Panel 6 of that comic does it look as though the line that denotes Dominic's lips stretches all the way back to his ear?


Haha, no kidding. Just one one side, mind; Joker-in-Training.

2008-09-22, 09:57 AM
One cup of sarcasm for the good Sir?

Trust me, you want it.


...anyway, the first four panels of today's strip were actually hilarious. I kind of expected Milov in the second one, of course, Dominic's state was known, but Milov's POSE in the fourth cracked me up, even though it's so simplified because of the distance :smallbiggrin:.

The last...hm...I like when there is a happy moment after or even in a string of serious events, but the 23487238th happy moment in a row...well...converts the "h" to "s". Come on, Mookie. Throw in some DRAMA (but don't paste it on!).


2008-09-22, 10:07 AM
Meh. There's not much to say about this comic. I'll be satisfied if they simply leave tomorrow. Hopefully, Mookie won't throw in some sappy dialogue about how Milov and Jayden used to have snowball fights and he's now so happy to be reminded of it. At that point, I'd say the comic would cross the line into creepy...

LUNA: Uh, Milov, where are my clothes?
MILOV: Oh, dear, I must have accidentally burned them. Here, I have some spare Luanian robes on hand that should fit you perfectly.
LUNA: ...
MILOV: Also, I've hired an alterist to fix your teeth for free!
DOMINIC: Milov, Luna doesn't--
[Milov strikes Dominic dead with a single blow]
LUNA: My, god, Milov, what's wrong with you?!
MILOV: I think 'Luna' is such an ugly name... don't you? Wouldn't you rather be called... 'Jayden'?

2008-09-22, 10:32 AM
I just wish we could've seen some badly-drawn fight scenes before being shown those first few panels with them getting knocked down in the snow.

2008-09-22, 10:47 AM
It's a screwy world where authority-endorsed paedophilia is an acceptable form of affirmative action.

As many have already said, this is just stupid. Look at the comic. It's clearly sarcastic, and much better than recent strips have been.

LUNA: Uh, Milov, where are my clothes?
MILOV: Oh, dear, I must have accidentally burned them. Here, I have some spare Luanian robes on hand that should fit you perfectly.
LUNA: ...
MILOV: Also, I've hired an alterist to fix your teeth for free!
DOMINIC: Milov, Luna doesn't--
[Milov strikes Dominic dead with a single blow]
LUNA: My, god, Milov, what's wrong with you?!
MILOV: I think 'Luna' is such an ugly name... don't you? Wouldn't you rather be called... 'Jayden'?

...Awesome. :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-22, 12:11 PM
Y'know, that's fine advice for some situations, but not Milov's.

He just had a messy breakup with his long-term girlfriend (and, if the Pack is as it appears (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-09-24), possibly it was more of an engagement) because she cheated on him with his best friend. In the process of this breakup, the following happened:
- Milov tried to kill (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-09-19) Jayden
- Jayden broke their engagement because she thought Redemption was Hot (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-09-29); which, considering the fact that Siggy was just as brutal as always (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2005-09-29) and Jayden is a technical pacifist (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2003-04-18) is a really dumb thing to do. Particularly when your fiance is a Seer. What does that say about Jayden's respect for Milov's feelings?
- Milov exiled Jayden and her church from the island - with explosions! (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-12-02)
- Everyone forgot they were friends with a genocidal racist (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-11-24).

These sorts of problems are not solved by sitting at home and being all emo over it. There are serious issues in the Jayden-Milov relationship, and you must confront those issues if you actually want to fix anything. It is ridiculous for Mookie to actually think that "be moar emo" is the proper way to deal with the situation :smallmad:

In short: I object to Mookie trivializing a terribly complex issue by throwing Very Special Episode (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/VerySpecialEpisode) pap at us. As Morbo would say: RELATIONSHIPS DO NOT WORK THAT WAY!

I'm actually not so sure. I mean while the Milov/Jayden/Siggy relationship is still unresolved, what is there to do? The love of your life slept with your best friend who turns out was genocidal and now works for Hell. In a fit of rage, you "kill" said love. The correct response might be to let out all of the emotion, say "That situation is totally FUBAR", and try to get over it all. I think Mookie is trying to go for this here about as well as can be expected.

I mean how are you going to repair that? And would it be worth it? I guess there could be an arc of everyone going to hell and trying to redeem Siggy, and Milov and Jayden relearn why they fell in love in the first place. But that seems more like a Very Special Episode (with "Genocide is wrong!" and "Love Conquers Everything!" special messages).

Now the Shadow of Siegfried was really bad. Why did Jayden and Milov hang out with him when he never really did change? What was up with Jayden and her decisions? Maybe if the plot there was less "WTF" then maybe a different resolution might be possible.

Now, going from "huge cryfest to snowball fight" was sudden, but that's a pacing issue.

2008-09-22, 12:29 PM
I'm actually not so sure. I mean while the Milov/Jayden/Siggy relationship is still unresolved, what is there to do? The love of your life slept with your best friend who turns out was genocidal and now works for Hell. In a fit of rage, you "kill" said love. The correct response might be to let out all of the emotion, say "That situation is totally FUBAR", and try to get over it all. I think Mookie is trying to go for this here about as well as can be expected.

I mean how are you going to repair that? And would it be worth it? I guess there could be an arc of everyone going to hell and trying to redeem Siggy, and Milov and Jayden relearn why they fell in love in the first place. But that seems more like a Very Special Episode (with "Genocide is wrong!" and "Love Conquers Everything!" special messages).

You're very right - there are serious issues in the relationship that need addressing, possibly by just moving on. But sitting around and crying about it is not the proper way to address such an issue... particularly when it's clear both sides still have deep feelings about it.

Note that in the strip in question (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-09-18), that cry is all that anyone does to address the situation. The very next thing on Milov's mind? How unfair it is that people expect him to do things (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-09-19) (but not enough to actually prevent him from doing what he wants :smallannoyed:). In Mookie's mind, that cry was all that Milov needed to resolve his issues.

Perhaps Mookie will expand on the relationship. I certainly hope so, but I doubt that any more "advice" he gives Milov is going to be anything but Wall-Bangingly bad.

2008-09-22, 01:17 PM
You're very right - there are serious issues in the relationship that need addressing, possibly by just moving on. But sitting around and crying about it is not the proper way to address such an issue... particularly when it's clear both sides still have deep feelings about it.

Note that in the strip in question (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-09-18), that cry is all that anyone does to address the situation. The very next thing on Milov's mind? How unfair it is that people expect him to do things (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-09-19) (but not enough to actually prevent him from doing what he wants :smallannoyed:). In Mookie's mind, that cry was all that Milov needed to resolve his issues.

Perhaps Mookie will expand on the relationship. I certainly hope so, but I doubt that any more "advice" he gives Milov is going to be anything but Wall-Bangingly bad.

Yeah I thought there some more resolution along the lines of "what's in the past is past and it's time to give over it", but looking back, I can't find it.

As for Mookie's handling of it, I'm not even sure that's the lesson he wants to teach. Really it's a big cry for the sake of a big cry, a "life is stressful as a spellwolf" speech, and a snowball fight.

There is (was?) a good opportunity for some development especially of Milov, but we won't see it. Heck I'll take some really stupid resolution like "you can work it out with Jayden if you "guide" her to loving you again!" (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WallBanger) or something at this point. My money is on a goodbye either tomorrow or Wednesday and that's it.

2008-09-22, 01:37 PM
There is (was?) a good opportunity for some development especially of Milov, but we won't see it. Heck I'll take some really stupid resolution like "you can work it out with Jayden if you "guide" her to loving you again!" (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WallBanger) or something at this point. My money is on a goodbye either tomorrow or Wednesday and that's it.

Heh, true. But we're not getting out of WA for another week at least - Mookie likes to soak his "cozy" for all it's worth.

God, he's like an inferior clone of Piro (http://www.megatokyo.com/) sometimes!

2008-09-22, 02:14 PM
Heh, true. But we're not getting out of WA for another week at least - Mookie likes to soak his "cozy" for all it's worth

And still we got but a single frame of them huddled up in bed? Onoes!

2008-09-22, 03:16 PM
Hey, I just had a thought. Anyone else consider the possibility this is a Breather Episode (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BreatherEpisode) before the darker events to come?

2008-09-22, 03:22 PM
Hey, I just had a thought. Anyone else consider the possibility this is a Breather Episode (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BreatherEpisode) before the darker events to come?
Actually, I do.

There is certain evidence for this - we have a LOT of villians still unresolved. Karnak + Siegfried, the Infernomancer, Celesto's not dead, Szark is an unknown factor. I have great hopes for bloodshed and drama in the future.


2008-09-22, 03:25 PM
Hey, I just had a thought. Anyone else consider the possibility this is a Breather Episode (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BreatherEpisode) before the darker events to come?

Hardly. This is just Mookie deciding to throw us a series of Wacky Wayside Tribes (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WackyWaysideTribe) because he doesn't have a clue what he's going to do next. Besides, it's been too long to be a mere Breather Episode (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BreatherEpisode); at best he's decided to pad (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Padding) the Breather Episode (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BreatherEpisode) until he can figure out how the heck he's going to actually use Celesto & Tim.

2008-09-22, 03:39 PM
I'll second Oracle_Hunter here (once again; I'm really grateful for posting my thoughts so reliably when I come back from work too exhausted to engage in composing massive posts :smallbiggrin:). I doubt Mookie put much more thought into this arc than "and now I'll do some world-building, in a manner that allows me to do even more whatever I feel like doing at the moment than usually".
However, I do think that the next arc will probably be one of the darker kind nevertheless. Darker, obviously, meaning some suffering to some minor caste characters, leaving the First Caste utterly unharmed. If it is a very, very, very dark arc, the Second Caste might feel some slight impact though.

2008-09-22, 03:57 PM
Now THAT would be a "nice" solution for Milov's and Jayden's problems:

They just DIE.

At Siegfried's hands.

Chrchr, "Milov's dead"...

Actually, that would make even a bit of sense - Mookie grants Milov some last days in the spotlight before his lights are snuffed FOR GOOD. Now, that would be the case if you applied "sense" to Mookie, of course.

Hmmm...I think I'll just shoot him and take over. The possibilities!


2008-09-22, 04:07 PM
Nah. I think one of the purposes of this arc is to show what happened to some of the characters who we'll never see again. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PutOnABus) Mark my words, Milov and Stunt will never again appear in the comic from here on out.

That Marty Stu with the facial scar (Neelix? is that right?) will definitely appear again, just when Dominus needs a Deus Ex Machina to bail him out.

2008-09-22, 04:09 PM
Them both dying would be lazy. While it would most certainly solve the emotional crisis between them, it would do so in a rather boring way, without taking opportunity of the drama built up so far. One of them dying and the other having to live on, with feelings of guilt and without a chance at reconcilation would, while rather overdone and badly cliché, provide a more interesting situation - at least then, the whole drama would serve some point (namely, said character's development).
An ideal solution would be something new and creative, to come up with which I am too lazy right now. :smalltongue:

2008-09-22, 04:23 PM
Them both dying would be lazy. While it would most certainly solve the emotional crisis between them, it would do so in a rather boring way, without taking opportunity of the drama built up so far. One of them dying and the other having to live on, with feelings of guilt and without a chance at reconcilation would, while rather overdone and badly cliché, provide a more interesting situation - at least then, the whole drama would serve some point (namely, said character's development).
An ideal solution would be something new and creative, to come up with which I am too lazy right now. :smalltongue:

Oh man, that means Jayden's on the chopping block. She's been off screen for awhile now, and we all know how Mookie treats his female characters...

Tim is totally going to stuff Jayden in a fridge (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/StuffedIntoTheFridge?from=Main.StuffedInTheFridge) , which will suddenly make Dominic care about all the priests Tim's been killing (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-12-07). Milov will be enraged, and so he'll come out of retirement (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TenMinuteRetirement) to join forces with Dominic, Nimmel and Luna to track down Tim and stop him once and for all.

But then they'll wuss out / fail and Celesto will have to fix things. But in so doing, Celesto will look like the bad guy and Dominic will save the day for real.

So says the Oracle! Hunter.

2008-09-22, 04:31 PM
Oh, Jayden is definitely doomed.

She cheated on her boyfriend, after all. That's unforgivable. :smalltongue:

2008-09-22, 04:35 PM
Oh, Jayden is definitely doomed.

She cheated on her boyfriend, after all. That's unforgivable. :smalltongue:

There're mixed signals about this. On one hand, her "crime" has been deemed worse than Milov's attempted murder for it. One the other hand, Luna -a First Caste character and as such Mookie's mouth in the comic- has said that she's sooooo sorry and doesn't deserve to be even talked badly about.

2008-09-22, 04:38 PM
Them both dying would be lazy. While it would most certainly solve the emotional crisis between them, it would do so in a rather boring way, without taking opportunity of the drama built up so far.

...that has just now been destroyed by snowballs...way to shake things up with a BANG! Also, you wouldn't expect it, of course. Furthermore, we ARE talking about an universe with a quite vivid afterlife, after all - imagine all three together again, the spiritual plane (and Jayden!) torn apart by an epic fight between Milov and Siegfried, all the while Karnak is laughing...

One of them dying and the other having to live on, with feelings of guilt and without a chance at reconcilation would, while rather overdone and badly cliché,

Which is why I don't hope for it :smallwink:.

provide a more interesting situation - at least then, the whole drama would serve some point (namely, said character's development).
An ideal solution would be something new and creative, to come up with which I am too lazy right now. :smalltongue:
My words, my words.

Now, one thing we may be overlooking: It's all about Milov and Jayden, a bit of Siegfried - triangle of love or something like that. Now what about the rest of the cast? Imagine above scenario, both dying and together with Siegfried in the afterlife. Now what about Dominic and Luna, for example? She was always a good friend of Jayden, he has become one with Milov just now (more than Luna, which my also be because of the fact that she just is not the most colorful character ever), so maybe we might have an avenue for conflict there...

And maybe, just MAYBE, their deaths will cause Dominic some grief, his problems with Luna some more, and it might be HIS character that is about to be developed? Which would be good, on the one hand (it's been awhile and change in him would be for the better, I think), on the other hand it would prove old arguments - summed up in two words: "Mary Sue".


2008-09-22, 05:18 PM
which will suddenly make Dominic care about all the priests Tim's been killing (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-12-07)

How did Dominic miss the front page article?

Though one thing I am curious about is the next arc. It would be a natural set up that all hell broke loose when Dominic returns.

Of course... heh

That would mean a plot

Mr. Scaly
2008-09-22, 05:44 PM
Huh. I've read one page of this thread and seen enough hostility to make an Arch Devil blink in surprise.

2008-09-22, 06:57 PM
Yikes! The guy made a little mistake and he gets harshly compared to Neanderthals? Sheesh indeed!
I don't really consider basing my entire opinion on a comic on a joke I miserably failed to understand a "little mistake."

2008-09-22, 07:48 PM
Huh. I've read one page of this thread and seen enough hostility to make an Arch Devil blink in surprise.

Psh, you must hang out with lame Arch Devils. We're not even close to Solomonic levels of vitriol (http://badwebcomics.blogspot.com/search/label/dominic%20deegan) :smalltongue:

Seriously, if you're looking for pure hate, you need a different forum. We're all about the snark!

Mr. Scaly
2008-09-22, 07:58 PM
Psh, you must hang out with lame Arch Devils. We're not even close to Solomonic levels of vitriol (http://badwebcomics.blogspot.com/search/label/dominic%20deegan) :smalltongue:

Seriously, if you're looking for pure hate, you need a different forum. We're all about the snark!

Oh, THAT. I saw that once for a laugh and figured he was from some fringe group on the net. Imagine my surprise when it turns out that everyone else feels that way too!

This is my life...I find that pretty much everything i like, the whole internet hates.

2008-09-22, 08:04 PM
Oh, THAT. I saw that once for a laugh and figured he was from some fringe group on the net. Imagine my surprise when it turns out that everyone else feels that way too!

This is my life...I find that pretty much everything i like, the whole internet hates.

Well, there is still the fan forum (http://community.livejournal.com/deegan_fan); they're still enthusiastic about DD.

We're all disgruntled former fans, die-hard snarkers, or So Bad It's Good (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SoBadItsGood) enthusiasts. We do like to hear why current fans still enjoy DD - and not because we mock them! No, quite the opposite - it helps us see if there's something about DD that we're missing, or at least how "the other half" thinks.

If you'd like to share, we'd like to hear. :smallsmile:

2008-09-22, 08:10 PM
So says the Oracle! Hunter.

You mean....

So says the Oracle Hunter! My dear Brother.

2008-09-22, 08:13 PM
You mean....

So says the Oracle Hunter! My dear Brother.

Technically it would have to be:

So says the Oracle Hunter, my dear brother in law

Mr. Scaly
2008-09-22, 08:32 PM
Well, there is still the fan forum (http://community.livejournal.com/deegan_fan); they're still enthusiastic about DD.

We're all disgruntled former fans, die-hard snarkers, or So Bad It's Good (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SoBadItsGood) enthusiasts. We do like to hear why current fans still enjoy DD - and not because we mock them! No, quite the opposite - it helps us see if there's something about DD that we're missing, or at least how "the other half" thinks.

If you'd like to share, we'd like to hear. :smallsmile:

Mostly I stay away from the forums of webcomics I frequent. OOTS is mostly the exception.

Personally though, I like DD because it makes me laugh. And for a series that's been going on for so long it still delivers coolness. Then again I'm a DBZ fan, so... :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-22, 09:31 PM
Personally though, I like DD because it makes me laugh. And for a series that's been going on for so long it still delivers coolness. Then again I'm a DBZ fan, so... :smallbiggrin:
I like English-dub DBZ for the same reasons why I like DD - they're both firmly in the So Bad It's Good (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SoBadItsGood) territory for me.

I've heard some people say that DBZ is better in the original Japanese, but I'm afraid that will elevate it from So Bad It's Good to merely Bad. :smallsmile: But a few years back DBZ was a great morning cartoon show over here that I could tape and watch when worn out on a Friday evening - with a fast forward button and a mood for spouting snarky comments at the TV after a long week it was awesome television.

Mr. Scaly
2008-09-22, 10:09 PM
I like English-dub DBZ for the same reasons why I like DD - they're both firmly in the So Bad It's Good (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SoBadItsGood) territory for me.

I've heard some people say that DBZ is better in the original Japanese, but I'm afraid that will elevate it from So Bad It's Good to merely Bad. :smallsmile: But a few years back DBZ was a great morning cartoon show over here that I could tape and watch when worn out on a Friday evening - with a fast forward button and a mood for spouting snarky comments at the TV after a long week it was awesome television.

I agree with that. It was the sheer energy of DBZ that made it worth watching. Something was always going on. Even the filler arcs where the villains 'only' threatened the whole planet were raucous and full of beatings and energy blasts and stuff like that. And when there wasn't fighting there was always something worth a snort of amusement going on too.

You know...I think that's why I like Dominic Deegan too, actually. But with less constant threats tot he universe and more parts that make me grin like a goof.

2008-09-22, 10:25 PM
I agree with that. It was the sheer energy of DBZ that made it worth watching. Something was always going on. Even the filler arcs where the villains 'only' threatened the whole planet were raucous and full of beatings and energy blasts and stuff like that. And when there wasn't fighting there was always something worth a snort of amusement going on too.

DBZ had actual fighting? I though it was talking for the whole episode and charging a stronger attack.

(I kid, I kid)

2008-09-22, 10:28 PM
While we're on DBZ, y'all heard about the Dragonball MMO (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragon_Ball_Online)?

2008-09-22, 10:36 PM
DBZ had actual fighting? I though it was talking for the whole episode and charging a stronger attack.
That was the best bit of taping the shows in advance! You could leave the hero and the villain eyeing each other off at the end of Friday, and next week place bets as to when the first punch will be thrown.

I'd say early on Wednesday after two days of filler. :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-22, 10:45 PM
I considered, at one point, trying to obtain the dragonball Z episodes and just stringing the 'last time' and 'next time' parts together in sequence and seeing if the show actually lost any cohesiveness by not actually watching any of the episodes.

But that would be a lot of effort.

Lord Seth
2008-09-22, 11:13 PM
I thought DragonballZ was pretty good in its earlier arcs. It was the later ones that dragged on way too long.

...huh. "Started out great, then later went downhill" describes Deegan perfectly as well...

2008-09-22, 11:20 PM
I thought DragonballZ was pretty good in its earlier arcs. It was the later ones that dragged on way too long.

...huh. "Started out great, then later went downhill" describes Deegan perfectly as well...

Hey, are we still on Namek The Cruise? :smalltongue:

Yep, good parallels there. :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-22, 11:33 PM
Well at least they ignore GT in the MMO. I'll sign up just to yell over 9000 at random people.

2008-09-22, 11:37 PM
Well at least they ignore GT in the MMO. I'll sign up just to yell over 9000 at random people.

Personally, I hope they make it an emote... complete with
Scouter-crushing Action :smalltongue:

2008-09-22, 11:47 PM
Well at least they ignore GT in the MMO. I'll sign up just to yell over 9000 at random people.
Jayngfet, what does the scouter say about his ping level?

2008-09-23, 12:10 AM
OVER NINE THOU-you know what, no. It'll get old if I do it too much.

In related news, toonami died.


2008-09-23, 12:48 AM
OVER NINE THOU-you know what, no. It'll get old if I do it too much.

In related news, toonami died.


I saw what the new Tom looked like.


Evil DM Mark3
2008-09-23, 02:18 AM
So that's it! The entire reason of this non-story was to restore Lord Dominus' drug supply but getting a Winter Agrapeligo noble who is already on very thin ice thanks to Lord Dominus to break his nation's trade and export laws.

2008-09-23, 03:12 AM
I don't really consider basing my entire opinion on a comic on a joke I miserably failed to understand a "little mistake."

Eh, its a webcomic, so I don't think any judgements about it can ever really count as anything other than 'little' in the grand scheme of things. Yes, it was an easily avoidable lapse of judgement but I feel it was vaguely understandable given a) Dominic Deegan is full of much worse horrors, b) the internet is a very bad medium for the transmission of sarcasm, and c) woe betide anyone that stops to consider Dominic Deegan in more than the most fleeting of ways.

So yeah, it was a bit of a silly thing to say, but it hardly qualifies as an 'oh em gee, the sky it is falling' kind of silly thing to say. And either way, no matter how daft something that someone says is, what I really object to is people reacting by hurling childish insults.

2008-09-23, 03:47 AM
Ah. Jarring transition to the next scene, without providing any resolution for Milov's problems and not even taking any time for a goodbye scene. Good to know Mookie is still so easy to predict. :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-23, 03:50 AM
OVER NINE THOU-you know what, no. It'll get old if I do it too much.
That's why I prefer to warp the lead-up statement. :smallbiggrin:

In today's comic: I like how Brian can detect large quantities of digested mavpel even though it's been a day since the feast with a snow-fight in-between. That mavpel must be powerful stuff - no wonder it's a restricted substance.

2008-09-23, 04:05 AM
It occurs to me that Dominic and Luna don't really hang out with the other cruise members. That's usually cause they're off having super special adventures, but maybe it's because whenever they do deign to bless the masses with their presence they act like condescending jerkfaces.

You know they didn't keep their mouths shut about being deemed awesome enough to hang with elves, talk to that one really old elf about the rebellion, seeing a dragon, hearing the hydra song, and all the other once in a lifetime experiences that happen every other week for these guys.

Plus, it's got to be annoying to be on a cruise with a couple that's always fighting loudly (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-05-29""),having rowdy make up sex, (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-07-12"") mocking other cruise members in front of them (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-07-13""), and generally making giant emotional scenes over everything. (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-07-22"")

Also: naked fat guy.

Worst. Cruise. Ever.

2008-09-23, 04:50 AM
Don't forget getting completely hammered. (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-06-15)

I hope there aren't any families on board - this isn't the sort of cruise you'd want to bring small children on, not with the drunken mages and necromantic naked guys hanging around.

2008-09-23, 05:40 AM
Aha, so Milov was warping space and time in yesterday's final panel!

In all seriousness, though, that was a confusing transition. One minute there's Mavpel and emanating undertones, the next minute we're back on the cruise ship of nightmares.

Don't forget getting completely hammered. (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-06-15)

I hope there aren't any families on board - this isn't the sort of cruise you'd want to bring small children on, not with the drunken mages and necromantic naked guys hanging around.
I think panel 5 hammers this point home. Maybe it's the permablush, but that stare...oy, that stare... :smalleek:

2008-09-23, 07:28 AM
Well, at least the Milov-Jayden issues are resolved, albeit in the worst way possible. Mapvel for Dominic, cry about Jayden, have a snowball fight.

2008-09-23, 08:13 AM
Well, at least the Milov-Jayden issues are resolved, albeit in the worst way possible. Mapvel for Dominic, cry about Jayden, have a snowball fight.
Snowball fights solve everything!

(okay, so, I'm biased)

And for those in warmer climates:

2008-09-23, 09:00 AM
Don'tcha love it when bad authors steal from better authors out of context to make their work seem more intellectual?


2008-09-23, 09:02 AM
Don'tcha love it when bad authors steal from better authors out of context to make their work seem more intellectual?


What do you mean?

Mr. Scaly
2008-09-23, 09:53 AM
Heh. Thought I'd derailed the thread.

So is this the official DD thread in the playground?

2008-09-23, 10:33 AM
What do you mean?

Saccharine. (last panel (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-09-23)) A word which cannot possibly exist in dominion, lest through some Magic temporal distortion, George Orwell Came to the world and wrote his satire about a government that doesn't exist.
I know it's a bit of a nitpick, but I like linguistics, and word origins do matter, dammit :smallyuk:

edit: though this comparison has been drawn before, but I think it might be fun to try and satire 1984 based solely on the WA. See if we can link Milov to Winston somehow, coming to love big brother with all his heart, hehe.

2008-09-23, 10:33 AM
Heh. Thought I'd derailed the thread.

So is this the official DD thread in the playground?

As "official" as they get anyhow.

And I don't think we can get permanently derailed. I think the longest derailment we had was four pages talking about Paranoia! and dystopian literature.

Re: Today (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-09-23)
Thank god! I was afraid we were going to have some honest-to-god character development on this cruise! Mookie sure dodged that bullet :smallyuk:

And Dominic continues to be an insufferable smug bastard. And Dominic looks pretty feminine in panel seven. And SFM continues to be tolerable.

Alright, I think there's Semash (or whatever they're calling it now (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-08-06)) next. Anyone have predictions for the Wacky Wayside Tribe (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WackyWaysideTribe) adventure there? I'm thinking they run into Bumper's father (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2006-09-19) and we see a flashback to his childhood.


Saccharine. A word which cannot possibly exist in dominion, lest through some Magic temporal distortion, George Orwell Came to the world and wrote his satire about a government that doesn't exist.
I know it's a bit of a nitpick, but I like linguistics, and word origins do matter, dammit :smallyuk:

Are you sure? According to Dictionary.com (http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=Saccharine) it entered the English language in the 17th century :smallconfused:

Though I understand. I was really annoyed when a fantasy book I was reading in middle school had a character referring to another as living a "Spartan existence" when there couldn't have been a Sparta there :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-23, 10:37 AM
Saccharine. A word which cannot possibly exist in dominion, lest through some Magic temporal distortion, George Orwell Came to the world and wrote his satire about a government that doesn't exist.
I know it's a bit of a nitpick, but I like linguistics, and word origins do matter, dammit :smallyuk:

Discussing word origins is a tricky issue in fantasy settings. Many of commonly used word couln't be in fact used in an imagined world because they might be called after someone or something that never existed there.

And Dominic continues to be an insufferable smug bastard. a refined intellectual with a dry, sarastic sense of humor above common tourist rabble.

Fix brought to you by Aberhast Inquisition.

Green Bean
2008-09-23, 10:40 AM
Saccharine. A word which cannot possibly exist in dominion, lest through some Magic temporal distortion, George Orwell Came to the world and wrote his satire about a government that doesn't exist.
I know it's a bit of a nitpick, but I like linguistics, and word origins do matter, dammit :smallyuk:

Wait, what? George Orwell had nothing to do with creating the word saccharine. :smallconfused:

2008-09-23, 10:51 AM
Discussing word origins is a tricky issue in fantasy settings. Many of commonly used word couln't be in fact used in an imagined world because they might be called after someone or something that never existed there.
I suppose, but that usage of the word first came as a result of Orwell's book. Otherwise, Saccharin is an artificial sweetener that is produce through a complicated chemical industrial process, first being developped around in the late 1800's. I know that people can just write off this usually by giving an alternate history or some other reason why the same word would have occurred, but the entire concept of Saccharine doesn't fit in a pre industrial revolution setting. Seeing it used, just to try and make something feel, for lack of a better word, "more intellectual", annoys me, because there was no real research done about it. he just drops the word to sound smarter.

anyway, that's my 2 cents. :smallsmile:

Edit: Ninja'd by H_V, damn. Saccharine used as an adjective to taste came mostly from Orwell, or was popularized, but yes, Saccharin the chemical sweetener predates it. Either way though, it doesn't fit in Fantasy settings. And that's why it bugs me.

2008-09-23, 11:02 AM
Okay, optimism aside, this comic just SUCKED.

Just get this cruise out of the way, please, now...


2008-09-23, 11:43 AM
Well I was right! Another plotline averted. The issue with this arc is that most of the strips are at worst meh and sometimes decent but as a whole, nothing happens. This is unusual for Dominic Deegan. Usually we have lots of bad/WTF strips in a bad plotline. But not a lots of okay strips in no plotline.

As for Saccharine, I don't think he was using it as a means to sound smarter, but just for a sugar related word that's fairly unusual (compared to sugar & sweet). Interestingly, it seems like the connotations of saccharin was used in We the Living by Ayn Rand before 1984 was written (source here (http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Saccharin)). While I don't want to read said book, has anyone here have and if so, where was the use?

2008-09-23, 12:21 PM
Discussing word origins is a tricky issue in fantasy settings. Many of commonly used word couln't be in fact used in an imagined world because they might be called after someone or something that never existed there.

Who cares? In a fantasy world disconnected from ours, they wouldn't be speaking English anyway. So you can either invent a language and write everything in it, knowing you'll never get any reader this way, or you can implicitly translate the character's language into something that is spoken on Earth.

About puns and the like, translating them is difficult but always possible. I'll refer you to this interview of Anthea Bell (http://www.asterix-international.de/asterix/mirror/asterix_my_love.htm) about the art of translating humor, just to show that it's possible.

Of course, there's still what can be accepted and what cannot. "Dom and sub" for example just isn't a valid "pseudo-translation".

2008-09-23, 12:26 PM
Who cares? In a fantasy world disconnected from ours, they wouldn't be speaking English anyway. So you can either invent a language and write everything in it, knowing you'll never get any reader this way, or you can implicitly translate the character's language into something that is spoken on Earth.

About puns and the like, translating them is difficult but always possible. I'll refer you to this interview of Anthea Bell (http://www.asterix-international.de/asterix/mirror/asterix_my_love.htm) about the art of translating humor, just to show that it's possible.

Of course, there's still what can be accepted and what cannot. "Dom and sub" for example just isn't a valid "pseudo-translation".

Which is what I meant. Saying "they can't possibly use this word/phrase" isn't applicable to a fantasy setting, that was the whole point.

2008-09-23, 12:34 PM
As for Saccharine, I don't think he was using it as a means to sound smarter,

Using saccharine as an adjective for a scenario that is falsely sweet is a pretty logical step from using 'sugary' to describe a sweet one.

And honestly? I'd rather writers just use real-world terms unless it is an alternate history setting. The alternative is making up a bunch of nonsensical turns of phrase and then wasting exposition telling us what it means.

2008-09-23, 01:00 PM
It occurs to me that Dominic and Luna don't really hang out with the other cruise members. That's usually cause they're off having super special adventures, but maybe it's because whenever they do deign to bless the masses with their presence they act like condescending jerkfaces.

You know they didn't keep their mouths shut about being deemed awesome enough to hang with elves, talk to that one really old elf about the rebellion, seeing a dragon, hearing the hydra song, and all the other once in a lifetime experiences that happen every other week for these guys.

Plus, it's got to be annoying to be on a cruise with a couple that's always fighting loudly (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-05-29""),having rowdy make up sex, (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-07-12"") mocking other cruise members in front of them (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-07-13""), and generally making giant emotional scenes over everything. (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-07-22"")

The problem with your statement is that you've ignored that Dominic and Luna are giant Mary Sues, and therefore the universe revolves around them. The other passengers are only happy to be in their presence. :smalltongue:

Also, I have a complaint: two of your links directed me to strips where Dominic and Luna have had sex. WHY ARE YOU TORTURING ME THIS WAY?!

2008-09-23, 01:21 PM
Okay, optimism aside, this comic just SUCKED.

Just get this cruise out of the way, please, now...


Yes, your optimism is draining away! Join ussss! :xykon:

Anyways, I didn't mind this comic. Silly Fat Man is still funny, and a welcome break from all the saccharine (heh :smallamused:) whining we've had since Dommie and Luna were kidnapped. Plus, it was a subversion of the whole "end on a really bad pun" thing.

However, Mookie's drawing of Brian in the last panel is abysmal.

2008-09-23, 01:31 PM
In today's comic: I like how Brian can detect large quantities of digested mavpel even though it's been a day since the feast with a snow-fight in-between. That mavpel must be powerful stuff - no wonder it's a restricted substance.

I have a theory to consider: Mavpal is the raw ingredient for the making of the Deegandrug!

Through inhuman digestion/internal manufacturing processes, the Dominus consumes Mavpal and excretes the finished product as sweat, which evaporates into the air to create the mind-raping haze that we all know and OBEY... :smalleek:

Having just 'overdosed' on Mavpal, means that the Dominus is producing a super-concentrated Deegandrug, so thick and oily that it can be smelled whereas normally the mist is too fine to detect.

That also explains why the Dominus was so upset when his supply was cut off - he briefly thought that he would be deprived of the ingredient for the Deegandrug, until he was able to manipulate guide his students into paying for a free trip to the source where, bolstered to unprecedented levels, he could focus the full effect exclusively on Milov and secure his own personal supply...

....What started out as a joke, suddenly seems to make a freakish amount of sense... :smallconfused:

2008-09-23, 01:43 PM
....What started out as a joke, suddenly seems to make a freakish amount of sense... :smallconfused:

Like so many things we've come up with. I mean, the Caste system was originally a joke, until Mookie decided to make it an explicit (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-03-18) mechanism (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-03-19) in the Deeganverse.

2008-09-23, 01:55 PM
Like so many things we've come up with. I mean, the Caste system was originally a joke, until Mookie decided to make it an explicit (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-03-18) mechanism (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-03-19) in the Deeganverse.

And I'm sure none of us would have it any other way- No! :smalleek: I've been infected! I need a DeeganAntidote, fast!

2008-09-23, 02:44 PM
mechanism (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-03-19) in the Deeganverse.

Hey, I just realized something after clicking on that link. Wouldn't it have made sense for Celesto to have flown into a rage (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2004-05-19) upon Dominic showing him images of Stark and Bumper?

Dominic: Dammit, Celesto! Barnet deserves a second chance! Like Stark, the guy who called your lover an evil whore while she was lying dead a few feet away, for example?
Celesto: YOU DARE SHOW ME THAT BASTARD?! :smallmad:
Dominic: Whoops! Well, uh, how about Bumper, the guy who actually murdered Amelia?
Celesto: Words cannot contain my fury, Deegan. You just signed Barnet's death warrant. :smallfurious:
Dominic: Oh oh spaghettios!

Or perhaps Dominic was deliberately trying to goad Celesto into killing Barnet? Dunh-dunh-dunh!

2008-09-23, 02:59 PM
And honestly? I'd rather writers just use real-world terms unless it is an alternate history setting.I had this problem reading the latest Thursday Next book. Someone described a government policy as "Stalinist" in a setting where Tsarist Russia never fell...of course, the history there is vague and mutable enough that the author could probably write his way around that.

2008-09-23, 03:01 PM
Hey, I just realized something after clicking on that link. Wouldn't it have made sense for Celesto to have flown into a rage (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2004-05-19) upon Dominic showing him images of Stark and Bumper?If I remember correctly, that was actually a major source of our complaints back during this scene.
Fortunately for Dominic Mookie stopped caring about even the most basical consistency in characterisation a long time ago. :smallamused:

2008-09-23, 03:02 PM
If I remember correctly, that was actually a major source of our complaints back during this scene.
Fortunately for Dominic Mookie stopped caring about even the most basical consistency in characterisation a long time ago. :smallamused:

I will murder you for saying that I mean, heh. :smallamused:

2008-09-23, 03:02 PM
Nope, remember that right around the beginning of his involvement with the chaos cults the news that Amelia was stealing money from her whores and such, so he no longer idolizes here. Flying into a rage would have been contrary to character.

2008-09-23, 03:05 PM
Nope, remember that right around the beginning of his involvement with the chaos cults the news that Amelia was stealing money from her whores and such, so he no longer idolizes here. Flying into a rage would have been contrary to character.

Amelia defrauding money being one case when newspapers speak the thruth rather than being corrupt and racist.

2008-09-23, 03:07 PM
Amelia defrauding money being one case when newspapers speak the thruth rather than being corrupt and racist.

"In other plot-related stories, Celesto Morgan's lover was actually corrupt and evil. Oh, and Our Lord Dominus has found a kitten. Aw!"

Hail Dominus!

2008-09-23, 03:18 PM
Nope, remember that right around the beginning of his involvement with the chaos cults the news that Amelia was stealing money from her whores and such, so he no longer idolizes here. Flying into a rage would have been contrary to character.I know, and learning of this was quite a shock to Celesto. I doubt he would react to those memories being brought up with so little emotion.
Though I guess the argument that this was the moment when Celesto died inside could be made; since it demarcated a rather significant change in his behaviour, I suppose it's actually meant to be understood this way. In this case, his characterisation in Shadows would actually be befitting. Alright, I made a mistake and withdraw my accusations on this point (the point that Mookie stopped caring about consistent characterisation remains, however :smalltongue:).

Amelia defrauding money being one case when newspapers speak the thruth rather than being corrupt and racist.Caste papers? So Dominion is the Brave New World, actually? :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-23, 03:25 PM
Caste papers? So Dominion is the Brave New World, actually? :smallbiggrin:

I thought it was preety obvious for quite long. But caste-divided newspapers make the resemblance even more uncanny. Let's see: for the First and Second castes, we have newspapers that are racist and corrupt so that they might be frowned upon. For Third and Fourth caste we have the papers that showcase First Caste's greatness as well as inform of their marriages in bold print. Fifth Caste can't read anyway.
There's also this thing about Luna wanting to see the hobgoblins. I saw this and though "hey it sounds like Brave New World".

2008-09-23, 03:27 PM
Regarding the 'saccharine' bit, whenever I see a line in anything like "Aww, but I had a really clever thing to say about such and such" with no evidence I always just imagine the author's voice pitifully admitting afterwards "actually, no I don't..."

2008-09-23, 03:55 PM
I know, and learning of this was quite a shock to Celesto. I doubt he would react to those memories being brought up with so little emotion.
Though I guess the argument that this was the moment when Celesto died inside could be made; since it demarcated a rather significant change in his behaviour, I suppose it's actually meant to be understood this way. In this case, his characterisation in Shadows would actually be befitting. Alright, I made a mistake and withdraw my accusations on this point (the point that Mookie stopped caring about consistent characterisation remains, however :smalltongue:).

Caste papers? So Dominion is the Brave New World, actually? :smallbiggrin:

Actually, if Celesto was more of a Reader Avatar, it'd be totally in character:
Dominic: See Celesto? Bumper and Szark reformed just fine!
Celesto: The murderer of my lover and her disgusting husband? WHY WOULD YOU SHOW ME SUCH A THING?
Dominic: Woah, settle down. Remember how it turned out Amelia was actually a lying, cheating whore who never did anything good, but my friends turned out to be really good on the inside?
Celesto: . . .
Dominic: What? Don't you see how the people I give a second chance deserve it, while all the people you loved and were killed turned out to be irredeemably evil?
Celesto: . . .
Dominic: That's why you shouldn't harm Barnett - I wouldn't have picked her unless she was worth saving!
Celesto: That's it... EVERYTHING'S GOING TO GO BOOM!

Personally, I think that would have been a better resolution :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-23, 03:59 PM
Using saccharine as an adjective for a scenario that is falsely sweet is a pretty logical step from using 'sugary' to describe a sweet one.

And honestly? I'd rather writers just use real-world terms unless it is an alternate history setting. The alternative is making up a bunch of nonsensical turns of phrase and then wasting exposition telling us what it means.

Yeah, it'd be awful if he had to start using nonsense terms like Mavpel or Krent Wings. Good thing he hasn't been doing that...

2008-09-23, 04:21 PM
Nope, remember that right around the beginning of his involvement with the chaos cults, the news reported that Amelia was stealing money from her whores and such, so he no longer idolizes here. Flying into a rage would have been contrary to character.

I suppose you're right. That's why he killed that evil jock/slaughterball champion. ("Slaughterball?" Really?) And I guess that was the whole point of the peace offering.

"Gee, Dommy, you foiled my plans and refused to save my girlfriend from getting murdered, but it's OK because it turns out she was an evil whore (even though I was somewhat aware of that when I helped her try to kill Stark). That's why I'm making this peace offering by violently murdering your sister-in-law. Smell you later." :smalltongue:

2008-09-23, 04:21 PM
Yeah, it'd be awful if he had to start using nonsense terms like Mavpel or Krent Wings. Good thing he hasn't been doing that...

And you're pointing this out ... why?

You CAN'T be under the impression that I support DD. I just hold the position that pointing out things that aren't actually problems is unacceptable.

2008-09-23, 04:28 PM
And you're pointing this out ... why?

You CAN'T be under the impression that I support DD. I just hold the position that pointing out things that aren't actually problems is unacceptable.

But... pointing out that other people are pointing out things that aren't actually a problem... isn't really a problem that needs pointing out :smalleek:

Sir, it looks like you've been Logic Bomb'd (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LogicBomb) :smalltongue:

2008-09-23, 04:47 PM
Okay, optimism aside, this comic just SUCKED.

Just get this cruise out of the way, please, now...

I sense much disappointment in you.

Give in to your dissatisfaction and your journey toward the Snark Side will be complete.

2008-09-23, 05:51 PM
But... pointing out that other people are pointing out things that aren't actually a problem... isn't really a problem that needs pointing out

Exactly. Which is why it's okay for me to have posted that.

After all, it's not a problem. Though it seems kind of odd that you'd point it out.


2008-09-23, 07:26 PM
Regarding the 'saccharine' bit, whenever I see a line in anything like "Aww, but I had a really clever thing to say about such and such" with no evidence I always just imagine the author's voice pitifully admitting afterwards "actually, no I don't..."

That doesn't really matter, since that's pretty much the joke here. Much like Elan claiming to have a great pun off the word "thaumaturgy" a few OotS comics ago.

Dominic: See Celesto? Bumper and Szark reformed just fine!
Celesto: The murderer of my lover and her disgusting husband? WHY WOULD YOU SHOW ME SUCH A THING?
Dominic: Woah, settle down. Remember how it turned out Amelia was actually a lying, cheating whore who never did anything good, but my friends turned out to be really good on the inside?
Celesto: . . .
Dominic: What? Don't you see how the people I give a second chance deserve it, while all the people you loved and were killed turned out to be irredeemably evil?
Celesto: . . .
Dominic: That's why you shouldn't harm Barnett - I wouldn't have picked her unless she was worth saving!
Celesto: That's it... EVERYTHING'S GOING TO GO BOOM!

Ah, yes, this is why I continue to read DD!

2008-09-23, 09:13 PM
I am still going through the archives, and it has been highly enjoyable so far. However, something just clicked, and seems a little bit odd. Magic, while not an all pervading cure all, does seem to be quite common, common enough for a seer to open a franchise in a medium sized town. However, except for seers themselves and their magic, and possibly other magic users, there seems to be no protection against unwanted divination. This isn't in and of itself weird, but what is, is that people don't seem to mind. For example, I am in the memorial slaughterball rink storyline, and, the Father of the late 'hero' says "don't worry, know one will ever know." Admittedly, Dominic is a very powerful seer, but his incursion into the past seems to require no more effort then usual, and the the target seems to have no magical or mundane defenses against such intrusion.

2008-09-23, 09:23 PM
There's anti-seer glyphs (like what Jacob used when he was wearing Vilrath's skin) and that special abjuration used by the Blinders, as well as whatever else Mookie happens to make up at the time before promptly forgetting about it.

Still, why would anyone want one? The First Caste has nothing bad he could scry; the Second Caste has a few skeletons, but relies on Lord Dominus to fix them and therefore needs the lack of privacy; the Third Caste may not want Dominus prying into its secrets, but it'll be all the better for it once it's been properly mindraped; the Fourth Caste is inherently evil and therefore gets no vote; and the Fifth Caste is too unimportant to be worth the trouble.

Plus, y'know, Dominic's god in this world.

2008-09-23, 09:53 PM
There's anti-seer glyphs (like what Jacob used when he was wearing Vilrath's skin) and that special abjuration used by the Blinders, as well as whatever else Mookie happens to make up at the time before promptly forgetting about it.

Still, why would anyone want one? The First Caste has nothing bad he could scry; the Second Caste has a few skeletons, but relies on Lord Dominus to fix them and therefore needs the lack of privacy; the Third Caste may not want Dominus prying into its secrets, but it'll be all the better for it once it's been properly mindraped; the Fourth Caste is inherently evil and therefore gets no vote; and the Fifth Caste is too unimportant to be worth the trouble.

Plus, y'know, Dominic's god in this world.

The simple answer is Mookie doesn't think deeply about the repercussions of a world that oozes magic on levels that would make Eberron say, "Now that's just silly". In Dominion, magic is a plot device and nothing more, and if Mookie were to ever go through the effort of defining the way magic works there it would loose all the convenience he relies so heavily on. He did come close to defining how it worked when he was talking about how spells can draw additional energy from the elemental planes to make the effects of the spell stronger, but then he either lost all steam or just decided halfassed was good enough, like much of the comic.

2008-09-23, 10:22 PM
Yeah, scratch the 'Magic, while not an all pervading cure all,' comment, the concert, while enjoyable, really just got silly, magically that is. Overuse of 'titans voice'? 'Light crystals'? A lightning mage making 'electric guitars'?It felt like early Discworld, in all the bad ways. Luckily, I am still liking the characters.
At least the didn't call it 'Music with rocks in it'.

2008-09-23, 11:17 PM
Regarding the 'saccharine' bit, whenever I see a line in anything like "Aww, but I had a really clever thing to say about such and such" with no evidence I always just imagine the author's voice pitifully admitting afterwards "actually, no I don't..."

Yeah, nobody really believes that you had a great one about thaumaturgy (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0586.html).

Yes. I went there.
And I am so sorry.

2008-09-23, 11:35 PM
Yeah, nobody really believes that you had a great one about thaumaturgy (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0586.html).
Q. What did Durkon say to Girard after he saw him cast lighting?
A. "Th' is a Thor Matter, G.!"

Q. What did the President of France say to the fire magician during a harsh winter?
A. "Could you please Thaw My Turgy? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turgy)

Q. How did the drunken mathematicians prove that a^n + b^n = c^n has no non-zero integer solutions for n > 2?
A. By holding a Fermat Orgy!

2008-09-23, 11:56 PM
Hey guys! (especially Oracle Hunter)

We need to get Dominology on this page (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/IntellectualPropertyReligion). Someone who has better explaining-stuff-fu then me please get on this!

2008-09-24, 12:09 AM
It felt like early Discworld, in all the bad ways.

I'm sorry, pardon me, but did you say early Discworld was bad? Also, Soul Music > Deeganverse representing the fantasy rock movement.

Brb, got tickets to We're Certainly Dwarves.

2008-09-24, 12:15 AM
I'm sorry, pardon me, but did you say early Discworld was bad? Also, Soul Music > Deeganverse representing the fantasy rock movement.

Brb, got tickets to We're Certainly Dwarves.

The Color of Magic wasn't that good, though he did increase in quality fairly rapidly. And, hey, I'm a big Pratchett fan, just sayin.

2008-09-24, 12:45 AM
Hey guys! (especially Oracle Hunter)

We need to get Dominology on this page (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/IntellectualPropertyReligion). Someone who has better explaining-stuff-fu then me please get on this!Wish granted. I think I covered the high points, but if you edit, remember, don't just bloat the entry to cover the whole page. It's merely an overview.

Lord Seth
2008-09-24, 12:56 AM
I am still going through the archives, and it has been highly enjoyable so far.It is. Early Deegan was great. It did have some flaws, but was still quite enjoyable to read. It was funny, it had characters I liked, and the plot was, while not excellent, interesting enough to keep me reading. The series was not without its flaws, but overall it was pretty good. And had Mookie kept going with this kind of quality while excising the problems of the strip, Deegan would've become a world-class webcomic. Problem is, he didn't exactly do that, and instead...well, you'll see when you get to it.

2008-09-24, 01:34 AM
The court of the net has ruled! I retract my word nitpicking.
I'm sure there will be plenty for me to pick at tomorrow, anyway. :smalltongue:

2008-09-24, 01:53 AM
You know, I was doing some archive-binging, and I have some concerns about the so-called Callan Caller. (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2006-12-13) Why does Dominic read such a trashy mag if they print articles like "Orcs: Filthy as Pigs, Dumb as Nails" and the editorial staff are so corrupt as to accept bribes from Serk Brakkis?

Is it the only newspaper in existence? If so, is it state-controlled? It must be. The Domiverse clearly has access to printing presses, and newspapers are relatively lucrative businesses (especially when there are no television networks or radio stations competing with them), so one would think that

Being the "state" newspaper is the only reason I can think of for such lax standards.

On the other hand, in the link I posted above, why does Bumper say the "title" of the article is "Orcs: Filthy as Pigs, Dumb as Nails" when the headline CLEARLY reads "Maltak Storms: Getting Worse." Is he illiterate? If so, then what's Dominic's excuse? :smalltongue:

2008-09-24, 02:04 AM
New comic, new place. (http://dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-09-24) I'm assuming it's some form of Italy, but the temple like building at the back looks vaguely South-East Asian.

I'm mostly unnerved by Dom in boxers and scarf. Does he sleep with that scarf on?

2008-09-24, 02:08 AM
I'm mostly unnerved by Dom in boxers and scarf. Does he sleep with that scarf on?

Yeah, what's the deal with that? Does Luna tell him to "leave the scarf on" or something? :smalltongue:

"Ooh, Dominic, I love it when you dress like Harry Potter."

2008-09-24, 02:13 AM
The Second Panel, Why Can't I Unsee It?

2008-09-24, 02:15 AM
On the other hand, in the link I posted above, why does Bumper say the "title" of the article is "Orcs: Filthy as Pigs, Dumb as Nails" when the headline CLEARLY reads "Maltak Storms: Getting Worse." Is he illiterate? If so, then what's Dominic's excuse? :smalltongue:The Maltak-line is on the first page, it looks like the article they are reading is somewhere further into the paper.

Semash... oh wow, so it's the home of African Italians... who live in Asian architecture?
Actually, this makes sense - Dominion's human races are Callanians as Eagleland on the one end, and all other real world races rolled up into one. I wouldn't be surprised to learn Semashi actually meant "Those who are not American". In America.

2008-09-24, 02:24 AM
That doesn't really matter, since that's pretty much the joke here. Much like Elan claiming to have a great pun off the word "thaumaturgy" a few OotS comics ago.

True, I get that its the joke here and stuff. But the difference to me is that while we know that Rich can produce the good funny, we also know that Mookie often cannot, thus making his 'hinting at wittiness' all the more transparent. Furthermore, it OotS it was just one of many gags in that strip, not the big blubbery conclusion of it. And lastly, 'thaumaturgy' is a much more amusing word than 'saccharine'. :smalltongue:

New comic, new place. (http://dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-09-24) I'm assuming it's some form of Italy, but the temple like building at the back looks vaguely South-East Asian.

I'm mostly unnerved by Dom in boxers and scarf. Does he sleep with that scarf on?

I was under the impression that the scarf was one of the few ways we could tell which character is Dominic.

And yes, they do seem to have landed smack-bang in the middle of the Japenaissance (that's the Japanese Renaissance for those not in the know (of words I just made up)).

2008-09-24, 02:27 AM
Oh god, the Japanland arc is here.

I predict much snarking.

I'll get the popcorn.

2008-09-24, 02:28 AM
No, Winterwind, I think it's a mistake on Mookie's part. There's an article about the storms in Maltak right on the front page, and they seem to be referring to just one single article.

I'm disappointed that this fantasy cruise won't be visiting the fantasy equivalent of Canada. Dominic could have met up with talking polar bears and spent a night in an igloo. Surely there was a wealth of Canadian stereotypes to exploit! Sadly, it shall never be. :smallfrown:

2008-09-24, 03:23 AM
You know, I was doing some archive-binging, and I have some concerns about the so-called Callan Caller. (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2006-12-13) Why does Dominic read such a trashy mag if they print articles like "Orcs: Filthy as Pigs, Dumb as Nails" and the editorial staff are so corrupt as to accept bribes from Serk Brakkis?

For teh snarks. :smallamused:

You know, this is something I hate that certain people seem to love to do when they expand a universe. They take something you've seen from one character (Bumper's dad, in this case) and they make it the culture's whole shtick. We see one Blitalionese who was a composer, so all Blitalionese are composers, or at least Japfricataly is primarily famous for composers. This is just acceptable racism. It isn't against real races, and it doesn't hurt anyone directly, but it's ignorant and stupid.

Also, if there's one thing I hate, it's really awkward exposition. And that was some really awkward exposition. I mean, seriously, this isn't just a Mookie thing. Reading a conversation like that is like nails on a chalkboard, and I've seen such conversations played out too many times already.

Evil DM Mark3
2008-09-24, 06:20 AM
Welcome to two building shape oriental land, where we got out architecure from a TV show.

2008-09-24, 08:37 AM
Well, so Semafia (or however it's called) is some kind of Japaneso Italy Baroque stuff with black people?

Seriously, all that can be said :

" At the moment, nothing was forecasting a catastrophe..."

Seriously, as far as fantasy go, this connection, with a dose of creativity and logical approach could be made a fairly interesting thing...

But... but I just said "creativity" and "logic" didn't I?

Will shall see, soon. And we shall weep.


2008-09-24, 08:38 AM
No, Winterwind, I think it's a mistake on Mookie's part. There's an article about the storms in Maltak right on the front page, and they seem to be referring to just one single article.

I'm disappointed that this fantasy cruise won't be visiting the fantasy equivalent of Canada. Dominic could have met up with talking polar bears and spent a night in an igloo. Surely there was a wealth of Canadian stereotypes to exploit! Sadly, it shall never be. :smallfrown:

I'm pretty sure The Winter Archipelago is a mix of all the well-known snowy cultures, that is the Russians, Canadians, and Eskimos (technically I think the proper term is Inuit). How can you tell this? Well their three favorite things (besides the moon) appear to be snow, vodka, and maple mavpel syrup.

2008-09-24, 09:23 AM
So we've finally come to Wapan. How exciting.

2008-09-24, 09:39 AM
Semash: African people with Italian names and Asian architecture. Maybe they'll have French cuisine and German philosophy as well.

2008-09-24, 09:47 AM
Semash: African people with Italian names and Asian architecture. Maybe they'll have French cuisine and German philosophy as well.
You Kant be serious.

I'm so glad that there are no OTHER "German" stereotypes around :smallbiggrin:. Except for grammar-Nazis, of course!

Seriously, the tower in the background...it felt really, really wrong...though I'd like to hear what Dominic is singing. Maybe it's AWESOME (you see, I AM an optimist)!


2008-09-24, 09:52 AM
Panel 2 is more strip slay material.

2008-09-24, 09:53 AM
Full agreement with averagejoe. Was it really necessary to make it a nation of composers just because Bumper's father was one?

I'm so glad that there are no OTHER "German" stereotypes around :smallbiggrin:. Except for grammar-Nazis, of course!nYou mean aside the (former) German-named Royal Knights who are racist mass-murderers? :smallannoyed:

2008-09-24, 10:33 AM
Full agreement with averagejoe. Was it really necessary to make it a nation of composers just because Bumper's father was one?

Lord Dominus was very strict in that matter - he wanted nation of composers.

Proper breeding ventures were started over 2 centuries ago.

2008-09-24, 10:38 AM
*checks update*







Oh dear god no. Not the Japanese-Italian-Africans. Why Mookie, wryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Wryyyyyy)?

2008-09-24, 10:51 AM
Heh, nice consistent architecture, Mookie. Looks like he was reading fan speculation about what country Semash(i) would be like and decided to make them all happy by making it every country Callan isn't. I wonder if there are any orange-robed monks on that bandstand.

2008-09-24, 12:34 PM
A part of my soul just died. This is simply offensive for anyone who ever tried doing any half-arsed worldbuilding.

You mean aside the (former) German-named Royal Knights who are racist mass-murderers?

German-named knights in a country where everyone has got english or pseudo-english names, I might add.

Evil DM Mark3
2008-09-24, 12:40 PM
(technically I think the proper term is Inuit)

Side note, Inuit and Eskimo are different racial groups. Neither is more right or wrong, it is like calling a New Zealander Australasian, a Canadian American, a Japanese person Chinese or a Welshman English. The term is not wrong, the application is.

2008-09-24, 12:40 PM
Hey, what's the deal with werewolves anyways? Did they evolve into lycanthropes to protect them from the frigid temperatures of the Winter Archipelago? Why haven't the more physically powerful werewolves simply wiped out the human population?

Or is their presence in this comic simply invoking the Rule of Cool?

2008-09-24, 12:41 PM
Hey, what's the point of dem werewolves anyways? Did they evolve into lycanthropes to protect them from the frigid temperatures of the Winter Archipelago?

That's unlikely, given that they still run around naked while in human form.

2008-09-24, 12:42 PM
Why do I suddenly suspect Ciarenni's Fifth that kept getting mentioned in the Battle for Barthis arc is actually J-pop? :smallamused:

Another thing to note: Luna's line in the last panel confirms that the Semashi language relates to Italian in exactly the same manner as Callanian relates to English (i.e., it's identical as far as the readers are concerned).

2008-09-24, 12:42 PM
You mean aside the (former) German-named Royal Knights who are racist mass-murderers? :smallannoyed:
Huh, didn't even notice that one. I always find it kind of strange if people in English-languaged media have German names - it's like EVERY one is named "Hans" or "Fritz", those are not really common names, they're abbreviantions like Joe is for Jonathan - Hans is for Johannes (the same name), I had 3 Johannes' in my class at school, noone was called Hans (one we called Hannes, the other two with their surnames).

Also, noone is named Siegfried anymore.

As a result, I just get annoyed whenever this comes up, I tend to pronounce them with the German pronouncement in my head and this just sounds off and out of flow with the rest of the English text...nah. I definitely didn't give this any second thoughts.

Come to think of it, I definitely have to re-read the archives, there's so much stuff going on I just missed with the first rushed read-through. Of course, Hans (or was it Hansi? Can't remember) himself is a good guy in DD, so maybe he's the people who just were blind and Siegfried's father is Hitler. Then who's Siegfried? Rommel? Ah, give me a break...


2008-09-24, 12:47 PM
Then who's Siegfried? Rommel? Ah, give me a break...Maybe if the characterisation was consistent. As Mookie did it in Shadows, it's more like Rommel spontaneously revealing he was living a double life as Himmler. With nobody ever noticing.

Wow, I think this is the first time the DD threads have ever been Godwin'd. :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-24, 12:49 PM
Huh, didn't even notice that one. I always find it kind of strange if people in English-languaged media have German names - it's like EVERY one is named "Hans" or "Fritz", those are not really common names, they're abbreviantions like Joe is for Jonathan - Hans is for Johannes (the same name), I had 3 Johannes' in my class at school, noone was called Hans (one we called Hannes, the other two with their surnames).

Also, noone is named Siegfried anymore.

It's called "Did Not Do the Research," (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DidNotDoTheResearch) and by extension, "As Long As It Sounds Foreign." (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AsLongAsItSoundsForeign)

2008-09-24, 12:50 PM

That's unlikely, given that they still run around naked while in human form.

is also kinda good answer to that:

Why haven't the more physically powerful werewolves simply wiped out the human population?

Although, of course Callanians don't seem much brighter.

2008-09-24, 01:02 PM
Hey, what's the deal with werewolves anyways? Did they evolve into lycanthropes to protect them from the frigid temperatures of the Winter Archipelago? Why haven't the more physically powerful werewolves simply wiped out the human population?

Or is their presence in this comic simply invoking the Rule of Cool?

Like everything else in DD: Rule of Cool.

It's the same reason that nobody has anti-Seer defenses, or more accurately, why Seers don't rule the world. It's also why having an Army of Wizards is a Bad Idea, why the Royal Knights didn't just wear anti-magic suits like everyone else, and why the Callan would invade the worthless Plains of Maltak with Infernomancers :smallmad:

2008-09-24, 01:30 PM
and why the Callan would invade the worthless Plains of Maltak with Infernomancers :smallmad:

I find it laughable that the people of Callan are really worried about "orcs" in a universe where undead and demons exist and are incredibly dangerous. (See: mass-murdering infernomancers and Jacob Deegan.) Their hatred of piggarts is only an excuse for Mookie to beat us over the head with the "Racism is bad" aesop. (Which it is, but did anyone really need reminding again and again?)

2008-09-24, 01:37 PM
Well, I guess we'd better prepare, after something like this I dare Soloman to resist.

2008-09-24, 01:39 PM
Well, I guess we'd better prepare, after something like this I dare Soloman to resist.

Solomon hasn't updated in half a year.

2008-09-24, 01:40 PM
Eh, I think Salomon lost interest in DD long ago, or he is aware he's made an abundance of material on it already. His last article on DD was way back before even the horrors of the Snowsong arc; if Snowsong, Shadows and Oracle Hunter didn't awaken his wrath, I don't think anything will.

EDIT: Yeah, and that.

2008-09-24, 02:22 PM
Eh, I think Salomon lost interest in DD long ago, or he is aware he's made an abundance of material on it already. His last article on DD was way back before even the horrors of the Snowsong arc; if Snowsong, Shadows and Oracle Hunter didn't awaken his wrath, I don't think anything will.

EDIT: Yeah, and that.

Pre-supergreg ?!?!?!? :smalleek:

2008-09-24, 02:34 PM
they're abbreviantions like Joe is for Jonathan

Actually, John (or Jon) is short for Jonathan. Joe is short for Joseph.

Lord Seth
2008-09-24, 03:09 PM
Eh, I think Salomon lost interest in DD long ago, or he is aware he's made an abundance of material on it already. His last article on DD was way back before even the horrors of the Snowsong arc; if Snowsong, Shadows and Oracle Hunter didn't awaken his wrath, I don't think anything will.

EDIT: Yeah, and that.Not true at all. His last article (http://badwebcomics.blogspot.com/2007/08/even-more-dominic-deegan.html) about Dominic Deegan talks about Supergreg some. The second-to-last article (http://badwebcomics.blogspot.com/2007/07/interlude-terracciano-gets-creepier.html) about Deegan is also about the Snowsong arc (it's mostly a rant about a panty shot), though he doesn't mention Supergreg in it. Which is ironic, as that post was posted ON THE EXACT SAME DAY Supergreg made his appearance.

2008-09-24, 03:14 PM
Actually, John (or Jon) is short for Jonathan. Joe is short for Joseph.
Ah, of course. My bad. Then again, in Bavaria we call Josephs "Sepp" :smallbiggrin:...which sounds pretty retarded in my opinion.

Maybe if the characterisation was consistent. As
Wow, I think this is the first time the DD threads have ever been Godwin'd. :smallbiggrin:
I'm so sorry to give Germany a bad name :smalltongue:.


2008-09-24, 03:44 PM
Pre-supergreg ?!?!?!? :smalleek:Makes Salomon's vitriol all the more impressive, doesn't it? :smallamused:

Or it would, if not for...

Not true at all. His last article (http://badwebcomics.blogspot.com/2007/08/even-more-dominic-deegan.html) about Dominic Deegan talks about Supergreg some. The second-to-last article (http://badwebcomics.blogspot.com/2007/07/interlude-terracciano-gets-creepier.html) about Deegan is also about the Snowsong arc (it's mostly a rant about a panty shot), though he doesn't mention Supergreg in it. Which is ironic, as that post was posted ON THE EXACT SAME DAY Supergreg made his appearance.Huh. Strange. My memory fails me rarely this badly. That's the second time in a row I post nonsense in this thread, too.
...maybe sleep is not as overrated as I thought after all. :smalltongue:

2008-09-24, 04:57 PM
Still, making it his most hated webcomic before said comics most infamous moment means something. :smallsmile:

Ok back to most recent strip, im just managing to look at that panel without wincing and Im wondering whats he got in his left hand, I assumed it was his walking stick... but no. He actually has a conductors stick. (either or a wand as part of his Harry Potter cosplay outfit, would explain the scarf, glasses, sue persona and the lack of clothing... *applies the bleach* ANYHOW! )The stick not only raises a question of how passionate Dominic's unmentioned (or atleast undermentioned) love for donduction is but also raises the question..

.... how has he not dropped it yet?

Seriously, look at it! Looks like hes not even holding it

2008-09-24, 04:58 PM
I see some great snark potiental with the upcoming music festival...

-the possible return of Dominic's dad, his band, and his "electric" guitar
-if the former happens, Stonewater makes another apperance where Melna realizes how unfair she's been to him, that the rape was for her own good\survival, and the two become an offical couple with help from Dominic and Luna
-If dominic is forced\tricked\decides to enter, they will either do a sappy romantic song together or Dominic will do a rap song (since he's in a "Black" country) where him and Luna will be the belles of the festival.
-Dominic will reuinite Bumper and his dad with another of his soapboxes.
-Evil jocks will appear.

2008-09-24, 05:01 PM
His love of music is hardley unmentioned. I think they mentioned it during the Battle Of Barthis and the Tale of Two Thieves Arc(in fact, there he specifically mentions that one of his favorite composers is related to token bl Bumber, thus leading to the country of composers).

2008-09-24, 05:05 PM
I was reading the newsposts, and Mookie won't shut up about his cat. I'm convinced that Spark is going to make somewhere between 2 and 10 times as many appearances as soon as this arc is done.

Incidentally, what is his Caste? I'd think high second, but I'm not sure.

2008-09-24, 05:16 PM
His love of music is hardley unmentioned. I think they mentioned it during the Battle Of Barthis and the Tale of Two Thieves Arc(in fact, there he specifically mentions that one of his favorite composers is related to token bl Bumber, thus leading to the country of composers).

Yeah, I faintly recall something about that, fair enough.

2008-09-24, 05:17 PM
Ah, of course. My bad. Then again, in Bavaria we call Josephs "Sepp" :smallbiggrin:...which sounds pretty retarded in my opinion.

Interesting, but not unheard of. My mother's (Italian) family sometimes call me Joe-sep-ee (not sure how to spell it), and Sepp just seems like a shortened version of that. I dunno; I'd answer to it, but I agree there are better variations.

2008-09-24, 05:34 PM
I was reading the newsposts, and Mookie won't shut up about his cat. I'm convinced that Spark is going to make somewhere between 2 and 10 times as many appearances as soon as this arc is done.

Incidentally, what is his Caste? I'd think high second, but I'm not sure.

As Primate Principio of the First Church of Spark, it is my duty and privilege to inform you that Spark is not of any Caste, because he transcends it.

For, who else can be the Trusted Adviser (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2006-02-10) of He Who Dominates All With Lovingkindness? No other First Caste has ever been approached by The Dominius seeking advice; nay all others who give advice to the High Minded One are but inspired by His presence and speak His Mind so that we may better understand. Behold (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-07-31) as The Perfect Prognosticator speaks through his vessel, the Silly Fat Man, to clear the minds of the Doubters who found flaw in His Perfection (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-07-30).

Spark the Holy, the Profound Punster of Paradise, is both of the First Caste and not of it. He may act as one of the First Caste, but he suffers none of the Burden to Plot or Rulership that all others of the High Caste must bear. Indeed, he, and his Chosen Prophet Quilt, exist solely for the Sacred Lulz and for that we must give thanks.

By the holy pfft, I commend this learning unto you.

2008-09-24, 06:10 PM
Interesting, but not unheard of. My mother's (Italian) family sometimes call me Joe-sep-ee (not sure how to spell it), and Sepp just seems like a shortened version of that. I dunno; I'd answer to it, but I agree there are better variations.

Josepi I think is how it's spelled.

2008-09-24, 06:15 PM
I'm going to throw this out now: I'll be greatly disappointed if we don't encounter at least a man named Mario or Luigi on this next stop. :smalltongue:

2008-09-24, 06:21 PM
Giuseppe, usually. Italian spelling is weird from an English point of view.

2008-09-24, 07:29 PM
Huzzah! I finally get to put my music degree to good use!

*Readies finger on the musical instruments don't work that way button*

Johnny Blade
2008-09-24, 07:43 PM
So, upon waking up, Dominic and Luna have their little talk about the music festival.
Later, on the deck, Luna makes her sarcasmo remark.

Quicko witto, girl.

Also, I'm back and alive and stuff.
I also actually have a reason for missing an entire thread worth of Deeganology and snarking. For those who care:
So, what happened: I had a pretty nasty car accident and it took me some time to recover. It wasn't as bad as it may sound like, but once everything could have returned to normal I had to realize that my studies and finances had suffered somewhat and had to work a little harder than before. Now everything finally is back to normal (actually has been for a while), so here I am again.

Sorry that I didn't post anything in all this time, but at first I had other things on my mind, then I was embarrassed that I hadn't already.

Yeah, well, I never said I had a really good reason, did I? :smallamused:

2008-09-24, 08:36 PM
Huzzah! I finally get to put my music degree to good use!

*Readies finger on the musical instruments don't work that way button*

I took a year of playing Viola and Clarinet, so I have some experience as well.

*readies Did Not Do The Research button*

2008-09-24, 09:32 PM
I can do trumpet. *finger on trigger*

2008-09-24, 09:49 PM
I once looked at a guitar.

*is holding a banana*

2008-09-24, 09:54 PM
I play a mean cowbell.

2008-09-24, 10:07 PM
I can do trumpet. *finger on trigger*
You mean the trumpesta, right?

We all know that nothing says fantasy like giving things from our world stupid names.

2008-09-24, 10:09 PM
I play a mean cowbell.

More cowbell!

I once touched a xylophone plant, that's almost an instrument(sp?)!

2008-09-24, 10:26 PM
More cowbell!

I once touched a xylophone plant, that's almost an instrument(sp?)!

Like...an industrial plant that makes Xylophones? Really? Wow, that ruined my kiddy image of them to being made in a Hades like building

2008-09-25, 12:04 AM
Also, I have a complaint: two of your links directed me to strips where Dominic and Luna have had sex. WHY ARE YOU TORTURING ME THIS WAY?!

For funsies.

And if Mookie makes one wrong assertion about the hammer dulcimer HE IS SO IN FOR IT.

2008-09-25, 12:15 AM
This intimate knowledge of music is bugging me. Does Dominic know everything? Has he ever come across a situation and said, "WHAT THE **** IS THAT?!"

2008-09-25, 12:27 AM
Piano player here. We could form a band. Around the lead Xylophone player. You in, Phase?

Of course, Dominic would have to conduct :smallfrown:.

-Evil jocks will appear.

This might actually lead to something - at least to something happening. At all!


2008-09-25, 01:30 AM
Getting crowded here on the bandwagon.

Get it?? Get it??

I could make my own webcomic.

-Evil jocks will appear.

Who will of course not understand the beauty of Semashi music, instead wishing for some crass substitute (see the beer halfling section of the tour). They will complain loudly until some Dominic silences him with a musical mind crush, displaying amazing rockage powers. And then the jock, humiliated, will dematerialize until he is needed again.

I believe this is a new species for the Dominus Darwinists among you (I forget the portmanteau). A hybrid humanoid chameleon species that follows the first caste about, only appearing to display ignorance. When faced with rejection by their Lord, they again go into hiding, waiting for another chance to face their God disguised and hopefully gain his love.

I'm so excited I got to use the word portmanteau.

2008-09-25, 01:36 AM
Piano player here. We could form a band. Around the lead Xylophone player. You in, Phase?
I'm in. I'm teaching myself electronic keyboard, and I used to play the trombone. :smallbiggrin: