View Full Version : Trippin' To Wonderland

2008-09-22, 08:00 PM
Fan will find himself in a box. It is simply a cardboard box, however, it is suggested he doesn't destroy the box..
As it is his only protection from the ultra-violet cage he is in.
"Rise and shiiiiine, sleepy head."

2008-09-22, 08:03 PM
"Who is that? where am I? What have you done!?
He then sees a speck of UV leaking through the box, and quickly scoots away from it.... ****....

2008-09-22, 08:12 PM
"The Queen of Hearts she made some tarts all on a summer's day;
The Knave of Hearts he stole the tarts and took them clean away.
The King of Hearts called for the tarts and beat the Knave full sore
The Knave of Hearts brought back the tarts and
vowed he'd steal no more..." Ambrosius moved to the front of the box, where Fan would be able to see her, and bowed.
"I am a hatter, and I hat. Though, you may call me Ambrosius. I'm keeping you here until your beloved blushing bride is certain to live and can come rescue you."

2008-09-22, 08:18 PM
"The Queen of Hearts she made some tarts all on a summer's day;
The Knave of Hearts he stole the tarts and took them clean away.
The King of Hearts called for the tarts and beat the Knave full sore
The Knave of Hearts brought back the tarts and
vowed he'd steal no more..." Ambrosius moved to the front of the box, where Fan would be able to see her, and bowed.
"I am a hatter, and I hat. Though, you may call me Ambrosius. I'm keeping you here until your beloved blushing bride is certain to live and can come rescue you."

"I see well, I was hoping to have a plaesant honeymoon with my newly betrothed wife, but anything going right for ONCE is just to much around here."

2008-09-22, 08:33 PM
"What is right, hmmmm?" With a twist of her hand, Fan's box shrunk by a few inches. Ambrosius grinned widely.

2008-09-22, 08:36 PM
Fan almost shrieked when he saw his box shrink .... if pure UV struck him he was going to be in BIG trouble even just a cloudy day usually gave him a BAD headache to the point that he needed some altered medication (ie in the blood) to even avoid collapsing....
"Okay.... tell me what you want, and I'll be sure to get it for you... anything just name it."

2008-09-22, 08:40 PM
Ambrosius' grin widened, and she leaned her head against the UV bars, before passing through them without effort, as if she were a ghost..which she isn't.
"MmmMmmHmmm, anything? Like, oh...money?" The hatter held her hand out, and thousands of gold pieces fell from nowhere to clatter against the floor, sparkling in the lights.
"My dear little one, you could not give me anything I don't already have... aside from amusement. And that's precisely what I'm gaining. No fear, though, dear child. I won't hurt you fatally. I need you alive, you see. Your wife won't come if you're dead."

2008-09-22, 08:45 PM
"but how will she know I'm here? How will she now I'm not just dead? How do I know shhe isn't already dead?"
He then colalpses into tears, and DEADTIMES.

2008-09-23, 07:35 AM
On another world, in another dimension, Turtle climbs up into a small treehouse. It had been abandoned for many years. The wood was rotted in some places, and it had become a home for mice and spiders.


It was her sister who had destroyed everything. It was fitting that their childhood playhouse should be rotten and decayed as well. She ducked under a branch, and found the little nook where Rabbit kept their tea set. It was still there.

Turtle took it down gently, and set everything out for a tea party, just as they had done so many times before. The dishes were covered with dust and mildew. Again, she thought it was perfect.

She poured a pretend cup of tea, stirred in her pretend milk and sugar, and lifted the cup to her lips and took a pretend sip. Then she carefully set the cup down and pounded her fist into it, smashing it to pieces.

2008-09-23, 07:36 AM
(( >> I promise I'll post here when I get off of work in, like, nine hours...))

2008-09-23, 10:48 AM
Mr. Quinne appears in mid-air in front of the treehouse. "-penning... Ahhhh!!!" *THUD* "Hmmhmhm, that was fun." Mr. Quinne lifted himself up, and looked around. "What is this place? Where's the bracelet?" He looks at a nearby rock, and sees that the bracelet shattered on it. "Damn! ...Hello?!" Quinne starts walking around, hoping to find someone.

((Yeah, you can ignore him if you want. He'll just wander the forest until you either call him, or disappear into the rabbit hole without him. Feel free to godmod him if I'm offline.))

2008-09-23, 12:19 PM
((If she heard him, which is doubtful considering how absorbed in her own unhappiness she is, she'd actively hide from him. She'd assume he was part of a GLoG mission to take her home.))

2008-09-23, 12:39 PM
"Is anyone out there?" Mr. Quinne leans against the tree with Happy in it, oblivious to any ladders/steps there. "Hello!? I'm lost!! Can anyone tell how to get home?!" He starts tapping the tree with his knuckle. Possibly for good luck. Or maybe he knows where happy is... is it Mr. Quinne, or is it Mr. Topsy that's knocking? Who knows.

2008-09-23, 12:41 PM
Turtle turns invisible and does not move or speak.

2008-09-23, 12:43 PM
The knocking continues, and each time it sounds louder. Eventually the noise seems to surround her.

2008-09-23, 01:06 PM
Why won't they leave me alone? Don't they understand how miserable I am?

It's because it wasn't enough that they cause it. They want to watch it too. They want to see me suffer.

She continues to do and say nothing.

2008-09-23, 01:18 PM
The knocking is replaced by the insane laughter of Mr. Topsy "Ahh hahahahahahahaha!!!" His mad laughter echoes throughout the forest. "This tree is in my way! I think I'll chop it down!!" Happy will hear the sound of a chainsaw being turned on beneath her. Is it a trick? Or is Mr. Topsy really going to cut down the tree? Maybe he's just playing with her mind, trying to drive her insane? It's impossible to tell.

((Sorry if it seems like I'm pushing this. >>))

2008-09-23, 01:27 PM
((You can't drive her insane. That's Draken's job. :smalltongue:))

"Good. Cut it down. I don't care," Turtle calls out. She is perversely far more willing to respond to an enemy than to a friend at this point.

2008-09-23, 01:34 PM
"Hmmmmmmm? perhaps I shouldn't. It's boring when one wills death." He walks along the tree's surface as one would do on the ground. He then steps onto the roof of the structure, and sits above where Happy is. She doesn't hear any of this movement. "Do you truly wish to die? Or is it that you rely on your strength to survive? Hmm? Perhaps if you were reunited with your love, you would be unwilling to die before him?"

((Well, he was there for the wedding, so it's not OOC for him to know about FFF and her.))

2008-09-23, 01:41 PM
((Presumably you have some way to avoid falling through the rotting structure, yes?))

"I'd do anything to see him again."

2008-09-23, 02:00 PM
((When Mr. Topsy is in control, physics mean little to him. If they did, he would have fallen from the tree. Mr. Quinne, however would fall through. He weighs about 300-350lb. Maybe less. Mithral is pretty light.))

"Then the answer is simple. Close your eyes, and drift into a world far away. A world of wonder." He seems to sink into the treehouse, and lands beside Happy. "If you do find this place, I would very much like for Mr. Quinne to accompany you. Sometimes it is best to share a burden than carry it on your own no matter how strong an individual is." He sat himself on the floor, and slumped down as if all life had left him. The floor beneath him creaked, and he rose his head ever so slightly. "I feel weak... is anyone there?"

2008-09-23, 02:47 PM
"Go away," Turtle says. She is still invisible. The tea set still sits in front of her, arranged neatly, with one cup smashed. There are drops of blood on the smashed cup.

2008-09-23, 03:03 PM
Mr. Quinne leans back from his slump, and falls flat on his back. This cracks part of the wood below him. "Uuuughh..." His head then turns to his right, and his aura glows dimly instead of its usual tone. He's probably unconscious.

((Deadtime in 15 minutes or so. I'll probably get back on in 3 or 4 hours. Feel free to leave him, or bring him along. If you do bring him, you can godmod him as if he were an NPC (that includes waking him up). He's a faceless, mithral golem monk, so he should be easy enough to use. To talk he uses courier new font, and deep sky blue colour. Or if you like, he just won't talk at all.

It's up to you if he comes along or not, I don't want to get in the way.

...Just don't do Topsy at all. It's best you aren't subjected to his... thoughts.))

2008-09-23, 05:09 PM
Turtle may feel herself become very cold, the air around her shifting and turning... until Ambrosius stood before her, grinning wickedly, holding a teapot still steaming.
"Aww, it seems there was an accident, hmmm?" Bending down, she shifted to hold her hand over the shattered teacup, its fragments pulling upon itself to fix seamlessly, as if it had never been broken.
All in one motion, she filled the miniature ceramic piece with hot tea.

2008-09-23, 05:17 PM
Fan is still crying when a bit of the anti vamp light that was leaking in hits him in the leg, and he utters a sharp manly scream as it singes his leg PAINFULLY.

2008-09-23, 05:19 PM
Turtle looks up and sees... Rabbit. :smallfurious:

In one motion, she draws her spork and charges.

2008-09-23, 05:29 PM
Turtle will find herself charging through thin air, and Ambrosius merely giggled.
"Ach, du lieber Augustin, Augustin, Augustin,
Ach, du lieber Augustin, alles ist hin!
Geld ist weg, Mädl ist weg, alles weg, alles weg!
Ach, du lieber Augustin, alles ist hin! " Reciting in a sing-song manner, Ambrosius turned around to face Turtle, waggling a gloved finger.
"Now, now...how will you expect to ever see your betrothed again, if you go about like that? Play nice, play nice!"

2008-09-23, 05:33 PM
Turtle freezes in place. "Where is he? What did you do with him, Rabbit?"

2008-09-23, 05:35 PM
"Rabbit?" Her perfectly shaped eyebrows arched in amusement.
"Is that the name of the form I stole? Hmmm. No, non, nein, I am not a rabbit, but a Hatter. Ambrosius Arietta Reginaldi the III. But, if it makes you feel all the more better, I can be your Rabbit. He is...well, he'll be fine as long as he doesn't do anything stupid. And you may have him back, if you please."

2008-09-23, 05:40 PM
Turtle's eyes filled with tears. "I'll do anything to get him back."

2008-09-23, 05:47 PM
Ambrosius held out her hand and snapped her fingers, somehow, despite the silk gloves. Floating above her hand a bubble appeared, and reflected on its surface was an image...
Should Turtle look closely, she'll see Fanboy sitting in his box.
"Say hello, Turtle, dear."

2008-09-23, 05:50 PM
Turtle is transfixed. "Fan! Fan, can you hear me?"

2008-09-23, 05:52 PM
With her other hand, Ambrosius stroked the bubble, so that it popped.
"You'll do anything for him, hmmm? Confront yourself, teeter on the edge of your sanity, crawl through rainbows? Hmmm?"

2008-09-23, 05:57 PM
Turtle felt calm, for the first time since everything had started to go so horribly wrong yesterday. "Anything."

2008-09-23, 06:03 PM
Ambrosius leaned out the door of the playhouse, and pointed to a hole in the ground. It was about a foot in diameter, and had suddenly appeared, with no sort of explanation other than Ambrosius had just willed it to be there.
"Down you go, then. Oh, and...you might want to take him." The hatter pointed at Mr. Quinne, winked, and then fell in upon herself, until there was nothing left of her in the treehouse, except for the faint smell of appleblossom.

2008-09-23, 06:06 PM

2008-09-23, 06:18 PM
Turtle wakes Mr Quinne, and uses whatever combination of cajoling, threatening, bribing, or begging is necessary to get him to climb down out of the treehouse with her and go down the hole. Unless some sort of transformation occurs to make them smaller or the hole bigger or some other violation of physics occurs, Turtle will use her spork to enlarge the hole so they can fit.

2008-09-23, 06:32 PM
(Yea, I know, my timing sucks. I have to deal with it.)

You are really going to save him aren't you?
After all this horror... All this sadness...

Take this with you. It will help.

Blue ice dashes along the floor, coming from somewhere else. Before blasting up as a sapphire case.

Inside it is a weapon. The Sapphire Slayer, the downfall of a thousand heroes who held it or where cut down by it.

Right now, it is a longsword, a basic form, but it is a smart weapon, it takes on the shape the user prefers.

Take it. This sapphire blade will cut even the lies you stumble across. This is my gift, use it to save him.
Or to save yourself.

2008-09-23, 06:39 PM
Turtle picks it up without hesitation.

Who are you?

2008-09-23, 06:48 PM
I am everything you feel right now, granted shape and with the power to help you.
I am your hate, grief and despair, not the source, but the product. And this is the weapon that will silence me forever.
You just have to find the source.
And slay it.
Slay them and curse their memory.

2008-09-23, 06:58 PM
Turtle shakes her head.

No. I'm not a killer. Not anymore.

If I have to kill, I will. If I have to fall, I'll sacrifice my soul to get him back.

Not unless I have to.

2008-09-23, 07:11 PM
Hope you have to kill no one.
But don't exclude the possibility so quickly.

The hilt pulses, calling. Forget this line.

2008-09-23, 07:13 PM
Except, LOL, the dust is pulsated from Happy's dress.
Sorry, Draken, not in the mood to deal with you today. S'nothing personal.

2008-09-23, 07:22 PM
But... But... He is not even here, he is still in the GloG base.

2008-09-23, 07:31 PM
As Turtle and Mr. Quinne get closer to the hole, they will notice it seems to be growing in size.
Or perhaps it had always been that large and it had just been a trick of lighting. Who knows?

2008-09-23, 07:34 PM
((Ah, yes. The LOL factor.))

Having been awoken from his incapacitated state, Mr. Quinne carefully stands to avoid breaking the floor of the building, and walks off the edge after quickly agreeing to help HT. He lands in the mud, with a thud. After which he looks into the hole. "It looks safe enough... well, not really. But in my experience the insane tend to be more trustworthy than the sane." He crouched down to get a better look at it. "I'll go first. I don't feel like seeing someone running into a trap that I can't protect them from." If Happy has nothing to do/say further, Mr. Quinne will jump down the hole ahead of her.

2008-09-23, 07:48 PM
Turtle follows right behind him, after sheathing the Sapphire Slayer (which is now in the shape of a spork).

2008-09-23, 07:52 PM
The two will fall rather slowly, through a tunnel made of shelves upon shelves, filled with teapots and saucers and little knick-knacks of elephants with pink shoes.
Eventually, they will fall into a small room. There are no windows or doors, or any ways of getting out, it seems. Instead, there is a hare, dressed quite dapper-like, sitting at a table with awkwards legs, held up on books and random items, to keep it standing.
The hare waved happily.
"Hello, hello...won't you join me?"

2008-09-23, 08:03 PM
Quinne thought for a moment as to how to respond to the hare. "May we know your name?"

2008-09-23, 08:28 PM
Turtle fought down her first urge, which was to pull out a weapon and attack.

"Hello, Sir," she said to the rabbit, a little awkwardly. "Can you help us find my husband?"

2008-09-23, 08:29 PM
"Names are no help here, m'dear sir." Turning from Mr. Quinne, the hare smiled up at Turtle, brushing back his brown hair before offering a full cup of tea.
"Of course I can. You'll need to drink this, of course."

2008-09-23, 08:32 PM
Turtle takes the tea and quickly drinks it.

2008-09-23, 08:43 PM
Mr. Quinne looked at the tea, then at the hare. "Um... should I just pour it on my head? I don't have a face to drink anything." He taps his faceplate to emphasize this.

2008-09-23, 08:44 PM
The hare glanced at Mr Quinne.
"You don't need it, the mistress says." Somehow, the little lapin seemed to grin as Turtle drank her tea. Her vision should start fading in at out at the edges.

2008-09-23, 08:47 PM
Turtle finishes the whole cup in a few gulps. Her vision starts to fade.

2008-09-23, 08:55 PM
Quinne looked at Turtle quickly after the hare gave his line. "Ms. Turtle?" If she falls over, Quinne will try to catch her.

2008-09-25, 06:27 AM
((plot cancelled by RHL))

After defeating many riddles, challenges, and trials, Turtle and Mr Quinne made it through Ambrosius's labyrinth to find the UV cage and the cardboard box within. As soon as they deactivated the UV, the scene around them faded and they found themselves sprawled on the grass in the rose garden at GLoG headquarters.

((to be continued there))