View Full Version : Gestalt Arena Match 20

2008-09-22, 08:15 PM
A towering figure in a dark robe enters the room where you have been milling around sizing up the competition. His face is completely obscured by his hood. He raises both hands to get your attention and speaks in a deep voice.
Touchstone, Kilan. He pauses for you to identify yourselves.
You have been chosen to be the first. Prepare yourselves!
With that he brings his hands down and the two of you find yourself transported to the arena (http://excessivefreetime.org/arena/arena1.html)

You've got time for one swift action and one standard action before you get transported in case you need to adopt a stance or activate an item.

On the map, green is open terrain, yellow is difficult terrain, red/brown is the cliffs

Opening post should have an initiative roll, anything you said after he called your name and what, if anything you did with the 'surprise round' before being transported. After that, start fighting in initiative order.

start at L13
start at Y33

2008-09-22, 09:00 PM

Touchstone, hovering invisible in the air, announces himself, and looks at his foe. "Of course," he remarks sardonically, "I get the guy with more brawn than the rest of the world's brains put together. Joy." Touchstone reaches into a pocket and pulls out a small metal sphere, while adopting a fighting stance.

Standard action: pull out Iron Bands. Swift action, assume Assasin's stance. Maneuvers prepared, Warblade/Bloodclaw Master: Dancing Mongoose, Pouncing Charge, Rabid Bear Strike, Death from Above, Iron Heart Surge. Maneuvers prepared, Swordsage: Emerald Razor, Ruby Nightmare Blade, Fleshripper, Soaring Raptor Strike. Init: [roll0]

2008-09-22, 10:17 PM
An eight foot tall humanoid grins a mawful of fangs. Somewhere between an anthro tiger and a dragon, it growls softly,The hunt is on. Pray to whatever god you worship that my claws don't find your flesh.

Init: [roll0]

2008-09-22, 10:26 PM
Fly up 70', then move to Y21, land on the cliff.


2008-09-23, 06:49 AM

Touchstone flies 60 feet straight up into the air. Activate Leaps And Bounds (+6 bonus to jump, balance, and tumble checks).

EDIT: Touchstone declares Kilan his dodge target, and will always do so (Damn, Dodge is hard to remember).

2008-09-23, 03:50 PM
Move to O18 and land, using the cliff as total cover. Ready an action for breath attack if you get within 20 feet.

2008-09-23, 05:29 PM

Sighing as his opponent dodges out of sight behind cover, Touchstone moves up another 60 feet and puts his sphere behind his back. Ending the invisibility, Touchstone calls to his opponent. "OY, BRUTE! YOUR MOTHER HAD FLEAS AND YOUR FATHER HAD BAD BREATH!!!"

Ready an action to throw the Iron Bands if Kilan gets close enough to Touchstone to use his claws.

2008-09-23, 06:24 PM
He stands still, but shouts back,

Full Defense Action, still holding action.

2008-09-23, 08:07 PM

Touchstone sighs, and flies back 60 feet. "I can keep this up all day. If you don't come at me, I'm going to be able to chip away at you until you collapse."

Move to square D5, ready an Eldritch Spear to be used as soon as Kiran is in range and Touchstone has line of sight.

2008-09-23, 08:14 PM
Move North, than East to G11, still staying out of the line thanks to the cliffs.

Too bad. A true hunter can wait for days.

2008-09-23, 08:48 PM

Flying south, Touchstone sighs. He had hoped for an interesting fight. "Look, you're going to have to come at me eventually. So, quit stalling, or the scary robed man might get miffed."

Move to P5, ready the Iron Bands for if/when Kilan comes within ten feet of Touchstone. EDIT: Or whatever is close enough for Kilan to claw Touchstone.

2008-09-23, 09:57 PM
Fly to L5, 20' away from you. If you are so impatient to die, than be my guest. Lets see how well you burn.

Fire Breath, DC22 Reflex for Half damage.

Blink miss chance: Highs miss 81-100 [roll0]

Damage [roll1] Fire

Edit: At least, I assume that the Supernatural ability is affected by the etherealness. May need a ruling.

2008-09-24, 06:17 AM

Reflex Save:

When did you activate your blinking?

EDIT: Also, what was the ruling on 24-hour buffs? If we're allowed to keep them up all the time, I guess it won't affect this fight, but it would be good to know in the future.

2008-09-24, 03:50 PM
Its a ring, its always on. If not, just make it the standard action I didn't use for before the fight.

2008-09-24, 06:51 PM
Ring of Blinking requires a command (standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunities), and lasts for seven rounds before needing to be reactivated. It can be used as many times per day as you want to.

However, since your character would've been blinking in the beginning, my actions would probably have been somewhat different. I would've used my See the Unseen invocation. It's a 24 hour buff anyway, so I probably could have had it active the entire time anyway. So, you get to retcon in blinking, I get to retcon in See the Unseen?

2008-09-24, 09:44 PM
Deal, and I have... three rounds of this Blink left.

2008-09-25, 07:02 PM

Touchstone blinks as the flames turn etheral right before touching him. Dropping a bit, he flies south some more. "Oh, please now. Fighting at a distance? Are you afraid to get too close? C'mon, you ***** cat!" Touchstone shouts to his opponent.

Drops 5 feet and moves to V5, readying the sphere in the same manner I've readied it every single other time.

Also, I find the censor on this quite amusing. You can probably figure out what I was trying to say, though.

2008-09-25, 07:57 PM
Well then, I guess it is time to end this. The lycan's wings open in a menacing manner as he takes flight and charges toward you.

Pending shenannigans, I full attack.

Claw, Claw, Bite, Rake, Rake, Grapple

Damage, same order.


2008-09-25, 07:58 PM
Oh, I forgot ethereal miss. Highs miss again.


2008-09-26, 06:13 AM

Shenanigans time, though I'm feeling unlucky. If the bands hit, you're helpless, and this happens as soon as you're in range, so if I succeed, the attacks didn't happen.

Ranged Touch: [roll0]

Etheral miss chance, 81-100 misses: [roll1]

2008-09-26, 06:39 AM

While his heart sinks from seeing the bands pass through suddenly empty space, he is relieved to find that only one of his opponent's attacks succeed. Closing the distance between the two, Touchstone becomes invisible once more, unsheathes his weapons, adopts a more defensive stance, and strikes out with his full force.

Dammit. However, only the first claw hits, for 17 points of damage after DR.

Five foot step, resume invisibility, free action unsheathe weapons, adopt Stance of Clarity (EDIT: Just to be clear, Kilan is the target of the stance:smalltongue:), Rabid Bear Strike.

To hit: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]

Miss chance, same as before: [roll3]

2008-09-26, 03:31 PM
Hold on since I hit you with one of my attacks, I got to grapple you as a free attempt. So you have to beat my grapple roll.

2008-09-26, 03:43 PM
You don't get improved grab or rake in hybrid form.

EDIT: Actually, you can't pounce either. Which doesn't really affect this time anyway, as only your first attack hit.