View Full Version : Return of the Burning Plague [4e] (team two IC)

2008-09-25, 11:25 PM
The mayor of Kivud's pass was glad to have so many volunteers offer their aid. He has contacted you, informing you that he firmly believes that the cause of the problem is in the mines. "The first people to get sick were the miners, and the missing ones were last seen entering the mines. Whatever the source of our issue is, it simply has to be in there somewhere." and so here you are, outside the recently abandoned silver mine.

The tunnel into the mine was cut years ago and looks impressively sturdy. Two parallel grooves are dug into the floor and extend into the darkness; an old mine cart lies on its side nearby. A cool breeze emanates from within and the stillness of the scene gives you a strange sense of foreboding.

2008-09-26, 12:09 AM

Soidoc carefully examined his chosen companions one more time before they entered the artificial caves.

He had waited, relatively unnoticed, for some time in the human town of Kuvid's pass, before suitable candidates showed themselves. The girl had been there already upon his arrival, and he had picked up on her easily enough, but it hadn't been until the two men arrived, that he had seen fit to reveal himself and express interest in coming along with them. He'd heard things about these humans, and he didn't want to get caught up in any of their foolishness.

Had he chosen well? There was only one way to find out. Satisfied that the tallfolk would suffice, He turned his attention back to the mines.

He regarded the entrance for a few moments, then turned to the most heavily armored of their group. Heavy armor, big weapon... Soidoc had hoped for something more iconic, but he'd do. Soidoc closed his eyes, and took a few breaths, when he opened his eyes again, the warrior's axe began to glow with a bright, emerald green light.

Soidoc reaches into one of the many pouches along his belt, and retrieves a vibrant blue crystal sphere, small enough for him to curl his fingers most of the way around its circumference. He holds this at his side and letting his sleeve fall over that hand.

2008-09-26, 12:25 AM

The Shadar-Kai stood at the entrance of the mine. Of those standing near, the gnome seemed the most interesting. Most of the gnomes he knew had a penchant for magic, and it looked like this gnome was the same. "Milik," he introduced himself, "are you a wizard perchance?"

2008-09-26, 12:46 AM

Soidoc looked up at the tallman who addressed him, and smiled a broad, cheery smile. When he spoke, his voice was a resonant tenor, high in pitch but supported and grounded through his diaphragm.


He paused after the word, and tilted his head to the side, his eyes narrowing slightly, and crinkling into crows' feet at the outside corners, then he spoke again.

"Tell something about yourself."

His smile did not disappear, indeed the only change to his expression was that his brows rose, and his slightly pointed ears... perked.

2008-09-26, 02:49 AM

"Well, I guess you could call me a tinker or alchemist, some call me a wizard, but that's not quite true either." He shrugged and smiled, "I just make things, mostly little gadgets, weapons, potions. These mines were a decent source of alchemical silver, and without them, much of my business has dried up.

"And you? What brings you here?"

2008-09-26, 10:34 AM

The heavily armed warrior stares blankly into the darkness. He had spent his whole life trying to avoid working in the mines and now here he stands.

He looked back at the two outsiders chatting with each other. While he usually disliked travelling with the overly intellectual (or chatty), he had no doubt that their education would be of more use in figuring out this trouble than his axe would be. Still, he thought, if there's a chance that whatever is causing this can be fixed with a swift axe blow to the head, he'll want to be the one to deliver that strike.

The grey skinned man's question was not directed at him but he answered it anyway.

"I am Grilsom, son of Wynon of Kuvid's Pass. My father and brothers are currently sick and that's why I'm here. Thankfully it looks like I won't have to go in alone."

"I'm ready to head in whenever the rest of you are. If things get hairy in there, stick close to me if you can. The mines can get pretty confusing and we'd hate to get separated."

Hefting his axe and strapping his shield over his back, he looks back at the darkness, ready to descend into what awaits.

2008-09-26, 01:03 PM

Sarri fidgetted as the rather odd group began their introductions. "Gents, I do not mean to be rude but can we please be underway? We have many people depending on us, my family included."

Without looking back she made a few tentative steps towards the entrance.

2008-09-26, 02:25 PM

Soidoc smiled, and gave a bobbing nod to Milik.

"Soidoc Telleqim, scholar."

Then, his smile turned wry as the woman voiced her concerns, and he once again turned his attention to the mines. The warrior had his, now glowing, axe drawn, and all the other tallfolk seemed ready to begin as well. Soidoc made a slight gesture to the mouth of the mines with his empty right hand.


And he followed them into the mine, staying just behind the warrior.

2008-09-26, 02:56 PM

Grilsom looks at his glowing axe in surprise. He waves his hands over the blade a few times watching the light dance between his fingers.

"Well, I'll be... I guess that solves the need for torches."

He had been avoiding the young woman as much as possible on the way here as he was not sure about his reception. Afterall, the last time he saw her it was not exactly on the best of terms. Hearing that her family was ill as well though, he realized how foolish all those past events seem now.

With a few quick strides, he caught up to jeweller's daughter and indicated for her to walk behind him with the others.

"Alright, let's get going. I'll go first seeing how I'm wearing the most steel. Stay behind me and keep your eyes and ears open."

With that, he proceeds into the mine.

2008-09-26, 09:13 PM

Drawing his crossbow, Milik fiddles with several clockwork mechanisms, checks the magazine is full and checks the tension. "I'm set."

2008-09-27, 06:03 AM

Sarri nodded as she let Grilsom walk past her, still quite unsure to act towards him. Especially considering that during their last run in years ago she had been making now laughable threats of retaliation agaisnt him. In truth, the whole incident seemed so incredibly petty now.

Regardless there was a job that needed done. With her dagger wielded in one hand and a throwing star clutched in another, she following Grilsom into the mine.

2008-09-27, 05:51 PM
About 100 feet down the tunnel you come to a larger chamber, roughly circular and with a 25 foot diameter. This area does not look to have been used for some time. Some of the rocks that lay around glint with silver but look to have been cast aside. The mine carts look rusted but could possibly be moved with considerable effort.

Just as you begin to enter the room and take in the view, Half a dozen reptilian humanoids burst into the room from the other enterance, spears raised.

Roll initiative


2008-09-27, 11:28 PM

Init: 19 from OOC thread

Delaying action until the rest of the party backs up or the creatures attack.

The fighter raises his lighted axe high while he scans the room. Keeping his eyes on the menacing newcomers, he whispers back. "Fall back into the corridor and we'll try to draw them in one at a time. Don't suppose any of you know what these creatures are or what they might be doing here?"

Pointing at the critter ahead and to the left of him, Grilsom calls out. "You there! You speak Common?"

2008-09-28, 12:11 AM

Milik sizes up the kobolds, ready to attack if necessary.

Attack if it becomes necessary and I'm not around, otherwise he doesn't.
Standard: Spike Wire
rolls, starting from the top Kobold at the top, working around clockwise-
K1 [roll0]
k1 [roll1]
k2 [roll2]
k3 [roll3]
k4 [roll4] vs fort.
Ignore any that move out of the effect.
Damage [roll5] and attacks vs a hit target do +2 damage until the end of my next turn.
And now I'm off to work.

2008-09-28, 12:20 AM
Upon the sudden arrival of the lizardlings, Soidoc instinctively hides behind the tallfolk, seeking refuge behind the warrior and near the tunnel walls.

Contingencies edited in, rolls will be in the OOC thread.
[roll0] What I know about Kobolds
[roll1] Reactive stealth

As the warrior calls out directions, he is quick to obey, slinking back the way they came quickly.

Double move back (10 squares), this puts a -5 (I think) penalty to my stealth checks, but I'm not sure how that's applied (and I don't have my books with me).

((unless combat is joined by then, in which case))

Soidoc raises his orb up before him, and his eyes narrow with concentration. Then, a sly smirk spreads across his face, and his eyebrows perk for a moment.

A number of kobolds are suddenly subject to a cruel illusion, as shadows cast by Grilsom's axe suddenly animate and reach out to claw and grasp at them. To those outside the spells influence, however, the shadows seem to do nothing out of the ordinary. Unless, that is, they are to enter the spellbound region ((grasping shadows)).

2008-09-28, 12:22 AM
((wrong thread >_<))

2008-09-28, 10:58 AM


Clutching her weapons even more tightly, she follow Grilsoms order and move to just before the entrance of the room.

2008-09-28, 11:23 AM
Unless combat has already initiated then she attacks the nearest lizard using her throwing star with a flashy flick of her wrist.

Sly Flourish

Draw another shuriken.