View Full Version : Arena Tournament, Round 46: Jeananne vs. Chainy

2008-09-24, 11:09 PM
Arena Tournament, Round 46: Jeananne vs. Chainy



XP Award: 300 XP
GP Award: 300 GP

Fishy - Jeananne (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=14620)
dman11235 - Chainy (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=56185)

All gladiators please roll initiative

2008-09-25, 12:23 PM
Battle of the crusaders!

Jeananne will buy a Masterwork Morningstar, and whatever reactive purchases I feel like. Probably nothing.

Init: [roll0]

2008-09-25, 05:24 PM
You have a fun time finding good maneuvers too? I like how we have near identical lists. The only difference is that instead of Vanguard's Strike you have Leading the Attack....which do the same thing: nothing.

No purchases. I'm saving up.

Init: 1d20+2

2008-09-25, 05:26 PM
EDIT in case it's confusing: My rolls were messed up until now, so I'm using this post for my actions, but my initiative roll is in the next post. The original text for this post was the next two lines. After that (starting "Here, I'll use this one") is text written after the roll in the next post./EDIT

Curses! I forgot the end tag....


Here, I'll use this one. Yay I go first!

Start in a square (one of the leading ones...doesn't matter which), and double move to P10, spiked chain drawn.

swift action activate Martial Spirit

End turn.

HP: 12
AC: 16/14/12
Buffs: none.
Stance: Martial Spirit
Maneuvers: see last post

2008-09-25, 05:27 PM
.....And apparently they like to really penalize me for typing fast.


Wait for it....wait for it.....NOW! Post!

2008-09-25, 05:31 PM
For the refs:
my maneuvers:
alphabetical, as always.

2008-09-26, 02:27 AM
Wow, that's a suspicious number of misplaced rolls and edited posts. I'll believe it was just an accident, but try and be more careful next time?

Jeananne Round 1

Move action: head to Q10, taking advantage of your temporary inability to AoO. Thanks, round 1 Sanctuary!

Speaking of, can I use a Bluff check to Feint In Combat without violating the Sanctuary? If so,

Standard Action: "Halt, Evildooer! For the wrath of the Platinum Dragon is... ohnolookouthe'srightbehindyou!"
Bluff (Opposed by Sense Motive + BaB) [roll0]

If not, I'll just stand there and proselytize for a standard action.

For refs:
Swift action: Activate Martial Spirit stance.


1: Charging Minotaur
2: Douse The Flames
3: Stone Bones
4: Leading The Attack
5: Crusader's Strike

With 1 as Charging Minotaur, and counting down, skipping over previously granted maneuvers, [roll1] and [roll2] are granted.

End of turn.

Statblock spoiler, also for refs:
Position: Q10
AC: 19, Touch: 12, Flat 17
Saves: +4/+2/+3

HP: 12/12
Damage Pool: 0/5
PP: 11/11
Psionic Focus: Yes
Stance: Martial Spirit

[?] Charging Minotaur
[?] Douse The Flames
[?] Stone Bones
[?] Leading The Attack
[?] Crusader's Strike

Next turn, Maneuver [roll3] is granted.

EDIT: And in all of that, I forgot to mention: Jeananne starts in W10, wearing her armor and wielding her shield and morningstar.

2008-09-26, 08:39 AM
High Ref Morbius

Well since entangle and color spray are allowed, I don't see why Feint should not be allowed, only direct attacks are banned.

So Chainy please roll you sense motive.

2008-09-26, 09:43 AM
I'm not sure that's an exactly believable bluff......but here is my roll. And it won't fail this time! Btw, did it really even matter which of us went first? I don't normally mess up on rolls....and now I know that posting too early is a bad thing. Stupid 60 second rule.....


2008-09-26, 09:45 AM
I forgot BAB...sorry, that's a 16.

2008-09-26, 12:23 PM
It's a feint, not a bluff. You don't have to believe it, you just have to be distracted for a second.

Over in the waiting room, Kyeudo seems to think Feint is an attack (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4992871&postcount=1142), but I suppose it doesn't matter for this match if the Sense Motive worked out. Anyway. Your turn?

2008-09-26, 07:03 PM
Yeah. Anyways.......
maneuver: [roll0]

I will 5' step to O10, and attempt to trip you.

[roll1] vs touch
[roll2] opposed str
[roll3] vs prone
[roll4] damage
[roll5] confirm

Turn not done....

2008-09-26, 07:06 PM
Yeah......that sucks. My poor rolls return..... See! And two awesome ones hiding after that first 2!

Okay then......

End turn.

location: N10
HP: 12
AC: 16/14/12
stance: Martial Spirit
maneuvers: all but Douse the Flames

2008-09-26, 10:14 PM
Watch me dodge that touch attack like a ninja.

Jeananne Round 2

5-foot step to P10, swing the morningstar.

Marital Lore Spoiler DC(11) Jeananne initiates Stone Bones: If this attack hits, she gains DR 5/adamantine for the next round.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Boink. Your turn!

Statblock spoiler, again for refs:
Position: P10
AC: 19, Touch: 12, Flat 17
Saves: +4/+2/+3

HP: 12/12
Damage Pool: 0/5
PP: 11/11
Psionic Focus: Yes
Stance: Martial Spirit

[G] Charging Minotaur
[W] Douse The Flames - 1
[X] Stone Bones
[G] Leading The Attack
[W] Crusader's Strike - 2

Next turn, Maneuver [roll2] is granted.

2008-09-27, 03:48 PM
Hey! I actually have that skill!


Turn on the next one.

refs:I get my last maneuver, they refresh after this turn

2008-09-27, 03:51 PM
Okay then:

martial lore spoiler (DC....11)
activating Stone Bones, if it hits I gain DR 5/adam. for a round


Not trying to trip you this time.

End turn.

location: O10
HP: 12
AC: 16/14/12
stance: Martial Spirit
maneuvers: all but Stone Bones

2008-09-27, 11:26 PM
Jeananne doesn't have ranks in Martial Lore, so is unable to identify that Stone Bones you just attempted to initiate. :P

Jeananne Round 3

Smack with morningstar.

Marital Lore Spoiler DC(11) Jeananne initiates Douse The Flames. If this attack hits, Chainy can't make AoOs this round.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Boink. Your turn!

Statblock spoiler, again for refs:
Position: P10
AC: 19, Touch: 12, Flat 17
Saves: +4/+2/+3

HP: 12/12
Damage Pool: 0/5
PP: 11/11
Psionic Focus: Yes
Stance: Martial Spirit

[G] Charging Minotaur
[X] Douse The Flames
[X] Stone Bones
[G] Leading The Attack
[W] Crusader's Strike - 1

Next turn, Maneuver [roll2] is granted.

2008-09-28, 03:52 PM
Yay! We're being totally ineffectual!

martial lore.

[roll3] maneuvers

Attempt to trip!

[roll4] vs touch
[roll5] str check
[roll6] vs prone
[roll7] damage
[roll8] crit

2008-09-28, 03:55 PM
Please for the love of all things holy fail that str check! I rolled a 1.....

Oh, and don't look at those first rolls.......you do not end a spoiler with a /roll tag. It's not TOO important, but whatever.

End turn.

location: O10
HP: 12
AC: 16/14/12
stance: Martial Spirit
maneuvers: all but Stone Bones and Charging Minotaur

2008-09-28, 08:15 PM
Opposed STR, DC 8: [roll0]
On success, trip back: [roll1]
On failure, go splat and take 7 damage.

2008-09-28, 10:15 PM
Why are you rolling so well? I want those rolls!


Your turn.

2008-09-29, 01:03 AM
It is because I have the Righteous Strength of Bahamut.

Jeananne Round 4

Standard action: Boink with Morningstar

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

For refs:
Maneuvers Refresh!

1: Charging Minotaur
2: Douse The Flames
3: Stone Bones
4: Leading The Attack
5: Crusader's Strike

With 1 as Charging Minotaur, and counting down, skipping over previously granted maneuvers, [roll2] and [roll3] are granted.

End of turn.

Statblock spoiler, also for refs:
Position: P10
AC: 19, Touch: 12, Flat 17
Saves: +4/+2/+3

HP: 12/12
Damage Pool: 0/5
PP: 11/11
Psionic Focus: Yes
Stance: Martial Spirit

[?] Charging Minotaur
[?] Douse The Flames
[?] Stone Bones
[?] Leading The Attack
[?] Crusader's Strike

2008-09-29, 11:46 AM
Ah! I'm hurt! But not yet! I have a feeling this will take a while...two crusaders....both with Martial Spirit up (at least, it's your only stance...)....and both with identical maneuver lists...and both freakin' crusaders.

Well, time to see what I get this time!

NOt that it matters! Trip!


+1 from last time thanks to Furious Counterstrike.

2008-09-29, 11:49 AM
Holy shnickies.

Fail this time? At least be prone!

[roll0] because I know you will roll a 10 or better and try back.

End turn.

location: O10
HP: 9
AC: 16/14/12
stance: Martial Spirit
maneuvers: all but Charging Minotaur

EDIT: Oh come on!

2008-09-29, 11:57 AM
Opposed STR, DC 12: [roll0]
On success, opposed STR, DC 12: [roll1]

On failure, gosplat and take... 10? I'm not sure how that wall of dice works.


Oh, I see it. Jeananne goes down, but the free attack from Improved Trip whistles harmlessly past.

Jeananne Round 4 - Part 1

Move Action: Jeananne stands up from prone, provoking an AoO.

2008-09-29, 12:05 PM

[roll0] vs prone

EDIT: You take damage!

Your turn continues.

my HP goes up by 2 to 11

2008-09-29, 12:16 PM
Immediate action: burn 3pp on Elan Resilience, and cut 6 of that damage off. Whee!

Standard action: Smack with morningstar.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

End turn. Isn't it great how ToB makes melee combat more exciting?

Statblock spoiler, for refs. Position: P10
AC: 19, Touch: 12, Flat 17
Saves: +4/+2/+3

HP: 12/12
Damage Pool: 4/5
PP: 8/11
Psionic Focus: Yes
Stance: Martial Spirit

[G] Charging Minotaur
[G] Douse The Flames
[W] Stone Bones - 1
[W] Leading The Attack - 2
[W] Crusader's Strike - 3

Next turn, [roll2] is granted.

2008-09-29, 12:29 PM
Curses! At least you still took 4 damage off of that.

Well....all maneuvers are mine!

You know the drill. Attempt to trip.


IN order: touch attack, trip attempt, attack vs prone, damage, crit confirmation, anti-trip measures.

End turn.

location: no-one's moved
HP: 11/12
AC: 16/14/12
stance: Martial Spirit
Maneuvers: all

2008-09-29, 12:36 PM

STR check: DC20: [roll0]

Failure and I go splat, success and I can't beat a 23, so I won't even bother with the re-trip.

EDIT: Hunh. What happens on a tie, again?

2008-09-29, 12:39 PM
Often in things like this (initiative) it goes to the highest modifier, but sometimes it's a re-roll. I shall research.

Also, refs (not terribly important, just stat update):
HP is now full

2008-09-29, 01:42 PM
Yeah, I asked in the waiting room. Waiting on a ref answering a question.

2008-09-29, 03:49 PM
Right, got a response, and highest modifier wins in case of a tie. Morbius has all the quotes in the waiting room if you want. Your turn.

2008-09-29, 09:45 PM
It would appear that Jeananne has gone splat (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5013618&postcount=1184).

Jeananne Round 5 pt 1

Attempt to stand up from prone, provoke an AoO.

2008-09-29, 10:28 PM

I included the prone penalties here.

Continue, if alive.

2008-09-29, 10:29 PM
Or don't continue on a freakin' 20 followed by a 19 on attack rolls. That's 18 damage, not even Steely Resolve is saving you for a round here.

EDIT: Oh wait, curses! You're a freakin' elan! I hate elans....I hate them all....At least I'm killing your PP for the day. Let's see, unless I missed my math, you've spent 3 of your 11 on my first hit, so that's 16 points of damage you can still avoid. Even blowing all of them you'll be at 6 HP after your turn is up (4 damage off the first hit, 2 off this after you delayed damage pool kicks in). And you'll need a minimum of 5 to guarantee being conscious after your turn (well, disabled), so I'm betting you'll spend 6 of your PPs, am I right? Only leaves you with 2 left....

2008-09-29, 10:54 PM
Swift action: Actually, it's 7. Elan Resilience cuts that attack down to a measly 4 damage.

Standard action: Smacky.

Martial Lore DC11:Initiating Stone Bones. If this attack hits, I gain DR 5/Adamantine until next round.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

End Turn.

Statblock spoiler, for refs. Position: P10
AC: 19, Touch: 12, Flat 17
Saves: +4/+2/+3

HP: 8/12 (10/12 if the attack hits)
Damage Pool: 4/5
PP: 1/11
Psionic Focus: Yes
Stance: Martial Spirit

[G] Charging Minotaur
[G] Douse The Flames
[X] Stone Bones
[W] Leading The Attack - 1
[W] Crusader's Strike - 2

Next turn, [roll2] is granted.

2008-09-30, 05:38 AM
High Ref Morbius

Dman you don't just double the damage dice on a critical hit, you have to roll for damage again. So please fix that before continuing so that we know exactly how much damage Jeananne took on the AoO.

2008-09-30, 09:25 AM
Oh. I was told a loooong time ago that crits were double damage. Like, previous waiting room long ago. Oh well, here's the damage: [roll0]

2008-09-30, 09:31 AM
Shoulda put the martial lore check in that post....oh well: [roll0]

Drill. You know it.


That's touch attack, trip attempt, attack, damage, crit confirm, damage, trip attempt.

End turn.

location: no-one's moved
HP: 11/12 9/12 (-7 from the attack, +2 from the touch attack, +2 from the actual attack)
AC: 16/14/12
stance: Martial Spirit
Maneuvers: [roll8][roll9][roll10], in order, alphabetical.

2008-09-30, 09:34 AM
.....Without Stone Bones you'd be dead after your turn. Curses.

2008-09-30, 09:50 AM
Oh. I was told a loooong time ago that crits were double damage. Like, previous waiting room long ago. Oh well, here's the damage: [roll0]

High Ref Morbius

I probably was not involved in this discussion...

Critical Hits
When you make an attack roll and get a natural 20 (the d20 shows 20), you hit regardless of your target’s Armor Class, and you have scored a threat. The hit might be a critical hit (or "crit"). To find out if it’s a critical hit, you immediately make a critical roll—another attack roll with all the same modifiers as the attack roll you just made. If the critical roll also results in a hit against the target’s AC, your original hit is a critical hit. (The critical roll just needs to hit to give you a crit. It doesn’t need to come up 20 again.) If the critical roll is a miss, then your hit is just a regular hit.

A critical hit means that you roll your damage more than once, with all your usual bonuses, and add the rolls together. Unless otherwise specified, the threat range for a critical hit on an attack roll is 20, and the multiplier is ×2.

2008-09-30, 11:38 AM
Could you slow down, please? The walls of dice, preemptive calculations of my death and unlabeled rounds are throwing me off. :/ Plus, your attack missed, so I was fine either way.

I'd like to get a ref in here just to make sure I have everything calculated right, and then I'll take my turn.

For Refs: Okay, rewinding to Jeananne Round 5 Part 1,

Jeananne is at 8/12 Hit Points, 8/12 Power Points, and 0/5 Damage Pool.

She provokes an AoO, which hits, crits, and deals 19 damage.

She spends 7 power points, preventing 14 points of that damage, which takes her to 8/12hp, 1/12pp, and 5/5dp.

Fast forwarding to Part 2, she initiates Stone Bones, which hits, martial Spirit heals her 2 HP, which brings her to 10/12hp, 1/12pp, 5/5dp.

Then, Stone Bones wears off, Crusader's Strike is granted, and the damage pool empties, putting Jeananne at 5/12hp, 1/12pp, 0/5dp.

Then, Chainy's turn happens, he swings and misses.

Does that all seem right?

2008-09-30, 03:59 PM
Oh......but that was a 16 this morning! I swear! Take your turn.

Stat adjustment for refs:
HP is 5

2008-10-01, 02:02 AM
Jeananne Round 6


Martial Lore Spoiler DC 11: Jeananne initiates Crusader's Strike. If this attack hits, she heals [roll0] damage, plus an additional 2 from her Martial Spirit.

Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Statblock spoiler, for refs. Position: P10
AC: 19, Touch: 12, Flat 17
Saves: +4/+2/+3

HP: 5/12 + ?
Damage Pool: 0/5
PP: 1/11
Psionic Focus: Yes
Stance: Martial Spirit

[G] Charging Minotaur
[G] Douse The Flames
[X] Stone Bones
[W] Leading The Attack - 1
[X] Crusader's Strike

Next turn, [roll3] is granted.

2008-10-01, 07:38 AM
Uh oh.

martial lore.

Martial Lore spoiler (DC 11)
using Crusader's Strike

Doesn't matter what you did:
[roll1] attack
[roll2] damage

[roll3] crit confirm
[roll4] crit damage

End turn, stats next post

For refs and me:
[roll5] for maneuver

2008-10-01, 07:42 AM
I appears that I am done, unless that ref thing in the waiting room does something that keeps me alive.

2008-10-01, 07:53 AM
Looks like it. Good game, though!

And I like your build: Extra attacks from Improved Trip plus Martial Spirit looks like good times all around. Can I ask why you took Extra Granted Maneuver, though, since we both griped about the maneuvers available for a 1st level crusader? Why not Combat Reflexes, or Martial Study: Mighty Throw?

2008-10-01, 08:11 AM
High Ref Morbius
The discussion would only make you fall faster actually :smalltongue:

Jeananne is the winner of this exciting ToB combat and recieves her prizes

2008-10-01, 03:19 PM
Because I was stupid and thought that refreshing my maneuvers faster would be a good thing when I only need to try to trip. Should have Combat Reflexes though. It would probably be better. My turn for a question: why feint?

Oh, and tripping+crusader=win. The only thing more winsome is if I could be a wolf (or worg, but wolfs are better). Free trip attempt after a maneuver? Yes please!

2008-10-01, 08:10 PM
Because I had literally nothing else to do, and playing the long odds was better than just plain wasting an action?

2008-10-01, 08:20 PM

This attack must be made on or before your next turn.

So....just to make me look stupid by looking?

2008-10-01, 08:27 PM
Well, I would have then tried to hit you *on* my next turn, and gotten a +2 bonus to hit for my troubles.