View Full Version : Assassin's Creed kills/counter's

2008-09-21, 05:32 PM
So, recant your most amazing assassinations or just plain cool kill combos/counters. Anything epicly awesome that failed miserably also works.

2008-09-21, 06:21 PM
I have two that I can remember from my only playthrough so far.

After the cemetary ambush by Rober deSable, I lost a bunch of times to the absolute SWARM of guards all over the place. Eventually, I decided to find a different strategy, since fighting them off normally or singling out Robert wasn't working. I dashed away and climbed to a nice rooftop, so that the soldiers would have to climb up to get me. As each one climed up, I grabbed them and chucked them off the roof to their death, while taking minimal damage. When Robert finally showed up, I shoved her to the ground and *Snikt*

But my favorite was the paranoid guy with the boats. Thanks to the missions, I knew that there was a nice path across the docks to his boat. So I hopped across the docks, dodged the drunken sailors, and found his boat. There was a guard on the plank, but I took him down with a throwing knife before he even saw me. I then saw that my mark was pacing around the boat, so I hopped over and clung to the hull for a few minutes. Then, as the guy passed my climbing spot, I hopped onto the deck, locked on, and one high-profile leaping stab later, the job was done. Man, that was satisfying.

2008-09-21, 07:21 PM
If I remember correctly I once rode my horse straight through one of those columns of soldiers that walks around between cities at top speed, prompting them to get really pissed off at me. Unfortunately the only place to run was right into one of those small town, prompting more reinforcements to come, while I already had like 20 guards to fight off. I spent the next half hour running around like a maniac, climbing to high places and jumping down on the guards. My kill count was prodigious.

2008-09-21, 07:23 PM
Boat Guy.


Got to him ONCE.

Finally killed him. Yay!

More detailed description:

I was getting tired of stupid sailors pushing me off the side of boats. I come across one and I toss him off the side.

I finally reach the boat, am about to climb over on to it...

The game lags. I'm standing on the boat, surrounded by guards and the boat guy being hit repetetively with big metal shticks.

I was countering like crazy. Finally all were dead except for boat guy. I grabbed him and threw him onto the ground, pulled my assassination blade, and did a high profile assassination. Dead as a doornail. Suh-weet.

2008-09-21, 08:29 PM
William De Monteferrat, second attempt. I tried to muscle my way in, and I failed miserably. So I decided to try a more, stealthy, tact. I approached the castle, watche William get chewed and spat out by King Richard. I the proceeded to climb the scaffolding on the left hand side. Making my way up the wall and onto a small balcony. I then hopped my way from balcony to balcony until I reached the other side of the castle walls. I removed all the guards in my path with throwing knives. I then crawled along the right side wall, over the rocky cliff. once I was in position to strike, I watched William give his speach from attop the roofing behind his desk. Once the room was clear, I dropped off the roofing and caught him by surprise. On my escape, I followed the same way, except this time I stayed, ON the parapet, instead of shimmying along it. As I reached that first balcony, I stopped to watch the guards epically fail to chase me. They knocked each other down... then I slowly walked back to the Buraeu.

2008-09-21, 09:03 PM
At one point I was rushing through the docks cause the guards saw me stab a leper in the jugular for pushing me one too many times. I just brushed past one of said lepers, and he automatically tried to push me. Thing of it is, I went by too fast, and in one heck of a funny scene he pushed a GUARD that was right behind me into the water.

The other was a rather fun chase around a church. For fifteen minutes the guards followed me in circle after circle, never catching me. And more kept showing up. Eventually I must have had every guard in Damascus following me in a circle. I then stopped in the front courtyard and proceeded to completely destroy them one-by-one with the most broken counter mechanics in game history.

2008-09-21, 09:21 PM
Ah, yes. The counters. I remember them well. I also hate them, 'cause the sword and knife just LOVED to do nonlethal counters when I really needed to kill something. Especially on the last level, where I was swarmed with guards. But then I switched to Hidden Blade in combat and the counters got nuts. I remember one specific counter kill where Altair just stabbed the guy in the stomach about five times. Completely insane.

2008-09-21, 09:30 PM
The time I got the Eagle's Challenge achievement. Near the end of the game taking Robert de Sable on for reals, I took on the requisite 20 soldiers, and just countered them all to death (with Meeting of the Spirits by Mahavishnu Orchestra playing in the background for added awesome.) I didn't get hit once.

2008-09-21, 10:45 PM
My favourite kill was the real Robert.

Why? Because up until that point I hadn't discovered that you could use the hidden blade to instant-kill proned targets. I'm surprised I got that far in the game without it. It certainly made the final boss much easier :smallsmile:

Not to mention that it was enormously satisfying to fight off 10+ templars and then stick a dagger in that evil bastiche.

Other than that, my favourite kill was the fat merchant king. Escaping the ambush by climbing the statue was awesome, and then clambering around his castle and knifing him without him even realising I was there was even better.

2008-09-23, 02:21 AM
Oh man, I have had SO many Legend as kills/assassinations in this game :smallbiggrin:

My Favourite has to have been the assassination of the Merchant King (Abul Nuqoud?) because I managed to find a way of not chasing him, and I dropped right down in his face when he was laughing at the people getting shot and stood right in front of him and High profile stabbed him in the face!:smallbiggrin:

Another of my Favourites was with the Executioner (Majd Addin) and I jumped from a rooftop onto the left of the platfrom, ran across, jumped on and killed him, then ran up the ladder on the other side and did a leap of faith, less than three seconds of being chased! :smallsmile:

The only other Awesome time I can think of right now is when I was chasing Talal through the city, and I made this awesomely long run on the beams above him around about four streets, then ran across a rooftop and cut him off at the other side of the building and jumped on him from about four floors up. :smallsmile:

I just love how easy it is to get assassinations that look really cool. Also, I absolutely love how lethal the counter kills with the hidden blade are, especially the ones where Altair stabs them in the face several times before throwing them into the dirt :smallbiggrin:

But my absolute favourite time was when I got like ALL THE GUARDS IN THE KINGDOM (well, not that many, but lots) following me, then stood in a shallow pool of water next to a guard respawn point and did some mindless knife counters for about thirty minutes before they stoped coming, I hadn't been hit once the entire time, and when I was done, I couldn't see any space on the ground for about a hundred metres without a dead guard or two nearby.

2008-09-24, 08:46 AM
You guys keep listing the boat guy as being tough. I thought he was the easiest one. I never met a single drunken sailor and killed the guy without his guard knowing. I just hopped the rail when he was at the bow of the ship, killed him, and just back down...just to mosy my sweet way back to shore.

I too, had a sweet Talal assassination this time around. I cut him off before we had even lost sight of the warehouse as he jumped right in front of me. I think he had crossed all of 3 rooftops before his first leap to the ground. I just stood there and nailed right as he hit the ground...truly awesome. I am trying to reach all of my targets without a fight this time around. I am also leaving a much less bloody path on my way to the target. I even took out William with only 5 knives to my person....I used 2 I htink, might have been three.

It is way more fun to try and blend in and strike than just to knife all of the guards to start with.

2008-09-24, 08:59 AM
You know, I did my fair share of "I killed 30+ guards woooooo!" before I started getting bored of it. I started limiting myself in ways- like only killing with counters, using the knife. Only being able to throw and hidden blade...
Those were still very easy.

So I decided for the ultimate test. No weapons- no sword, no knives, no hidden blade. Just fists against guards armed with swords. Let me tell you, that makes things quite a bit harder, especially since you have to fight the automatic blade drawing mechanics in the game, too.
But somehow, beating down only five guards with just my fists felt so much more satisfying than thirty guards with throws and hidden blade. :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-24, 08:20 PM
I agree with Vael, the counter system gets old. I only do it with the Hidden Blade, now, since it's the only weapon even remotely challenging to use that way. I don't go fist-fighting often, but it's certainly challenging. Having killed every boss and every guard in just about every way imaginable, the only reason I pick up the game now is for a quick stabbity-fun when I'm bored, I don't play for long anymore. I'm also still trying to find all the flags. I'm two short in the starting town, and I'm pretty sure I'll find all 100 flags in every other area before I find those two...