View Full Version : Heroes

Rare Pink Leech
2008-09-21, 09:04 PM
So ... in just under 24 hours Heroes' third season and third volume, Villains, gets underway. From what I've read, the volume will last 13 episodes, and involve (some very minor spoilers here, only a general summary of what will happen)

both a slew of new villains, as well as deal with the villain in every hero.

I must say I'm pretty excited to get Heroes back, especially after a lacklustre second season. Hopefully it will get back to what made it so good to begin with. And please, let's not have another season where a character accidentally teleports into the future only to discover something terrible has happened that he alone must stop!

So, is anyone else excited? Pensive? Maybe it's been so long since we last had a new episode that you just don't care anymore?

2008-09-21, 09:47 PM
I'm glad there's more ocming. I only recently got into heroes, actually. I'm about halfway into the first season with DVDs, and I'm alreadly liking it. I dunno if I can get my TV to get the channels it's on, but I still want to watch the new season.

I've heard the 2nd season was not all that great. D'you think it'll be necessary to the third season, though?

2008-09-21, 09:54 PM
The second season was atrocious. I really hope that this one is better, and hAs less Mohinder. I always hated that guy

2008-09-21, 09:56 PM
yea......everything being a mystery then a guy jumps into the future and finds out what will happen will get old, if used a third time, first time it was good, was very dramatic and darkish and dystopic, second time was excusable cause
it was the during the Writers Strike Age, but third time....no.......just no.

2008-09-21, 09:59 PM
The second season was atrocious. I really hope that this one is better, and hAs less Mohinder. I always hated that guy

its excusable cause it was during the Writers Strike, shows across the U.S. probably suffered because of that.

and I thought it wasn't really that bad, it was not the best performance but it wasn't horrible.....

2008-09-21, 10:34 PM
Mohinder supposedly develops a super-serum this season and uses it on himself.

I'm guessing his power will be amplifying his normal incomprehensible episode-opening monologues into SUPER incomprehensible episode-opening monologues.

Gavin Sage
2008-09-21, 10:44 PM
Mohinder supposedly develops a super-serum this season and uses it on himself.

I'm guessing his power will be amplifying his normal incomprehensible episode-opening monologues into SUPER incomprehensible episode-opening monologues.

Mohinder's speeches aren't so bad as a bit of window framing for the series. They aren't so much incomprehensible as not actually having a specific point to them beyond musing on a general underlying theme. I think in a dramatic sense though they give the series a bit of a mythological feel, it helps make Heroes bigger then simply a drama.

2008-09-21, 10:47 PM
Mohinder's speeches aren't so bad as a bit of window framing for the series. They aren't so much incomprehensible as not actually having a specific point to them beyond musing on a general underlying theme. I think in a dramatic sense though they give the series a bit of a mythological feel, it helps make Heroes bigger then simply a drama.

To be honest Mohinder's monologues make heroes seem like a really sci fi Scrubs to me.

2008-09-21, 11:49 PM
I can't wait till this evening! I was a fan of Heroes as soon as I saw the first episode. The following episodes just got me hooked on. Second season was alright, I guess... It had its glorouis moments and it had its downs... Okay alot of it I wished was different but if there was atleast one good thing that arrose out of it, it was Monroe. Now he was a GREAT villian!

As for Mohinder, I enjoy the monolagues. They set the theme quite nicely. But hey, each to his own!

2008-09-22, 12:22 AM
I like Heroes, but it really showed that the thing was supposed to have been a one-season hit when season two rolled around. It was garbage, human garbage![/Bob Barker] You're better off Wikipedia'ing the content than watching it. Yeah. That bad. Pacing? Plot? Internal consistency? Unique powers? Valid characterizations? In the words of the writers themselves AND I QUOTE:

"Them are poopiez!!1"

Please external mystical generic divine meta-being of some variety, let season three not blow. Please please please?

Oh, and I'm on the fence Re: Mohinder. He serves as a decent normal guy for the first half of the first season. Hell, I'll even say he was one of my favorite characters. Then he was the plot's bitch. Then he met Molly and things looked up. Then season 2 happened. And then he met Maya. Excuse me as I slam my keyboard. upoi HAWS BGW DEUYIGEUPIYR ojhepihr piughr ipp PIHUPI PIiuh hIJBP9UI Okay. Done.

Maya!!! y ALEJANDRO!!!!1 needed more painful deaths. Like Munroe. Including the repeating part. Hiro is a sadistic mf-er, but the man knows what to do with annoying characters.

2008-09-22, 12:42 AM
Y'know, I try to take that sentance seriously, but then I read the name "Maya" and the Steel Samurai theme goes off in my head and I lose all hope for understanding.

Also: Hiro? Sadistic? Proof that I need to finish Season 1, I guess. Or are we talking about Trunks-inspired Future Hiro?

2008-09-22, 01:05 AM
I was looking forward to season 3 starting soon, but I realized I didn't remember much of what had happened in season 2. So I had to ask myself was it just that forgettable. I decided to go out and purchase season 2 to re-watch in preparation for season 3. After having watched the first disk, I haven't tried rewatching the rest. Not only was season two forgettable, at times it was just plain bad. (I'm not saying all bad, mind you, but certainly could have been so much better.) I'll probably get around to getting through the rest of it sometime, but I'm in no hurry. I am still planning on watching season 3 though. Season 1 was so excellent that I'm hoping that they're able to re-capture some of that rather than floundering the way season 2 did.

2008-09-22, 01:05 AM
Yay Heroes!:smallbiggrin:

The second season was pretty bad compared to the first, but it had its moments. West got considerable less scrappy-esque once he teamed up with HRG for some ass-kicking, unlike emo-black-tears Maya.

Speaking of HRG, he totally cements his place as my favorite character and I hope to see more of badass-normalness in Season 3. If Mohinder truly does go Captain America on us, I want to see him go mad with power and have HRG reel him in.

See, some people just don't need powers or special serums to whup-ass. Some just need a gun and some nice eyewear.

Also: Hiro? Sadistic? Proof that I need to finish Season 1, I guess. Or are we talking about Trunks-inspired Future Hiro?

Nope, we're talking plain ol' comic-book reading, mild-mannered Hiro. At the end of the second season he

Buries the immortal regenerating villian alive in the same cemetery as his parents.

PS. BEST HEROES TRIBUTE EVER (http://www.thefump.com/lyrics.php?id=117)

2008-09-22, 04:58 AM
Me, personally; I just want Peter to get what's coming to him. Agonizing death. I actually prefer Mohinder over Peter (cue sound of world imploding). And now Matt has a pretty nifty power. I always liked him. I would've preferred him to be a Badass Normal though. Or possibly just how he was was okay.

Less Nikki will be awesome. More Gabriel/Sylar will be awesome...He did the (real world) a favour when he killed off Alejandro (hint, that's white text right there).

2008-09-22, 07:29 AM
It starts on the BBC next week.

I'm still going to watch it online though.

H. Zee
2008-09-22, 09:37 AM
I can excuse the second season of Heroes. Yes it wasn't as good as the first, but because of the writers' strike, I'm perfectly willing to make concessions.

If the third season isn't significantly better, however, I will be annoyed.

2008-09-22, 10:47 AM
I figure I'll give it two or three episodes to prove it's worthy of my trust. If not, Heroes and I are officially broken up.

Shame, really. The first season was pretty decent.

2008-09-22, 10:50 AM
Peter needs to be killed off, as does Sylar(he was meant to be dead anyway).

They also need to do something new, because the scond season was practically the first season with some new(very annoying) characters.

2008-09-22, 12:26 PM
Y'know, I try to take that sentance seriously, but then I read the name "Maya" and the Steel Samurai theme goes off in my head and I lose all hope for understanding.

Also: Hiro? Sadistic? Proof that I need to finish Season 1, I guess. Or are we talking about Trunks-inspired Future Hiro?

If you hadn't finished season one, you really shouldn't have read the spoiler text. And, like some people have said, season 2, while utter, utter ****, has a few solid moments. That's all I'm going to say on that.

2008-09-22, 12:56 PM
Season two wasn't that bad. Sure, it was worse than season one, but it wasn't as bad as most people make it out to be. I do agree that a lot of things were dragged on longer than they should have been.

Anyway, from what I've seen of season three, that is numerous trailers and the first fifteen minutes of episode one, I can say that it looks awesome.
Spoilers! Do not open... This is your only warning.Sylar gets up to his old tricks straight away

2008-09-22, 01:38 PM
Speaking of HRG, he totally cements his place as my favorite character and I hope to see more of badass-normalness in Season 3. If Mohinder truly does go Captain America on us, I want to see him go mad with power and have HRG reel him in.

See, some people just don't need powers or special serums to whup-ass. Some just need a gun and some nice eyewear.

It took me to the last sentence to figure out HRG meant horn rimmed glasses, and I totally agree. More Noah would be good.

Rare Pink Leech
2008-09-22, 02:23 PM
I agree with Doihaveaname? that the second season wasn't as bad as most people make it out to be. It was still entertaining, but it obviously had its problems.

I will say, however, that the writer's strike was no excuse for a poor second season. It's not like it was a sudden thing - everyone knew there was a negotiation deadline coming up, and most shows planned accordingly with shortened seasons, whether they ended with the strike or with some new episodes after the strike. The writer's strike should be no excuse for poor writing, as evidenced by other shows that retained their quality despite the strike.

Edit: A Canadian channel showed the recap show last night for some reason, and I watched a bit of it in between a couple of other shows. It wasn't particularly compelling, but something interesting that was revealed in a short clip from season 3 is

Niki/Jessica survived the fire unharmed.

2008-09-22, 05:05 PM
Edit: A Canadian channel showed the recap show last night for some reason, and I watched a bit of it in between a couple of other shows. It wasn't particularly compelling, but something interesting that was revealed in a short clip from season 3 is

Niki/Jessica survived the fire unharmed.

I watched it all and all of the "never before seen footage" has already been leaked online at some point.

As for the spoiler text...
As far as I'm aware, that's not Niki/Jessica. It's Tracy Strauss. They even show her standing next to Niki's coffin.

Rare Pink Leech
2008-09-22, 07:51 PM
That's not the clip I saw.

In the clip I saw, Niki/Jessica/whatever aspect of her personality walks out of a hotel bedroom in lingerie, while an older gentleman gets dressed.

Ten minutes to go!

2008-09-22, 07:53 PM

The Bridget scene

was messed up. Seriously, terrifyingly messed up. That is ...

TVTropes' Nightmare Fuel has probably proposed marriage to it already.



Gavin Sage
2008-09-22, 09:00 PM

Claire that's disgusting.

Crowning moment of AWESOME!

Rare Pink Leech
2008-09-22, 09:14 PM
That's not the clip I saw.

In the clip I saw, Niki/Jessica/whatever aspect of her personality walks out of a hotel bedroom in lingerie, while an older gentleman gets dressed.

Ten minutes to go!

So apparently I'm completely missing something.

Who's Tracy Strauss?

More to come after the show's over ... lots to talk about.

2008-09-22, 10:02 PM
NOT appreciating the whole

"The Fly" thing with Mohinder. Nor Peter being trapped by FuturePete in a badguy's body. Worst bit though: Sylar poking his way to victory. Seriously: what the hmm was that? He POKES the right spot and annexes a power?

Pretty ridiculous for Heroes.

That said: pretty damn good otherwise. The villains are all freaks - woot.

Tussy the Druid
2008-09-22, 10:06 PM
So.....it's over and....I'm incredibly confused. There's just....I dunno. Anyone elses' (slightly more coherent) thoughts?

2008-09-22, 10:08 PM
OK, better idea: I'm going to start a Spoilered Heroes Premiere thread. Go there for open discussion.

Rare Pink Leech
2008-09-22, 10:20 PM
So, in no particular order:

I WAS RIGHT! I was right that Mama Petrelli's had a dreaming-related power! I've said it for quite a while ... I said it somewhere in the old Heroes thread as well. I'll see if I can't dig it up later.

I'm starting to get tired of the whole "there's a catastrophe in the future! ZOMG!" thing. First Future Peter comes from a "Days of Future Past" knockoff, and then Hiro teleports to the future again to discover something bad. They seem to be handling it differently (at least when it comes to Future Peter constantly screwing things up) but holy crap, can't they come up with something different?

I like the fact that Hiro can't completely stop time. It takes him down a power level, which makes threats against him more credible. Too bad the speedster girl looks so much like Elle (I thought it was Elle at first).

Apparently sometime in the future Peter acquires the power of illusions ... but from who? Candice was killed by Sylar before Peter met her.

I'm really getting tired of Maya. She just rubs me the wrong way ... why can't she just die already?

Is it just me, or does Mohinder's personality change seem to come from nowhere? And did anyone else think the way he suddenly figured out how powers work is just a little cheesy? At any rate, it'll be interesting to see what happens with him. When we saw future Ando shoot red electricity I thought he got injected with the serum, but it appears that the human body rejects artificially acquired powers (a la the X-Men movie). Also, do you think he's like Spider-Man and can stick to walls, or was it more like Beast where he can just grip stuff really well due to his super strength?

So Sylar can now heal ... that's a scary thought. Although he's apparently not the worst guy around. And apparently he might be able to be controlled by Mama Petrelli since he's apparently a Petrelli brother. Now that had to have been the biggest twist of the evening. Oh, and the "Claire, that's disgusting!" line is definitely a Crowning Moment of Awesome. Also, do you think Sylar lost all his previous powers save the telekinesis? It seems so. But how did he back up so quickly when Claire turned around to find him behind her? It looked like he was yanked/floated away. Telekinesis, maybe?

Speaking of healing ... is Claire's ability the same as Munroe's or not? Sylar seems to think she cannot die, but Mama Petrelli's dream indicates that she has the same weakness to head injuries that Munroe apparently does.

What's up with Linderman? I figured after Tracy walked right by him that only Nathan could see him, but is he a ghost? A figment of Nathan's imagination (which I consider more likely)? If so, how did Nathan miraculously heal?

2008-09-22, 10:21 PM
As if there weren't enough parallels between Peter and Sylar already...
now they're apparently half-brothers.

Re: The premiere as a whole:

I thought it started out a bit shaky with the Claire-vs-Peter scene. It really would have been better to have Future Peter be a suprise for when Parkman confronts him in the closet. Also, I think they played Sylar just a tad early: There's no tension in that scene since major characters rarely die ten minutes into the first episode. Lastly, I found the whole Spider-Mohinder subplot to be really funny, which I doubt was the intent.

Aside from that, it was pretty good. It managed to throw in a couple of nice twists, such as Tracy not being another Nikki/Jessica personality and Linderman being either some sort of ghost or a hallucination* (or God, I suppose). They get bonus points there for playing on the number one most hated comic trope--Death Is Cheap--so the twist itself comes as a relief.

Why Linderman? It's possible that Nathan was healed by trace amounts of Adam's blood still in his body. Since he's never met Adam in person, he'd naturally assume that, if the healing wasn't divine, it would be the work of the only other healer he knows. Plus it provides a nice contrast: Linderman here represents the doubts that he's not working for God but rather for a certain devil that convinced him to play along for what he though was "good." Naturally, this is all Hollywood Psychology, but this is also a TV show, so it's all applicable.

2008-09-22, 10:23 PM
NOT appreciating the whole

"The Fly" thing with Mohinder. Nor Peter being trapped by FuturePete in a badguy's body. Worst bit though: Sylar poking his way to victory. Seriously: what the hmm was that? He POKES the right spot and annexes a power?

Pretty ridiculous for Heroes.

That said: pretty damn good otherwise. The villains are all freaks - woot.

About the Syler thing, One theory for his power taking involved studying their brain, or part of their brain. so obviously that theory was right and he had to move something aside to see it.

Rare Pink Leech
2008-09-22, 10:24 PM
NOT appreciating the whole

"The Fly" thing with Mohinder. Nor Peter being trapped by FuturePete in a badguy's body. Worst bit though: Sylar poking his way to victory. Seriously: what the hmm was that? He POKES the right spot and annexes a power?

Pretty ridiculous for Heroes.

That said: pretty damn good otherwise. The villains are all freaks - woot.

Sylar's original power is to intuitively see how things work. From his comment about how eating brains is disgusting, it seems that all along Sylar has only needed to see people's brains to understand how their power works. For most people, having their head cut open outside of an operating room means they die. Since Claire can heal, she's okay. Makes sense to me.

2008-09-22, 10:33 PM
It was the

poking that pissed me off. Simply seeing how the brain did it should not impart Sylar the genes/opcodes/what have you necessary to do it. From what I was aware, his (original) power was to analyze the makeup of complex systems, such that he could take them apart and build them. He should have had to make an alteration to himself to be able to access other powers.

Not to mention, considering his reaction to Brian (his first victim) it seems that he could analyze the power/system behind it with the subject's head intact. So they pulled a fast one somewhere, kids.

2008-09-22, 11:37 PM
hmm, the "magic" that this series once held for me has pretty much disappeared. I was genuinely interested during season 1, but it all spiraled downhill with the writers strike and it seems like not much has improved

I knew a Flash clone was inevitable, but come on! so fast that she can break the boundaries of time itself? Even discounting that fact, isn't it impossible for her to communicate with Hiro as sound would not travel as quickly as her vocal chords produced it? (not to mention her jaw coming unhinged at the rate it is invariably moving.

Plus she just seemed like a contrived foil to Hiro to me to fit the seasons "Hero/Villain theme" from the start. (they're opposite in every way: Asian Male, Caucasian female, blonde hair, black hair, conservative business attire, tee shirt and gelled/layered hairstyle) Lame to the max. Apparently the writers used up all their creativity on strike slogans.

Claire is now essentially a useless character. At least in the first 2 seasons she was at the very least a wonky plot device. Please, someone freeze her, or dump her in an acid vat or SOMETHING. Don't make me sit through 20 more episodes of Hayden P.'s ... ahem...."acting"

sorry for the rant. I guess I was expecting too much. Ah well

2008-09-23, 04:21 AM
Oh, come on.

There have only been two episodes and you've already decided it's going downhill again?

Heroes isn't meant to be realistic, so please. Do not kill the catgirls.

2008-09-23, 03:13 PM
All catgirl-killing aside (and those catgirls have all got cause to be afraid), I'm a bit shocked at how closely Mohinder's story paralleled The Fly. Did NBC feel bad for cancelling Jeff Goldblum's show?

Regardless of anything else that happens, somebody HAS to get a syringe of power-juice for Mister Muggles. (Hilarity ensues, right?) :smallwink:

(Stream-of-consciousness reaction to the premiere on my blog (http://michaelgmunz.blogspot.com/2008/09/heroes-premiere-blogging.html), if anyone's curious/bored/desperate. :smallsmile:)

2008-09-23, 06:22 PM
Heroes is back! Yay!!!
"My name is Hiro Nakamura, and I bend Time and space." Awesome!

2008-09-23, 09:05 PM
I'm pretty sure the whole Mohinder-Fly thing was just a Shout Out. It wasn't the only one, either--the whole Sylar/Claire scene was based off of Halloween.

And Future Peter didn't create an illusion in regards to Present Peter. He put Present Peter's consciousness into Jesse's body...which begs the question: Where's Jesse's consciousness?

2008-09-29, 02:38 AM
Right. You also need to ask whare is Peter's body?

I also did find the brit chicks speed ability allowing her to be imune to heros time stop BS. However she did raise a good question. Does hero stop time for the whole world, or just in his general vasinity? Personaly I dont think he stops, speeds up or rewinds time at all. I am pritty sure he removes himself from normal time. It explanes why he can fast forwared or rewind time then stop time. He is moving himself back and forth or pausing himself in that instant. If this is so than Daphny's power is being messed up by bad writing or its similar to heros but used in a different way.

2008-09-29, 02:59 AM
You should be more concerned with how Hiro can survive in "stopped time". As for what happens with Daphne (who, incidentally, isn't a Brit) and still being able to move in a state of timestop, I think of it as Hiro slowing down time so much that it appears to have stopped. It's like when Hiro had to go on the adventure to steal Kensai's sword to regain his full power, he was unable to "stop time", just slow it down a bit. When he goes back and forth through time he rewinds or fast-forwards time respectively.

Gavin Sage
2008-09-29, 07:53 AM
You should be more concerned with how Hiro can survive in "stopped time". As for what happens with Daphne (who, incidentally, isn't a Brit) and still being able to move in a state of timestop, I think of it as Hiro slowing down time so much that it appears to have stopped. It's like when Hiro had to go on the adventure to steal Kensai's sword to regain his full power, he was unable to "stop time", just slow it down a bit. When he goes back and forth through time he rewinds or fast-forwards time respectively.

Well the somebody probably pointed out the the writers that you'd be unable to see with time completely stopped because all light would stop and you couldn't see anything. Which makes for some really bad camera shots.

2008-09-29, 08:07 AM
Well the somebody probably pointed out the the writers that you'd be unable to see with time completely stopped because all light would stop and you couldn't see anything. Which makes for some really bad camera shots.

Exactly, I find it a lot more enjoyable if you don't bother with all the trivialities of "it doesn't work like that" or "it shouldn't do that".

It's entertainment. Super powered entertainment. It's not supposed to be realistic. Everyone's too busy arguing about how super speed should stay frozen in stopped time to realise that they shouldn't even be able to do any of that stuff.

Also, the power of Plot reigns supreme.

2008-09-29, 10:32 AM
About the premierer I can only say one thing:

Sweat Mohinder Bare Chest :smallbiggrin:!!!