View Full Version : Come up with Elan's lie!

2008-09-25, 08:18 AM
So Elan may have to lie to a paladin. What kind of half-truths do we think we can sneak out of this.

"Kubota attacked and escaped in a small boat, the small boat was damaged [elan jumping on it] and I saw him sink [him=his ashes]"

"I have no idea where he is now" [ashes blown away]

"He used magic items [armor] and suddenly disappeared [disintegrate]"

"While he was busy villian gloating over his eventual triumph over me [Elan], V came and defeated him [makes it sound like they were still in combat]"

Can you think of others? Remember you can't say anything patently untrue.

2008-09-25, 08:37 AM
There's a thread about this already.
