View Full Version : Strip Slays 2, the Best Thread Strikes Back

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2008-09-21, 03:01 PM
Rising to Oracle Hunter's challenge:

Arbitrary Rule! Whomever begins the next Strip Slay thread must, in addition to linking back to this one, start it with a new Slay that will set the tone for the next 50 pages!

Choose wisely, and you will gain Internet Immortality; choose poorly and you will be no better than Mookie :smallamused:


And for posterity:

2008-09-21, 03:20 PM
Wow... the number of times we have messed with those panels... im surprised we never came up with that...

2008-09-21, 03:34 PM
The original idea was to have him blow up the cathedral, but this just called to me.

2008-09-21, 03:35 PM
Excellent! And remember, the original thread can be found here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37014).

2008-09-21, 04:22 PM
This is classic. It's simple and elegant, because you didn't even change the words; all of those panels have been used already, but the new combination proves that the possibilities are endless.

Spanning the bridge to the newest comics with the last panel. Great first slay, I'd say.


2008-09-21, 04:51 PM
Well, I had to change Jayden's robes to look like Dominic's sweather.

2008-09-21, 04:57 PM
I was just about to mention how seamlessly you had done that. Bravo, old chap.

2008-09-21, 06:46 PM
This one's been sitting unfinished in my computer for months now, finally I decided to listen to that nagging voice in my head and finally finish it.

I hope it is displayed correctly; it is far bigger than any slay I have ever done before.


Some notes:
- I take the last panel as proof of the interchangeability of Mookie's characters. Because in fact, that's not Luna at all - that's the orc girl from Shadows with her ears slightly changed. I see no difference.
- Yes, I know the dark-red words in the background do not recreate the original quote exactly. I had to pad the word baloons out a bit to make them fit at least somewhat with the bright-red translation. The part which is not from the original is utter gibberish.
- I am not satisfied with how the transition to Dominic turned out at all, but none of the Paint Shop Pro effects produced the results I hoped it would. I hope it doesn't ruin the slay.
- Originally, I intended to post it right after the strip where the first two rows of panels are from, before Mookie had a chance to show us what Luna actually saw, but I quickly realised I had no chance to finish this on time. At least not without some truly fanatical dedication.

2008-09-21, 06:49 PM

Some notes:
- I take the last panel as proof of the interchangeability of Mookie's characters. Because in fact, that's not Luna at all - that's the orc girl from Shadows with her ears slightly changed. I see no difference.
- Yes, I know the dark-red words in the background do not recreate the original quote exactly. I had to pad the word baloons out a bit to make them fit at least somewhat with the bright-red translation. The part which is not from the original is utter gibberish.
- I am not satisfied with how the transition to Dominic turned out at all, but none of the Paint Shop Pro effects produced the results I hoped it would. I hope it doesn't ruin the slay.
- Originally, I intended to post it right after the strip where the first two rows of panels are from, before Mookie had a chance to show us what Luna actually saw, but I quickly realised I had no chance to finish this on time. At least not without some truly fanatical dedication.

This must be what it would be like if Mookie had talent.

2008-09-21, 06:53 PM
I thought the Slay was well worth the wait! :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-21, 07:24 PM
If he's Cthulhu Bort's Azahoth.

2008-09-21, 07:34 PM

I love you...


2008-09-21, 07:56 PM

Were you expecting the snowball?

2008-09-21, 11:21 PM

2008-09-21, 11:27 PM
Elflad's Comic

Cleveland Voice: Oh that's nasty.

2008-09-21, 11:29 PM




Words do not describe the fact that words do not describe that strip slay...

2008-09-21, 11:46 PM
Mmm... classic ElfLad. Good to see you're back :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-22, 02:09 AM
Mmm... classic ElfLad. Good to see you're back :smallbiggrin:

Good to be back.


2008-09-22, 01:05 PM

Were you expecting the snowball?

That was nearly perfect, Natural20, but can I recommend using the image of Dominic hanging himself at the end?

Excellent work, by the way, MReav.

2008-09-22, 01:58 PM
On the topic of being sexy...

2008-09-22, 06:34 PM
My mom thinks my slays are cool...
"ZIP" and "FAP" courtesy of SnowballMan.


Coincidentally, Wolf-Milov and I have very similar expressions.

2008-09-22, 07:51 PM
Damn, those red eyes, in the dark...

The thing is that ending doesn't make them any less scary.

How I'm going to sleep now?

2008-09-23, 06:25 AM
Were you expecting the snowball?
Nobody expects the Snowball. MWA HA HA HA HA.


Strip slays of Garfield Minus Garfield, which are essentially slays of Garfield.
And if you slay a comic enough times, will you come back around to the original comic?

2008-09-23, 06:52 AM
On the topic of being sexy...

Jayden really should say "too sexy for Milov". :smallwink:

2008-09-23, 10:39 AM
Jayden really should say "too sexy for Milov". :smallwink:

Oh heh. Truly, that would bring the lulz :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-23, 11:08 AM
Nobody expects the Snowball. MWA HA HA HA HA.


Am I alone in not being able to see any of these?

2008-09-23, 11:18 AM
Am I alone in not being able to see any of these?

I couldn't, but now I can.

Praise Dominius, I was blind and now can See! :smalltongue:

2008-09-23, 11:33 AM
It seems that Imageshack experienced a temporary failure today, in which everything on it went down. Fortunately, it's back up, so Slays hosted on Imageshack can now once again be seen.


It was due to those dastardly fourth-casters, befouling Lord Dominus's holy work. Yes.

2008-09-23, 03:02 PM
Nope, still can't see them.

2008-09-23, 03:14 PM
I couldn't see them before. Later, I could see them; now, for some reason, I can see the snowball, but the Garfield strip followed Garfield and vanished again.

2008-09-23, 03:57 PM
I suggest refreshing the page, which should reload all the images and thus load the Imageshack pictures. The snowball is an animated gif, so it might take longer to load fully.

Chances are, though, that you've already done that, in which case my advice is pretty much useless :smallamused:

2008-09-23, 06:07 PM
Well that will teach me not to hack into... er...

Image Shack was down? How shocking. Hopefully that won't happen again.

Probably used too much mavpel syrup.

(hopefully everyone can see images now, side note, would think the snowball GIF would load the fastest, since it's only 22kb)

2008-09-23, 06:22 PM
Probably used too much mavpel syrup.

That is awesome. You're awesome. If you were a woman, I would ask you to bear my children. :smalltongue:

2008-09-23, 07:23 PM
That is awesome. You're awesome. If you were a woman, I would ask you to bear my children. :smalltongue:

Hell, I'll ask you to bear his children anyway.

2008-09-23, 07:23 PM
Snowballman, have I seen you at the Glue Factory before, or am I thinking of someone else?

2008-09-23, 08:05 PM
I'll let him answer that, but have I seen you in the Glue Factory? My name is Randi there, what's yours? (I did that "Still Alive" one)

2008-09-23, 08:21 PM
Snowballman, have I seen you at the Glue Factory before, or am I thinking of someone else?
Uh oh. The dead horses are migrating! I guess you didn't see my response to Enlong last thread. But yes, I am the same SnowballMan as on Bob and George.

If you were a woman, I would ask you to bear my children. :smalltongue:
Why do you only want women to feed your children to bears?

2008-09-23, 10:28 PM
Argh! I am undone by my shoddy spelling!

2008-09-23, 10:30 PM
Er, no, "bear" is the correct spelling, it just results in terrible puns.

Baring your children would be a felony.

2008-09-23, 10:44 PM
I don't know what's real anymore. :smallfrown:

On a related note, for a totally hilarious story about children being eaten by bears (http://www.mcsweeneys.net/2006/8/16horner.html), click on the link. It's safe for work, though not necessarily safe for your childhood. :smalltongue:

@V: My hair is becoming aroused!

2008-09-24, 12:49 AM
I heard DD likes puns. I wonder if he'll like this one.


2008-09-24, 07:31 AM
I heard DD likes puns. I wonder if he'll like this one.


Bonus points for refrencing Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged. This is win.

2008-09-24, 04:00 PM
Bonus points for refrencing Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged. This is win.I thought he was referencing Disney's Aladin.

The next slay: now with 50% more forced perspective and 20% more san checks.
And for those that want to keep their sanity I present:

2008-09-24, 04:28 PM
Bonus points for refrencing Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged. This is win.

I thought he was referencing Disney's Aladdin.

It's both.

The next slay: now with 50% more forced perspective and 20% more san checks.

You, sir, are a monster. Thank you. :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-24, 06:19 PM
You'll never guess where this is from:


2008-09-24, 07:20 PM
The next slay: now with 50% more forced perspective and 20% more san checks.

"DON'T play Wagner! I feel as if I'm being invaded!"

</Dylan Moran> :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-25, 01:48 PM
About time I did a new slay.




2008-09-25, 02:34 PM
Of course, naturally everything Dominus and the First Puppet do become traditional opuses. Or is that opi? Dominus is the opi of the masses? Never mind.

I apologize for this really obscure joke:
http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/3576/notaheartattackza0.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

2008-09-25, 02:43 PM
http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c226/saxcsa/IPUNCHEDTHATSEERINTHEBALLS.jpgThe simultaneously funniest and creepiest thing about this one is this stupidly blissful expression on Dominic's face while reminiscing about that punch in his balls. :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-25, 03:47 PM
Thank you. :smallbiggrin:
Your welcome.

You, sir, are a monster.

In Soviet Winter Archipelagos, monster slays you.

2008-09-25, 03:50 PM
Of course, naturally everything Dominus and the First Puppet do become traditional opuses. Or is that opi? Dominus is the opi of the masses? Never mind.

I apologize for this really obscure joke:
http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/3576/notaheartattackza0.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

It's okay; obscure jokes about High Culture just mean you're better than everyone who doesn't understand it. :smallwink:

2008-09-25, 03:51 PM
Oh wow, a slay that actually is character relevant (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2003-01-15). Nice :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-25, 03:53 PM
Can I ask how we get the text format used?

2008-09-25, 03:55 PM
Can I ask how we get the text format used?

Write left handed.

2008-09-25, 04:17 PM
Can I ask how we get the text format used?

Depends on how anal-retentive you want to be.

Total : Cut and paste each letter from other text.
Semi-Total : Save about a dozen of the most text intensive strips. Chances are the words you need is in one of them. Cut and paste. Obscure words, use above.
Partial : Use the Shonen Punk v2 font. It's close enough.
Not at all : Use Arial font. Tell people you are calling attention to your changes the way Mookie calls attention to even the smallest pun.

@Oracle_Hunter Given that link, can you tell which of the above methods I use?

Johnny Blade
2008-09-25, 08:06 PM

Every slay that ends with Luna being less alive than before is a good, no, brilliant one. :smallbiggrin:*

Also, a slay:


*: I learn a new thing every day. "Humility" is currently scheduled for 05.07.2069, right after "tying both shoes at once while tapdancing" and right before "drawing like Mookie".

2008-09-25, 08:13 PM
Of course, naturally everything Dominus and the First Puppet do become traditional opuses. Or is that opi? Dominus is the opi of the masses? Never mind.

I apologize for this really obscure joke:
http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/3576/notaheartattackza0.jpg (http://imageshack.us)ElfLad used that one years ago. Then waf and...uh...waf's friends copied him.

Still funny, though.

2008-09-25, 10:34 PM

Apparently it's a pretty awesome destination to retire also. :smallsigh:

2008-09-25, 11:27 PM
Write left handed.

One problem: I am left handed, and my write (GET IT?! WRITE?! Ha ha...) hand is terrible at writing, almost illegible.

Yea, basically your opposite hand; if ambidextrous, use your feet.

2008-09-26, 04:24 AM
That was the first thing I thought of when I saw today's strip.

And I'm still hearing that song in my head. Get it out. GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD!

2008-09-26, 05:39 AM

Uh... Good, but you're going to want to censor it before it's too late.

Johnny Blade
2008-09-26, 05:57 AM
That was the first thing I thought of when I saw today's strip.

And I'm still hearing that song in my head. Get it out. GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD!
Apparently, I didn't make myself clear enough. :smallamused:
I was trying to initiate another duel here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4989880&postcount=56). A slay-off, if you will.

So, have at you:



2008-09-26, 07:54 AM
Of course, naturally everything Dominus and the First Puppet do become traditional opuses. Or is that opi? Dominus is the opi of the masses? Never mind.

I apologize for this really obscure joke:
http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/3576/notaheartattackza0.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

If it's obscure because you wrote "Leci" instead of "Ceci" and that typo references something I've never heard of, then yeah it is obscure.

Otherwise, this Magritte painting appears to be about as obscure as the midday sun on a cloudless summer day.

2008-09-26, 10:31 AM
Every slay that ends with Luna being less alive than before is a good, no, brilliant one. :smallbiggrin:*

Also, a slay:


*: I learn a new thing every day. "Humility" is currently scheduled for 05.07.2069, right after "tying both shoes at once while tapdancing" and right before "drawing like Mookie".

Damn, that was good. Hell, if that had been the subplot for the Vacation Arc, I'd be a happy man.

2008-09-26, 12:49 PM
Uh... Good, but you're going to want to censor it before it's too late.
ACK! You are absolutely right. Should know better then to try a slay right after work. (mindset and all)

Edited original, now if you and Johny Blade could replace or edit the quoted image, we can get past this.. unfortunate oversight on my part.

And a slay-Off Senior Blade? Very well, do your worst!

<crowd> *gasp* NO! Not his worst!

2008-09-26, 12:56 PM

That was pretty epic, Johnny. I was almost moved by it.

Johnny Blade
2008-09-26, 01:15 PM
Edited original, now if you and Johny Blade could replace or edit the quoted image, we can get past this.. unfortunate oversight on my part.

And a slay-Off Senior Blade? Very well, do your worst!

<crowd> *gasp* NO! Not his worst!
Too late. It's on.

It starts on Sunday at High Noon. (Central European Time High Noon, that is.)

Be prepared.

Also, @ Oracle_Hunter and Face Of Evil:
Thanks. :smallsmile:


Damn, that was good.
I see what you did there. :smallbiggrin:
(I wonder if you saw it too, though.)

2008-09-27, 06:25 AM
Be prepared.
The preparations, they are underway.

It starts on Sunday at High Noon. (Central European Time High Noon, that is.)

*grumble**grumble*you better actually be in central europe*grumble**grumble*

It would appear then that you will have the honor of opening bid. As I will likely be asleep at that time.

Or in the arms of a beautiful woman.

I'm fooling no one. I'll be asleep. Until then:

2008-09-27, 06:29 AM
Strip Slay duel between Johny Blade and SnowballMan: whoever wins, we win too.:smallamused:

2008-09-27, 06:47 AM
A duel? Damn, that's exciting.

Johnny Blade
2008-09-27, 07:08 AM
*grumble**grumble*you better actually be in central europe*grumble**grumble*
Well, yes. In the center of central Europe, even.

It would appear then that you will have the honor of opening bid. As I will likely be asleep at that time.
That's what I was aiming for, until...

Really, couldn't hold that back, could you?
You appear to be in good shape, by the way.


A duel? Damn, that's exciting.
Definitely. And never done before. :smallwink:

2008-09-27, 12:27 PM
I'm fooling no one. I'll be asleep. Until then:

I can't help but feel like an inspiration.

Johnny Blade
2008-09-28, 05:15 AM

Yeah, well. You might have expected something else, but this is my first slay in a duel that might very well span days, and I don't want to end up having shot my bolt on the first one.

However I'll go to work as soon as possible. "As soon as possible" meaning "right when I get this motherf... external hard drive I've got all the DD strips on to operate".
Really, does anybody else here own a TrekStor HDD? If so, do you intend to assassinate everybody involved in manufacturing it too?

Persistence prevailed over poor production!

Oh, had I only known before that frantically pushing the on/off button for about five minutes would do the trick. :smallsigh:

Now be prepared. Again.

Johnny Blade
2008-09-28, 10:31 AM
I don't want to end up having shot my bolt on the first one.


Screw that!





And now for something completely different...



And I got more in the making, so en garde! :smallamused:

2008-09-28, 11:46 AM

Screw that!





And now for something completely different...



And I got more in the making, so en garde! :smallamused:

Awesome X20. Please make more! The second one was the best.

2008-09-28, 12:12 PM
So simple, so easy. I'm amazed that no one beat me to this one.



2008-09-28, 12:20 PM
I shall not fall into the trap of using fencing terms once more. You shall not foil me again!

My opening shots for the slay-off.

And now to aim at what you have admitted to have a weakness for.

I may have to concede this first round. I was not ready to match quite that quantity of hits. You really shot a load there.

2008-09-28, 12:56 PM

This one was brilliant. I consider the best slays are always the ones that could actually be a strip of DD. :smallbiggrin:

My opening shots for the slay-off.

Also excellent, SnowballMan. But I think this first round goes to Johnny.

Johnny Blade
2008-09-28, 02:08 PM
I shall not fall into the trap of using fencing terms once more. You shall not foil me again!

I may have to concede this first round. I was not ready to match quite that quantity of hits. You really shot a load there.

Awesome X20. Please make more! The second one was the best.
Ask and you shall receive.

I figure the recent events call for a music slay.


Edit: Reference (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmoPUyRrSD8). And the lyrics (http://www.stlyrics.com/songs/d/dubliners6611/lordofthedance513752.html).

Speaking of puppets...

Also excellent, SnowballMan. But I think this first round goes to Johnny.
Well, thanks.
To be honest though, my productivity today was mainly due to a massive hangover which made me basically spend my whole day in front of either PC or TV. And since TV is crap, you can probably think of how much time I had for strip slaying. :smallwink:

2008-09-28, 02:31 PM

...AWESOME. This is my favourite slay for ages. Magnifique!

2008-09-28, 02:38 PM
Predictable slay I know.


Also I loved all the ball punching slays :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-28, 02:38 PM
I figure the recent events call for a music slay.


I think SnowballMan will have to work hard to beat that one.

2008-09-28, 02:53 PM
I figure the recent events call for a music slay.


I love you.


2008-09-28, 03:07 PM

...AWESOME. This is my favourite slay for ages. Magnifique!
:smallbiggrin:Same here. I don't even remember what the last strip of comparable quality was. :smalleek:

Johnny Blade
2008-09-28, 03:36 PM
Thanks, you all.

Same here. I don't even remember what the last strip of comparable quality was. :smalleek:
There never was one.
If you mean strip slays and not strips though, your memory is a little deficient.

I love you.
I get that a lot. :smallbiggrin:

However, I'm terribly sorry, but I already am in love with someone.

With a small, bearded man.



This slay, simple as it may be, actually has a story. I just listened to this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49E0jG7kpcs). Then, I imagined the following to happen:
As Dominic sniffs at Luna's bed linen, suddenly, this song starts playing, the dwarf appears out of nowhere and runs up to Dominic, punches him in the balls, then simply runs off again, leaving a startled and hurting Dominic.
Actually, this can be done whenever Dominic behaves in a generally dumb or pathetic manner or like the jerk he is.
Which means the opportunities are basically endless. :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-28, 03:43 PM
There never was one.
If you mean strip slays and not strips though, your memory is a little deficient.Yeah, strip slay is what I meant; I disagree about the part with the memory though. :smallwink:

2008-09-28, 04:15 PM
Okay, so I was thinking about how Dominic Deegan could get even more ridiculous, and so I made this strip slay:


Oh wait... damn. That's just the comic. :smallyuk:

2008-09-28, 04:42 PM
Eh, it surely couldn't ever be that bad, Vael. Sheesh. Talk about exaggeration.
Next time you'll tell us that Dominic likes to imagine himself as some kind of He-Man on lameness-enhancing drugs, or something.

Johnny Blade
2008-09-28, 04:48 PM
Eh, it surely couldn't ever be that bad, Vael. Sheesh. Talk about exaggeration.
Next time you'll tell us that Dominic likes to imagine himself as some kind of He-Man on lameness-enhancing drugs, or something.
It's the power of looooove!

Oh, by the way:

The next slay will not be about punching Dominic in the balls. I promise.

2008-09-28, 05:27 PM
It's not like recent Johnny's barrage can be beat, anyhow here are my ones:


2008-09-28, 10:16 PM
Jeez, it's a friggin' Slayin' Renaissance out here.

Viva Strip Slay, viva Quebec! :smalltongue:

Johnny Blade
2008-09-29, 06:44 AM
Very...appropriate. :smallbiggrin:

Also, a few simple slays:



Now who didn't expect the last panel to feature a certain dwarf?


2008-09-29, 01:41 PM
Johnny Blade has inspired me!


Long Slay is looooooooooong!

2008-09-29, 01:45 PM
Johnny Blade has inspired me!


Ooh, I like! This would make a good cover image for the DD thread. :smallbiggrin:

Johnny Blade
2008-09-29, 02:24 PM
Johnny Blade has inspired me!


Long Slay is looooooooooong!
That? That's is the reason why this here is the best thread ever. (Or at least its legal successor.)
Really, the second one make me laugh so hard that I scared my cat away.

And I inspired it! I'm so proud!

Also, speaking of inspiration, I present you the following homage:

Awesome reference. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4534114&postcount=1222)

Actual strip slays of mine that don't boil down to changing a panel here and there will resume as soon as my adversary in this duel retaliates, by the way. If I have any own ideas then, that is. :smallwink:

2008-09-29, 04:36 PM
Clearly I am out numbered by a superior foe. But, how then to proceed? Do I play the part of the cliched underdog, to suffer through the contest only to win at the end?

Perhaps a villain? "I cannot be said to be a flattering honest man, it must not be denied but I am a plain-dealing villain."

Or perhaps both? "Voilą! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate."

Shakespeare or Moore? Shakespeare or Moore? More Shakespeare?

In any event, I shall slay on:
And on:
And on:
And on:
Till I can slay no more.

2008-09-29, 05:15 PM
Beacuse those slays just weren't creepy enough.



Johnny Blade
2008-09-29, 05:23 PM
Beacuse those slays just weren't creepy enough.


Yes! Yes! YES!

Finally! (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MemeticMutation) :smallcool:

Clearly I am out numbered by a superior foe. But, how then to proceed? Do I play the part of the cliched underdog, to suffer through the contest only to win at the end?

Perhaps a villain? "I cannot be said to be a flattering honest man, it must not be denied but I am a plain-dealing villain."

Or perhaps both? "Voilą! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate."

Shakespeare or Moore? Shakespeare or Moore? More Shakespeare?

In any event, I shall slay on:
And on:
And on:
And on:
Till I can slay no more.
Call me a "superior foe" all day long if you must, but I won't be fooled so easily. I know I'm in for the fight of my life.

2008-09-29, 05:34 PM
Yes! Yes! YES!

Finally! (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MemeticMutation) :smallcool:

I thought it was pretty obvious after Jahkaivah's loooooooong montage.

And SnowballMan, those slays are awesome. And the last two are epic. :smallcool:

2008-09-29, 06:06 PM
Shakespeare or Moore? Shakespeare or Moore? More Shakespeare?

God damn that's classy. This is one of my favorites yet.

2008-09-29, 10:31 PM
Lord Dominus has Broadway talent! Huzzah!

2008-09-29, 10:46 PM
Shakespeare or Moore? Shakespeare or Moore? More Shakespeare?

In any event, I shall slay on:

And on:

These three were brilliant, especially the last one.

Johnny Blade
2008-09-30, 02:59 AM
God damn that's classy. This is one of my favorites yet.
Well, if classy's what you want...


...I'm doomed!

2008-09-30, 03:40 AM
Well, if classy's what you want...


...I'm doomed!

That works too. I mean, I totally would have voted for "Football in the Crotch" in that one Simpsons episode. Plus I've been known to do one or two Dominic-punched-in-the-crotch slays. It is not a joke that gets old.

2008-09-30, 03:50 AM
Well, if classy's what you want...


...I'm doomed!

The best part is where his arms are and therefore hands presumably are in the first panel... it's as though the dramatic comeback is only moments after the initial appearance! And that's a sequence of events we can only wish had actually happened.

Johnny Blade
2008-09-30, 04:09 AM
That works too. I mean, I totally would have voted for "Football in the Crotch" in that one Simpsons episode.
Now who can sincerely say he wouldn't have?

Plus I've been known to do one or two Dominic-punched-in-the-crotch slays.
Yeah, I actually went back to check if you had already done that one.

In other news:

It is not a joke that gets old.
You brought this upon yourself.

Johnny Blade
2008-09-30, 01:06 PM
Since I got rather positive feedback for my first music slay, here's another one:


Reference (http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=5JlZstG7DUM&feature=related) and lyrics (http://www.lyricstime.com/zakk-wylde-black-label-society-counterfeit-god-lyrics.html).

2008-09-30, 01:18 PM
Oh, snap. I wanted to make a remake of my Master of Puppets slay, but now it's futile.:smallfrown: It's magnificent.

Johnny Blade
2008-09-30, 01:23 PM
Oh, snap. I wanted to make a remake of my Master of Puppets slay, but now it's futile.:smallfrown:
No, it's not!
Please do it. Or at least put the old one back up, since it wasn't there anymore when I went looking the last time.

Edit: Oh, wait. It's there (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3746502&postcount=688) again. Must've been Imageshack then.

@ Face of Evil:
What? Is salvation really that scary? Don't you want to believe in our Dark Lord Do...wait, what am I doing!? :smalleek:

2008-09-30, 01:25 PM

That was terrifying, Johnny. :smalleek:

I'm going to go curl up in the corner now.

2008-09-30, 01:39 PM
Edit: Oh, wait. It's there (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3746502&postcount=688) again. Must've been Imageshack then.

Yeah, Imageshack's recent temporary shutdown has made SS thread preety empty for a while.

2008-09-30, 01:45 PM
Since I got rather positive feedback for my first music slay, here's another one:


Reference (http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=5JlZstG7DUM&feature=related) and lyrics (http://www.lyricstime.com/zakk-wylde-black-label-society-counterfeit-god-lyrics.html).

Deep down we all know that it's the only way: Obey!

2008-09-30, 03:00 PM
@ Face of Evil:
What? Is salvation really that scary? Don't you want to believe in our Dark Lord Do...wait, what am I doing!? :smalleek:

What's truly scary is how easily the comic could be used to fit the lyrics.

Johnny Blade
2008-09-30, 03:09 PM
What's truly scary is how easily the comic could be used to fit the lyrics.
Yeah, well, all the Lord Dominus jokes don't come from nowhere. :smallbiggrin:

After all, it is pretty creepy when the protagonist visits the mindscape of a married, reportedly bisexual man to make him see the truth (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2004-05-04), and then said man ends up homosexual (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2005-11-09), deeply in love with his "savior" (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2005-10-27), and fantasizing about him in broad daylight (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-01-03).

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

2008-09-30, 04:45 PM
Yeah, I actually went back to check if you had already done that one.

Holy crap I did a lot of those. At least, considering I only remember having done one or two. I must like that joke more than I though.

2008-09-30, 07:27 PM
A few opening quips:

If you need this explained it won't be funny:
Last, and possibly least, it is time to take this duel to a different level. Original artwork:


Come to think of it, does Paragraph even read this thread?

2008-09-30, 09:49 PM
Since I got rather positive feedback for my first music slay, here's another one:


Reference (http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=5JlZstG7DUM&feature=related) and lyrics (http://www.lyricstime.com/zakk-wylde-black-label-society-counterfeit-god-lyrics.html).

That... that was BEAUTIFUL. It just fit so well I assumed you'd done heavy editing of the lyrics, but...

Also, "Mookie running through my veins" sounds even more like a drug reference than "Jesus running through my veins". Which, you know, makes sense, since the potent drug Mapvel is used to make the more-potent Deegandrug, runs heavily through the Dominus's veins, and really could be considered distilled Mookie if you're willing to hurt your brain a little...

2008-10-01, 03:18 AM

Johnny Blade
2008-10-01, 04:30 AM
That... that was BEAUTIFUL. It just fit so well I assumed you'd done heavy editing of the lyrics, but...

Also, "Mookie running through my veins" sounds even more like a drug reference than "Jesus running through my veins". Which, you know, makes sense, since the potent drug Mapvel is used to make the more-potent Deegandrug, runs heavily through the Dominus's veins, and really could be considered distilled Mookie if you're willing to hurt your brain a little...
1. Thanks.
2. Crap! I really should have thought of the Mavpel thing. (Edit: And used it directly, I mean.) After all, that's another theory I always was rather fond of.

That was great. :smallbiggrin:
(I never even noticed the striking resemblance myself, actually.)


Last, and possibly least, it is time to take this duel to a different level. Original artwork:

I like that one. Naturally. :smallwink:

Also, I just had to do this:

2008-10-01, 07:19 AM
Brilliant stuff all around, thank you slayers, thank you! :)

To keep the slay-off hype nice and high, here's a completely subjective and imho scoreboard:

Round 1: Johnny Blade
Round 2: draw
Round 3: draw

SnowballMan : Johnny Blade - 2 : 3

2008-10-01, 11:11 AM
http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/4199/montoyaxf3.pngI always thought he spoke in a bad Spanish accent. How else do swordfighters talk?

Johnny Blade
2008-10-01, 11:13 AM
Brilliant stuff all around, thank you slayers, thank you! :)

To keep the slay-off hype nice and high, here's a completely subjective and imho scoreboard:

Round 1: Johnny Blade
Round 2: draw
Round 3: draw

SnowballMan : Johnny Blade - 2 : 3
Now, I know you're not the first one mentioning that, but I don't think we should really use rounds here.

I'd prefer a deadline, after which everyone can decide who has won this slay-off. And, more importantly, you can all praise and worship us for the great show we put on. :smallcool:

Apropos deadline - @ SnowballMan: How about Sunday (again)?

Oh, and of course, more slays:


And you thought I was becoming predictable!


2008-10-01, 03:28 PM
Very well, Sunday at precisely high noonish.



And now to use my opponent's own weapon against him:

Johnny Blade
2008-10-01, 03:58 PM
And now to use my opponent's own weapon against him:
Damn, I wanted to use that Siggy panel myself.
Although, it appears to be almost impossible to do it better than you anyway.

Mc. Lovin'
2008-10-01, 04:11 PM
And now to use my opponent's own weapon against him:

I don't get most of these because I don't read Dominic Deagan, however *that* was awesome :smallbiggrin:

2008-10-01, 04:29 PM
http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii136/JohnnyBladeJN/felinity.jpgThis one has me laughing... and I cannot stop! :smalleek::smallbiggrin:

I don't get most of these because I don't read Dominic Deagan, however *that* was awesome :smallbiggrin:I wholeheartedly concur! :smallbiggrin:

2008-10-01, 04:44 PM
Very well, Sunday at precisely high noonish.
And now to use my opponent's own weapon against him:

Awesome. It's simple as that.

I actually read each panel two times. And now a re read. :smallbiggrin:

2008-10-01, 07:16 PM
Wow, the slaying's going great here! We need more of these competitions.

http://img364.imageshack.us/img364/4010/groinchopis0.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

2008-10-01, 09:29 PM
I actually started this slay after reading this one, (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-09-26) but school, you know how it is. I was pretty happy a few days later, though.


Topical? No. I do love how Scooby Doo that Jayden and Luna reacting to zombies panel is, though. You can just imagine it as part of a crazy chase scene.

For those of you who haven't seen it... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uqxo1SKB0z8)

Also, thank you Johnny Blade for that last panel.

2008-10-01, 09:36 PM
This thread is rather musical as of late.

2008-10-02, 02:23 AM

I should stop doing slays that require a lot of work and only do slays where I have to change one or two panels.

2008-10-02, 03:17 AM


2008-10-02, 06:24 AM
ROFL :smallbiggrin:

Love the pun, that bit of detail that always goes so far to improve the strip. :smallsmile:

And kick-ass! both SnowballMan and Johnny.

edit: Mayhap you could have bolded the word "drive" also, Elflad?

Johnny Blade
2008-10-02, 10:56 AM
I actually started this slay after reading this one, (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-09-26) but school, you know how it is. I was pretty happy a few days later, though.


Topical? No. I do love how Scooby Doo that Jayden and Luna reacting to zombies panel is, though. You can just imagine it as part of a crazy chase scene.

For those of you who haven't seen it... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uqxo1SKB0z8)

Also, thank you Johnny Blade for that last panel.
Wow...great idea to do a music slay like this.

Anyway, here's my take on today's strip:

And a few other slays:


I don't know if that has been done before or not, by the way. If anybody beat me to it, yell at my general direction. Which probably means eastward.




2008-10-02, 11:19 AM
Awesome as usual Johnny :smallbiggrin:

I must admit the second slay seem familiar.

Anyhow considering recent developments I find this appropriate.


Johnny Blade
2008-10-02, 01:06 PM
Awesome as usual Johnny :smallbiggrin:

I must admit the second slay seem familiar.
I know! But I couldn't find it in the old thread. Of course, I didn't look through the whole 50 pages, but it hasn't been done within at least 4 days of the strip's release.
Maybe it's just meant to be and looks so familiar for this very reason. Or maybe, someone is about to yell at me.

Anyhow considering recent developments I find this appropriate.

I find it both appropriate and highly amusing.


The following slay was not my idea, but commissioned by Face Of Evil who was inspired by this animation (http://www.gophergas.com/funstuff/spidergay.htm). Therefore, it is not to be considered part of the ongoing slay-off.

In other news, I don't know what kind of grease or smudge or whatever that is on Mookie's scanner or how it got there, but it's starting to piss me off.

Just wanted to say this.

2008-10-02, 01:20 PM
The following slay was not my idea, but commissioned by Face Of Evil who was inspired by this animation (http://www.gophergas.com/funstuff/spidergay.htm). Therefore, it is not to be considered part of the ongoing slay-off.
http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii136/JohnnyBladeJN/faceofevil.jpgNot working for me right now. :smallfrown:

Which is strange, for Photobucket does not appear to be down... :smallconfused:

Johnny Blade
2008-10-02, 01:35 PM
Not working for me right now. :smallfrown:

Which is strange, for Photobucket does not appear to be down... :smallconfused:
Uh...may have been my fault. More precisely, the color mode.

Does it work now?

2008-10-02, 01:35 PM
I know! But I couldn't find it in the old thread. Of course, I didn't look through the whole 50 pages, but it hasn't been done within at least 4 days of the strip's release.
Maybe it's just meant to be and looks so familiar for this very reason. Or maybe, someone is about to yell at me.

I did a few slays using the "Dominic! Luna! Come quick! Something's wrong with ____!" panel and the reaction shots. I think Turcano did it first, with Damaske's severed head. I don't think anyone ever used that particular panel in there, though.

2008-10-02, 03:59 PM
Wow...great idea to do a music slay like this.

Thanks. It would have been even better if Dominic spent any time in hallways. Or wearing the jacket that he wore at the beginning of Snowsong. (Seriously, that was ridiculously similar to MJ's.)


This one was awesome. just awesome.

The following slay was not my idea, but commissioned by Face Of Evil who was inspired by this animation (http://www.gophergas.com/funstuff/spidergay.htm). Therefore, it is not to be considered part of the ongoing slay-off.

That's really weird, because I was just finishing up this slay.


I thought this would be funnier without modifying the panels, except the first two and the last one. I did take them horribly out of context, though. :smallamused:

2008-10-02, 05:15 PM
Uh...may have been my fault. More precisely, the color mode.

Does it work now?Yeah, working now. :smallsmile:

Heh. :smallbiggrin:

I did a few slays using the "Dominic! Luna! Come quick! Something's wrong with ____!" panel and the reaction shots. I think Turcano did it first, with Damaske's severed head. I don't think anyone ever used that particular panel in there, though.I did a series of 'Something's wrong'-slays, too, but not this one. I must say though that of all the slay-memes I think I like this one the best (though Johnny does present an excellent case for the Angry Dwarf). :smallbiggrin:

Johnny Blade
2008-10-02, 07:34 PM
That's really weird, because I was just finishing up this slay.

The last panel really cracked me up. :smallbiggrin:

I thought this would be funnier without modifying the panels, except the first two and the last one. I did take them horribly out of context, though. :smallamused:
Which is, of course, generally frowned upon around here.

I did a few slays using the "Dominic! Luna! Come quick! Something's wrong with ____!" panel and the reaction shots. I think Turcano did it first, with Damaske's severed head. I don't think anyone ever used that particular panel in there, though.
Okay, I'll just assume it's not been done then.
Which is really relieving, as epic and original slays like that truly decide who comes out on top in a slay-off, I tell you.

Yeah, working now. :smallsmile:
Good. Should have thought about that, though.

I did a series of 'Something's wrong'-slays, too, but not this one. I must say though that of all the slay-memes I think I like this one the best
Well, I like it too. However, I think I prefer Dex.

(though Johnny does present an excellent case for the Angry Dwarf). :smallbiggrin:
Oh, and that one, obviously.

And, of course, a new slay:

2008-10-02, 08:55 PM
And, of course, a new slay:

Haha, awesome. I did not see it coming that time. You brought Dominic getting punched in the balls to a whole new level.

2008-10-02, 10:50 PM
http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/7026/dwarfsuprisexn7.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

:smallconfused: ...Yeah, that was weird.

2008-10-03, 12:41 AM
More poetry.


2008-10-03, 02:44 AM


2008-10-03, 05:14 AM
Time for a pop quiz.

2008-10-03, 05:20 AM
Jahkaivah's guest strip slay wins it for me though. I loved the original, the slay makes soo much better still :)

Loved the poetic, erotic, dwarf-punching-in-balls one, Johnny. Made me chuckle out loud, that doesn't happen often.

Elflad classy as ever :D

Johnny Blade
2008-10-03, 07:23 AM
http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/7026/dwarfsuprisexn7.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

:smallconfused: ...Yeah, that was weird.

More poetry.


(Yeah,, that's all I've got to say. Just :smallbiggrin:. But a lot of it.)

Elflad classy as ever :D



Somebody had to do it.


Johnny Blade
2008-10-03, 06:01 PM

Somebody had to do it.


If you think I'm running out of ideas now, well, you might just happen to be not totally wrong.

However, here is the byproduct of my slaying so far, originally motivated by my realization that Dominic Deegan regrettably is not child-friendly (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNqiSkd1M6k). I decided to change this so younger audiences could share in our joy.


Don't ask.

2008-10-03, 06:59 PM
However, here is the byproduct of my slaying so far, originally motivated by my realization that Dominic Deegan regrettably is not child-friendly (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNqiSkd1M6k). I decided to change this so younger audiences could share in our joy.


Don't ask.

Victory: Johnny Blade.

2008-10-03, 07:04 PM
This is a statement, not a question.

Hell Puppi
2008-10-03, 07:23 PM
Victory: Johnny Blade.

I'd even count it as a flawless victory.
If only because I hear that line in my head from Mortal Combat.

2008-10-03, 07:28 PM
Victory: Johnny Blade.

Yes, I laughed hard through that whole thing.

Your face is covered in mud! Now it is... GONE!

2008-10-03, 07:35 PM
The "Something's wrong with Gregory" mine is not exhausted yet!
http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/5332/slaygregwe2.png (http://imageshack.us)

2008-10-03, 07:49 PM
COOKIES!!! :smalltongue:

The sequel to Dominic being turned into Spark was also great.

2008-10-03, 08:57 PM
The "Something's wrong with Gregory" mine is not exhausted yet!
http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/5332/slaygregwe2.png (http://imageshack.us)

Fangly looks so sad...

2008-10-04, 02:32 AM

Yes? No? I was a bit iffy on this one, but I thought its potential was good enough that I'd post it anyways.

Geez, my production has been high lately. I should quit doing non-lazy slays altogether. :smallcool:

2008-10-04, 04:00 AM
"Siggy had to go to bed early." - I ROFLed, I really did. Awesome ending to an awesome slay.

Also I agree with Face of Evil, the Felinity sequel was great. More sequals please! :smallredface::smallsmile:

2008-10-04, 04:02 AM
As much as I like seeing the creepy Luna re-used, it might have worked better with the original version (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-05-26) of that panel. :smallwink:

2008-10-04, 11:42 AM
A bit earlier it was asked if I read this thread; I do, all incarnations of it, and it is actually QUITE a bit funnier than DD itself. I stopped reading that for the puns really early and instead read it for the plot, believe it or not :smallbiggrin:. That makes the occasional strip that really IS funny all the more enjoyable - and Strip Slays themselves, too.


2008-10-04, 05:16 PM
Special thanks to Oracle Hunter for his "cover the mouth" post in the main thread:

http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/2363/scarlattibackstabmt3.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

2008-10-04, 05:20 PM

You know, if his hand was just a bit lower, I'd swear he'd be copping a feel.

2008-10-04, 05:32 PM

You know, if his hand was just a bit lower, I'd swear he'd be copping a feel.

Hence my prediction in the other thread.

I mean seriously gay joke right there! How has this slay not been made yet??? :smalltongue:

2008-10-04, 06:02 PM
Hence my prediction in the other thread.

I mean seriously gay joke right there! How has this slay not been made yet??? :smalltongue:

That edit makes Scarlatti's anatomy even worse than Mookie's standard, but nevermind that. I didn't feel like starting the GIMP or looking for exploitable curves to change the angle at the elbow, so instead we get this horrible mutant. :smallcool:

http://img376.imageshack.us/img376/3354/slayarghthearmlx4.png (http://imageshack.us)

2008-10-04, 09:30 PM
I'm kind of surprised no one has taken advantage of the face (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4953168#post4953168).

Johnny Blade
2008-10-05, 04:52 AM
Comments and stuff:

This is a statement, not a question.
Believe me, I thought the same whenever I opened one of the files and worked on the slay.
I see.

Also, @ everyone who has announced my victory:
Well, thanks a lot. :smallsmile:
However, it's not like I wouldn't appreciate it, but the last time I thought I was in a good position to win the slay-off, SnowballMan nonchalantly came along and beat me at my own game (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5027231&postcount=123).
So, wait and see.
(And then declare me the winner, hopefully. :smallbiggrin:)

The "Something's wrong with Gregory" mine is not exhausted yet!

http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/5332/slaygregwe2.png (http://imageshack.us)
The Luanian amulet is a nice touch.


Yes? No? I was a bit iffy on this one, but I thought its potential was good enough that I'd post it anyways.
Although I agree with Gez, the original Luna probably would have been better.

Geez, my production has been high lately. I should quit doing non-lazy slays altogether. :smallcool:
Words of wisdom.

So, all the slays I did up to now. In chronological order, although I placed the sequel and remix after their respective precursors.
I also left the "something's wrong" slay out because I can't shake the feeling that it was done before. Oh, the slay I did for Face Of Evil isn't part of the list either, of course.










Edit: Reference (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmoPUyRrSD8). And the lyrics (http://www.stlyrics.com/songs/d/dubliners6611/lordofthedance513752.html).




This slay, simple as it may be, actually has a story. I just listened to this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49E0jG7kpcs). Then, I imagined the following to happen:
As Dominic sniffs at Luna's bed linen, suddenly, this song starts playing, the dwarf appears out of nowhere and runs up to Dominic, punches him in the balls, then simply runs off again, leaving a startled and hurting Dominic.
Actually, this can be done whenever Dominic behaves in a generally dumb or pathetic manner or like the jerk he is.
Which means the opportunities are basically endless. :smallbiggrin:




Now who didn't expect the last panel to feature a certain dwarf?



Awesome reference. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4534114&postcount=1222)




Reference (http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=5JlZstG7DUM&feature=related) and lyrics (http://www.lyricstime.com/zakk-wylde-black-label-society-counterfeit-god-lyrics.html).



And you thought I was becoming predictable!









Somebody had to do it.




Don't ask.

I think those are all. :smallcool:

Also, some final slays:


And here it is, my last slay in this duel:

You weren't really expecting anything else, were you?

2008-10-05, 01:11 PM
Well, I picked the wrong week for a slay off.

However, here is my penultimate slay (which is just a fancy way of saying second to last):

And my final opus :

2008-10-05, 01:17 PM
Well, I picked the wrong week for a slay off.

However, here is my penultimate slay (which is just a fancy way of saying second to last):

This is hilarious....

And my final opus :

And this...

It's obviously not actual comic, or even few of them, but where's the difference? So confusing.

Johnny Blade
2008-10-05, 01:24 PM
I think I just have to quote myself here.

Also, @ everyone who has announced my victory:
Well, thanks a lot. :smallsmile:
However, it's not like I wouldn't appreciate it, but the last time I thought I was in a good position to win the slay-off, SnowballMan nonchalantly came along and beat me at my own game (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5027231&postcount=123).
So, wait and see.
(And then declare me the winner, hopefully. :smallbiggrin:)

Told you so!

Also, let me say that for a brutal and mercilessly fought duel, this slay-off was quite enjoyable.

Now vote, people. Vote like it meant something!

By the way, who are the next contestants?
I feel like sitting back for a while and watching two other slayers step into the arena to fight each other. :smallcool:

2008-10-05, 01:37 PM
I think I just have to quote myself here.

Told you so!
No. You still won. Even if your War in Heck slay was the only thing you put forward this entire time, you still would have won. It's that awesome.

Obviously, I cast my vote for Johnny Blade.

2008-10-05, 02:09 PM
Sorry SnowballMan, but the "Lord of the Dance" slay was enough for me.

Johnny Blade

2008-10-05, 02:15 PM
Yeah I dare say that Johnny should win that.

2008-10-05, 02:26 PM
Johnny, if for no reason other then the groin punches.

2008-10-05, 02:27 PM
I was going to vote for Johnny, but SnowballMan's last slay is undeniably incredibly awesome :smallbiggrin:. I think I'll have to abstain from voting this time; I really cannot decide anymore in the face of so much magnificence. :smallcool:

Johnny Blade
2008-10-05, 02:44 PM
No. You still won. Even if your War in Heck slay was the only thing you put forward this entire time, you still would have won. It's that awesome.
Hey, I don't mind. In fact, I kinda like winning, so thanks. :smallcool:

I didn't like being declared the winner before the whole thing was actually over, that's all.

I was going to vote for Johnny, but SnowballMan's last slay is undeniably incredibly awesome :smallbiggrin:. I think I'll have to abstain from voting this time; I really cannot decide anymore in the face of so much magnificence. :smallcool:
Well, if quality can't decide it, go by quantity.



Mauve Shirt
2008-10-05, 02:46 PM
I vote for Johnny.

2008-10-05, 02:55 PM
Johnny Blade.

But I'd like to mention MReav's slay because for the first time it showed poor Dex happy. Time after time you bastards force him to witness terrible terrible things. But MReav had the courage to finally give him some joy. I applaud you MReav! May others follow your example and let Dex be happy.

2008-10-05, 03:00 PM
It's a tough decision, but Johny's "family friendly" slay makes him win this contest by being so absolutely insane. It's a truly glorious defeat for SnowballMan, though.

2008-10-05, 03:05 PM
SnowballMan's last Slay was epic, but I give this contest to Johnny for sheer quantity of laughs.

2008-10-05, 03:13 PM
You know, I'm not voting...

*Punches winner in groin*


2008-10-05, 04:44 PM
Although I agree with Gez, the original Luna probably would have been better.

Heh, I thought it was the original Luna. I just used that slay because I didn't feel like searching for the strip. Then I had to search for it anyways. Silly me.


You know, that is better.

The winner of this contest does not interest me. You both produced slays (War in Heck and the Shakespeare one) that have become my favorites to date.

2008-10-05, 05:07 PM
http://i183.photobucket.com/albums/x38/MightyDraco/TheFace.png would have made it even better.

2008-10-06, 06:52 AM
Obviously, I cast my vote for Johnny Blade.
TigerHunter, it says you are from Chicago. Shouldn't you be voting twice? At least?

Now, I pretty much expected Johnny Blade to win. In fact, I almost conceded after the War in Heck. But still... not a single vote? ouch

*Punches winner in groin*
Suddenly glad that I didn't win. Ouch!

@Senior Blade - An entertaining contest, my hat off to you. <bows> Enjoy your victory. You sir, have earned it.

By the way, who are the next contestants?
I feel like sitting back for a while and watching two other slayers step into the arena to fight each other. :smallcool:
I wholeheartedly support this idea. Who shall it be?

It's obviously not actual comic, or even few of them, but where's the difference? So confusing.
I was attempting to recast Celesto as the hero whlie changing as few panels as I could.

And apparently I can not stop even though my eyes are seering with pain:

2008-10-06, 06:58 AM
You get my vote, Snowy.

2008-10-06, 10:55 AM
Now, I pretty much expected Johnny Blade to win. In fact, I almost conceded after the War in Heck. But still... not a single vote? ouch

I was actually going to, but then the War in Heck was just a really good slay. Sorry.

2008-10-06, 01:21 PM
It's just one of those times when although the two contestants are almost equal, one of them happens to just have the edge with most of the demographic. If we voted percent-wise, I'm sure it'd end something around 55-45 or 60-40 at most.

Both of you had amazingly good slays. Thank you for that!

2008-10-06, 04:00 PM
TigerHunter, it says you are from Chicago. Shouldn't you be voting twice? At least?
Only if I can get away with it.

Now, I pretty much expected Johnny Blade to win. In fact, I almost conceded after the War in Heck. But still... not a single vote? ouch
It was a close call, but War in Heck really tore it. That + Lord of the Dance = Win.

Johnny Blade
2008-10-06, 04:13 PM
A slay:

Not a slay:

Now, I pretty much expected Johnny Blade to win. In fact, I almost conceded after the War in Heck. But still... not a single vote? ouch
Now, to be truthful, I thought it was looking quite good for me myself, if only because my output was higher.
However, the result surprised me, too.
I was basically sure that I could actually name 4 people who'd vote for you. Only Gez has done it. :smallconfused: (Although, not one of the remaining 3 has voted for me either.)

@Senior Blade - An entertaining contest, my hat off to you. <bows> Enjoy your victory. You sir, have earned it.
Thanks a lot. And deserved or not, it was definitely a hard-won victory.
I also hope you want a chance to get even in the future. (You know, some time in the future. When we've both recharged and all.)

I wholeheartedly support this idea. Who shall it be?
Yeah, who? Come on people, it's fun. :smallwink:

2008-10-06, 04:27 PM
By the way, who are the next contestants?
I feel like sitting back for a while and watching two other slayers step into the arena to fight each other. :smallcool:

I'll lick any sonuvabitch in this joint.


2008-10-06, 04:27 PM
How exactly do you make a Strip Slay? I'm trying to make one right now, and my weaksauce Print Screen onto Paint and cut/paste skills aren't working very well in this regard.

Johnny Blade
2008-10-06, 04:49 PM
How exactly do you make a Strip Slay? I'm trying to make one right now, and my weaksauce Print Screen onto Paint and cut/paste skills aren't working very well in this regard.
So, Paint is all you have then?
If so, you should get GIMP (http://www.gimp.org/) or another free program to edit the strips.
I don't use it though, so I can't give advice about that.

I'll lick any sonuvabitch in this joint.
I look forward to seeing if you can back that up.

Just by the way, could it be that I owe my victory to you? I remember that I found the 300 parody that inspired the War In Heck through a webcomic, and something tells me it was Legendary.

2008-10-06, 04:49 PM
How exactly do you make a Strip Slay?

weaksauce Print Screen onto Paint and cut/paste skills

Answered your own question.

Just by the way, could it be that I owe my victory to you? I remember that I found the 300 parody that inspired the War In Heck through a webcomic, and something tells me it was Legendary.

Can't be. I'm pretty sure I never did a 300 joke for Legendary.

I did do this slay a while back, though.


Which was inspired by this YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNqiSkd1M6k)

2008-10-06, 04:54 PM
Well, I use right-click->copy image myself, but maybe not all browsers have this incredibly advanced feature. (You could also save the picture, but I don't bother with this.)

2008-10-06, 05:06 PM
How exactly do you make a Strip Slay? I'm trying to make one right now, and my weaksauce Print Screen onto Paint and cut/paste skills aren't working very well in this regard.Personally, I use Paint Shop Pro (that's also where all this heavy editing, multi-layered pictures and other effects I have sort of made my own slaying style come from). I don't think I would be capable of achieving much effect with Paint.

I save all strips to disc, if for no other reason than so that, in many years, when the DD site has gone offline and I feel nostalgic, I can look back at it at my leasure (as I do with all other webcomics I follow, in fact).

Johnny Blade
2008-10-06, 05:07 PM
Can't be. I'm pretty sure I never did a 300 joke for Legendary.
That's not what I meant. I was inspired by the very youtube video you just linked to, and I think that I found it through your comic. Or the comments you posted there, to be precise.

Of course, it also could have been that slay.

2008-10-06, 05:31 PM
Okay, my first attempt at a Slay.


Johnny Blade
2008-10-06, 05:41 PM
Nice one. :smallbiggrin:

It might have worked better if you had left out the 5th panel, however. Although that's become one of our memes here, so I'm not sure about it at all.

2008-10-06, 05:49 PM

Is this better?

Johnny Blade
2008-10-06, 05:52 PM
Well, I think so.
It's up to you to ultimately decide, though. :smallwink:

2008-10-06, 06:19 PM
The real reason Bort won't let people eat things in his garden:


2008-10-06, 06:21 PM
Well, actually, this is better:
http://img147.imageshack.us/img147/3010/slaylayoutnazipi4.png (http://imageshack.us)

Yes, I'm a layout nazi.

2008-10-06, 06:48 PM
Thanks for the sympathy guys.

You get my vote, Snowy.
The fact that this appears directly above the image of The Winslow amuses me to no end.

A slay:

Since it has been established that orcs are herbivores, does this make Dominic a vegetable?

How exactly do you make a Strip Slay? I'm trying to make one right now, and my weaksauce Print Screen onto Paint and cut/paste skills aren't working very well in this regard.
Most browsers have the Right-Click : Save Image function. With the exception of my "original artwork" all my slays have been done in MSPaint. If you find this limiting or hard to work with both GIMP (http://www.gimp.org/) and Paint.Net (http://www.getpaint.net/) are free and have quite a lot of features.

2008-10-06, 07:13 PM
Most browsers have the Right-Click : Save Image function. With the exception of my "original artwork" all my slays have been done in MSPaint. If you find this limiting or hard to work with both GIMP (http://www.gimp.org/) and Paint.Net (http://www.getpaint.net/) are free and have quite a lot of features.

Ah, okay, that helps. Thanks. By the way, what font does Mookie use?

2008-10-06, 07:19 PM
The fact that this appears directly above the image of The Winslow amuses me to no end.
I love the Winslow.

Since it has been established that orcs are herbivores, does this make Dominic a vegetable?

Either that, or his inherent Mary-Sue quality makes him a tasty meal for every one, regardless of food restrictions they might otherwise have.

By the way, what font does Mookie use?
His own handwriting. You can either look for a font that look somewhat like Mookie's handwriting, or copy/paste letters and words from other speech bubbles.

IIRC, someone made a picture with several samples of each letter, bolded and unbolded. I don't know where that file went. I think I also remember someone trying to make a TTF font out of Mookie's handwriting, but I don't think it yielded any result.

2008-10-06, 09:09 PM
I love the Winslow.


Either that, or his inherent Mary-Sue quality makes him a tasty meal for every one, regardless of food restrictions they might otherwise have.

His own handwriting. You can either look for a font that look somewhat like Mookie's handwriting, or copy/paste letters and words from other speech bubbles.

IIRC, someone made a picture with several samples of each letter, bolded and unbolded. I don't know where that file went. I think I also remember someone trying to make a TTF font out of Mookie's handwriting, but I don't think it yielded any result.



2008-10-06, 09:46 PM
I'll lick any sonuvabitch in this joint.

Ach, if only I was thirty pounds lighter and twenty years younger.

And, you know, didn't have school.

Ah, I'd probably just end up taking Dominic getting punched in the balls to even more gratuitous levels.

2008-10-06, 10:18 PM
And apparently I can not stop even though my eyes are seering with pain:


The face in the last panel is that of a man who has damned himself and has no one else to blame.

I done it better.

2008-10-07, 05:18 AM
Seriously, this guy is a menace:

2008-10-07, 03:06 PM
Seriously, this guy is a menace:


2008-10-07, 09:00 PM
A slay:
The last 3 panels won this time.

Seriously, this guy is a menace:
... *applauds*

I love you.

2008-10-08, 02:21 AM
Just because I go for the obvious joke doesn't make me any less of a man!

Yes, it does.


CSI: Art Criminal Division


2008-10-08, 06:19 AM
Granting Oracle_Hunter's request:
Kind of more work then G -G, but still, I like how it changes the last two panels.

2008-10-08, 08:06 AM
I couldn't help this.


I love shaun of the dead :smallbiggrin:

Just because I go for the obvious joke doesn't make me any less of a man!

Pfft you call that obvious? :smalltongue:


Though to be fair it was your slay that inspired me.:smallsmile:

Johnny Blade
2008-10-08, 09:45 AM
Seriously, this guy is a menace:
I think I'll applaud too. Like...


Just because I go for the obvious joke doesn't make me any less of a man!

Yes, it does.


CSI: Art Criminal Division


Someone throw down the gauntlet to that guy already. I want more!

I love shaun of the dead :smallbiggrin:
Who doesn't? I mean, besides people that don't know it.


2008-10-08, 12:24 PM
I think I'll applaud too. Like...


Someone throw down the gauntlet to that guy already. I want more!

Eh. I would, but last time I tried to out-slay Elflad, it didn't work out very well at all.

Besides, who would want to try and out-slay him? He invented Stunt's Head for Domssakes.

2008-10-08, 02:01 PM
I like this comic a lot its strange funny and cool at the same time ahard thing to pull off.

2008-10-08, 02:04 PM
Eh. I would, but last time I tried to out-slay Elflad, it didn't work out very well at all.

He invented Stunt's Head for Domssakes.

Ah, but I also didn't know when to stop inventing Stunt's head.

2008-10-08, 02:43 PM
I like this comic a lot its strange funny and cool at the same time ahard thing to pull off.

You are not welcome here, sock puppet. That comment is completely irrelevant and shows that you didn't even read the thread before posting. Begone from these hallowed halls and return to the dark sock drawer of puppetery whence you came.

2008-10-08, 06:57 PM
What's wrong with sock puppets. I like sock puppets.

An important message brought to you by DD:

He's expanding his range:

Repeat after me, there was no typo. There was no typo. There was no typo.

2008-10-08, 06:59 PM
Pears before Swine FTW.

Also, you missed an 'of' in that last panel.

2008-10-08, 07:52 PM
I'm suprised this splash hasn't been slain more often:

http://img381.imageshack.us/img381/3641/sorrylunaiz4.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

2008-10-08, 08:43 PM
I'm suprised this splash hasn't been slain more often:

http://img381.imageshack.us/img381/3641/sorrylunaiz4.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

Which comic was that from?
Wait... those stitches... is that Quilt? Like, from back when he remembered that he was made from superior body parts with actual powers, and before we found out that Jacob apparently screwed up with his feet?

2008-10-08, 08:49 PM
Which comic was that from?
Wait... those stitches... is that Quilt? Like, from back when he remembered that he was made from superior body parts with actual powers, and before we found out that Jacob apparently screwed up with his feet?
Dominic had a vision that basically said GO ON THIS CRUISE OR YOU WILL EXPLODE AND KILL EVERYONE. Basically Mookie's way of making sure that his Mary Sue saves the world in every single arc, even when he does nothing more than go on vacation.

I'll try to dig it up, but the thought of Archive Trawling the cruise arc makes me want to run in fear.

Edit: Goody, I only had to read two strips before I found it. (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-05-25)

2008-10-08, 08:52 PM
Which comic was that from?
Wait... those stitches... is that Quilt? Like, from back when he remembered that he was made from superior body parts with actual powers, and before we found out that Jacob apparently screwed up with his feet?

Isnt that a vision dominic had? One of the things that led to his horrible vacation, I believe?

Oooh, Ninja got me for the first time!

2008-10-09, 02:12 AM
Credit to revanmal of the Fansite:http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h27/revanmal/CocaineMaestro.jpg

Johnny Blade
2008-10-09, 07:59 AM
You are not welcome here, sock puppet. That comment is completely irrelevant and shows that you didn't even read the thread before posting.
It is, however, right with its assessments. Our slays are generally cool and funny.
And maybe a bit strange sometimes.


2008-10-09, 11:22 AM
not a single slay inspired from this guy (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8mBe0_Ha78&feature=related) ?

with all the over-abused violence in DD, i guess it's on the line :)

2008-10-09, 02:40 PM
I fight to slay the sock puppets.

Could someone explain the flying spellwolf? I don't remember that from the comic, so where did the original idea come from, or why is it so hilarious to have Milov looking up?

2008-10-09, 02:51 PM
Could someone explain the flying spellwolf? I don't remember that from the comic, so where did the original idea come from, or why is it so hilarious to have Milov looking up?

I'm sure you don't remember (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-09-12) it (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-09-13) because it made no goddamn sense. :smallyuk:

2008-10-09, 03:00 PM
I'm sure you don't remember (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-09-12) it (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-09-13) because it made no goddamn sense. :smallyuk:

Wut. How does that make any sense at all?

2008-10-09, 03:05 PM
not a single slay inspired from this guy (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8mBe0_Ha78&feature=related) ?

with all the over-abused violence in DD, i guess it's on the line :)

The Siggy+AngryDwarf debate over what's the most satisfying, headshot or groinshot, comes close.

2008-10-09, 03:27 PM
Wut. How does that make any sense at all?

So... I thought you asked where the "flying spellwolf" came from - since you didn't remember it from the comic. Well, it was there.

Now, why is it funny? The slays all work with Milov dropping folks to their doom, which is pretty hilarious :smalltongue:

2008-10-09, 04:02 PM
So... I thought you asked where the "flying spellwolf" came from - since you didn't remember it from the comic. Well, it was there.

Now, why is it funny? The slays all work with Milov dropping folks to their doom, which is pretty hilarious :smalltongue:

No, I got it. The "wut." is mostly "Why does Mookie think that was a good, or interesting idea?!" Not "How is your post relevant".

On the other hand, now that I understand what was going on in those panels, they're much funnier. Thank you :P

2008-10-09, 04:11 PM
Gentlemen, you don't want to know.


2008-10-09, 05:47 PM

What scares me is that Mookie may have actually intended the panel to end at "heard...", thank god he came to his senses. Even if it meant making his "poetry" look like the build-up to this joke.

2008-10-09, 05:52 PM
Gentlemen, you don't want to know.


Awwww, happy Dex. It fills my soul with joy.

2008-10-09, 05:52 PM
Credit to revanmal of the Fansite:http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h27/revanmal/CocaineMaestro.jpg

AAAAH! I can see his junk!

2008-10-09, 06:33 PM


2008-10-09, 07:12 PM
AAAAH! I can see his junk!

Don't look at his penis, don't look at his penis, don't look at his penis, don't look at his penis, don't look at his peni-AAH! I looked!

2008-10-09, 07:16 PM
I'm glad I voted for you.

But, I want more groin punching.

2008-10-09, 07:42 PM

Ah, that was a good one.

2008-10-09, 08:19 PM

Luna looks incredibly boyish in the final panel.

Neon Knight
2008-10-09, 08:32 PM
Luna looks incredibly boyish in the final panel.

There are no women in Dominic Deegan, only extremely girly men!

2008-10-09, 08:38 PM

Holy crap, is that Stunts head in the last panel?

2008-10-10, 08:29 AM

I'm glad I voted for you.
But, I want more groin punching.
Never let it be said that I'm not willing to pander to my constituency.

Holy crap, is that Stunts head in the last panel?
No. But I imagine it is panels like that which led to the "Stunt's Head" thing.

2008-10-10, 09:30 AM

2008-10-10, 10:52 AM

How did I manage to forget about that photo? How has there not been more slays of it?

2008-10-10, 10:54 AM
There are no women in Dominic Deegan, only extremely girly men!And Greg is the most girly of them all!

Cue Jacob: "Keep telling yourself that."

Never let it be said that I'm not willing to pander to my constituency.
http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/331/sssbm070tf3.pngBrilliant. :smallbiggrin:

2008-10-10, 11:46 AM
My slays haven't done too well so far, but I persevere!
