View Full Version : Neverinter nights 1: Question

Inhuman Bot
2008-09-26, 01:04 PM
Allright, so I as playing NWN, hordes of the underdark, and in chaper two I was in the mind flayer outpost, so I went to the gladiator pit.

When I talked to the guy, 1) The names were random charcters, and 2) The fights ould not begin.

Has this happend to anyone else?

2008-09-26, 01:23 PM
Having finished Hordes of the Underdark, I'll just say that I've never been to the fight pits in the mindflayer outpost, so can't help. >.> Sorry.

Moose Fisher
2008-09-26, 02:22 PM
I skimmed through that part of the game, simply making a deal with the elder brain.

I wonder... can you use the bebilith poison on the elder brain, or coat the mirror with it before giving it up?

As for random characters and fights not starting, it sounds like you encountered a glitch or something was corrupted during your play through. I don't know how to help you there.